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Entitled an ordinance amending Sub=section B of Section
9 of an ordinance passed on the 4th day of.' August, 1920, entitled
".�n Ordinance regulating the passage in, along and upon streets
and wags of the City of Beaumont and regulating the use of sx. ch
ways by persons riding or walking and regulating the transportation
of persons by street cars and other vehicles, and providing penal-
ties ,for the violation thereof, repealing all laws and ordinances
in conflict herewith., and declaring an emergency". and declarir ,-
an emergency, so that hereafter the same shall be, and -read as
follows, to wit:
Section 1.
That Sub -section B of Section 9 of an ordinance entitled
"An. Ordinance regulating the passage in,. along and upon streets
and ways of the City of Beaumont and regulating the use of such
ways by persons riding or walking and regulating the --transportation
of persons by street cars and other vehicles, and providing penal-
ties for the violation thereof, -repealing all laws and ordinances
in conflict hexewith, and declaring an emergency"
be and' -tlie ' same is hereby- amended so -that Sub=section _B__of_ Seetion_ _
9 thereof shall hereafter be and -read as follows, to wit„
9 01TTnU 9
(B). Vehicles shall park at an angle of 45 degrees on
the North side of: the following streets:- On Crockett from the
intersection of Jefferson, thence East to the: intersection of
Main. On Bowie from its intersection with Neches, thence East to
its intersection with Main Street. On Fannin from its intersec-
tion with Neches. Street,, thence East. to its intersection with Main
Street. On Forsythe fm,,m its intersection with Neches, thence Nast
to its intersection with Yain'Streeti, On Wall from its intersection
with Neches Street, thence East to its intersection with !:Main Street;
On College from its intersection with Neches Street thence east
to its intersection with Main Street. And vehicles shall park at
an angle of 45 degrees on both sides' of Calder Avenge from its
intersection with Pearl Street to its intersection with Main Street,
and on the North side of said Calder Avenue beginning at a point
18 feet fest of its intersection with Iviariposa Street and immediate-
ly in front- of the Calder Avenue. S tore.s, thence idest to the West
boundary line of said Calder Avenue Stores.
Section 2:
The fact that the present ordinances do not permit
parking at a 45 degree angle in front of the Calder. Avenue
Stores, and the fact that said stores have moved back their
there is a congestion of parking at said place by reason of
the said situation creates an imperative public emergency.'
necessitating the suspension of the rule requiring ordinances
�o be read on t1a ee separate days before their passage. Wherefore,
said rule is hereby suspended azid this ordinance shall be and
remain effective from and after its passage and lavifiz_1 publica-
Passed this the day of ,
A. D. 19251 by the affirmative vote of all Lbers of the
.1 O.�D 11111 ill C E
Entitled an ordinance amending 8uL_sccticn B of Section 9
of an ordinance j)assud on the 4th day, ofjjuust, 1920, entitled
"nn Ordinance rogulatinf,,:. the ,P!aasaEo in'i . E;along• &Ila Upon street's
md ways of the City of '��.eauMr.;14-'t-
_%and regulating the use Lf such
ways -by persons riding or'wL-111ne and 'r E; g ul & t i nS the trans-crta-
tion of persons by street. other vehicles, and. providing
penalties for the violcti,tion. therecf, repealing all laws and ordi-
nances, in conflict- herewith, and. _d6cl&rine,, an cmuxEoncy, and
declaring an' em. erL-,,cncy,, so that hereafter the, rS
alic shall be.rund,
reed as follows, to wit';
3E IT O?J).tINED_DY THE CITY ccnuvnssibN
That Sub _.-s 6.1a of" Section 9' of,.&.n- Ordinance ent it 1-od
_111'In Ordinance regulating the passt;ge in, , alclig, &Ila -upon streets
and ways of the City Of' Boauriclit and r, c gu t, i rig . the use of such,
ways b� person riding or walkinE. and rogulating the transporta-
tion of persons �y struet cars and oth.or vehicles and. , proViding
penalties for the violation thercof, repealing all I aws ana ordi-
nances in conflict herewith, and declaring±ng an, emur, 0ncy" be
and the same is heruby.amended ;se that''6'ub' section B of Seat.31.'Gn
9.thcreof shall hereafter be and read as followsj,tc, wit;
(D) Vehicles shall', parkl- at of 45 degrucson the
North side of the fclluviing_st±��-bts- Oh,_Cr_C6-k et _t froril inter -
soctiGn Of JLf:�."
