HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 45-F- ENTITLED. AN ORDINANVE 1LVYING AND ASSESSING AS A TAX UPON THE LOTS PARTS OF LOTS` .BLOCKS, OR, TRACTS ,OF .LAND_Jff1ERE..NOT_.DIVIDED_ INTO -LOTS ORS BLOCIKS, FRONTING- OR ABUTTING .0N 1DARIPOSA STREET FROM- THE _NORTH SIIfE-_OF. HAZEL AVENUE TO THE NORTH SIDE OF GLA YS .AVET E, G11ADYS A + U .-FROrdI TIE �1EST.SIDE OF.MARIPOSA STREET TO THE EAST .SIDE .OF GIT L AND -GUILE STREET, FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF GLADYS - AVE NUT • TO THE NORTH SIDE OF 1 � E I S S AMM, TIO THIRDS (2/3rds) OF THE COST OF PAVING AND GUTTER -110 INCIDE'N- TAL DRAINAGE AND ALL THE COST OF CURBING. SAID -MARIPOSA STREET FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF HAZEL AVENUE TO THE NORTH SIDE OF GLADYS AVENUE, • GLADYS AVE- NUE FROM THE .WEST SIDE OF TJARIPOSA STREET TO THE EAST .SIDE OF GULF -STREET AND GULF STREET FROM THE - SOUTH S I DE - OF GLADYS AVENUE, TO TIE NORTH -S IDE. OF WEISS AVENUE APPORTIONABLE TO THE -HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO PROPERTY, LEVY- ING AND ASSESSING AS A TAX UP O1 THE . TRACKS OF THE - EASTERN TEXAS ELECTRIC COTAPANY ON GULF STREET AND AGAINST SAID EASTERN TEXAS ELEOTRIC , 001K `ANY . AND UPON THE TRAGUS OF THE BEAUMONT . WHARF AND TERMINAL. COIIIPANY ON MARIPOSA STREET 'AND AGAIN?ST SAI -D BEAUMONT WHARF AND TERMINAL CO Ti ANY, AIL THE COST OF PAVING BETjr"dEEN AND - TWO (2)- FEET ON EACH SIDE OF- THE TRACKS AND - RAILS . OF SAID-COYLANIES -AND DECLARING SAID TAX A LEIN UPON SAID PROPERTY -AND A .PER- SONAL DEBT UPON THE OWNER. OR OV'ff S THEREOF AND PROVIDING A TIME MEN .SAID TAX SHALL BECOME DUE-. AND PAYABLE, PROVIDING, FOR THE -COLLECTION ,OF.. -SAME_ . AND ALL- COSIES INCURRED, IN COLLECTION -OF - SAME IF NOT PAID. AT. THS -TII4 E -IT BECOM- DUE AND PAYABLE; AND PROVIDING THE .RATE OF INTEREST SAID TAX. SHATL BEAR FROM THE TIME I T - BECOMI DUE UNT IL PAID -AND DECLARI NG AN EIERG070Y. - - Whe-reas pursuant to tlm -requirements of sub division (h) of -ikii Section 68 o� th Charter of the City of Beaumont the City Commission of the City of BeaurPor_t caused tobe. �ublished fun tie time snd.in the manner required therefor by the City Charter - a notice of a resolution of sdd - 60.Mmi ssion, passed heretofo re . on. the 18th Day o f January A. D. 192'7 o rder- ing-a hearing to be, given to- the -persons firms corporations and- estates, their agents or attorneys, owning properly abuttir� on Mariposa Street from the North gide of Hazel Avenue to tle North Sliae of Gladys Avenue, Gladys Avenue from the West . Side of Mariposa Street to the East Side o� Gulf Street and Gulf Street from the South Side of Gladys- Avenue. to the North Side of Weiss Avenue and to th:e owners of Railr.cR.,ds and Street RailCl roads on said Streets; and calling- upon all persons interested in said matter to appear and slow cause, in conformity -with the Vrrovisions of the Charter above referred to, why the assessment in said notice should not be made against said property and against the owners thereof, which hearing was to be held ' in the Coup -oil it Chamber of the Cityr Hhll_-of Beaumont, Texas at 4 0' Clock P. M. on the 8th Day of' Februaxy.A. D.. 1927; and Whereas, a full mnd fair hearing in conformity * th the Charter mrd law in sash cases having been had in conformity with said notice, and the Commission having inquired intp and determined all facts r_edessary to the adjudication of all special benefits accru4ing to such owners by means of such imprzvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and It -appearing that.the assessments as proposed in the above mentioned resolut ioii passed on the 18th Day o f January A. D. 1927 wi th the exc ep t ions hereinafter notbd are in all respects fair and equitable, and that there will be a full an -A adaquate and special benefit to the abuttLng prop, rty and the av=ners thereof from and by reason of theroposed pavement and im- provement in excess of the -amount assessed against* the abutting props tty apd the respective owners thereof. , . o to Ca CD W F- I:S ct- I -d o, W ci- W bd tr- t -j 4Dtd. � o PW m W ct- W W c t- r- C -r- !� W CD D -Q 0- W M W-4 W t-• o t -j- o N• � �- W.1-1 F4• W -,Co t 9 � 0 c -t- W CD CO CD CO W Co c+rn P4 P4 , -4 0 �. f- Pi c -t• CT Q, tF, t-• :�4 H. F-- c -1-',:J ct- tZ W t3' c -f- CD CD CD 2 ei- W �l 0 , ca 1- Ul CD M CD M , CD CO U1 U, o a' O 0 o pq w CD crt;! o c -t- cf• W ct• 0 1-'1 c+ C -t- CD ct H- CD , W t� O t-' CD c+ t::2j !r- K w c -t- C+ W c -t- F' • W c -t- c -t- 0 F -b CD co 13 o CD c4 CD CD � CD :4 � r -h Y � �-►> d 0 C+ -4 t-= N W. o W(D CD CD CD K o P- fl (D tJ HD FJO O SD,, F'• N I-'- X O t� c+ CD H. o Cil c: ► C+ o , & o �, 11 CD c -t- ' 1z C -t- tom.+ W F -h P� Ui ( Fj- ,' O FJ • CD ' CD F- o Pi- ct- is CD 4p F -t; ct^ Ul P417+ CD {� Us I -d 0 ::!� bd CP , e -s 0 Q, r-- ci- CD W, ca W ca', C+ C+ P r-= o CD W t -J t2l I✓ o m 0 tW- F -h t5' CD CD 01,11 o ,w O W, O W W CQ t- O r- Cil JEJ CD 15 FJ. 4 CD O H - o 11 Pi � cD CD ca j ' � Fesb o 0 c -t -F- �' t"'" C+ 02 n O +- F -h rs H. C+ o o tJ cot- W- '" 0 � `� �' �.Q,� F� �+� f CD M1 � W Old C+ rt- W o:CD. W CD ¢ f-:30 F-1 • CD � Ri CD W c+ CD fd ca ,� mC 01 CD W c -- !- W . M hCD CD ch CD ,�' O Lf3 c1' C-1-- f- D$' C� CD ci -4 � '1j37 W t -b t- - Q co -4 CD' rd F -b O rn ' D . U] W CD P-) O CD c+ t� O r-' P� � pa t-' • p F -b � (pi O tl elM � O 1 t t�-' F- th O CD ti' N- O• CD C I • rn O �J F -b 0 H3 CD tz c t CD s� F'• R+ W C+ �' PD F +3 F '- � CD CO� F-=- , O � i� CD LA ct- �- W - 11 CD 0 t--_ � = � � W A -t- Fh 0 � t-= e� , 0" Pj o - t-' CD t--= W � W � W W CD � CD i � t t� ] F-I� Fir' '-d ��!!.r o O CO Fz t'-' , CD P CD -- w3 Co.., d o C+ rn c+ F; c -t- - t� o W o W ch P7 - c+ O rn C:* CD , rq Fb o 4 Ott :4 W tl O t -d CD 1-3 1., W � ��� � t-= CD y FJ• m .0 0- Co F -la t�, 0- o o 0 I• tet-�sD o M ca � .,. - t , o Y • & r -i+ � rd cD ci-aq 0 C -t- C -r o � c l- P, � CD CD to c -t -t-- W- 0 tP • C-) C) 0m hs j' (::e CO CD � OR 0 CD t3' � n Fo-h,r�-�� � � rn C+CDm• R• Y ,o H• 928'0 sem, 0 �, CD M o W ,. rn r-= tW-• H [a ta, � , ,. F t, , rz ' ca cz rd � 1--ja- j Pi CD n c�:- C -t- 0 c -t- U] C -t- CD c+ R+, CD 0 rl - H • o CO -4 ct• ch U1 W 0 CD pa -c+ W CD , r -h 02 Ul ct m CD H• C+ C7 &I c -t- FFb K � � `� a• � CA �' tet- CD � n cot- m � tom= o m � U1 �t N • o tom' . N • ca n Ota W PJ Rj 0 0 FJ [a c -t• ca � CD CD r+ o sz o o R= o W r- _ � • F, F�-t- g go rr 0 CD " ut CD 0 r --h t-h� c+'F+, I ct- V.L. tj � ct % W F -b c -t- N � L -J ft-',WCD 0 � �d m � dM ¢ CD � .cc --t* FBF, WI• W 0 CD t , ct � W W r5= �'mraR.+No W o o � 1-=• 0 CD � c!-�{I-d W W Pi 0, N PD 0 t�•cr� H-U]o � tl o g, O WP, 1-�- O �-t- Pi Q7 cs$ � Fl ca D � � � CD �> x t- rA I'd CD t K CD ct- P- N•. -40 H. SPD ,�. .o to 61- U] F�$ o W Ft o CD PD Ea P iS ;� CD W ct- Pi -4 CO t-= � Ks' rt- CD us Ft CD 0'0 c-►- CrQ C+0 CD. CD � € o o o o W f -s c -t- � F -F, .M sJa CD o 0 eh o �� e ct v 0 Ord , F-=• 0, " H] W CO CD N• EQ r^$ Q O 0 tj H, C a , F -t• U: 0 W . is 2 CD OJ W 1 F -b C F' -h m CD 00 � -- U2 rd rt• pi, tj o t--� c -t• CD F- - M C -t- CD w CD rdCo I -d W W �S rn �, F -h W . rn rd Y • �'-, W O P, ct ,'� H -4 CD fZ C+ O 0 CD � ct- � CJ ct- Fa+ chi c0 -t- �' Y• CD 0 t`i o f ?? c i- o t-' r-' F I -d tS' co !