HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES-24-317RESOLUTION NO.24-317 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to sign and execute two (2) multi -agency Interlocal Agreements between all participating Subgrantees in the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Grant Task Force, and the City of Beaumont. The Interlocal Agreements are substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and Exhibit `B," and made a part hereof for all purposes. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 3rd day of December, 2024. • eeQ:jrh - IVIUYUl nUy WUSL - I Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Interlo cal Agreement FY2024 Senate Bill 224 Grant City of BeaLTmont, Jefferson County, City of Port Arthur, Hardin County, Orange County, Jasper County YNTERUOCAL AGREEMENT SOUTHEAST TEXAS AUTO THEFT TASK FORCE FY2024 Senate Bill 224 Grant STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF JEFFERSON § This Interlocal Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Beaumont ("Grantee"), a municipal corporation situated in Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Port Arthur , a municipal corporation situated in Jefferson County, Texas ("Sub -Grantee"), Jefferson County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas (Sub -Grantee), Hardin County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Covered Area Warty"), Jasper County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Covered Area Party"), and Orange County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Covered Area Party"), pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 791. WXTNESSETH WHEREAS, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Hardin County, Jasper County, Jefferson County, and Orange County, collectively herein after referred to as "Parties", have the objective to participate in a combined task force funded by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority (MVCPA) of the State of Texas, in the amount of $527,700.00 for the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, and, WHEREAS, the Grantee and Sub -Grantees have agreed to contribute the total of $0.00 in matching funds and $0.00 in in -kind matching funds if said grant application is approved; and, WHEREAS, the source of funds would not normally be used for this purpose; and, WHEREAS, the Parties believe it to be in their best interests to continue a multijurisdictional MffCPA Task Force; and Interlocal with. Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant F'Y2024 Page 1 WHEREAS, the Parties agree to each accept the responsibility and to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws or regulations NOW THERE, FORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I. PURPOSE 1 .01 The purpose of this Agreement is to allow Beaumont (Grantee) to file an application for a grant with the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority (Agency), which application is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE II. TERM 2.01 The term of this Agreement is to commence on May 21", 2024 and to end May 20111, 2025. ARTICLE IIL CONSIDERATION 3 .01 As consideration for this Agreement, the Grantee and Sub -Grantees agree to contribute atotal of $0.00 in matching funds and $0.00 in in -kind matching hands for the enhancement of the funded grant program in the amounts and methods as follows: �I�em'Desc�i `fion:. auiiit."�� e eut oizd �1VI .tli Travel; Equipment; Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses $0.00 N/A Professional and Contractual Services (Investigator's Benefits for Pont Arthur employee) $0.00 N/A Professional and Contractual Services (Investigator's Benefits for Jefferson County employee) $0.00 N/A Hardin County $0.00 N/A Jasper County $0.00 N/A Oxan e County $0.00 N/A '.�To t 00 0 Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 grant FY2024 Page 2 em: esexz Beaumont $0.00 Port Arthur $0.00 Jefferson County $0.00 Hardin County $0.00 Jasper cou!q $0.00 Orange County $0.00 t o`far cfI-�ns6h a ch 0 :00 ` ;. ARTICLE IV. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 4.01 The specific allocation of the Parties fund is set out in, the attachment to this Agreement, marked as Exhibit "B", and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE V. EQUIPMENT 5 .01 Upon termination of this Agreement, equipment including vehicles, hardware, and other non -expendable items will revert to the applicant. The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority of the State of Texas will be. notified and inventory records will be updated. ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS 6.01 This Agreement maybe amended by the mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing to be attached to and incorporated into this Agreement. ARTICLE VII. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION 7.01 In the event anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity, illegality, or unenforeeability shall not affect any other provision thereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. ARTICLE VIII. UNIFORM ASSURANCES 8.01 In accordance with §783.005 of the Texas Government Code Grantee and sub -grantee shall comply with the following uniform assurances: Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Page 8 .01 In accordance with §783.005 of the Texas Government Code Grantee and sub -grantee shall comply with the following uniform assurances. Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment - Grantee certifies that no federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress on its behalf to obtain, extend, or modify this contract or grant. If non -:Federal funds are used by Grantee to conduct such lobbying activities, the prescribed disclosure form shall promptly be filed. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. § 1352(b)(5), Grantee acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for ensuring that each sub -grantee certifies its compliance with the expenditure prohibition and the declaration requirement. Child Support Obligation - Grantee represents and warrants that it will include the following clause in the award documents for every sub -award and subcontract and will require sub -recipients and contractors to certify accordingly; Under Section 231.006 of the Family Code, the vendor or applicant certifies that the individual or business entity named in this contract, bid or application is not ineligible to receive the specified grant, loan, or payment and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this certification is inaccurate. A bid or an application for a contract, grant, or loan paid from state funds must include the name and social security number of the individual or sole proprietor and each partner, shareholder, or owner with an ownership interest of at least 25 percent of the business entity submitting the bid or application. Clean Air Act & Federal Water Pollution Control Act - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Intexlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Page 4 Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 -7671 q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-13 87). Compliance with Laws, Rules and Requirements - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply, and assure the compliance of all its sub -recipients and contractors, with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and policies in effect or hereafter established. In addition, Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all requirements imposed by the awarding agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. In instances where multiple requirements apply to Grantee, the more restrictive requirement applies. Contract Oversight - Grantee represents and warrants that it will maintain oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. Contract Work Hours & Safety Standards Act - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708). Cybersecurity 'Training Program - Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with § 2054.5191 of the Texas Government Code relating to the cybersecurity training program for local government employees who have access to a local government computer system or database. If Grantee has access to any state computer system or database, Grantee shall complete cybersecurity training and verify completion of the training -program to the Agency pursuant to and in accordance with § 2054.5192 of the Government Code. Davis -Bacon Act and the Copeland Act - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of the Davis -Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141- 3144, and 3146-3148) as Interlo cat with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force —MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 5 supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Construction") and the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. §276c and 18 U.S.C. §874). Debarment and Suspension - Grantee certifies that it and its principals are not suspended or debarred from doing business with the state or federal government as listed on the State of Texas Debarred Vendor List maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and the System for Award Management (SAKI) maintained by the General Services Administration. Debts and Delinquencies - Grantee agrees that any payments due under the contract or grant shall be applied towards any debt or delinquency that is owed to the State of Texas. Disaster Recovery Plan - Upon request of Agency, Grantee shall provide copies of its most recent business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Disclosure of Violations of Federal Criminal Law - Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with 2 CFR § 200,113 which requires the disclosure in writing of violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, and gratuity and the reporting of certain civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings to SAM. Disclosure Protections for Certain Charitable Organizations, Charitable Trusts & Private Foundations- Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with Section 2252,906 of the Texas Government Code relating to disclosure protections for certain charitable organizations, charitable trusts, and private foundations. Dispute Resolution - The dispute resolution process provided in Chapter 2009 of the Texas Government Code is available to the parties to resolve any dispute arising under the agreement. Excluded Parties - Grantee certifies that it is not listed in the prohibited vendors list authorized by Executive Order No. 13224, `Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 6 Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism", published by the United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Executive Head of a State Agency Affirmation - Under Section 669,003 of the Texas Government Code, relating to contracting with an executive head of a state agency, Grantee represents that no person who served as an executive of Agency, in the past four (4) years, was involved with or has any interest in the contract or grant. If Grantee employs or has used the services .of a former executive of Agency, then Grantee shall provide the following information in the Response: name of the former executive, the name of the state agency, the date of separation from the state agency, the position held with Grantee, and the date of employment with Grantee. Funding Limitation - Grantee understands that all obligations of Agency under the contract or grant are subject to the availability of grant funds. The contract or grant is subject to termination or cancellation, either in whole or in pant, without penalty to Agency if such hinds are not appropriated or become unavailable. Governing Law & Venue - This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to the conflicts of law provisions. The venue of any suit arising under this agreement is fixed in any court of competent jurisdiction of Beaumont Jefferson County, Texas, unless the specific venue is otherwise identified in a statute that directly names or otherwise identifies its applicability to the contracting state agency. Indemnification - to the extent permitted by law Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the state of Texas and agency, and/or their officers, agents, employees, representatives, contractors, assignees, and/or designees from any and all liability, actions, claims, demands, or suits, and all related costs, attorney fees, and expenses arising out of, or resulting from any acts or omissions of Grantee or its agents, employees, subcontractors, order fulfillers, or suppliers of Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SD 224 Grant FY2024 Page � 7 subcontractors in the execution or performance of the contract and any purchase orders issued under the contract. The defense shall be coordinated by Grantee with the office of the Texas Attorney General when Texas state agencies are named defendants in any lawsuit and Grantee may not agree to any settlement without first obtaining the concurrence from the office of the Texas Attorney General. Grantee and agency agree to furnish timely written notice to each other of any such claim. Law Enforcement Agency Grant Restriction - Grantee on behalf of Southeast Texas Auto Theft TasIc Force is a law enforcement agency regulated by Chapter 1701 of the Texas Occupations Code, Grantee represents and warrants that it will not use appropriated money unless the law enforcement agency is in compliance with all rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE), or TCOLE certifies that it is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. Legal Authority - Grantee represents that it possesses legal authority to apply for the grant. A resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the Grantee's governing body, authorizing the filing of the Response, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and difecting and authorizing the person identified as the official representative, or the designee of Grantee to act in connection with the Response and to provide such additional information as may be required. Lobbying Expenditure Restriction - Grantee represents and warrants that Agency's payments to Grantee and Grantee's receipt of appropriated or other funds under the contract or grant are not prohibited by Sections 403.1067 or 556.0055 of the Texas Government Code which restrict lobbying expenditures Xnterlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA S13 224 Grant F'Y2024 Page � 8 No Conflicts of Interest State - Grantee represents and warrants that performance under the contract or grant will not constitute an actual or potential conflict of interest or reasonably create an appearance of impropriety. Further, Grantee represents and warrants that in the administration of the grant, it will comply with all conflict of interest prohibitions and disclosure requirements required by applicable law, rules, and policies, including Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code. If circumstances change during the course of the contract or grant, Grantee shall promptly notify Agency. No Waiver of Sovereign Inununity - The Parties expressly agree that no provision of the grant or contract is in any way intended to constitute a waiver by the Agency or the State of Texas of any immunities from suit or from liability that the Agency or the State of Texas may have by operation of law. Open Meetings - Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code which requires all regular, special or called meeting of a governmental body to be open to the public, except as otherwise. provided by law. Texas Public Information Act - Information, documentation, and other material in connection with this Solicitation or any resulting contract or grant may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (the "Public Information Act"). In accordance with Section 2252,907 of the Texas Government Code, Grantee is required to make any information created or exchanged with the State pursuant to the contract or grant, and not otherwise excepted fi•om disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, available in a format that is accessible by the public at no additional charge to the State. Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 9 Reporting Compliance - Grantee represents and warrants that it will submit timely, complete, and accurate reports in accordance with the grant and maintain appropriate backup documentation to support the reports. Records Retention State Grant - Grantee shall maintain and retain all records relating to the performance of the grant including supporting fiscal documents adequate to ensure that claims for grant funds are in accordance with applicable State of Texas requirements. These records will be maintained and retained by Grantee for a period of four (4) years after the grant expiration date or until all audit, claim, and litigation matters are resolved, whichever is later. Agency reserves the right to direct a Grantee to retain documents for a longer period of time or transfer certain records to Agency custody when it is determined the records possess longer term retention value. Grantee must include the substance of this clause in all subawards and subcontracts. Reporting Suspected fraud and Unlawful Conduct - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with Section 321,022 of the Texas Government Code, which requires that suspected fraud and unlawful conduct be reported to the State Auditor's Office. State Auditor's Right to Audit - The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving Rinds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. The acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation by the state auditor must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. Interloeal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — WCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Page 10 Sub -award Monitoring - Grantee represents and warrant that it will monitor the activities of the sub -grantee as necessary to ensure that the sub -award is used for authorized purposes, in compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the sub -award, and that sub -award performance goals are achieved. ARTICLE X. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 10,01 In accordance with §783,006 of the Texas Governinent Code Standard Financial Management Conditions the prescribed are applicable to all grants and agreements executed between affected entities: Financial reporting - Accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial results of grant related activities must be made in accordance with the financial reporting requirements of the grant. Accounting records - Grantee will maintain records, which adequately identify the source and application of funds, provided for grant related activities. These records will contain information pertaining to grant awards and obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays or expenditures, and income. Internal control - Effective control and accountability will be maintained for all grant cash, real and personal property, and other assets. Grantee will safeguard all such property and assure that it is used for authorized grant purposes. grant. Page Budget control - Actual expenditures will be kept within budgeted amounts for each Allowable cost - Applicable cost principles, agency program regulations, and the terms of grant agreements sliall be followed in determining the reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of costs. Tnterlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force -- MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Page J 11 Source documentation - Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as checks, paid bills, payroll records, receipts, timesheets, travel vouchers, and other records, etc. These source documents must be retained and made available for MVCPA staff when requested. Cash management - Grantee will establish reasonable procedures to ensure the receipt of , reports on cash balances and cash disbursements in sufficient time to enable them to prepare complete and accurate cash transactions reports to the awarding agency. Reimbursement Grant - All expenditures reported will be based on actual amounts paid and documented. Reporting budgeted amounts or estimated costs as expenditures are not permitted and if used may result in payment suspension and possible termination of the grant. Costs Incurred outside the Program Period - Grant funds may not be obligated prior to the effective date without written permission of the MVCPA director or subsequent to the termination date of the grant period. All obligations must be consistent with the Statement of Grant Award and used for statutorily authorized purposes. ARTICLE XI. COMPLIANCE 11 .01 Grantee and subgrantee will comply with state law, program rules and regulations and the Statement of Grant Award, In addition, Grantee and sub -grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all requirements imposed by the awarding agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. Information, guidance and program rules can be found in the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant Administrative Manual and if not found in the administrative manual then grantee and subgrantee must follow the Texas Grant Management Standards maintained under the authority of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. These grant management standards are used by the Motor Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 12 Vehicle Cringe Prevention Authority in the administration of the MVCPA grant program, Sub -grantee Monitoring and Management - The local government must monitor the activities of the sub -grantee as necessary to ensure that sub -award performance goals are achieved and the sub -award is used for authorized purposes, in compliance with state law, rules, and the terms and conditions of the sub -award, Monitoring of the sub -grantee must include: (1) Reviewing financial and performance reports required by the local government. (2) Following -up and ensuring that the sub -grantee tales timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies pertaining to the sub -award provided to the sub -grantee from the local government detected through audits, on -site reviews, and other means, (3) Issuing a management decision for audit findings pertaining to the sub -award provided to the sub -grantee from the local government as required. ARTICLE XH. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 12.01 This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement, or promise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement which is not contained herein shall be valid or binding upon all Parties, EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS, EACH OF WHICH SHALL HAVE' THE FULL FORCE AND EFFECT OF AN ORIGINAL, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER.112022. Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force— MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 13 EXECUTED by the City of Beaumont this day of 2024 CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS In Kenneth Williams, City Manager. Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 14 EXECUTED by the City of Port Arthur this clay of 2024 CITY OF PORT 0TIljjiK,,TEXA8 LIM Manager Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theit Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant 1+Y2024 Page � 15 EXECUTED by Jefferson County this day of 0 4 im f , 2024 JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS By: Jeff Bra 'ck, pn Judge Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — M'VCPA SB 224 Grant F'Y2024 Page E 16 EXECUTED by Hardin County this 12th day of November , 2024 HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS Digitally signed 5y Judge Wayne McDaniel (�(\ McDaniel By: Date: 2024.11.1212:35.47.00'00' Wayne McDaniel, County Judge Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SIB 224 Grant FY2024 Page 17 EXECUTED by Jasper County this 18th day of October -, 2024 JASPER COUNTY, TEXAS By: Mark Allen, County Judge Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — M,VCPA SB 224 Grant FY'2024 Page j IQ EXECUTED by Orange Coullty this 22nd day of October , 2024 Oki Znterlocai with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA SB 224 Grant FY2024 Pagel 19 Exhibit A FY2024 Senate Bill 224 Grant Final Negotiate Appl* at* n 9/23/24, 2:48 PM Senate Bill 224 Grant Negotlallon {th xi 'ja motbe PreV.06fth Ai4thdrity `�cSQiferBjIIE24�r�itxiVpg4ti' ttcSn(fol2Q24The Application was submitted by Kenneth Williams at 7/3112024 1:17:27 PM and Is now locked. Primary Agency / Grantee Legal Name: City of Beaumont Organization Type: Law Enforcement Organization OR) (if applicable), 7XI230100: BEAUMONT PO (MIP) Program Title Please enter a short description of the proposed program that can be used as the title. Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Application Category (See Request for Applications [RFA] for category details and descriptions RFA Priority Funding Section): po New Grant - 2024 Is the first year of the MVCPA Catalytic Conveter Program Grants. All 2024 grant applicants use the new grant category. MVCPA Program Category (see RFA and TAG 43,3 §57.14). Check all that apply. ® Law Enforcement, Detection and Apprehension O Prosecution, AdJudlcation and Conviction V2 Reduction of the Theft of Catalytic Converters i2 Education Programs and Marketing Taskforce Grant Participation and Coverage Area Provide a General Description of tho Participating and Coverage Area of this Grant Application Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, and Jasper counties and all municipalities therein. Define In the tables below the grant relationships and geographic area of the Catalytic Converter program: Applicant will add the participating and coverage agencies from ilia ORI list below. If an agency is not In the ORI list, please include the agency and role In the general description above. Make sure to follow the definitions below and select an agency In the dropdown. Use the Add as Participating Agency or Add as Coverage Agency button to populate the list, Participating Agencies are agencies that materially participate In the grant application through the exchange of funds for reimbursement and cash match. Participating agencies are defined after the grant award by Interlocal/Interagency agreements. Each applicant must select their own agency first. Then select agencies that will receive or provide funding and/or resources. [Note: Interlocalllnteragency agreements do not need to be submitted with the application. Interlocal agreements will need to be executed prior to the first payment being made if selected for a grant. Letters of support with the application from the participating agencies are strongly recommended.] Coverage Agencies are agencies that provided some level of coverage, assistance or support by this grant application but will riot materially exchange funds as cash match or reimbursement. The coverage is not supported by an after the award with Interlocal/interagency agreements. Coverage agencies as law enforcement agencies may have jurisdictional coverage agreements unrelated to the grant (Ex. City Y is within County X or vice versa). Agencies selected In this list Include agencies that will be covered or where the agency Indicates that their agency will coordinate or call upon the program. Letters of support with the application from the participating agencies are strongly recommended_ hllps://mvepa.tamu,edu/CatalyticConverler/Negottallon.asp? 1=1&FlsealYear2024&GranteelD=2&AppID=269 119 9123124, 2AB PM Senate Bill 224 Grant NegotlatlOn ...1 _,.�_ce.-.. x...,.., ,.s..., nm;ornnn Arlannip-q Select Agencies a JEFFERSON CO SO HARDIN ca so Net assoclated with any law entorcemeut antil[ BEAUMONT PD (M1P) KOUNTZE PD Anderson PORT ARTHUR PD (AE) SILSBEE PD ANDF_RSOIJ CO SO (AE) ITX00100001 SOUR LAKE PD PALESTINE PD [rX00101001 LUMBERTON PD (IBR) FRANKSTON PD ITX00103001 JASPER CO SO Andrews JASPER PD ANDREWS CO SO ITX00200001 Y KIRBYVILLE PD Y Add as Participaiing Agencies I uuluty oujuutu I , FAM as Coverage Agencies O Other Coverage (Use if OR[ not listed or explanation Is necessary.): No text provided. ❑ National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) Used as Match (Documentation and time certification required.) O Texas Department of Pubi'io Safety (DPS) O Other State or Federal Agency (specify:) Resolution: Complete a Resolution and submit to local goveming body for approval. Semple Resolution Is found In the Request for Application or send a request for an electronic copy to grantsMVCPA@fxdmvgov. The completed and executed Resolution must be attached to this on-line application. Grant Budget Form MVCPA recommends that the applicant complete the total costs (MVCPA and Cash Match combined) for this program. The applicant can then enter the desired amount of Cash Match (not less than 20% per TAG Title 43, R§57.36). The system will then calculate the correct grant and match amounts. Budget Entry Option: O Enter Total and lot system calculate MVCPA Funds and Cash Match, Match Percentage: % Enter MVCPA and Cash Match Amounts Click on category name to edit budget detall for that category. Budget Category Personnel Fringe Overtime Professional and Contract Services Travel Equipment Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (ROE) Total Cash Match Percentage Description Total Personnel . total Fringe Total Overtime Total Professional and Contract Services Cash MVCPA Match Total In -Kind Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Match $247,700 $0 $247,700 $280,000 $0 $2801000 $527,700 $0 $527,700 0.00% MVCPA Subcategory Pat Time Funds Personnel Fringe Overtime Professional and Contract Services Travel In -Kind Cash Match Total Matall Total Travel hunQ-BMVrcns, tsasnn.eihlfCatalvticConverter/Negollation,asp71w1&FiscalYenr-2024&GranteelD=2&AppID=2Gs 219 9123/24, 2:48 PM Description High Definition Night Vision Binoculars 4-Post Automotive Service Lift Cordless DOT Peen Marking System Video Wall Board 3 Side Video Display 2- 2023 4X4 1/2 ton Crew Cab 4dr trucks Ariel Drone (UAV) Total Equipment Senate BIII 224 Grant Negotiation MVCPA Subcategory Pet Tillie Funds Cash Match Total Equipment $6,800 $0 $6,800 $12,800 $0 $12,800 $7,700 $0 $7,700 $99,500 $0 $99,500 $20,600 $0 $20,600 $92,900 $0 $92,900 $7,400 $0 $7,400 $247,700 $0 $247,700 Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) FLOCK Cametasll-PR's $280,000 $0 $280,000 Total Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) $280,000 $0 $280,000 Budget Narrative In-KInd Match Equipment High Definition Night Vision Binoculars (Pulsar HD XP60 Thermal Imaging) with built-in photo and recording capability. 