HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 6-EAN OLIN UTCE
Amending an. Ordinance entitled 'FAX]. Ordinance authorizing
and directing the: issuance of serial bonds of the City- of
Beaumont, bearing interest at the rate of 5 ,per cent per
annum, interest payable semi -manually, in the sura of One
iivaadred and nifty Thousand Dollars (('150,000.00) to be issued
:for t1M Uvr_pose of construction and repairing of public, free
school buildings and the purchasing or otherwise acquiring
of the necessary grounds therefor; providing for the levying
and collecting of the necessary tares to pay the interest
and create a sinking fii_nd for the redemption of said bonds,
and, providing that said ordinance shall take effect on the
date of its passage:" so as to change the tam rate and the
place of payment of said bonds, so that said Orainacc as
mended, shall be. aixff. read as follows
A11 Ordinance authorizing a nd directing the issuance of
serial bonds of the Cit; of Beauin.ont, bearing interest at the
rate of 5 per cent per annum, interest payable semi_-ar�ivall.y,
in the sLun'of One riundred and Fifty Ihousand Dollars (; 150,000.00)
to b e issued forthe pu ����cs e o f c onstruct ion and repairing of
public free school bu ild iiZgs and the -purchasing of other Elise
acquiring of the necessary grounds therefor; providing for the
levying and collecting of the necessary taxes to '0ay the interest
and create a sinking :fund :for the redemipt on of s aid bonds,
and, eoealing all ordinanc es in conflict herewith: -r�r o-iid ink', that
this ordin ,.nce shall take effect on the date of its -passage:
on the 12th day of _.ebruary, A. D. 1924, a-.
ordinance was duly passed by the affirmative vote of all the
mexab ers of the City Commission of th City o f Be a,Lmlont, whereby
a bond election ,:1as ordered to be held in said City on the. 18th
day of 1:1arch, D. 1924; and
i17 =IH71n �1, due. notice of said election -,,Ta.s given in the
manner and Tor the length of time reo-ai.r ed . by ls:vz ; and
.!N �'•_'�i i, i %l said election held in the City of BeaUlilont
on the 18th dad, of T. arch, A. D. 19424-, the. voters o-_'- the City of
Beaumont qualified to vote at said election did authorize the
City Oonmission of the City o -.i Beaumont to issue bonds Cz said
City, payable serially in From one (_) to forty (4 0) years
date, to bear interest t at the rate of :five (5) per cent p e a alum,
int el est payable semi- a7azually, said bonds to .be in tide f 110a�ing,
amount and the money to be derived therefrorl to be used for the
follo7,-Ting -purposes, to
For the construction and repair of public free school
buildings and the i?urchasing or otherwise acquiring
of the necessary grounds therefor ................ ..: 1502000.00
AND :UT :i7�ia, it i s deemed expedient and advisable at this
time to issue bonds in the amount nand for the our-ooses above set
forth, under and by virtue of the authority conferred by said
election of date 1.1'a,rch 18th, 1924; and
IIS?nS, the public free schools are in need of ir.rledia,te
repairs and the school child y en. I.re ir_nproperly housed and have
not sufficient space available for class rooras creates an im-,�er-
ative 1oublic necessity reruiring this cr_.dinance to take effect
ir.�rnediately as an emergency ifaeasiace.
1 2
That the City of B'.ea-Lnont shall issue bonds, as here J-_nafter
described, for end on behalf of and upon the credit of the City
of Deaz7mont, to borrow to the e�rtent of ONE 1-1UND-R« t 10I2 -TY
TLOUSA-100 DOT,ia-AIRS 0)150,000400) to be devoted to and expended
for the follov7uing -ournoses, to wit:
Far: the: construction and repair of public free school
buildings mad the marchasing or otherlwise accluiring of the
necessary grounds therefor.
That said bonds orovid ed for herein s hall be and are is sued
usider and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of
Texas and the Charter of the City of Beaumont adopted the 30th
day of December, D. 1919, and the po-vJ.er and authority granted
by sections 18 and 71 of said City Charter, and all other
provisions in said Charter pert4.ining to the issuance of bonds,
and by uhapter 147 of the General Ta,:;s of the ,.;tate of �_'exas,
Massed by the 33rd Legislature at its regular session granting
certain -Do- ers to cities of more than 5000 inh€:zbitanit s, caZd by
Chapter 9 of the acts of the regular session of the 37th
Legislature, and all other laws of the 15tate of `'exas , pertaining
to and authorizing the issu-ance of i.runici.p4l bonds.
