HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOV 19 2024 MIN A���'�1�T"]C"g�1�T A�7F����77['7C' THE STATE OF TEXAS § - COUNTY OF .7EFFERSON § - � 1� (1��/ �PL�S�A�7.� as a member of tF�e�C���[-�1 PYL� C��t`/ Council. Commission, or Board) ma4c tY�is affidavit and F�ereby on oatY� state ttie fiollowing: I, and/or a person or persons related to me, Fi a substantial in�erest in a business entity tFiat would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of tF�e�.�w \w.W1'�Yl. (Citv Council, Commission, or Board� as ttiose terms are defined in V.T_C_A., . Local Government Code,/§�-`'17'1_OOZ - � r� � - / - TFie business entity is: L�l � t-�� �L �G_ C�rn�-���m�-���' b h�Y�e (�t7 U ��j� aQal.� (Name) - C_Cr m Q-Q--I— J l 1 T n n� +�e,c�,-�s S-1- . (Address) ("1," or name of relative and relationship) Fiave/Fias a substantial interest in tFiis business entity for ttie following reasons: (cFiacK alt of wt�icti ara applicable.) Ownership of 'I O percent or more of tFie voting stocFc or sFiares of tt�e business entity_ Ownership of eittier '1 O percent or more or $'I5,000 or more ofi ttie fiair marKet value of tFie - business entity_ - - Funds received Prom tYie.business entity exceed '1 O percent of<my, her, his). gross - income for the previous year. - . Real property is invotvad, and (1, Fie, stie) have an interest wY�icF� is an equitable or legal ownership witFi a fair marfcet value of at least $2,500. A reiative of mine, within tt�e first or second degree by blood or marriage, has a substantial interest in tFie business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of tFie public body of wt�icFi 1 am a member. . � Upon filing of tF�is affidavit witFi tF�e City Clerlc, I affirm tFiat 1 will abstain from voting on any decision involving tl�is business entity and from any furttier participation on tFiis matter wFiatsoever. . Signed this tne )-cl��'�iay of � D V P .YYI.h�PX-- . 20�- �� S�/�nature O�fic�al . l �c� �lC� /m Q.h�Lber— � - LcZrae_ Title � BEFORE ME, tFie undersigned autl�ority, on ti�is day personally appeared - and on oatti stated that t1�e facts tiereinabove stated are true to tF�e est of F�is/t�er Knowiedge or belief_ SWORN to and subscribed before me o tFiis tF�e � day o �a U��_20�� (/�_ - �V v��� •���.�� TINA G. BROUSSARO Notary Public in and for tl-�e Sate of Texas � ``W:!"""�cNots�YPaablic.Sfa��efTs�u� - . �$_- _ - �:�= Comm_ExWr�s O1-12-2027 ���a-��� Nocary 7U t 113611! �