2.5x-20x magnification with built -In wI-fi (2.5 / 5Ghz) allowing for streaming to a smartphone through the Stream Vision 2 Mobile Application. This equipment will be used for nighttime operations to detect Catalytic Converter thieves in larger areas, such as apartment complexes, hotel parking lots and fleet vehicle parking areas. ($6,800.00) Rotary 4-Post Service Lift with 14,000 pound lifting capacity and 182" wheelbase with closed front (220/Single Phase Power and Automotive Lift institute Cartifled). Delivery and Installation are in the total price. This lift will add to the 12,000 pound 4-post service lift the task force already has. The additional lift would be used for Catalytic Converter engraving as well as being used for vehicle Inspections relating to other motor vehicle crimes. ($12,800.00) Flymark Cordless Mini DOT Peen Marking System with an Integrated barcode scanner, from Rocklin Manufacturing Co. The system comes with two batteries, battery charger and protective carrying case. This system will be used to mark Catalyt€c Converters on vehicles with the corresponding VIN, which will be read by the barcode scanner and automatically populate the system with correct VIN to be stamped on the converter. ($7,700.00) 4X3 Video Wall: Cables & Connectors (16 @ $29.00 each $464.00); Mounting Hardware (16 @ $29,00 each $464.00); Wire Management (16 @ $29.00 each $464.00); AMX.FGN2222A-SA Video, JPEG2000 Decoder, AES67 (12 @ $1.143.00 each $13,716,00); LG.55VSM5J-H Disp, 55" FHD, Even Bezel .44MM (12 @ $4,080.00 each $48,960.00; PEER.DS-VW775 Mount, Smart Mount Supreme (12 @ $414.00 each $4,968.00) Total for Equipment: $60,036.00. Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Project Management, installation, Commissioning, Training and Warranty $30,349.00. (Total project: $99,385.00) 3 Side Display: Mounting Hardware (2 @ $29.00 Each $68.00); Wire Management (2 @$29.00 Each $58,00); MAX.FGN2222A-SA Video,JPEG2000 Decoder, AES67 (3 @ 1.143.00 Each $3,429.00); LG.86UR340C9UD Disp.TV, 86", 4K, UHD 330NiT (3 @ $2,520.. Each $7,560.00); Peer.ST680 Mount, Universal Tilt for 61" -102" FL (3 @ $147.00 Each $441.00) Total Equipment: $11,546.00. Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Project Management, installation, Commissioning, Training and Warranty $9,061,00. (Total Project: $20,607.00) These Video walls will be used along with the Beaumont Police Department Real Time Crime Center using FUSUS to monitor public and private video feeds throughout the city and area, as a real time force multiplier. This equipment will enable live feeds from ongoing operations, such as live feeds from drones, pole cameras, balt vehicles (which the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will be employing) cell phones, ring door belt cameras, FLOCK LPR/Cameras and traffic cameras. This also,adds the ability to respond more quickly and obtain more Information on crimes like Catalytic Converter theft from a Motor Vehicle as they occurring or right after they have occurred. This would greatly enhance the efforts of the Task Force In the combatting Catalytic Converter theft, not just in the ability to monitor areas of Catalytic Converter thefts, also the amount of Intelligence that would be gleaned from this effort. 2023 Ford F-150 Crew Cab 4 Door Trucks (2 @ $46,600.00 Each (Total: $92,900.00) One of the vehicles being requested Is to replace a vehicle for the Jefferson County Deputy. The vehicle that had been being used was a seized vehicle from Jefferson County. That vehicle was totaled in a wreck that left the deputy seriously Injured. The driver of the other vehicle was Intoxicated. The Deputy Is now driving a 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe (VIN: 1 GNL02E07DR361582) with 128,786 miles on it and Is In poor shape. The other vehicle Is a replacement for a Gray 2016 Ford F-150 (ViN:1 FTEW1 CF5GKE60361) and has approximately 118,000 miles on It and is 8 years old. (Total: $92,900.00) DJI Mavic 3T Plus Combo: Comes with Mavic 3T Aircraft (UAV) Mavic 3 Intelligent Flight Battery, microSD Card 64GB, Gimbal Protector, Mavic 3 Enterprise Series Propellers (Pair) x3, RC Pro Enterprise controller, Screwdriver, USB-C Power Adapter (100W), 100W Power AdaptorAC Cable, USB-C Cable, USB-C to USB-C Cable, Protector Case, DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Series RTK Module, DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Series Battery Kit for charging batteries to prolong flight time. ($7,400.00) This drone has a conventional camera (56x Hybrid zoom), as well as, Thermal imaging (640x512 px), both of which can be viewed simultaneously. The flight time on one battery is rated at 45 minutes. 3 additional batteries and a Series Charging Hub come with the package for extended flight time In more lengthy surveillance operations, Ideally suited for nighttime operations. Video storage is 64GB and the video can also be viewed remotely. ($7,400.00) G, Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) The Task force is requesting funding for 88 FLOCK LPRICameras, 80 Short Range LPR/Cameras (80 @ $3,000.00 per year $240,000.00) and 8 Long Range LPRICameras (8 @ $5,000.00 per year $40,000) for a total of $280,000,00. This contract would be paid yearly and the equipment is leased, so there would be no equipment inventory or repairs to equipment. The Flock LPR/Camera system will be an Integral part of the Task Force Intelligence gathering network. This intelligence will be used to identify Catalytic Converter theft from a Motor Vehicle actors vehicles and Increase the probability of Identifying actors to make arrests and recover stolen Catalyt€c Converters. Revenue ni in4-limynn.tame.ediUCatalvttcConverter/Neaollatlon.asp7 i =i &FlscalYear-2a24 &GranteelD=2&ApplD=269 3/9 9123124. 2:48 PM Senato Bill 224 Grant Negotiation Indicate Source of Cash and In -Kind Matches for the proposed program, Click on links to go to match detail pages for entry of data. Cash Match In -Kind Match G`fofieflra in Siinnnrt Grant Prnblem Statement Reported Cases 2022 2023 Jurisdiction Catalytic Converter theft Catalytic Convorler Theft Beaumont PD 428 100 Jefferson CO SO 18 _ 4 Nederland 0 2 Orange PD 14 3 Port Arthur PD 71 10 Kountze PD 1 0 Sour Lake PD 4 0 Vidor PD a 0 Lumberton PD 1 3 Add/Edh Slaflstics Application Narrative Grant Introduction (;executive summary) and Generai Information i,i Briefly describe the organization and program operation. Provide a high level summary to the application and how it will affect the local community. (500 words or less) The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force has been an Integral part of reducing motor vehicle crimes, including the particularly disruptive Issue of Catalytic Converter Theft, in Jefferson, Orange, Hardin, and Jasper Counties since 1993. Comprised of dedicated personnel from the Beaumont Police Department, Port Arthur Police Department, and the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, the task force has consistently worked to combat these crimes, which have significant economic and social impacts on the affected communities. Catalytic Converter Theft not only causes financial losses for Individuals and businesses but also disrupts essential activities such as work commutes, school runs, medical visits, and grocery shopping. The ripple effects extend to Industries like petrochemicals, which rely on uninterrupted transportation for their operations. To address this pressing Issue, the task force plans to leverage technology and force multipliers such as License Plate Readers (LPRs 1 Cameras), drones, and night vision binoculars, as well as the Beaumont Police Department Real Time Crime Center, to gather Intelligence on Catalytic Converter theft activities. Additionally, the task force will continue Inspections of Metal Recycling Entitles, Used Parts Dealers, and Salvage Yards and Repair Shops to Identify any entities involved in the Illegal purchase or sale of stolen Catalytic Converters. This Intelligence-gatherinq effort will utilize various sources, Including community Input, crime patterns, and trends analysis, as well as surveillance, covert operations, and tips from programs like Crime Stoppers. The Implementation of SB224, known as The Deputy Darren Almendarez Act, will enhance legal Suppolt to arrest and prosecute offenders involved In Catalytic Converter Theft. By working closely with the judicial system, the task force alms to ensure thorough Investigations and maximize prosecution outcomes. Furthermore, community engagement and education initiatives will play a crucial role in preventing Catalytic Converter Theft. This Includes awareness presentations, marking events for Catalytic Converters, and fostering relationships with law enforcement agencies within and outside the coverage area to facilitate collaboration and information sharing. Ultimately, the goal of the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is to reduce Catalytic Converter theft and enhance the safety and security of all communities in the State of Texas through proactive enforcement, public education, and collaborative efforts. 1.2 Describe the taskforce governing, organization and command structures, include a description of the nature of support and agreements that will be in place if the grant is awarded. Provide any details unique to the taskforce organization or geographical target area. Describe whether any part of this grant will be directed to serve a specific target population (or subset of the community)? The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Is a part of the Beaumont Police Department Criminal Investigations Division, There Is a Captain of the Division, with Lleulanants over the units In the Division. The Auto Theft Task Force has a Lieutenant over the unit, that is also designated as the Commander! Program Director. The Lieutenant is responsible for oversight of all aspects of the Auto Theft Task Force and the grant. The Task Force Commander- has a Sergeant that Is designated as the Supervisor 1 Program Manager. The Sergeant Is responsible for case assignments, monthly reports, quarterly progress reports and all other daily 1 weekly I monthly supervisory duties pertaining to case investigations, proposed activities or operations which further the grant goals and ensure that they are met, Investigators are responsible for case investigations and all other duties that are assigned. There are four Investigators from the Beaumont Police Department, one investigator from the Jefferson County Sheriffs Department and one investigator from the Port Arthur Police Department. There will be Interlocal agreements in place with each of the four counties included In the coverage area, as welt as the participating sub -grantee Departments, Jefferson County Sheriffs Department and Port Arthur Police Department. There will also be letters of agreement with the District Attorneys of each county In the coverage area. The four -county project area Is comprised of numerous communities and according to the most recent US Census estimate (2020) the counties have a combined population of approximately 430,000, with nearly 60% residing In Jefferson County, The four -county project area Is In the southeast a......., acn?1=1RFIxcalYear--2024&GranleaID=2&APPID-269 419 Senate Bill 22-4 Grant Negollation 9123124, 2:48 PM corner of the state, with a combined area of 2,361 square miles. There are 20 local law enforcement agencies in the coverage area. The major roadways which bisect the coverage area are as follows: Interstate 10 goes directly through Orange and Jefferson Counties and is the major southern coast to coast interstate highway In the United States. Highway 90 is also a major highway which cuts through the center of the City of Beaumont east to west. State Highway 105 also comes through Beaumont from the northwest. Highway 69/96/287 Is the major north south highway coming directly through Jasper and Hardin counties into Beaumont and Pori Arthur. There Is also Highway 73, which Is south of Beaumont closer to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and runs from Winnle, TX to near Orange, TX. The Port of Beaumont, the Port of Port Arthur and the Port of Orange are also In the coverage area. The Coverage area Is bounded by the Gulf of Mexico to the south and the Sabine River to the East, abutting the Louisiana state line In Orange County. The Neches River Is the waterway that is the eastern boundary of the City of Beaumont and empties into the Sabine River near the Gulf of Mexico, Beaumont Is the largest city along Interstate 10 between Houston and Baton Rouge, LA. The Beaumont area Is also the 6th most densely populated area In the State. The City of Beaumont has a population of 115,013. The estimated daytime population, according to TxDoT (Beaumont Commuting.Area.Reporls.Portal), swells to 136,805. That Influx of 20,792 also brings more vehicles into the city increasing the number of vehicles #hat hecome targets of Catalytic Converter Theft. There are over 100,000 vehicles per day that pass through the city limits of Beaumont on Interstate 10. (TXDOT TTP Web Viewer AADT) TXDOT reported there were over 390,000 vehicles registered within our four -county coverage area In 2021. More than half of these vehicles are In Jefferson County, which is primarily urban and suburban areas. The four -county project area had 531 vehicles that suffered Catalytic Converter thefts for 2022 and 1i9 Catalytic Converter thefts reported for 2023, (Numbers obtained from project area agencies that had accurate records of Catalytic Converter thefts) According to Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation records, thel's are 1i licensed Metal Recycling Entities in the four -county coverage area. There are 12 Used Auto Parts Recyclers In the four -county coverage area. The entire population of the coverage area will be served by the last< force. The amount of service will be dictated by the need for assistance from agencies in the coverage area, investigations that lead to different specific areas and on the rise or fall in the frequency of Catalytic Converter Thefts In that specific community or geographic area. Grant Problem Statement 2.1 Provide an assessment of the Catalytic Converter Theft problem in the coverage area of this application. Include loss data consistent with the reported Incident numbers above. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force coverage area has experienced an enormous increase in Catalytic Converter theft since 2020. The thefts, driven by the price of precious metals, which are found In Catalytic Converters, such as Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium. The trace precious metals, which act as the catalysts in the converter, essentially convert/reduce the hydrocarbons in the exhaust of combustion engines, creating less environmentally harmful emissions. The catalytic converters are harvested by street level criminals and then sold to "fences". These "middle men" In turn sell the converters to Metal Recyclers. Once the metals are melted and separated the Metal Recyclers can sell the precious metals. This market grew exponentially as prices of Rhodlum, Palladium and Platinum soared In 2021-2023. This huge increase in metal prices drove the Catalytic Converter theft market. Rhodium prices surged from approximately $6,000 per ounce in early 2021 to over $20,000 per ounce by mid-2023. Palladium prices rose from around $2,000 per ounce In early 2021 to over $3,000 per ounce in mid-2023, Platinum prices saw a more modest Increase, from about $1,000 per ounce in early 2021 to around $1,200 per ounce in mld-2023. Due to the Increase'in precious metal prices, the offenders then have the opportunity to Increase the reward for a relatively low risk crime, which Is extremely hard to detect, from a law enforcement perspective. The offenders only need a reciprocating saw with metal cutting blades. These offenders usually target vehicles that sit higher off the ground, such as trucks and SUV's. They also target vehicles with more than one converter. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force experienced the highest theft rates from Toyota Vehicles during 2022-2023. More specifically Tundra and Tacoma Pick -Up Trucks, These vehicles have more than one Catalytic Converter. The Tundra has 4 Catalytic Converters, two on each exhaust, The Tacoma has two Catalytic Converters on the single exhaust. The Beaumont area is [ocated approximately 80 miles east of Houston and runs all the way to the Louisiana State Line. Interstate 110 Is a direct access highway from Houston and became the target of many Catalytic Converter thieves during 2022-2023, Many collaborations were conducted with Houston PD and Harris County during that time, identifying several actors in both jurlsd[ctions. There were also local actors Identified and arrested as well. The Legislature passed HB 4110, restricting Metal Recyclers ability to purchase and sell Catalytic Converters. This had little effect on the theft rates, due to the still rising metal prices. This also created the need to transport the converters out of the state In order to sell them. During this time period actors were now going across the Louisiana State Line in order to avoid detection. The Task Force was able to work with at least one Metal Recycler in Louisiana to Identify some of the local Catalytic Converter thieves and made at least three arrests on prollfic offenders from the Beaumont area, The operations conducted by Houston PD, Harris County SO and other Houston Area agencies after the death of Deputy Darren Almendarez, had a significant effect on the Catalytic Converter theft rate In the Beaumont area, This, followed by The Deputy Darren Almendarez Act (SB 224), which gave funding and a law with teeth, are huge steps In the battle against Catalytic Converter theft. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force project area has recorded at least 663 Catalytic Converter thefts (based on the statistics above, which are agencies that had accurate records of Catalytic Converter theft from a Motor Vehicle) during the 2022-2023 Grant years. This is substantial when figuring just replacement cost to the consumer. During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic some estimates for replacement of the Catalytic Converter/Exhaust system were as high as $8,000.00 and a wait of up to three months for the parts, due to the high demand and the disruption of the supply chain. These thefts in many cases furthered the disruption, aggravating the Issue, Based on a very conservative average of $2,000.00 per Catalytic Converter system, would be over $1,300,000.00. This doesn't take into account the social and economic losses, such as lost time at work, missed doctors visits, Inability to get kids to school, deliveries that could not get made etc, These costs are exponentially incalculable. Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle Is costly to everyone In the State of Texas and hit the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force coverage area hard economically and socially. Many businesses were closed down for undetermined lengths of time due to these thefts, not to mention the families that suffered additional hardships. Grant Goals and Activities There are two parts to this section: 1) Functions of Proposed Program and 2) Goals Strategies and Activities (GSA). In the following boxes, describe the functions of the proposed program and then complete a fillable form called GSA. I wi.,..rrmu—n lamlI Aril le':aiatvtlr.Cnnvertar/Neeollalion,asu?i=i&FIscalYear=2024&GranteelD=2&AppID=269 619 9/23/24, 2:48 PM Senate Bill 224 Grant Negotiation MVCPA programs must completely describe the actions, methods and tactics that law enforcement and civilian staff will perform for each of the categories below. Describe the reliance on technology or other program elements to solve the problem statement above and goals below. Functions must be detailed and consistent with the requested budget. if a grant is awarded, funds expended towards activities not described in this section will result In the reimbursement being denied. Part I 31 Functions of the proposed program related to Catalytic Converter Theft from a motor vehicle. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will utilize multiple Goals, Strategies and Activities to reduce the Incidence of Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle, employing a comprehensive program Including "Force Multipliers" such as LPITs / Cameras, Drones and Night Vision devices to address and reduce the problem. Strategy: Reduce the Incidence of Catalytic Converter Theft: Goals: Identify and Target Offenders and Prolific Offenders - Collect Intelligence - Collaborate with Law Enforcement Agencies and other Organizations - Community Crime Prevention Campaign. Activities: Identify and target Offenders and Prolific Offenders: Offenders in Catalytic Converter theft from a motor vehicle will be identified by Information and Intelligence gathered from offense reports, Intelligence gained from arrests, Informants, other law enforcement agencies, LPR's (FLOCK Cameras and dedicated Video Wall Boards to supplement the Beaumont PD Real Time Crime Center Monitoring System, as well as provide real time live feed access and monitoring of operations conducted by the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, which will he Instrumental In intelligence gathering), surveillance observations (including the use of Drones and Night Vision Binoculars), bait operations, repair shop Inspections, salvage yard Inspections, metal recyclar Inspections, as well as Used Auto Parts resale location Inspections. The Beaumont Police Department Crime Analyst will also used to a degree to determine patterns or trends In these offenses. The offenders will be the target of investigations based on the method of operation involved In the crime, types of vehicles being targeted, geographical locatlan of the crimes and any information or evidence pointing to or linking them to the crime(s). Covert operations will be used to target catalytic converter theft from a motor vehicle offenders, such as, bait operations, surveillance (Drones and Night Vision Binoculars) and LPR system data mining (FLOCK cameras), as well as witnesses or video from crime scenes, to identify offenders and determine If there Is an organized criminal enterprise Involved. Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle requires an Involved plan using LPR`s (FLOCK Cameras) as a large Intelligence gathering data base. These cameras, which will placed throughout the city of Beaumont in areas near and around Salvage Yards, Metal Recyciers and Used Auto Parts Dealers, as well as main thoroughfares and highways, working In conjunction with the Axon Camera system that Is already in place at the Beaumont Police Department in all patrol vehicles, which are also LPR's, will be the focal point of the Intelligence gathering mechanism, There are numerous Individuals working alone and organized criminal rings, committing these thefts, There are often no real patterns to follow, such as general time frames, as they occur at all times of the day; geographical areas are unlimited and random; when the crime Is committed, the actors are generally not visible, as they are under a vehicle, The property taken Is not generally traceable and may be sold in other slates. Therefore, Intelligence collection and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, in and out of the coverage area will be essential. Developing relationships with privately owned businesses, in and out of the coverage area, that deal In catalytic converter sales or purchases, will be priority in order to obtain Information or intelligence on potential or confirmed actors in these thefts. That type of networking is already In place and work is being done to expand those contacts further. Collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and other organizations: Collaboration with law enforcement agencies in and out of the project area and other MVCPA State Task Forces to determine crime trends, patterns and suspected offenders, through intelligence sharing. This includes information or Intelligence Involving juvenile offenders. Assisting other agencies with Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle. This collaboration will be necessary in determining If the crimes are being committed by an organized ring, if It Is one Individual or a crime of opportunity. The collaboration would include the District Attorney's Offices In the jurisdictions affected, to help them understand the scope and Importance of the crime(s) and provide any additional information that might be needed to properly prosecute the offenders) utilizing The Deputy Darren Almendarez Act to achieve the maximum Incarceration result. Community Crime Prevention and Awareness Is a component of the overall program. Information and Instruction for the public Is Important to aid in the prevention of even one auto related crime. The Task Force will continue the efforts to educate the public in as many forums as are available; Neighborhood Association Meetings, Civic Organizations, Citizens Police Academy, Media Interviews, Police ! Community Events, mass Catalytic Converter engraving events marking converters with a standardized engraving making the converter traceable to a specific vehicle or giving the ability to detect that the converter has been altered giving the presumption of theft and Public Service Announcements through the Beaumont Police Department, along with Social Media. 3.4 Functions of the proposed program related to preventing Catalytic Converter Theft The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force proposes to utilize training, education and public awareness programs, in an effort to reduce catalytic converter theft from a motor vehicle. These efforts will be focused on training of law enforcement officers in the project area at an annual Motor Vehicle Crimes TCOLE approved training class, roll call training conducted by task force personnel at the Beaumont Police Department and dissemination of the information to agencies within the project area. This Information will Include the latest Catalytic Converter theft from a motor vehicle intelligence, a$ It is acquired and any Information on actor(s) / vehicle(s) Involved. This information may be relayed or distributed to individual agencies In or out of the project area, as determined by relevance or necessity, for timely action relating to frequency or urgency of the crime pattern or trend. The Task Force will also attend Neighborhood Association Meetings, as deemed necessary to educate the public on methods to minimize becoming a victim of Catalytic Converter Theft. These practices would include, securing vehlctes at night In a garage or well lit area, purchasing aftermarket catalytic converter protection devices, marking catalytic converters with heat resistant bright colored paint or engraving the VIN on the converter and adding vibration sensors to the vehicle with a car alarm. The task force would also set dates for engraving of Catalytic Converters to be conducted at the Task Force Office. These engraving events would be coordinated with the local agencies in the project area and with other MVCPA task forces for regional or statewide events. The task force will also use the media and social media to publicize Information on how to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of Catalytic Converter theft. 3.6 Collaboration Effort -- Describe the taskforce method to collaborate, and not duplicate existing activities. Describe the cross boundaries regional approach to grant activity Implementation. Describe how the applicant staff and jurisdiction will coordinate with other taskforces and law enforcement agencies to Implement this program. litips://mvcpa.tame.edu/CatalytieConverter/Negoliallon.asp?l =1 &FlscalYear=2024&GranteeiD=2&AppiD=269 6/9 9123124, 2:48 PM Senate Bill 224 Grant Negotiation The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force maintains a close working relationship with the agencies in the coverage area. Regular communication and interaction with these agencies allows for information and Intelligence exchanges, reducing duplication of activities. The Task Force is called on by these agencies when they experience an Issue related to motor vehicle crimes, including Catalytic Converter theft from a motor vehicle. The task force also networks with other task forces In the region. Statewide collaboration is facilitated, In great part, through the MVCPA monthly webinars. These exchanges illustrate how Information on trends and patterns that are occurring in other parts of the state, may predict that they will be occurring In our area and vice versa. Task Force personnel make regular contact with last( forces in the region regarding active cases. These collaborations have resulted In recoveries in all aspects of motor vehicle crimes and catalytic converter theft, as well as suspect development and apprehensions. Communication is the key to coordination and collaboration to minimize duplication and maximize deconfliclion. Project area agencies also call on the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force for any resources that might be available through the task force and are always accommodated If possible. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force fosters these long-standing relationships, maintaining these alliances and working toward the common good for the project area and the State of Texas. 