That said bond s, in the sum of ONE HUIT:0RID ID FIFTY
THOU AITD M LL3 :S 0150, 000.00) shall be divided into forty
(40) annual installments, and di all be kno,.;n alad called
'SCHOOL BONDS") and the .:ayour of the City of 3oaumont is Isereby
authorized and directed to have prepared and executed bonds
for said proposition as :b llows:
ON�� fitTTTDPL L D FIFTY THOUS �d D D OLLt�RS (,",)'150,000,00) School
Bonds divided into 150 bonds of the denomination of ONE 'HOUS�--NJ
DO.L 4AIRLS (:"1000.00), , numbered 2-c om one to one hundred -at fifty
(150) inclusive, and payable as follows, rewpeetively: -
Nos: 11 to 14 of X1000,.00_ each payable. on 1st day of inlay, 1928.
` 1000:00
on 1st
of i:iay!
on lst
of I, ay,
22 to
of ."1000.00
on 1st
of L'iay,
.25 to
of ?1000.00
.on 1st,
of, May,
29 to
of X1000.00
on lst
of !Jay,
32 to
of 4;31000.00
on 1st
of 3.Iay;
Nos. 36
each payable
on 1st
of 1,14ay,
Nos. 39
each payable
on 1st
of Kay,
.of ,;;1000.00
on lst
of Id -Fay
of 6,"1000:00
on 1st
of Tviay
Idos:. 50 to 52 of X10000,00 each, payable on 1st day of id -ay; 1939
56 of
X1000.00, each
on lst
of 'Jay,
59„ of:
4,1000400 each
on 1st
of :iay;
each payable on
y 1000. O
each payable, on
each payable on
each payable on
on is t
I. -Tay,
on 1st
Nos. 83 to 86 of ; 1000.00 each payable on 1st day of Liay, 1948
ITos. 87 to go -of. @1000.00 each payable. on lst day of Irayf 1949
payable on
of !;Iay
payable on
of 1,fay,
Nos. %9 to 102 of $W00.00 each payable on'lst day of I++;Iay, 1952
Nos: 103 to 1.06 of 81000.00 each. payable on lst day of May, 1953
each payable on
of I:, -lay,
each payable on
of IGCay,
each payable on
Nos. 119 to 122 of 531000.00 'each payable on 1st day of May, 1957
Nos: 123 to 126 of X1000.00 each payable on lst day of Lay, 1958
Hos. 127 to 130 of ;;;1000.00 each payable on lst day of -;;ay, 1959
Thos. 135
138 of ``)1000.00
on lst
of I.iay,
Too. 139
142 o:f`)1000.00
each papable
on Ist
Hlos. -143
146 of `,1000.00
each payable
on loot
of L -Logy,
I,Tos. i4-7
150 of `1000.00
each payable
on ist
1 -ay
Said bonds to be paya.ble in la: ful money of the United
States of America and each dated the lst day of i. ay, 1924,
each bond to bear interest at the rate of live (5) per cent per
annuzil, :interest 1:)ayable seilii--am-iu_ally on the 1st day of 1:I -.y
and the lot day of Ilovember of each year, according to the.
tenor of the interest co -moons to be attached to said bonds.
The Hayor shall sign said bonds and they shall be counter
signed and attested by the City Clerk and -registered by the
Director of the Bepartriient of 1,1inance, and the seal of the City
shall be iripr.essed upon each one of them. The coupons shall be
eNccuted with tlne lithogra hed sip -,natures of the 1.iayor and City
Clerk,. Said bonds and interest coupons shall be payable upon
p:cesentation and stiurender at the o -mice of the Director of
the Department of 11inance of the City of Beaumont, or at the
office of the National City Bank of Nevi York City, Neiz; York.
