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ORD 21-F
AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED. AN ORDINANCE O!MtRING AN ELECTION TO BE HEIR IN THE CITY 01' BEAQVIONT TO DETERMINE NETHER OR NOT BONDS CF SAID CITY SHALL BE ISSUED FOR THE PUR?OSE OF IMPi�OVING, EXTENDING, AND REPAIRING THE STREETS AND HIGI3WA.YS OF .1HE CITY. CI' BEAUTJONL Ti FOR - THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING. EXTENDING, AND R12AIRING THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF.BEAUIJIO aT; N;Q8THE PURPOSE OF.BUILDING AND EQUIPENG A C010INED CITY HALL ANDnnITORIUM; FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING AIM EQUIPZNG A CO. -BINED POLICE STATION .AND JAIL, AND ACQUIRING THE NECESSARY SITE.TH REFOR. FOR THE PURPOSE.OF BUILD- ING AND EQUIPPING FIRE STATIONS, AND A6.,UIRING THE NECESSARY SITES THEREFOR; FOR THE IMP_ROVE%DL-NT, EXTENSION, AND EQUIPMENT OF PUBLIC PASS AND ACQUIRI11Z THE NECESSARY SITES TH { +'FOR; AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPAIRING',' IMPROVI-NG, AND EQUIP NG THE CITY TJ1LUKET HOUSE; NAMING THE TI10 AND PLACE OF HOLDING SAID ELECTION, .AND APPOINTING OFFICERS THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF HOLD ILiG SAID ELEC'T'ION AND GIVrNG NOTICE THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN RilyMIGEONCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAU11ONT: Sect ion i That an elect ion be held in the City of Beaumont on the 16th day of October, 1926, at which election the following pzvpo- sitions shall be submitted. Section II Shall the City Commission of the City of Beaumont be authorized to is 'ue aerial bonds, of said City for the following purposes and in the following amo unts For the purpose of improving, extending, and repairing streets and highways of the City of BeaumoLt 4325tOOO For the purpose of improving, extending, and repairing the sewerage system of the City of Beaumont 250,000 For the purpose of building and equip%.rg a combined City Hall aie kit©rium 300;000 For the purpose of building anal equiplag . a combined police station and jail and acquiring the necessary site therefor 1009000 For the purpose of building and equip�ng fire stations aryl acquiring the necessary sites therefor. 1509000 For the improvement, extension, and eeq�uip me nt - o f public parks, and acquiring t hof necessary sites therefor 100, 000' For the purpose of repairing, improviiZ, and equipping the city market house 259,000 The said bonds to b,e payable in forty (40) annual installments as foflowcs: $14,000 each year for the first ten years (411-�( : ' 1- 1 Said bonds bearing interest' at the rate of five per cent (5J) per annum, interest on all bonds parable annually on the first year and semi-annually on each year thereafter; and to .levy a tax sufficient t o pay the . interest on all said bonds and create a. .sinking fund sufficient to retire the same at maturity.. to wit: Seotion III Said election shall be held at the following, places, In the First Ward at the Central Fire Station, French School Building, and Gladys Street :Fire Station; In the S ee and Ward at -the old City Hall; In the Third Ward at the Jefferson County Court House, SabinePass Fire Station, :and the South Park Elementary School Building. Section IV The 'following persons are appointed presiding judges of their respective voting boxes, with the authority to select and appoint their own clerks: At the Central Fire Station, C.' A. Ganoung'� At the French School Buildixg, C. H. Martin`- At the Gladys Street Fire Stat ion, , Geo,rge Morgan At the old City Hall, J• A. Morris At the Jefferson County Court House, 0. A. "Ernst At the Sabine Pass Fire Stat ion, C. L. ScLerer'-- At the South Park Elementary School Building, C. W. Bingman Section V - The quest ion as t o whether the City Commission shall be authorized to issue said bonds shall.be submitted in Seven Propositions, aiad the re shall be- print ed on the bal lot us ed in sai d_ ele cti QM th e following: FIRST PROPOSITION For the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Beaumont in the sum Of 4325, 000 for the purpose of improving, extending, and repairing the streets and highways of the City of Beaumont. Against the issuance of serial bonds of theCity of Beaumont in the sum of 4325, 000 for the purpose of improving, extending, and repairing the streets and highways of the City of Beaumont. SECOND PROPOSITION For the issuance of serial bonds of -the City of Beaumont in the sum of X250,000 for the purpose of improving, extending, and repairing the sewerage system of the City of Beaumont. Against the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Beaumont in the sum of 4250,000 for the purpose of improving, extending, m1d repairing the sewerage system of the City of Beaumont. of Beaumont in the sum of 4300, 000 , for the purpose of buildirg and .gquip�Lng a. combined City ball aaekuditorium for the City of Bea unont . FOURTH. PF40POS ITION For, the issuance of serial. bonds of the City -of Beaumont in the sum of 6100;000 for the purpose of building and equipfing a combined- police station and jail and acquiring; the necessary site therefor. Against the issuarn e . o f serial . bonds of the City of Beaumont in the su-m of $100; 000 for the purpose of building and equipping a . combined police stau ion and jail and acquiring the necessary site therefor. FIFTH PROPOSITION For the issuance of serial, bonds of the City of Beaumont in the sum of 4150, 000 for the purpose . cf building, repairing, and equBing fire stations and the acquisition of sit -es -therefor. Against the issuance of serial bonds of the