HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES-24-333RESOLUTION NO.24-333 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Beaumont deems it necessary that property located at 1599 Pine Street and 727-735 Catalpa Street, be acquired to improve sludge removal at the Beaumont Surface Water Treatment Plant located at 1550 Pine Street; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has found that a public necessity exists requiring the hereinafter described property: 1599 Pine Street and 727-735 Catalpa Street: 0.4514-acre tract of land situated in the James Drake Survey, Abstract No. 18, in the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas located at 1599 Pine Street and 727-735 Catalpa Street. Total Appraised Value: $37,000.00. Appraiser: Cooks & Associates, Inc. Owner: Church of the Living God; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related documents to purchase property located at 1599 Pine Street and 727-735 Catalpa Street Church of the Living God in the amount of $37,000.00 to improve sludge removal at the Beaumont Surface Water Treatment Plant located at 1550 Pine Street. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beawi}ont this the 17th day of December, 2024. - Mayor Roy West - AGREEMENT PROJECT: Parcel #124360 - 124364 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON This agreement between CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD of the County of Jefferson, State of Texas, hereinafter called GRANTORS, and the CITY OF BEAUMONT, acting by and through its duly authorized Agent, hereinafter called GRANTEE, witnesseth: CITY OF BEAUMONT and the GRANTORS above recited have reached an agreement wherein the GRANTORS are to convey to the CITY OF BEAUMONT property described fully in a Special Warranty Deed to be executed by GRANTORS, to which reference is hereby made for complete description, said property being briefly described as follows: 0.4514 acre tract of land situated in the James Drake Survey, Abstract No. 18, in the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas (1599 Pine Street and 727-735 Catalpa Street) The consideration and conditions of agreement are fully listed and stated. The CITY OF BEAUMONT will pay GRANTOR as follows: THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND .AND NO11.00 DOLLARS (837,000.00) All liens and taxes (either current or delinquent) will be deducted. It is further agreed that the terms of agreement herein stated are in consideration of the delivery to the CITY OF BEAUMONT of a valid conveyance of all rights, title and interest described in the Special Warranty Deed from GRANTORS to the CITY OF BEAUMONT. THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BEAUMONT CITY COUNCIL. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT ARE FULLY STATED HEREIN AND NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS ARE AUTHORIZED. EXECUTED this 3rd day of DeCeYK!":- , 202 `�" . CITY OF BEAUMONT Antoinette Hardy Real Property Coordinator GRANTORS Chu ch of the LivirkKGod Bishop Terry Goodlow, Pastor Legal Description: 0.4514 Acre Tract or Parcel of Land James Drake Survey, Abstract No. 18 Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas BEING a 0.4514 acre tract or parcel of land situated in the James Drake Survey, Abstract No. 18, Jefferson County, Texas and being out of and part of that certain called one acre tract of land as described in a deed from William McFaddin to James Zapp as recorded in Volume Z, Page 296, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas, and being all of that certain tract of land as .described in a deed from James Sapp and wife, Lottie Sapp and Maria Samuel to Spencer Charlton and T.T. Pollard as recorded in Volume 7, Page 628, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas, the same being that certain tract of land identified as Tract 2 as described in a partition deed from the heirs of S.H, Charlton to Fannie Charlton as recorded in Volume 744, Page 309, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and being all of those certain 4 tracts known as Tracts 31, 32, 33, 34 and 34A, City Plat V of the James Drake Survey and being all of that certain tract of land as described in a deed from M.W. Lowry to Zach Venzorel, J.W. Scott, Noble Goode, Geo. Simmons, Lee Wise, A. Lumfort and Ed Colbert, Trustees of the Church of God as recorded in Volume 179, Page 58, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and being all of that certain two tracts identified as Tract No. 1 and Tract No. 2 as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Joho Company to Joe P. Gregory, Robert J. Porter, James B. Spencer, James Walker, Harvey Black, Daymon Livingston, Edward Gallow and L.D. Slaughter, as Trustees of the Church of the Living God of. Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas as recorded in Volume 1738, Page 402, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas, aid 0.4514 acre tract being more particularly described as follows: NOTE: All bearings are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System South Central Zone NAD83 (2011). All acreages and distances are surface. All set 5/8" iron rods set with caps stamped "W=ELEY". COMMENCING at a 1/2" iron pipe found for the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land as described in a "Special Warranty Deed" from L.J. Nunnally to Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church as recorded in Clerk's File No. 94-9405929, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas, the same being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land identified as Lots Thirty -Five (35) and Thirty -Seven (37) in Tract V of the City Plats as described in a "Warranty Deed" from L.J. Nunnally to Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church as recorded in Clerk's File No. 94- 9405928, Official Public Records of Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and