S"'PuCTE-OH 3t"
The bonds and interest coupons above i:)rovided for woon their
:ince shall be substmitially in words and figures as follows,
NO. 1 LTItfIT U) S�Jt?i.T `iS OF 2L*'�j?1_C A Ci1000.00
l O.:. AILL 1:.`L7i BY =ESE FRESr1'TTS:
That the City of Beaumont, a municipal con)orLtion in the
County of Jefferson, State of Texas, hereby aciaao' ledges itself
.n nary a-nrl -'nr vn1»r.rl -i,onnivarl i.o r4l)T nrrmi raq 1.n n -TT ..n 'ho ror
at the rate of five per cent (5%) per 'annum, payable semi-eainuall. y
on the l st day of Iday and the 1 st day of: November a .f each year,
in- 1milrful money o.f the United States of America, as evidenced by
and upon presentation acd surrender of 'the annexed interest
coupons as.they severally become due. Both principal and inter-
est of thi s bond are payable at the office of the Director cE:
Finance of the City of Beaumont, or at. the_offiee of the: National
City Bank of ITew York Cita, New York:
This bond; is one of- a series of" 150 bonds of the .denomination
of WE THOUSARD DOLLARS (j,�"10.0a.00) each, known and called "SCHOOL
BOITD3 of like 'tdi.or and date-, except- as. to maturity, numbered from
one (1) to one hundred ana fifty (150) inclusive, 'aggregatirg in
amount ONE HUMPUD AND FIFTY ,THOUSAND DOLLARS ($$50,,001 0.00) ,
said bonds. issued by,the City of Beaumont,for the purpose of
making permanent city improvements, to wit; For the: construction
and repair of public free school buildings and the ptr chasing or
otherwise acquiring o -f the necessary-'grotiuzd s therefore Said
bonds issued under and. by virtue of', the Constitution and laws of
the State of Texas, md. the Charter of the City of 'Beamont adopted
the 30th- day of Decmi. ber, A. 7 1919,, and the pair, er and au'ahorit.Y
granted by Sections 18 to 71 'of said -City Charter, and all other
provisions in said Charter Pertaining to th,, i ssuanee ofbonds,
and by Chapter 147, of the- General 'Lavrs of the' State of Texas
passed ty the 33rd Legislature at.' its regular session, €grantiiqS--,-
certain porters to cities of more thy- five thousand inhabitants
and by Chapter 9, .acts of the Regular Session of the 37th Legisla-
ture and all other laws of the State of Texas pertaining to
and authorizing: the issuance of limnicipal bord's, pursuant to an
Ordinance duly adopted by the City C'bnmission of the City of
Beaumont on the 12th day of February, 1924; and an election on
the 18th 'day of IVIar ch, 1924; and a, Resolution of the City Com-
19ax-ch, 1924 declaring the result.' of said election, and in
pursuance of an 0-rdinmce duly and regularly passed by the
City CommisEi on of the City of Beaumont; on the 29th day of
April., A. B 1924, and of record on pages 28 et seq. , volume
of the Ordinances of the , City of' Beaumont.
The date of: this bond is 1st day of Ilay, 19.24, and it is
hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions
and things required to be done and precedent to and in the
issuing of these bonds have been properly done., have hap -p ened
and been p erformq d in regular.aild due form as renuired by lalgvri
and that the total indebtedness to the City including the total
indebtedness contracted by the; issuance of these bor:d's, does not
exceed the constitutional or statutory limitation.
And it is hereby recited, certified and declared that the
additional tax levied and made necessary to be levied in order
to provide for the
interest and principal
this issue of bonds;
together with the
rate of tax existing at
time. of the issuance
of these bonds, is
7,17ithin the lindtations
the Constitution ana
lavas of the State of 'Texas; and of the Charter of the City of
Be mxmont
City of Beaumont
has caused
bond to
be issued and signed
by its Llayor, countersigned
attested by its City 03-erk, registered by the. Director of brie
:Departilent of .Finance,' and the corporate seal of said City to
be affixed thereto, this; .the 1 day of lay, 192'4. �.
Tvlayor of The ,,,I'Uy of Bea --mon
Countersigned Attested: maned .and � �e,� ped:
Ci cy Cler , o .i he city OT -
Beaumont, Texas.
(S E,IL )
On the ls.t day of Novemb er, 1924, the. City of Beaumont ,
State of Texas; will pay to bza-rer at the office of the
Director of Finance of the City of Beaumont; or at tl-- office
of the Rationa 1 City Bank of Nv.:. York ' City, New York,
DOIL&RS ($25.00) lawful. money of the
United States of America, being six months' interest then due
on its School Bonds dated 1 day of %:iay,. 1924. NO. 1.
City Clerk of he City o:e
Bea-Lunont , Texase
Mayor, C i cy of Beaumont, Texas.
It is fur-t1m-r ordaiae.d that the 1'layor be authorized mxl:
he is hoteby d- roc`t-ed'to. tame `and have charge of the above
described bonds, -..pending theme investigation by the 111ttorney
General of the State of Texas' and -upon their approval and
registration he shall proceed to sell the, same at no less than
their face value -and accrued interest, all public or private sale,
and the proceeds of; such sale shall be deposited with the:
Director of the Department of .Finance of the City of Beatimioitt.
