HomeMy WebLinkAboutJAN 07 2025 MINBEAUMONT T E X A S MINUTES OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT COUNCIL MEETING Albert "A.J." Turner, At -Large ROY WEST, MAYOR Randy Feldschau, At -Large Taylor Neild, Mayor Pro Tern CITY COUNCIL MEETING Michael Getz, Ward II Audwin Samuel, Ward III JANUARY 7, 2025 Chris Durio, Ward IV Tina Broussard, City Clerk Kenneth R. Williams, City Manager Sharae Reed, City Attorney The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 on January 7, 2025, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m. to consider the following: OPENING * Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call * Proclamations, Presentation and Recognition - Mural Fest * Public Comment: Persons may speak on the Consent Agenda/Regular Agenda items 1-5, 9 & 10. (or any other topic). Items 6-8 have already been heard in a Public Hearing therefore, citizens can't speak on those items. Mayor West called the council meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Sharlene Rhone of the Greater Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church gave the invocation. Mayor West led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was made by Tina Broussard, City Clerk. Present at the meeting were Mayor West, Mayor Pro Tern Neild, Councilmembers Durio, Getz, Turner, Feldschau and Samuel. Also, present were Kenneth R, Williams, City Manager; Sharae Reed, City Attorney; Tina Broussard, City Clerk. Proclamations, Presentation and Recognition None Public Comment: Persons may speak on the Consent Agenda/Regular Agenda Items 1-5 9 & 10. (or any other topic). Items 6-8 have already been heard in a Public Hearing therefore, citizens can't speak on those items. (Public comments can be heard or seen at the City of Beaumont website at beaumonttexas.gov) Kate Hambright Margaret Jackson Landry Roundtree 7 Cheska Hollow 5650 Jackie Ln. 1565 S. Major Dr. Beaumont TX Beaumont TX Beaumont TX Jennifer Trenbeath 999 Calder Beaumont TX Minutes — January 7, 2025 Daniel Campise 2095 Dowlen Beaumont TX Dylan Richardson Mike Williams 555 Neild Dr. 7725 Devonshire Beaumont TX Beaumont TX CONSENT AGENDA (Items placed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are considered non -controversial. The Consent Agenda can be acted upon in one motion. A consensus of the Council is required to remove any item for discussion and separate action.) A. Council to consider approving the December 17, 2024, City Council meeting minutes. B. Council to consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Grant Agreement with Legacy CDC for the non -congregate shelter units project outlined in our HOME -ARP plan - Resolution 25-001 C. Council to consider a resolution approving the renewal of an annual maintenance agreement from Azteca Systems LLC of Sandy, UT for use by several city departments - Resolution 25- 002 D. Council to consider a resolution by changing authorized signatories for any institution the City Council has already designated or may designate as a depository for the City of Beaumont for Banking - Resolution 25-003 E. Council to consider a resolution requesting a change in investment authority for the City of Beaumont — Resolution 25-004 F. Council to consider approving a resolution for a five-year lease purchase agreement with KS State Bank located in Manhattan, Kansas related to the purchase of a fire truck — Tabled Councilmember Feldschau moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Samuel seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION. PASSED REGULAR AGENDA Council to consider a resolution supporting the relocation of two (2) State Historical Markers. The Jefferson County Historical Commission is seeking approval for the relocation of two State Historical Markers from the Texas Historical Commission onto City of Beaumont property. The Nancy Tevis Historical Marker (Marker number 10573, posted in 1976) and the Beaumont Lumber Mill City of the Nineteenth Century Historical Marker (Marker Number 10496, posted in 1977) were washed away from Riverfront Park because of Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Post Hurricane Harvey, the Jefferson County Historical Commission had the markers recast, and they are currently held in storage. The markers were originally intended Minutes — January 7, 2025 to be replaced at Riverfront Park once the restoration was complete, however there is concern about the possibility of another storm event washing away the replaced markers. With consideration of the details for both markers and their locations, the Jefferson County Historical Commission has requested to relocate the Historical Markers to the Event Centre located at 700 Crockett Street. This will allow the markers to still be within an appropriate location regarding their context and will likely gather a larger audience due to the continued repairs at Riverfront Park limiting access to the public. The Historic Landmark Commission voted 8:0:1 on November 18, 2024, to approve this request. Approval of the resolution. Mayor Pro Tern Neild moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO SUPPORT THE RELOCATION OF TWO (2) STATE HISTORICAL MARKERS, THE NANCY TEVIS HISTORICAL MARKER (MARKER NUMBER 10573, POSTED IN 1976) AND THE BEAUMONT LUMBER MILL CITY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY HISTORICAL MARKER (MARKER NUMBER 10496, POSTED IN 1977), TO THE EVENT CENTRE LOCATED AT 700 CROCKETT STREET. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED RESOLUTION 25-005 2. Council to consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 6 to the contract with Callan Marine, Ltd.,..for the Riverfront Park Restoration Project. On January 24, 2023, by Resolution No. 23-030, the City Council awarded a contract to Callan Marine, of Galveston, in the amount of $16,879,376.00, for the Riverfront Park Restoration Project. There were previous Change Order Nos. 1-5, in the amount of $159,745.46. Proposed Change Order No. 6, in the amount of $100,352.84, is necessary to install the required permanent erosion control at the project site and for minor cutting of precast panels for the dock to ensure proper installation. A total of twelve (12) calendar days will be added to the contract for the additional work. The contract includes a contingency allowance amount of $1,000,000.00. If approved, Change Order No. 6 will be deducted from the contingency allowance resulting in no change to the current contract amount of $17,039,121.46. Funds will come from the Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $581,729.86, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) in the amount of $1,265,953.20, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the amount of $15,191,438.40. Minutes — January 7, 2025 Approval of the resolution. Councilmember Getz moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT CHANGE ORDER NO. 6, IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,352.84, TO BE PAID FROM THE CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE, RESULTING IN NO CHANGE TO THE CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $17,039,121.46, FOR THE RIVERFRONT PARK RESTORATION PROJECT; AND THAT TWELVE (12) ADDITIONAL DAYS ARE ADDED TO THE CONTRACT. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED RESOLUTION 25-006 3. Council to consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to award a contract to Brystar Contracting, Inc., of Beaumont, for the Fannin Street and 11th Street Storm Sewer Point Repair and Cavity Repair Emergency Project. The City of Beaumont Public Works Engineering was notified by the Streets and Drainage department about a cavity in City right of way at the intersection of Fannin Street and 11th Street on December 18, 2024. During an on -site investigation and inspection of utilities in the area, a failure in the storm sewer along 11th Street was discovered near its connection to the box culvert trunk line running along Fannin Street. This failure has caused a large cavity to form at the surface, exposing several other utilities, including an AT&T fiber optic duct bank, a sanitary sewer line, a gas line, multiple utility poles, and an AT&T electrical box that has been undermined to the point it is falling into the cavity. Given the size of the cavity, the exposure and undermining of nearby infrastructure, and the preliminary findings from the survey and inspection indicating defects in the storm sewer line, Public Works/Engineering has determined that stabilization of the site and repairs to the storm sewer must be performed on an emergency basis. On December 19, 2024, the City obtained a time and materials proposal not to exceed the amount of $112,334.00 from Brystar Contracting, Inc., to stabilize the cavity by backfilling and making the necessary storm sewer repairs. Funds will come from Certificates of Obligation. Approval of the resolution. Councilmember Durio moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO BRYSTAR CONTRACTING INC., OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, FOR THE FANNIN STREET AND 11 TH STREET STORM SEWER POINT REPAIR AND CAVITY REPAIR EMERGENCY PROJECT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $112,334.00. Councilmember Samuel seconded the motion. Minutes — January 7, 2025 AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED RESOLUTION 25-007 4. Council to consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to use transit -revenue vehicle services for emergency evacuations during natural or man-made disasters, following an imminent threat or an emergency declared by the President, Governor, or the Mayor of the City of Beaumont, or in emergency situations requiring immediate action. The City of Beaumont Transit system, also known as the BMT Zip, provides public transportation services under the guidelines and provisions of the Federal Transit Administration. Due to the geographical location of the City of Beaumont, severe weather events can occur, man-made disasters, and emergencies can be declared, residents may require emergency transportation services. Under those circumstances as described, and in full compliance with the CFR-2010- 49 — PART 604 CHARTER SERVICE, the City Manager or approved designee will approve the use of transit revenue vehicles (Le., Buses or Paratransit Vans), to transport or otherwise to evacuate residents to and from a safe location. Funds will come from the Transit Fund. Approval of the resolution. Councilmember Feldschau moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PERMIT THE USE OF TRANSIT -REVENUE VEHICLES FOR EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS DURING NATURAL OR MAN-MADE DISASTERS, FOLLOWING AN IMMINENT THREAT ORAN EMERGENCY DECLARED BY THE PRESIDENT, GOVERNOR, OR THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, OR IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ACTION. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED RESOLUTION 25-008 5. Council to consider an ordinance authorizing participation in regulatory proceedings of Entergy Texas, Inc. in 2025. In 2024, the city participated in several proceedings that resulted in cost savings to our citizens and local businesses. Continued participation will allow the city to participate and reap the benefits of negotiated settlements for cases Entergy Texas, Inc. files with the Public Utility Commission. Minutes — January 7, 2025 Approval of ordinance. Councilmember Getz moved to ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION WITH OTHER ENTERGY SERVICE AREA CITIES IN MATTERS CONCERNING ENTERGY SERVICE AREA CITIES IN MATTERS CONCERNING ENTERGY TEXAS, INC., AT THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS IN 2025; AUTHORIZING THE HIRING OF LAWYERS AND RATE EXPERTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY's PARTICIPATION TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW AT THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS; FINDING THAT THE MEETING COMPLIES WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED ORDINANCE 25-001 6. Council to consider a request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a drinking place in a GC-MD- 2 (General Commercial -Multiple Family Dwelling-2) District for property located at 3100 N. Major Drive, Building C, Suite 5. Dion Lowe and Alicia Ramsey are requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit to allow a drinking establishment to be located at 3100 N Major Drive, Building C, Suite 5. The proposed operations will run from 12:00 PM to 2:00 AM. The business plans to offer specialty drinks and finger foods. The applicant intends to cater to after work needs for professionals, with a dress code and age limit for patrons. At a Joint Public Hearing held on December 16, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended 5:0 to deny the request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a drinking place in a GC-MD-2 (General Commercial Multiple Family Dwelling-2) District for property located at 3100 N. Major Drive, Building C, Suite 5. Denial of the ordinance. Councilmember Getz moved to DENY AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DEINKING PLACE IN AN GC-MD-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL - MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING-2) DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3100 N. MAJOR DRIVE, BUILDING C, SUITE 5, IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION DENIED Minutes — January 7, 2025 7. Council to consider a request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a vehicle storage facility in a GC -MD (General Commercial -Multiple Family Dwelling) District for property located at 5525 Cole Street. Jennifer and Buddy Dubose of Hooked Recovery are requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit to operate a vehicle storage facility to be located at 5525 Cole Street. Hooked Recovery is a repossession collector for delinquent loans of automobiles, boats, watercrafts, ATV's, recreational vehicles, lawnmowers, farm equipment, utility trailers and more in collaboration with banks through the national repossession database. Notification of repossession is sent by the bank, and then accepted by Hooked Recovery where they then locate the requested repossession; once located they notify the bank, and local police department then relocate the repossessed item to the storage location at 5525 Cole Street. The item will be held on the lot for a period of 1-60 days based on the lienholders processes. City of Beaumont Police Department requires all towing services to be registered with the city, in addition to bearing proof of being licensed and permitted as a tow truck pursuant to State statues. At a Joint Public Hearing held on December 16, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended 5:0 to approve the request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a vehicle storage facility in a GCS MD (General Commercial Multiple Family Dwelling) District for property located at 5525 Cole Street, with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be in compliance with Articles 12.06 and 6.08 of the City's Code of Ordinances. 2. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from Building Codes. 