3.7 If the proposed application requests any exceptions or deviation frorn any general grant rules, RFA conditions or grant administrative policy, please indicate In the section below. Indicate the section of the specific Issue and citation that you are asking the MVCPA to consider and the rational for the request. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is not requesting any exceptions or deviations from rules, conditions or policies, Part 11 Goals, Strategies, and Activities Select Goals, Strategies, and Activity Targets for the proposed program described in the application. Click on the lint( above to open a new table called Goats, Strategies, and Activity. Applicants will review the statutory and optional activities. The first section Is the statutory measures. Grantees may not provide targets for this section but need to review the descriptions to ensure that they understand the statutory minimum requirements associated with this grant. Applicants will then review the other items and estimate targets for only the activities that the applicant has described and plans to complete under this application. )O 1.1 1AA 1.1.2 hMlirii,r Measure Target Identify groups of catalytic conveter theft offenders through Intelligence gathering, crime analysis and the use of Informants Identify and document/record prolific Catalytic Converter Theft offenders [Prolific Is defined as "linked to Catalytic Converter Theft offenses three or more times"] 1.1.5 Conduct inspections of local businesses related to vehicle enterprise (transportation code or occupation code authorized companies such as salvage yard, repair shop, parts recycling center, used car dealership, .salvage rebuilder, title service company, other). 1,1.6 Conduct bait vehicle operations that target Catalytic Converter Theft offenders 1.1.8 Deploy license plate readers (LPR) 1.1.9 Respond to taskforce license plate reader (LPR) alert notifications 1.1.12 Conduct covert operations targeting Catalytic Converter Theft offenders 1.1,13 Conduct warrant "round -up" operations targeting catalytic converter crime offenders, including people wanted for Catalytic Converter Theft Number of catalytic conveter inen groups ►oommuu, muiuuG yal luo, 1101io,o criminal enterprise with two or more members Number Identifiedidocumented offenders Number of businesses inspected Number of bait vehicle deployments. Include Catalytic Converter Theft bait operations here. Number of times LPR deployed. Deploy; if stationary unit then total number of days or partial days unit was operable and on. Mobile unit number of days the unit was on and operable. Number of times Investigators responded to taskforce LPR alert notifications regardless of whether vehicle was located Number of covert operations Number of warrant round -up operations performed Catalytic Converter Theft 1.1,15 Increase the recovery rate of stolen Report the number of Catalytic Converters recovered by taskforce motor vehicle Catalytic Converter Theft 20 hFL...•ll....,..r.,, ton,,, nivnr.P.nnvarinrlroAoctiaticn.asap-t&FlscalYear-2024&GranleeiD=2&AppID=2H 719 9/23124, 2:4t3 PM Senate Bill 224 Grant Negollation ID Activity Measure Target 1.1,16 increase the clearance rate of Report the number of Catalytic Converter Theft cases cleared Catalytic Converter Theft 1.1,17 Increase the number of persons Report the number of persons arrested for Catalytic Converter Theft by taskforce arrested for Catalytic Convetler Theft . - 1.2 :::'Strateyy2:Condllct Gollabot�ative;ffoits_:tf�ak:Rosiilt 1n.E?ectuctloit of.lrtcictettks of Caf�lytic:Caive.rter.Theft 1.2.1 Provide Agency Assists for Catalytic Number of agency assists related to catalytic conveter theft. Assist means 90 Converter Theft responding or answering questions via phone, e-mail, or In person. Providing recommendation, guidance, strategy, support or Information that other LEOs will use to resolve their cases. The assist generally does not have the direct responsibility for an Investigation nor uses LEO authority. The'assist helps another LEO or agency Investigate cases. Analysts and civilian employees will record their assists to outside LEOs. and agencies met here alongwith officers, 1.2.2 Collaborate with other units or Number of times collaborated within departments or SOs participating in taskforce 5 divisions (i.e. homicide, vice, related to Catalytic Converter Theft, Collaboration means physically using law narcotics; etc.) within the taskforce enforcement resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that draw department(s) where there were upon or aid in the Investigation intended to further the resolution of any case, crimes Involving catalytic converter identify parties to crime, Identify vehicles, interview witnesses/suspects and theft. Include all participating apprehend suspects. Collaboration will include any help, recommendation, Jurisdiction departments here. contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids In the furtherance of Catalytic Converter Theft investigations, 1.23 Collaborate with all other outside LE Number of times collaborated with coverage area agencies or other law 5 agencies and other organizations that enforcement agencies and organizations that assist In the reduction of.Cataiytic assist in the reduction of Catalytic Converter Theft, Collaboration means physically using law enforcement resources, Converter Theft, Include all coverage tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that draw upon or old In the jurisdictions here Investigation intended to further the resolution of any case, identify parties to crime, Identify vehicles, Interview witnesseslsuspects and apprehend suspects. Collaboration will include any help, recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids In the furtherance of Catalytic Converter Theft investigations 1.2.6 Conduct intelligence Information- Number of intelligence meetings attended (Include attending as presenter, sharing (Personal attendance) participant or attendee) 1.2.6 Conduct intelligence information- Crime analysis bulletins disseminated (Include information distributed to law sharing (Written Information) enforcement agencies via text, e-mail, or antra -net communications) 1.2.7 Collaborate with other MVCPA Number of times collaborated with other MVCPA (askforces that assist in the taskforces reduction In Catalytic Converter Theft 3.1 ...:.,.:...• Strafe" •1`:Ccrid 3.1.1 Conduct educational outreach events (include trade show, exhibits, booths at community events, vehicle displays, brochures, etc.) 3.1,2 Conduct educational presentations to the public 3.1.4 Conduct vehicle Identification inlfiativelevent Conduct vehicle identification Initiativelevent Number of outreaches Number of presentations, Presentation means in person, on-line, original written document, article, orwebpage. Number of etching events. Including catalytic converters. Number of Participants/Attendees Catalytic Converters Marked) 3,1,5 Purchase advertisements In local Number of advertisements purchased or provided complimentary for taskforce, outlets include all types of media purchased or provided free (social, lv, utility Inserts, billboards, transportation, etc.) 3,1.7 Utilize social media outlets (Facebook, Number of postings In social media outlets 10 Twitter, Instagram, etc,) 3.1,13 Deploy outdoor public notificatlon Number of deployments per month (if sign remains several months, count as 1 signage deployment per month) 3,1.10 Conduct media outreach, Including, Number of outreaches 2 public service announcements, press releases, and Interviews 2 = :::Strata 2Con cE 1 aw:rifarcernpt�t;Tralriing_Activities;to:Educate,fflcer.:s :oil Recgntiai�;aiid.,Aporeltpnsibri ...::: Stolen. Vehicles slid Prbpety :` 1 3.2.1 Conduct law enforcement training Number of classes provided for TOOLE credit 1 (TOOLE) 323 Conduct vehicle crimes presentations Number of classes or presentations, Presentations may Include electronic roll call 5 to law enforcement agencies (non documents, shift BOLOS and other written or presented materials based on local TOOLE) practices. htips:l/mvcpa.tame.edtdCatatytla(,onverter)Negoilatlon.asp?i=i&FlscalYear2024&GrenteolD=2&ApplD=269 8/9 9/23124, 2.A8 PM senale alii 224 Grant Negotiation Grant Evaluation 4.1 Describe the local method and/or practice used to collect the data for reporting Goals, Strategies, and Activities and to evaluate the grant program effectiveness. Describe management and staff participation. Include descriptions of systems (forms and software) that will be used to ensure reliable and accurate data Is collected and reported. Describe any other evaluation methods used In the applicant agency to determine effectiveness or cost efficiency of the program, The local evaluation process establishes accountability and measurement of progress through collection of data and Information throughout the chain of command. Investigators are required to keep activity logs and submit monthly reports to the Program Manager. The Task Force Superviso►/Program Manager reviews cases and monitors the activities of investigators. The Program Director oversees the entire operation, including the field supervisor, and maintains records of activity and spending. The Program Director works closely with the Beaumont CFO's grant coordinator and reports as necessary to the department heads of the participating agencies to discuss progress and/or problems, NIBRS data for all agencies within the project area will be closely monitored to determine the overall Impact of Task Force efforts. Personal activity logs and specific reports will be maintained to log progress on stated objectives, These include information detailing such things as the number of bait operations, Inspections and public awareness initiatives performed. They will also record other liems like arrests made, cases filed, Catalytic Converters recovered, and the dispositions. of the property upon completion of the cases. Progress of the program will be evaluated monthly. Each Investigator will complete a monthly report based on MVCPA reporting categories and the specific strategies, activities and goals of this grant, Each report will be accompanied by documentation supporting the Information given. The Project Manager will then compile that Information Into the quarterly Progress Reports that are forwarded to MVCPA. All other MVCPA required reporting will be completed by the Program Manager, such as the year end progress report. 4.2 Provide any other suggested measures that would better reflect the law enforcement or prevention work that the proposed program will perform. If the suggested measure fits Into one of the stated goals above please Indicate. None Noied. TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments ® We acknowledge reviewing the TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of PubllcAccounts and agree to abide by the terms stated therein. File UaLqad Current Documents in folder gesolution,p f (5123/2024 9:30:33 AM) Jgned Statement of Grant Award,pg (819/2024 10:46:53 AM) hitps:0mvepa.tame.0(W/CatalyllcConverterlNeg otlatlon.asp?1-1UfscalYear2024WranleelDn2&AppID=269 9/9 PY24 Pinal Negotiated Application Senate Bill 224 Grant Negotiation for 2024 The Application was submitted by Kenneth Williams at 7131120241:17:27 PM and Is now locked. The confirmation Number Is 2024073100269. PrimaryAgency I Grantee Legal Name: Clfy of boaumonl Organization Type, Law E'nforcomenf Organization OR[ (if applicable): 7X1230100: BEAUMONT PD (MIP) Program Title Please enter a short description of the proposed program that can be used as the tills. Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Application Category (See Request for Applications (RFA] for category details and descriptions RFA Priority Funding Section): O New Grant - 2024 Is the first year of the MVCPA Catalytic Conveter program Grants. All 2024 grant applicants use (tie new grant category. MVCPA Program Category (see RFA and TAC 43, 3 §67.14). Check all that apply, M Law Enforcement, Detection and Apprehension O Prosecution, Adjudication and Conviction M Reducilon of the Theft of Catalytic Converters M Education Programs and Marketing Taskforce Grant Participation and Coverage Area Provide a General Description of the Participating and Coverage Area of tills Grant Application Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, and Jasper counties and all municipalities thereln. Doftne In the tables below the grant relationships and geographic area of the Catalytic Converter program, Applicant will add the participating and coverage agencies from the ORi list below. If an agency is not In the ORl list, please include the agency and role In the general description above. Make sure to follow the definitions below and select an agency in the dropdown. Use the Add as Particlpafing Agency or Add as Coverage Agency button to populate the list. Participating Agencies are agencies that materially participate in the grant application through the exchange of funds for reimbursement and cash match. Participating agencies are defined after Ilia grant award by interlocailinteragency agreements. Each applicant must select their own agency first, Then select agencies that will receive or provide funding and/or resources. JNote: Interlocalllnteragency agreements do not need to be submitted with the application, interlocal agreements will need to be executed prior to ilia first payment being made if selected for a grant, Leiters of support with the application from the participating agencies are strongly recommended.] Coverage Agencies are agencies that provided some level of coverage, assistance or support by This grant application but will not materially exchange funds as cash match or reimbursement, The coverage Is not supported by an after (lie award with Interlocal/Weragency agreements. Coverage agencies as law enforcement agencies may have )urisdlcttonal coverage agreements unrelated to the grant (Ex, City Y Is within County X or vice versa). Agencles selected In this list include agencies that will be covered or where the agency Indicates that their agency will coordinate or call upon the program, Letters of support with the appllcallon from the parilcipating agencies are strongly recommended. i AJ.AnMna i:AVAI'AffA ArfA11CIAS Snlecl Ag°Ilolos „ JEFFERSON CO SO HARDIN CO SO , Nal assodatad with any low enforcement et111t!o BEAUMONT PD (MIP) KOUNTZE PD Anderson PORTARTHUR PD (AE) SILSBEE PD ANDERSON 00 80 (AE) tTX00100001 U SOUR LAKE Pa U PALESTINE PD (fX60101001 LUMBERTON PO (IBR) FRANKSTON PD tTX00103001 JASPER 00 SO Andrews JASPER PD ANDREWS CO SO ITX0020000) Y IQRBYVILLE PD Add es ParticipatingAganclas I UIIlelBaeleCSOa Add as Coverage Agondes p Other Coverage (Use If ORl not listed or explanation is necessary.): No text provided. -D National Insurance Crltne Bureau (NICB) Used as Match (Documentation and time certification required.) O Texas Department of Pubile. Safety (DPS) O Other State or federal Agency (specify:) Resolution: Complete a Resolution and submit to local governing body for approval, sannple Resolutlon Is found In the Request for Application of send a request for an electronic copy to rgrantsMVCPA Ndmv gov, The completed anti executed Resolution must be attached to this on-line application. Grant Budget Form MVCPA recommends that the applicant complete the total costs (MVCPA and Cash Match combined) for this program. The applicant can then enter the desired amount of Cash Match (not less than 20% per TAC Title 43, A§57.36). The system will then calculate (he correct grant and match amounts. Budget Entry Option: Q Enter Total and let system calculate MVCPA Funds and Cash Match, Match Percentage: % U Enter MVCPA and Cash Match Amounts Click on category name to edit budget detail for that category. Budget Category Personnel Frltrcde Ove111mo Professlonaf and Confracl Servicas 7Yave1 Equlpnneni Supplles and.01regt Operalbtq Expenses (DOE) Total Cash Match Percentage Dasoripllon Total Personnel Total Fringe Total Overtone Total Professlottal and Conlracl Services Cash MVCPA Match Total In-Khnd Expsndlturos Expondlturos Expendltures Match $247,700 $2AQ,000 $527,700 MVCPA Suboallagory Pat Thne Funds Personnel Fringe Overtime Professional and Contract services Travel $0 $247,700 $0 $280,oaa $0 $627,700 0,00% hlrKind Cash Match Total Match Total Travel MVCPA ht-KInd Description Subcategory Pct Time Funds Cash Match Total Match Equipment High Definition Night Vision Binoculars $6,800 $0 $6,800 4-PostAutomollve Service Lift $12,800 $0 $12,800 Cordless DOT Peen Marking System $7,700 $0 $7,700 Video Wall Board $99,600 $0 $99,600 3 Side Video Display $20,600 $0 $20,600 2- 2023 4X4112 ton Crew Cab 4dr trucks $92,900 $0 $92,900 Arlel Drone (UAV) $7,400 $0 $7,400 Total Equipment $247,700 $0 $247,700 Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) FLOCK Cameras/LPR's $280,000 $0 $280,000 Total Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) $280,000 $0 $280,000 Budget Narrative Equipment High Definition Night Vision Binoculars (Pulsar HD XP50 Thermal Imaging) with built -In photo and recording capability. 2.5x-20x magnlflcatlon with built -In wl-fl (2.616Ghz) allowing for streaming to a smartphone through the Stream Vision 2 Mobile Application. This equipment will be used for nighttime operations to detect Catalytic Converter thieves In larger areas, such as apartment complexes, hotel parking lots and fleet vehicle parking areas. ($6,800.00) Rotary 4-Post Service Llft with 14,000 pound lifting capacity and 182" wheelbase with closed front (220/Single, Phase Power and Automotive Lift Institute Certified). Delivery And Installation are In the total price. This lift will add to the 12,000 pound 4-post service lift the task force already has, The additional lift would be used for Catalytic Converter engraving as well as being used for vehicle Inspections relating to other motor vehicle crimes, ($12,U0.00) Flymark Cordless Mini DOT Peen Marking System with an integrated barcode scanner, from Rocklin Manufacturing Co. The system comes with two batteries, battery charger and protective carrying case. This system will be used to mark Catalytic Converters on vehicles with the corresponding VIN, which will be read by the barcode scanner and automatically populate the system with correct VIN to be stamped on. the converter. ($7,700.00) 4X3 Video Wall: Cables & Connectors (16 @ $29.00 each $464.00); Mounting Hardware (16 @ $29.60 each $464.00); Wire Management (16 @ $29.00 each $464.00); AMX,FON2222A-SA Video, JPEG2000 Decoder, AES67 (12 @ $1,143.00 each $13,716.00); LG,55VSM.5J-H Dlsp, 55" FHD, Even Bezel .44MM (12 @ $4,000.00 each $48,960.00; PEFR.DS-VW776 Mount, Smart Mount Supreme (12 @ $414.00 each $4,968,00) Total for Equipment: $60,036.06. Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Project Management, Installation, Commissioning, Training and Warranty $30,349.00. (Total project: $99,386,00) 3 Side Display: Mounting Hardware (2 @ $2.9.00 Each $58.00); Wfre.Management (2 @$29.00 Each $68.00); MAX.FGN2222A-SAVIdoo,JPEG2000 Decoder, AES67 (3 @ 1.143,00 Each $3,429.00); L.G.86UR340C90D Dlsp.TV, 86", 4K, UHD 330NIT (3 @ $2,520,. Each $7,560.00); Peer.ST680 Mount, Universal Till for 61" -102" Fi.- (3 @ $147.00 Each $441.00) Total Equipment: $11,646,00, Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Project Management, Installation, Commissioning, Training and Warranty $9,061,00. (Total Project: $20,607.00) These Video walls will be used along with the Beaumont Police Department Real Time Crime Center using FUSUS to monitor public and private video feeds throughout the city and area, as a real lime force multiplier, This equipment will enable live feeds from ongoing operations, such as live feeds from drones, pole cameras, halt vehicles (which the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will be employing) cell phones, ring door bell cameras, FLOCK LPR/Cameras and traffic cameras. This also adds the ability to respond more quickly and obtain more Information on crimes Ilke Catalytic Converter theft -from a Motor Vehicle as they occurring or right after they have occurred. This would greatly enhance the efforts of the Task Force in the combatting Catalytic Converter theft, not just in the ability to. monllar areas, of Catalytic Converter thefts, also the amount of Intelligence that would be gleaned from tills effort, 2023 Ford FAA Crew Cab 4 ;Door Trucks (2 @ $46,500.00 Each (Total: $92,900.00) One. of the vehicles being requested Is to replace a vehicle for the Jefferson County Deputy. The vehicle that had been being used was a seized vehicle from Jefferson County. That vehicle was totaled In a wreck that left the deputy seriously Injured. The driver of the other vehicle was lntoxlcated, The Deputy Is now driving a 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe (VIN: IGNLC2E07DR369582) with 128,780 miles on It and Is In poor shape. The other vehicle Is a replacement for a Gray 2016 Ford F-160 (VIN: 1FTEW1 CF6GKF-6036i) and has approximately 118,000 miles on It and is 8 years old. (Total: $92,900.00) DJI Mavic 3T Plus Combo: Comes with Mavic 3T Aircraft (UAV) Mavlc 3 Intelligent Flight Battery, mlcroSD Card 64GI3, Gimbal Protector, Mavic 3 Enterprise Series Propellers (Palr) x3, RC Pro Enterprise controller, Sorewdriver, USB-C Power Adapter (100W), 100W Power Adaptor AC Cable, USB-C Cable, USB-C to USB-C Cable, Protector Case, DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Series RTK Module, DJ1 Mavic 3 Enterprise Series Battery Kit for charging batteries to prolong flight time, ($7,400.00) This drone has a conventional camera (66x Hybrid zoom), as well as, Thermal Imaging (640012 px), both of which can be viewed simultaneously. The flight time on one battery is rated at 45 minutes. 3 additional batteries and a Series Charging Hub come with the package for extended flight time In more lengthy surveillance operations. Ideally suited for nighttime operations. Video storage Is 640B and the video can also be viewed remotely. ($7,400.00) G. Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) The Task force Is requesting funding for 88 FLOCK LPR/Cameras. 80 Short Range LPR/Cameras (80 @ $3,000.00 per year $240,000,00) and 8 Long Range LPR/Cameras (8 @ $6,000.00 per year $40,000) for a total of $280,000,00. This contract would be paid yearly and the equipment Is leased, so there would be no equipment Inventory or repairs to equipment. The Hock LPRICamere system will be an Integral part of Ilya Task Force Intelligence gathering network, This Intelligence will be used to Identify Catalytic Converter theft from a Motor Vehicle actors vehicles and Increase the probability of Identifying actors to make arrests and recover stolen Catalytic Converters. ROVe,rlre Indicate Source of Cash and In -Kind Matches for Ilia proposed program, Click on links to go to match dotal] pages for entry of data. Cosh Match III-Khl(1-Match n�..�l..si.... #- om,&— f ht•attl 13mlhlron Statement Reported Cases 2022 2023 Jurisdiction Catalytic Converter Theft catalytic Converter Theft Beaumont PD 420 100 Jefferson CO SO 10 4 Nederland 0 2 Orange PD 14 3 Port Arthur PD 71 10 Kountze PD 1 0 Sour Lake PD 4 0 Vidor PD 0 0 Lumberton PD 1-1 3 AddlEclll Statistics Appllcatlon Narrative Grant Introduction (I~xooutivb surmimary) and Genseal Information 1.1 Briefly describe the organization and program operation. Provide a high level summary to the application and how It will affect the local commtltlily, (600 words or less) The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force has been an Integral part of reducing molar vehicle crimes, including the particularly dIsrupllve Issue of Catalytic Converter Theft, In Jefferson, Orange, Hardin, and Jasper Counties since 19g3. Comprised of dedicated p=1111 ei from the Beaumont Police Depadmont, Port Arthur Police Department, and ilia Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, ilia task force has consistently worked to combat these crimes, which have Maniflcant economic and social Impacts on the affected communities, Catalytic Converter Thaft not only causes financial losses for Individuals and businesses but also disrupts essential activities suc)r as worlc commutes, school runs, medical visits, and grocery shopping. The ripple effects extend to Industries like petrochemicals, which rely on uninterrupted transportation for their operations. To address this pressing Issue, the lask force plans to leverage technology and force multipliers such as License Plato Readers (LPRs / Cameras), drones, and night vision binoculars, as welt as the Beaumont Police Department Real Time Crime Center, to gather Intelligence on Catalytic Converter theft activities. Additionally, the task force will continue Inspections of Metal Recycling Entities, tiled Parts Dealers, and Salvage Yards and Repair Shops to Idontlfy any entities involved In the Illegal purchase or sale of stolen Catalytic Converters, This intelligence -gathering effort will utilize various sources, Including community input, aline patterns, and trends analysis, as wall as surveillance, covert operations, and lips from programs like Crirno Stoppers. The Implementation of S13224, known as The Deputy Darren AlmondarezAct, will enhance legal support to arrest and proseeuto offenders Involved in Catalytic Converter Theft. By working closely with the judicial eyslem, the task force alms to ensure thorough Investigations and maximize prosecution outcomes, Furiharmore, community angagement and education Initiatives will play a crucial role in preventing Catalytic Converter Theft, This Includes awareness presentallons, marking events for Catalytic converters, and fostering relationships with law enforcement agenclas within and outside the coverage area to facilitate collaboration and Information sharing. Ultimately, the goal of the Southeast Texas Auto Their Task Force Is to reduoe Catalytic Converter theft and enhance the safety and security of call coltnnunllies lit the State of Texas through proactive enforcement, publlo education, and collaborative efforts, 1,2 Describe the taskforce governing, organization and command structures. include a description of Ilia nature of support and agreements that will be In place If the gram Is awarded. Provide any details untclue to the taskforce organization or geographical target area, Describe whether any part of this grant will be directed to serve a specltic target population (or subset of ilia community)? The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is a part of (lie Beaumont Pollee Department Criminal Investigations Division. There is a Captain of the Division, with Lieutenants over the units In the Division. The Auto Theft Task Force has a Lieutenant over tile unit, Ilia( Is also designated as the Commander / Program Director. The Lieutenant Is responsible for oversight of all aspects of the Auto Theft Task Force and the grant. The Task Force Commander has a Sergeant that Is designated as tile Supervisor 1 Program Mariagor. "the Sergeant is responsible for case assignments, manthly reports, quarterly progress reports and all other dolly i weekly / mohtlrty supervisory duties pertaining to case Investigallons, proposed activities or operations which furtherthe grant goals and ensure (hat they are met. Investigators are responsible for case Investigations and all other duties that are assigned. There are four Investigators from the Beaumont Police Department, one investigator. from Ilte Jefferson County Sheriffs Department alld one investigator from the Port Arthur Police Department, There will be interlOGal agreements In place with each of Ilia four counties Included In the coverage area, as well as the participating sub -grantee Departments, Jefferson County Sherrtf s Department. and Port Arthur Police Department. There will also be letters of agreement will) the Distdot Attorneys of each'counly In the coverage area. Tile four -county project area is comprised of numerous collllnunitles and according to the most recent US Census estimate (2020) (he counties have a combined population of approximately 430,000, Will, nearly 00% residing lit Jefferson County, The four-cotalty project area is in the soulheast corner of the state, with a combined area of 2,361 square tulles. There are 20 local law enforcement agencles In the coverage area. The major roadways which bisect the coverage area are as follows: Interstate 10 goes directly through Orange and Jefferson Counties and Is the major southern coast to coast Interstate highway In the United States. Highway 90 Is also a major highway which cuts through tine center of the City of Beaumont east to west. State Highway 106 also comes through Beaumont from the northwest. Highway 69/96/207 Is the major north south highway coming directly through Jasper and Hardin counties into Beaumont and Port Arthur, There is also Highway 73, which Is south of Beaumont closer to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and runs from Winnle, TX to near Orange, TX. The Port of Beaumont, the Port of Port Arthur and the Pori of Orange are also in the coverage area. The Coverage area Is bounded by the Gulf of Mexico to the south and tine Sabina River to the Past, abutting the Louisiana state line In Orange County. The Neches River is the waterway [lint is the eastern boundary of the City of Beaumont and empties Into the Sabine River near the Gulf of Mexico. Beaumont Is the largest city along interstate 10 between Houston and Baton Rouge, LA, The Beaumont area Is also the 6th most densely populated area in the Slate, The City of Beaumont has a population of 115,013. Tire estimated daytime population, according to TxDoT (Beaumont Commuting Area Reports Portal), swells to 135,805. That Influx of 20,702 also brings more vehicles Into the city Increasing (he number of vehicles that become targets of Catalytic Converter Theft. There are over 100,000 vehicles per day that pass through the city limits of Beaumont on Interstate 10. (TXDOT TTP Web Viewer AADT) TXDOT reported there were over 390,000 vehicles registered within our four -county coverage area In 2021, More than half of these vehicles are in Jefferson County, which