HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/2022 MIN... ...... . li.:Xjii� 7:11 1 1111111 T E X A S MINUTES OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT COUNCIL MEETING Albert "A.J." Turner Jr., At -Large ROBIN MOUTON, MAYOR Randy Feldschau, At -Large Taylor Neild, Ward I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Michael Getz, Ward II Audwin Samuel, Mayor Pro Tom JUNE 7, 2022 Chris Durio, Ward IV Tina Broussard, City Clerk Chris Boone, Interim City Manager Sharae Reed, City Attorney The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas GovernmentCode, Chapter551 on, June7, 2022, at CityHall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 5:30 p.m., to considerthe following: OPENING Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Proclamations, Presentation and Recognition Public Comment: Persons may speak on the ConsentAgenda and Agenda items 1-4 Mayor Mouton called the council meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Pastor Gerald Smith Sr., Great Love Zion Church of God in Christ gave the invocation. Mayor Mouton led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was made by Tina Broussard, City Clerk. Mayor Mouton read the announcement regarding Executive Session being held at the conclusion of Public and Councilmember Comments. Presentatthe meeting were Mayor Mouton, Mayor Pro Tem Samuel, Councilmembers Durio, Getz, Turner, Feldschau and Neild. Also, presentwere Chris Boone, Interim City Manager; Sharae Reed, City Attorney; Tina Broussard, City Clerk. Proclamations, Presentation, Recognitions None Public Comment: Persons may speak on the Consent Agenda and Agenda Items 1-4 None CONSENT AGENDA (Items placed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine In nature and are considered non -controversial. The Consent Agenda can be acted upon in one motion. A consensus of the Council is required to remove any item for discussion and separate action,) A. Approval of the May 24, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes B. Authorize the Interim City Man agerto execute an Interlocal Agreementwith the South East Texas Regional Radio System agencies - Resolution 22-139 Minutos — Juno 7, 2022 C. Authorize the Interim City Manager to apply for and receive grant funds from the FoundationforSoutheastTexas, HEB, and Entergy, fortheAnnual SummerReading Program — Resolution 22-140 Councilmember Getz moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Neild seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR MOUTON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND NEILD NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED AGENDA 1. Considera resolution accepting maintenance of the street, sewer, andwater improvements in Champions Subdivision Phase Il. On April 20, 2022, a final inspection from all entities was completed for the following: Dania Drive approximately 215 feet extension north of existing Dania Drive to include a Cul-de-sac. Omar Street approximately 369 feet heading westfrom existing Dania Drive, thence approximately 286 feet north to include a Cul-de-sac. Recommended forapproval are the street, sewer, and water improvements for Champions Subdivision Phase 11 right-of-way only. Approval of the resolution. Counciimember Getz moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THAT STREET, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN CHAMPIONS SUBDIVISION PHASE II RIGHTS -OF -WAY, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF STREETLIGHTS, ARE HEREBY ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT AND SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED BY THE CITY CONTINGENT UPON FILING OF THE FINAL PLAT, COMPLETE WITH FILINGS OF DEDICATION OF ALL RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND EASEMENTS REQUIRED ON THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS AND INSTALLATION OF THE STREETLIGHTS. Councilmember Durio seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR MOUTON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND NEILD NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED Resolution 22-141 M€nules —June 7, 2022 2. Con siderapproving the renewal of an annual maintenance agreementwM SirsiDynix of Lehi, UT for use in the libraries. SirsiDyn ix is used in the Library System for maintaining records for circulation, cataloging, patron portal access, and other internal processing. This purchase is exempt from competitive bidding since it is available from only one source having exclusive rights to modify and maintain the software. The software agreement provides twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week unlimited telephone supportand offsite hosting. This agreement, in the amountof$80,240,16, isfor an annual period