HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES-24-309RESOLUTION NO.24-309 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to approve a permit payment to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a use permit for operating a public drinking water system, in the amount of $141,029.35. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 3rd day of December, 2024. 74 Mayor Roy West - 40 0��. �J ' � TEXAS COMMISSION ON INVOICE COMPANY • CITY OF BEAUMONT WATER UTILITY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACCOUNT • 91230001 DETACH BOTTOM PORTION AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT - KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS - PAGE 1 NOV13,24 0.00 0.001 141,029.35 91230001 �� �r.�i17N�.G�NIIN,A.flr�%/k it ����ll%/i��d/�,����� PHS0224533 :,.arri.�'rlNdllZyO%/������������/!N/l��ll!NYr%,�i�r�l/��li�`//,�.��1����������.Y�'� REG_NUMBER 1230001 FY25 WATER SYSTEM FEE t,.tv miH.YFi�/.✓F7?7?F'G��I��N.11lll,�/%�.�� 141,029.35 .,,, rmll:Ul//.�� r�rY�A�o�%���� 141,029.35 NOV30,24 This fee is based on data reported from the last inspection. Please call 512-239-4691 for assistance ..:64. Fh., .,F ..^...- iee 141,029.35 See REVERSE SIDE for Explanation of Charges and TCEQ Contact Telephone Numbers. PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT TCEQ VIPP Form AR41A 02-17-2011 INCLUDE ACCOUNT NUMBER ON CHECK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOV13,24 ACCOUNT NO. BALANCE DUE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH 91230001 141,029.35 CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 01*01 CITY OF BEAUMONT WATER UTILITY WATER UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION ❑ CHECK HERE IF YOUR ADDRESS HAS CHANGED. PLEASE INDICATE ADDRESS CHANGE ON BACK INVOICES NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS OF INVOICE DATE WILL ACCRUE PENALTIES PO BOX 3827 BEAUMONT TX 77704-3827 0091230001 1533367 00141029351231244 PAYMENT INFORMATION INVOICES NOT PAID BY DUE DATE WILL ACCRUE PENALTIES DETACH PAYMENT COUPON FROM BOTTOM OF FORM AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT IN THE ENVELOPE ENCLOSED. Your check, certified check or money order should be made payable to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Please include your account number on your check to ensure that payment is properly credited. You may also pay this account in full by credit card or electronic check using the following internal address: www.tceg.texas.goylepay/ If you think your billing is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction, please address your questions to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality P.O. Box 13088 - MC214 Austin, Texas 78711-3088 In your correspondence, please give us the fallowing information: 1. Your name and account number 3. The date and reference number of the transactions) in question 2. The dollar amount of the suspected error 4. Description of the suspected error The payment due date is30 days from the invoice date. Penalty and interest charges assessed will be adiusted forfees not due. Failure to pay by the due date may result in return or denial of applications for licenses, permits, registrations, and certifications. For Accounting questions, please contact: Waste Fees (VCP, ILP, ALA, BYP)---__---_ (MG, NWG, HWF, NW --------------------------------- —---------------------- —------ ---- 5121239-6174 (SWD, VMS, SWM)------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5121239-0355 (WMB, BLP, SDP, TOX)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 512/239-0355 Tier 2 Reporting (T2M, T2NM, T2PE) ____________________ __ 5121239-W55 Water Fees (GPS, GPW, PHS, RAF) ____________________ _ 5121239-0366 -------------------------------------------------- - (BWM, CRW, RGR, STX) ---------------------------- --------------- --------------------- 5121239-0366 (CWQ, WQA, WWI, WWIR, EAP)_________________________________ - 5121239-0366 (WUF, WTR)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5121239-0366 Air Fees (AEF, EIF, EIT) ------------------ —------ —-------------- ----------------------------------------- 5121239-WS5 Admin Penalties (CAV, DCP, WDV, WQV, QWV, BPF2)---- —--- .