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ORD 47-E
AIT ORDITTIC III _ 14 .1in all Ordinznee entitled T1A1 Orlilace or a1 Bo,g--,,d of -;,.Tater :forks Com-missi.one rs for the City of Beaumont, -o--ovidin for their anpointmomt and ter: -ns of ofrice, prescribing gUialifications of the merbers, defining; the r �l1tS, lo0'rers aid duties of such Board, and declaring 911 a-lergency", -passed on the 21st da;y of 11pril, 1914, as arlended by an ordinance passed on the 2nd clay of June, 1914, as ar_2el1decl by an ordinance passed on the 5th c7 ay of October, 1915, as amended by all ordinance i�c�ssed on the 22nd day of .tiugti?st, 1916, so a s to fig the rates �to be charged by said '.later ,or. s Com1_As»ion and to provide rules and regulations governing the se-rvices rendered by it, fixing peznalt,yr for the violation of s5 -id ord jiiance, re•-,)= alii-.g all ordinances and -'parts of o-r�dinmaces in conflict hei2v ith, and declaring all er_le rg enc4y . J. pE IT O?D_'1,I1TED BY T"HE CITY 0=' TWIT CITY That an Ord i-imace entitles? 111m Ordinance cre .ti_ag a Board of .eater -,�"o-lis (:om7iiss:ioners Tor tho City of �c� ui-aont, providing yor their appointment and terf,,is of office, -prescribing aualifica. ti oris of the rnamb or , d efilling the rights, u7 e r s an i- d duties oT such Board, and d ec 1^ ring an emergency, passed on the 21st day of April, 1914, as amended by an ordinance passed on the 2nCi clay of i -ane, 1914, as azy:ended by an ordinance j?assed on the 5th clay of October, 1915, as ai-,ended b;; all ordinance Massed on the 227j. -id da,T?' c-ugust, 19161) be aziended so that the same shall hereafter read as follo,;s, to ';di t: Sect ion 1. There is hereby created a Board of ;,later '.,�o rlis Commiss- ioners for the City of Beaumont, to be l.nov.ai as the ,`,+ater .,or ks Commission, to consist of three members with no,,�ier to control, ope,a.l,[ , mmlage, main a.in and im'.0rove the 1'+':or:S System of the City of Be<iulont. T�:,io members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busines!� , 'but a less number may adjourn from time to tir_le, such ad jourp?ed -meetings, if a quorum is pre. elft, shall have the same po-;rer as any regular meeting,_ :,could have haei , had it been held. Section 2. The members of the Board of 'V.Tafar orbs Cormlissioners shall be ax) -pointed. by the City Commission and confirmed by the City Council. Any person so Cpi�ointed and confirmed by t _e City Council as a r ember of said Board of rater -,:'`orlcs C, 01=1 i ssi0ners shall, :';itllin, fifteen days after him a-r;-ointrient and notifi- ch_,tion thereof, file .'.'lith Mlle City .y�.;�_,�:yT� his Tiritten acceptemce �f such a.i�>ointment, and if the same is not dobe ithin s id TiTteen days, the ap-oointr.lent sr,all be held. bull and voiCl , and t17e City Com_-,1iissioil s -hall ma'•ie 2nothe.r ;';Mich ap �oi1 tl�leilt s,-�.-ll be con'_firmed by the Cite% Co -uracil. ITo person s,i�11 be a-;-,)ointed -;,ho is Biota resident citi m -en and a nualrfied proi� ert,y tax -gayer incl voter of the pity o T 73 —L moat. years, or until the appointrlent and qualification o- a successor. On the First Taesda;.:; in lay, 1925, the City Commission shall appoint two members of said Commission to serve for t,jro years, and on the First 'L'uesd'ay in %,;ay, 1926, the Commission shall appoint one member to serve for two years, and thereafter there shall be appointed two members on the First Tuesday of I:Iay of the odd years, and ore member on the First Tuesday in ITay of the even years. -..s the term of each member expires the City Come -fission shall fill the same in the manner,'provided in Section 2 of this Ordinance. The vacancies occurring in this Board shall be filled , by the City Coninissi on subject to con iri»tion b,;, t="!e City Co -LL cil for the-nnel0:2j_xed to --mi. Section a. 'The Board of :dater, `,,Tol�ks Commissioners shall select from among their inembers one t7ho sri hall be designated as President of said Board, and one aho shall be designated as Vice President of said Board . The President o -f said Board shall T)reside at all meetings and shall have a. vote on all questions before said Board. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside, and shall have the same authority as '.the President. The Board shell adopt its oven by -laves and rules governing the transaction of its business, subject to limitations imposed by this ordinance. Section 5. The Board of `V -dater 1,T orks Commissioners .shall hold at least one regular meeting each month in the office of the T!ater '.,orl.s, Commission at such time as they may, decide upon, and shall hold as many special meetings as in their opinion is necessary. All of such regular meetings shall be open to the-p-oblic for the purpose of doing any and all business which the 1,)ublic may have t7iith the said eYater IVIorks Commission. Said board may be required from time to time to meet with the City Commission or City Council ,,?.Then so directed. sneltion 6. The Board, of water, uviorks Cords ssi ones s shall appoint their own Secretary zrrith such powers and duties as are usually incident to such off ice , and with such powers and duties as the Commission may from time to time, by its by -lavas., prescribe. Section 7. The Board oaf %later `,``orks Colmnissionels shall have the power and authority to employ all necessary help, including the Sup erintendent of the 9;Tater. ';7orks System, and all Eaployees , and shall have the pourer to prescribe rules and regulations governing all employees.-. Section 8. The Board of 'dater 11i10rks ComMissioners when appointed and qualified, sn'lall constitute the operating heads of all :9epartments of the :nater ;,,orks ;system, and shall Handle its olzi money, collect its o.nan bills, and perform all services th,lt are usually performed b�T the active officers of a unblic service corrooration o -f A. Wvra Section 9. r All revenue of the j'later iio rks Sy -stem shall be payable to and collected by the Ua.ter 'i.orks Coinrr,iission under the direc- tion of said Board, and such funds shall be deposited in the City 'Treasury to the credit 'of the "Water Wor-ks revenue I=drr. No money shall be drawn from the said I iter orks revenue Fund except in plarsuance of an appropriation of the hoard of `IaUer i:iorks Commissioners upon a voucher signed by the Bresident or Vice -President of said Board, and countersigned by the Secretary of said Board, and as provided by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Beaumont. Section 10. The Board of" 1,Ijater !forks Commissioners are enrpowered tc spend the revenue of the .a.ter ,,corks Gomrli scion. of the City of Beaumont for the following purposes;: .For the payment of the in- terest and to create a, sinning fund on the Bonded Indebtedness af' the Dater ;Jforks Department of the City of reaumont; For Better- ments and improvements and the extension o_ the property of the Beaumont 11-;ater E, ofks Commission, including the .;purchase of ne- cessary real estate and other property and inc_Luding the right of 'ray for canals and other purposes; for repairs, maintenance and operating expenses, including all salaries to employees, and said Board is hereby empowered to fix the amount of said salaries; and for retiring the Bonded indebtedness of the G;iater aiorks Departmeiit of the City of Beaumont.':aid for the creation of a reserve fund for the protection of the property of the water t.Norks Oommission and for emergencies. Section 11. The Board of 7Jat.erskCommissioners shall make monthly remittances to the City of Beaumont covering the interest and sink- ing fund on the bonded indebtedness of the Water Works Department, and they shall file there:vith a written monthly report containing a financial statement, receipts and disbursements, operations and betterments, ?which report shall be signed by the president or Vice President of said Board, and couaitersigned by the' Secretary of said Board. Secti. on 12. The, -crater .forks Conzrlission shall have povrer to prescribe such rules and regulations from time to t:L-Ize as maybe necessary for, the economical ope,.ation of the ;Tater Works System, when such rules and, regulations do not conflict with any paragraph of this ord inane e . LL ,Section 13. No employee or agent of the Board .of nater i!'rorl:s Conufli ss - i overs of the City of Beaumont shall have authority t) make any other rules o'r regula.tions or to per-'orra any other service, or to furnish any ,eater, or to do anything in the no, e of the Board of ,:nater '�`Iorks Cori;lissioners lrh.ich is not provided for in this Ordinance, or by proper rule or regulation made by the Board of 'grater '.4orks Commissioners, and put of record