HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES-24-338RESOLUTION NO. 24-338 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Beaumont deems it necessary that property known as Steve Drive be acquired to transfer the private street into a public right-of-way and improve the roadway; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has found that a public necessity exists requiring the hereinafter described property: Steve Drive: 0.4553-acre tract of land situated in the A. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 385, in the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas known as Steve Drive. Total Appraised Value: $21,000.00. Appraiser: Cooks & Associates, Inc. Owner: Minnie Palumbo and Anthony Zummo; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related documents to purchase property know as Steve Drive from Minnie Palumbo and Anthony Zummo in the amount of $21,000.00 to transfer the private street into a public right-of-way and improve the roadway. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 17th day of December, 2024. P 4 r U u - Mayor Roy West - AGREEMENT PROJECT: Parcel #409331 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON This agreement between MINNIE PALUMBO ZUMMO and ANTHONY JOHN ZUMMO of the County of Jefferson, State of Texas, hereinafter called GRANTORS, and the CITY OF BEAUMONT, acting by and through its duly authorized Agent, hereinafter called GRANTEE, witnesseth: CITY OF BEAUMONT and the GRANTORS above recited have reached an agreement wherein the GRANTORS are to convey to the CITY OF BEAUMONT property described fully in a Special Warranty Deed to be executed by GRANTORS, to which reference is hereby made for complete description, said property being briefly described as follows: 0.4553 acre tract of land situated in the A. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 385, in the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas (Steve Drive) The consideration and conditions of agreement are fully listed and stated. The CITY OF BEAUMONT will pay GRANTOR as follows: TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($21,000.00) All liens and taxes (either current or delinquent) will be deducted. It is further agreed that the terms of agreement herein stated are in consideration of the delivery to the CITY OF BEAUMONT of a valid conveyance of all rights, title and interest described in the Special Warranty Deed from GRANTORS to the CITY OF BEAUMONT. THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BEAUMONT CITY COUNCIL. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT ARE FULLY STATED HEREIN AND NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS ARE AUTHORIZED. EXECUTED this day of PP&--Aj'�;20'24_. CITY OF BEAUMONT GRANTORS Antoinette Hardy Real Property Coordin r �`'f �Il/121P /'C�9�1�11 c%x�l�l�iLfl Minnie Palumbo Zummo Anthony Jo Legal Description: 0.4553 Acre Tract or Parcel of Land A. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 385 Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas BEING a 0.4553 acre tract or parcel of land situated in the A. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 385, Jefferson County, Texas and. being the remainder of that certain called tract of land as described in a deed from A.S. Offnerand wife, Mrs. Annie L. Offnerto Tony Tortoris as recorded in Volume 241, Page 592, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and being all of that certain tract of land known as Steve Drive (a private street), said 0.4553 acre tract being more particularly described as follows: NOTE: All bearings are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System South Central Zone NAD83 (2011). All acreages and distances are surface. All set 518" iron rods set with caps stamped "WHITELEY". BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for coiner, said coiner being the Northeast coiner of that certain called 6668 square foot tract of land as described in a deed from Mary Jane Tortoris Zummo to Joseph J. Siemrnien as recorded in Clerk's File No. 95-9503256, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and said coiner being in the Westerly right-of-way line of Pine Street; THENCE SOUTH 8601 P02" WEST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the North line of the said 6668 square foot Jospeh J. Siemmien tract, the North line of those certain three tracts of land identified as TRACT IV, TRACT II and TRACT III as described in a "Special Warranty Deed" from Capital Reserve Corporation to R & B Homes, LLC as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2002035338, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas, and the North line of that certain tract of land as described in a "Corrective. Special Warranty Deed" from First National Acceptance Company to Mary E. Melvo as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2009036170, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas, for a distance of 268.76 feet to a "MAG" nail set in asphalt and rock for corner, said corner being an exterior ell corner in the North line of the said Mary E. Melvo tract and said corner being the beginning of a curve turning to the right having a radius of 36.00 feet and being subtended by a chord bearing SOUTH 61°56'57" WEST having a chord length of 28.64 feet; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, along and with said curve and the Northerly line of the said Mary E. Melvo tract, for an arc length of 29.45 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner, said corner being the Northwest corner of the said Mary E. Melvo tract and the Northeast corner of that certain called 0.20 acre tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Mary Jane Tortoris Zummo to Rosetta Jones as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2003021337, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and said corner being the beginning of a curve turning to the right having a radius of 36.00 feet and being subtended by a chord bearing NORTH 28°07'59" WEST having a chord length of 66.02 feet; THENCE NORTHERLY, along and with said curve and the Northeasterly line of the said 0.20 acre Rosetta Jones tract and the Easterly line of that certain called 0.16 acre tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Joneros Corporation to Statewide Consolidated Community Development Corporation, Inc. as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2008018555, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas, for an are length of 83.54 