beginning September 2022. Funds will come from the General Fund. Approval of the resolution. Mayor Pro Tern Samuel moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HERESY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE RENEWAL OF AN ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH SIRSIDYNIX, OF LEHI, UTAH, THE SOLE SOURCE HAVING EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO MODIFY AND MAINTAIN THE SOFTWARE FOR ALL OF THE CITY'S LIBRARY BRANCHES, IN THE AMOUNT OF $80,240.16. CouncilmemberTurnerseconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR MOUTON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND NEILD NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED Resolution 22-142 3. Considorapproving the annual renewalof aManaged Detection and Response service from Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. of Eden Prairie, MN. Pricing was originally obtained through the Sourcewell purchasing cooperative. Sourcewell provides cities and political subdivisions with the means to purchase at contracted prices u n derth e procurement statutes of the State of Texas. This request is for the annual renewal of the services. The Arctic Wolf Managed Detection and Response ("MDR") solution isdelivered by theArctic Wolf Concierge Security® Team (CST) and is based on the industry's only cloud -native security operations platform. It provides 24x7 monitoring of networks, endpoints, and cloud environments along with a managed approach to detection, response, and recovery from modern cyberthreats through managed triage and concierge services that guide cybersecurity response. The managed detection and response service was budgeted. The costforthe service for fiscal year 2022 is $100,667.04. Funds will come from the General Fund. Minutes — June 7, 2022 am Approval of the resolution. Councilmember Neild moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES THE PURCHASE OF A MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE (MDR) SERVICE FROM ARTIC WOLF NETWORKS, INC., OF EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,667.04 THROUGH THE SOURCEWELL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM. Councilmember Feldschau seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR MOUTON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND NEILD NAYS: NONE, MOTION PASSED Resolution 22-143 Consider approving the renewal of an annual support agreement with Creative Switching Designs, Inc. for the City's phone system. The Mite] phone system is in use in a large numberof City facilities. The system provides telephone communications, voice mail and four -digit dialing. The purchase is exempt from competitive bidding since it is available from only one (1) source having exclusive rights to maintain the Mitel infrastructure.The annual costis $103,852.95. Fundswillcomefrom the General Fund. Approval of the resolution. Councilmember Durio moved to APPROVE A RESOLUTION THAT THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES THE RENEWAL OF AN ANNUAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT FOR THE MITEL PHONE SYSTEMS FROM CREATIVE, SWITCHING DESIGNS, INC., OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, AS THE. SOLE SOURCE HAVING EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO MAINTAIN THE MITEL INFRASTRUCTURE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $103,852.95 FOR USE BY ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS, VOICE MAIL AND FOUR -DIGIT DIALING; AND THAT THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN ANNUAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT WITH CREATIVE SWITCHING DESIGNS, INC., OF HOUSTON, TEXAS. Councilmember Getz secondedthe motion. AYES: NAYS: MOTION PASSED Resolution 22-144 COMMENTS MAYOR MOUTON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS DURIO, GETZ, TURNER, FELDSCHAU AND NEILD NONE Public Comments (Persons are limited to three minutes) Preston Thibodeaux 9095 Riggs Beaumont TX Minutes — June 7, 2022 Spoke to Council regarding an issue that he's having with his neighbor that lives across the street, gave an account of! ncidentsthathave occurred over the years, as well as an incident with the Beau montPolice, he's been having these issues forth epast 20years and is asking for some help Terry Roy 9150 Shephard Beaumont TX Spoke to Council regarding the ditches in the Amelia Neighborhood, wanted to know if h e and his neighbors have to go through anotherflooding season before the city will dig th e ditches out, the city needs to start being proactive instead of reactive to situations, stated it doesn'ttake much to dig ditches out, he's tired of coming to Council to speak about toilets andditches, it'stime forthe city to start doing some work, knowsthatthere'sa