HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 66-F�a, eN ORDINANCE 6�vdb�� . �. ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AN AMBULANCE AND REGULATING J THE PASSAGE OF AMBULANCES IN, ALONG AND UPON THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, DECLARING A NECESSITY FOR A PERMIT FOR OPERATING THE SAME, PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE AND REVOKING OF SAID PER— MIT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL -LAWS AND ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: SECTION I. By the term "'ambulan'cel" as used herein is meant any vehicle designed for the transportation of sick or injured persons. SECTION Z. That no ambulance shall be operated within the City of Beau— mont unless the owner thereof has first applied to and received a per— mit from the Chief of Police for the operation thereof as herein pre— scribed. SECTION 3. -- - — _- That -the -owner, or owners of -any ambiilanc® desiring to operate the same, or have the same operated in the City of Beaumont shall make application to the Chief of Police upon a form to be by him prescribed,,, which application among other requirements to be established by the Chief of Police, shall contain the name of the owner, the number of am— bulances desired to be operated, and.if a motor vehicle, the Errand or make of each car and the engine number thereof shall be suppliedF . Up on the presentation of said application to the Chief of Police, he shall examine the same and if in his opinion the application should 11 be granted he shall issue a permit to said owner or owners for the operation of said ambulance or ambulances for the period of time end— ing at midnight of the 31st day of December next succeeding the is- suance of said permit; provided, however, that before any person not the owner of an ambulance, shall be permitted to drive the same, he shat.ip. procure a daciverIs permit hereinafter set. forth. SECTION 4. ambulance, make application to the Chief of Police'- Said appli— cation shall be in form prescribed by the Chief of Police and said application shall among other requirements, amke provision for the owner or owners of said ambulance to;signify his or their desire for said driver to operate the same. Upon the presentation of said application to the Chief of Police he shall examine the same, and if in his opinion said application should be granted he shall register the name of said applicant or driver in a book in his office to be kept for that purpose, and shall issue to said driver a permit to drive said ambulance. SECTION 5. The Chief of Police shall prescribe rules and regulations for the operation of ambulances within the City of Beaumont, which rules shall be submitted to the City Commission for its rejection or approval. SECTION 6. In case of violation of any laws of the State of Texas, ordinances of the City of Beaumont, or regulations of the Chief of Police, the Chief of Police is hereby authorized to revoke the per— mit of the owner or owners, or of any driver of any ambulance, or to suspend any such permit for any period of time; provided, however, that no permit shall be revoked or suspended except upon a hearing, at which time the owner or driver, as the case_may be, shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Upon the revocation or suspen— sion of any permit the party aggrieved may appeal to the City Com— mission within ten days from such revocation or suspension, and the action of the Commission thereon shall be final; provided, haft: ever, that such revocation or suppension shall remain in force and effect pending the appeal and decision of the City Commission. SECTION 7 The owner of any ambulance operating or permitting the same to be operated without the owner's permit harm n r,, ,,,4 A -A fl-- a driver.'s permit, and any person otherwise violating any of the provisions- of this ordinance shall be fined- in any sum not exceed— ing One Hundred Dollars, and each day shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. Should any section or provision of this ordinance be held invalid, said holding shall not invalidate this ordinance. but the r e— maining provisions thereof shall remain in full force and effect;:: SECTION 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here— with are hereby repealed provided, however, that none of the pro— visions of the traffic ordinance of the City of Beaumont shall be affected hereby. Passed by an affirmative vote of all the members of the City Commission, this the day of , A. D. 19 27 . MAYOR. , t RME'S A.ND REGUL,t-'J!0 ;S ` PRESCRIBED BY THE CHIEF 0'_+' P OI,1 CI; COVERING THE OPER_51021 OF AT.aT LAO CES ITT THE CITY OF BE102,10 TT Those rules and regulations. st=all apply. tc cath and every person, firM *or corporation operating an ;,�bialancc r ithin the City of Beaui:ont, Joiferson County Teras, 110y permission grant- ed by the Chief of P014 ca .E;._.ch or__bulanu o:rner and driver shall conform in allr,.s,;,.