HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 47-FAN 6? DINAM6i ENTITLED IT,-ORDDTAXCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AS A 'TAX UPON T12 tee LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS, BLOCKS 'OR TRACTS OF 1AND WHEME NOT DIVIDED INTO LOTS OR BLOOES, FRCNTING OR ABUTTING ON WIESS AVENUE FROIVI :THE EAST SII1; OF GULF STREET TO THE EAST SIDE OF GRAND AV",1�TU.E _TATO THIRDS ( 2/3 ) 09 TNS COST - OF. PAVING AND GUTT-ER AND INCIDEF TAL DRALNAGE - AND 11 -1 -THE 003T 02 CURBING - SkID WIESS,.AVEFUE FROM THU EAST SIDE, -OF GULF STREET TO THE EAST SIIE OF GRAND Z9W4 UE APPORTIONABLE TO ' THE HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO PROPMTY, LEVY- ING AND APSESSING AS A TAX UPON T113 TRAMS OF TH3 - EAST:LRN TEXAS ELECT -RIC COxfPAUY, AZL THE COST OF PAVING BETWEEN AUD TWO 02) FEET ON EACH SIDE 02 THI TRS CBS, AT -01 RAILS OF SAID OOIIPANY; AND DECLARING . SAID TAX ,A LIFT UPON SAID PROPJMTY AND ,A PERSONAL ?DEBT UPON THE OuTN-"&R OR OWNERS, TfiRREOP AND PRO- VIDIIITG A T110 ?HON SAID TAX SHALL BECCIVIE DUE AND PA.YAB13, PROVIDING FOR THE COLL M TI OR . OF SANTE AND ALL COSTS MNOURRED IN ' COLLyC TI ON OF 3243 IF NOT PAID AT THE TIT,+= IT B.ECO1,133 DUE ATTD PAYABLE;; AND PROVIDING TIE RATE OF IN- TEREST SAID TAX SHALL BEAR_ FRO1,� THE TI1,1E I,T B.ECOIt1�S DTB UNTa PAID AND DECLARING AN M1BRGENCY. Whereas, pursuant to the requirements of Sub Division (h) of Section 68, -of the Charter of the City of Beaumont, the-Oity jommission of the City of Beaumont caused. t o be published ,for the time and in the manner required therefor by the City Charter, a notice of a resolution of said Commission, passed heretofore on the lst Day of February A. D. 1927 order- ing, a hearing to be give A to the persons, fi=a- corporations and estates, their agents or attrnoys, "owing property abutting on Wiess Avenue from the ast side of "Gulf 6treet to the jast -5ide of Grand Avenue and to the owners of Streetnailwoys on said Street; and calling upon all persons in- tereated in said matter to appear and show cause, in conformity with the provisions of =the i0harter above referred to,, why the assessment in said notice should not be made against said property and against the owners thereof, which hearing was t o -be held. in .the Comic it Chamber of the City Hall of Beaumont, Texas at 4 O'Clock.P. EZ.-. on the 2nd Day of Pebruary ji. D. 19211; and -Whereas, a fall and fair hearing 'in conformity with the 'Charter and 1aw -in such -eases having been had. in conformity with said notice, and the Uo1mission having inquired into and determined bli facts necessary to tha adjudication of all special beneff:Lts accxuoing to such owners by means of such. improvements, and said hearing having been duly c lose3,- and It appearing that the assessment as proposed. in- the above men- tioned resolution passed on the lst Day of - Febm-ary D. 1927 with the exceptions hereinafter" notdd, are in all respects fair and equitable, and, that there will be a fall and. adaquate and special benefit to the abutting property and the owners thereof from and by reaenn of the prop,ozed pavement and improvement in excess of the- amount assessed against the abutting pro- pert� and"t.he respective owners thereof. NOW, TH&REFORE, _B IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COi 1ISS:ION OF THE CITY OF" BEAUP:TONT: SEC=TION 1. T.at there is. hereby assessed against the several owners of pro- perty and against their . respective -property abutting on Mess Avenue from the Last Side _of Gulf Street to . the Fast- Side of Grand 4venue as a tax, two thirds, (2/3) of the cost of paving' and' gutter and --incidental drainage of said Street, _exclusive of th-e whole- cost between -curb. lines "of -improving said street . at its intersection with other streets and allays-, and all the cost of curbing said. Wiess Avenue from the Aast side of (4u.Tf Street to the East side .,of Grand 4venue, dna against the tracks of' the Eastern Texas Electric company where.�sameMccupies said Wiess Avenue from the" East side Of Gulf' Street to the -mast -Ade of"Grand Avenue, and against said 3astexn. Texas Electric Company, all the cost of -paving. between and two (2) feet on each'_side of the tracks and rails of said Company. gild q r. - - .s - a • - � o�- -d. �- `/ lam' I to be borne andRail" for by such owner or ownzxs" as shown by the statement prepared by the vity Lngineex of the Uity,,;T f eaumont, which amount is hexer by levidd and asseesed as a tax upon sachYlots, parts of: lots., blocks or tracts of land as shown to -wit:, C '�_ c± 1 Y- /- �L -3- SEO TI ON 2. That said amounts so levied .and assessed shall become due and payable upon the completion of the paving upon the portion- of said Street upon which said lot, lots , parts of lots, blocks or- tracts of -land, front and abutt, and the amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed together with the cost of collecting and interest at. 4even (7 o) per cent per annum from the date same is collectable until paid is -hereby declared a lien against said lot, lots, parts of. lots , blocks or tracts of land, superior to all other liens., claims, or titles except City, Uou.nty and State taxes, and constt�tylte a personal charge or claim against the omen or comers of said^ bts , harts of lots-, blocks or tracts of land. SEC TI ON 3e All the cost of grading and paving -those portions of Wiess Avenue from the -Mast Side of Gulf street to the 3ast Side of Gram&, Avenue as are occupied between the rails of the tracks of' the Eastern Texas Electric Com- pany and a space Twenty Your (24) inches beyond the outhe edge of the tracks of said Company located on said Street shall be borne by the said Eastern Texas 31 ectric 'Company and s uch c osis of sai d -impr ovements are hereby assessed against the said. Eastern Texas .Electric 'Company and shall be collected as other assessments levied under this Ordinance, provided such work shall be done in accordance with the Oity Ordinances regulating the construction of railroads in the 4treets of -the Oity of Beaumont and the paving of such streets traversed by the same. SEC lI ON 4. THE fact that the portion of the above namecl street- as indicated in bad. condition and jeopardizes the safety of the people- traveling thereon creates an `emergency and an imperative public necessity, itati the suspension of the rule re uir 1 g neeess- n� A q �'ng ordinances to be read on three (3) several days before their passage, said rule is therefore here- by suspended and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full, force and effect from and after its passage and phblication, Passed this thy. 22nd Dey of b'ebruc"Lry A. �. 1927 by the affirmative vote of all members of the Commission. - c , The State of Texas, - Country of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ------------------ 041_ -------- known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- , _ _ ��_ _ ----of the BEAUMMONT ENTERPRISE, poses and says, that he is the--------- BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: -------------- A. D. 192_ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at - lathed. r - I d subscribed before me, this-=_ �_--__day of____ ---------- A. D. 192_ {:. - Notary Public, Jefferson. C inty, Texas. F