� ct• F-13 ct- W W F-+• � t-+• 11 F -b W fl cD in CD O•. CO 0 CD W P. 0 0 O -Q IS' 1-4 �l C+ O o 1,4 CD 1 t-= ca c� 1Pi CD N SECTION 20 That sai d amount s . so l ev-ie d .and assess ed- -shal 1 bedome due and payable..upon the completion of the pav-ing upon the portion of said street upon which said lot, lots, arts -of lots, blocks or tracts of l=and, front and a.butt, and the amount o the tax hereb levied and assessed together with •the co st of collecting and interest, at Seven (77o) per cent pper annum from the date same is collectible untilpaid-,is.-hereby declared a lein against said lot-, lots, parts of lots, blocks or --tract's of land, superior to all other leias, claims, or titles except CityCounty amd State taxes, and constitute a personal charge or claim --against the owner or owners of ss d lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of lan_u'. SECTION 31 All the cost of grading and p av jng those port ions of Maripo sa Street from the North:. Side of Hazel -Avenue to the -North Side of Gladys Avenue and Gulf Street -from the South Side of Gladys Avenue to the. North Side of Weiss Avenue as, are occupied .between .the rails- of the tracks of the" Eastern Texas Electric Company and the Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Company . in a space Twenty Four (24 ) inches beyond the outer edge of the rails of th6 said Companies located on said Streets shall 'be borne by the sand Eastern Texas Electric Company afid the -Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Company and such costs of said .improv-ements- are. hooeby assessed against the .sasd' Eastern Texas Electric Company and- Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Comp any re- spectively and shall be collected- as otheb assessments levied under this ordinance, provided such work shall be dcne in acco rdaned with the City Ordinances regulating the construction of Railroads in the Streets of the City of Beaumont and the paving of such streets traversed by. the samea SECTION 4. The fact that the pantions 'of the above named streets -as indicated are in bad.*candi tion and jeopardize -the safety of. the people travelling iereon creates n mar ncy and an imperative public necessity neces it ting, e suffpBf,sion o tie r' �e requirting ordinances to be read on three 3 several days before their passagge, said rule is tb refore hereby suspended and this ordinance shall take affect and be in full force aiA effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed Vnis t -he Sth 1DaY o f--}�'ebrua ry A. D. 1927 by the affirmative vote of all members of the Oommission. - l Mayor. r The State o f Texas, r Countp of Jefferson Before m , the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeare------------------- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------- _ - -------- know to , who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the---------- ----��v----of the AUMON , �o BEAUMONT. JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and �yfooregohIg was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: __............_ -_ _ _ _ _ _A. D. 1927-, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- taiched. f- _---------°----- �_--- _an"d-subscribed before me, this ----------------- o /�� '°vT^trv-Public, Jefferson Co nty, Texas. r