Is primarily urban and suburban areas. The four -county project area had 531 vehicles that suffered Catalytic Converter thefts for 2022 and 119 Catalytic Converter thefts reported for 2023. (Numbers obtained from project area agencies that had accurate records of Catalytic Converter thefts) According to Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation records, there are 11 licensed Metal Recycling Entities in the four -county coverage area. There are 12 Used Auto Parts Racyclers In the four -county coverage area; The entire population of the coverage area will be served by the task force, The amount of service will be dictated by the need for assistance from agencies In the eoVerage area, Investigations that lead to different specific areas and on the rise or fall In the frequency of Catalylic Converter Thefts In that specific community or geographic area. Grant Problem Statement 2,1 Provide an assessment of the Catalytic ConverlerTheft problem In the coverage area of this application. Include loss data consistent with the reported incident numbers above, The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force coverage area has experienced an enormous increase In Catalytic Converter theft since 2020. The thefts, driven by the price of precious metals, which are found in Catalytic Converters, such as Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium. The trace precious metals, which act as the catalysts In the converter, essentially converUreduce the hydrocarbons in the exhaust of combustion engines, creating less environmentally harmful emissions, The catalytic converters are harvested by street level criminals and then sold to "fences", These "middle men" in turn sell the converters to Metal Racyclers. Once the metals are melted and separated the Metal Racyclers can sell the precious metals. This market grew exponentially as prices of Rhodium, Palladium and Platinum soared In 2021-2023, This huge Increase in metal prices drove the Catalytic Converter theft market. Rhodlum prices surged from approximately $6,000 per ounce in early 2021 to over $20,000 per ounce by mld-2023. Palladium prices rose from around $%000 per ounce in early 2021 to over $3,000 per ounce In mld-2023, Platinum prices saw a more modest Increase, from about $1,000 per ounce In early 2021 to around $1,200 per ounce In mld-2023. Due to the Increase In precious metal prices, the offenders then have the opportunity to Increase the reward for a relatively low risk crime, which is extremely hard to detect, from a law enforcement perspective, The offenders only need a reciprocating saw with metal cidling blades. These offenders usually target vehicles that sit higher off the ground, such as trucks and SUV's. They also target vehicles with more than one converter, The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Taslc Force experienced the highest theft rates from Toyota Vehicles during 2022-2023, More specifically Tundra and Tacoma Pick -Up Trucks, These vehicles have more than one Catalytic Converter. The Tundra has A Catalytic Converters, two on each exhaust. The Tacoma has two Catalytic Converters on the single exhaust. The Beaumont area Is located approximately 8o miles east of Houston and runs all the way to the Louisiana State Line. Interstate 10 Is a direct access highway from Houston and became the target of many Catalytic Converter thieves during 2022-2023. Many collaborations were conducted with Houston PD and Harris County daring that time, identifying several actors In both Jurisdictions. There were also local actors Idenlitled and arrested as well.'The Legislature passed HB 4110, restricting Metal Recyclers ability to purchase,and sell Catalytic Converters, This had little effect on the'theft rates, due to the sill] rising metal prices. This also created the need to transport the converters out of the stale in order to sell them. During this time p'srlod actors were now going across tite Louisiana Stale Line in order (a avoid detection. The Task Force was able to work with at least one Metal Reoycler In Louisiana to Identify some of the local Catalytic Converter thieves and made at least three arrests on prolific offenders from the Beaumont area, The operations conducted by Houston PD, Harris County SO and other Houston Area agencies after the deatfi of Deputy Darren Almendarez, had a significant effect on the Catalytic Converter theft rate In the Beaumont area. This, followed by The Deputy Darren Almendarez Act (SB 224), which gave funding and.a law with teeth, are huge steps In the battle against Catalytic Converter theft. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force project area has recorded at least 663 Catalytic Converter thefts (based on the statistics above, which are agencies that had accurate records. of Catalytic Converter theft from a Motor Vehicle) during the 2022-202S Grant years, This is substantial when figuring Just replacement cost to the consumer, During (lie height of the Covid-19 pandemic some estimates for replacement of the Catalytic ConvertedExhaust system were as high as $8,000.00 and. a watt of up to three months for the parts, due to the high demand and the disruption of the supply chain. These thefts In many cases furthered the disruption, aggravating the Issue. Based on a very conservative average of $2,000,00 per Catalytic Converter system, would be over $1,300,000,00. This doesn't lake Into account the social and economic losses, such as lost time at work, missed doctors visits, Inability to gel kids to school, deliveries that could not get made etc. These costs are exponentially Incalculable, Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle Is costly to everyone In tine State of Texas and fill the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force coverage area hard economically and socially. Many businesses were closed down for undetermined lengths of time due to those thefts, not to mention the families that suffered additional hardships. Grant Goals and Activities There are two parts to this section:1) Funcilons of Proposed Program and 2) Goals Strategies and Activities (GSA). In the following boxes, describe the functions of the proposed program and [hen complete a tillable form called GSA, MVCPA programs must completely describe the actions, methods and tactics that law enforcement and clvllian staff will perform for each of the categories below. Describe the reliance on technology or other program elements to solve the problem statement above and goals below. Functions must be detailed and consistent with the requested budget. If a grant Is awarded, funds expended towards activities not described in tills section will result in the reimbursement being denied. Part 1 3.1 Functions of The proposed program related to Catalytic Converter Theft from a motor vehicle. 'rite Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will utilize multiple Goals, Strategies and Activities to reduce the incidence of Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle, employing a comprehensive program Including "Force Multipliers" such as LPR's / Cameras, Drones and Night Vision devices to address and reduce ilia problem. Strategy: Reduce the Incidence of Catalytic Converter Theft: Goals: Identify and Target Offenders and Prolific Offenders - Collect Intelligence - Collaborate with Law Enforcement Agencies and other Organizations - Community Crime Prevention Campaign. Activities: Identify and target Offenders and Prolific Offenders: Offenders In Catalytic Converter (haft from a motor vehicle will be identified by Information and intelligence gathered from offense reports, Intelligence gained from arrests, Informants, other law enforcement agencies, LPR's (FLOCK Cameras and dedicated Video Wall Boards to supplement the Beaumont PD Real Time Crime Center Monitoring System, as wall as provide real time live feed access and monitoring of operations conducted by the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, which will be instrumental In Intelligence gathering), surveillance observations (including the use of Drones and Night Vision Binoculars), bait operations, repair shop inspections, salvage yard Inspections, metal recycler inspections, as well as Used Auto Parts resale location Inspections. The Beaumont Police Department Crime Analyst will also used to a degree to determine patterns or trends in these offenses, The offenders will be the target of investigations based on the method of operation Involved In the crhne, types of vehicles being targeted, geographical location of the crimes and any Information or evidence polntirtg to or (faking them to the crlrne(s)' Covert operations will be used to target catalytic converter theft from a motor vehicle offenders, such as, bait operations, surveillance (prongs and Night Vision Binoculars) and LPR system data mining (FLOCS( cameras), as well as witnesses or video from crime soenes, to Identify offenders and determine If there is an organized criminal enterprise Involved. Catalytic Converter Theft from a Motor Vehicle requires an Involved plan using LPR's (FLOCK Cameras) as a large intelligence gathering data base. These cameras, which will placed throughout the city of Beaumont In areas near and around Salvage Yards, Metal Recyclers and Used Auto Parts Dealers, as well as main thoroughfares and highways, working to conjunction with the Axon Camera system that Is already In place at the Beaumont Police Department in ail patrol vehicles, which are also LPR e, will be the focal point of the Intelligence gathering mechanism. There are numerous Individuals working alone and organized criminal rings, committing these thefts. There are often no real patterns to fallow, such as general time frames, as they occur at all limes of the day; geographical areas are unlimited and random; when the crime is contrnitted, the actors are generally not visible, as they are under a vehicle. The property taken Is not generally traceable and may be sold In other slates. Therefore, intelligence collection and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, In and that Beale coverage area will be essential. Developing relationships with privately owned businesses, in and out of the coverage area, in catalytic converter sales or purchases, will be priority In order to obtain Information or intelligence on potential or confirmed actors in these thefts. That type of networking Is already In place and work is being done to expand those contacts further. Collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and other organizations: Collaboration with law enforcement agencies In and out of the project area and other MVCati Stale Task Forces to deter crimeine eerrs.A trends, patterns other agencies with catalyticConverterugh igence Theft fromsharing. a Motor This includes Information or intelligence Involving Juvenileoff Vehicle. This collaboration will be necessary In determining If the crimes are being committed by an organized ring, if It Is one Individual or a crime of opportunity. The collaboration would Include [lie District Attorney's Offices In the jurisdictions affected, to help them understand the scope and Importance of the cilme(s) and provide any additional Information that might be needed to proporly prosecute the offender(s) utilizing The Deputy Darren Almandarez Act to achieve the maximum Incarceration result. Community Crime Prevention and Awareness Is a component of the overall program. Informallon and Instruction for the public Is important to aid In the prevention of even one auto related crime. The Tivi( Farce will continue iizens Police Academy, efforts to educate tile Medialnterviewsc In as ,Police / Community available; Neighborhood Associatiforums as are on Meetings, Civle Organizations, Events, mass Catalytic Converter engraving events marking converters with a standardized engraving making the convarter traceable to a specific vehicle or giving the ability to detect that the converter has been altered giving the presumption of theft and Public Service Announcements through the Beaurnonl Police Department, along with Social Media, 3.4 Functions of the proposed program related to preventing Catalytic Converter Theft The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Farce proposes to utilize training, education and public awareness programs, In an effort to reduce catalytic converter theft from a motor vehicle. These efforts will be focused oil training of law enforcement officers In the project area at an annual Motor Vohlcle Crimes TOOLE approved training class, roll call training conducted by last( force personnel at the Beaumont Police Department and dissemination of the information to agencies within the project area. This Information will Include the latest Catalytic Converter theft from a motor vehicle intelligence, as it is acquired and any information on actor(s) vehlcle(s) involved. This information may be relayed or distributed to Individual agencies In or out of Ilia project area, as determined by relevance or necessity, for timely action relating to frequency or urgency of the crime pattern or trend. The Task Force will also attend Neighborhood Association Meetings, as deemed necessary to educate the public on methods to minimize becoming a victim of Catalytic ConverterTheft. These practices would Include, securing vehicles at night in a garage or well lit area, purchasing aftermarket catalytic converter protection devices, marking catalytic converters with heat resistant bright colored paint or engraving the VIN on the converter and adding vibration sensors to the vehicle with a car alarm. The task force would also set dales for engraving of Catalytic Converters to be conducted at the Task Force Office. These engraving events would be coordinated with the local aeriolog In tile media on social media toc cpublicize information on flow l o redsk uuce the orces ochances of becominr regional or g a vlollmde s of lcatalytic le (ask oconvetl also s tiie converter theft, 3.6 Collaboration Effort -- Describe like lasi(force method to collaborate, and not duplicate existing activities. Describe the cross boundaries regional approach to grant activity Implementation. Describe how the applicant staff and Jurisdiction will coordinate with other taskforces and law enforcement agencies to Implement this program. The Soulheast Texas Auto Theft, Task Force maintains a olose working relationship with the agencies In the coverage area. Regular communication and Interaction with these agencies allows for informallon and intelligence exchanges, reducing duplication' of activiiles. The Task Force Is called on by these agencies When they experience an Issue totaled to motor vehicle crimes, Including Catalytic Converter theft from a motor vehicle. The task force also networks Willi other task forces in the region. Statewide collaboration is facllltated, in great pact, through lire MVCPA Monthly wobinars, These exchanges Illustrate how Information on trends and patterns that are occurring in other parts of the state, may predict that they will be occurring in our area and vice versa. Task Force personnel make regular contact with task forces In lire region regarding active cases. These collaborations have resulted In recoveries In all aspects of motor vehicle crlmos and catalytic converter Iltvfl, as well as suspeol development and apprehensions, Communication is the key to coordination and collaboration to minlmize duplication and maximize deconfliction, Project area agencies also call on lire Southeast Texas Auto Theft Taal( Force for any resources that tniglit be available through the: task force and are aiways accommodated If possible.'rho Southeast Taxes Auto Tbeft'iask Force fosters these long-standing relationships, maintaining these alliances and Working toward the common good for the project area and Ilia State of Texas. 3.7 If ilia proposed application requests any exceptions or deviation ftom any general grant rules, RFA conditions or grant admirrlslrallve policy, please Indicate in the section below. Indicate the section of the specific issue and citation that you are asking the MVCPA to consider and the rational for Ilia request, The Southeast'rexas Auto Theft Task Farce is not requesting any exceptions or deviations from rules, conditions or policies. Part 11 Goals, Strategles, and Activities Select Goals, Slr�fegfes, crud Ablfvily raryets for (he proposed program described Ili the appllcation. Cllok oil the link above to open a new table called Goals, Strategies, and Activity. Applicants will review the statutory and optional aclivities. The first seollon Is the statutory measures.. Grantees may not provide targets for tills seelloli but need.to review the descrlptlons to. ensure 1fiat they understand Ilia statutory minimum requirements associated with tills grant, Applicants will than reviovr the other items and estimate targets for only the activities that ilia applicant has described and plans to complete under this application. ID ' Activity Measure Target Measures for Grantees. Add Target values far those hal you will titeasure, 1 Goal 1: Reduce tt')a Inoldenca of Catalytic Converter' Theft throu611 f;trforoemetrt Strategies 1,1 StratQgy •l: Conduct Activities that Result In the Arrest, Clearance, and Recoveries of Catalytic Convertor Theft 1,1 A Identify groups of catalytic conveler Number of catalytic conveter theft groups identified. Include gangs, cartels or other theft offenders through Intelligence ad minat enterprise Willi two or more members gathering, orime analysls and,lhe use of informants 1.1.2 Identify and document/record prolific Catalylic Converter Theft affenders (Prolific Is defined as "linked to C7ldlyllc Converter Theft offenses three or mare ilMdej 1.1.5 Conduct Inspections of local businesses. related to vehicle. enterprise (transpartallon code or occupatlon code authorized companies such as salvege yard, repair shop, parts recycling center, used car dealershlp, salyage reuullder, title setvlce conipany, other), 1.1.0 Conducl belt vehicle operations Iha( target Catalytto Converter Theft offenders 1,1,8 Deploy license plate readers (LPR) 1.1.9 Respond to taskforee license plate reader (LPR) alert nollfic"allons 1,,1:12 Conduct covatt operations lardeting .Caldlylla Converter Theft offenders 1.1.13 Conduct warrant "round -up" operallohe targeting catalytic converter crime offenders, including people wanted for Catalytic Converter T.hoft MA6Increase ilia recovely rate of stolen motor vehicle Catalytic Converter Theft Number identified/documented offenders Number of businesses inspected Number of bait vehicle deployments, Include Catalylic Converter Theft bait operations. horn. Number of times LPR deployed, Deploy: If stationary unit titan, total number of days or partial days unit was operably and on. Mobile unit numbet of clays the unit was on and operable. Number of times Investigators responded to taskforce LPR alert notifications regardless of Whether.Vehlcle was located Number of covert operations Number of warrant round -up operations porformad Catalytic Converter Theft Report the number of Catalytic Converters recovered by laskforce 20 ID Activity 1.1.16 Increase the clearance rate of Measure Target Report the number of Catalytic Converter Theft oases cleared Catalytic Converter Theft 1,1,17 Increase the number of persons Report the number of persons arrested for catalytic Convertor Theft by taskforce arrested for Catalytic Converter Theft 1.2 Strategy 2; Conduct Collaborative Efforts that Result In Reduction of incidents of Catalytic Converter Theft 1.2.1 Provide Agency Assists for catalytic Number of agency assists related to catalytic conveter theft. Assist means 90 responding or answering questions via phone, allonfer Converter Theft su nation that . Providing recommendation, guidance, strategy, support or I other LEOs will use to resolve their cases, The assist generally does not have the direct responsibility fot' an Investigation nor uses LEO authority. The assist helps another LEO of agency investigate cases. Analysts and civilian employees will record their assists to outside LEOs and agencies 1.2,2 Collaborate with other units or met here along with officers. Number of times collaborated within departments or SOs participating In taskforce 5 Converter Theft. Collaboration means physically using law divisions (i,e. homicide, vice, narcotics, etc.) within the taskforce related to Catalytic enforcement resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that draw departments) where there were upon or aid in the Investigation intended to further the resolution of any case, identify to crime, Identify vehicles, Interview witnesses/suspeots and crimes Involving catalyttc converter theft. Include all participating parties apprehend suspects. Collaboration will Include any help, recommendation, from or to lor jurisdiction departments here, contrthe erTl efter atalytic Converled taskforce)on thatralds In the fport urtherance of Cuested Investigai Investigations, 1.2.3 Collaborate with all other outside LE Number of times collaborated with coverage area agencies or other law 6 and organizations that assist in the reduction of Catalytic agencies and other organizations that assist in the reduction of Catalytic enforcement agencies Converter Theft. Collaboration means physically using law enforcement resources, to activity on cases that draw upon or aid In the Converter Theft, include all coverage Jurisdictions here tactics and authority perform Investigation Intended to further the resolution of any case, Identify parties to crime, Identify vehicles, Interview wilnesseslsuspects and apprehend suspects. Collaboration will Include any help, recommendation, contribution or support from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that alds In requested the furtherance of Catalytic Converter Theft invesllgattons 1.2.5 Conduct Intelligence Information- number of intelligence meetings attended (include attending as presenter, sharing (Personal attendance) 1.2.8 Conduct Intelligence Information- participant or attendee) Crime analysis bulletins disseminated (include Information distributed to law sharing (Written Information) enforcement agencies via text, e•mall, or Intra-net communications) 1,21 Collaborate with other MVCPA Number of times collaborated with other MVCPA lasltforees that assist In the taskforces Goal 3: F-ducatel7rain Citizens reduction in Catalytic Converter Theft and Qualified Personnel in Detection and Prevention of Catalytic Converter Theft 3 M Strategy I. Conduct Public Awareness Related Activities Used to Educate Citizens 2 3.1.1 Conduct educational outreach events Number of oulreachas (Include trade show, exhibits, booths at community events, vehicle displays, brochures, etc.) 3.1.2 Conduct educational presentations to Number of presentations. Presentation means in person, on-line, original written the public document, article, orwebpage. 2 3,1.4 Conduct vehicle Identification Number of etching events. Including catalytic converters. inlllaltvelevenl 3,1.4.1 conduct vehicle identification Number of ParticlpanlslAltendeas Catalytic Converters Marked) initiative/event 3.1.6 Purchase advertisements In local ertof medlar urchas door providedurchased or i free (col-nsocial, tv, utility Insfor erts, Inc udee umber of types advertise outlets billboards, rnsportation, etc.) �D 3.1.7 Utilize social media outlets (Facebook, Number of postings In social media outlets Twitter, Instagram, etc.) 3.1,a Deploy outdoor public notification Number of deployments per month (If sign remains several months, count as 1 signage deployment per month) 2 3.1.1 o Conduct media outreach, Including, Number of ouireaches public service announeemenls, press releases, and Interviews 3,2 Strategy 2: Conduct Law Enforcement Trainingon Recognition and Apprehension of stolen Vehicles and Prat eoylcers 3.2.1 Conduct law enforcement training Number of classes provided for TCOLE credit (TOOLE) UOLumber of classes or Oseandlother written or presenteresentations d materialsInclude tbasedlc roll on local I d 3,2.3 Conduct lawuenfor ccle crimes da ement agencies (non uments, shift documents, TCOLE) practices, Grant Evaluation 4.1 Describe the local malhod and/or practice used to collect Ilia data for reporting Goals, Strategies, and Activities and to evaluate the grant program effectiveness. Describe nianagemoht and staff particlpatlon. Include descriptions of systeins (forms and software) that will be used to ensure reliable and accurate data is collected and reported, Describe any other evaluation methods used In tine applicant agency to determine effectiveness or cost efficiency of the program. 'pile loom evaluation prooess establishes accountability and measurement of progress through collection of data and information throughout tine chain of command, Invesiigators are required to keep activity logs and submit monthly reports to file Program Manager. The `task Force Supervisor/Progrant Manager reviews cases and monitors the activillea of investigators, The Program Director oversees the enlfre operation, including the field supervlsor, and 'mainlalns records of aelivity and spending. The program Director works closely with the Beaumont CFO's grant coordinator and reports as necessary to ilia department heads of the paritcipathng agencies to discuss progress andlor problems: NIBRS data for all agencies vilihin (lie project aYoa will be closely monitored to determine Ilia overall Impact pf Task Force efforts. Personal activity logs and specific reports will be maintained to log progress on stated objectives. These Include Information detailing such things as the number of ball operallons, Irispactlons and public awareness initiatives perfornfed. They will .also record other Items (Ike arrests made, cases filed, Catalytic Converters recovered, and the dfsposlhotis of the property upon completion of (tie cases. Progress of the program will be evaluated monthly. Each investigator will complete a rriontlily reporl based on MVCPA reporting categories and the specific strategies; activilles and goals of this grant. Each report will be accompanied by documentation supporting Ilia information given, The Project Manager will then complier that Information into tine quarterly Progress Reports that are forwarded to MVCPA. All other MVCPA required reporting will be completed by line Prograrn Manager, such as Ilia year end progress report. 4.2 Provide any other suggested measures that would better reflect the law enforcement or preVentlon work that the proposed program will perform. If the suggested measure fits Into one of tine slated goals above please Indlaate. None Noted, TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments ® We acknowledge reviewing the TxGMS Standard Assurances by local Coverbnrenis as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and agree to abide by the terms stated tfierein, aFi! Upload Gurretn(Documenfs In folder Resolution.pr f (6123/2024 9.30,33 AM) 'Home Prinl TxDMV - NIVCf A, ppri.tamu,odu U 2017 No Text FY 2024 Senate Bill 224 Grant Resolution, Statement ®f Grant Award and. Acceptance RESOLUTION NO.24-124 BE IT RESOLVED BYTHE CTrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY" OF BEAUMONT: WB REAS, under the provisions of the Texas Transportation Code Chapter 1006 and Texas Administrative Code Title 43; Pant 3; Chapter 57, entities are eligible to receive grants front the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority to provide financial support: to law enforcement agencies for enforcement teams to combat Catalytic Converter Theft from Motor Vehicles in, the jurisdiction; and; WHEREAS, this grant program will assist this jurisdiction to combat Catalytic Converter theft: from 1110tor vehicles; and; WHEREAS, City of Beaumont has agreed that in the event of loss or misuse of the grant finds, City ofBeal=ont assmos that the grant funds will be returned in frill to the Motor Vehicle Crinic Prevention Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 13BAUMONT: THAT the statements and findings set out in the proamble to this xesolution are hereby, iu all things, approved and adopted; and, THAT Kenneth Williams, City Manager, is designated as the Authorized Official to apply for, accept, decline, modify, or cancel the grant application for the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant Program and all other necessary documents to accept said grant; aad, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED T14AT Iobu Cross Sr., Lieutenant, is designated as the Program Director arid. Cheryl Ray, Chief Financial Officer, is designated as the Financial Officer for this grant, The sleeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in. strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Goverilhient Code, Chapter 551. 2024. PAVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of tho City of Beat moat this the 21st day of May, Mayor'Roy Vest Kati ,,Ir FY24 SB224 Catalytic Converter Grant Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Statement,of Grant Award and Grantee Acceptance Notice Grant Number; 224-24-1230100 Grantee:_ . City of Beaumont Program Title: southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force GrantAward Amount: $527,700 Total Cash Match Amount: •0- in-Kind Match Amount: -0- ReimburseMeht Percent*: 100% Grant Term; May 21, 2024 to May 20, 2025 Grant Budget'5ummaryi City of Beaumont (App ID; M) Cash MVCAA Match Total In -Kind Budget Category Ekpeiiditures Expenditures Expendltures Match Personnel .