HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 95-Fw A% r .8 s, � AN ORDINANCE t`r d 19 5�'F Authorizing the vacating and closing of the alley located in Block Twenty—four (24) of the Averill Second Addi— tion to the City of Beaumont, Texas. 4"TriER' AS, a petition duly signed by W. F. Keith, Seawillow C. Keith, C. F. Graham, Mrs. 1.1. Etta. Graham, T'rs. i_. K. Fletcher, L. J. Fletcher, Murrie B. Doty, .Elmon 1J. Doty, Ers. Ida H. Shepard, J. T. Johns, Emma Reed John, owners of Block Twenty—four (24) of the Averill Second Addition to the City of Beaumont, has been presented to the City Commission of the City of Beaumont requesting that such alley be closed and vacated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIyED BY THE CITY COMI:IISSI01 OF THE CITY OF BEAUMOPJIT: That the alley located in. Block Twenty—four (24) of the Averill Second Addition to the City of Beaumont be, and the same is, hereby authorized to bevacated and closed, and that the title to such alley shall revert to and become the property of the respective owners of the land in said block bordering on said alley, as provided by law; provided, however, that the closing of this alley shall in no way affect the rights of the City as to placing and maintaininL therein of any sewer or water lines, or any other service or utility of the City, or owner of property in said block, all of which rihts are hereby r reserved. Passed this, the �� day of A.D. 1927. Aa yor of Beaumont M 3 r � • i a� � �1 F. i� CITY OF BEAU MONT OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM .............wa M.. .....................Department ........ H.0V.='.Wr... 14th...., ... 1.927 ............... 192.. .. Your immediate attention is requested to the following items: Will you please check up in the usual manner, the attached petition for closing alley in Block 24 of iiverill Second j,ddition and pass the necessary documents to the Legal Department? DEPARTMENT REPORT CITY MANAGER: Items above listed have been acted upon as follows: lu PAUL H. MIIZ"RD. ....................................................................................... City Manager REMARKS AND SUGGESTIONS: ............................................................... TITLE.............................................................................................. Beaumont, Texas, October 25th, 1927. Honorable Commissioners, City of Beaumont, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: The undersigned property owners who own all of Block 24, Averill Second ;%ddition to the City of Beaumont; desire to have the Alley running through this Bleck closed up and hereby petition your Honorable Body to pass the necessary Ordinance closing this ?alley. Owners - Lot V Block 24. V Owners Lot - 6 Block 24. Owners - ,( V Lot - %4 Li Block 24. Owne r s - Lot - 9 Block 24. Owners - Lot - �-- Block 24 - ID _'�✓�// Owners LI - Lot - L YZ Block 24 Respectfully yourej, Thi State of Texas, Countp of Jefferson Before m, e undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _known t me, . who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U of the BEAU BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing zeas published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: ------------- --- A. D. 192___ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- ---•-ted _ • ', ------ - - --- ��-�--s�-.fie=`�%�� n to and subscribed before me, this ----1-0 day o ------------------ A. D. 192 _� - AN ORDINANCE—Antnonzing tae vac ing , and closing of the alley located in BlocSec- ond kAddition Addition rthe ) of Cityhe of Averill Beaumont, Texas. Whereas, a petition duly signed by W. F. Keith,' Seawillow C. Keith, Cl F. Graham, Mrs. Al. Etta Graharn,' Mrs. M. K. Fletcher, M. J. Fletcher, Murrie B. Doty, Elmon W. Doty, Mrs. Ida H. Shep- hard, J. J. Johns, Emma Reed Johns, own- ers of Block Twenty-four (24) of the Averill Second Addition ,to the City of Beaumont, has been presented to the City Commission . of the City of Beau- mont requesting that such alley be closed , and vacated. Now, therefore, be it or- dained by the City . Commission of the City ;of Beaumont: That the alley located in Block Twenty-four (24) of the Averill ' Second Addition to the City of Beaumont, be end the' same is hereby authorized to be vacated and closed, and that the title to such alley shall revert to and become ( the property of the respective owners of the land in said block bordering' on said I alley, as provided by law; provided, how- C ever, that the closing of this alley shall 1 in no way affect the rights of the City as to placing and maintaining therein of ) any.'sewer or water lines, or any other ,'tiiity ef,tll ity. oder. of fir. • _ - v C Notary Public, Jefferson County, exas.