HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 92-FAN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDII-TANCE REPEALING ALL ^1HOSE PORTIONS OF THE ORDINANCE RELATING TO B STR? ET _ ED BY 'ISSIONT OF T TE -CITY OF BEAU11ON�T ON THE 5th DAY OF JULY, THE CITY CCI'.il; A.D. 1927, SAID ORDINANCE BEING ENTITi,�M "'AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A1110 ASSESS KT AS A TAY. UPON THE LOT, LOTS, PARTS O LOTS, BLOCKS 2 OR TRACTS OF LA1,,JD t"PERE NOT DIVIDED !',.,TO- LOTS OR. BLOCKS, FRCIvTIIvG OR i�BUTTIN�TG ON AVENUE F FROTu THS SOUTI1 SIDE Or FRA�TKLI:: STREET TO T I-NE SOUTH :SIDE OF FCCH STREET ANID BUFORD STRE--: T- FROIJ THE E AST SIDE OF PJ1Itj�iYLVAN:;IA AVENUE TO THE LAST SIDE, OF CARROLL STREET, TWO—TH T RDS (2/3), OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AN;!D GUTTER AND IN-'TCTDZ TAL DRAINAGE AND 'ALL TTIE COST OF CURBING SAID AVENUE F FROT;T THE SOUTH SIDE OF FRANKLIN STREET TO THE SOUTH .;TDE OF FOCH STREET, AND BUFORD, STREET FRO` THE EAST SIDE OF Pi!ji Tl Y JVANIA AVENUE TO THE EAST SIDE OF CARROLL STREET, APPORTIONTABLE -TO THE HEREIIIIAFTER REFERRED T0- PRO- -P ERTY, AND DECLARING SAID TAX, A LIENT UPON SAID PROPERTY AND A PER- ; OI AL DEBT UPON THE O 2\TER OR .OWNERa THF,REOF, AND PROVIDING A TIIIE SAID TAY SMALL BECO1,iE DUE ATTD PAYABLE, PROVIDING FOR THE COL- LECTION OF SAb.TS AND ALL COST INCURRED IN .COLLECTION�T OF SAT,IE TF' NIT OT PAID AT T=IE TII1E ITBECOT. E DUE Ay D PAYABLE, AND PROV IDI1dG THE RATE OF INTEREST SAID TAX ST?ALL BEAR FRO111:I THE TIT; E IT aECOLNES DUE UNTIL PAID, AND DECLARING -ANT EMERGENCY"'; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. fiJzEREAS,. on -the 5th day of July,. A. D. 19271 the City Commission of the City of Beaumont passed an ordinance assess- ing- the cost of paving on Buford Street f rora the east s de of Pennsylvania Avenue to the east side of Carrell:-Street, said cost being assessed against said street in two sections, Section 1. being twenty-seven f eet _wide, a nd Section 2 being thirty feet. wide; and it is now dee.med.necessary to pave said street to a thirty--foot width thr-oughout, and--f or- -that purpose. it is necessary to pass an ordinance repealing said ordinance, and to pass another ordinance re-assessing the cost of paving said s-treet: NOW) THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CONE,,TISSIOI�T O-V THE CITY 01 BEAUI:�ONT: Section I. That said ordinance . passed by the _City Cmiulissi on of the City of Beaumont on the 5th day of July, 'A. D.. 1927, in so far as the same affects, the assessment of costs aga.i_ist 'she abut- ting property. owners "on -Buford Street in the City of Beaumont, be, and the same is hereby repealed., annulled, and held for naught, but this ordinance shall in no way affect said- ordinance in so -far as -the same refers to .Avenue F"mentioned- therein.- Section 2,. _ The fact. that the above mentioned. r 6tions of Buford Act an imperative public necessity, necessi—eating the. suspension of the rule requiring ordinances to be read on t3o severart days be— fore its passage, and said -rule is, therefore, hereby suspended, and this ordinance mall tal- a effect, and be in fulj_ force and effect from and after its passage and publication. passed this, -the 15th day of November, A. D. 1927, by the e. f f i.rmative vote of all me bers of the Co%lIlli ss ion . J­a�yror of BeaLunont e -. 1-7The State of Texas, Count/ of Jefferson Be -foie me, the undersigned authority, on t ais day personally appeared .. , ..... , , , , , , . " I ` . , .. know to me, who being by me duly sworn, on -his oath de- poses and says that he is the. .(J• *�._, , . ��J< of the 13EAUMONT ,JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said.county; that a copy of the within and foregoing w s published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: . A D. 192. ., and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tached_ . 1 Sworn to and subs-cribed.before me, this. , • ,2 •day a , /%3� �:`!�A, D. AN ORDINANCE An ordinance entitled an ordinance re -t peeling ali those portions of the ordinance re'.at5ng to Buford Street passed by the, City Commission- of the City of Beaumont' on the uth'_ day of July, A. D, 19211, said. . . . -,a._.. .. ordinance entitled, "An ordinance levying Notary Public, •d a erson noun -� and assessing as a tar upon the lot, lots,, , Texas. I parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land, where not divided into lots or blocks, fronting or abutting on Avenue F from the South side of Foch Street and* Buford Street from the. East side of Pennsylvania Avenue to the East side of Carroll Street, two thirds (2-3) of the cost of the paving ' and gutter and incidental drainage and costsall the from theS uth sidof curbing Avenue Street to the South side Of Foch Street, and Buford Street from the East side of Pennsylvania Avenue to the East side of Carroll Street, .annm:tionable_xg the hereinafter rCferred N