3. All repossessed items must be located within the enclosed area and shall not be stored on any right-of-way. 4. Any future construction plans must meet all requirements by Water utilities for water and sanitary sewer services, including any requirements of the City's backflow, pre-treatment and/or FOG program. Protest against this request was received by more than 20% of the land immediately adjoining the subject property. Therefore, a vote of three -fourths (3/4) of the City Council shall be required to approve the requested Specific Use Permit, per Section 28.02.008(d) of the City's Code of Ordinances. Approval of the ordinance, with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be in compliance with Articles 12.06 and 6.08 of the City's Code of Ordinances. 2. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from Building Codes. 3. All repossessed items must be located within the enclosed area and shall not be stored on any right-of-way. Minutes — January 7, 2025 4. Any future construction plans must meet all requirements by Water utilities for water and sanitary sewer services, including any requirements of the City's backflow, pre-treatment and/or FOG program. Councilmember Feldschau moved to ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A VEHICLE STORAGE FACILITY IN AN GC -MD (GENERAL COMMERCIAL -MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5525 COLE STREET, WITH THE CONDITIONS, IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. Councilmember Getz seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED ORDINANCE 25-002 8. Council to consider a request for an Amended Specific Use Permit to allow a retail shopping center with restaurants, clothing stores, food shops, beauty salons and professional offices on the GC-MD-2 (General Commercial Multiple Family Dwelling-2) District portion of the property for property located at 3100 N. Major Drive. In February of 2017, the City Council approved a Specific Use Permit to allow a 37,750 sq. ft. retail shopping center with 216 parking spaces. The proposed tenants included retail shopping, offices and restaurants. In April of 2023, the developer received an Amended Specific Use Permit to accommodate site layout changes from the original application. Hani Tohme is requesting approval of an Amended Specific Use Permit to allow the construction of a third driveway to serve the retail shopping center. This driveway will be gated and serve as an access point for delivery trucks. The submitted site plans show a 5' wide sidewalk to be placed within the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) right-of-way. Planning staff have not received a copy of a permit issued from TXDOT allowing a sidewalk within their right-of-way. Therefore, the applicant and their engaged contractor will be held responsible to ensure development of the facility follows the site plan approved by the Planning Division on March 14, 2023, which demonstrated all parts of the sidewalk to be installed on private property. At a Joint Public Hearing held on December 16, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended 4:1 to approve the request for an Amended Specific Use Permit to allow a retail shopping center with restaurants, clothing stores, food shops, beauty salons and professional offices on the GC-MD-2 (General Commercial Multiple Family Dwelling-2) District portion of the property for property located at 3100 N. Major Drive, with the following conditions: Construction plans shall comply with all applicable Building and Fire Code and requirements. Minutes — January 7, 2025 2. Construction plans must meet all requirements by Water Utilities for water and sanitary sewer services, including any requirements of the City's backflow, pre- treatment and/or FOG program. 3. Directional lighting shall be installed to reflect away from the residences located off Village Drive, south of the proposed development. 4. The 5' wide sidewalk shall be constructed on private property along the front property line, unless the applicant submits to the Planning Offices written permission from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) allowing the sidewalk to be placed within their right-of-way. 5. Shall submit an amended plan to the Building Official reflecting the construction of the third driveway. Approval of the ordinance, with the following conditions: Construction plans shall comply with all applicable Building and Fire Code and requirements. 2. Construction plans must meet all requirements by Water Utilities for water and sanitary sewer services, including any requirements of the City's backflow, pre- treatment and/or FOG program. 3. Directional lighting shall be installed to reflect away from the residences located off Village Drive, south of the proposed development. 