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'`To encourage and promote the production of food at home,
the site of the f ormer.City Hall. -and the building thereon, bounded
on the north by College Street., on the east by Market Street, on
the south by Washington Street, and on -the west by_Main Street, is
hereby restored and.dedicated to the original use for which it was
donated to the City of Beaumont.; and in honor of its donor the
same shall be known as the Nancy Tevis Market Place; and for the'
proper regulation and encouragement thereof the following Ordinance
is enacted:
Section 1.
Upon the passage of this Ordinance the City iJanager
is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a suitable person
qualified to perform the duties of and whose official title shall
be "Market Master", having such duties to perform as in the judg-
ment of the City Manager are necessary to the proper regulation -
and operation of said market place, whose salary shall be determin-
ed by the City Manager, approved by the City Commission, and pay-
able.monthly by the City of Beaumont out of any available funds not
otherwise appropriated. Among other duties provided for, the Market
Master shall be required to particularly enforce all sanitary and
health rules and regulations and -to keep the peace in and about the
market place, and to this end said Market Master shall -be clothed
with police authority to make arrests in all instances where in
his judgment such arrest is necessary to the lawful and proper dis--
and vegetables; poultry, eggs, milk, and butter, etc., and the
sale thereof direct from producer to consumer Without the inter-
vention of middlemen, and for the convenience of the public, to
promote said primary purpose there is hereby set aside and reserv-
ed to the exclusive use of merchants two-thirds of the space inside
of the building on said market square for the sale of fresh and
cured meats, dressed poultry, milk and dairy products, bread and
bakery products, and for the sale of groceries, fruits, and vege-
tables, etc., regardless of where raised or produced, and for the
sale of fis14- and sea food, and for a delicatessen shop,. said spaces
and the rent to be -paid therefor to be determined by the City.Manager;
and the remaining portion of said, ;vi�5 ode: space shall be and is here-
by reserved to the exclusive use of farmers for the purpose of en-
abling them to -sell and expose for sale the products of their farms,
whether said farms are owned, rented, leased, or worked on shares,
provided_said_farms be located in Jefferson County, or some county
near Jefferson County; provided. -further, however, that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to prohibit or as a prohibition
against a farmer renting space.in that portion of the building set
aside to mercantile uses and himself becoming a merchant and sell-
ing and keeping for sale any -arid al.l 'of said articles -of food.
Section .3.
It shall - be lawful. for any and all pers-ons occupying the
inside of said building to sell and expose for sale. their produce,
meats, groceries,,etc., at all hours and days not prohibited by
Section 4.
It shall be the duty .of the City Manager -by and with the
consent of the City Commission, immediately after the passage of
this Ordinance, to'fix the rental price of space inside the market
place and to determine the size and location thereof and to assign
that one-third of the inside space reserved for farmers and their
agents selling the produce of their farms shall not be required to
pay more than Fifteen & N01100 Dollars ($15.00) monthly rental for spaces
eight (81) by ten (101) feet and for larger and smaller spaces the
prices shall be increased or diminished proportionately. It shall
be the duty of each renter of space inside the building to provide
at his ov.n expense all necessary fixtures, counters, shelvinE, etc.,
and all such fixtures shall be painted or varnished and uniform in
color, provided that the fixtures, partitions, and shelving shall
be not more than five (51) feet high, unless the same stands against
one of the walls of -the inside of said building, in which case they
may be built ten (101) feet high.
Section 5.
All of -the space or ground outside of the market place up
to the in.er sidewalk line of the streets by which said market place
is bounded, originally donated by Nancy Tevis, is set aside to be
exclusively used for the sale of products of farms in Jefferson
County and nearby counties, by the farmers, or their agents and
employees, vwhether said farms be owned, rented, leased, or worked
on shares.
Section 6.
It shall be unlawful for.any farmer, except in spaces
set aside for commercial mercantile purposes, whether inside or
outside of the building at the market place to sell or offer for
sale any farm produce purchased from commission merchants, or from
anyone else except another farmer residing in Jefferson or nearby
counties, and then only provided sai-l' farmer produced the same on
a farm in one of said counties; and it shall be unlawful for any
such farmer to sell or expose for sale any.fresh or cured meat or
fish outside of said market building, but nothing herein contained
shall be constructed as prohibiting the sale by him of live poultry
and fresh eggs produced on his farm.
Section 7.
u rF
Section 8.
11 -le slaughter of fowls or animals in or about the market
place is prohibited.
Section 9.
Peddling of any and all things sold at the market place
within two blocks of said market place is prohibited.
Section 10.
Sales at the market place outside the building after ten
o'clock A -R% is prohibited.
Section 11.
All dropping of draft animals, or scraps and parts of produce
must be removed from the premises before the departure of the per-
son or persons responsible therefor.
Section 12.
`rl;e 'Market Master shall make and enforce -reasonable rules
respecting the parking of vehicles on and at the market place, and
he shall collect from each of the persons each day who sell or ex-
pose for sale produce on and at the market place the sum of Twenty
five ( 25�Z-) Cents- per vehicle, and fro.m.-_tho.se renting _inside such
sums as he is directed to collect by the City Manager, and shall
make remittance to the pity Tax Collector of all such sums collected
at the times and in the manner as directed by the City Eanager, and
he shall make daily reports in writing to the Gity r4lanager showing
all sums collected and from whom collected, and approximate value
produce sold and shall issue to the persons from whom collected
receipts therefor; and it shall be his duty to keep posted as to
the market price of the kind of produce sold at the market place
and to daily dost the market price thereof in a conspicuous place
in front of said market building.
Section 13.
it is contemplated that in time an excess of fruits and
vegetables may be produced in Jefferson and nearby counties over
and above the local demand therefor, and when the same is produced
in sufficient excess quantities to ,justify a shipping place in
to house said enterprises adjacent t o.a railroad spur track, at
its own expense; charging for the use thereof only such sums as
will take care ,of interest, maintenance and depreciation; provided
further,.that thre handling of -said excess above home demand by way
of shipping ori canning, either or both, is conducted by an organiza-
tion of farmers residing in Jefferson.and nearby counties and_ produc-
ing and selling_the same at the said Nancy Tevis Market Place,
Section I*
The City shall set aside and equip with the necessary and
suitable fixtures, some convenient place inside of the building as
a rest room, said space to be determined by the City Manager by and
with the consent and approval of the City Commission.
All persons violating any provision of this Ordinance shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined
in.any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) .
Passed by the affirmative vote of all members of the City-
rte' Li�j-tI^IIC..a
The State of Texas.,
Countzp of Jefferson
Before me he undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de-
poses and says, that he is the-, � �lY_ _'z _
_ _ _ _of the BEA 1 ,
BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and
oregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates:
/ _, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at
��--f-<---F- i�� • /_ A. D. 192
N r,• rkto and subscribed before me, this --------
---- day of _'> -- _=_- A._ 192
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2-1 - I 744_e94 Notices `
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To,.encouraSe and P thereon;. Notary Pub�1'ic, Jefferson C nty, Teas.
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