HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 51-FAU ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AS A TAX UPON THE LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS, BLOCKS OR TRACTS OF LAND WHERE NOT DIVIDED INTO LOTS OR BLOCKS, FRONTING OR ABUTTING ON AYZWE B . FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF FRANKLIN STREET TO THE, NORTH SIDE OF IRMA AVENUE; Ma -MM2 FROM THE EAST SIDE OF PARK STREET TO TIN NEST SIDE OF RAILROAD AVENUE; 2.I_..STRE FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF CALDER AVENUE TO THE NORTH SIDE OF BROADWAY; AND IRMA_AVENLJA FROM THE EAST SIDE OF PARK STREET TO THE (VEST SIDE OF PETdN- SYLVANIA AVENUE TWO THIRDS (2/3) OF THE COST OF PAVING AND GUTTER AND IN- CIDENTAL DRAINAGE AND ALL THE COST.OF CURBING SAID AVENUE B FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF FRANKLIN STREET TO THE NORTH SIDE OF IRIyTA AVENUE; LYLE STREET FROM TF& EAST SIDE OF PARK STREET TO THE WEST SIDE OF RAILROAD AVENUE; FIFTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF CALDER AVENUE TO THE NORTH SIDE OF BROADWAY; AND IRMA AVENUE FROM THE EAST SIDE OF PARK STREET TO THE WEST SIDE OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, APPORTIONABLE TO THE HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO PROPERTY, LEVYING ADD ASSESSING AS A TAX UPON THE TRACKS OF THE EASTERN TEXAS ELECTRIC GOT�TPANY ALL THE COST OF PAVING BETWEEN AND TWO (2) FEET ON EACH SIDE OF TH3 'WRACKS AND RAILS OF SAID COMPANY -WHERE SAID TRACKS OCCUPY A PORTION OF AVENUE B BETWEEIq SOU'T'H SIDE OF FRANKLIN STREET AND THE NORTH SIDE OF 1111A AVENUE; AND DECLARING SAID TAX A LIEN UPON SAID PRO- PERTY AND A PERS(HAL DEBT UPON THE OWNER OR OWNERS THEMEOF AND BROVIDING A TIME WHEN SAID TAX SHALL BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE, PROVIDING FOR THE COL- LECTION OF SAME AND ALL COSTS INCURRED IN COLLECTION OF SAME IF NOT PAID AT THE TIME IT BECOMES DUE AND PAYABLE; AND PROVIDING THE RATE OF INTEREST SAID TAX SHALL BEAR FROM THE TIME IT BECOMES IJJE UNTIL PAID AND DECLARING AN EMBR GENC Y. Whereas, pursuant to the requiements of sub -division (h) of Section 68, of the Charter -of the 1444 of Leaumont, the City Commission of the Oity of Beaumont caused to be published for the time and in the man- -- ner required therefor by the City Charter a notice of a resolution of said Oommission, passed heretofore on the 1st bay of March A. D. 1927 ordering a hearing- to be given to the persons, firms,.corpgrations ard, estates, their agents or attoxne s., -_owning property abutting on Avenue- B -from the South §ide of Tranklin _.trept to the North Side of Irma Avenue; Lyle street from the Aast 4ide of ark treet to the est _ide of ailroad avenue; Fifth Street from the loath --Side of Calder avenue to the North Side of Broadway and Irma Avenue from the Aast side o Street , to the West Side of Pennsylvania Avenue, and to the owners of treet Railraods on said Streets; and calling upon all persons interested in said matter to appear and show cause in conformity with the provisions of the Uharter above re- ferred to, why the assessment in said notice should not be made against said property and against the inmers thereof, which hearing was to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of Beaumont, Texas at 4 O'Clock P.TvT. on the 22nd Dag of March A. B. 1927; and. Whereas, a full and fair hearing in conformity with the Charter and law in such cases having been had in conformity with 'said notice, and the Commission having inquired into and determined all facts necessary to the adjudication of all special benefits aecxaoing to such owners by means of such improvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and ;It appearing that the assessment as proRosed in the above men- tioned Resolution passed on the 1st 4)ay of March A, . 1927 withthe ex- ceptions hereinafter noted, -a3:& in all respects fair -and equitable, and that there will be a, full and adaquate and special benefit to the abutting property and the owners thereof from and by reason of the proposed pavement and improvement in excess of the amount assessed against. the abutting pro- perty and the respective inners thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: ; SECT ION 1 (kd , S-,! -F -��-E.'