`, t . - r�z es enc? regulations and shall comply and carry tlle , ..:: F ,._:.cu >>'f, cta Rule No. I. Before putting into service any aiabulance, the licensee 1. file �-rith the Chief of Police the follo�ling info— ation: (a) flake of Vehicle. (b) Yoar the Vehicle was made (c) - CarryinG-Cap,.city of Vehicle. (d) State of Tex�-,s Rcgi straticn Nu_iber (e) Engine TvumEjc _ Rule No. II. Y0 person cr driver in charge of any, ambulance shall permit any person or persons to stand upon the running board or steps thereof, or to stand upon any fender, dash or door. Rule No. III. No aibulance driver is allvraed to drive faster than thirty miles per hour in the 'ausiness district.'The business dis- trict is considered to mean, that portion of the City of Beaumont bounded on the north by Calder Ivo., on the south by Emmett give., and I.=agnolie ,=tve. on the east by Main St., and on the gest by Neches St./ Each and all of the streets being; included therein, and each and evory.por- tion of the City of Beaumont not included in the business district a:s herein specified, is deblarcd to be the residential district and thirty -i. -five miles her hour is allowed under these rules in the residential district of the City of Beaurnnt. Rule .Ilo. IT, Every licensee who operate ambulances within the City of Beauriont, ir_ iodiately upon the happening: of an accident, „here- by any personal injury or property domaC.e rosults, shall imne- diately report to the Chief of Police in detail, all facts rela- tive to the adcident, and shall follow,up with a report of the final disposition of same. Rule No. V. Before pernission will be- granted any person or corpo- ration to operate zi lbulances- within the city limits of -the City of Beaunont, the licensee shall first file with the Chief of Police, a satisfactory exai_zination from the City Health Officer, that the civer's eyes are in good condition and his general nervous con- ition is good and that he is in possession of all hi riental faculties and shell prove to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police his ability to operate tAc-c - abularnccs in every respect. Rule No. VI, Each ambulance oyoerated in accordance with these rules upon or over the streets of the City of Beaumont shall be equipped with a siren.. Rule No. VII. Permission to operate ambulances in the City of Beaumont will -be granted for an indefinite period, not longer than.until December 31st of each year, then only upon the condition that the licensee comply with the lairs of the State and the City relative to the operation of motor vehicles(and•other vehicles); also com- plies With the rules and regulations of the Chief of Police that may now or hereafter be put into effect governing the rianagement and operation of ambulances. Rule No. VIII. The permit nay be revoked at any time after a hearing, when it is shown that said laws or rules and regulations have been violated, or v:hen, from the case, it is proven that it is no longer necessary for the public good that the percent continue in effect. Rule No. IX. _ (a) Every driver will be held to strict -observance of all ordinances of the City of Beaumont and to all rules of the Chief of Police. .(b) No' one will be. allovied to drive 'an ambulance unless he is twenty-one years of -age or older.. ,(c) No amL)ul-_-Ince driver shall, drive his car in 'a wreckless or dangerous rianner in -such a vT'[ty ,s to unnbcassarily endanger the loss of, pra-perty or life - Rule No. X. No, driver of J4 ambulance shall- use Pearl Street.. Orleans Street or Park St-_,­eetl in answerini3 emergency calls, but.9 in going from the . present undertaking parlors south, shall travel 0: n Str6at f 4 L - all purposes. Ula IT - ., 0. XI , All ambulances operated in and upon the stbeets of the City of Beaumont.shall coy-r,)ly, in i all respects with the State Laws relative to the use of dovices"khow--a as _rnufflor cut outs, Rule No. _I -- ---- Before any oxbul.=ca -s'ha'll b6�<allowcd to leave an under- taking parlor on an ar;icrGoncy callp- the owner or driver thereof shall first notify the traffic signal,oporator at the Central FirO Station. Rule I -To. XIII. The violation o -'L:' any of the foregoing rules will be sufficient cause for the. Chief of PoI_Jcc3,. in .1 -lis discretion, to 4 t revoke the license or per= The above ruless-aand re for general application only L are subject to s h changes and modifications as the Chief of V 'c d 6.'n'd subjec Police may, fro,"m tins to tir.209 icer.1 a vi sual cases - reasonable in""u" excdptions s I�be ccr.sidorod just and . I Y AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN 0RDINANCE REGULATING THE PASSAGE IN, ALONG AND UPON THE STREETS AND 'HIGHWAYS OF THE CITY OF BEADMIONT AND REGULATING THE USE; OF SUCH STREETS AND HIGH%'•JAY'S .BY PERSONS RIDING OR-1aIl' IUNG AND REGULATING THE. . TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS BY STREET CARS. AND- ALL. OTHER V111ICLES AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE; VIOLiiTION HEl'REOF, REE'EALING;'ALL LAWS AND_ ORDINANCES -Iii- CONFLICT HEREUITI1 AND DECLARING AN E11ERG.ENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMUSSION OF THE CITY OY BEAM,AONT: Section 18 a. Every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle while on the public highways, when.in operation, during one-half hour after sunset to one -half-hour before .sunrise, and at.all times when fog: or other €atmospheric, conditions render the operation of such vehicles unusually dangerous to .traffic and the use of the. highl.,ays, shall carry at the- front at :least-two'lighted lamps showing the whit -e lights visible under normal .,atmospheric conditions at least five hundred feet in the di'rection:--toward which such motor- vehicle is facing, and shall also carry at the rear a lighted lamp exhibiting one red light plainly visible for a distance of 'five hundred :deet to the rear. At- th-etimes and _under the conditions hereinbefore speci lied every motorcycle or bicycle while on the public highway shall carry on its front_ one lighted lamp showing a white light visible under normal atmospheric conditions at least two hundred -feet - in the direction such- vehicle is facing, and shall have-. at *the rear 'one rdd . li-ght...p161nly --vi sibl.e from the rear. b.: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate upon the public highwaysof the City of Beaumont a motor vehicle not provided vii-th adequate- brakes kept= in good v.orking order and it shall be un- lawful 'for - any -person having control and charge of a motor vehicle . to allow- such vehicle to stand 'in any public street or highway--uh.- attended without_ -first -effectively setting the brakes and stopping the. motor thereof. c. It shall be unlawful -for any person _to drive or have upon the-stre.ets, alleys and public places of the City. -of Beaumont any vehicle equipped with siren.;" exhaust whistle or rotary gong other than fire apparatus, police patrol or police emergency cars, Proms vided that traffic emergency vehicles or emergency ambulances may be equipped with rotary gong by obtaining a permit from the Chief of .Police. The driver of a -vehicle., upon hearing the approaching fire engine, fire apparatus, police patrol or ambulance, shall immediately drive his vehicle to the right side of the street and as near as possible to the curb so as to -clear the street, -and shall. _there stop_ _ and .keep his vehicle standing -until` such engine., apparatus, patrol or ambulance has- passed.: Passed by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Commission., this . the 21 day of September, A.D.. 1926.. J., -.AUSTIN BARNES,. Mayor.. - '4.." 4� The Shite of Texas, Counip of Jefferson Before. rp-t�., the 1 ersignel ftaiJ7T3T1't�y?,fNji*-t.b _�s day personally appeared_ ------------------ --kn being r ------------ own t I b i g by me duly sworn, on his oath de- �/Y me, who poses and says, that be is the ____of the B�10 BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and I foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: A. D. 192_ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tacked..- ------ ---------- Swdrn'Jo and subscribed before me, this_ _ _ _ _ -day of - - -A. D. 192 AN ORDINANCE entitled an ordinance defl-ning an i. ambulance and regulating the pa9_ saga of ambulances in, along and Upon the streets and highways of the city of Beaumont, declaring a necessity for -apermit for operat- ing the same, pr.scribing the rules and regulations for the -issuance and revolting of said permit and Providing a penalty for the viola- tion hereof, and repealing all laws ordinances here- with. dlila ces In conflict ere - with. Be It ordained -by the city com- miowon of'Ile city of Beaumont: Section I e term 4a:mbu- lancel;,as u;B e119'-4cIn is meant ay y�elvic _ desi glled . for the t n rn ransporta- In - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- En Notary Public, Jefferson Count , Ticexas.