The proceeds of said bonds shall be used for the purpose of
making permanent city mmproveraents, to 'Nit: .
For the Construction and repair of public free school
buildings and the purchasing or other. ise acquiring of
the necessary grounds tharefor.•. . .
It is further ordained that for the purpose of paying the
inter est on said "SCBOOL BONDS", as well as the various install-
ments of principal, as the same shall respectively mature, there
on all prop erty in the' City of Beaumont sub j ec t ta. t axation,
( save and except the territory belonging to the South Park
Independent School District and Common School District No. 5
c=T_ionly knov�m as the
'tp MICH
an ad valorem tax of
-�� on each One
(,�?100.00) valuation of
all taxable property in the City of Beaumont, and the same
shall be so annually assessed and collected and applied,, and
said "tax, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby
levied for each year hereafter while said bonds, or any number
tho-reof, are outstanding, and ti -.e sayae shall be annually .assessed
collected and applied to the purpose named.
All ordinances azo parts of ordinanc:es and all r esolutions.
and parts of resolutions inconsistent for the provisions of this
ordinance are' hereby rescinded and repealed.
This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its
Passed this the �i� day of A. D. 19249 by the
affirmative vote of all members of the City Commission of the
City of Beawmnt.
Approved this day of A. D. 192:.4.
_ � r
Iia r 67 the. C- iTy of B e a umon ,
City Clerk. --
The State of Texas,
Counttp of Jefferson
i -
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ------------------
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
------------------- -----------
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _known to me, who being by me duly sworn; on his oath de-
poses and says, that he is the- -�` _ --`_=`�- �l _ _ _ of the ISE,
BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and
foregoing was published in sai newspaper, such publication being on the following dates:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ----- _ .A, D: 192/ _; --and- a -newspaper_ copy of which is hereto at-
Swornl.to- and subscribed before me, this _ _ - _ _ _ _ - — - _ _ day of ----- -------- '_ _ _ _A. D. 192
______________ _____
Notary Public, Jefferson Co nty, Texas.
°159 " e tho from one to
Bolla ea intooY
in eTe�, togG ' .the S, _ .Nlcn�.. i
of bon eX'istin at bonds. i stitution
xo oon an
rdl+ "ap a0)n & d� fiftY.gollo� s.' re' of uan� itaf, tllesoftia ®e T f
no00 nnm iss tions og eau'
is o e • hu anddPayahle`" as-�iaY-,,
tarid1laR's, of till, f the of
chart the_boRcl to
X' olusivvelY: 1000.00
sPNos. °
of the hereof.
m . ised bylit% rnaYor,
1 lwt daY Lp00.00 ea 26.
able on to 7 of vlay each Pa"�'
Beaumont d si9n�da-
ly r7osori 1st daYof..$1000.001922. bo_iss�ed
ed able _ 10 .o MaY. _ nn- each -
Amending an Ordinance entitled
"An Ordinance authorizing and di-
recting the issuance of serial bonds
of the City of Beaumont, bearing
interest at .the rate of 5 per cent
per annum, interest payable semi -
'annually, in the suni of one hun-
dred and , fifty , thousanddollars
($150,000.00) to be issued fur the
purpose of construction and repair-
ing of public free school buildings
and the purchasing or otherwise
acquiring of the necessary grounds
therefor; providing for the levying
and collecting of the necessary
taxes to pay the interest and create
a sinking fund for the redemption
of said bonds, and providing that
said ordinance shall take effect on
the dateof its .passage;" so as,to-
change.-the tax -rate and the place
'of payment of said bonds, so that
. said ordinance as amended, shall
be and read as follows:
An Ordinance authorizing and di-
recting the issuanoe of serial bonds
of the City cif Beaumont, bearing
interest payable semi-annually in
the sum of one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars ($150,000.00) to be
issued for file purpose of construe -
tion and repairing of public free
school buildings and the purchasing
or otherwise acquiring of the, nec-
-essary grounds therefor; providing
for the levying and collecting of
the necessary taxes to pay the in-
terest and create a sinking .fund for
the redemption of said bonds, and
repealing all ordinances in conflict
vas ell e n
the Ieaa tat
- of
Nos. 6:7 to 70 of $1000,00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1944.
Nos. 71 to 74 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1945.
Nos. 75 to 78 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1946.
Nos. 79 to 82 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1947.
Nos. 83 to 86 of $1000.00 each
payable on first day of May, 1948. '
Nos. 87 to 90 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, '1949.