in the minutes of' said Commi scion. :sl'11- X213 cr, 1--)--11ea ment of Beaiunont, Teras, furnishing and supplying water to the consumers. The word TrCustomerit or.,consumer" shall always mean the party or parties purchasing water from the Mater `,forks Com- mission, City Governrient, City of Beaunont. Section 15. The members .of said Board of Water Vlorks Commissioners shall serve without, compensation. Section 16. The following rates, -rules and " r egulat ions are hereby established and shall be enforced and collected by the Secretary or Collector of the *T:Tater `'VorlLs Commission of the City of Beaumont, for v-irater service furnished within the corporate limits of the City of Beaumont. ( 9.) . The following metered rate for water actually measured through the rzeter, to wit: `'`hen :,at or i s on; a minimum charge of four thousand gallons per month shall be made. (B) . On and after this date, no flat rate connections shall be made to the mains of the seater V.iorks System of the City of Beaumont. `:jIhere such fiat rate connections are now in service, the present �ratos, plus 12% increase thereof per month upon each flat rate customer .shall apply. - (C) . On or before January 1, 1926, all i)resent flat rate customers shall be required to- install a meter- of staazdard specifications as prescribed by the Water tiorks commission, suitable to measure the amount of rater required by said customers, and at their oina expense, but the `j ester V-1orks Comr_nission may per- form all labor, furnish necessary fittings, meter, meter boxes, and make .such meter installations at actual cost to the consumer, and upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon; provided , however, that if the c, stonier refuses to make such installation, that the Water Vlorks Commission is hereby authorized to make such meter in;3tallation at its onnl expense, charging same to the customer and dividing the cost into twelve (12) equal payments, adding the amount to the monthly bill of the customer. Upon failure of said customer to pay said monthly installments the Water -., orks Commission shall out off- service from the customer and refuse any water or other service to said customer until all delinquent bills have been ;Haid. (B) .211' bills shall ;.lithin ten (10) days from date said bill shall not relieve the penalty provided for failure to be rendered monthly and be pazlable; of said bill. I-''ailure to receive customer from forfeiture or 'ID a-7 . lst. One 1Z.undred Thousand Gallons at 22d per thousand gallons. .2nd.' One Hundred Thousand Gallons, at 20d per thousand gallons. 3rd. One Hondred Thousand Gallons at 18d pe -r thousand gallons. 4th. One Hundred Thousand Gallons at 16�j per thousand gallons. 5th One Hundred `Thousand Gallons at. 15V per thousand , gallons. All over Five Hundred Thousand Gallons at 14d perthou- sand gllons. `'`hen :,at or i s on; a minimum charge of four thousand gallons per month shall be made. (B) . On and after this date, no flat rate connections shall be made to the mains of the seater V.iorks System of the City of Beaumont. `:jIhere such fiat rate connections are now in service, the present �ratos, plus 12% increase thereof per month upon each flat rate customer .shall apply. - (C) . On or before January 1, 1926, all i)resent flat rate customers shall be required to- install a meter- of staazdard specifications as prescribed by the Water tiorks commission, suitable to measure the amount of rater required by said customers, and at their oina expense, but the `j ester V-1orks Comr_nission may per- form all labor, furnish necessary fittings, meter, meter boxes, and make .such meter installations at actual cost to the consumer, and upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon; provided , however, that if the c, stonier refuses to make such installation, that the Water Vlorks Commission is hereby authorized to make such meter in;3tallation at its onnl expense, charging same to the customer and dividing the cost into twelve (12) equal payments, adding the amount to the monthly bill of the customer. Upon failure of said customer to pay said monthly installments the Water -., orks Commission shall out off- service from the customer and refuse any water or other service to said customer until all delinquent bills have been ;Haid. (B) .211' bills shall ;.lithin ten (10) days from date said bill shall not relieve the penalty provided for failure to be rendered monthly and be pazlable; of said bill. I-''ailure to receive customer from forfeiture or 'ID a-7 . demand, shall constitute a breach of contract and Commission shall, vri-thin ten days from notice of cut off such service from the customer and shall until the customer has paid all delinquent bills., (�31.00) cutting off and turning on charge. - , cx. I(Y - Ls the VATater TJP;Toaks said failure, not renew; same plus One Dollar .(F).' For the convenience of operation and the protec- tion of customers,- the reading of meters and sending of bills to customers, the Secretary or Collector of the 71ate-r ;Torks Comiss- ion shall district the City of Beaumont. into .any number of dis- tricts as necessary so that the Water V,Torks Commission can read meters and bill each customer monthly. The City shall be divided into at least four districts and the bills of these districts mailed -we,�kly and at average for each thirty day period for such districts thereafter. (G). The '1Iate-r ' orh_s Commission or the Secretary or authorized agent, r2ay require from the applicant a deposit or bond to secure the payment of any service charges, charges for ,crater or other charges that may accrue and when such deposits are madq, it shall be not less than rive -Dollars (,,'5,00), and rrhen the amount of the deposit is absorbed, it shall be the duty of - the applicant to make an additional deposit and to continue to male =_.uch deposits so as to pay for all charges and service or water, or other charges that may be made against the ap?-)lic ant . (H) . No more than six separate services shall be rendered on.any one meter, provided that all shall be located upon the same block of ground, with no intervening streets or alleys, or any public or private property betTJreen there. 'There TJ:ater is supplied through a single service pine, on which there is a meter, the ',.later Piorks Comunission still not undertake to apportion the charges for use of watertanong the several owners or occupants, families or tenants, but the bill for the use of s;,rater will be charged against the owner or occu- pant through whose property the service pipe passes. Section -17. ;;Tater and service shall be fu-nished the several de- partments of the mvaa icipa.. goveri ment of the *it;yT of Beaiunont upon the following terms. (A) . A '11 water furnished to the various departments of the City of Beaumont shall be menasured by meters except such tempo- rary connections that may arise in emergencies and a bill shall be rendered for all s:Tater fumni shed as one d e-pa.rtmlent.. (B). in determining the amount of water used, the ;,';Tater :forks CormAss ion, shall take each d epartiaent of the City of - -- Beaumoa-t and add- them together sho-raing the gross number -of allons of s;:7ater used in each department, as vrell as the gross n -u nb er of gallons uJsed .in -all departments, ard_ for the purpose of determin- ing the gross charge to be made against the City of Beaumont, the gross amounV of water consumed by all departments shall be figured at the rate of Ten (10�.) Cents per one thousand gallons, and shall be subject to discount the same as other bills are discounted. / -\ vL -'- I _t __ _L - , -- J- `- -_n . I_ - - l _-- ..r _ - - I- - ^'---_ (D)'. A ready to serve chargeshall be made against the City of Beaumont for each fire hydrant of One Dollar (01.00) per month. The' City of Beaumont shall pay all expenses of installing additional fire hydrants on which a service charge as above pre- scribed of One Dollar (yp1.00) per month shall apply: The tr,+rater V,orks Commission shall assume all expenses of the, maintenance and upkeep of fire hydrants. (H).. In determining the charges against the wharves and docks of the City of Beaumont, the gross amount of water measured by meters through the different outlets located on the wharves and docks shall be determined as prescribed above -jith reference to the City of Beaumont. (F). In determining the amount of the gross bill for the city schools of Beaumont, the total water consumed through all their meters shall be added together and figured as prescrib- ed above �.ith reference to the City- of Beaumont. (G) . The 'Hater -;forks Department of the City of Beazmont in connection with its service of furnishing water to the free public swimming pools, the property of the Park and Playground De- partment of the City of Beaumont, shall maintain suitable apparatus for chemically treating the grater, and upon the -request of the City Park Commissioner, or Sanitary Engineer, shall treat such water in said swimming pools to the satisfaction of said Park Commission- er or ;unitary Fagineer, in order that it may be wholesome and safe for the purpose for which it is maintained. .