fLrsolljl th-&loe,.E
:.ast t,u. t of mau.4 01
Bowie from its intersection VT 7it'h liddl6S -"thend,e E4st to its int'!Cx-
it 6"
Oil -Fanniia i om, intersection with.
sect -ion with 1 -Jain Strc-',,ot f
, -lie cef,:..E& h Llt-Lin Stre,Gt.; -
Neches �5trctt Ill st t'
On Forsythe frorglIts'
`Z,..,:thence. -,
tr:; -1r6mds In Lrsecti(n;
with Neches Street, thence East
to its intersection wit C��� ma i n
Street. On. C-UlOk;e fr(,n.:.-..its intersect-ion,--�-Wit,h- lk;ches Strect
thence oast tc, its intersection with Hain* S t r'dVuj;hd,'Vehiblcs:
shall' park at an an6l,e,.cf 45 deE;rees on 'bP t hr- s - ide-s .of Calder Ave--;
nue from its int0rS-0Cti.Ln.._with Pc&rl- st-reet t'& its intersection
with Main Strcetf and on- *thei' North side of said Calder revenue be-
ginning- at a point 18 fett-°'West of its,
Street and imediately in fr.orit of the Calder ,,,.venue Stores-, thence
West to the West boundary. line of said 0 F_ 1 c"L e r �veiiuc Stores.;
Sectir-ii 24
The fact that the ptesent or.p Cdin.,avenueanc'e.s do not permit - parking.
F. t a 4-5 degree &Iacle in fml -it Of thalder ,avenue Stores, and. the
, nil.
-'qack-their: (oUrb,,li
provided for pLr (I
k: 6 t - -a 4A5-ee] f 6; C. —ang l e and- -th.e-re is a c-o2a&estibn- - -
of parking at said place by reu's.rm of the said, .situatibn'creatss
an imperative public ernerE7ency*.necessitating the susp,ension of the
rule re.quirine ordinances to be read on three'sopar,-ate da7s before
their passage. Whoreforc, said rule is heruby-suspendcd-and this
ordinance shall V6 and remain' - effective from ansa after its passage
and lawfulpublicatiunA
Passed this the 20 day. of January, J,16 .6D.- 1925, by the affirm-
ative vote of all �membcrs of the COrMiSSiLll,
The State of Texas,
Counip of Jefferson
of re�ie, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeal herewith, and declaring an, emer-
_ gency," .so that hereafter the same I
shall be -and read as follows, to-
(/' wit:
, -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O� 11 t0 me, `V110 beuig by me duly s Be It ordained by -the city com-
mission of the city of Beaumont:
��� SECTION 1 -
oses and says, that he is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _of the BEAU That sub -section B of sec -
h 3' ---------- tion 9 , of • an, ordinance
entitled, "An ordlnancc regu-
lating the passage- in, along and
BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a c upon streets and ways of the city
of Beaumont and regulating the
use of such ways by person riding
for in was published in said newspaper,such publication beingOr or 14king and regulating the
-------------------7-- _ _A. D. 19?l� _, and a IlewSpa er Copy thereof dealt of persons vi street
'j other vehicles, and pro -
/aloes for the violation'
p G'� CCCl transportationPealing all laws and or-
- - - - - - p dinances hi conflict herewith,_ and
--- declaring an emergency" be and
ached. �✓j the same is hereby amended so'
6 that sub -section B of section 9.
I therof shall hereafter be and read
-as follows,. to -wit: -
/ - - - - Crodkett .st e�+ YTION 9 '
tion of Jeffe�'YOm ,-�r,:, �t an S
i the intersection i' thence east to
from its Intersect oMain.. On Bowie
Sworn t0 and subscribed before me, this- _ _��---- day of _ _ _ thence east to its intei�sectioneiy�t[i
Main street. On Fannin from from;
its intersection with Necir'es street, I
thence east, to its intersection with!
linin street.' On' Forsythe fro
I east. to., with Neches m its:
street. is intersection' thence
On Wall frosn its�ith Main,
tion wit7j' Neches, ntersec-'
east to ifs street; thence,
-- - - -------- - - - -
i' street. On C lle5ection with brain'
Notar Public, 1
with Ise hesfrom its, inter-,
y east to .its 'int ech street thence,'
street. And vters,, tion with Main;
an' angle oP 45 shall Park at .