Nos. 91 to 94 of $1000.00 each
Payable on' 1st day of May, 1950.
Nos. 95 to 98 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1951.
Nos. 99. to 102 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1952:
Nos. 103 to 106 of $1000,000 eaoh
payable on 1st day of, May, 1953.
Nos. 107 to 110 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1954. '
Nos. 111 to 114 of $1900.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1955.
Nos, 115 to 118 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1956.
Nos: 119 to 122 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1957.
Nos. 123 to 126 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1958.
Nos. 127 to 130 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day ofMay, 1959.
Nos. 131 to 134. of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1960,
Nos. 135 to 138 of $1000.00 each
Payable on.lst day of'May, 1961.
,Nos. - 139 to 142 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May, 1962.
Nos. 143 to 146 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May,.1963.
Nos. 147 to 150 of $1000.00 each
Payable on 1st day of May, 1964.
Said bonds to be paid in lawful
money, of ' the United States of
America and:, .eaoh dated the 1st
day of May, 1924, each bond to bear
interest at the rate of five (5) per
Bent per annum, interest payable
semi-annually on the 1st day of
May and the 1st day of November
:)f each year, according to the tenor
of the interest coupons to be at-
tached :to said' bonds.
The :mayur_slaall=sign said.: bonds
and"they shall be counter -'signed
and attested by the city clerk and
registered by the. director of the
department of finance, and the seal
Df the city shall be impressed upon
each one of them. The coupons
shall be executed with the litho-
graphed signatures of the mayor
and .city clerk. Said bonds and in-
terest coupons shall be payable
Upon presentation and surrender at
the office of the director of the de-
partment of finance of the City of
Beaumont, or at the office of the
National City bank of New York
,sty, New York.
The --bonds and interest' coupons
above provided for upon their face
shall he substantially in wofds-and
• 1924�andhe mu'hatY the City rriaese mese
tire- of said J,ffe l °f B'eauuio'Itnts:
the Haan elee- of Jefferso Corpporatiou to a
" til ereas In
tin re9uiredaby for luewledoes itse p to h sCheruune-
L oPai
yth 1 Rfar�hV Of BA u�i nt Co'On hee] 8th nollars to es
honeereby prom s7es
City of 4, the voters states mo y sof - $100000)
p vote- Ci Bea moat lawful
Ize d electio ne
the cit said n qualified of Ma °i America, on thee United
t BeaaumontCto "sue°n ofathetCity rate og In9date of tInterest On said
(1) to Yable serially, bonds of said nufroin,mOne Ist , five (5) bond at
(5)to bear ?rty all -
Der interest at theYearsnfrOm date Nov y Of May, le n -annually . cent pOn t,
s payable Cent per an rate of five Ino ember of each d the '1st da tiie
) thebi in the yfollo ualw 1 71lyu sold nbo est America° Of
Ovid,Un tedr States 'ful
to be of ey to ed fo be def 1 Onthert and an eland tintereId sou need by surrender of
1011 an
wit r the win efro sev
For the g' Pur_ cipal and become Coupons as they
ohePublio freenstruction and re Payable atitte Oest ff of thidue s be
sofa the rice shaldin gs acts bank, tOf'firiae of cehe City Off.tBeav eonor
$rivary i nk the offf of the N
I t and
deadv- is demea00.00 150 This
bo ds d is grounds W York
°ne Ci p aNew, York
to of the Ssue bonds in the a - this time each thousand thdodarominatlOn of
itydtonf d by v,rtuell
ebo a setnfo th Bonds,, ikeate called ($.; .00)
r bv.1sa f fhP�anthor_ onet-(I) to
aturity numbere te' 001
id-4one d froi
hundred a., a r....n 1
Mayor, City of Beaumont, Texa;
City Cleric of the City of, Be
mont, Texas.