(H) . Before breaking into hard surface or paved streets to make repairs to 'the street mains, or service pipes connected therewith, the Water ,or_:s Commission shall obtain from the Street and Bridge Department a permit, applications for said permits shall be made in writing, and a copy thereof filed with the 1,7ater Vlorks Commission, a copy filed with the Street and Bridge Department for its approval and a copy for tyre permanent file s of the Street and .Bridge Department. This application shall con- stitute an order to the Street and Bridge Department or its authorized representatives to make the necessary repairs to said pavement, or hard surface street, that may be made necessary by the acts of the Water Wor_Ls Commission or its authorized agents in said repairs to street lines. Said repairs shall be made at cost of material and labor for each and every job and ten per, cent shall be added to the cost of material and labor for super- intending and use of tools. (I). Services th t may be rendered to any department of the City of Beaumont outside of the prescribed rates for furnishing water and .for fire hydrants, small be rendered by ti, e :Tater Worl s Department at cost of labor and material necessary to perform said service, plus a charge of ten per cent for superin- tending and use of tools. - (J). All services rendered by any other department of the City of Beaumont to the !;dater 'Vlorks iiepartment shall be render- -ed at cost of material and labor, plus a charge of 10 per cent for sup erin tend_irzg and use of: tools. IV (H). In case of paving of aiV neve thoroughfare, the Flater `Io-rks Commission of the Citv of .Beaumont shill- �t .:;-i:e_nvsm (A). their judgment outside of the ing rules: Section 18. The Board of .eater Arks Commissioners may, if in they deem it advisable, furnish water to premises limits of the Uity of heaumont, under the follow - (B). Any person or persons residing outside of the city 1imils ,11 the Uity of 3eaumont desiring to use city water shall make application io the .:ester Works Commission requesting service which shall state the location of the premises to be served and the purpose for which water is t o b e used . Such applicat ion shall be. made upon blanks furnished by the Secretary of .the hoard of ester do rks Commissioners and shall be signed by the agent or owner of the property to be served and he or they will becomes liable for charges for water furnished under said services. (C) . A metered rate of 'i fty Cents (501) per one, thousand gallons of water actually measured through the meter shall be paid. (D). The a ate -r Works commission may make special contracts with any customer, whether inside or outside of the city limits, with reference to ratesyprovided that such contract shall be approved by the City Commission before it becomes effec- tive. (E). she ,dater �orks commission may make cont-raxts with a7hers of suburban property- for extensions of mains to said property and for the connection of same. to mains o f' the Water Works Commission df the City of Jeaumont, but in no case shall water be told by -any sibu-rbau 11.11e .at a less rate than- heretofore prescribed for customers living outside the city limits: Where there is not sufficient revenue to net the City of 3e.aumont at least .eight per cent on. its investment, .then the owner. of said ,suburban or other property outside of the city limits shall be required to pay the cost of mains, and provided further that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to compel the Board - of Water Works Uommissioners of the City of 3eaumont to give service to any customer outside the city limits except at its option. Section 19. DIS00UNTS. The Board -'of Water Works Commissioners of the City of Beaumont are hereby authorized to make discounts as they deem justified from the above pr escriN d rates of water actually used. Uhen discounts are allowed, they shall be allowed to each and every customer of the dater Works Commission of the City of Beaumont and no discrimination shall be made against any customer because of the amount of the billc.or quantity of water used. ------- Section 20. The following provisions shall apply with reference to the mains, service lines., meters and connections of the water Works Commission (A) . _ In no case shall the Water Works Commission of Beaumont be�required to extend street mains or mains through x.17 ays the V, ,- 1 (B]. In no case shall' ate:t T.or�>s uommission c the amity of Beaumont b e required to make any repairs on any service line laid for any customer beyond the, curb lines, where the ser- vice line leads to the mains of the V. ate -r „'o-rks Commission or line of the customers property, where the line of the lWate-r liVorks ommi ssi on is in the alley. `L'he term "curb line's means a point at right angles to the mains and to .the nearest point of private property lines, and all plumbers are hereby proh=ibited from vrorking on or disturbing the mains and lines of the Iaater iIorks Commission to a point up to andincluding the meter. :.; y person violating this section of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an effense and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not 7e -ss then One :Dollar nor more than One Hundred Dollars. (C). Each ne✓i customer will be required to pay for connection from the mains of the 'Vater Vlorks Commission of '•the City of Beaumont and to install a meter of standard specifications as prescribed by the 'AT-Tter--Wa-rl s- Commission suitable to lmeasure the amount of water required for his use, aid to, provide protection for- the meter he shall furnish a meter box, at his omi expense, provided, however, that the :-Vater :';'o-rks Commission may make these connections, provide. -.meter box and necessary fixtures', to the customer at cost and the BJater Norks Commi scion --shall thereafter give permanent upkeep on the meter, . and shall make all necessary repairs on service lines up to the curb line and shall charge the actual cost of repairs to service lines to the consumer (D). `ilhere confm-ctions have already been made and paid for, and meter installed, the ,tdater ilo rks Commission -shall give permanent upkeep and keel in repair all connections from its mains to the curb line) and repair all meters at its own expense. (E) . No water main shall be laid parallel to any sewer line unless the same is laid at least five (5) feet distant therefrom. It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to prevent the laying of any water pipe on any property in the same trench with any sewer pipe leading to said private property and at all times a separate trench shall be dug at least five (5) feet from the server" line for the eater line. M. All mains laid by any one other than some one under the supervision and control of the I ater � orks Commission shall be inspected and approved by the Board of !,,,,Tater Works Uommissioners or some -nerson by them duly authorized or by the City engineer, before water is turned into such main. S ec tion 21.E NOTICE TO DISCONTINUE, SERVICE. All rates and charges for water and service to any and all customers shall accrue and be charged against the customer until written notice is given to discontinue service. It shall be unlawful for any person to use water from any service connection until application shall be put upon file v7iith, and approved by the Secretary of the Board of ester i1orks Commissioners. Section 22, NOTICE OF 7H1iOV.,1L s1ND VACARC LS. Ttin n-cn ntr---^on" 0,1n -1l —n"- i}n '}-n this ordinance. In the event a customer shall change his place of residence he shall within twen$y-four (24) hours after such change give notice of such change to the- Secretary of the Board of Water Works Commissioners: It shall be the duty of the owner of pro- perty to which water is furnished by the Water Works Commission to co-operate with the Water Works Commission by promptly giving - notice when the property becomes vacant and when notice is not given the owner shall be liable for all water used and until such notice is given, or a new applicant for service on the same property or connection is filed. Section 23, NYU INSTALLATION. - Before any'raw water service shall be connected for any" new premises to the