sId es of CaIder degrees ori both!
terseetion avenue from' its in-
interrectiori 1'tI Pearl street ,to it'
-on the north Ith 17ain street, and'
avenue begInnInde t said` Calder'
feet Zvest of itsgintersectionnzvith I
11Tariposa street and immediately in
front of the Calder avenue stores,
' thence west 'to the west boundary.
line oP said Calder Avenue stores.
c The fact that the present ordi-
nances doe 8r] permit Darting at a
Calder A- gle in front o
tha Avenue stores, and'the fact
their caid stores have moved bacl:
urb lines and provided fort he ei is a cori 4o degree angle and
9 said place gestion of parking -at
situation by reason Of the ,said
Public a creates an imperative
suspension rgency, necessitating the
ordinances oP the rule requiring
arate to he read on three sep-
Wherefore s- hefGare their passage,
pended and said rule'is hereby sus -
and this ordinance shall`bel
remain. effective from and
after its passage and lawful .pub-
Passed this the 20th day of' Tan -
t v to D1925' by the affirma_
cission Of all members of the
Entitled 'an ordinance amending
sub -section B of section 9 of an
ordinance passed on' the 4th day of
p August, 1920, , entitled, "An ordi- I
nance regulating the passage in,
along and upon-
streets and ways
Of the city of Beaumont and regu-,
lating the use of such ways by per-.
sons riding or walking and regu-
lating the 'transportation of
sons by street cars and other ve—
hicles, and providing penalties for,
the violation thereof, repealing all
laws and ordinances in conflict
of re�ie, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeal herewith, and declaring an, emer-
_ gency," .so that hereafter the same I
shall be -and read as follows, to-
(/' wit:
, -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O� 11 t0 me, `V110 beuig by me duly s Be It ordained by -the city com-
mission of the city of Beaumont:
��� SECTION 1 -
oses and says, that he is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _of the BEAU That sub -section B of sec -
h 3' ---------- tion 9 , of • an, ordinance
entitled, "An ordlnancc regu-
lating the passage- in, along and
BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a c upon streets and ways of the city
of Beaumont and regulating the
use of such ways by person riding
for in was published in said newspaper,such publication beingOr or 14king and regulating the
-------------------7-- _ _A. D. 19?l� _, and a IlewSpa er Copy thereof dealt of persons vi street
'j other vehicles, and pro -
/aloes for the violation'
p G'� CCCl transportationPealing all laws and or-
- - - - - - p dinances hi conflict herewith,_ and
--- declaring an emergency" be and
ached. �✓j the same is hereby amended so'
6 that sub -section B of section 9.
I therof shall hereafter be and read
-as follows,. to -wit: -
/ - - - - Crodkett .st e�+ YTION 9 '
tion of Jeffe�'YOm ,-�r,:, �t an S
i the intersection i' thence east to
from its Intersect oMain.. On Bowie
Sworn t0 and subscribed before me, this- _ _��---- day of _ _ _ thence east to its intei�sectioneiy�t[i
Main street. On Fannin from from;
its intersection with Necir'es street, I
thence east, to its intersection with!
linin street.' On' Forsythe fro
I east. to., with Neches m its:
street. is intersection' thence
On Wall frosn its�ith Main,
tion wit7j' Neches, ntersec-'
east to ifs street; thence,
-- - - -------- - - - -
i' street. On C lle5ection with brain'
Notar Public, 1
with Ise hesfrom its, inter-,
y east to .its 'int ech street thence,'
street. And vters,, tion with Main;
an' angle oP 45 shall Park at .
sId es of CaIder degrees ori both!
terseetion avenue from' its in-
interrectiori 1'tI Pearl street ,to it'
-on the north Ith 17ain street, and'
avenue begInnInde t said` Calder'
feet Zvest of itsgintersectionnzvith I
11Tariposa street and immediately in
front of the Calder avenue stores,
' thence west 'to the west boundary.
line oP said Calder Avenue stores.