$0 $0 $0 Fringe $0 $0 $0 Overtime $0 $0 $0 Professional and Contract Services $0 $0 $0 Travel $0 $0 $0 Equlpment $247..,700 $o $247,700 Supplies and Direct operating Expenses (DOI:) $280,000 $0 $2II0,000 Total $527;700 $0 $527,700 *RelmbumMent P.ercehU 1 0% That whereas, The City of Oeaumont (hereinafter referred to: as Grantee), has heretofore submitted a grant application In.responseto the Requestfor Application issued on April 5, 2024 to the.Mato'r Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority, State of Tegas;.ent'itled Southdast Texas Auto Theft7aslc Force and further Identified by grant number 224-24-1230166 and Whereas, the Motoi Vehtcle Crime.Pr6ention Authorlty has approved the grant applicafi.on as evidenced by this FY24 Statement of GrantAward end certain speclal i eq'uIrements from the MbtorVehicle Crime Prevention Authorlty'dated 04/09/2024 and Whereas, the -Grantee desires to accept; the FY24 grant award and use all funds for purp'ases and In compliance with the followIng requirements that are adopted. in their eritlrety by reference; v Texas*Transportatlon Code Chapter 1006; 4 Texas Administrative Code: Title 43, :'art 3; Chapter 57; FY24 5B224 Catalytic Converter MVCPA Statchient of Grant Award and Grantee Acceptance Page l of 2 o Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts including TXGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments and standards for Financial and Program Management; o The Request for Applications issued on April 5, 2024; o The current Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant Administrative Manual and forms and subsequently adopted grantee Instruction manuals and forms; o The Final Adopted Application attached to this Statement of Grant Award; and o The Approved Grant Budget Summary Now, therefore, the Grantee accepts the FY24Statement of Grant Award under the conditions above Including thespecial requirements In the grant application and the Statement of Grant Award as evidenced by this agreement, executed bythe official authorized to sign the original grant applicatlo►l, or the official's designated successor, as presiding off lcer of and on behalf of the governing body of this grantee; and The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority has awarded the above -referenced grant subject to the availability of state funds, The approved budget Is reffacted In the above Approved Grant Budget Summary,This grant Is subject to and conditioned upon the acceptance of the MVCPA Grant Administrative Guide promulgated forthls specific program fund (referenced above) bythe Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Autthorlty, Applicable special conditions are listed below, Special Conditions and Requirements (MVCPA will only apply special conditions to applicable Jurisdictions): X Non -supplanting - The grantee agrees that funds will be used to supplement, not supplant, funds that would otherwise be avallable for the activities under this grant, This Includes demonstrating that new funded positions will be added to the department and not replacing local funds with state funds, X Intelligence Sharing - The grantee is required to ensure that Law Enforcement personnel funded In whole or In part by this grant actively participate In Law Enforcement Intelligence sharing webinars and Motor Vehicle Crime Investigator Virtual ComJnand Centers organized and promoted on behalf of the MVCPA program operation and statewide collaboration. _,X_ Multi -agency Grant Operatlanal Plan —The grantee is required to provide an operational plan describing the communication process with participating and coverage JurlsdlctloAs. The operational plan must Include how meetings are held, how often, and whether meetings are held In person or remotely. The grantee must report meetings in quarterly progress reports, X Multi -Agency grant - The grantee Is required to complete and maintain Interlocal agreement with all participating subgrantees as required by law and TxGM5. The grantee must complete a process to monitor and ensure grant compliance of subgrantees. The grantee must maintain the process locally and document compliance with that plan. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY; j f Authorized Official KAI' A1 W; `1 1j,10/1 '�' Tinted Name and Title -� � - z (�- Date signed FY24 SB224 Catalytic Converter MVCPA Statement of Grant Award and Grantee Acceptance Page 2 of 2 Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Interloeal Agreement 2025 Grant Year City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, City of Port Arthur, Hardin County, Grange County, Jasper County XNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT SOUTHEAST TEXAS AUTO THEFT TASK FORCE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF JEFFERSON § This Interlocal Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Beaumont {"Grantee"), a municipal corporation situated in Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Port Arthur , a municipal corporation situated in Jefferson County, Texas ("Sub -Grantee"), Jefferson County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Sub -Grantee"), Hardin County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Covered Area Party"), Jasper County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Covered Area Party"), and Orange County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas ("Covered Area Party"), pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 791. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Hardin County, Jasper County, Jefferson County, and Orange County, collectively herein after referred to as "Parties", have the objective to participate in a combined task force funded by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority (MVCPA) of the State of Texas, in the amount of $724,534.00 for the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, and, WHEREAS, the Grantee and Sub -Grantees have agreed to contribute the total of $146,200.00 in matching funds and $423,382.00 in in -kind matching funds if said grant application j is approved; and, WHEREAS, the source of funds would not normally be used for this purpose; and, WHEREAS, the Parties believe it to be. in their best interests to continue a Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Grant PY2025 Page I 1 mull yurisdictional MVCPA Task Force; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to each accept the responsibility and to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws or regulations NOW THE RE, ORE' JT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I. PURPOSE 1 .01 The purpose of this Agreement is to allow Beaumont (Grantee) to file an application for a grant with the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority (Agency), which application is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, ARTICLE II. TERM 2.01 The term of this Agreement is to commence on May 211t, 2024 and to end May 20", 2025. ARTICLE III. CONSIDERATION 3 .01 As consideration for this Agreement, the Grantee and Sub -Grantees agree to contribute a total of $146,382.00 in matching funds and $423,382.00 in in -kind matching funds for the enhancement of the funded grant program in the amounts and methods as follows: <<�Itcia`]�esc�i'�ioiet';;� A, tau R. Method'Casli'Pazcl/Xu`'Lieu,i .I Travel; Equipment; Supplies and $86,200.00 Cash Match paid by Beaumont Direct Operating Expenses Professional and Contractual $30,000.00 Fringe paid by Port Arthur in Lieu of match Services (Investigator's Benefits for Port Arthur employee) Professional and Contractual $30,000.00 Fringe paid by Jefferson County in lieu of Services (Investigator's Benefits match for Jefferson County employee) Hardin County $0.06 NIA Jasper County $0.00 N/A Orange Coon $0.00 1 N/A otal.S.out•ce:ofCas��'Match�20®�00 : Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Grant FY2025 Page 12 t;Item Aescr� tforr ::, ;'Ainoiit•:'etho:c. Cash':azdffi'Iieia i�f/Xzi`fizid) . . Beaumont (Personnel, Fringe, Overtime, Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses) $423,382.00 In Kind Match Expenditures paid by Beaumont Port Arthur $0,00, Jefferson County $0.00 Hardin County $0.00 Jasper County $0.00 Orange County $0.00 ` €1 atch .ea 'in M 'TotalS�uie �i�-�� 423 , , pp ARTICLE IV. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 4.01 The specific allocation of the Parties fund is set out in the attachment to this Agreement, marked as Exhibit "B", and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE V. EQUIPMENT 5 .01 Upon termination of this Agreement, equipment including vehicles, hardware, and other non -expendable items will revert to the applicant. The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority of the State of Texas will be notified and inventory records will be updated, ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS 6 .01 This Agreement may be amended by the mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing to be attached to and incorporated into this Agreement. ARTICLE V,iI. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION 7,01 In the event anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. ARTICLE VIII. UNIFORM ASSURANCES Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force MVCPA Grant FY2025 Page 13 comply with the following uniform assurances: Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment - Grantee certifies that no federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress on its behalf to obtain, extend, or modify this contract or grant, If non-federal funds are used by Grantee to conduct such lobbying activities, the prescribed disclosure form shall promptly be filed. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. § 1352(b)(5), Grantee acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for ensuring that each sub -grantee certifies its compliance with the expenditure prohibition and the declaration requirement. Child Support Obligation - Grantee represents and warrants that it will include the following clause in the award documents for every sub -award and subcontract and will require sub -recipients and contractors to certify accordingly: Under Section 231.006 of the Family Code, the vendor or applicant certifies that the individual or business entity named in this contract, bid or application is not ineligible to receive the specified grant, loan, or payment and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this certification is inaccurate, A bid or an application for a contract, grant, or loan paid from state funds must include the name and social security number of the individual or sole proprietor and each partner, shareholder, or owner with an ownership interest of at least 25 percent of the business entity submitting the bid or application. Clean Air Act & Federal Water Pollution Control Act - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 14 Compliance with Laws, Rules and Requirements - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply, and assure the compliance of all its sub -recipients and contractors, with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and policies in effect or hereafter established. In addition, Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all requirements imposed by the awarding agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. In instances where multiple requirements apply to Grantee, the more restrictive requirement applies. Contract Oversight - Grantee represents and warrants that it will maintain oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. Contract Work Hours & Safety Standards Act - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708), Cybersecurity Training Program - Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with § 2054,5191 of the Texas Government Code relating to the cyberseeurity training program for local government employees who have access to a local government computer system or database. If Grantee has access to any state computer system or database, Grantee shall complete cybersecurity training and verify completion of the training program to the Agency pursuant to and in accordance with § 2054.5192 of the Government Code, Davis -Bacon Act and the Copeland Act - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of the Davis -Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141- 3144, and 3146-3148) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 15 Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and. Assisted Construction") and the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. §276c and 18 U.S.C. §874). Debarment and Suspension - Grantee certifies that it and its principals are not suspended or debarred from doing business with the state or federal government as listed on the State of Texas Debarred Vendor List maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and the System for Award Management (SAM) maintained by the General Services Administration. Debts and Delinquencies - Grantee agrees that any payments due under the contract or grant shall be applied towards any debt or delinquency that is owed to the State of Texas. Disaster Recovery Plan - Upon request of Agency, Grantee shall provide copies of its most recent business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Disclosure of Violations of Federal Criminal Law � Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with 2 CFR § 200,113 which requires the disclosure hi writing of violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, and gratuity and the reporting of certain civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings to SAM. Disclosure Protections for Certain Charitable Organizations, Charitable Trusts & Private Foundations- Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with Section 2252,906 of the Texas Government Code relating to disclosure protections for certain charitable organizations, charitable trusts, and private foundations. Dispute Resolution - The dispute resolution process provided in Chapter 2009 of the Texas Government Code is available to the parties to resolve any dispute arising under the agreement. Excluded Parties - Grantee certifies that it is not listed in the prohibited vendors list authorized by Executive Order No. 13224, "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Interiocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 16 Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism", published by the United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control. ,Executive Head of a State Agency Affirmation - Under Section 669.003 of the Texas Government Code, relating to contracting with an executive head of a state agency, Grantee represents that no person who served as an executive of Agency, in the past four (4) years, was involved with or has any interest in the contract or grant. If Grantee employs or has used the services of a former executive of Agency, then Grantee shall provide the following information in the Response: name of the former executive, the name of the state agency, the date of separation from the state agency, the position held with Grantee, and the date of employment with Grantee. Funding Limitation - Grantee understands that all obligations of Agency under the contract or grant are subject to the availability of grant funds. The contract or grant is subject to termination or cancellation, either in whole or in part, without penalty to Agency if such funds are not appropriated or become unavailable. Governing Law & Venue - This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to the conflicts of law provisions. The venue of any suit arising under this agreement is fixed in any court of competent jurisdiction of Beaumont Jefferson County, Texas, unless the specific venue is otherwise identified in a statute that directly names or otherwise identifies its applicability to the contracting state agency, Indemnification - to the extent permitted by law Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the state of Texas and agency, and/or their officers, agents, employees, representatives, contractors, assignees, and/or designees from any and all liability, actions, claims, demands, or suits, and all related costs, attorney fees, and expenses arising out of, or resulting from any acts or omissions of Grantee or its agents, employees, subcontractors, order fulfillers, or suppliers of Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force -- MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page17 subcontractors in the execution or performance of the contract and any purchase orders issued under the contract, The defense shall be coordinated by Grantee with the office of the Texas Attorney General when Texas state agencies are named defendants in any lawsuit and Grantee may not agree to any settlement without first obtaining the concurrence from the office of the Texas Attorney General. Grantee and agency agree to fiirnish timely written notice to each other of any such claim. Law Enforcement Agency Grant Restriction - Grantee on behalf of Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is a law enforcement agency regulated by Chapter 1701 of the Texas Occupations Code, Grantee represents and warrants that it will not use appropriated money unless the law enforcement agency is in compliance with all rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE), or TCOLE certifies that it is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. Legal Authority Grantee represents that it possesses legal authority to apply for the grant. A resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the Grantee's governing body, authorizing the filing of the Response, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative, or the designee of Grantee to act in connection with the Response and to provide such additional information astray be required. Lobbying Expenditure Restriction - Grantee represents and warrants that Agency's payments to Grantee and Grantee's receipt of appropriated or other funds under the contract or grant are not prohibited by Sections 403,1067 or 556.0055 of the Texas Government Code which restrict lobbying expenditures Tnterlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 18 No Conflicts of Interest State - Grantee represents and warrants that performance under the contract or grant will not constitute an actual or potential conflict of interest or reasonably create an appearance of impropriety. Further, Grantee represents and warrants that in the administration of the grant, it will comply with all conflict of interest prohibitions and disclosure requirements required by applicable law, rules, and policies, including Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code. If circumstances change during the course of the contract or grant, Grantee shall promptly notify Agency. No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity - The Parties expressly agree that no provision of the grant or contract is in any way intended to constitute a waiver by the Agency or the State of Texas of any immunities from suit or from liability that the Agency or the State of Texas may have by operation of law. Open Meetings - Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code which requires all regular, special or called meeting of a governmental body to be open to the public, except as otherwise provided by law. Texas Public Information Act - Information, documentation, and other material in connection with this Solicitation or any resulting contract or grant may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (the "Public Information Act"). In accordance with Section 2252.907 of the Texas Government Code, Grantee is required to make any information created or exchanged with the State pursuant to the contract or grant, and not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, available in a format that is accessible by the public at no additional charge to the State. Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 19 Reporting Compliance - Grantee represents and warrants that it will submit timely, complete, and accurate reports in accordance with the grant and maintain appropriate backup documentation to support the reports. Records Retention State Grant - Grantee shall maintain and retain all records relating to the performance of the grant including supporting fiscal documents adequate to ensure that claims for grant funds are in accordance with applicable State of Texas requirements. These records will be maintained and retained by Grantee for a period of four (4) years after the grant expiration date or until all audit, claim, and litigation matters are resolved, whichever is later. Agency reserves the right to direct a Grantee to retain documents for a longer period of time or transfer certain records to Agency custody when it is determined the records possess longer term retention value. Grantee must include the substance of this clause in all subawards and subcontracts. Reporting Suspected fraud and Unlawful Conduct - Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with Section 321.022 of the Texas Government Code, which requires that suspected fraud and unlawful conduct be reported to the State Auditor's Office. State Auditor's Right to Audit - The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving fiends from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. The acceptance of finds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract tinder the contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation by the state auditor must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Gant FY2025 Page 110 Sub -award Monitoring - Grantee represents and warrant that it will monitor the activities of the sub -grantee as necessary to ensure that the sub -award is used for authorized purposes, in compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the sub -award, and that sub -award performance goals are achieved. ARTICLE X. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 10.01 In accordance with §783.006 of the Texas Government Code Standard Financial Management Conditions the prescribed are applicable to all grants and agreements executed between affected entities: Financial reporting - Accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial results of grant related activities must be made in accordance with the financial reporting requirements of the grant. Accounting records - Grantee will maintain records, which adequately identify the source and application of hands, provided for grant related activities. These records will contain information pertaining to grant awards and obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays or expenditures, and income. Internal control - Effective control and accountability will be maintained for all grant cash, real and personal property, and other assets. Grantee will safeguard all such property and assure that it is used for authorized grant purposes. grant. Page Budget control - Actual expenditures will be kept within budgeted amounts for each Allowable cost - Applicable cost principles, agency program regulations, and the terms of grant agreements shall be followed in determining the reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of costs. Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — WCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 111 Source documentation - Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as checks, paid bills, payroll records, receipts, timesheets, travel vouchers, and other records, etc. These source documents must be retained and made available for MVCPA staff when requested. Cash management - Grantee will establish reasonable procedures to ensure the receipt of reports on cash balances and cash disbursements in sufficient time to enable them to prepare complete and accurate cash transactions reports to the awarding agency. Reimbursement Grant - All expenditures reported will be based on actual amounts paid and documented. Reporting budgeted amounts or estimated costs as expenditures are not permitted and if used may result in payment suspension and possible termination of the grant. Costs Incurred outside the Program Period - Grant funds may not be obligated prior to the effective date without written permission of the MVCPA director or subsequent to the termination date of the grant period. All obligations must be consistent with the Statement of Grant Award and used for statutorily authorized purposes. AP,TICLE XI. COMPLIANCE 11 .01 Grantee and subgrantee will comply with state law, program rules and regulations and the Statement of Grant Award. In addition, Grantee and sub -grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all requirements imposed by the awarding agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. Information, guidance and program rules can be found in the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant Administrative Manual and if not found in the administrative manual then grantee and subgrantee must follow the Texas Grant Management Standards maintained under the authority of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. These grant management standards are used by the Motor Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 112 Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority in the administration of the MVCPA grant program, Sub -grantee Monitoring and Management - The local government must monitor the activities of the sub -grantee as necessary to ensure that sub -award performance goals are achieved and the sub -award is used for authorized purposes, in compliance with state law, rules, and the terms and conditions of the sub --award. Monitoring of the sub -grantee must include: (1.) Reviewing financial and performance reports requited by the local government, (2) Followings -up and ensuring that the sub -grantee takes timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies pertaining to the sub -award provided to the sub -grantee from the local government detected through audits, on -site reviews, and other means, (3) issuing a management decision for audit findings pertaining to the sub -award provided to the sub -grantee fi-om the local government as required, ARTICLE XII, ENTIRE AGREEMENT 12.01 This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either orator in waiting, between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement, or promise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement which is not contained herein shall be valid or binding upon all Patties, EXECUTER IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS, EACH OF WHICH SHALL HAVE THE FULL FORCE AND EFFECT OF AN ORIGINAL, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2022, Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 113 EXECUTED by the City of Beaumont this day of 2024 CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS Kenneth Williams, City Manager Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force -- MVCPA Task Force Grant PY2025 Page 114 EXECUTED by the City of Poa Arthur this clay of 202LI CITY OF TORT AR Ronald BurtoyY, Ulty Matiager Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Then Task Force — M VCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Pagel 15 EXECUTED by Jefferson County this ,,q-e14 day of JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS Jeff Branick,,�'kni tt Judge Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Pagel16 EXECUTED by Hardin County this 12th day of November , 2024 HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS ceNy signed by Judge Wayne McDaniel cDanlat By: Dole: 2024,11.1212:35,11.08'00' Wayne McDanieI, County Judge Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 117 EXECUTED by Jasper County this 18th day of October , 2024 JASPER COUNTY, TEXAS By: Mark Allen, County Judge Interlocal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force —MVCPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page 118 EXECUTED by Orange County this 22nd day of October , 2024 ORANGE COUNTY, TEXAS )By: 6 1 _��2 - John Cothia, C unty Jud lnterlooal with Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force — I"CPA Task Force Grant FY2025 Page119 ]IL",hibit A FY2025 Task Force Grant Final Negotiated Application 13126,124, 5:17 PM MVCPATaskforca Grant Negotiation The Application was submitted by Kenneth Williams at $121/2024 3.42:04 PM and is now locked. The confirmation Number Is 2024002100301. Primary Agency / Grantee Legal Name: City of Beaumont Organization Type: Law Enforcement Organization ORI (If applicable): 7X?230100, BEAUMONT PD (M1P) Program Title Please enter a short description of the proposed program that can be used as the title. Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Application Category (See Request for Applications 1RFA) for category details and descriptions RFA Priority Funding Section): New Grant - 2025 Is the first year of the MVCPATaskforee Grants. All 2025 grant applicants use the new grant category. MVCPA Program Category (see RFA and TAC 43, 3 §57.14). Check all that apply. Law Enforcement, Detection and Apprehension Prevention, Anti -Theft Devices and Motor Vehicle Registration • Reduction of the Sale of Stolen Vehicles or Parts Education Programs and Marketing Taskforce Grant Participation and Coverage Area Provide a General Description of the Participating and Coverage Area of this Grant Application Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, Jasper Counties and all Municipalities therein. Define in the tables below the grant relationships and geographic area of the taskforce: Applicant will add the participating and coverage agencies from the OR1 list below. If an agency is not In the ORI list, please include the agency and role in the general description above, Make sure to follow the definitions below and select an agency in the dropdown. Use the Add as Participating Agency or Add as Coverage Agency button to populate the list. Participating Agencies are agencies that materially participate In the grant application through the exchange of funds for reimbursement and cash match. Participating agencies are defined after the grant award by Interlocalllnteragency agreements. Eaoh applicant must select their own agency first. Than select agencies that will receive or provide funding and/or resources, jNote: Interlocallinteragency agreements do not need to be submitted with the application, interlocal agreements will need to be executed prior to the first payment being made if selected for a grant. Letters of support with the application from the participating agencies are strongly recommended.) Coverage Agencies are agencies that provided some level of coverage, assistance or support by this grant application but will not materially exchange funds as cash match or rembursement. The coverage Is not supported by an after the award with interlocal/interagency agreements. Coverage agencies as law enforcement agencies may have Jurisdictional coverage agreements unrelated to the grant (Ex. City Y is within County X or vice varsa). Agencies selected in this list Include agencies that will be covered or where the agency Indicates that their agency will coordinate or call upon the taskforce. Letters of support with the application from the parllclpating agencies are strongly recommended. Participating Agencies Coverage Agencies TX1230000 JEFFERSON CO SO TX1000000 HARDIN CO SO i TX1230100 BEAUMONT PD (MIP) TX1000100 KOUNTZE PD TX1230700 PORT ARTHUR PD (AE) TX1000200 SILSBEE PD TX1000300 SOUR LAKE PD TX1000900 LUMBERTON PD (IBR) thttps:l/mvcpa.tamu.edulNegotlatlonrFFGPrinlAppiication.asp?l=i &AppID=301 &GrantType10=3 1 ti s 8/26/24, 3:14 PM MVCPATaskforce Grant Negotiation TX1210000 JASPER CO SO TX1210100 JASPER PD TX1210200 KIRBYVILLE PD TX'1230300 GROVES PD TX1230500 NEDERLAND PD TX1230800 PORT NECHES PD TX1231000 LAMAR UNIVERSITY PD TX1810000 ORANGE CO SO TX1810100 BRIDGE CITY PD TX1810200 ORANGE PD TX1810300 PINEHURST PD TX1810400 VIDOR PD TX1810500 WEST ORANGE PD TX1810800 ROSE CITY PD Resolution: Complete a Resolution and submit to local governing body for approval. Sample Resolutlon is found in the Request for Application or send a request for an electronic copy to grentsMVCPA@txdmv.gov. The completed and executed Resolution must be attached to this on-line application. Grant Budget Form MVCPA recommends that the applicant complete the total costs (MVCPA and Cash Match combined) for this program. The applicant can then enter the desired amount of Cash Match (not less than 20% per TAG Title 43, A§57.36). The system will then calculate the correct grant and match amounts. Budget Entry Option: Enter MVCPA and Cash Match Amounts Cash MVCPA Match Total In -Kind Budget Category Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Match Personnel $293,832 $0 $293,832 $300,832 Fringe $108,000 $0 $108,000 $108,000 Overtime $6,750 $0 $6,750 $6,750 Professional and Contract Services $166,000 $60,000 $226,000 Travel $14,950 $800 $i6,750 Equipment $36,000 $9,000 $45,000 Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) $99,002 $76,400 $175,402 $7,800 Total $724,534 $146,200 $870,734 $423,332 Cash Match Percentage 20.18% Pat MVCPA In -Kind Description Subcategory Tillie Funds Cash Match Total Match Personnel Program Director I Commander Investlgator]LEO 100 $0 $0 $0 $116,944 Program Manager l Supervisor Investigator/LEO 100 $107,944 $0 $107,944 $0 Investigator 1 Invest€gatoril-EC) 100 $92,944 $0 $92,944 Investigator 2 Investigator/LEO 100 $92,944 $0 $92,944 Investigator 3 Investigator/LEO 100 $0 $92,944 Investigator 4 Investigator/EEO i00 $0 $90,944 Total Personnel 600 $293,832 $0 $293,832 $300,832 Fringe Program Director/Commander Investigator/LEO $0 $0 $0 $36,000 Program Manager i Supervisor InvesilgatorlLEO $36,000 $0 $36,000 $0 Investigator 1 Investigator/LEO $36,000 $0 $36,000 Investigator 2 invesligatoriLEO $36,000 $0 $36,000 Investigator 3 Investigator/LEO $0 $0 $0 $36,000 Investigator 4 Investigator/LEO $0 $0 $0 $36,000 Total Fringe $108,000 $0 $108,000 $108,000 Overtime Program Director I Commander Investigator/LEO $0 $0 $0 $2,250 Mips:ilmvcpa.tame.edulNogotialloNTFGPriniAppllcatlon.asp71=1&AppID=301 &GrantTypelD=3 M5 8126/24, 3A4 PM MVCPATaskforce Grant Negotiation Pet MVCPA in -Kind Description Subcategory Time Funds Cash Klatch Total Match Program Manager / Supervisor lnvestigatorlLEO $2,250 $0 $2,250 Investigator 1 Investigator/LEO $2,250 $0 $2,250 Investigator 2 Investigator/LEO $2,250 $0 $2,250 Investigator 3 Investigator/LEO $0 $0 $0 $2,250 Investigator 4 Investigator/LEO $0 $0 $0 $2,250 Total Overtime $6,750 $0 $6,750 $6,750 Professional and Contract Services Jefferson County investigator/LEO - 100 personnel $80,000 $0 $80,000 Port Arthur Investigator/LEO - 100 personnel $86,000 $0 $86,000 Jefferson County investigator/LEO - fringe 100 $0 $30,000 $30,000 Port Arthur Investigator/LEO - fringe 100 $0 $80,000 $30,000 Total Professional and Contract Services 400 $166,000 $60,000 $226,000 Travel Annual TAVTI Law enforcement In- $5,500 $0 $6,500 State MVCPA Board Meetings Law enforcement In- State $0 $800 $800 Auto Crime Related Training Law enforcement In- State $2,650 $0 $2,650 Investigative or Administrative Law enforcement In- State $1,500 $0 $1,600 MVCPA Grant Workshop/Board Law enforcement In- $5,300 $0 $5,300 Meeting/Award State Total Travel $14,950 $800 $15,750 Equipment 1 Task Force Vehicle 112 ton Crew cab 4 $36,000 $9,000 $45,000 wheel drive Total Equipment $36,000 $9,000 $46,000 Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) Office & Warehouse Lease $55,000 $0 $55,000 Office Utilities $6,600 $0 $6,600 Office Field and Operational Supplies $14,832 $0 $14,832 Office Phone and Data Service $6,060 $0 $6,060 Bait and Tracking Air Time $1,380 $0 $1,380 Cell Phone Service $3,480 $0 $3,480 Vehicle Lease 1 $7,800 $0 $7,800 Vehicle Lease 2 $0 $0 $0 $7,800 Vehicle Fuel, Maintenance and Repalr;BPD $0 $50,400 $50,400 TAVTI Registration Fees $1,200 $0 $1,200 Uniforms $0 $0 $0 Public Education and Awareness $0 $26,000 $26,000 (Billboards) 4- Covert Trackers Annual Service $2,000 $0 $2,000 Auto Crimes Related Training Fees $650 $0 $650 Total Supplies and Direct Operating $99,002 $76,400 $175,402 $7,800 Expenses (DOE) Budget Narrative A. Personnel Narrative: Personnel: Commander: The Task Force commander will hold the rank of Lieutenant of the Beaumont Police Department and serve as the Program Director; oversee all task force personnel and associated task force operations; manage financial affairs to the grant; compile weekly payroll; direct task priorities, establish expectations and ensure accountability; work Jointly with pertaining MVCPA, Beaumont Chief of Police, Beaumont CFO Office and its grant coordinator and the program manager to sustain grant Mips:/lmvcpa.temu.eduiNegotiationlTFGPrintApplication.asp71=1 &ApplD=301 &GranlTypa10=3 3116 8126/24, 3:14 RM MVCFA'iaskforee Grant Negotiation Budget Narrative compliance and ensure positive outcomes; liaison with officials of participating and coverage agencies; attend appropriate meetings, seminars, training and webinars; administer or supervise any official task force webpage or social media presence; function as the official Task Force spokesperson and media contact; ensure that required MVCPA reports are submitted by the program manager; monitor progress and document accordingly; and delegate assignments to personnel as needed. The Commander will spend 100% of work hours on task force and grant related activities or objectives. The position will be funded as an In -Kind Match ($116,000). Only actual figures will be submitted. Supervisor: The Task Force supervisor will hold the rank of Sergeant of the Beaumont Police Department and serve as the Program Manager; supervise task force investigators, monitor law enforcement activities in a front line basis, schedule personnel, set goals, manage after hour callouts, review and assign offense reports; analyze Intelligence for trends or patterns, complete paperwork, organize special operations, including overt and covert activities as well as proactive enforcement; assess risk; assign tasks and data collection reports to Investigators; compile and draft activity summaries for periodic reports; complete and submit MVCPA quarterly reports; assist Investigators, and perform additional duties or assignments as directed by the Program Director. The supervisor will dedicate 100% of work hours to task force duties or functions. The position will be funded by MVCPA Funds ($107,000) based an actual figures. Beaumont Police Investigators (1-4): The BPD Investigators will conduct Investigations of auto -related cases as assigned, prepare and present completed cases to the District Attorney identify and develop suspects; recover stolen vehicles and property associated with auto -related crimes; write, get approved and execute appropriate search warrants; assist with other cases outside of Beaumont within the coverage area, as well as, assisting with any cases outside that area that will further Investigations for the task force, or with other auto theft task forces t agencies, that further the mission of reducing motor vehicle crimes in the State of Texas. They will also make recommendations to the task force supervisor on special operations based on Intelligence and trends, liaison and convey Intelligence to the appropriate agencies in and out of the coverage area, complete seizure and auction paperwork, assist with special operations; Conduct 68(A) Inspections, salvage yard and repair shop Inspections; and complete other duties and assignments assigned by the Program Manager or Program Director. Pursuant to Taskforce goals and MVCPA expectations, as Individually assigned, investigators will also develop and present crime prevention and awareness presentations; conduct media Interviews; disseminate public Information on taskforce accomplishments or cases; upon approval by Commander or Supervisor, issue official press releases to media or agency public relations; email suspect BOLO reports inter -departmentally; attend relevant neighborhood association or community -led meetings; liaison with participating agencies; obtain and maintain crime statistics for coverage areas; as appropriate, mail or email case update notices to crime victims; assist other task force personnel with assigned duties Including Investigations, inspections, and back up; maintain all surveillance equipment and assist with Its use during investigations or covert operations; cooperate with probation and parole offices to stay informed of the statuses of known auto crime recidivists; coordinate and conduct Inspections of salvage dealers and repair shops within the scope of the taskforce jurisdiction as priorities permit; monitor focal auctions where insurance -totaled vehicles are sold; In conjunction with the Supervisor, organize covert sting operations as needed to Identify illegal activities by salvage dealers or repalr shops; coordinate and conduct VTR-68A inspections; complete seizure paperwork, organize seized property inventory, prepare seized property for auction, and work closely with personnel who are associated with the process; and, complete other assignments as directed by the Supervisor or Commander. All fringe benefits will be cash -matched. All BPI) Investigators will devote 100°In of work hours toward auto -crime and grant -related activities. Investigator 1 ($92,000) and Investigator 2 ($92,000), will be funded with MVCPA Funds (2 @ $92,000 each = $184,000). investigator 3 ($92,000) and Investigator 4 ($90,000) will be an In -kind match ($182,000). Only actual figures will be submitted. Clothing allowance provided by the City of Beaumont ($4,824) in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement for 6 Beaumont officers Is $804,00 per officer per year (6 x 804 = $4,824) and $840 for Polo shirts with the SETX ATTF logo at $35 per shirt and 3 shirts per task force member (36 x 3 x 8 = $840 + $4,824 = $6,664), B. Fringe Narrative: Fringe: Fringe benefits include FICA, retirement withholding, and health Insurance. City of Beaumont withholds FICA - Mad at rate of 1.46% (except a Sgt. who was hired before April 1, 1986). TMRS Retirement withholdings Including agency contributions: City of Beaumont (21.04% Rate). Total Fringe with health insurance varies per employee and may exceed the estimated amount of $36,000, Only actual figures will be submitted. The Program Director / Commander Fringe will be an In -Kind Match ($36,000). The Program Manager / Supervisor Fringe will be MVCPA Funded ($36,000). Investigator 1 and Investigator 2 Fringe will be MVCPA Funded ($36,000 X 2= $72,000), Investigator 3 and investigator 4 Fringe will be In -Kind Match ($36,000 X 2=$72,000). MVCPA Funded Fringe total: $108,000, In -Kind Match Fringe total: $108,000. C. Overtime Narrative: In most circumstances, task force personnel will flex hours to accommodate events or unexpected Incidents that require an extended period of work beyond what Is scheduled, There are however occasions where overtime will be required and unavoidable due to the complexity of an incident, the hour It originated; the Inability to flex the time due to personnel already having met the 40-hour limitation per week; or, stipulations of a Collective Bargaining Labor Contract. There will be occasions where motor vehicle crimes investigations, survelllance and direct grant related activities will require overtime far task force personnel. Salaries have risen and given the average of $9,000.00 per year in overtime, It could be reasonably forecast that there would be approximately the same amount of overtime expended in the upcoming grant year. That would equate to approximately $2,250 ($2,250 x 3 = $6,750) per Investigator per year. D. Professional and Contract Services Professional and Contract Services: The Investigators (PAPD, JCSO) will lead Investigations of auto -related cases as assigned by each investigator's respective agency; prepare and present completed cases to the District Attorney; identify and develop suspects; recover stolen vehicles and auto -crime property; prepare and execute applicable search warrants; complete seizure paperwork; make recommendations to the Supervisor on special projects based on Identifiable trends; forward information on suspects and trends to the Supervisor; assist with special projects and operations; complete any data collection reports as assigned by Supervisor; assist with 68A Inspections and Inspections of salvage yards and repair shops when necessary; and, complete other duties or assignments as directed. All contracted Task Force Officers will assist on auto -related cases and operations within coverage jurisdiction. JCSO and PAPD salaries will be fully funded by MVCPA ($80,000 + $86,000=$166,000). Only actual figures will be submitted. Fringe benefits Include FICA, retirement withholding, and health insurance for all contributing agencies. Workers Compensation and TEC figures for Jefferson County and the City of Port Arthur, Workers Comp and TEC are figured together for Jefferson County at 5% whereas The City of Port Arthur is at 2% (WC) and 4% (TEC) respectively. FiCA is withheld at a rate of 7,65%. Retirement withholdings Including agency contributions are taken at the following rates: Jefferson County (14.9%), City of Port Arthur (13.1 %). Health Insurance for tdtps://nivepa.tamu.edu/Nagotiallonri'FGPrintAppl(cation.asp?1=1 &App1D=301 &GrantTypelD=3 4116 8/26124, 3:14 PM MVCPA Taskforce Grant Negotiation Budget Narrative Jefferson County will be about $15,000 for FY24 and Port Arthur will be about $16,000 for FY24. Participating agencies are expected to submit only actual figures up to a maximum cash match up to $30,000 ($30,000 x 2 = $60,000) for PAPD and JCSO. E. Travel Narrative: The Annual TAVTI Conference / Board Meeting ($5500): Estimated price Is $135 per room per night ($675 per week per person for 5 nights and 6 attendees; one attendee has lodging paid for by TAVTI, due to a position on the TAVTi Executive Board, but does not include per diem) for a total of $3375 for lodging. The estimate for per diem Is based on the current GSA for Dallas at $70 per day per person ($70 x 5 x 6 = $2100). The conference attendees would include Taal( Force investigators, the supervisor and the commander, all of which are law enforcement personnel and are funded by the grant, cash matched or in -kind matched, MVCPA Workshops / Board Meetings ($800): Estimated price per night $160 per room. Estimating the budget for potentially 4 separate occasions. One room for 3 nights (4 x 150 = $600). The current GSA (2023) per them rate for Austin Is estimated at $64 a day per person ($64 x 3 =192) (Per diem @$192 = Rooms @ $600 = $792). Attendees would Include the program manager or the program director, who are law enforcement personnel whose salaries are completely funded by grant funds or in -kind match. Auto Theft Training ($3300): Potential training for any newly assigned investigators) or other training suitable for current task force members. Estimated price per night Is $150 per room. One room for five nights ($150 x 5 = 750) and estimating for the possibility of three training opportunities (3 x $750 = $2250), Per Diem estimated af$64 per person (64 x 5 x 3 attendees = $960). Estimated training fees of $650. Attendees would include any task force member In need of training who is either funded directly by the grant, cash matched or an In -kind match of the grant. Only actual figures will be submitted if this line Item Is used. Unplanned investigative or Administrative Travel ($1500): During the course of the grant year, unplanned meetings may be scheduled or Investigations lead out of town and become an unfunded expense. If needed, only law enforcement personnel listed on the MVCPA grant will use these funds for purposes that have been approved prior to any travel. These purposes will be directly related to fulfilling grant objectives or purposes. These funds are being designated to prevent budget adjustments for unexpected travel. Only actual costs, If any, will be filed for reimbursement. MVCPA Grant Workshop 1 Training I Board Meeting / Grant Award ($5300): Attendees will be law enforcement task force members and at least one Financial Officer that oversees the grant for the City of Beaumont. Four attendees which are the Program Director, Program Manager and two task force Investigators and at least one civilian financial officer from the City of Beaumont that oversees the grant. Room price is estimated at $150 per night, ($150 x 5 x 5 = $3750) Per diem is estimated at $59 per person per day ($59 x 5 x 5 = $1,475). These are estimates, not allocations. Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. F. Equipment Narrative: Task Force vehicle for Beaumont Investigator, Current vehicle is a 2016 Ford F-160 with over 90,000 miles VIN: 1FTEW1CF7GKE60362, which will need to be replaced In the upcoming year. G. Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) Narrative: Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE): Office Lease ($55,000): The current lease is for two neighboring sections of the same building, owned by the same lessor, One section (Suite C) is office space for investigators and a portion Is garage space, which houses a vehicle Ilft used for assistance in vehicle Inspections and / or Investigations. The other section (Suite D) Is warehouse space for storage of seized property pending court dispositions, recovered stolen property, task force vehicles, other last( force property, such as tools, equipment and other supplies. Based on the current lease, monthly payments are $4,407, with any potential Increase capped at $55,000 per year. Office Utilities ($6,600): Electricity, natural gas and water utilities for the two adjacent suites (C and D) average cost is approximately $550 per month for a total annual cost of $6,600.This Is an estimate, not an allocation. Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. Office, Field and Operational Supplies ($12,000): These funds are utilized to procure standard office supplies such as printing paper, photo paper, digital media storage, toner, printer ink cartridges, materials for presentations, binding services, ink pens, letterhead, business cards and other essential office supplies, This Is also for field and operational supplies which are needed such as paper towels, degreaser, paint stripper, paint, sandpaper, sanding blocks, acid restoration ingredients, hand cleaner, OBDII readers, computer accessories, vehicle accessories, mechanical tools, grinding wheels, disposable gloves, Task Force logo outerwear, digital graphics, website fees, s€gnage, postage, shipping expenses, mechanical vehicle repair during travel, certified scale fees and any other non -inventory supplies needed for task force operations or duties. This line item Is intended as a readily accessible fund for unexpected expenses to assist the task force without budget adjustments, These are estimates, not allocations. Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. Office Phone & Data Service ($6,060) This expense Is for the multiple business fines (office phones and Internet service) and a designated secure data line for city and county computers. The following are estimates of average usages and are not allocations. Only actual expenses will be submitted for reimbursement. Bait and Tracking Air Time ($1,380): The Task Force bait vehicle system will require monthly GPRS communication. The Task Force also Intends to operate a web -based camera system and tracker that each require purchased air time. These are estimates, not allocations. Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. The Task Force has 4 "Tactltrac" Covert Trackers, used for attaching to bait and/or target vehicles with a tracking warrant), The annual cost far' 1 Year Unlimited Tracking & Alerts and Historical Data Retention for these 4 devices Is $499.99 per device, ($499.99 X4=$1999.96). Cell Phone Service ($3,480): Service cost based on reasonable monthly average allowance of $40 per month. There are eight task force members, which would total $3,840 annually. These are estimates, not allocations. Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. Vehicle Lease 1 ($7,800) & Vehicle Lease 2 are calculated at $650 per month based on a local dealer estimate for a statewide leasing program to law enforcement agencies, The Beaumont Police Department currently provides two lease vehicles for Investigators as part of the Task Force fleet. Vehicle Lease 1 will be submitted for reimbursement. Vehicle Lease 2 will bee shown as In -Kind Match ($7,800.00). Fuel, Maintenance, & Repair ($50,400): Fuel costs are estimated based on 14,000 miles per year, 14 miles per gallon @ $3.06 per gallon, totaling approximately $3,000 per vehicle per year. Oil changes and other maintenance costs are estimated at $2,600 per vehicle per year to Include expendables such as tires, brakes, shocks, or other necessary repairs. Combining estimates result in an average cost of $5600 per year multiplied by nine (9) vehicles totaling $50,400.Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. TAVTI Conference Registration Fees ($1200): Fees for up to six (6) taskforce members to attend the annual conference and membership dues. Clothing allowance provided by the City of Beaumont ($4,824) in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement for 6 Beaumont officers Is $804.00 per officer per year (6 x 804 = $4,824) and $840 for Polo shirts with the SETX ATTF logo at $35 per shirt and 3 shirts per task force member (35 x 3 x 8 = $840 + $4,824 = $5,664). Only actual costs will be submitted for reimbursement. Public Education and Awareness Billboard Campaign ($26,000) This campaign will be geared toward educating the public and Increasing awareness of how to avoid becoming a victim of Motor Vehicle Crimes. The strategy Is to focus on motor vehicle owners, hence the billboards, which will be in high profile areas of the freeways and roadways In the coverage area. The billboards will convey hilps:llmvcpa.tamu.edulNegotiationtfFGprin1Applicatlon.asp?1=1 &AppID=301&GrantTypelD=3 5/15 8/26124, 3:14 PM MVCPATaskforce Grant Negotiation Budget Narrative messages to citizens to remember and practice locking vehicles, taking valuable Items out of vehicles, especially firearms, taking keys out of vehicles and not leaving vehicles running. The campaign will Involve rotating billboards to new locations and digital billboards. Auto Crimes Related Training Fees wer0 $650.00, Revenue Indicate Source of Cash and In-Ktnd Matches for the proposed program. Click on links to go to match detail pages for entry of data. Source of Cash Match Grantee - City of Beaumont Grantee $86,200 Sub -Grantee -Jefferson County Subgrantee $30,000 Sub -Grantee - Port Arthur Subgrantee $30,000 Total Cash Match $146,200 Source of In -Kind Match Grantee - City of Beaumont Grantee $423,382,00 Total In -Kind Match $423,382.00 Statistics to Support Grant Problem Statement Reported Cases 2022 2023 Jurisdiction Motor Vehicle Theft (MVT) Burglary from Motor Vehicle (BMV) Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Crime (FRMVC) Motor Vehicle Theft (MVT) Burglary from Motor Vehicle (BMV) Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Crime (FRMVC) Beaumont PD 361 761 7 384 883 8 Port Arthur PD 115 232 0 176 219 0 Jefferson County SO 44 62 0 61 49 0 Orange PD 46 48 0 57 54 0 Orange County SO 80 66 0 64 54 0 Hardin County SO 37 29 0 46 22 0 Jasper PD 12 28 0 12 2 0 Jasper County SO 14 14 0 27 0 0 Lumberton PD 9 28 0 12 12 0 Groves PD 22 24 0 25 19 0 Nederland PD 32 51 0 -.18 28 0 Silsbee PD 5 0 0 17 0 0 Sour Lake PD 2 1 0 1 1 0 Kountze PD 6 1 0 2 4 0 Port Neches PD 24 29 0 3 17 0 Lamar University PD 1 0 0 1 0 0 West Orange PD 5 0 0 6 2 0 Vldor PD 26 27 0 24 10 0 Pinehurst PD 5 0 0 3 0 0 Bridge City 10 10 0 8 6 0 Application Narrative Grant Introduction (Executive Summary) and: General information 1.1 Briefly describe the organization and program operation. Provide a high level summaryto the application and how it will affect the local community. (500 words or less) Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, established In 1993, operates across Jefferson, Orange, Hardin, and Jasper Counties, combining the efforts of the Beaumont Police Department, Port Arthur Police Department, and Jefferson County Sherlff's Office to combat motor vehicle crimes. The mission focuses on reducing vehicle theft and burglary, recovering stolen property, and enhancing community safety. Central to the success of the task force, Is the strategy of Intelligence gathering and analysis, developing suspects through meticulous case Intake processes, and using information from law enforcement agencies and the community. By analyzing crime patterns and trends, the Task Force acts decisively using surveillance, covert operations, and collaborations with otherlaw enforcement entities. The task force integrates internet sources, participates In the Crime Stoppers program, and uses media to https:/lmvcpa.lamu.edulNegoilation[TFGPrintApplioailon.asp?1=1 &ApplD=301 &GrantTyp0lD=3 6/15 8126124, 3:14 PM WCPATaskforce Grant Negotiation extend Investigative reach. Preventive measures include regular inspections of salvage and repair businesses and conducting V7"R68(A) inspections to detect stolen vehicles, disrupting potential criminal activittes. Community engagement and education are key components, with the Task Force participating in community events and offering presentations to educate citizens on vehicle crime prevention. Billboard campaigns disseminate practical tips to reduce theft and burglary. Close collaboration with the judicial system ensuring cases are thoroughly investigated and presented to the DA's Office, for- the highest possible punishment of offenders. The sustained efforts of the Task Force significantly impact the communities by reducing motor vehicle crimes, ensuring thorough investigations, and educating the public. The dedication of task force personnel fosters a safer environment for residents and businesses. The Task Force's comprehensive approach and collaborative spirit are vital in maintaining and improving the quality of life in Southeast Texas. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force 1s a great example of effective law enforcement collaboration, demonstrating how a multi -faceted strategy can reduce crime and enhance community safety. 