water works mains, the owner, tenant or occupant shall make written application for water service to the ,rater Works Commission of the City of Beaumont for a permit for connection with the mains of the Water Works Commission, and no service line shall be put in for Any one until an application therefor is accepted and approved by the Secretary or Collector of the Water Works Commission. Sect ion 24. CONTROL OF METERS AND WATER WORKS EQUIPMENT; .All meters, cocks, valves, and meter boxes connected with the City grater mains and service pipe between the mains and curbing lines and connections furnished at the expense of the customer or property owner shall remain under the direct control of the Water Arks Commission and its lawfuloagents, and it shall be unlawful for any person other than those authorized by the 4ater Works Commission to disconnect, connect, or move any tap, turn off or on the water at. such curb, cock, valve or other fixture, but application shall be made to the Water Works Commission for such cut off or turn on as may be necessary, provided, however, that the customer may have a cut -off, cock or valve on the cus- tomers side of the meter for the purpose of cutting off water on the customers service. Section 25. ? +,PAIRING METERS. Repairs on all meters necessitated by ordinary wear and tear shall be maintained free of cost to each customer, but when repairs are rendered necessary on account of the neglect, careless- ness or negligence of the occupant or owner of any premises, any expense caused to the Water Works Commission shall be charged against and collected from the owner or occupant of the premises. Section 26. TESTING METERS. (A). Any consumer to whom water is furnished through meters shall have.the right to demand that his meter be tested for accuracy and when the consumer wishes said test made he shall deposit with the Secretary of the Water Works Commission One Dollar (01.00) for all meters one inch and under which he desires -to -be m ,*" deposit 1.50 for testing the meter and when such application is made it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Viater 71orks Commission to have this test made and the consumer notified in writing of the results of said test. (B). If any meter, through which a consumer is being sup- plied with water is found, upon such test, to be inaccurate two per cent or more plus, the amount deposited for making the test is to be returned to the consumer and a deduction from the consumers bill shall be matte for the proportionate amount that the bill is increas- ed because of over registration of the meter. (C). If, upon such test, t1B meter is found accurate the deposit of the consumer shall be retained as a fee for making such test. If the meter is found slow more than two per cant, then it will be. the duty of the secretary of the Water ,�Torks Commission to charge," t- consumer for any amount that may be due the _,;Vater Works Commission because of under registration of the meter. (D). A,ny consumer shall have the privilege of witnessing the test of his. meter and for that purpose he shall be given notice of the time when such test is to be made. (E). Should a dispute arise between a .consumer and the Hater -,forks Commission as to the amount of any bill and as to the number of gallons of water used by such consumer, the consumer by complying with the foregoing paragraj* may have his meter tested. If, however, the consumer fails or refuses to have his meter tested, it shall be the duty of the secretary or Collector of the '�'Iater Vq�orks Commission to make such test to determine whether the ,consumer is being over charged, and he shall advise the consumer that such test is to be made and the time thereof, and if such test is made and it is found that the meter is correctly registering with- in the range of two per cent plus or rliinus, then tho consumer's bill, together with the testing charge above specified, shall be- come due and payable and upon his refusal to pay same, the consumer's water shall be cut off and no fort ier services rendered until delinquent bills are paid. (F) . Consumers shall have the right to refer any com- plaln.ts for over charge, service, neglect of duty, or any other cause or failure to perform the proper service by'any employee; agent or other representative of the Yfater Works Commission to the Y ater Works Commission of the City of BeaniAont, giving the Water VJorks Commission of the City of Beaumont all facts in the .case. Any decisi on rendered or agreement entered into by the lWater works, Commission of the City of 33eaumont with -reference to such com- plaint shall be final and binding on all parties. Section 27. WASTE OF WATER. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully or neg- ligently waste water and any person having knowledge of where water - is being wasted shall immediately notify the Secretary of the Beaumont %later Works Commission and it shall be the duty of the Water ;forks Commission when they find any consumer -;willfully wasting 'piater through neglect, even though the water is passing through the meter, and being charged, to notify said consumer of. such waste of water and request hire to correct the same, or take such steps as shall be necessary to stop such waste, and upon the failure of the consumer to stop such waste, the Nater corks Qommission may dis- continue service to said consumer until the waste of water has been stopped. Section 28. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 29. Should any portion of this ordinance be held .invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining valid portions thereof and the gifferent portions of this ordinaace shall be so construed as to make the whole harmonious. flection --3 0. The fact that the present ordinance relative to the creation, power, and duties and the rules and regulations govern- ing the Joard of ;;Nater .:orks Commissioners is inadequate to properly govern said jommission, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at three separate regular meetings be suspended, and said rule is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall go into effect. from and after its passage and lawful publication. Passed this the . Cr) r-7_ Approved this the -The State of Texas, Countrp of Jefferson e undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared__________________07n ------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ own to , v��ho being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the —_ _ _F__ _ _ _ ...... _ _ _ _ _ _ .......... _________ of the BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE, BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and fore ing was published in said newspaper, ,s�ucch� publication being on the following dates: D. 1920 , and a newspaper copy of whichis is hereto at- - t - pie -1., - .,; -- ---- ---- --- - -- - - --D' . - -- -- -- - - - -- _ -.- jt: r' Lind,,_ -subscribed before me, !his . _ _ _ _ cta� o f= - - - - - _ � _ A. D. 102i_-_ -------------- F --. ------ ,�-S r Notary Public, Jefferson Coup$ ,-Texas. Jr; r • I' e i �D1I;1' j OURNAL . i nzted as : Vice President ' of Bald rd Board. T VICesident of, ;aid.BOand ha1l.Presid'e note lonnal'licetgilestions shall have a In the absence 9�before said ,Board, of the President., the Vice Presi- I1 dent shall preside, and .shall. have the same all . as the I'resi- dent. rd Tl e wild rules aovernOPtin . own by the transaction of its busieid by sthis limitations asst ions Int)�os acct to TD , T ANU yjY 3®,1925` . standard oL Beaumont, prop erty lines, and all plumbers ari ; P p rohibited from working on 15C ave ThOu'and reference to the City e � jape The,eaumontrin or disturbing the main s and -lines lorrthe'Water,WOrks Commission to - Huntjieous.gall ns All ovortF Gallons. at 1'4c 11 of uieiit °f connector with its service of fur- it fToee4pYblof' Dint up .to, and including the me et son violative; this seem p b® iiundred'.Thousand gallons. per thousand minjmuin 'a I nishing water the the P ter. Any ,,' shall tion of this offense and' AVhen 'wataT is on, e art_ Playground ll p for £our thousand gallons' awlllYtYiillg pools, the. Park and shall of deemed g utlty oY an on charge per in°nth shall be njacle• after this date, no "lent of the City of Beaumont, ty suitableof ars Dorl tiPoC) ° fined not le Dollarsnor (B). On and rate connections shall be made flat Nate' Works Paor maintain, the water. chemically treating P catCi more On(customer DaChinewtcustomerhwill be ( from to the mains ;of tae the 'a the City of Beaumont, upon the segues 1;ngi- nee, or Sanitary in said required:to pay f or connection Waterthe o Where suchn flat ':at' thetnPresent ha ] treat such \eater