------ _--------------- _---------- _------- ._ 5121239-0548 Dry Cleaning Fees (OCR) -------------------------------- —---------------------- —---------------------- -------------- 5121239-6174 For Technical questions & address changes, please contact the program via the email contact below: AEF AIREMISSIONSFEE. aideesfltceq.taxas.gw BLP WATERSHED MGMT.BENEF. LAND APPLI WO-ARPTaam6tcaq.texa9.gm BWM BRAZOS WATER MASTER BYP RADIOACTIVE BY-PRODUCTS DISPOSAL CAV ADMIN PENAL -AIR POLL CRW CONCHO RIVER WATERMA5TER CWQ CONSOLIDATED WATER CUAUTYFEE DCP ADMIN PENAL -DRY CLEANING DCR DRYCLEANING REGISTRATION FEE EIF AIR INSPECTION FEE GPS GENERAL POUT STORMWATER FEE GPW GENERAL PERMIT WASTEWATER FEE HWF HAZARDOusWASTE FAciLm Es HWG HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATION ILP INNOCENTLANDOWNER NWF NONIIAZARDOUs WASTE mciuTY NWG NONHAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATION bramswm@ twq-texas-gav mdmat6ticegA==.gaV 0wt1eca".1exmpov conchowm 9Ice%taxasgev WO-ARPTeamn tceq.laxas.gov aoctreo®tceq,taxaS-gaV dcrag0tceq.texas9w alrtees @tceglems.gov SWParrHI@ baeq-texeagbv WQ-ARPieam @ Iceq.texasgev Ihwper ®toeq.taxaa.gov wasteval 0l oeq.t exas. gov VrPal egtexas,gw ihvrper@tmgSams.gw wastaval Qtcaq.t exas-gov PHS RGR ALA RAF SDP STX SWD SWM T2M,T2NM,T2PE TOX VCP WDV WMB WIVIS WQV WTR WUF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Wufees@twq.texas.gry RIOGRANDEWATERMASTER wamrtttestartcaq.texas.gov RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE LICENSING FEE radmat@tceq.tsxas.gov REGULATORY ASSESSMENT FEE Wufees@toogderangbv SURFACE DISPOSAL PEE WO•ARPTeamQtceq.feras.pav SOUTHTExAS WATERMASTER walartrester@toeq.texas.gov SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES mawper01mq.1eras 9av SOLID WASTE MEDICAL TRANSPORTER FEE wastavalOtcogUms.gov TIER IICHEMICALREP ORTING TIer2HeIP@Iceq.texas-gw 70xIC REPORTING FEE VOLUNTARY CLAN -UP ADMIN PENAL - WASTE DLSR WATERSHED MGMT. SENEF. LAND USE WATERSHED MGMr. SLUDGE HAULERS ADMIN PENAL. -WATER DUAL WASTERWATERTRMT. RESRCH. COUNCIL WATER USE ASSESSMENT (WTR. RIGHTS) EXPLANATION OF CHARGES kwJa@tceq.texas.goV VcP0twg16xas.gW aactr00®teeq.10MMg0V W0•ARP7eam01vegAaras.9av Vnt5teva1rttoegteraS.gaV acctree � tceq.teras.gov oSs[r�tcegtexaS.gav watarusa®tceq.taras.gw The basis for each charge is identified by the facility, permit, application or other appropriate advity. The state fiscal year (FY) and the quarter of the year (QTR) to which the payment will be credited are shown where applicable. Delinquent fees are subject to a penalty of 51/ per month for the first two months after the due date, after which an interest charge for CY 2024 of 9.50% per annum Will be assessed. In accordance with Government Code 2107.003(d), collection costs up to 30% may be assessed. TCEQ understands the account party may be a debtor in a pending bankruptcy proceeding. The portion of this invoice, if any, that represents pre -petition fees due is sent for informational purposes only and is not an attempt to recover a claim against the debtor. TCEQ will file an appropriate proof of claim with the bankruptcy court for such pre -petition fees. Any post-pathion fees due and owing as shown an this invoice should be paid in accordance with this invoice. TCEOVIPP FORM AR41AI 09:24-2t72e TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 13089 AUSTIN TX 78711-3089 rr1111111111rIrI111rrrllrr1111111rlrrltllltrlrrl111111111rr Note: TO CHANGE ACCOUNT NAME, A CORE DATA FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED.