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ORD 63-F
UO -1 sP � E ej AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VACATING AND CLOSING OF THE ALLEY LOCfATuD IN BLOCK 19 OF TIME PARYDALE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BE,AU- IIONT .. ITEIEREAS, a. petition duly signed by J. A. Geen, Forest p,.%o ore, td. H. Lantz, R. E.. - Stafford and Mary Conroy, owners of Block 19 of the Parkdale addition to the City of Beaumont has been present- ed- to the City. Commission .of the City of Bea.umont__requesting that such alley be closed and vacated. NUVJ, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COi�11ISSIOI� Or THE CITY OF BEAUMCONT That the alley located in Block 19 of the Parkdale Ad- dition to the City of Beaumont, be and the same is hereby author- ized.to be vacated and closed, a -rid that the title to such alley shall revert to and become the property of the respective owners of the land in said Block bordering 6n said a.11elr, as provided by law; provided, however, that the closing of this alley sha11 in no way affect the rights of the City as to placing and maintaining - theFrein -of -any -se naer -or- water lines or -any other service or utility of the City, or of>>ner of property in said Block, all of which rights are hereby reserved. Passed this the -V/ day of 1,J11ay, A.D. 1927. P:Ta.y or i 7? '` CITY OF BEAUMONT OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM . .................... i,EGAL....................... ..................... ..8 y...1927 Department ...........................192....., ..........._.................................................................................................................................... Your immediate attention is requested to the following items: Please draw ordinance cls®ing alley in Block 19, Parkd:ale Addition in a caardance with the attached retitian, to be presented to the Caminissian next 'Tuesday. ©ll..e... T-.Blo.:�d.�...................................... City Manager — DEPARTMENT REPORT CITY MANAGER: Items above listed have been acted upon as follows: I,iay 9, 1927. 'l ease find requested ordinance attached. REMARKS AND SUGGESTIONS: .................. J.... --B v ........ ;G1.r..rA.S................ TITLE........ 1...t - ...At t O r' n e y.' ....................................... JOHN.L. KE ITH, Pwealo — E. G. EDSON, VICE P.... &GENE. Mc CHAS. L. BERLY, SECY.— Tq Ens. � L ool dWA"TnuARJ AHE ORO A GENERAL OFFICES AND S1"-0EL- ' �[=1J1r�-D %IAOE� HARD?��ARE WAREHOUSE: SALES DEPARTMENT 249 TO 263 oiL WELL, MbI ANoD R�E� I�' ;�Y Si�IPP IuE S 1001 TO 1PEARL ST. RETAIL DEP DEPARTM ENT LIBERTY AVE. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY 321 To 339 PEARL ST. BRANCH 811 LIVE OAK ST, HOUSTON, TEXAS B XUXo1vT TrxAS, May 6th 1927. `, ,, / r' Hon.Mayor J.Austin Barnes. City. Dear Sir; Attached hereto is a petition duly signed by the property owners in block 19 of the Parkdale addition of the City of Beaumont which we respectifully request that you present or cause to be presented to the City Council at their next meeting for their consideration. Thanking you in advance for your kindness in this matter, I am Yours very truly, G"G �i j J.A* Geen. JAG/S. K' TO THE HONORABLE CITY MANAGER, MAYOR AND COUNCIT,MFN OF THE CITY OFrBEAUMONT b 1 The signatures submi ted hereonrepresent those of 'the prope t.y owners in Block 19, of = the Park ale Addition to theCity 'of Beaumont who respectfully rquest that yo caul to be close the twe foot alleyway running East and Wugh est throthe � bove refer�ed to I filo and revert back to these proper y o ners or throw use, Jthis 2" i strip, now dedicated as an alley, a lowingthe o�IlIm.erson the Nort �Ha Of th� Block, 10' or 1/2 of this st ip and tYie osiers on the Sout ha' of the block, 10' or 172 of thi stgyp. Re pectful , y sub it ed, �'t' r The State o f 1 tf-t CA8. Countp of Jefferson Befor e, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------ _ ------------ kn w?no me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the--- --- --- ----of the 4WiN_T_E-NTRftPRW1 BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said ,newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: �------------ A. D. 192_ _, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto - at -tacked. n A -Sworn to:' and subscribed before me, this---' /'_"_____day -of _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _-- _ _ _ A. D. 192 AN 'ORDINANCE — Authtfrizing ythe vacating and - closing of the alley located in block 19 of ,the Parkdale addition to the city of Beauhiwit. Whoreas, � petition duly, signed by J. A: Geen, Forest illoo'r-e, \\r. II. Lantz,` R. 1I. Stafford- and \Iaiy C'onr-oy, owners of block 19of the Parkdale addition to the city of Beaumont• htis been presented to the city commission of the city of Beaumont requesting'that such al- ley' be closed alid vacated. Nov therefore,, be it ordained. by the city commission of city of I heauniont,: - Tha"el t'he alley located 'in block 19 of e Park dale addition. to the ----------------- ------- -----`Y Notary Public, Jefferson Con y, Texas.