-?Zr7 That there is hereby assessed against the several owners of property and against ' their respective property abutting on Avenue B from the South 4ide og Franklin Street to the North Zi.de of Irma Avenue; Lyle Street ftan the ast side of park §t;eet t o the West side of -gailro ad Avenue; -'ift# street from the South "4ide of Calder Avenue to the North Side of Broadway; and Irma .eve nue from the - E,ast side of park Street to the Vest -side -of Pennsylvania Avenue as a tax, two thirds, (��3) of the co=st of paving and gutter and incidental drainage of said treets, exclusive of the whole cost between garb lines: of improving said Streets at their inter -sections with othipr Otreets and Alleys.- rd all the cost of curbing said.ve ue B from the oath +gide of xanklin treet to the Narth 4e of Irma Avenue; Lys; Street from theiaUlast side o.f par1 Street to the' est. Side of iiai.lroad Ave e; 'Fifth Street from the .oath Gide of'Caldex Avenue to the North �' de, of roadway; and Irma 4venue from the Aast side of park Street to thl y�est Gide of Pennsylvania Avenue, and, against the tracks of the Jastern exas lectric ompany where -occupying said Avenue -- Bfrom the South"side of 1 ranklin Street to the North 4ide-of Irma 4venue , and against said pastern Texas Electril gompany, all the cost of paving between .and two (91 feet on .eac h si de of the tracks and rails of said Company. The lot, lots, pests of lots, blocks ox -tracts of land on which said tax is levied and assessed is hereinafter described together with the number of front. feet on each lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts. of land, the name or names of the miner or owners thereof and the porpor- tionate amount of the cost of said paving and gutter, and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paAd for by such owner or owners as shown by the Statement prepared by the ''ity -ingineer of the Uity of Beaumont, which said Amoant is herehy levied and assessed as a tax upon such lots, parts of lots, blocks -ox tracts -of land as shown to -wit; SECTION 20 That said amounts so levied and assessed shall become dus and payable upon the completion of the paving upon 'the portion of said -treat upon which said lot, lots, parts of -lots, blocks or tracts of land, front and abutt , and the amount of. the tax hereby levied and assessed together with the cost of collecting and interest at Seven (7%) per cent per, annum from the date same is collectable -until paid is hereby declared. a lien against said lot, lots parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land, superior to all other liens, claims, .or titles --except City, County and State taxes, and.constitute a personal charge or claim against the owner or owners of said lots,.:parts, of lots, blocks or tracts of land. SECTION -3. All the cost of grading and paving those portions of Avenue B from the South Side of Franklin Street to the North Side of Irma Avenue as are accupied between the rails of the tracks of the Jastern Texas Elec- tric Company and a space Twenty Four (24) inches -beyond - the outer edge of the rails of the tracks of said Com�sm t located on sid street shall be borne by the- said -4astern Texas Electric ompany, and all such costs of said imp;*vements are..hereby assessed against the -said Sastern Texas Elec- tric Lompa4y and shall be collected as other assessments levied under this Ordinance, provided such work shall- be done in s,ccordaace with -the City Ordinances regulating the eons'truction of Railroads in the Streets of the City of Beaumont and the paving of such Streets traversed by the same. SECTION 4. The fact that the .portdbns of the above named Streets as -in-- dicatecd are in bad condition and jeopardize the safety of the people travel- ing thereon creates an emergency and an in;perative public necessity, necessitating the suspension of the rule requiring ordinandes to be read on -three -(3) -several days before their passage, said rule -is therefore hereby Suspended and this Ordinance ,shall take effect and be in full force and: effect from and. after its passage and phblication.- passed this the .24311 Day of'garch A. �D. 1927 by the affirmative vote of all members of the Commission. a The State of Texas.? County of Jefferson Beforeis day personally appeared ........... e, the undersigned authority, on this . . .. .. U? .:..known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de poses and says that he 113 the. .�.*.' 0 .. of the BEAUMJONT ENTERPRISE, - BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published In said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the -following dates: / ............ A. D.192 and a- -newspa-per-c-opy of which to hereto at- tached. "Sworn to-ifi�i_subscribed before me, this.. day of.... .......... A. D. 192 ... ....... otsiry Publ c. Jefff era n unty.,lexas. M