HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/2022 AGENDA (05)Projectmates C IT YO F B EAL) M 0 N'F� F'FROJ EC'I'MA'I'ES . CO M Change Order #001.003 IRW0823°..l 2 Street Ilf lllma Ill Villlluii 11 uin Clot i IIIRIIhase V 8011 Iftin Street, 113eauirnoin't, "-,rx 77701 Uirfl,ted States Ft,jesday, JU111 1111, 2024 Change Order Details Grand Total: $1,026,822.00 Description Chainge Order INo 1� 1dVW'11P Dvision 01 .. General IlRequniireirrnernts Scope of Work Fhe costs for the rehabilitaboin of the iroads at flhe Wastewater Fireatiment 1:1aint were Ibid as addifive Ibid iiteirans Additive Ilnlid literns aire inot Ipairt of the oiriginal scope of work, Ut-iey aire optioinal airwi can be added Ilateir If the Ibudget allows 111his IpraalV osed Chainge Order will add these iiteirrns to Hhe contract at dhe Ip iriices ireceived at the flirne of Ibiddirng. Awarded to E. 3,irainidoin (Allco, L.L.,C), 6854 Cre,,,)(ed IBy Julke Hammond (City of Beaumont) Cire,,..-Ae IDate W.iy 08, 2024 0218 IRMI CS 11" Reasoin Code Ow ineir IF equested an C'hainged 60 AtI-.a(,-1.[vrnents RES 24-131 Street Rehab Ph 5 CO3.pdf Line Item Fype Uii flt 1priice ro u �p 3 0 CoinstirLACAJoin I = Cireated On I'May 08, 2024 Org Su il,) Coirrqpletioin Jain 06, 2025 Capital IPlainining ConstirLACtAbin .. Stireet, I R61habilitatioin IRhase V Capital PirroJect Fiscal 2024, Ye, a ir o3m=4 lern ki 555 am= Oirigiinal Contract Sun 6,847,514.00 �Net Cost Ilvay IPreviOLls Apl'.-moo C'hainge Order 624,325 75 Contract Sum Befc)ire ll']his Cll-i,,,iinge Ord 7,471,839 75 Contract Surn (,hainged IBy IPhnlis Chainge Order 1,026,822 00 New Contract SUIIITI 8,498,661 75 Substaintial (",ornpletion IDate Jain 06, 2025 Net Illirne Chainge I13y Previous Chainge Order 150 day(s) Substainticil Cornpletion IBefoire niis Chainge Juin 05, 2025 Oirdeir 151ime Changed IBy'111his Ghairige Order New Substantial Coirn�jpleAli oiri E)at All C'hange Oirdeirs of the Oiii-igiiii (..oiIIiIir-act Item Account WBS/ Description # Code Section Coiq" tr c IIIteirns 60 day(s) Au..jg 04, 2025 24.11309"7833"7539"72609621535640%, Quantity UoM Unit Total Price Amount 100 6002 999 PIRIEF) IC OW (INO I 10 79,00 I -A 290,00 22,91 MO EXCEED $300 PER S�AI 101N) WWI IF' 247 6002 999 FLEX BASE (CUP HN 1,11 5ZOO ".3y 44,00 50,688M PLAGE) (I Y A GIR 2) (611) ww rip 275 60 113 999 (.',IEIMIEIlq r r1R r (I II 1,747.00 SY 25,00 43,675.00 EXISnING MAI-FRIAIL.) (811) ww rip 340 6002 999 D C',R 1N11MA ry IC) I' 10&00 1 ON 2011,00 222,708M �PG70 22 (1,5111) (LEVEI ww rip 340 6005 999 D GIR I IMA ry IF '11,075,00 1 ON 206,00 221,450,00 �PG70 22 (1,2511) (WEARING SURFACE) ww rip 351 6002 999 REPAIR OF FILIEM1311 E:. 192M SY MM 26,592,00 F,Avii::imii::iN r (s,") (ASIB Mal 1,026,822.00 Item Account WBS/ Description Quantity UoM Unit Total # Code Section Price Amount �PG 64 22) WW 11:) 354 6096 999 1 ASIP11 I CD. INC 10,7 2,00 SY 6,25 66,950M I (i �� rO 3") ww rip 361 6002 999 REPAIR CONURE riE 1, � 52, 0 0 113Y 167.25 1192,672,00 PAVEMEN 1 (6) ww 500 6002 999 MCBIH IIZAI ION )NO ..I LOO S dd,00025 44,00015 ro EXCEED 5%) ww rip 502 6001 999 BARRICADES, SIGINS 3,00 1 () IN 1,500m 4,500,00 & 1115AIF1R1IC HAINDLIINN wwrip 530 6012 999 1 IN � ERSEC ri(l� qs, 226,00 1 ON 297,00 67,12100 DRIVEWAY,S�, AND rit.nMOU I S (ACP) ww rip 666 6005 999 R IE F 1:1AV IM IR Il< ry II 140,00 IF 8,95 1,25100 (m iIIi rIE) (4) (SOLID) (� 0(.� I II ) (w SEM ER: REQUIRED) ww rip T1 3 6006 999 C11 EAIMING AINID 11,367,00 11 IF 5.25 62,301 . 75 SEA11 11NG,JO11N rS AIN 11) CRACKS WW otal 1,026,822.00 i User / Role Status Comments 1311�aindoii,i Haii-iiison ([:�xteirinal- Appiroved GC) �May 1 '13, 2024- M 16 A �M CS'IF David 111ingle (II:Iirojecpproved Mairiager) �May 13, 2024 0917 AM CST" Arnaha "Molly'" VHHIaii,.ireal AII.)piroved (Clity IfEEingineeir) ay 13, 2024 09,22 AM CS 11" 13aii't I13aalrflkowwliak (Director) Apparr ved �May 13, 2024. 11 :30 AM CS 11" Ciryst.al Vadleinc,Ga (Adirriiliirii) Approved Accepted 1',)y Cfty Couincd on IMay 21, 2024, Iby �May 22, 2024. 07-155 I:Nlesdlufloiri INN. 24-1311. AM CS 11" Juirne Ellis (Assistaint Dty Mainageir) Fina Bii,-oussaird (City Clerk) Approved �M ay 2 2, 20 24- 1112,114. RM CS 11" Appii.()ved �M ay 22, 2024- 12,20 RMI CIS 11" [LrIlLgit, � L, c�l-ifLL�li,,�.@sylc.,�ipIEL�lip s . c o rn a ------------ 21 421T41 00 jgLtp-,� 11 .� - jectirriates.coirn j � 1 11 11 p rigq. rj[-c ------------------------------- @ 2024 Projectrnates / Systernates, Inc, 2435 N C(--.mtiral Ex�,-.)y Richardson,'FX 75080