program thafs going on regarding the digging of ditches buthe'ssure itdoesn't include Amelia and ifitdoes it's probably only a few ditches Councilmembers/City Manager/City Attorney comments on various matters COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS COUNCILMEMBER DURIO - STATED THAT HE'S BEEN RECEIVING A LOT OF CALLS ESPECIALLY FROM THE SOUTH PARK NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS REGARDING GUN SHOTS IN THE EVENING TIME, THE RESIDENTS STATED THEY AREN'T CALLING TO REPORT THE GUN FIRE BECAUSE THEY DON'T THINK THEY WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS, ASKED THAT IF RESIDENTS HEAR GUN SHOTS AT ANYTIME THEY NEED TO CALL THE POLICE, THE POLICE CAN'T BE EVERYWHERE, EVERYONE HAS TO DO THEIR PART AND THE COMMUNITY'S PART IS TO CALL IN SO THE POLICE WILL KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON AND TO INVESTIGATE, ANNOUNCED THE JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION ON SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2022, FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M., IN DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT, THERE IS STILL, OPENINGS FOR THE BBQ COOKOFF AND THE CAR SHOW, CONGRATULATED MAYOR MOUTON, ON BEING NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR BY THE SOUTH EAST TEXAS PRESS CLUB COUNCILMEMBER GETZ - CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR, STATED THAT IT'S BEEN OVER TEN YEARS SINCE HE RECEIVED THAT AWARD AND IT WAS MEANINGFUL TO HIM AND KNOWS THAT IT'S MEANINGFUL TO HER, STATED THAT SHE HAS BROUGHT A COLLEGIALITY TO THIS COUNCIL AND THEY ARE ALL WORKING TOGETHER WELL AND IT'S LARGELY A RESULT OF HER LEADERSHIP, ANNOUNCED THAT ON FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 10, 2022, THERE WILL BE A SHOWING OF FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, AT THE JEFFERSON THEATRE COUNCILMEM13ER TURNER - CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR, ANNOUNCED JUNETEENTH ON SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2022, FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M., IN DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT, COMMENTED ON THE BBQ COOKOFF, THERE WILL Minutes — June 7, 2022 BE GREAT PERFORMERS AND EVERYTHING IS FREE, THANKED THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER, CHRIS BOONE AND STAFF FOR ALL OF THEIR HARD WORK ON THE CELEBRATION, THANKED PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, BART BARTKOWIAK FOR HIS ASSISTANCE AT 3290 PINE ST., FIRST FULL BAPTIST CHURCH, ENTERGY WENT OUT AND DID SOME WORK, ASKED IF HE COULD CONTACT ENTERGY TO GO BACK OUT AND COMPLETE THE WORK AND RETURN THE PROPERTY BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS COUNCILMEMBER FELDSCHAU - CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING AWARDED NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL - CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING AWARDED NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR COUNCILMEMBER NEILD - CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING AWARDED NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR CITY ATTORNEY REED , CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING AWARDED NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR INTERIM CITY MANAGER BOONE - CONGRATULATED THE MAYOR ON BEING AWARDED NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR MAYOR MOUTON THANKED THE PRESS CLUB FOR THE AWARD ON BEING NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR, COMMENTED ON A CONFERENCE THAT SHE ATTENDED IN SAN ANTONIO FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TRAINING, ASKED THAT EVERYONE GET PREPARED FOR HURRICANE SEASON, ENCOURAGED EVERYONE TO GET REGISTERED WITH STAN IF THEY HAVEN'T DONE SO, AND TO HAVE A PLAN FOR THEIR FAMILY, ALSO COMMENTED ON THE U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS THAT SHE ATTENDED, IT WAS A GREAT CONFERENCE, ANNOUNCED JUNETEENTH ON JUNE 19, 2022, THE DEADLINE TO ENTER THE CONTEST FOR THE CAR SHOW AND BBQ COOKOFF Is FRIDAY, .DUNE 10, 2022, THANKED INTERIM CITY MANAGER AND STAFF FOR ALL OF THEIR HARD WORK ON THE JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION, , ASKE THAT EVERYONE SPREAD THE LOVE Open session of meeting recessed at 6:02 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Con sidermatters. related to contemplated or pending litigation in accordancewith Section 551.071 of the Govern men t Code: Requested arbitration by Fi refigh ter Local 399 on behalf of civilian employee, Rashell Rodgers GADV, Inc. dibla L&L General Contractors vs. The city of Minutes -- June 7. 2022 GADV, Inc. dlb/a L&L General Contractors vs. The city of Beaumont; Cause No. A-0207973 Ro "n Mouton, M or Tina Broussard, City Clerk