being the Northeast corner of Tract 35 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey and being the Southeast corner of that certain called 3.209 acre tract of land as described in a "Deed Without Warranty" from the City of Beaumont to Magnolia Cemetery Company as recorded in Clerk's File No. 1999037134, Official Public Records of. Real Property, Jefferson County, Texas and being in the Westerly right-of-way line of Pine Street; THENCE SOUTH 1300316" EAST, along and with the Westerly right-of-way line of Pine Street and the Easterly line of the said Tract 35, passing at a distance of 93.76 feet a "MAG" nail found in an asphalt driveway for the Southeast corner of the said Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church Lot Thirty -Five (35), the same being the Southeast corner of the said Tract 35 and being the intersection of the North line of a 12 feet wide alley and the Westerly right-of-way line of Pine Street and continuing for a total distance of 106.01 feet to the Northeast corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract herein described, said corner being the Northeast corner of the above referenced Tract 34A of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey and being the Northeast corner of the said Church of God tract as recorded in Volume 179, Page 58, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and also being the intersection of the South line of the said 12 feet wide alley and the Westerly right-of-way line of Pine Street; WHITELEY INFRASTRUCTURE THENCE SOUTH 13003'16" EAST, along and with the Westerly line of Pine Street and the Easterly line of'the said Tract 34A and Tract 34, the same being the Easterly line of the said Church of God tract as recorded in Volume 179, Page .58, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and the Easterly line of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 2, for a distance of 98.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, said corner being the Southeast corner of the said Tract 34, the Southeast corner of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 2 and the Northeast corner of that certain called 1.0348 acre tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Joho Company to Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church as recorded in Volume 2418, Page 451, Jefferson County, Texas, the same being the Northeast corner of Tract 28 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey; THENCE SOUTH 88028'32" WEST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the North line of the said 1.0348 acre Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church tract, the same being the South line of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 2 and Tract No. 1, the South line of the said Tract 34, Tract 33, Tract 32 and Tract 31 and the North line of the said Tract 28 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey, for distance of 204.82 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, said corner being the Southwest corner of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 1 and the Northwest corner of the said 1.0348 acre Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church tract, the same being the Southwest corner of the said Tract 31 and the Northwest corner of Tract 28 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey, said corner also being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land as described in a "Warranty Deed" from Ocie R. Jackson, Owen R. Jackson and Felix H. Jackson, as Independent Co - Executors of the Estate of Mary L. Jackson, to the Trustees of Mount Gilead Baptist Church as recorded in Volume 2429, Page 200, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and also being the Northeast corner of Tract 29 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey; THENCE NORTH 13000'23" WEST, along and with the Westerly line of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 1, the same being the Westerly line of the said Tract 31 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey and the Easterly right-of-way line of Catalpa Avenue, for a distance of 97.98 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, said corner being the Northwest corner of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 1 and the Northwest corner of the said Tract 31 of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey; THENCE NORTH 88028'32" EAST, along and with the boundary between the tract herein described and the South line of the above referenced 12 feet wide alley, the same being the North line of the said Church of the Living God Tract No. 1 and the North line of the said Church of God tract as recorded in Volume 179, Page 58, Deed Records, Jefferson County, Texas and also being the North line of the said Tract 31, Tract 32, Tract 33 and Tract 34A of City Plat V of the James Drake Survey, for a distance of 204.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.4514 Acres, more or less. Surveyed on May 7, survey. This legal description is being submitted along with a plat based on this Thomas S. RAe, RPLS No. 5728 Texas Surveying Firm No.: 10106700 W:lenyincering12024124-0589124.0589m&b.docx Page 2 of 2 1VI4ITF.I.F-Y INFRANTRUC_THRE GROUP 7 a b.K.m ti T t "{ ,c .1 �" ....,.. �.. .. � �,.r _ .11 -. J � - a 'y .w.'o �,.2 ' `•sx .. •1 _ t ;fit t ti .�: y.: ...i ^' =.,-^ � ^ : ~:=� �' ti: �:� �'." � '- 31 a ��"' I.^' ��Ed�• � ... �, �1 � ra ...�....... tee..".=' •., � y � w�`<.Pw ,.i., i el � ��5 C g I F{ktiem- �.5; P•. s.. �.. r� ___._., i �. �' J P� i f r i .lnm se�.n.-+. +� �� _ _ _. _ "'C W qa� 1 - i i , � ac•re✓s � � t=,w v �` y .,�....._.e,,. a.... ,...sm-.... -�. y I �.,: v FMaasia ADae 't .- ra' CATALPA AVENUE �k we CATALPAAVENUE *„. "* L 5T� n+.w �4 xre,�m< '� r i l •�. � �� �'v ,? F v;+�(� o,c Y '• �1. ,,�� w A^' i BLaK. n aixAoo'mDN "` I• _„ N�y4PG.151 - I O� un .iow.ow. LEGEND ABBREVWTOxS p moa e �r Ogg QMDJI