It is further ordained• .that
mayor be authorized and he is he
by directed'to'take, and -have cha'
of the above described -bonds, pe:
ing their investigation, by the
torney general of the State
Texas, and upon their approval t
registration he shall proceed to
the same at no less than their f.
value and accrued interest, at p
lie or private sale, and'the `prose
of such sale shall be deposited w
the/director of the department
finance of the .City of Beaum(
The proceeds of said bonds shall
used for the purpose of mak
Permanent city improvements,
For the construction and rep
of public free school buildings
the purchasing or otherwise
quiring of the' necessary grout
It is, further ordained that
the purpose. of paying the inter
on saiu "dohool,Bonas," as well
the various installments of pi
cipal, as the same shall respects
ly mature, there is hereby lev
for the year 1924, and for each s
seeding year thereafter, as long
the same may be necessary -to p
vide the interest and annual
stallments of :principal. -on 8.
bonds, on all property. in the C
of Beaumont subject to taxati
(save and except the territory 1
longing to the South Park Ins
pendent School District and Co
mon School District No. 5 co
monly known as the "Frey,
School" an ad valorem tax
$.0253 on each one hundred doll;
;($100.00) valuation of all taxa
property in the City of Beaunic
and -the same-shail=ba"so aifnua
assessed -and -collected and- appli
and said tax, or so much there
as may be -necessary, s hereby h
led for each year hereafter wh
said bonds, or any number there
are outstanding, and the same sh
be annually assessed, collected
applied to the purpose named.
All ordinances and parts of
dinances and all resolutions e
parts of resolutions inconsistent
the provisions of ,this ordinance
hereby rescinded and repealed.
This ordinance shall take eff
on the date of its passage.
Passed this the 3rd day of Ju
A. D. 1924, by the affirmative v
of all members of the City Co
mission of the City. of Beaumoni
Approved this 3rd day of Ju
A. D. 1924.
Mayor of the City of Beaumc
aaN aau as Saau uuuua, -
repealing all ordinances in conflict
herewith: providing that this ordi-
nance shall take effect on the date
of its passage:
Whereas, on the 12th day of Feb-
ruary, A. D. 1924, an ordinance was
duly passedby the affirmative vote
of all the members of the city com-
mission of the City of Beaumont,
whereby a bond election w,
dered to -.be held ib sA,a 'sii
18t"` L is 4 and
due notice
of Bald elec-
don was ,given, in the,, manner and
for the length of time required by
lativ: and a.
'whereas. In said election held in
the City of Beaumont on the 18th
day of March, A. D. 1924, the voters
of the City of Beaumont qualified
to vote at said election did author-
ize the city commission of the City
of Beaumont to issue bonds of said
city, payable serially in from one
(1) to forty (40) years from date,
to bear interest at the rate of five
(5) per cent per annum, interest
Payable semi-annually, said bonds
to be in the following amount and
the money to be derived therefrom
to be used for the following pur-
poses, to -wit:
For the construction and repair
of public free school buildings and
the purchasing or otherwise ac-
quiring- of the necessary grounds
(therefor ..... $150,000.00
And, Whereas, it is deemed ex-
pedient and advisable at this time
to issue bonds in the amount and
for the purposes above set forth,
Under and by virtue of the author-
ity conferredsaidelection -o
'it'" h, 1?9"L'4+s• 8�nc1
Whereas, the public free -schools
are in need of immediate repairs
and the school children are Improp-
erly housed and have not sufficient
space available for class rooms
creates an imperative public neces-
sity requiring this ordinance to
take effect immediately as an emer-
gency measure.
Now, Therefore,' Be it Ordained
By the City Commission of the City
of Beaumont:
That the City of Beaumont shall
issue bonds, as hereinafter de-
scribed, for and on behalf of and
upon the credit of the City of
Beaumont, to borrow to the extent
of one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars ($150,000.00) to be devoted
to -and expended for the.following
purposes, to -wit:
For the construction and repair
Of public free school buildings and
the purchasing or otherwise acquir-
ing of the necessary grounds there-
That said bonds provided for
herein shall be and are issued under
and by virtue of the constitution
and laws of the State of Texas and
the charter of the City of Beau-
-o -at adopted the 30th day of De-
cember, A: D. 1919, and the power
and authority granted by sections
18 and 71 of said city charter, and
all other provisions in said charter
pertaining to the issuance of bonds,
and by chapter 147 of the General
Laws of the State of Texas, passed
by the 33rd Legislature at, its reg-
ular session granting certain pow-
ers tocities of more than 5000 in-
habita.cits, and by chapter 9 of the
acts of the regular session of the
37th Legislature, and all other laws
of the State of Texas, pertaining
to and authorizing the issuance of
municipal bonds.
That said bonds, in the sum of
one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars ($150,000.00) shall be di-
vided into forty (40) annual install-
ments, and shall be known and
called "School Bonds," and the may-
or of the City of Beaumont is here-
by authorized and direoted.to have
prepared and executed bonds for
said proposition as follows:
One hundred and fifty thousand
dollars ($150,000.00) school bonds
divided into '150 bonds of the 'de-
nomination of one thousand dollars
($1000.00), numbered from one to
one hundred and fifty (150) in-
olusive, and payable as follows, re-
Nos. 1 to 3 of $1000.00 each pay-
able on 1st day of May, 1925.