poor,ti$hal to the satin an- ains nieteror z theof Beau- Comnllssipi-I of the City are . now teat increase •o,tes plus 12 per each flat I swimming pools o£ said Park Com] lisOOrderr �i San- hat montnt a d to a specifications as crib- ordirialtce. I Enginee, . SECTION 5, thereof per month uPOn' itary °r the \Vater W°r s may be wholesome and sato The Board of Water_ -Works Com- suitable:. to measure the amount of (C) 1' the purpose for which it is main- } itwater required for his use, and to each 7uonth in the all present flats rate customers tamed. into hard provido protection for the meter he missioners shall ho'iclat least one rate customer shall apply. i•e;alar nieetim'; meter box,' at' his office of the Water }Vorks Commis- 19 0, ire- (I3). Bel° sued streets to make shall furnish a hoiyever. Sion at such time as they may de- shall be required to install a meter rovided, the Nater \Vorks Com- surface or p own expense, P Side' upon, a?id shall liolcl as many ocribecl vy d specifications as i es connected therewith, the that the Water Works Commission speo,,u meetings as .in their opinion stiitablo to measure the rce pi to the ftol mms oe shallob- inay make+.these connections,'p?o^ is neoessary, All of, such reLcular ini`ssion, y Water Works Bridge vide Irk meeting s any customers,- and at' their o\vn e• - ermit, applications slop, h ll lY^ s hall be open to the Pub- amount of water required by said ice p tures to the customer at cost and lit for the purpose of doing pease, shall be made in 4kd$i?ttwT-clussi�bi �ec� sto service. Str et ta"i atoi: scion may Perform all'labor par- DeRa>eneriatits _ _ es to the consumer.. business ve of doing the blit e but the Water Work Cum Dep f1°ent a andei3rid e ISe11a`rt- t etc- box and recess and all with the said -' n s: ri ay Yasuo __. ^�`1 gist ZT`"tfie Customer 'ti0ikuszs of t7ie 5 Where connections' have al= make such installation, that the ment. This application shall con- (D) misstei-ers shaii apPoi.n their own reaclY been made and paid for, and Secretary with such Powers and i\ -ester \Vorks°Commission is hereh.v statute au order to the Street and meter installed, the Nater Works cle r t as are. usuallysuchdent to authorized to snake such meter in Bridge, Department ot• its. autior- Commission shall Hive. permanent such office, and t stallation at its o:vix expense, izod, representatives to make the upheop and keep, in repair all' con- and- duties as t11r, Commission may s r_liargin;; salt e, to the l twelve (1rd went eZn�s or har�lwsurfa e street,pthat flections from its mains to the. curb y dividini; the cost into r• ora' tinic to ti.i're; b7' its by las± s t line and In all meters at its prescrihe, equal payments, /adding the amount may be made necessary li.y issi acts own expense. :CT authorized to the monthly bill of the -customer. of the 'Water, Commission or L) Ivo water main shall be laid The Board'o£ \Vater SVorlts Com- Upon failure of said customer to its authorized agents in said re. parallel -to aYiy sower line unless' missioners_ shall- have the power pay said monthly installations, the pairs to street lines. Said repairs the same is laid at least five (5) and authority to enlPIOY ala' neces- \Vater -Verk, Commission shall cut shall be made at cost of material feet distant therefrom. It shall be nary, help, including the Superin- off cervico front the customer and ,and labor for each and Query 3°b the duty of the plumbing inspector tendert of rife -Vater \\°or.).ts Sys' refuse .any water or other service and ten Per cent shall d added to to prevent the laying of any water teen, and all employees, and shall to said customer 'until all delin- the cost of material and labor' for p1p0 on any Property 3n the same Have the PONer to prescribe rules anent bills have been paid. super intSery cesathatnd smay be ren- trench with, any sewer' pipe leading and regulations governing all em- (D)• -All bills shall be rendered to said private property and at all E ploYees. monthly and 1)e payable within ten dered to any department of the SECTION S. (10) days from date of said bill. City of Beaumont outside of the times a separate trench shall he The Beard of Vater Works Com- Failure to receive said bill shall prescribed rates,for furnishing-�+'a- clog at least five (5) feet from the ter•atid for Eire hydrants, shall be sewer line for the water line. not relieve the customer from for- (F), Alli mains laid by. any ono I,missioners when appointed and Yeiture or penalty provided for fail- rendered by the Water Works De- other Chan some one under the su- qualified, shall constitute tho °p- are to`PaY. partment at cost of labor and ma- qualified, heads of all'departnienshall pervision and col?fret of the Water the -Vater Works System„ anal (l ), Failure or rofusal to pay serial necessary to Perform said Worlcs Com"ljssion shall be in - handle its Own itjoney. collect its try hill rd by .any, customer .lo! the service; Plus a charge of tort per spected and app own•bi.11s,_.and P.erfor)n�tll sorvices \Vater Works Commission or its cent for suvorintending and use °f of -Water Wori{s oCommyssiothenPBisaor that are usually, performed by the legal representatives, upon demand, tools. active officers of a public service shall constitute a breach of con- (J), All services rendered bt aryl izedeorby t by the nginee duly author - corporation of alike nature. shalt and the Water Worts Com- other department of the City e- water is turne Into suchrmain.before _ SFICTION 9._ mission shall, within ten days from Beaumont to the Nater Works De -- All revenue. of the -Vater \Vorks potato of said failure, cut off such partment shall be rendered at cost NOTICE TO 'DISCONTINUE SERV- All from the customer and Shall. of inaterlal and labor, Plus a eliarge 53 stclli shall be payable o sCO- 1- not renew same until the oustoniei' All rates . and charges for watcr �E�i�i ��T)lC�e lotted by. the Water Works Com- of Y0, per Dent for superintending I.CE. mission uncles the direction of said has patcl'•all delinquent bills Plus and:.use of tools. anti service to any and all eusto- ^^"^ Board, and stick funds shall be de- One Dollar ($1.00), cutting, off and IIQ- In case of paving of any Posited in the City Treasury to the niers shall accrue and ti chtiigecl AN ORDINANCE turning on charge. new thoroughfare. t h © Water against the customer until w. itten Amending an ordinance entitled et of the '.Nater Worl:s Revs- P, ro; tl% convenience of Op- WOrks Commission of the City of. _ n Ordinance creating a Board, of , No moneys shall be ( ) ec meters an4i ice. It shall be unlawful for_ any dwfrorte said Water eration and the Protection me r cos- Bower its mains Land ss v cits own e con notice is given at discontinue serv- Water Works Commissioners for tourers, thq .reading customers, but shall person to use.water.from any aeron the City of Beaumont,. pipvidin Revenue Fund etc ntofl p ersBoar� ;;ending of bills,to customers,• the sections to its ice connection until application for 'their appointment Intl terms of �`m',,�a�,'.Fund� of sit app?oPrlatio Secretary or. Collector of the Water have at least two weeks advanc"e Gall be put upon file with, and aP- oPfice, prescribing qualifications of -Vorks Commission .shall district notice Yrom the City Manager or P the Secretary of the of -Vater , hVorl�s Commissioners itis "representative, of the intention roved by the. members, defining tlio' 'rights, upon a coiiolter"signed by the Pre.- the city of Beaumont into any in order powers and duties of such board, adept or Vice. President of said number of districts as necessary So to pave such'thoroughfai'e, scone of Water Works Coinmis- that the Water Works Department sinners. and declaring an eniergencl';" Pass, Board" and as Provided by the that the Water Worl>s Commission may make the necessary prepares- SECTION 22. ed' on site 21st day of AUril, 1914, as Chart and Ordinances of the City .can read meters and bill each cus- NpTICE OF REMOVAL AND VA - and * oil the by an ordinance Passed on of Beaumont. tomer monthly. The City shall be tions to louver,said mains and sere- CANCIES, erson shall move the 2nd day. of June, 1,914, as ' 0ECTION 10. divided' into at ]east four districts 'ice connections.' In case any p amended by an ordinance Passed on anct• the'. bills Of these .district's SECTION 1S. newwater in ac - The Board oi'Water R`orla Comb the 5th, day of October, 1915, as iitissioners are empowered to-Vorks ' mailed weekly and; at average fwr (4) The Board of -i� t� It Works eir PPlioat premises fores 'lie shall , e aOf amended by an ordinance passed on: each t period for such rr o .