City cf Beaumont in the sumo of 4150,000 for the purpose of building, repairing, ail equipping fire stations and the acquisition o -f. s Ues- therefor. SIXTH P iOP,OSITIOII For the issuance of serial bonds of the City cf Beaumont in the sum of $1000000 for the improvement, extension and equipment ,of public parks and _ae- quiring ,_the necessary, -sites therefor. Against -the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Beaumont in the s um cf 4100, 000 f or the impr ovement, extension and equipment -of public parks and ac-quiring the necessary, sites therefor. SEVENTH PRO20SITION. For the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Beaumont in the ,sum of - f_ 425, 000 for the purpose of ai" repairing, improving, d equ�iing the City Market House. Against the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Beaumont in the sum of 425, 000 for the purpose of repairing, improving, and equi?ping the City IVlaarket House. And all voters desiring to support the proposition to -issue said bonds shall run a line through or aer os s that section of each proposition reading on the ballot beginning with the words, "Against the issuance a ,serial bonds...". All voters desiring to vote against the proposition to issue said bonds shall run a line through or across that section of each proposition printed on the ballot beginning with the words, "For the issuance of serial bonds...". Section VI Said election shall be held under the -nrov is ions of the Sect ion VII A copy of this ordinance signed' by the Mayor of the City of Beaumont and attested by the City Clerk of the City of_ Beaumont f. - Beaumont shall serve as proper and s u€lic ie nt notice of ,sai d ' elec- tion and th-e Mayor is hereby directed to cause one each of said notices to be posted at each of the places designated for holding said election at least t hi rty days prior to the date of holdirg said election, and the person postirg- said notices shall make a return tih a copy thereof, showing the time and place of said post- ing, which return shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and ahall be conclusive evidence of the posting of said no.t:10 e, and a copy of this ordinance shall be published onoe each week for a period of thirty days before the day of holding said election in a newspaper of general cirul-, ation which has been continuously and regu arly published in the City of Beaumo it ` for a period of one year prior t.o the date of the la.ssage of this ordinance. Section VIII The fact that the streets and highways of. the City of Beaumont are badly in need of-impro-vemai t, extending,. and re- pairing, ao as to fac ilitat e the movement of traff is in the City, which. is congesting on present improved streets .. t o such an extent as to be dangerous to life andlimb ; and thesewerage s yst em of the City of Beaiunont is now wholly inadequate for the demands placed upon_ it,- causing `congestion of the sewer mains and resultant stagnatiodn which is injurious .to'the healtt[ and lives of the people of the City o£ Beaumont ; . and the' City is vL thout a City Hall and Auditorium, which is -badly needed for the convenience of the people of the City of Beaumont; and the City is without ade- quate police station and jail, and it is necessary to have an adequate police station and jail to protect the: lives of the people of the City of Beaumont; and -it is necessary .to co,-nstruct additional fire- stati-o-ns, in -order to protect the pebp' e of the City of Beaumont . from fire hazards;, and the public -parks and equipment therein are wholly inadequate to provide the. proper recreation, amusement, and training of the children that frequent such parks, resulting in improper -kind of recreation, amusement and training for s-wh children, each al -A all of which conditions create an imperative public emergency requiring the suspension of the rule 'requiring ordinances to he read on three separate days before their passage, and said ruts is hereby suspanled and this ordinance shall take effedt from and after the date of its passage. Passed this, the 14th day of September, A. D. 1926, by the affirmative vote of all members of the City Commission of the City of Beaumont. Approved this, the 14th day of September, A. D. L926. D yor of the City of Beaumont, Texas . ATTEST = CITY CLERK 0I OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS The (State of Texa8, Countp of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared------------------ . _know to me who being -by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the--------/'C"L -�C - -----of the PJi EN 1� I . BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing.was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: A. D. 192_x, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- t -ached. -� subscribed before me, this ----- -_----- day of -----_21s,: D. 192- - LI GAL NOT -ICES Beaumont. Against the issuance of; serial bonds' of the City of Beau- mont in.ithe sum of.$325,000 for.,the purpose of Amproving, extending - - - - - - - - - - - - - and'repairing the streets and high- ways of the city of Beaumont, see- Notary Public, Jefferson Co nty, Texas. and Proposition—For the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Bea-u- mont in the sum of $250,000 for the purpose of irproving, extending and repairing the sewerage system of, the City of Beaumont. Against the issuance of serial bonds of the City of Beaumont in the sum of 7 $250,000 for the purpose' of improv- I ing, extending and repairing the sewerage system of the City of Beaumont. Third Proposition—For ri,-e =issuance of serial bonds of the