Nos. 4 to 7 of $1000.00 each pay-
able on 1st day of May, 1926.
N". --S to" l0 of $1000.90 each pay-
able on l'st day of May, 1927.
above provided for. upon their. face A. D 7924.
shall be substantially in words and (Signed)
figures as follows, to -wit: Mayor of
Form of Bond Texas
No. 7 3ln^0.00
United State- .9f America
State of Texas
Citv of Beaumont
r}5-�v These Presents:
iat the City of Beaumont, a
municipal corporation in the County
of Jefferson, State of Texas, here-
by acknowledges itself to owe, and
for value received hereby promises
to pay to bearer One Thousand
Dollars ..................($1000.00)
in lawful money of the United
States of America, on the lst day
of May, 1925, with interest on said
sum from date of this bond at the
rate of five (5) per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually on the
1st day of May and the 1st 'day of
November of each year, in lawful
money of the United States of
America, as evidenced by and upon
presentation and surrender of the
annexed interest coupons as they
severally become due. Both prin-
cipal and interest of this bond- are
payable at the office of,the director
of finance of the City of Beaumont,
or at the office of the National City
bank of New Yoi#c city, New, York.
This bond is one of a series of
150 bonds of the denomination of
one thousand dollars ($1000.00)
each, known and called "School,
Bonds" of like tenor and date, ex-
cept as to maturity, numbered from
one (1) to one hundred and fifty
(150) - inclusive, aggregating in
amount one hundred and fifty thou-
sand dollars ($150,000.00), said bonds
Issued by the City of Beaumont,
for the purpose of making perma-
nent city improvements, to -wit:
For the construction and repair of
public free school buildings and
the purchasing or otherwise ac-
quiring of the necessary grounds
therefor. Said bonds issued under
and by Virtue of the constitution
and laws of the State of Texas, and
the charter of the City of Beaumont
adopted the 30th day of December,
A. D. 1919, and the' power and au-
thority granted by sections 18 to 71
of said city charter, and all other
provisions in said charter pertain-
ing to the issuance of bonds, and
by chapter 147 of the General Laws
of the State of. Texas passed by the
33rd Legislature at its regular ses=
cion, granting' certain powers to
cities of more than five thousand
Inhabitants and by chapter 9, acts
of the regular session of the 37th
Legislature and all other laws of
the State of Texas pertaining to
and authorizing the issuance of mu-
nicipal bonds, pursuant to an ordi-
nance duly adopted by the city com-
mission of the City of Beaumont on
the 12th day of February, 1924, and
an election on the 18th day of
March, 1924, and a resolution of the
city ' commission of the City of
Beaumont duly passed on the 24th
day of March, 1924 declaring the
result of said election, and in pur-
suance of an ordinance duly and
regularly passed by the city com-
mission of the City of ,b eaumont on
the 29th day of April, A. D. 1924,
and of record on pages 28 et seq.,
volume No. 5 of the Ordinances of
the City of Beaumont.
The date of this bond is 1st day
of lvlay, .1924, and it hereby cer-
tified, recited and declared that all,"
acts, ,conditions and things required
to be done and precedent to and
in the issuing of these bonds have
been properly done, have happened!
