HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket DATE: October 21, 2024 TO: Planning Commission and City Council FROM: Demi Engman, Director of Planning and Community Development SUBJECT: Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a duplex in an R-S (Residential Single-Family Dwelling) zoning District. FILE: PZ2024-271 STAFF REPORT Rodney Davis of Destin Developments LLC, is requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit to allow a duplex at 3375 Avenue C. The duplex will be a new construction and the developer intends to rent the units. Parking will be provided within the garages and driveways of each unit. The intent of the project is to expand housing options to the community and promote infill development of vacant properties. According to our City's Comprehensive Plan the property is located within the "Conservation Revitalization Area,"such areas are "built up areas where a significant portion of the area is experiencing influences such as incompatible land uses, dilapidated and derelict structures, a decline in population and in the number of housing units and businesses. Immediate actions are needed to prevent continued deterioration and to reverse and repair those conditions."This request appears to align with our City's Comprehensive Plan of Beaumont. Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. Construction plans must meet all requirements by Water Utilities for water and sanitary sewer services, including any requirements of the City's backflow, pre-treatment and/or FOG program. 2. Construction plans shall comply with all applicable Fire and Building Code requirements. 3. A 4' wide sidewalk shall be installed along the front property line abutting Avenue C in a manner approved by City Public Works Department. Please note that final occupancy approval is subject to review and acceptance of submitted plans and field inspections to verify compliance with applicable codes. Exhibits are attached PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Notices mailed to property owners 30. Responses in Favor Responses in Opposition LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ORDINANCE PURPOSES Being all of Lot 4 and the Northern half of Lot 5 Block 1, Louis Amaimo Addition, Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, containing 0.241 acres more or less. • ANALYSIS CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SECTION 28-26.E, ZONING ORDINANCE) Application Application is in is not in Comments compliance compliance Attached Conditions: 1. That the specific use will be compatible with and not injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property, or significantly diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity; X 2. That the establishment of the specific use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property; X 3. That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary supporting facilities have been or will be provided; X 4. The design, location and arrangement of all driveways and parking spaces provides for the safe and convenient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic without adversely affecting the general public or adjacent developments; X 5. That adequate nuisance prevention measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration; X 6. That directional lighting will be provided so as not to disturb or adversely affect neighboring properties; X 7. That there are sufficient landscaping and screening to insure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property; and, X 8. That the proposed use is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. X GENERAL INFORMATION/PUBLIC UTILITIES APPLICANT: Destin Developments LLC PROPERTY OWNER: Spurgeon Robinson LOCATION: 3375 Avenue C EXISTING ZONING: R-S (Residential Single-Family Dwelling) PROPERTY SIZE: —0.24 acres, more or less EXISTING LAND USES: Residential Single Family FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: X—Area determined to be outside the 500 year floodplain. SURROUNDING LAND USES: SURROUNDING ZONING: NORTH: Residential R-S EAST: Residential R-S SOUTH: Residential R-S WEST: Residential R-S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Stable Area STREETS: Avenue C— Local Street with 50' right-of-way and 20' pavement width. DRAINAGE: Open ditch WATER: 2" water line on Avenue C SANITARY SEWER SERVICE: 6" sanitary sewer line in alley PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED WITHIN 200 FEET HARFIELD KYLE KW RENTALS LLC DIXON FLOYD JR ROBINSON CHARLES L ROCQUEMORE ALFRED & CECELIA AVERY ANNETTA TAYLOR LAURA M ALFRED SUSAN BROUSSARD LEDUC PARTNERSHIP LTD COTTOM MELVINA T ETAL RHYMES RALPH TED ETAL THIBODEAUX THERESA& HARRIS ALLONIA DAVIS JAMES B BRACKEEN S HARRISON VERNETTA S JUNIOR GEORGE E TRANSGLOBAL PORT ARTHUR LLC LEWIS NURSIE ESTATE GILL BERNARD C GUILLORY KILROY WELLS STEPHEN D & MARISA L GUILLORY ORELIA L ESTATE GILL BERNARD C MOUTON JAMES WELLS STEPHEN DEWAYNE DMAC'S VISION DUHON JOY PREJEAN GERARD BESSIE MARIE HERNANDEZ EFREN & MARIA BtAUMONT Planning & Community Development Legal Description Lot 4 and the North 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1 Amaimo Subdivision Number of Acres 0.24 Proposed Use Build New Residential Duplex-Rent That the specific use will be Yes,the duplex will be compatible with other homes in the area and compatible with and not injurious to will not extent pass its own property boundaries effecting other the use and enjoyment of other properties.The new property will in fact bring great value to the property, nor significantly diminish or immediate vicinity. impair property values within the immediate vicinity That the establishment of the specific No,the new establishment will bring beautification to the area and use will not impede the normal and inspire other property owners to build and the upkeep of their own orderly development and improvement property. of surrounding vacant property; That adequate utilities,access roads, Yes, all utilities,city street are available.The drainage is available drainage and other necessary and professional grading of the property will be implemented to supporting facilities have been or will ensure proper drainage. be provided The design, location and arrangement Yes,the design and site plan placement of the establishment will be of all driveways and parking spaces appropriate and have a driveway and parking spot for duplex keeping provides for the safe and convenient from adding congestion to the or pedestrian traffic. movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic That adequate nuisance prevention yes.The establishment does not produce any of the above mention measures have been or will be taken nuisance items. to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes,dust, noise and vibration That directional lighting will be Yes,just normal exterior residential lights will be placed on the provided so as not to disturb or establishment. adversely affect neighboring properties That there are sufficient landscaping Yes, Final residential landscaping will be place at the establishment and screening to insure harmony and to ensure property beautification and compatibility. compatibility with adjacent property That the proposed use is in Yes, Specific Use of the land does meet the criteria of the accordance with the Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan. Plan Notes: Case Type: Planning and Zoning Page 2 of 2 Case#:PZ2024-271 Printed On:9/6/2024 September 4, 2024 Planning And Zoning Commission, I would like the approval for SPECIFIC USE PERMIT at my property located at 3375 Avenue C Beaumont,Texas 77705.With this approval of the Specific Use Permit that would allow me to a residential duplex.The newly built duplex would be available for rent to two separate families in the community which is greatly needed in the city of Beaumont.The duplex will have parking provided in front of each garage keeping from any type of city street congestion.The Duplex will be available for rent or lease to the general public and wilt be maintained in a quiet and professional manner as such all surrounding residential properties. Eritaj LLC—Spurgeon Robinson c .r.�__ r egad MAW Mg NM Vis ,dil1 , , , . ,.„ :,, t �`. . .. . itw r.„„„„In, - . : ,g . �"�. ,,o",,,.. 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