c The fact that the present ordi-
nances doe 8r] permit Darting at a
Calder A- gle in front o
tha Avenue stores, and'the fact
their caid stores have moved bacl:
urb lines and provided fort he ei is a cori 4o degree angle and
9 said place gestion of parking -at
situation by reason Of the ,said
Public a creates an imperative
suspension rgency, necessitating the
ordinances oP the rule requiring
arate to he read on three sep-
Wherefore s- hefGare their passage,
pended and said rule'is hereby sus -
and this ordinance shall`bel
remain. effective from and
after its passage and lawful .pub-
Passed this the 20th day of' Tan -
t v to D1925' by the affirma_
cission Of all members of the
)_.� s
:.c o
• �?��% �� �..., Tent
The State of Texas, AN ORDINANCE -
Entitled an ordine.nce amending
Sub -section B of Section 9 of an
ordinance passed on, the 4th day of
L`OZ1ntLJ of JOffeYson August, •1920, entitled'' "An- Ordi-
nance, -regulating the passage In,
along and upon. streets and wayso%
the City of.Beauxriont and regu-laat-
In g' t$e use ofer-
,such zvayg by P
ons riding or walking and regulat-
,�e�fre e, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appe' y stho. transportation
sp and nation of vehicles
and providing
W 1 t0 me, who being by me duly th
Ona 'declaring nce es for the vio-
pain �onfli repealinglation 'thereof, Cerewane
declaring an emergency; so tha:
G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the BEA! hereafter the same shall -be
poses and says, that he is the _ _ _ _ --------- _ _ _ _ _ _ I read as follows to.,wit:
BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a BEA TION i;
! 7.hat' Seib=section H -of Section 1
of an ordinance entitled 'An Ordi'
fooing was published in said newspaper, such publication being G rranco• regulating the passage 'in
along and upon streets and way
of' the City of Beaumont and regu
A. D. 19 _ _ and a newspaper Copy sons the use of , uchalki ways by Per
_______ �- e sons. riding r nvalrtati and regu
lacing •the _transportation of Per
sons' by street cars and other ve
hioles �li
-and providing penalties fo
tached �-- < ` th'e -violation thereof, repealing a]
laws' and ordinances in tconflic
-- herewith: and declaring an emer
gency" be and the same is hereU
ter b
amended so that Sub section B-
Section"9 thereof shall hereat
Sword to and subscribed before me, this------------ - SECTION 9 day _ and read as follows; wit
(-U):' Vehicles. shall park at 'a
sof- 45' degrees: on the Nort
side of the following street's: O
Crockett from the intersection c
Jet€erson, thence East to', .1 Intel
section of Malni On Bowie fro:
its intersection with Neches, then
East to its intersection' with Mai
------------ street- ' .On Fannin from its I)ite
section with Neches street, 'them
Notary Public, J ' East- -to; its intersection. with Ma:
street. On Forsythe., from its- it
tergeetion with Neches, thence Ea
�. to, its intersection: with Main. stree
on. 'mallfrom its, intersection wit
Neches street, thence East to' i
interesection with Main street. C
College, -from .its intersection• wi
Nephg's_ _stret, .,'theqice east- to i
inter -section -with Main.street. Ai
vehlcles•'shalI park .atvan 'ang le
i 45 degrees, on both sides; of Cal'd
Avenue from its. intersection, wi
Pearl street to its intersection wi
Viairz..street, and'on,the North si
of Giller • Avonile„ beginning at
point..I''S' feet -west of -it.1 interse
tiori ixtftlt Mariposa street and Ir
mediately in` front of the Cald
Avenue's Stores, , and, oil -the Nor
'best' boundary line of said.Cald
Avenue tores, and on. the_ Nor
side '.:of _' 13roadwa5'' from 11Tillc
street' to Magnolia: Avenue,'and
i the Nest side of Willoty street.frc
I3roddr ay to Caldier Avenue.
The fact that the present -or
nances - permit "parking pmral
with the curb on, the portions
Broadway and Wi116w streets 'mt
tioned in this :ordinance, and 1
fact that there is plenty of spa
to• pperrnit perking at a 45 deg,
angfe;'which will, give an.additio:
parking space for cars, and the ,f:
that there is a present need for',
ditional parking space on s,
streets- creates -an- imperative -,pi
. liQ emergency necessitating the s'
Pension of the rule requiring or
nances to be read on _three separ
days before their passage. Whe
fore; said rule is hereby suspen
I and this ordinance shall be and
i main effective from and after
passage and lawful publication.
Passed this the 3d day of Feb
any, A. D. 1925, by the affirmat
vote. ''' members of the Cc