September 13, 1999
City Council Chambers - 3:30 p.m.
Commission members present:
Chairman Tracy Richardson
Commissioner Marie Broussard
Commissioner Dale Hallmark
Commissioner Leonie Bodin
Commissioner Philip Long
Commissioner Denise Shelton
Commissioner Julia Levy
Commissioner Jamie Credle
Commissioner Michael O'Rear
Commission members absent: Commissioner Marie Broussard
Commissioner Shaheen Farah
Commissioner Cathy Belt
Commissioner Terrence Holmes
Commissioner Leonie Bodin
Councilmembers present:
Councilmember Andrew Cokinos
Councilmember Lulu Smith
Staff present: Stephen Richardson, Planning Manager, Adina Abshire, Planning Technician
and Nancy Nicholas, Recording Secretary
Chairman Tracy Richardson asked if there were any changes or additions to the minutes of the
August 9, 1999 meeting. There being none, the minutes were accepted as mailed.
1) CA-415: Request for approval of a certificate of appropriateness for the installation
of a wrought iron and chain link fence in the front yard.
Location: 2460 Long
Applicant: Patrick Phelan
The Planning Manager, Stephen Richardson, presented the staff report and
recommended approval of this request.
Patrick Phelan, the property owner, is requesting a certificate of appropriateness to
construct a wrought iron and chain link fence that exceeds the maximum allowed height
of six feet in the front yard of his residence at 2460 Long, The wrought iron fence
extends across the front of the house and the chain link fence replaces existing chain
link fences on the east and west sides of the property.
In August, 1998, the Phelans received a certificate of appropriateness to install a
swimming pool on the west side of their property. The Zoning Ordinance requires that
the pool be enclosed byia minimum six foot tall fence.
The chain link fences are seven to eight feet tall on the sides. The wrought iron fence
along the front will be seven feet tall overall (actual fence and decoration). The overall
height of the sidewalk gate (actual gate and decoration) will be 15 feet tall and the
overall height of the gate at the driveway will be 13 feet tall.
Sec. 30-21.2 states that chain link fences are permitted only in back yards and must not
be visible from abutting streets. The ordinance also states that fences in front yards
shall not exceed six feet in height. The ordinance does allow for exceptions to the
regulations when the applicant establishes that the fence is historically sensitive or
unless the absence of said fence poses a significant hazard to life or property.
The 1991 SPARE Beaumont states that this house was built c. 1930 and is of the
Colonial Revival style.
The fence is in scale with and compliments the property.
A slide presentation was presented of the subject property.
Exhibits are attached.
Mr. Richardson stated that Mr. and Mrs. Phelan were in the audience to address the
Commissioner Hallmark asked Mr. and Mrs. Phelan if they made any attempt to obtain
a permit for the fence. Mr. Phelan stated that he had called to inquire about the permit
and was told that he did not need a building permit.
Further discussion centered around the reason for and the design of the fence.
Chairman Richardson asked Mr. Richardson if there had been any complaints from
neighbors. He replied that several complaints had been received. He also stated that
he had invited those citizens who complained to attend the meeting.
Chairman Richardson asked for a motion on CA-415. Commissioner Long made a
motion to approve CA-415 and Commissioner Broussard seconded the motion. The
motion to approve CA-415 carried 8:0.
2) CA-417: Request for a certificate of appropriateness to build a fence
Location: 2425 Angelina
Applicant: Rhonda McMullen
This item is a request for a certificate of appropriateness to allow a four foot tall chain
link fence in the front yard of the residence at 2425 Angelina.
The Planning Manager, Stephen Richardson, presented the staff report and
recommended denial of this request.
The ordinance states that -chain link fences are permitted only in the back yard and must
not be seen from the street, However, the ordinance does allow for exceptions when the
fence is historically sensitive or is needed for safety reasons. Safety issues can be a
justification for exceptions, but there are other types of fences that could be built and
be more compatible to the subject property and the historic district.
Mr. Richardson stated that Ms. McMullen was in the audience to answer questions.
Chairman Richardson asked if there were any questions for Mr. Richardson.
Ms. Rhonda McMullen, the property owner, addressed the commission. She stated that
there were a number of safety issues involved which necessitated the need for a fence.
Ms. McMullen also stated her property was within two blocks of a local high school
causing traffic to be very heavy and too fast. In addition , she also stated that
undesirable persons were entering her yard.
Chairman Richardson asked if there were anyone who would like to speak in favor of
or against the request.
Ms. Violet Matchett, 770 N. Main Street, addressed the commission in favor of the
Discussion followed regarding the safety needs of having a fence and the fact that the
ordinance states that a chain link fence in the front yard is not permissible.
Chairman Richardson asked Mr. Richardson if the Planning Department had received
any complaints about the fence in question. Mr. Richardson replied that only one call
had been received.
Ms. McMullen asked to address the commission on rebuttal. She stated, "If my fence
makes my house kinda look like a prison, well, all the other apartments and the houses
around me make my house look like a dump because all the apartments aren't anything
but dumps around there. They don't keep them up. They don't mow their grass half
the time and l try to do whats best for my house and the apartments are going down".
Chairman Richardson stated that they were trying to alleviate the problem of properties
and homes deteriorating with the Historic Overlay in place..
With no further continents, Chairman Richardson asked for a motion. Commissioner
O'Rear made a motion to deny the request.. Commissioner Shelton seconded the
motion. The motion was approved to deny the request by a vote of 6:2 (Hallmark,
3) Revolving Loan Fund
Mr. Richardson stated that $27,000 was available in the Loan Fund.
0' Chairman's Report
No report
Mr. Richardson reported that the historic Conference Committee met. The committee
made the decision to request that the CLG Conference be held in Beaumont in
September 2000.
5) Demolition of structures - Stephen J. Bonczek
Mr. Bonczek was unavailable to speak to the commission as scheduled.
6) Property Owner Notification in Historic District - Tyrone Cooper
Discussion between the commission and Mr. Cooper consisted of various ways to
ensure that all property owners are notified, when necessary, for a public hearing.
Ms.Elizabeth Phelan, 2445 Long, addressed the commission. She stated that she would
like information regarding the Historic Overlay District.
Ms. Cynthia Moak, 2545 .Louisiana, addressed the commission. She also asked for
information regarding the Historic Overlay District.
Information will be provided to them.
` With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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