�4ut �at, ].916, so a:i' tlio. revenuo o£ the V;'ster hitliereaf P Commissioners may, In, the event a cus- the 22nd d.a) f i districts'thereafter• judgment they deem it advisable, cordance with the his place of res- To- fix site, rates to be. Charged by' C0117I1t19a1OY1 ii l' the City cY Beau- The -Vater -Vorks Commis - moat for the following Purposes: (C) furnish water, to premisesCiyoutsido this ordinance, said -Vater \Voris Co and For the payment of the interest cion or the Secretary or authorized 'of .the limitS.lif. the Cit �9of Beau- tomer shall change• i:o provide rules and relzulations incl to create , a sinking fund oar agent, may require from the appli- moat, under t e fo}lovvinm rulesl idence he shall within twenty -foul verning' rife services «he�iiden'ed.by, to th the Bonded Iitdebtedne�ss+ °of, the _._.. (B) _ _ r. service charges, I siding outside of the city limit# to vol Vice p the Eoard oYe Watere Wo 1 s cant a deposit lu bond to secure the Any person or persons re- (24) hours after such change gr s , , .,r lilts ;te an c LEGAL AN ORDINANCE Amending an ordinance entitl "Ann Ordinance creating; A Board, d Water Works Com nissfoner s f the City of Beaumont.. providi for their appointment and terms. office, prescribing qualifications the members, defining the righ powers and duties of such boa and declaring an eniergerrc3'," pag ed on the 21st day of April, 1914, amended by an ordinance passed' the 2nd day of June; 1914,° amended by an 'ordinance passed the 5th day of October, 191.5, amended by an ordinance passed the 22nd day of.August, 1910; -so to- fix the rates to be charged said N,atcr Works Commission:a to provide rules and regulatic governing,, the services -renderer it, fixing Penalty for the violati of Said. ordinance, repealing all i dinances and parts of ordinances conflict herewith, and declaring The BCard of Water `works' Com- missioners tivhen appointed and qualified, shall constitute the op - orating headsof all departments,o£ the Water Works System,, and, shall I Ilan& its own liloneY, collect its 4, own.bi)ls„ and perforanjl�ll-servi;aes that are usually, performed by the active officers of a 'public ,service corporation of nature. All raven ie of the Water Works System shall be payable to and col- lected by the Water Works Com- mission under the direction of said Board, and such funds shall be de posited in the City Treasury to the credit of the "Water Works Reve- nue. 'Fund." . No money ,shall be drawn from the said Water Works rpursuance n Fund except -nue Fun R e ve h Board f. t an a ro ' r tion 9 e of er P & Of 1Vatei•, 1)Vo'rklis Commissioners �' upon a vouoher signed by the Pres- ident or 'Vice President of said Board* and as-. provided. by the !Cha;rter and Ordinances'of the City Thatauyordinance -entitled "An Ordinance creating'a Board of Wa- ter Works Commissioners for the City.. of Beaumont, Providing for their a.ppointmerit and'terms of of- fice, prescribing qualifications of the members, defining the rights,' powers and duties of such Board, alid declaring an emergency, pass- ed on the 21st clay of April, 1914; as amended by an, ordinance passed on, the 2nd day of June, 1914, as amended by an ordinance passed on SECTION 10. The Board of Water Works Coln - in I Slsl'Oners om;missioners are'empowered to Spend Tic 're'ventic Of -the lfiater Works Commission of the City of Beau- ,mont for the following purposes: For, the Payment, of the interest and to create , a sinking fund on the Bonded Iudebtedness of the Water Works Department of the City of Doaumont; for Betterments and Improvements and -the exten- sion of_ the 'property of the Beau - Mont , Water 'Xorks , Commission, including the purchase of necessary real estate and other Property and including the right of , way for canals and .other purposes; for re- pairs, mainteumnce and operating expenses, '-including all, salaries, tt employees, a°nd said Board is here- by•empoc✓ered to fix the amount of said salaries, and- for' retiring the economical operation of the Wate) Works Departme'it of the City 'oi _Beaumont., and for the creation .61 a reserve fund for the Protection Oi the property- of the Water Work! Commission and for�,elnerg'encies, the 5th 'day of October; 1915, as SECTION 11. , The Board of Water Works Com; amended by an ordinance passed on the 22nd day of August, 1916, be missioners shall make monthly' re , amended so that the same" shall mittances to the Crty of Beaumon covering the interest and sinking hereafter read as follows, to wit: fund on the bonded indeptedness o: SECTION 1. There is hereby; created a Board the ;Vater .WorkrS Depa:ltment, ane of Water Works.Commissioners for 'the. they shall,file'therewith a writtet report containing a •fina.n' City of'Beaumont.-to be known the Water Works Commission, monthly tial statement, receipts and , dis as 'to .consistof three„membars with bursements, operations and better ments, which shall be •signet power to control, ,operate, manage, . maintain and improve the Water report by the Presideiit or Vice Presider Works System of the 'City, of Beau- of said , Board, and' countersisne) by the Secretary of= said Board. Mont. Two members shall consti- SECTIO,N.12. tute a quorum fqr the transaction of business, but a .less number may The Water Works Conlmissioi e'sh"211 have power to pt'escribc Susi adjourn, from time' to time,-- sacs if, a • quorum rules and regulations from time t, adjourning meetings, is Present, . shall Have the same II I bine as may be necessary for th economical operations of the Wate power as any regular meetings would have had, had it been held. or 's SS'st 1 , when such ' rule do not canflic SECTION 2. The - members of tre Board . of and regulations with any paragraph of this ordi Water Works Commissioners shall City Commis- fiance. be appointed by the Sion ands confirmed by the City SECTION 13 No employee or agent of th Council. Any lierson so appointed Board of Water Works Commie and confirmed by the -City Council sioners . of the City of Beaumon as a member of said Board of Wa- shall have' 'authority to make an ter }Vorks Com;n'issioners, shall, other rules or=regul'ati'ons or to per Within fifteen days after his aP- form any other' service, or to fur do pointment and notification thereof, nish' any water, or to anythin file with 'the City Secretary, his in the name of the Board of Wate written acceptance of such ap- Works Commissionars which is ,n'c pointment, and if the same is not provided for in this Ordinance„ c done within said, fifteen days, the by propor rule or. regulation 'rad appointment shall be held null' and by the Board of Water Works Cona 1 byon i -.,,.:a 1fl'.('i+-f'nmmiacIon shall and nut .record' allure +to receive said bill shall of relieve the customer from for- dture or penalty provided for fail - re to`pay. (E), Failure or refusal to pay qy bill by any customer .to'- the Vater Works Commission or its gal representatives, upon demand, hall constitute a breach of con- -act and the Water Works Com- iission shall, within ten days from once of said failure, cut off such ,rviee from the customer and shall of renew same until the customer as paid all delinquent bills plus )ne. Dollar ($1.00) cutting, off and arning on charge, (I'):' For life convenience of Op - Of oil r Lection n e o OP - ration and th p ra 'tete rs andotnei•s, the, .reading of n ending; of bills, -to customers—the the ecretary or. Collector of the Water Vorks Commission .shall district he City of. Beaumont into any umber of districts as necessary so hat -the Water Works Commission an read meters and bill each cus- omer monthly. The City shall be .ivid'ed into at least four districts :nd'. the, bilis of these . districj�s nailed weekly dnd; at average fyf rash ' thirty -day period for sttch listrlcts thereafter. (C). The Water Works Commis - ;ion or the Secretary or authorizes .gent, may' require from the aPPli- ant a- deposit or bond to secure the )ayment of any service'C argeS, harges for 'water or other ($targe: hat- may, accrue and when suck ieposits' are made, it, shall be. not ess than Five'Dollars ($5.00), ane viler the amount of the deposit is tbsorbed, I it' shrill be the duty 01 he applicant to make an addition. Ll deposit and to continue to malt( ;uch,deposits so as to, pay for al. ,harges, and service or water,. of Aher chargeSL that may be mad( against the applicant. (I3). No more than sisseparate services, shall, be rendered on an3 no meter, provided that all shal )e,.located upon the same block o: ;round, with no intervening street: 3r alleys, or, any public or private property between them. Where, water is supplied througl a single service pipe; on whirl there is a ,meter, the Water Work; Commission will not undertake to apportion the charges for use- o water, atnonf. the several owners o. becupants, families or tenants, bu Che' bill for -the use of water will bo Charged• against tile owner or. occu pant through, whose property, , th service pipe passes. SECTION 17. Water and service shall be fur nislied, the several departments o the municipal, government ofth City of Beaumont upon tIAe 'follow iiia terms. , (A). • All water furnished to th various departments of the City o Beaumont shall be measured by me ters except -such temporary con neetioris tbat 'nay arise in emer gencies and a bill shall ue , render ad for all water furnished as on department, (I3). In. determining the amour of 'water used.. the Water Work Commission shall take each,depari ment of the City of Beaumont an ad'd them together, showing th gross number of gallons of watt used in each department, as well a the gromnl number of gallons use in all departments, and for tk purpose of determining' the , groE charge,to be made against the Cit of Beaumont, the, gross amount,( water- consumed by all departmenl rescribed rates -for furnishing, wa- 3r, and for fire, hydrants, shall be endered by the Water Works De- artment at cost of labor and ma- erial necessary to perform said ervice, plus a charge of ten per ant for superintending and use of JO1S .' - (J). All services rendered by any, ther department of the City, of ;eaumont to the Water Works De- artment shall be rendered at Dost f material and labor, plus a charge f '10 per cent for superintending nd.. use of tools. (K). In case of p t hne oblate [eve ' thoroughfare. Vorks Commisalon of the City of. sum 3e e ort sh all at on expense, e n its w ower its mains and service con- ections to its customers, but shall aleast vweeks advance ioticefromtile City Manager or Lis representative, of the intention o pave such'thoroughfare,in order hat the Water Works Department nay make the necessary prepara- ions to lower,said mains and sery ce, connections.' ° .SECTION 1S. (.4), The Board of Water Works ,ommissioners may, if in their udgment they deem it advisable, 'urntsh water, to premises outside )f the limits;Xf.,th'e City of Beau- nont, under tie followiug°rules I (B)- - Any person or persons re- ;iding outside of the city, limits in - ;he City of Beaumont desiring to ise city water shall make appliea :ion to the Water Works Commis- ;ion requesting, service which shall ;tate the location of 'the premises :o be, served and the puiPose for ;which water is to, be used. Such %pplication shall be made upon planks furnished by the Secretary )f' the Board of Water. Works, Com- missioners and shall be signed' by ,he agent or owner of the property to be served and he or they will oecome liable for charges for wa- ter furnished under said services. (C): A metered rate' of Fifty :'ents (50c) per one thousand gal- lons of water actually measured through the meter shall be paid. (D). The Water .Works Commis- sion may. make special . contracts with.'any customer, whether inside or outside of the cityiliinits,^with refer ence•:to rates provided that such contract shall be 'approved' by the City Commission- before it, be- comes effective. (E), Tile Water Works Coriititis- 'ion May make contracts with -own- ers of suburban property for ex- tensions'of mains to said property and for the connection of -same to mains of, the Water Works Com- mission of the City of Beaumont. but in no case shall water be sold bv'any suburban'14ne at a'less'rate than heretofore prescribed for cus- tomers living; outside the city lien= its. Where there is not sufficient revenue to net the City of Beau- mont at least eight per cent'on lits investment, then the owner of said Suburban or other property outside of the city limits shall be required to pay the cost of mains. and pro- vided' further that nothing in this ordinance shall be,construed to compel the. Board of Water' Works Commissioners of the,City'of Beau - Mont to give serviceto any, cus- tomer outside the city limits excep at its option. SECTION 19. DISCOUNTS. Tile Board of Water Works Coin- missioners of the, City of Beau- mont are hereby.... .ivo,,, nn authorized to make -. -- ait. fia dug -at least five (5) feet from the sewer line pr the waterline. (F). All i mains laid by. any one other than some one under the.su- pervislon and control of the '"Ater Works Commission shall be in- spected and approved by the Board of Water Works Commissioners or sonic person by them duly 'af}thot- ized or by the, City Engineer, before water is turned 'into such main. SECTION 21.' .NOTICE TO DISCONTINUE SERV- ICE. All rates and charges for water and service to any and all custo- mors shall accrue. and be charged against the customer until written erv- s i iven to discontinue notice, s g for any It shall be unlawful iF'e. person to use water Prom any sere - ice connection until application shall be put upon file with, and aro- 'proved by the Secretary of the Board of Water Works COmmie- sioners'. SECTION 22. NOTICE OF REMOVAL AND' -VA- ' CANCIE S, In case any person shall trove into new premises he shall ,file an application for , water in ac- cordance with the provisions Of this ordinance. In the event a cus- tomer shall change his Place of res idence he shall within twenty-four (24') hours after such change -give notice of such-clliangeto the Secre- tary of the Board of Water Works Commissioners. It shall be the duty of the owner of property to which water is furnished by the Water Works Commission to co-operate with the Water Works Commission by propnitly giving notic when the property becomes vacant and when notice is not' given the owner ,shall be liable for all water used and.un- tl such notice is given, or a new applicant for,. service on the same property or connection is filed. SECTION 23. NEW INSTALLATION. Before any new water service shall be connected for any new premises to the water works mains, the owner, tenant or.occupaut shall make written application for water service to the Water Wor4ts Com- mission of the City 'oY Beaumont for a Permit, for connection with the mains of the Water Works Commis- sion, and no service' line shall be put in for any one until an applies - ion therefor i5 accepted and aP- proved.by the Secretary or Collector, of the ;Water Worsts, Commission. SECTION 24, CONTROL OF METERS AND WATER WORKS EQUIPMENT. All meters, cocks, valves, and me- ter boxes connected with the city' water mains and .service pipe be- tween the mains and curbing lines and. connections furnished at the expense of the customer or prop arty owner shall remain under the direct control of the Water Works Commission and its lawful agents, and it shall be unlawful for any per- son other ,than thosd authorized by the Water Works IComrnlssion to disconnect,' -connect, or move any tap, turn off ,or, on the water 'at such curb; cock, valve or other til:- ture, but application shall be made, to the Water Works Commission for sucll cut oaf, or turn on as may be necessary, Provided,. however, that: the customer may have a cut, off, cock or valve,on the customers side of the meter for the purpose of d cuttinz' off water on the customers. I ldsey, 1? the. ound The en ed ,c', n ov A $1L1:.11V The members of the Board �,Vat�r Worlcs Commissioners 5erving shall continue to serve til the expiration' of tl.eir respective t .*tile E office, the terms of office rm.shall be for• two Y°ualiflc tions oflsa appointment and q in successor. Oil ehOCitYt Commission w1ay,: 19 5, Isliali nPpoint two members of said Commission tporSerT,ifor�two yea ',customer" or "con5u "' or- Parties \vat's mean- to ©r pfr in the Water gurcllasing , R" City Govern- iVgrl{s Comnission, ;]'tient, City of. Beaumont, SErs of said fit a members of said Board'Works hal aver Without a2,mPensatidn- w •ve 1 e 6 1 ar, on the ,-sAireaP�sa - - rve for two years, SECTION rules and Tile following rates. established , r��,t, inem"tic and thereafter, there shall be a•p- on the first r"egula are hereby be enforced and' collected of d ointed two members pointed of \lay of the odd Years, Tues- all and shall or Collector Uy the Secretary of SVorks Comm or.water, ears. A- and one me o�et1°g evenyears, even ye esPires day in NIaY tl)e" mater the City .of Beau within . furnished it the term' Of each all fill' the sh , i>cil service n°(�) ]im of' the City f Beau. .,ie u' the City Commission same •in the manner provided 2 of this or ninthiu Bs' lr The following metered rate. ]dont. uieasurecl is Section vacancies ,occurring filled by the ,City Commis- the for . the water actually I through the, meter, to wit" . er in shall be ub ect to confirmation by' sion s for the unexpired 1st aOtn22cl ge reds usanda dal ons. ]ons City council term. SECTION 4_ � 2nd One Hund on Tiaousallens-,113rs at -20c p r Gallons,a. Sal lalAl- The BoardoP 1'1'ater Wori{s Com- select s among be one Hundred Thousand 1Stt nee thousand gallons, 4th On Gallons, at 16 on, lo- missioners shall, 110 their. members President, shall t Hundred ,Thousand thousand gallons.' 