1,2 Describe the taskforce governing, organization and command structures. Include a description of the nature of support and agreements that will be In place If the grant Is awarded. Provide any details unique to, the taskforce organization or geographical target area. Describe whether any part of this grant will be directed to serve a specific target population (or Subset of the community)? The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is a part of the Beaumont Police Department Criminal Investigations Division. There Is a Captain of the Division, with Lieutenants over the units In the Division. The Auto Theft Task Force has a Lieutenant over the unit, that is also designated as the Commander/Program Director. The Lieutenant is responsible for oversight of all aspects of the Auto Theft Task Force and the grant, The Task Force Commander has a Sergeant that is designated as the Supervisor/Program Manager, The Sergeant Is responsible for case assignments, monthly reports, quarterly progress reports and all other daily / weekly / monthly supervisory duties pertaining to case Investigations, proposed activities or operations which further the grant goals and ensure that they are met. Investigators are responsible for case Investigations and all other duties that are assigned, There are four investigators from the Beaumont Police Department, one Investigator from the Jefferson County SherliTs Department and one Investigator from the Port Arthur Police Department. There will be lnterloeal agreements In place with each of the four counties included In the coverage area, as well as the participating sub -grantee Departments; the Jefferson County Sheriffs Department and the Port Arthur Police Department. There will also be letters of agreement with the District Attorneys of each county to the coverage area. The four -courtly project area is comprised of numerous communities and according to the most recent US Census estimate (2020) the counties have a combined population of approximately 430,000, with nearly 60% residing in Jefferson County. The four -county project area is in the southeast corner of the state, with a combined area of 2,361 square miles, There are 20 local law enforcement agencies In the coverage area. The major roadways which bisect the coverage area are as follows; Interstate 10 goes directly through Orange and Jefferson Counties and Is the major southern coast to coast interstate highway in the United States. Highway 90 Is also a major highway which cuts through the center of the City of Beaumont east to west. State Highway 105 also comes through Beaumont from the northwest. Highway 69/96/287 Is the major north south highway coming directly through Jasper and Hardin counties into Beaumont and Port Arthur, There Is also Highway 70, which Is south of Beaumont closer to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and runs from Winnie, TX to near Orange, TX. The Port of Beaumont, the Port of Port Arthur and the Port of Orange are also In the coverage area. The Coverage area is bounded by the Gulf of Mexico to the south and the Sabine River to the East, abutting the Louisiana state line in Orange County. The Neches Riverls the waterway that is the eastern boundary of the City of Beaumont and empties into the Sabine River near the Gulf of Mexico. Beaumont is the largest city along Interstate 10 between Houston and Baton Rouge, LA. The Beaumont area Is also the 6th most densely populated area In the State. The City of Beaumont has a population of 115,013, The estimated daytime population, according to TxDoT (Beaumont Commuting Area Reports Portal), swells to '135,805. That Influx of 20,792 also brings more vehicles Into the city Increasing the number of vehicles that become targets of Motor Vehicle Crimes. There are over 100,000 vehicles per day that pass through the city ilmits of Beaumont on Interstate 10, (TXDOT TTP Web VlewerAADT) TXDOT reported there were over 390,000 vehicles registered within our four -county coverage area In 2023. More than half of these vehicles are in Jefferson County, which Is primarily urban and suburban areas. The four -county project area had 856 vehicle thefts reported far2022 and 946 vehicle thefts reported for 2023. (Numbers obtained from DPS Index Crimes On -Line) These numbers show an Increase of 9, 5% from 2022 to 2023. Much of this Increase can be attributed to Kia / Hyundai motor vehlcle thefts. There were 1,411 auto burglaries reported In the project area In 2022 and 1,382 auto burglaries reported in 2023. These numbers (obtained from all agencies in the coverage area) show a 2% decrease for 2022 through 2023. The four -county project area had 531 vehicles that suffered Catalytic Converter thefts for 2022 and 119 Catalytic Converter thefts reported for 2023. (Numbers obtained from project area agencies that had accurate records of Catalytic Converter thefts) These numbers totaled for the two year period are 1, 802 Motor Vehicle Thefts; •2, 793 Auto Burglaries and 650 Catalytic Converter Thefts. According to Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation records, there are 11 licensed Metal Recycling Entities in the four -county coverage area. There are 12 Used Auto Parts Recyclers in the four -county coverage area. The entire population of the coverage area will be served by the task force. The amount of service will be dictated by the need for assistance from agencies in the coverage area, investigations that lead to different specific areas and on the rise or fall In the frequency of Motor Vehicle Thefts and Theft from a Motor Vehicle, Including Auto Burglaries, In that specific community or geographic area. Grant Problem Statement 2.1 Provide an assessment of the burglary from a motor vehicle (including theft of parts) problem In the coverage area of this applicatlon. Include loss data consistent with the reported Incident numbers above. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force Coverage area reported for 2022-2023 that [lie four -county project area had 1,411 auto burglaries reported In the project area In 2022 and 1,382 auto burglaries reported In 2023, These numbers (obtained from all agencies In the coverage area) show a 2% decrease for 2022 through 2023. The four -county project area had 531 vehicles that suffered Catalytic Converter thefts for 2022 and 119 Catalytic Converter thefts reported for 2023. (Numbers obtained from project area agencies that had accurate records of Catalytic Converter thefts) These numbers totaled for the two year period (2022-2023) are hltps:llmvepa.lamu.edulNegollationfTFGPfititApplicallon.asp?1=1&Applo=301 &Gran1TypelD=3 7115 8/26124, 3:14 PM MVGPATaskforce Grant Negotiation 2,793 Auto Burglaries and 660 Catalytic Converter Thefts, for a total of 3,443 Burglary ofa Motor Vehicle and Theft from a Motor Vehicle cases. Though the overall rate of Burglary of a motor Vehicle shows to have declined by about 2%, this slight downturn does not Illustrate, that Burglary of a Motor Vehicle cases have become more targeted. The actors in a large portion of these crimes are targeting firearms. Another large portion was !Qa/Hyundaf attempted thefts. There were 170 firearms stolen In 2022, with 92% taken from unlocked vehicles; and 152 stolen in 2023, with 84% taken from unlocked vehicles. There were 101 attempted Kla /Hyundai thefts In 2023, this accounts for 11 % of all BMWs reported in 2023, The auto burglary trends that have been noted in the past still remain the same, Unlocked car doors are the vast majority of the auto burglaries reported and firearms, cash, electronics, purses, backpacks and credit cards are all higher priority targets. Between January 1st and April 251h, Justin tlta City of Beaumont, there were 271 auto burglaries reported and 58 firearms were reported stolen from those Incidents. That means more than twenty percent of the auto burglaries reported thus far in 2023, Involved the theft ofa firearm. Only 10 of ilia auto burglaries reported, where firearms were taken, involved forced entry. That means more than 85% of all firearms taken In auto burglaries were taken from unlocked vehicles. Predatory theft from vehicles has declined in the project area. These actors are generally from fire Houston area and when Houston and Harris County see increases so does the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, Offenders targeting victims using outdoor exercise venues, by sitting In the parking lots of these facilities such as parks, Hike and Bit(& trails and gym parking lots, have dropped off somewhat, The -so incidents targeted mainly, purses, wallets, and cash, as well as other valuables, The offenders use the same Predatory method, watching potential victims park, then waiting to see Ira wallet or purse was hidden while they observed. The offenders would then either walk over and look In Ilia vehicle, or drive over and park next to the victims vehicle using the vehicles as concealment. Once the vehicle was entered, generally by breaking the glass, the actors would take the property and leave the area. If there were credit cards, the actors would go to nearby stores and make fraudulent purchases. Many times the victim would receive notifications on their phones of the transactions, while they were still exercising. Task Force investigators coflaborate with the Beaumont Police Department Fraud Unit In these Investigations in an effort to Identify these actors. This type of predatory theft has continued, though It has dropped off substantially during the past year. Juveniles continue to be a pervasive problem, working In groups and "Car -Hopping" through parking tots and neighborhoods. These juvenile offenders are responsible for a large amount of tite firearm thefts and as stated In the past, difficult to Identify and very rarely serve any time in a correctional facility. These stolen firearms have been and are being used In drive -by shootings and other juvenile gang violence. The Southeast TexasAuto Theft Task Force works diligently with the Juvenile Division of the Beaumont Police Department and has had good success by collaborating on the Juvenile crime Issue, pertaining to the motor vehicle crime problem In the area. This, however, is an on -going issue which Is perpetuated every year with new offenders and repeat offenders as they become adults. 2.2 Provide an assessment of the motor vehicle theft problem In the coverage area of this application, Include loss data consistent with the reported incident numbers above. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force coverage area did experience an Increase In Motor Vehicle Theft between 2022 and 2023. There were 856 Motor Vehicle Thefts reported In the coverage area In 2022 and 946 were reported In 2023, This is approximately a 9.5% increase In reported Motor Vehicle Thefts. The primary cause of the increase was due to the large Increase In Kla /Hyundai Motor Vehicle Thefts. There were 131 We /Hyundal auto thefts reported in Beaumont for 2023. This comprises 32% of all UUMV's reported. These thefts were predominantly Involving Juvenile groups/gangs that targeted Kla /Hyundai vehicles. These offenders were using the vehicles for other crimes as well. Many of these Juvenile actors were Identified and apprehended with the assistance of the task force and collaboration with file otheragencies in the coverage area. This Issue has been addressed by Task Force personnel to maintaining a constant intelligence exchange with the Juvenile division of the Beaumont Police Department, In order to target and Identify these Juvenile actors, The majority of the other thefts reported are with keys, or proximity key FOB's left in the vehicle: The Task force Is using FLOCK LPR/Cameras along with other LPL's; such as the Axon Camera System that the Beaumont Police Department now has in all patrol Units. These cameras are also LPL's and are monitored together in the Beaumont Police Departments Real Time Crime Center (RTCC). The RTCC also provides analysis of data and data mining to the task force relating to auto theft and burglary, as well as, theft from vehicles. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task force has worked extensively with the Jefferson County DA's Office as well as file other Counties DA's Ofllces and has made headway in getting cases that have been presented, accepted by the DA's In the coverage area. The real Issue Is getting sentencing commensurate with the crimes. Convictions on good cases are occurring, the length of the terms of confinement are not increasing overall, creating the "In -and Out" for offenders of Motor Vehicle Crimes. The same holds true in the Juvenile system. Motor Vehicle Thefts disrupt everyday life for the working man and women In the communities that the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force serves. The citizens not only feel less secure, they are also forced Into circumstances that cause them to miss work, the ability to get their children to school, even being able to get food for their families, Businesses also suffer from the Inability to continue providing the services that they would normally supply, thereby affecting other businesses as well, causing a domino effect and In some instances, crippling a business or Independent businessman, whose sole means of providing the service Is Ilia vehicle that was stolen, This equates to an enormous economic Impact on the citizens and businesses in the coverage area. 2.3 Provide an assessment of the fraud -related motor vehicle crime problem In the coverage area of this application. Include loss data consistent with the reported incident numbers above. The Southeast TexasAuto Theft Task Force has not noticed an Increase in Fraud Related Motor Vehicle Crimes over the past years. There were some title frauds, some insurance frauds and VIN frauds (Clones from out of the area). The 2022 grant year showed only seven fraud cases Investigated by the task force. There were 6 FRMVC cases that ilia Task Force worked In 2023 grant year. The most recent cases Involved "Cloned" vehicles from outside the coverage area. These types of cases seem to be on the rise and involve vehicles from the Houston area as well. The dealerships In the coverage area have mainly dealt with "Key FOB Swaps", and rarely have any fraudulent purchases, though a few have occurred, With the increase of internet sales from dealershlps, remarkably, tills area has seen very few cases arise from these sales, Title frauds have been minimal and almost all of the cases In the past have been vehicles purchased In Houston and brought to the Beaumont area to be registered, where It was discovered that the title(s) were In fact fraudulent. Itttps:ilmvcpa.tamu.eduliJegoilatlon/TFGPrInlApplicatlon.asp?l=1 &AppID=301&GrantTypelD=3 8116 8/26124, 3:14 PM MVCPA Taskforce Grant Negotiation 2.4 Provide an assessment of motor vehicle crime not covered above like Insurance fraud, preventing stolen vehicles from entering Mexico, bridge/port stolen vehicle export crime, disruption of cartels and organized criminal enterprises related to motor vehicle crime, etc... The Port of Beaumont has its own Police Department as well as the Jefferson County Marine Unit and the U.S. Coast Guard, which patrols fire Port of Beaumont and the Neches and Sabine Rivers. These rlvers are the inlets from the Gulf of Mexico which actually puts the Pori of Beaumont, 42 miles inland and is still a deep water Port. The Poll of Beaumont is also served by three rat/ carriers, BNSF Kansas City Southern and Union Pacific. The Port of Beaumont is primarily a bulk cargo port, meaning very few If any vehicles go through the port for transport. The vehicles that do go through the port are almost exclusively U.S. Military vehicles. The Port of Beaumont is one of the main ports In Ilia nation used for Military equipment transportation due to Its location on the Gulf of Mexico and it Is Ilia Headquarters for the U.S. Army's 842nd Transportation Battalion, which specializes /n port logistics. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft task Force has a working relationship with the Port Police and are rarely, if ever, called upon by them In regard to a vehicle of interest. This Is due to Ilia type of cargo that enters and exits the port. Grant Goals and Activities There are two parts to this section: 1) Functions of Proposed Program and 2) Goals Strategies and Activities (GSA). In the following boxes, describe the functions of the proposed program and then complete a tillable form called GSA. MVCPA programs must completely describe the actions, methods and tactics that law enforcement and civilian staff will perform for each of the categories below. Describe the reliance on technology or other program elements to solve the problem statement above and goals below. Functions must be detailed and consistent with the requested budget. If a grant Is awarded, funds expended towards activities not described In this section will result in the reimbursement being denied. Part 1 8.1 Functions of the proposed program related to burglary from a motor vehicle (Including theft of parts) Vehicle / Catalytic Convertor Theft Strategy. Reduce the Incidence of Burglary of Motor Vehicle and Theft From Goals, - Identify and Target Offenders and Prolific Offenders - Collect intelligence - Collaborate with Law Enforcement Agencies and other Organizations - Community Crime Prevention Campaign Activities: Identify and target Offenders and Prolific Offenders: Offenders In motor vehicle burglary and theft from a motor vehicle will be identified through analysis of incoming offense reports, intelligence gained from arrests, informants, other law enforcement agencies, surveillance observations, bait vehicle operations, repair shop Inspections, salvage yard Inspections, metal recycler Inspections, as well as, parts resale location Inspections. The Beaumont Police Department Real Time Crime Center, Is also used to a degree to determine patterns or trends in these offenses. The offenders will be the target of investigations based on the method of the crime, types of vehicles burglarized, property taken, geographical location of the crimes and any Information or evidence pointing to or linking them to the ertme(s). Covert operations will be used to target burglary of a motor vehicle offenders, such as, buys of stolen property from auto burgtarles, Batt Operations and predatory theft ('lugger") bait operations, to Identify and determine if there Is an organized criminal enterprise involved. Catalytic Converter Theft will be addressed as well. FLOCK Cameras and LPR's will be utilized as well as the Real Time Crime Center to collect and analyze data within time frames and determine If there Is a viable suspect vehicle and or actor. intelligence collection, analysis and collaboration with other law enforcement agencles, In and out of the coverage area will be essential. Developing relationships with privately owned businesses, in and out of the coverage area, that deal in catalytic convertersales orpurchases, will be neoded In order to obtain Information or intelligence on potential or confirmed actors in these thefts. That type of networking Is already In place and work is being done to expand those contacts. Collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and other organizations: Collaboration with law enforcement agencies in and out of the project area and other MVCPA Auto Theft Task Faces to determine crime trends, patterns, suspected offenders and recover stolen property, through intelligence sharing. This Includes Information orintelfigonce Involving juvenile offenders. Assisi other agencies with auto crime cases, which Involve Burglary of a Motor Vehicle or Theft of Property or Parts from a Motor Vehicle. This collaboration will be necessary in determining if the crimes are being committed by an organized ring, if it is one Individual or a crime of opportunily. The collaboration would include the District Attorney's Offices in the jurisdictions affected, to help them understand the scope and importance of the crlme(s) and provide any additional Information that might be needed to properly prosecute the offender(s) for maximum result. Community Crime Prevention and Awareness Is a component of the overall program. Information and Instruction for the public Is important to aid In the prevention of even one auto related crime. The Task Force will continue the efforts to educate the public In as many forums as are available; Neighborhood Association Meetings, Civic Organizations, Citizens Police Academy, Media Interviews, Police /Community Events, and Public Service Announcements through Ilia Beaumont Police Department, along with Social Media and a Billboard advertising Motor Crimes Prevention campaign. The billboard advertising campaign will be as high profile as possible, focusing on Prevention tips to reduce burglary of a motor vehicle and presenting constant reminder via the billboards. The goal will be educating the public on locking vehicles, removing items of value, especially firearms, as well as personal identification, taking the keys out of the vehicle and learning how to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a Motor Vehicle Crime. This strategy will be to give constant reminders of Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention by a saturation of messages via billboards which specifically target motor vehicle owners in high profile areas along major freeways, and roadways In the coverage area, concentrating on the highest populated areas where exposure will reach the biggest audience. 3.2 Functions of the proposed program related to motor vehicle theft. https:/Imvrpa.tamu.edu/NegailattonrrFGPaihiApplicatlon.asp?l=1 &AppID=301&GrantTypelD=3 9/15 8126/24, 3:14 PM MVCPATasktofce Grant Negotiation The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will employ multiple Strategies, Goals and Activities to reduce the Incidence of Motor Vehicle Theft In a comprehensive program to confront and reduce the problem. Strategy; Reduce the Incidence of Motor Vehicle Theft Goals, - Identify and Target Offenders and Prolific Offenders - Collect Intelligence - Collaborate with Law Enforcement Agencies and other organizations - Community Crime Prevention Campaign Activities, identify and target Offenders and Prolific Offenders; Offenders Involved in motor vehicle theft will be Identified through Intelligence gained from offense reports, arrests, informants, other law enforcement agencies, surveillance observations, bait vehicle operations, use of the LPR systems, such as, FLOCK Cameras and LPR's; such as the Axon Camera system which acts as an LPR and are Installed on all Beaumont Police Department patrol vehicles, will be utilized, as well as, the Real Time Crime Center to collect and analyze data within time frames and determine If there is a viable suspect and/ or actor. Intelligence collection, analysis and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, In and out of the coverage area will be essential, repair shop Inspections, used car dealership inspections, salvage yard Inspections, metal recycler Inspections, as well as parts resale location Inspections. The offenders would be the target of Investigations based on the method of the crime, types of vehicles stolen, other properly talsen, geographical location of the crimes and any information or evidence pointing to or linking thorn to the crime(s). -The utilization of covert operations, such as surveillance of offenders and buys of stolen vehicles and/or parts to determine the origin and assist in the identification of other offenders or chop shops. The use of legally obtained search warrants for places, things, phones, phone records and other data bases will be employed to thoroughly Investigate the cases, as well as tracking orders and other surveillance techniques as needed. Collaborate with other law enforcement agencies and other organizations; Collaborate with law enforcement agencies in and out of the project area, to determine crime trends, patterns, suspected offenders and recover stolen vehicles and other properly, through intelligence sharing, Including juvenile offenders. Assist other agencies with auto crime cases, which involve Theft of a Motor Vehicle, or Theft of Component Parts from a Motor Vehicle. This collaboration will be necessary In determining If the crimes are being committed by an organized ring, if it is one Individual, ora crime of opportunity. The collaboration would Include the District Attorney's Offices In the jurisdictions affected, In order to help them understand the scope and importance of the crime(s), and provide any additional Information that might be needed to properly prosecute the offender(s) formaxlmum result. The collaboration would also Include working with other MVCPA Auto Theft Task forces, N1CB and Insurance companies on Insurance fraud cases, cargo thefts, and cloned or altered vehicles. it would also entall working with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and local tax offices on fraudulent titles, and conducting 68A Inspections, to determine If vehicles are stolen. Community Crime Prevention and Awareness Is a component of the overall program. Information and instruction for the public 1s Important to aid In the prevention of even one auto related crime. The Task Force will continue the efforts to educate the public in as many forums as are available; Neighborhood Association Meetings, Civic Organizations, Citizens Police Academy, Media Interviews, Police /Communfty Events, and Public Service Announcements through the Beaumont Police Department, along with Social Media and a billboard advertising campaign. The billboard advertising campaign will be as high profile as possible, focusing an Prevention tips to reduce Motor Vehicle Theft, presenting constant reminders via the billboards. The goal will be educating the public on locking vehicles, removing items of value, especially firearms, as welt as personal identification, taking the keys out of the vehicle and learning how to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a Motor Vehicle Crime. This strategy will be to give constant reminders of Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention by a saturation of messages via billboards, which specifically target motor vehicle owners, In high profile areas along major freeways, and roadways In the coverage area, concentrating on the highest populated areas where exposure will reach the biggest audience. Messages that Inform citizens and citizens will hopefully practice, taking the keys out of their vehicles, not leaving their vehicles running unattended, locking their vehicles and not•leaving Important personal identification andlor vehicle titles In the vehicle. This would Include not buying vehicles without a title. 3.3 Functions of the proposed program related to fraud -related motor vehicle crime (such as title and registration fraud) The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will Identify and Target Offenders and Prolific Offenders Involved In Fraud Related Motor Vehicle Crimes. These actors will be identified through Intelligence gained from arrests, informants, other Law Enforcement Agencies and Anonymous Tips with corroboration of Ilia Information received. The Task Force will utiltze LPR's and data -mining to Develop and identify Offenders, as well as, 68(A) inspections and NICB. The Offenders will be Targets of Investigations based on the Method of the crime, types of vehicles stolen, where the vehicle Is recovered and any Information pointing to or finking the offender(s) to the crime(s). The Tasir Force will utlUze covert operations to target offenders of these crimes, to Include buying stolen vehicles using the Internet, using undercover operatives to target Fraud - Related Motor Vehicle Theft offenders. The objective of these investigations will be to Identify, arrest and charge the actors, as well as determining If there is a criminal nexus to any organized criminal enterprises, which would broaden the investigations to reveal as many offenders as possible. The use of legally obtained search warrants for places, things, phones, phone records and other data bases will be employed to thoroughly Investigate the cases, as well as tracking orders and other surveillance techniques as needed. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will Collaborate will) Law Enforcement Agencies both In and out of the Project area, Other MVCPA State Task Forces, Tax Offices, TXDMV, NICB and Insurance Companies to ascertain crime trends, patterns, suspected offenders, recoverstolen vehicles, property and share Intelligence. The collaboration will Include assisting other law enforcement agencies with Motor Vehicle Thefts. By doing so, essential Intelligence and Information can be used to determine If the crimes are being committed by Individual or an Organized Criminal Network. The Task Force will also collaborate with District Attorney's Offices in the affected jurisdictions to help them understand the scope and Importance of the crime(s) and provide additional Information or expertise that would aid In the effective prosecution of the offender to provide a positive outcome for the victims, the community, the State of Texas and Insurance companies as well. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will also conduct Law Enforcement and Community Education Awareness Presentations / hitps;/ltnvcpa.tamu.edu/Negotiatlon/1-FGPriniApplicallon,asp?l=1 &ApplD=301 &GrantType1D=3 10115 w9r,f94 3:14 PM MVCP'A Taskforce Grant Ne9otlallon Classes. The purpose of the presentations for Law Enforcement would be to Increase their !knowledge and awareness of Fraud - Related motor vehicle crime Information, pertaining to trends in fraudulent titles, Registration Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Odometer Fraud, Vin Fraud and Identify Fraud Sales. The information presented to Law Enforcement officers will deal directly with detection and prevention of Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Crimes. This would also allow officers to relay information to citizens personally and further educate the community about methods to avoid becoming a victim of a Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Crime. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task force has established a good working relationship and rapport with the community that we have served over that last 30 years. The Community Presentations would be used to strengthen that relationship and establish new contacts. Updated, relevant information pertaining to steps citizens can take to avoid becoming a victim of a fraud -related motor vehicle crime, would be presented In an effort to educate the community. This education would help reduce incidences of this type of crime. Things such as, always get a Illle and took closely at the title when purchasing vehIclas from individuals and even dealerships. Also, if the deal looks too good to be true, it usually is. Other things would pertain to how the purchase, such as an Internet sale, should be handled to avoid not just fraud, but bodily harm. Driving to pickup an Internet purchase with a large quantity of cash at a location of the sellers choosing is always a very bad Idea. -The task force would strive to stress the importance of safety and legality to avoid becoming a victim. 