HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket DATE: October 21, 2024 TO: Planning Commission and City Council FROM: Demi Engman, Director of Planning and Community Development SUBJECT: Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a second dwelling unit on a property located in an R-S (Residential—Single-Family Dwelling) District. FILE: PZ2024-276 STAFF REPORT Christopher Vargas is requesting a Specific Use Permit to keep a second dwelling unit on the property located at 8590 Humble Road. This property is located within the R-S (Residential- Single-Family Dwelling) District and as such a second dwelling unit requires a Specific Use Permit.The City issued a Stop Work Order as no permits were filed prior to retrofitting a storage building into a dwelling unit. Mr.Vargas is seeking approval of the second dwelling unit to begin the process to come into compliance with City Ordinances. Staff recommends approval of this request with the following conditions: 1. The building shall be serviced by the same water meter as the main building and shall not have an individual water meter. 2. The contractor shall apply for all applicable building permits and complete all required and necessary inspections. 3. Construction plans shall comply with all applicable Fire and Building Code Requirements. Please note that final occupancy approval is subject to review and acceptance of submitted plans and field inspections to verify compliance with applicable codes. Exhibits are attached. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Notices mailed to property owners 11 Responses in Favor Responses in Opposition LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ORDINANCE PURPOSES Being all of Lot 8, Unit 4, Amelia South Addition, Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, containing 0.289 acres more or less. ANALYSIS CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SECTION 28.04.001(e), ZONING ORDINANCE) Application Application is is not in Comments in-compliance compliance Attached Conditions: 1. That the specific use will be compatible with and not injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property, or significantly diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity; X 2. That the establishment of the specific use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property; X 3. That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary supporting facilities have been or will be provided; X 4. The design, location and arrangement of all driveways and parking spaces provides for the safe and convenient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic without adversely affecting the general public or adjacent developments; X 5. That adequate nuisance prevention measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration; X 6. That directional lighting will be provided so as not to disturb or adversely affect neighboring properties; X 7. That there are sufficient landscaping and screening to insure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property; and, X 8. That the proposed use is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. X GENERAL INFORMATION/PUBLIC UTILITIES APPLICANT: Christopher Vargas PROPERTY OWNER: Christopher Vargas LOCATION: 8590 Humble EXISTING ZONING: RS (Residential Single - Family Dwelling) PROPERTY SIZE: 0.289 acres, more or less EXISTING LAND USES: Residential Single-Family FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: "X" - Areas determined to be outside 500-year floodplain SURROUNDING LAND USES: SURROUNDING ZONING: NORTH: Residential RS (Residential Single - Family Dwelling EAST: Residential RS SOUTH: Residential RS WEST: Residential RS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Growth Reserves STREETS: Humble Road- Major Arterial- Rural Street with a 60' right-of-way and 26' wide pavement. Holton Road- Local Street with a 75' right-of-way and 24' wide pavement. DRAINAGE: open ditch WATER: 20" water line SANITARY SEWER SERVICE: 6" sanitary sewer line PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED WITHIN 200 FEET FINANCE OF AMERICA STRUCTURED