5th On designated, as shall be`aesig- per B'oard,-and.one,who• -_.—__._-_.------ --- __ --. cue• to Servo (D), si ready shall be made against the City of BneuD'ollarf($1e00)hper mo ahan e-- Of B'eaiunont shallall e-- One additio�oanal fire nenses of installint; l.ydabov prescribed ofch 06 One Dollar above .n T a bo 1 s a Y a 11 PP Shall th s m on ($1.00) Por `Vater all re> expenses ofotthe amain- sume of fire ht'- tenance" and upkeep drams. the chares (E•), In determining tig-airist the fv4l avl3s dthe cg?'o s the City me- amount of water measured by nt outlets tiers; througl]> tlwharveseand docks' located on thea iescr.Ued shall be determined as p' above frith reference'to the City of Beaumont. the amount determining the cit, ti Of , the gross. bell 'for t schools .of Beauinont, tre totair l me ell cO5lxall1eb through adcleclall tle together an ° figured as prescribed above Witt service lines, tions of the 1Jater %Yorks Commis- sion: In no case shall tho 'Nater (A.). 'Ri orl;a Cox�nlssion ' of the City o Beaumont- be .regixlred� to ext<ezid al - street mains or -mai eatetrthan 100 1 leys at a distance ne rcustomer and an - Y t for red feet should said customer be at ata er distance than loo 'feet he shall ch Pay mains addit1 neccssarY 'to of any Wish services. T(Brl{s Commiss•onelof1theoCitytOf Beaumont Ue•reservic to ]Wake an O tile oily customer beyond theiscurbl)ines, where the serve ,terlin° Works tCom- mains of. the W mission or line Ofthe line + of the y property, is in the Water. Works Con, where,-,mission neli' means alley. T fit angles to 10 main. d a Point at rig itterat p�Dint o j-�private and to the near col- .upant of the preil," S1;CTI ON 2H.. TESTINGMEcoiiHsumer .. to •, whom, (A).- Any water is fuhei ri ed shall have t,ght t through deand that his meter bon um r, -for ishes said t si e th See - of S when 0 nlad° Ile f the tlWater Work's Coni- retary Dollar ($1.00) for all' mission One meters, one •inch and under which lie desires to lie than eonelf tiinch idle ns ter be larger consumer shall deposit ' $1.50 for when sucil. testing the meter and made it shall be the application is duty of the Secretary of ha 'Nater Commission to have Works this test made and the noti- the uresults of fled in writing, of said test. meter through which (B). If any ,1'S) ' (See LEGAL, rage a consunicr1:is, being supplied v,•lt \eater is found, upv,n such, test, t l,e 1nar.ccupate t% o Per cent or inor Pllis, the amount deposited for nlaR inr; the' test is to be ,%• turned to th consumer and a deduction from th consumers 1?"Ill shall be 'made fc the proportion to amount that tL bill Is increased because of ova rcgistratioli of the ;neter,� (C). If; 'upon" such test, the met( is found accurate tho deposit of •tl coil shall be retained as afa for making such test. If the rneti is found' slo\v' more ti.an two P' cent,. thenit will , the duty of tl th t crctary' of e 3Vater Worl{s Co; fa&iUii-_to ell,are,_tho conswk r, f -raiTy, :tnloi;nttha nsay lli duo t; .\i"aster \i'orl;s Commission becau ]ander 1•cg•istracion of the nletel (D). AO}• consumer shall Ila the privilege of witnessing the to of his meter and for,that purpo Ile shill. be given -notice, of the t.r NvIlen such test is to be made. (L:). Shout& a, dispute arise •b tv.•een a consumer and the \Gat \Vorl;s Conlin 1ssion as to. the amou of ally bill, and as to the• number t alluris of \vater used by suell co .sumer, the Ceilsulnor by co,mplyi. lvitll the foregoin paragraph. m .lave .lis meter tested. 11, l.o\vev the consumer fails or refuses have his meter tested, it ;shall tae duty of the secretary or toll, ,or•,0t _tile tVater� ?ii at-] ©or"J` t%1181•i;' tiler \11`.11 til COI. euonipr e abore specified,° teat his rcfu"a'le t�np�li'ayaLle and upol'. Bonier'.^, x•:iter swine. the evil• lio further shall be cut ,off, Qelfilquellt bills ] -ices rendered all (I (1, are Haid, until )• Coilsunlea•s shall havo ui erell. service lly complaints folr I (}lodw causl. c, f- ect °f duty ee, .the:lte pr l,ol."'ervico by ally em. V e t Mile 1U'ater then rep1'eoenta. cion to the til'atel. 1Y'orla Conluils_ Si on oP the (it i orlts` Cilnnils_ on"L ?tie 11'ateryTy orBeailnlOlit , is i.fiu(y',1711 t l}rl� \ra.sLe.al`shall irlie1'e,. trate!:. js "aloZS'or;gtarq Cutiledl3Nely no_ b0. the Conuni, , 'iuruon•t r,,a s ColnlufssY a Slater flag arty c oaillutluln ivIln - they s,astin 01-11, .t'�.._4Lel• tier-,;.._. 11.111f"11" t5ee LEGAL, Page 15) I a consumer .is, being suPizl{ed *if t7 I tS�,ter is found, upon ,such test, tui Le in0;ccurate t11,1 per rent or more plus, the amount deposited for mak- Ing the test; is to be --turned to the consumer and a deati tion from the consymer•s bill shall be 'made for the lrrupo'tion to amount that the J bill is increased becaume of overr rcgiutration of the ratter, +! (C). It -upon, suchtest, the meter Is found actor to cothe dep6sit Of the nsurn;.r shall be retained as a fee 1•or Makin such testa S£ the meter found slow more than twor. pe cent,- theta it will be the duty of the 'COvc,tat•Y of the «rate'• lt\"'orks Con1- 711iss{011 to charge .tile coueun—r for -uv' :unot:ut ttlat—maY: be due tlic ii"ester 1t'orks Conrzirission because of ander t•egistration of the meter, (l)). •1 nY consumer shall have the i1lege of 'v{tnessing the test Of his Is meter a . nd for purpose Ile shall be g3vell notice -of the time tvhcn su h test Is to be made. (1:). Should a disputc arise be -1 Rveen a consumer and the lVaterl Works Commission as to the'anlount' of aj;y bill and as to the number of gallons bf water used bysuch con- sunzcr, tine c•ousunrer by complying :villi the fo-egging Paragraph may have Ills nreter tested. If, however, the consumer fails or refuses to have his meter tested, it shall be itro duty of the secretary or colleq- for uC tj..= tv:..�.:- q r;Icm to-ziz tine such Cert td deter- mine v! Nether the consumer is being over:charged,. and ho shall advise the consumer that such testis to be (3c 'and the time thereof, and 1i :;uch test is made and it is found i tbz'b the meter is correctly register - {ng v,Jtlrin the range of two Per cent plus or, minus, 'then the con- i su:ner's bill, together 'with the test - int; charge above specified, shall become due and payable and upon his refusal to pay sarne, the outr- sumer's 'eater shall be cut off and I no further services rendered until delinquent bilis are Paid. (P). Consumers shall have the right, to rctcr any complaints for " overcharge, service, neglect of duty, or ally othor cause or failure to per- form the proper service by. any em - i ployce, agent or other repreaenta- tivo of the Water 'Forks Comn sion to the Water B'or'es Connnis- Sion of the City of Beaumont, ing the Water \Corks Co,"i"la n 0 -,the City of Iseaumont all facioto in the case. Any decision rendered or agreement entered into by tholl 11�1S1{ \�'fl�t 11 f 1 rirrr any per- 'vaste 'eater anti ally neg9lgen tly O ing RnovAej peisozr hese- Se of 'where eater is being wasted shall lznnzedtately no- tify the Secretary of tine 33eaurnont i`, ester Works Conm{ss{or and it shall be the duty of the Water i f;111d s Colruniss{on 'vhen they fznil any con's u-11 e.r 'willfully i' ':astirr$ r;aler throughneglect, cy-1 though the -'eater is , Passing `Sg through tiro meter, and bent; charged, to nut ICY, said coilsurner of such tc'"te of ';eater 'and request ]rim to correct the same, or take,such steers as shall: be necessary te, step such, lvaste, and upon the fail- `vI ore of the consumer to stop ,such i Waste, the Nater Z� odes Comlrtis- sion mai' discontinue service to said as be rer until the twaste of n-atei• �^ has been sLopped. SBCT i All-or41a'wrrces �`d-pzl s nance8 1" conflict �Ilere%vjth e1Pre 1 lrereb c re )c }� 3 [ -algid. j � - yy SL"CT10\ °.9, I Sbould any purLiun of this ordi- nance be held Invalid, such lava'- 11 j Hari a Porl-not affect tions thereoflrslid ethe (Iff- f f:erenC portlors or this vrdlnanre r;ltall be. :;u construed as to'nza3;e rile whole I, US hl -Tho, fact that the3 nance , rel-atit'e to lines- ordi- �>] t17e Clea Li a n., potwcr, and duties and file rules and TTT Watale , in;tr; go,;eening fire Board of i \1'rztr 'i'url;s Conn-iissioners is itr- rrdPcluate to properly gn overslid 1>, Commission, creates ^.0 mn eergecy an imfierati< te publlc ances necessity k ` that the joule requlr{ng ordin + to be read at tlrrec; separate regu- w lar rnetlngs be suspended, and sal,-'' 1•ule IS ;Hereby suspended ord{riancc shall} go into T1 - and -after its Passa-- l' Publication, 1'asaed this trri---".� Approved V, !;%' January, A. (Signed) j rel