3A Functions of the proposed program related to preventing motor vehicle crime (motor vehicle theft, burglary from a motor vehicle and fraud -related motor vehicle crime) The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will continue to reach out to the communities in the project area In an effort to Increase the awareness and educate the public on the varlous types of motor vehicle crimes. The focus will remain, as It has been In the past, to instruct citizens in ways to avoid becoming a victim. Motor Vehicle Theft The public will be educated In the manners in which a vehicle can be stolen, without giving away Instructions on how to steal a vehicle. Leaving keys or FOB s In vehicles, leaving a vehicle running and unattended, loaning a vehicle and owning a vehicle that is prone to, or easily stolen, are all methods for theft of a vehicle. Keys felt in vehicles are the highest percentage of Motor Vehicle Thefts and reiterating this point to the public Is a priority. Making sure all keys are accounted for and not leaving a spare in the vehicle. Taking the keys out of the vehicle every time It is left and making sure it is locked. Leaving a vehicle running to warm It up, or cool it off, unattended; Leaving a vehicle running at the store unattended, or leaving the keys laying around In a public place where others have access to them will also be stressed. Vehicles that are prone to being stolen, such as older model trucks, where the steering column can be broken and the vehicle will start. Ideas for steering wheel immobilizing bars could be used, such as the old school "Club`. Newer model vehicles such as Kle and Hyundai's can also use a "Club", but more Importantly, there are now updates for these vehicles that will prevent easy thefts, which many In the public are not aware of. Presentations to citizens will be conducted in numerous forums, such as using the local media interviews, social media, Neighborhood Association Meetings, Civic group meetings, Church group meetings, Cops and Kids events and Public Service Announcements and a billboard advertising campaign stressing the Importance of locking your vehicle, taking valuables from the vehicle, especially firearms and never leaving the keys in the vehicle or leaving the vehicle running unattended. Burglary of a Motor Vehicle The public will educated on the importance of taking valuables, especially firearms, out of the vehicle, leaving nothing In view from the outside of the vehicle, locking the vehicle and taking the keys. The public will receive instruction on personal safety as well. When parking a vehicle, paying attention to the surroundings, parking in well /it or visible areas. Ensuring that when they arrive, they thought ahead and hid or removed any items of value that are not going with them. Predators will wait in parking lots at the mall, gym, grocery store, hike and bike trails, parks, soccer fields, gas pumps or any other place to watch for a victim to hide their purse, laptop, or other items of value after arriving and walk away. The Predator now ]mows exactly what was hidden and where. When leaving a financial Institution victims often walk out with envelopes In theirhand. These predators are watching and will follow these victims to their first stop and as soon as the victim walks away, the offenders will strike and take the money that the victim just received. Paying attention to the surroundings, especially when leaving or arriving to a destination will be stressed. Presentations to citizens will be conducted in numerous forums, such as using the local media Interviews, social media, Neighborhood Association Meetings, Civic group meetings, Church group meetings, Cops and Kids events and Public Service Announcements and a billboard Motor Vehicle Crimes Prevention advertising campaign, focusing on locking vehicles, taking valuables out of the vehicle, especially firearms; never leaving the keys In the vehicle or leaving the vehicle running unattended. The billboards, which will be In high profile areas along freeways and roadways In the coverage area, will target motor vehicle owners and users as they are driving the roadways of the coverage area. The billboards will be rotated and digital billboards will also be employed. Fraud Related Motor Vehicle Crimes; Updated, relevant information pertaining to steps citizens can take to avoid becoming a victim of a fraud -related motor vehicle crime, would be presented In an effort to educate the community. This education would help reduce Incidences of this type of crime. Things such as, always get a title and look closely at the title when purchasing vehicles from Individuals and even dealerships, Also, If the deal looks too good to be true, It usually is. Other things would pertain to how the purchase, such as an Internet sale, should be handled to avoid not Just fraud, but bodily harm. Driving to pick-up an internet purchase with a large quantity of cash at a location of (lie sellers choosing !s always a very bad Idea. The task force would strive to stress the Importance of safety and legality to avoid becoming a victim. Presentations to citizens will be conducted In numerous forums, such as using the local media for televised/radio interviews, social media, Neighborhood Association Meetings, Civic group meetings, Church group meetings, Cops and Kids events and Public Service Announcements. 3.5 Functions of the proposed program for other motor vehicle crimes investigations and activities consistent with the statutory requirements (preventing stolen vehicles from entering Mexico, stopping illegal export of stolen vehicle from bridge/ outbound port operations, disruption of cartel or organized criminal enterprises using stolen motor vehicles or fraud related motor vehicle crime, Insurance fraud, etc...) a Port of Beaumont has Its own Police Department as well as the Jefferson County Marine Unit and the U.S. Coast Guard, which patrols the Port of Beaumont and the Neches and Sabine Rivers. These rivers are the Inlets from the Gulf of Mexico which actually https:Ilmvcpa.tamu.edu)NegoltatlonITFGPrinlAppllcation.asp?i=i&ApplD=301&GrantTypelD=3 tii15 6/26124, 3:14 PM MVCPATaskforca Grant Nagollallon puts the Port of Beaumont, 42 miles Inland and Is still a deep water Port. The Port of Beaumont Is also served by three rail carriers, BNSI , Kansas City Southern and Union Pacific. The Port of Beaumont Is primarily a bulk cargo port, meaning very few if any vehicles go through the port for transport. The vehicles that do go through the port are almost exclusively U.S. Military vehicles. The Port of Beaumont Is one of the main ports In the nation used for Military equipment transportation due to its location on the Gulf of Mexico and it is the Headquarters for the U.S. Army's 842nd Transportation Battalion, which specializes in port logistics. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft task Force has a working relationship with the Port Pollee and are rarely, if ever, called upon by them In regard to a vehicle of Interest. This Is due to the type of cargo that enters and exits the port. 3.6 Collaboration Effort -- Describe the taskforce method to collaborate, and not duplicate existing activities. Describe the cross boundaries regional approach to grant activity Implementation. Describe how the applicant staff and Jurisdiction will coordinate with other taskforces and law enforcement agencies to Implement this program. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Test( Force, for the last 31 years, has established long -running working relationships with all of the law enforcement agencies In the coverage area, as well as, taskforces and multiple other law enforcement agencies In the State of Texas, as well as the Federal Justice system. The reputation of the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force /s one of dedication, expertise and willingness to help throughout the region, state and even other states. Intelligence sharing and assistance to outside agencies, both. in and out of the Project area, has created and strengthened these relationships and friendships. The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force has always set the bar high and prioritized the relationships, which are reciprocal. The task force continues to strive to be the best arid most reliable task force for assistance and expertise In any type of motor vehicle crime, by constantly striving to he informed of the latest and most accurate motor vehicle crime trends. This expertise extends beyond law enforcement to Judicial agencies as well. The relationships with the four county coverage area DislrictAllornoy's Offices are good and cooperation is the "norm" on both sides. These collaborations have involved numerous cases of organized criminal activity as well as Individuals and these relationships continue and grow stronger The Task Force will also collaborate with numerous other state agencies, such as TXDMV, DPS, tax offices and other task forces throughout the state, These collaborations will include 68(A) inspections, title frauds at tax offices, TXDMV field offices and registration Issues and crimes that will arise from those agencies. Communication and Intelligence sharing with law enforcement and multiple points of contact within the task force, enable the task force to work with other task forces other law enforcement and civilian services related to working on motor vehicle crimes. This communication ensures that duplication of lasks is kept to a minimum. 3.7 If the proposed application requests any exceptions or deviation from any general grant rules, RFA conditions or grant administrative policy, please Indicate in the section below. Indicate the section of the specific Issue and citation that you are asking the MVCPA to consider and the rational for the request. There are no exceptions or deviations requested at this time. Part 11 Goals, Strategies, and Activities Select Goats, Strategies, and Activity Targets for the proposed program. 011ck on the link above and select the method by which statutory measures will be collected. Law Enforcement programs must also estimate targets for the MVCPA predetermined activities. The MVCPA board has determined that grants programs must document specific activities that are appropriate under each of the three goals. Applicants are allowed to write a limited number of user defined activities. ID Activity Measure target Statutory Motor Vehicle Theft Measures Required for all Grantees, 1.1.15 Increase the recovery rate of stolen motor Report the number of vehicles recovered by taskforce vehicles 1,1 J6 Increase the clearance rate of MVTs Report the number of MVT cases cleared 1.1.17 Increase the number of persons arrested Report the number of persons arrested for motor vehicle theft by taskforce for motor vehicle theft Statutory Burglary of a Motor Vehicle Measures Required for all Grantees 2.1.12 Increase the clearance rate of motor Report the number of BMV Including parts cases cleared vehicle burglaries 2.1.13 Increase the number of persons arrested Report the number of persons arrested for burglary by taskforce for motor vehicle burglary Statutory Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Crime. Measures Required for all Grantees 8.1.1 Increase the clearance rate of fraud -related Report the number of fraud-reiated motor vehicle cases cleared motor vehicle crime cases. 8.1.2 Increase the number of persons arrested Report the number of persons arrested for fraud related motor vehicle crimes for fraud -related motor vehicle crimes. Measures for Grantees, Add 'target values for those that you will measure. 1 Goal 1: Reduce the Incidence of Motor Vehicle Theft through Enforcement Strategies 1.1 Strategy 1: Conduct Activities that Result in the Arrest, Clearance, and Recoveries of Motor Vehicle Theft 1,1 A Identify groups of auto theft offenders Number of MVT groups Identified. Include gangs, cartels or other criminal 15 through Intelligence gathering, crime enterprise with two or more members analysis and the use of Informants https:llmvcpa.lamu.edulNegoliatlonfTFGPrintApplioation.asp?l=1 &AppID=301&GrantTypo1D=3 12f15 8/26124, 3:U PM MVCPATaskfome Grant Negotiation ID Activity Measure Ta rget 1.1.2 Identify and document/record prolific MVT Number Identified/documented offenders 15 offenders [Prolific Is defined as "linked to MVT offenses three or more times"] 1,1.5 Conduct Inspections of local businesses Number of businesses inspected 40 related to vehicle enterprise (transportation code or occupation code authorized companies such as salvage yard, repair shop, parts recycling center, used car dealership, salvage rebutlder, title service company, other). (see 1.3.3 to report the number of vehicles inspected in these businesses) 1.4.6 Conduct bait vehicle operations that target Number of bait vehicle deployments. include BMV bait operations here. 12 MVT offenders 1.1.8 Deploy license plate readers (LPR) Number of,times LPR deployed. Deploy: If stationary unit then total number of days or partial days unit was operable and on. Mobile unit number of days the unit was on and operable. 1.1.5 Respond to taskforce license plate reader Number of times Investigators responded to taskforce LPR alert notifications (LPR) alert notifications regardless of whether vehicle was located 1.1,12 Conduct covert operations targeting MVT Number of covert operations 2 offenders 1.1.13 Conduct warrant "round -up" operations Number of warrant round -up operations performed for MVT, BMV and targeting motor vehicle crime offenders, FRMVC. Including people wanted for MV1b, motor vehicle burglaries, theft of vehicle parts and motor vehicle fraud related crime. 1.4.20 Number of Altered Vehicles Recovered Report the total number of vehicles recovered with altered Vehicle Identification Number. Note: Please remember that a vehicle recovered must be reported In 1,1.15 1.2 Strategy 2: Conduct Collaborative Efforts that Result In Reduction of Incidents of Motor Vehicle Theft 1.2.1 Provide Agency Assists for MVT and motor Number of agency assists related to MVT. Assist means responding or 100 vehicle related fraud answering questions via phone, a -mall, or in person. Providing recommendation, guidance, strategy, support or Information that other LEDs will use to resolve their cases, The assist generally does not have the direct responsibility for an investigation nor uses LEO authority. The assist helps another LEO or agency Investigate cases. Analysts and civilian employees will record their assists to outside LEOs and agencies met here along with officers. 1.2.2 Collaborate with other units or divisions Number of times collaborated within departments or SOs participating in 100 (i.e. homicide, vice, narcotics, etc.) within taskforce related to MVT. Collaboration means physically using law the taskforce departments) where a enforcement resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that Motor vehicle was used In the commission draw upon or aid In the investigation Intended to further the resolution of any of the crime (includes identification of case, identify parties to crime, Identify vehicles, Interview witnesses/suspects vehicles). Include all participating and apprehend suspects. Collaboration will Include any help, Jurisdiction departments here, recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids In the furtherance of motor vehicle theft Investigations. 1,2.3 Collaborate with all other outside LE Number of times collaborated with coverage area agencies or other law 100 agencies and other organizations that enforcement agencies and organizations that assist in the reduction of MVT, assist In the reduction of MVTs. Include all Collaboration means physically using law enforcement resources, tactics and coverage Jurisdictions here. authority to perform activity on cases that draw upon or aid In the Investigation intended to further ilia resolution of any case, Identify parties to crime, identify vehicles, Interview witnesses/suspects and apprehend suspects, Collaboration will include any help, recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids In the furtherance of MVTtheft investigations. 1.2.5 Conduct intelligence Information -sharing Number of Intelligence meetings attended (include attending as presenter, 90 (Personal attendance) participant or attendee) 1.2.6 Conduct intelligence information -sharing Crime analysis bulletins disseminated (Include information distributed to 30 (Written information) law enforcement agencies via text, a -mall, or Intra-net communications) 1.2.7 Collaborate with other MVCPA taskforces Number of times collaborated with other MVCPA taskforces that assist In the 10 reduction In MVT, BMV and FRMVC, 1.3 Strategy 3: Prevent and Reduce the Incidence of Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Activities 1.3,1 Collaborate with agencies relating to Number of collaborations 10 Investigation and enforcement of vehicle insurance fraud and FRMVC https:!lmvcpa.tame.edu/Necuoliatlon/FFGPrintApplication.asp?1=1 &AppiD=301 &GrantTypelD=3 13/15 8/28124, 3:14 PM MVCPA Tastdorce Grant Negotiation ID Activity Measure Target 1.3,2 Conduct confidential 66(A) inspections (for Number of vehicles Inspected to complete a TxDMV 68A inspection form per 500 TxDMV assignment or reassignment of VIN TxDMV (VIN assignment, reassignment, bonded title) required by Tx Trans. Code §501.032) 1.3.3 Conduct VIN verification inspections, (All Number of vehicles inspected by taskforce to Identify the vehicles not 50 other reasons except bridge or port) reported in confidential (68A) or bridge and port sections. 1.3A Coordinate with TxDMV/Tax Offices relating Number of collaborations with TxDMV HQ, TxDMV Regional Service Centers 15 to Investigation and enforcement of or County Tax Assessor Collector offices. fraudulent titles and registration of stolen vehicles 2 Coal 2: Reduce the Incidence of Theft from Motor Vehicles through Enforcement Strategies 2.1 Strategy 1: Conduct Activities that Result in the Arrest, Clearance, and Recoveries of Burglary of Motor Vehicles and Theft of Vehicle Parts and Accessories 2.1.1 Conduct bait vehicle operations that target Number of bait vehicle burglary deployments 12 vehicle burglary offenders 2,1,2 Identify "prolific BMV offenders" through Number of offenders Identified informants and intelligence [Prolific is defined as "linked to BMV and theft of vehicle parts and accessories offenses three or more times"] 2.2 Strategy 2: Conduct Collaborative Efforts that Result in the Reduction of Incldents of Theft From a Motor Vehicle 2.2.1 Provide Agency Assists BMV, Number of agency assists related to BMV or stolen parts. Assist means 75 responding or answering questions via phone, e-mail, or in person. Providing recommendation, guidance, strategy, support or Information that other LEOs will use to resolve their cases. The assist generally does not have the direct responsibility for an Investigation nor uses LEO authority. The assist helps another LEO or agency Investigate cases. Analysts and civilian employees will record their assists to outside LEOs and agencies met here along with officers, 2.2.2 Collaborate with other units or divisions Number of times collaborated within departments or SOs participating In 50 within the taskforce department(s) (i.e. taskforce related to BMV or stolen parts, Collaboration means physically homicide, vice, narcotics, etc.) where theft using law enforcement resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on of parts occurred in the commission of the cases that draw upon or aid In the investigation Intended to further the crime (Includes Identification of vehicle). resolution of any case, Identify parties to crime, identify vehicles, Interview Include all participating Jurisdiction witnesses/suspects and apprehend suspects. Collaboration will Include any departments here. help, recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids In the furtherance of BMV theft Investigations. 2.2.3 Collaborate with all other outside LE Number of times collaborated with coverage area agencies or other law 100 agencies and other organizations where enforcement agencies and organizations that assist in the reduction of BMV theft of parts occurred in the commission of or stolen parts. Collaboration means physically using law enforcement the crime (includes identification of resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that draw upon or vehicle). include all coverage Jurisdictions aid In the Investigation Intended to further the resolution of any case, identify here. parties to crime, Identify vehicles, interview wltnesseslsuspects and apprehend suspects, Collaboration will Include any help, recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids In the furtherance of motor vehicle theft investigations, 3 Goal 3: Educate/Traln Citizens and Qualified Personnel In detection and Prevention of Motor Vehicle Theft, Burglary of Motor Vehicles and Theft of Vehicle Parts and Accessories 3.1 Strategy 1: Conduct Public Awareness Related Activities Used. to Educate Citizens 3.1.1 Conduct educational outreach events Number of outreaches 2 (include trade show, exhibits, booths at community events, vehicle displays, brochures, etc,) 3.1,2 Conduct educational presentations to the Number of presentations. Presentation means In person, on-line, original 10 public written document, article, or webpage, 3.1,4 Conduct vehicle Identification Number of etching events, Include windows, component parts, VIN stamps Inittative/event and catalytic converters. Conduct vehicle Identification Number of Participants/Attendees (Vehicles Marked) Initiative/event 3,1,5 Purchase advertisements In local outlets Number of advertisements purchased or provided complimentary for taskforce, Include all types of media purchased or provided free (social, tv, utility Inserts, billboards, transportation, etc,). Describe in 6.1.1. 3,1,6 Conduct vehicle report card inllialives. Number report cards Issued 100 3.1,7 Utilize social media outlets (Facebook, Number of postings In social media outlets 30 Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Mips:I/mvcpa.tamu.edu/Negoilationirf=GPrintApplication.asp?1=1 &AppID=301&GrantTypelD=3 14116 8126124, 3:14 PM ID Activity 3,1.8 Deploy outdoor public notification signage Number of deployments per month (if sign remains several months, count as 1 deployment per month) MVCPA"raskforce tyrant Negollallon 1.10 Conduct media outreach, including, public Number of outreaches service announcements, press releases, and Interviews Measure Target 12 3.2 Strategy 2: Conduct haw Enforcement Tralning Activities to Educate Officers on Recognition and Apprehension of Stolen Vehicles and Property 3.2.1 Conduct law enforcement training (TCOLE) Number of classes provided for TCOLE credit Number of classes or presentations. Presentations may Include electronic roll call documents, shift 130LOs and other written or presented materials based on local practices, 3,2,3 Conduct vehicle crimes presentations to law enforcement agencies (non TCOLE) 10 10 Grant Evaluation 4A Describe the local method and/or practice used to collect the data for reporting Goals, Strategles, and Activities and to evaluate the grant program effectiveness. Describe management and staff participation. include descriptions of systems (forms and software) that will be used to ensure reliable and accurate data Is collected and reported, Describe any other evaluation methods used in the applicant agency to determine effectiveness or cost efficiency of the program. The local evaluation process establishes accountability and measurement of progress through collection of data and information throughout the chain of command. Investigators are required to keep activity logs and submll monthly reports to the Program Manager The Task force Supervisor reviews cases and monitors the activities of Investigators. The Program Director oversees the entire operation, Including the field supervisor; and maintains records of activity and spending. The Program Director works closely with the Beaumont CFO's grant coordinator and reports as necessary to the department heads of the participating agencies to discuss progress and/or problems. NIBRS data for all agencies within the project area will be closely monitored to detennine the overall impact of Task Force efforts. Personal activity logs and specific reports will be maintained to log progress on stated objectives, These Include Information detailing such things as the number of bait operations, Inspections and public awareness Initiatives performed. They will also record other Items like arrests made, cases filed, vehicles recovered, properties seized NADA and other values of the property, as well as the dispositions of ilia property upon completion of the cases, Progress of the program will be evaluated monthly. Each investigator will complete a monthly report based on MV0PA reporting categories and the specific strrtegies, activities and goals of this grant, Each report will be accompanied by documentation supporting the information given. The Project Manager will then compile that information into the quarterly Progress Reports that are forwarded to MVCPA. All other MVCPA required reporting will be completed by the Program Manager, such as the yearend progress report. 4.2 Provide any other suggested measures that would better reflect the law enforcement or prevention work that the proposed program will perform. If the suggested measure fits into one of the stated goals above please indicate. None noted at this time. TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments U We acknowledge ,reviewing the TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and agree to abide by the terms stated therein. Current Documents in folder Resolution (6/5/2024 4:42:27 PM) Signed Statement of Grant Award,pdf (812312024 4:20:07 Pith) Certifications The certifying official Is the authorized official, Kenneth Williams, City Manager. By submitting this application I certify that I have been designated by my Jurisdiction as the authorized official to accept the terms and conditions of the grant. The statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. By submitting this application I certify that my jurisdiction agrees to comply with all terms and conditions if the grant Is awarded and accepted. I further certify that my jurisdiction will comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations in the application, acceptance, administration and operation of this grant. Tx17MV _ ivIVCPA, ppri.lamu.edu (0 20-1 Mips:lltnvepa.tamu.edulNagollalionrrFGPrintApplication.asp71=1&ApplD=301 &GrantType1D=3 16/15 Exhibit B FY 2025 Task Force Grant Statement of Grant Award and Acceptance ce �{ fi ,y R FY25 Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Statement ofTasl(force Grant Award and Grantee Acceptance Notice Grant Number: Grantee: Program Title: Grant Award Amount: Total Cash Match Amount: In -Kind Match Amount: Reimbursement Percent`: Grant Term: 608.25.1230100 City of Beaumont southeast'rexas Auto.Theft Task Force $ 724,534 $1.46,200 $423,982 83,20% September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 Grant Budget summary: City of Beaumont (App ID:301) Cash MVCPA [Match Budget Category Expenditures Expenditures Personnel $293,832 $0 Fringe Overtime Professional and Contract Services Travel Equipment Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE) Tota I $108,000 $0 $6,750 $0 $16$,000 $60,006 $14;95o $800 $36,000 $9,000 $99,002 $76,400 $724,534 $146,200 Total In-I(Ind Expenditures Match $293,832 $300,832 W8,000 $i08,000 $6,750 $6,750 $226,000 $15,750 $45,000 $175,402 $7,800 $870,734 $423,382 *Reimbursement Percent: 83,20% - $724,534 MVCPA amount / ($724,534 - MVCPA amount + $146,200 i. match) That whereas, 71)e City of Beaumont (hereinafter referred to as Grante(% has heretofore submitted a grant application In responsetothe 116qubstforApplfcatlon Issued on April 1.2, 2024,to.the MotorWhIde Crime Prevention Authority, State of Texas, entitled SoutheastTekas Auto Theft Task Force and further Identified by grant number 608-25-1290100 and Whereas, the MptorVehlcle Crime Prevention Authority has approved the grant Application as evidenced bythis FY25 Statement bf Grant Award arid certain special requirements from the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority'dated 08/22/2024 and Whereas, the Grantee desires to acceptthe FY25 grant award and use all funds for purposes and In compliance with the following requirements that are adopted in their entirety by reference: o Texas Transportation Code Chapter 1006; Texas Administrative Code: Title 43; Part 3; Chapter 57; FY25 MVCPA Statement of Grant Award and Grantee Acceptance Page 1. of 2 o Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Including TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments and Standards for Financial and Program Management; a The Request for Applications Issued on April 12, 2024; The current Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Autllorlty Grant Admhiistrative Manual and forms and subsequently adopted grantee instructlon manuals and forms; o The Final Adopted ApiSlication attached to this Statement of Grant Award; and The Approved Grant Budget Summary Now, therefore, the Grantee accepts the FMStaterpentofGrant Award under the conditions above Including#hespecial requirements inthegrant appilcatlon and the Statement of Grant Award as evidenced by this agreement, executed by the official authorized to sign the original grant eppi.lcatiort, or the official's designatod su cessor,'as presiding officerof and on behalf ofthe governing body of this grantee; and The MotorVehlc[e Crime Prevention Authority has awarded tite.a. Jove-referenced.grant.stibject to the availability of state funds. The approved budget is reflected In the above Approved Grant Budget Summary. This grant Is subjecttn and conditioned upon the acceptance of the MVCPA Grant Adminlstrative Gulde promulgated forthIs specific program fund (referenced above) by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority. Applicable special conditions are listed .below. Special Conditions and Requirements (MVCPA will only apply special conditions to applicable jurisdictions)., X Non -Supplanting -The grantee agrees that funds will be used to supplement, not supplant, funds that would otherwise be avallable farthe actiyftlps. under thls grant, Thjs Includes dernonstrating that new funded positlons will be added to the department and not replacing local funds with state funds, X Inte[ilgence sharing The grantee Is regtlred to ensure that Law Enforcement personnel funded Inwhole or In part by this grant actively participate in Law Enforcement Intell)gence sharing Web fnars and MotorV.ehlcle Crime lnvestlgator Virtual Command Centers organized and promoted on behalf of the MVCPA program operation and statewide collaboration. X Multi -Agency Grant -The grantee Isse.01redto complete and. malntaln.interlocai agreement with.all participatliig subgrantees as required.bylaw and TxGMS, The grantee Must complete a process to monitor and ensure grant compliance of subgrantees. The grantee mustmaintah the process localiy and. document compl[ance with that plan. X Multi -agency Grant Operational Puri -Tire grantee Is required to provide an operatlonal plan describing the communication process with partic(pating and coverage jurisdictions, The operational plan ,must IgcIude.hoW meetings are held, how often, and,.whether meetings are hefd In person or remotely, The grantee l*tst report meetings In quarterly progress reports; APPROVED AND ACCEPTED' BY Authorized.Offlclal ( }Hinted Name and Title c�J r �L 3 1..1q11T Date Signed FY25 MVCPA Statement of Grant Award and Grantee Acceptance Page 2 qF.2