SECURITIES ACQTRUST 2018 LEDETJOANN RIZZATO GEISENDORFF STUART R & MELANIE E BAUMGARDNER CHAD AARON VARGAS CHRISTOPHER VARGAS CHRISTOPHER STURGEON JOSHUA A STERLING RONALD G UDI PROPERTY TYRRELL-COMBEST LTD TYRRELL-COMBEST PROPERTIES • BEAUMONT Planning & Community Development Case Type:Planning and Zoning Case Status: REVIEW Case Sub Type: Specific Use Permit Tag Name: SUP-To allow a second dwelling on a RS Case#: PZ2024-276 property Location:8590 HUMBLE RD, BEAUMONT, 77707 Initiated On: 9/10/2024 10:50:46AM Individuals listed on the record: Applicant Christopher Vargas Home Phone: 8590 Humble Rd Work Phone: Beaumont,Tx 77707 Cell Phone: 2283698574 E-Mail: cvargas20133@yahoo.com Property Owner Christopher Vargas Home Phone: 8590 Humble rd Work Phone: Beaumont,TX 77707 Cell Phone: 228698574 E-Mail: cvargas20133@yahoo.com Case Type:Planning and Zoning Page 1 of 2 Case#:PZ2024-276 Printed On: 10/8/2024 BtAUMONT Planning & Community Development Legal Description Number of Acres Proposed Use That the specific use will be No,the place is too big to be quiet and it doesn't bother the compatible with and not injurious to neighbors or anyone nearby. the use and enjoyment of other property, nor significantly diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity That the establishment of the specific No,the place will not prevent improvement because it is already use will not impede the normal and designated and used specifically to be able to be well without orderly development and improvement disturbing other people. of surrounding vacant property; That adequate utilities,access roads, Yes already have drainage,the public services are already installed drainage and other necessary and have personal access supporting facilities have been or will be provided The design, location and arrangement Yes it have personal access and vehicle parking that does not bother of all driveways and parking spaces pedestrians or certain people provides for the safe and convenient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic That adequate nuisance prevention Yes, necessary measures will be taken to avoid smoke,fire or any measures have been or will be taken misfortune that may occur. to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes,dust,noise and vibration That directional lighting will be Yes it already have lighting and it does not bother the neighbors or provided so as not to disturb or other people adversely affect neighboring properties That there are sufficient landscaping Yes, it has its yard in front and back and a good view. and screening to insure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property That the proposed use is in Yes,the use is because my house only has one bathroom and this accordance with the Comprehensive is for visitors so as not to bring people into my house for the Plan protection of my family. Notes: Case Type:Planning and Zoning Page 2 of 2 Case#:PZ2024-276 Printed On: 10/8/2024 • ci /) 6 (.9.6o.(4 ) 0,„„ 41.4.i,kA3 -c--L",5 \YD't\IAD -k(AL oNs 5t...C-Cifj C WC,1\-IA , kLti P�a<<., ,‘13 WIv" V ,lak'‘if.,4) Orr`if-, -0-vo M co txe co "V° U'SA 1"-'°, ` ° ul CcAA -3 4 G r I t L ct� l on) -0,, vs ham'\` ay.,1 v Y'cr1\-- ak 661 O,a 6, vor , CA Ro i- 1-t, . GA� p1 vc c.S ._ r .. .,_ ,. .- • 4 j. *cY'iy ;. CINDYAVILES *: .; " My Notary ID#133897309 ��?4.6:,4,-f Expires August 2,2028 , ' qq//0/zy 8590 HUMBLE ROAD BEAIJMONT,TEXAS 77707ll __ Lot Numbered Seven & Light (7 & e) In Unit SCALE 1"=30' Number Four (4) of SOUTH AMELIA ADDITION `OS 1A �,OS A' LOT Al a A7 I 1Q1 AO \91 9 according to the map or plat thereof, on file, and I CALCU TED CORNFJt of record In Vol. 7, Page 197, Map Records (CALL SO H 140.00') UNAB N TO ER UE Jefferson County,Term. FND 1/y I FND S00°01'22"E 140.15' s CORNER DUE I.ROD OLF—Cif—CLF—CO J TO PAMPAS GRASS Owner:Christopher Vargas • ' 'un �'•� n In accordance with the Flood Hozard °d of Q)B'• 10' UTILITY EASEMENTB _pm LA _� and ary Map, DepartDevelopment. of Housing / and Urban Development. j CARPOfnO munIty No.:485457 _ el Na.:0055 Diii A i D BLDG.