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ORD 93-F
AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE LEVYII�TG iND .-ASSESSIl�,G AS- A TAX UPM.,T TEE' -LOT, LOTS .CARTS OF -LOTS, BLO_C�<<S, - OR. TRACTS OF I,�'I�iD �r1HERE: NOT DIVIDED INTO LOTS OR BLOCKS, FRONTING OR ABUTTI_IG ON BUFORD STR LT :FRdL THE EAST -SIDE OF PENNSYLVANIA AVM\TUE 0 T E EAST SIDE OF CARROLL, STREET, TIWO—THIRDS (.2/3) OF THE C0:5T 'OF THE PAVIiXIG AND GUTTER AND INCIDENTAL DRAINAGE AND ALL THE COST' OF CURBING SAID BUF ORD -STREET FROI.I THE LAST' SIDE- OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE TO- T -1-1-E, EA-ST SIDE OF C 1RRdLL :STREET; APPORTIONABLE TOTHE HEREINA11 T ER REFERRED T_0 PROi=-ERTY, AND DECLARING aAID TAX A -LIEi, UPON SAID PROPERTY AI,_iD A PERSONAL DEBT UPON, TIDE OWNER OR 01,7 RS THEREOF AND PROVIDING A TIME VVIIEN SAID TAX- QHALL -BEC 11.1 , DUE- AND PAYABLE,. PRO= VIDINIG FOR THE -COLLECTION. OF SAT. -'E AND ALL -COST INCURRED IN COLLEC-_ T-1011 OF SAME IF NOT PAID AT THE- TIL1E IT BECOI:iE$DUD AND PAYABLE, AND PROVIDING THE- RATE OF INTEREST SAID TAX SHALL. $jEAR FROI; THE TIME 'IT BECGT.-M DUE UNTIL RAID, AND, DECLA_R i' G AN EP,IERGrI, CY. VIII -REAS,' pursuant- to the requirements of S:ubdi:vision H of- S6ct.ion. 68-, of the .Charter of the City of" Beaumont, the- City- Cpmi m.�ssion of the - Gity of, Beaumont caused:- to be ' ubl-ish_ed- for .the time and -i n the manner' required therefor by the -,City Charter, notice o the Resolution of sa.i d.' Gommissi on passed. on the _+-@otir IyC day of A.• D. 1927, ordering a hearing to be. give -h to the persons, firms , corporati ons and . esta.tes,` their agents or:- a.ttorneya owning property abutting- on Buford Street: -from the C�e.ast side of Pennsylvania Avenue to the ea.st_ side of Ca roll Street, and :call-ing- upon all persons- interested in said matter to .appear "and: shotia cause, in -conformity-with the. }provisions of the Charter above re— f-err-ed, to,. the. ass_e..ssment, in said notice -should not be made -against said property and "against the owr4ers thereof`-, which hoar'ing r7as to be held in the C=ouncil. Chamber of the City Hall of'- Beaumont, Texas, at 4.:00' o'clock P.11I'. on .the: 5th day of July_-, A. D 1927;. -- and.,-- = ---- - -- - - -- _- - - - - - --- - - - 111102REAS, -a full and fair hearing in conformity- with . the. Charter and..Iaw in such cases having been had. in, conformity j,,�i th sa.i(I notice, and the Commission having inquired into and d:etermin,ed all. facts necessary to the adjudication of all speei,al- benefits accruing to such owners by means of such improvements, and- said. he_ari.ng having .been duly -closed-;_ -and.,; It appearing that the assessme as propoed "n -the above. mentioned resolution passed: 'on the i day of y _ , A.: D.- 1927, with the- exceptions hereinafter not.ed.., .are in all respects fair and. equitable and that there will be a. full. and' adequate and- special- benef it to the. - abutting property and the oufners there -of from- and. by. reason of the proposed pavement arid. improvement in excess- of the amount assessed against the a:butting property and the respective -owners thereof`: .Now THE REPORL, -BE IT-.. ORDAINED -BY THE CITY COP:s-iISSION OF THE CITY --OF BEAU. 01,,TT: Section I. = That . there is -hereby assessed , ag-ainst the several owners of property and a..ga.iilst their -respective property abutting. on Buford. Street from the east side -of "Fennsylva.nia-- Avenue to the ' . p -a f U drainage. of said streets-,.. exclusive- of .the whole. cost between curb lines of improving. said streets at -their i-ntersectio1-is with other streets .and alleys, and all the. cost of curbing-- said Buford Street -f rom the east side of pennsyly-ania Avenue to the, east. side of Carroll Street. The lot, lots, pa.-_rts -of 'lots, b7 oci�s or tracts of land. on which sai d tax i -s levied and assessed is hereinafter described together- wi.tj the., number of` front. feet. -on such lot., - hots, parts of lots,:. blocks. or tractz -of land, the name -or nam.es of the owners or- owner; -thereof and., the. proportionate am.ount of the cost -of said paving and gutter, and'the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid by' such owner- or owners 'as -shown by the sta:.teir�ent pre pared by the- City Engineer of the_ City of Beaumont, Gahic:h said amount is hereby' levied and assessed a.s a. tax- upon such lot, Iots, parts of lots, bl-ocks, of tracts of land as shown, to wit: L • • It SeAion' Z That said amounts -so levied and assessed. shall become due and payable.upon the comPlcet.i.on- of the paving; upon the portion of said street -upon Which said lot, lots, parts of lots, blodks, or tracts of. land. front and.abut, 'and the amount of the taxhereby levied and assessed, together with the cost of collecting and interest at seven. per cent (-7%) per annum from the date same is: collectable until paid is hereby declared a, lien against said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks, or tracts of land, superior to all other liens,.clnims, or titles,.except City, County, and State taxes, and constitute a: personal charge against the owner or owners of said lot, lots, parts of -lots, blocks, -or tracts of land. - Section Z The fact that the portions of the above named streets as indicated are in bad condition and "jeopardize_ the safety of -�- the -people travelling thereon, -creates an emergency and an- im= perative public necessity, -necessitating the suspension -of the rule requiring. ordinances to be read on three several days before their passage, said rule is therefore .hereby sump ended and this ordinance shall take effect and be in -full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. - passed. this, the /J"� , day of November, A. D.-1927, by the affirmative vote of all members of the Commissdon.. -- _ iiayor of Beaumon 1:� �e- State of Texas ; J: Countp- of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _known t me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the — _ of thel�RISE BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy -of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A. D. 192_ _ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tached. - - - - - - .�L-C _ _ ______ J, Sw,or:i fio and subscribed before me this_ _._ ©_ _ _ _ _ _da o _ _ _ _ _� CO Y - --- A. D. 192 ` L Notary Public, Jefferson Con ty, Texas.