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner, said corner being the Northeast corner of the said 0.16 acre Statewide Consolidated Community Development Corporation, Inc. tract and the Southeast corner of that Page 1 of 3 INFRASTRUCTURE CROUP certain tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Mary Jane Tortoris Zummo to Charlie Henderson as recorded in Film Code No. 102-13-1965, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and said corner being the beginning of a curve turning to the right having a radius of 36.00 feet and being subtended by a chord bearing NORTH 40°43'30" EAST having a chord length of 3.25 feet; THENCE NORTHERLY, along and with said curve and the Easterly line of the said Charlie Henderson tract, for an arc length of 3.25 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner, said confer being an exterior ell corder of the said Charlie Henderson tract; THENCE NORTH 04053'29" WEST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the East line of the said Charlie Henderson tract, passing at a distance of 47.61 feet a 1/2" iron rod found for the Northeast corner of the said Charlie Henderson tract and the Southeast corner of that certain tract of land as described in a "General Warranty Deed" from Jack Lynus Mitchell, Independent Executor of the Estate of Jack William Mitchell a/k/a Jack W. Mitchell, Deceased, to Norris and Debra Bennett as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2018017716, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and continuing along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the East line of the said Bennett tract, for a distance of 97.77 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, said corner being the Northeast confer of the said Bennett tract and said corner being in the South right-of-way line of La Salle Street; THENCE NORTH 8601 P02" EAST, along and with the South right-of-way line of La Salle Street, for a distance of 48.16 feet to a "MAG" nail set in a tree root for corner, said corner being the Northwest corner of that certain tract of land identified as TRACT V as described in a "Special Warranty Deed" from Capital Reserve Corporation to R & B Homes, LLC as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2002035338, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas; THENCE SOUTH 04048'14" EAST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the West line of the said R & B Homes, LLC TRACT V, for a distance of 100.14 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner, said corner being the Southwest corner of the said R & B Homes, LLC TRACT V; THENCE NORTH 86011'02" EAST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the South line of the said R & B Homes, LLC TRACT V, the South line of that certain called 0.11 acre tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Mary Jane Zummo to Gertrude Elizabeth Rideaux as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2007011815, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas, the South line of that certain tract of land identified as TRACT I as described in a "Special Warranty Deed" from Capital Reserve Corporation to"R & B Homes, LLC as recorded in Clerk's File No. 2002035338, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and the South line of that certain tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Mary Jane Tortoris Zummo to Josephine Jenkins as recorded in Film Code No. 103-20-0247, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas, for a distance of 199.98 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner, said corner being the Southeast corner of the said Josephine Jenkins tract and in the West line of that certain called 11,874 square foot tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Maly Jane Tortoris Zurnnmo to Joseph Siemens as recorded in Clerk's File No. 98-9828845, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas; THENCE SOUTH 04048'14" EAST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the West line of the said 11,874 square foot Joseph Siemens tract, for a distance of 2 of GROUP 19.86 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, said coiner being the Southwest coiner of the said 11,874 square foot Joseph Siemens tract; THENCE NORTH 86011'02" EAST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the South line of the said 11,874 square foot Joseph Siemens tract, for a distance of 79.95 feetto a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, said corner being the Southeast corner ofthe said 11,874 square foot Joseph Siemens tract and being in the Westerly right-of-way line of Pine Street; THENCE SOUTH 12052'35" WEST, along and with the Westerly right-of-way lure of Pine Street, for a distance of 29.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.4553 Acres, more or less. W.\2024124-1156L4.1156m8b.doca Pa e3of3 NIIITELEY INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LASALLESTREET : - __._�-� LEGEND "i c - oa rmf m � a:._,:n.rt.:rl "rrn wl„ ovr Cu �.uE im 'i 'r _ '•'r.Trn.D°n.• A t I �. } - t •o �L. V 9,nr 1 C - v.�seef f ! T--uney SEEP. c oL w® tgtgtq$$$p _ _ ' 1„ _p ���5 •' H, E!yVY �.erf IND 101`IIOlLiWll' o — .. fND. urA•L' �C=D M61fAAOL6 MWEYt01'L T0.0S - STEVE DRIVE nroa`ml+ =uTr -'' pl 6Alv"N •M � sllL.'S%if'�T '.l'i � ... . r."l"i�i'm u'�u"n '�..� �/ W 1 t u. •mwtiwu9 A . .Yl[ _ . ._ ',I 1.. �... aRa.. T.e. wr•1.. r. wn. rr • w a.f . r a .s.. a....rn r rl.n,. 1®a.lriMweww.wswri��w�irirrrwi 4.w. rwi w�NMtl+Ywnr. ari �~+c� rn��w�w roww dot_ r•nrw wr w w ir. i � L�wri.lw.rw+~M iwsi �n t"�aT N+..MNrM/arr Ma' wfgr•LLw riL�w wwll IP=2 z; M1w,r • 1,.r 4r+ owr. it nnr..a. �r . D.i er Sm�a¢r. ww ...s.rlw.►irw. M�.4rwww 4.%L~4+ri.1 rw..Lw T06 OEatl yw,®rl r.rFW n/FrIMLrwY.Lr w Myrrrrr r,wr.. r..w LRmN0.Q`SG MiwEM i�i�M ...,Ja'�1.1M11r w�4�4 o..f r+,u Yw ll.4 r.l�+Iworw s� I w�rr= �r i' rwr w4 w.yLrnw A'Ir.1Y •YEw n.l taw.rirYw wow 7s nwrll l� �u�a AwiD4s.�I�tLN� Ux. Yril~r �i lw.sir� w �Y�rwwGr W'wi.Lwnr"`�i..ri.l � Y tihAtw ra��rfuww • �r wY Of .w /rtf w=Yc � �r�owl la w maul Tu" w, w„n.w 4H.Mwrfr wMruws .rl rlr =rs:b�.rw:.M» .rOp� Wlwiuw w�"�i..' i�iw.l.w�.4rhrY wi.a.Y0.Y 1. M.Tr as rl w ems' � .ram=wn w u.IMK wrw. r11V Oil ti Aw,Yw wl eyi.�ins• rb�Wlu : YY,r� gild LK�w 1Y11 �.My. WHITELEY INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP omipi d t�i t '-�y w r'oviv a�vna°O CITY OF BEAUMONT lTLwa a ds a a. Q7n�W .e uO lu M b DDNNDAYV SalVf C4 w a.mra) O6ona Y{ 01 LEiID ACR! 1RADT OR �MC4 D/ tAND A V.1LLllIIS 6MV M. ADSNAtt ND.LS STEVE DRIVE — Parcel #409331