-I ON BLOCKS n __ I ate of FIRM:10-15-10 & ,N This property Iles In Zone"X'(white). '151'A7.110 A 0 ON I y�_ Location on map determined by scale on map. �,,10FM�11,p PA I &\.t'P•C' WOOD SIG. Actual field elevation not determined. t. I nMork or subscribe Whiteley to tAss he Associates does or not warrant �1��OOSQV'1.S�.1),s% I OVtt1 pM1 P�A Beale of said mope. accuracy VNS a .00 1..,c, ,� V0 Chi rn LOTS 7&8 I. 10'SIDE SETBACK-1 CO' UNIT 4 '� 1 Zone 'X" (white) ore areas determined to be O PER PLAT outside 500-year flood plain, gio t!J .1 o rn �AZ 1I's p1 0 Ci I PROTRUSION N47L: vAA VOA A� �O1 5 VOS 6 SI CO 0 S .0 4() Leg PROTRUDES FROM 11,25'i0 11.50• 80.71' `27.10' 3 w# ONTO A 50' BLDG. SETBACK UNE. m 37A' In S Z dQ a ro W& m WOOD BLDG. ON BLOCKS PROTRUDES FROM 1.33' O • l.1 to 3 03 03$ TO 1.44' ONTO A 10'UTILITY EASEMENT. MNYL& FRAME - to- m et,WOOD BLDG.ON BLOCKS PROTRUDES FROM 0.87' ( Z I:W. TO 1.21' ONTO A 10'UTIUTY EASEMENT. 1 �� % "I ' S 1 _ _I. z h U. 5Q'.11LK.SETBAGli— • m ,--._—_ PER PUT TO THE UENHOLf7ERS AND THE OWNERS OF THE PREMISES SURVEYED I CARPORT0 0 AND TO THE OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 79.87' I p,)• _._ ,mr J/ 3e.88' THE UNDERSIGNED DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS THIS DAY I E ON THE GROUND OF THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON AND IS a" RRECT, AND THAT THERE ARE NO DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS, SHORTAGES IN BOUNDARY UNE CONFLICTS, ENCROACHMENTS, OVER-LAPPING OF I R/ ,QI ILIPROVEMENTS, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREON, I A 4- AND THAT SAID PROPERTY HAS ACCESS TO AND FROM A DEDICATED ROADWAY. FND 1/2' I. ROD I 10'UTILITY EASEMENT �/ 10'UTILITY EASEMENT ALL EASEMENTS SHOWN AND NOTED PER TEXAS REGIONAL TITLE — END. CONC. G.F. No. 32835-AJ W/CAP CIEMMENT'STAMPED ENO 1/2" DRJC PG.398 1 DRJC 52 MON.WI DATE SURVEYED: MAY 26, 2022 AA — { 'A L I. ROD i 1/2'I.ROD /��O F" a. —ME—OE—OE—OE—MIC ,.narc;DE—DIE—ONE— —of O E DC—OE—OK—uE I\'�($ ME—mE—U E—OE—at— ‘".tE••••••T \ _ FND N00°00 00"E 140.15' / I' ••,o ' 4"1F?m '\ _y CND NCZT0B•t2'W'i4,S25' (GALL NORTH 140.00') LEGEND �� .rQl (CNl 245.Ob') REFERENCE BEARING PER PLAT pf POWER POLE '1 THOMAS S.ROWE � .4 5728 �y ` HOLTON STREET ® TELEPHONE PEDESTAL _�� '� :9 r;r / I (75' ROW) nE LAMP POST THOMAS ROW:/ REGISTERED PROFESSION' WUlsyy7, .'•'. 572E �o O S.RV E� . — —CHAIN LINK FENCE 8.01L —MC—OVERHEAD ELECTRIC cc- 1.NOTHING IN THIS SURVEY IS INTENDED TO EXPRESS AN OPINION REGARDING OWNERSHIP OR PILE. A wA 2. WORD CERTIFY IS UNDERSTOOD TO BED AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT BY THE — —ORIGINAL TRACT LINE I __ SURVEYOR, WHICH IS BASED ON HIS BEST!KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, FORMED IN THE I 0 I CONCRETE c`I COURSE OF HIS PERFORMING THE SURVEY Pd COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE c`I REQUIRED AND PROMULGATED BY THE TEXA4 BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS AND THE EI PAVERS o MARK WHITELEY&ASSOCIATES,LLC TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS!AS SUCH, IT CONSTITUTES NEITHER A GUARANTEE NOR A CIVIL ENGINEERING I LAND RURVEYLNOI PIPELINE SERVICES WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLED. 1 um,.oL York ew mrnn i d ro ."a"•A th TEXAS eURVEYINO FIRM o.101007001rFxAe Co INEF_RINO FIRM NO.F.4623 d WA NAnal.r a Amnia,U.0 end I.and b t.W, eon IANWINA,UNIT 14,BEAUMONT.TONS TTNn 3.ALL SET 5/8'IRON RODS SET WITH A CAP STAMPED"M.W. WHITELEY&ASSOCIATES". ti 40YJe]-Ou1 I MWWABBOC.COMRON a"1iOa"4 N rrrol.a LW ermn W Moe NNW,K An tow,LID W:\2022\22-1124\22-1124.DWG\CLW . . . PZ2024-276: Request for a Specific Use I lit to allow a second dwelling unit on Dperty located in N an RS (Residential - Single Family) District. Applicant: Christopher Vargas Location: 8590 Humble Road 0 100 200 1 i i I Feet t .. Legend 0 A m , , 1 R-S(PRIVATE) CO M R-S ///7:PZ2024-276 70 L G2 o 4 R-S _ 0 1 LI N MOORE— , LI R-S i 4 ,........-- -- BAs_KER .- - _.... — 'I''''' r a.` i G2 4 k CIL : , g R-S R-S m u) > z 1 o El 0 o I- '0 R-S 70 , 73 z . R-S 1 R-S GC-MD IT z ; 17;77/A 4 , > . ....Wig" > 1 , jil>-• 0 CASEY-, ,- m x I, te4„, t R-S 1 if i , R-S R-S R-S L t , RM-H R-S t 1 RM-H