4. The 5' wide sidewalk shall be constructed on private property along the front property line, unless the applicant submits to the Planning Offices written permission from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) allowing the sidewalk to be placed within their right-of-way. 5. Shall submit an amended plan to the Building Official reflecting the construction of the third driveway. Mayor Pro Tern Neild moved to ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING AN AMENDED SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO ALLOW RESTAURANTS, CLOTHING STORES, FOOD SHOPS, BEAUTY SALONS, PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, AND A THIRD DRIVEWAY TO SERVE THE RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER IN A GC-MD-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL -MULTIPLE DWELLING-2) DISTRICT AT 3100 N. MAJOR DRIVE, WITH THE CONDITIONS, IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. Councilmember Getz seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED ORDINANCE 25-003 Minutes — January 7, 2025 PUBLIC HEARING Council to conduct a Public Hearing to consider an ordinance to declare 328-338 Bowie and 486- 498 Pearl Street, also known as "The Gilbert Building," as imminent Danger and order the owner to raze the said structure within 5 days. If the property owner fails to comply within 5 days, staff is requesting City Council authorization to demolish said structure without further notification to the property owner or City Council action. Public Hearing Open: 2:50 p.m. Tom Flanagan 595 Orleans Beaumont TX Public Hearing Close: 3:44 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA 9. Council to consider an ordinance to declare 328-338 Bowie & 486-498 Pearl Street, also known as "The Gilbert Building," as Imminent Danger and order the owner to raze the said structure within 5 days, staff is requesting City Council authorization to demolish said structure without further notification to the property owner or City Council action. On June 6, 2024," The Gilbert Building" was engulfed by fire. On August, 20, 2024, the City Councial approved Ordinance No. 24-043 ordering that the building's roof, walls and floors be restored by January 10, 2025. As of December 19, 2024, the property owner has communicated to City staff that the restoration project at 328-338 Bowie & 486-498 Pearl Street, also known as "The Gilbert Building," will not meet the January 10, 2025, deadline set by Ordinance No. 24-043. Staff have not received an updated project schedule, nor a decision made by the property owner whether to proceed with the project as indicated on both project schedules. This decision was to be made in October/November 2024. While some interior demolition work and additional analysis has been underway, no permits to repair the building have been applied for. Please see below for a more detailed timeline of this case for reference and staff recommendation: The structure at 328-338 Bowie & 486-498 Pearl Street, also known as "The Gilbert Building," was "tagged" as imminent danger on June 10, 2024. The structure had been damaged by fire. The recommendation issued by Terry Shipman of Fittz & Shipman, Inc., a licensed engineer in the State of Texas, states, "...the building should be demolished. If the exterior walls are salvaged, a demolition plan should be prepared by a qualified professional to ensure the safe removal of the debris. The exterior walls will need to be shored with the shoring plan designed by a structural engineer registered in the State of Texas." Staff recommended demolition of the structure due to the imminent danger to life and public safety. On June 18, 2024, the City Council tabled this item for sixty (60) days with the following conditions to be completed within five (5) business days: Minutes — January 7, 2025 1. Erect a 6' fence to barricade the perimeter of the building for public health and safety purposes. 2. The property owner shall submit a work program with the Building Codes Department. On Auqust 20, 2024, an extension of time was granted to the property owner by Ordinance No. 24-043 with the following conditions: The exterior walls, roof and elevated floors shall be restored to their original structural capacity, as identified by a structural engineer registered in the State of Texas and completed within one hundred fifty (150) days, no later than January 10, 2025. The property owner shall obtain all applicable permits. Requests for extensions of time shall be reviewed by the City Council. 2. The property owner shall submit a restoration progress report to the Building Official every sixty (60) days to ensure substantial progression occurs until the building complies with all codes and ordinances. The property owner shall appear before the City Council on the next available agenda subsequent to January 10, 2025, to report any findings or progress during restoration of the Gilbert Building and disclose intent to make all necessary repairs to comply with the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code. 3. The property owner shall render payment to the City of Beaumont, within ten (10) days of the date of this order, for reimbursement for the use of thirty-four (34) water wall barricades for 328 .Bowie Street, the Gilbert Building, in the amount of $12,320.00. The property ownerwill pay all invoiced amounts forthe continued use of said barricades. It is important to note, the repairs currently being made to this structure will only bring the building back to its pre-existing conditions prior to the fire that occurred this summer. The building still remains tagged as an imminent danger. Staff recommends approval of an extension to February 10, 2025, to allow the property owner additional time to comply with the following conditions: 1. The exterior walls, roof and elevated floors shall be restored to their original structural capacity, as identified by a structural engineer registered in the State of Texas and completed no later than February 10, 2025. The property owner shall obtain all applicable permits. 2. The property owner shall appear before the City Council at the February 18, 2025, meeting, to report on the completion of the project and disclose intent, plans and timeline to make all necessary repairs to bring the building into full compliance with the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code. Funds will come from the General Fund. Approve a 30-day extension to allow the property owner additional time to comply with condition #1 of Ordinance No. 24-043, with the following conditions: 1. The exterior walls, roof and elevated floors shall be restored to their original structural capacity, as identified by a structural engineer registered in the State of Texas and Minutes — January 7, 2025 completed no later than February 10, 2025. The property owner shall obtain all applicable permits. 2. The property owner shall appear before the City Council at the February 18, 2025, meeting to report on the completion of the project and disclose intent, plans and timeline to make all necessary repairs to bring the building into full compliance with the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code. Councilmember Getz moved to ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE THAT CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES AN EXTENSION UNTIL APRIL 23, 2025, AT WHICH TIME THE EXTERIOR WALLS, ROOF AND ELEVATED FLOORS SHALL BE RESTORED TO THEIR ORIGINAL STRUCTURAL CAPACITY AS IDENTIFIED BY A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS, ADDITIONALLY THE CITY COUNCIL WILL APPROVE AN EXTENSION SO THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MARCH 11, 2025, CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF THE PROJECT AND DISCLOSE INTENT, PLANS AND TIME LINE TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS TO BRING THE BUILDING INTO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2021 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. Councilmember Samuel seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, AND SAMUEL NAYS: MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD AND COUNCILMEMBER FELDSCHAU MOTION PASSED ORDINANCE 25-004 PUBLIC HEARING Council to conduct a public hearing to consider finding and ratifying the determination of the Public Health Director that a public health nuisance exists on the property located at 5150 Laurel Avenue with the legal description of MAPLEWOOD-2 L 19 B7. Public Hearing Open: 3:52 p.m. None Public Hearing Close: 3:58 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA 10. Council to consider finding and ratifying the determination of the Public Health Director that public health nuisances exist on the property at 5150 Laurel Avenue with the legal description of MAPLEWOOD-2 L19 B7. According to Beaumont's Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Health and Sanitation, Sec 10.01.001 a nuisance is defined as whatever is dangerous to human life or welfare or whatever renders the ground, the water, the air, or food a hazard or injury to human health is declared to be a nuisance. The legal description and violations of this property are MAPLEWOOD-2 L19 B7 Litter Control, Rodent Harboring Conditions, and Mosquito Breeding Conditions. If the property owner fails to comply within ten (10) days, staff is requesting the Minutes — January 7, 2025 authorization of the City Council to clean the property and or authorize the City Attorney to seek legal action to have the nuisance abated. Funds will come from local funding. Approval of the resolution. Mayor Pro Tern Neild moved to ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE STRUCTURE AT 5160 LAUREL AVENUE, WITH THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MAPLEWOOD-2, L19, B7, BEAUMONT, TEXAS, TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) HAVE TEN (10) DAYS TO COMPLY. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR WEST, MAYOR PRO TEM NEILD, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND SAMUEL NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED ORDINANCE 25-005 WORK SESSION -!;k Council to review and discuss the FY 2025 Budget and Budget Process. COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS (Councilmember comments can be heard orseen atthe City of Beaumont website at beaumonttexas.gov) EXECUTIVE SESSION With there befa no Roy, sum O- -11)IL Tina Broussard, City Clerk Session, the meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m. Minutes — January 7, 2025