and been performed in regular and
due'form as required by law, and
that the total indebtedness to the
city including the total indebted-
ness contracted by the issuance of
these bonds, does not exceed the
constitutional or statutory limita-
And it is hereby recited, certified
and declared that the additional tax
levied and made necessary to be
levied in order to' provide for the
interest and principal of this issue
of bonds, together with the rate
of tax existing at the time of the
issuance of these bonds, is within
the limitations of the constitution
and laws of the State of Texas, and
of the charter of the City of Beau-
In Witness Whereof, the City of
Beaumont has caused this bond to
_be issued and signed by its mayor,
the City of Beaumont,
s of one huncreu
6 dollars ($150,000.00) to be ollowing evoted 33rd
to and expended for the. sion,
to-wit: cities
For the construction and repair inhab
of public free school building's and of th
the purchasing or otherwise acquir Legls
ing of the necessary grounds there- the
for. rovided for and
That said bonds P nicip
herein shall be and are issued under nanc
and by virtue of the oonstitution missi
and laws of the State of Texas and the 1
the charter of
the City of of eDe- an
ont adopted the 30th day ower Mar
' oember, A. D. 1919, and the P city
and authority granted by sections Bea
18 and 71 of said city charter, and day
all other provisions in said charter resu
s pertaining to the issuance of bonds, sua
and by chapter 147 of the General reg
5 Laws of the State of Texas; gassed miss
a by the 33rd Legislature at its reg- the
° ular session granting certain POW and
tt- ers to. cities of more Cher 5OoOf the the
p habitaAts, and by
pE acts of the regular session of the T
r 37th Legislature, and all other
ng of
of the State of Texas, P tiff
to and authorizing the issuance of act
f r in nioipal bonds. to
!t� SECTION 2 sum of in
That said bonds, in thesumbee
�t one hundred and (iffy
shall be di- an
- vided s ($150,000.40 annual install- th
meet into forty ( ) th
ments, and shall be known and cit
called ,School Bonds;' and the may- ne
or of the City of Beaumont t hero- th
by authorized and directed. to have co
isprepared and executed bonds for ti
said proposition as 'follows:
One hundred and fifschoolobonds a
dollars (x150,000.00) le
divided into 150 bonds of the 'de- le
r' nomination of one thousand dollars in
ds ($1000.00), numbered from one to 0
s one hundred and fifty (150) in- o
elusive, and payable as follows, re- i
spectively: t
NOs. l .t0 3 f $10 May, 1925. pay a
able on lst day of 0o.00 o
ly Nos. 4 to 7 of $10.00.00 each pay-
ed able on 1st day of 'May, 1926.
rr_ Tres g to 10 of $10oo.00 each Pay-
r° able on 1st day of May, 1927. each _
0; � leo 11 -to= 1-'`-. of --$14"" 928.
0' payable on 1st day of May,
Nos. 15 to 17 of $1000,00 each
payable oh ist day of May, 1929.
Laos. 18 to 21 of $1000.0 each
u_ payable on -1st day of May,
Nos. 22 to 24 ofoi$May0 each
h payable on ist day
Nos. 25 to '28 of $1000.00 each
payable on 1st day of May. 1932.
Nos. 29 to 31 ofof$MaY01933oh
payable on ist day
pavable S2 to on ist day of of $' Mayo 1934-
934 each
Nos. 36 to 3g of $100o.00each
payable on 1st day of -May .
Nos. 39 to 42 ofo$NLay01936each
payable on 1st day f
al Nos. 43 to 45 of $1000.00 each
f pavable on ist day of May, 1937.
t Nos. 46 to 49 of $1000.00 each
payable on
ist day of May. 1938.
be Nos. 50 to 52 of $1000.00 each
payable c1n 1st day of May, 1939.
Nos. 53 to 56 of $1000.0o each
y payable on 1st day of May. 19 00 e0
Nos. 57 to 69 ofo4$1MOOv. 1941ch
pavable on 1st day
s Nos. 60 pp 63 of
fof iM v�� 942ch
payable, ontlst day
A7ns. 64 to 66- Of.
$1000.6 ,each
Legislature ertaln its repowera vto
of more than five thou
itants and by chapter 9.
e regular session of the 37th
lature and all othel to
tate of Texas. pertaining authorizing pursuant toissuance anforddi-
al bonds, p the city COM
onduly adopted by
on of the City of Beaumont on
2th day of February, 1924, and
election on the 18th day of
Marc 1924, and a resolution of the
commission of the City of
Beau duly passed924declaring 2the
of March, and in pur
It of said election, and.
nla of an ordinance, te city coin-
ularly passed by
sign of the City of Iseaumont on
28th day of April, A. D. 1924,
of record on pages 28 et req•.
volt, No 5 of the Ordinances of
city of Beaumont-
lie date of this bond is 1st day
ay, 1924; and itis hereby cer-
2, recited and declared that all
s, conditions and things required
Le done and precedent to and
the issuing of e. havebonds
n proper ly done,
I been performed in regi regular
e form as required by
at the total ndebtedn indebtedess to e
s contracted
the issuance of
ss contracted by
ese bonds, does not exceed the
nstitutional or stat utor y limita
on. recited, certified
And it is hereby
declared that the additional tax
vied and made necessary
vied in order to provide for the
terest and principal of this issue
f bonds, together with the rate
tax existing at the time of the
ssuane6 of these bonds, is within
he limitations of the constitution
f dthe�cha ter of the City ofOf the tate of aBeaua
In witness Whereof, the City of
Beaumont has caused thins m for
be issued grid signed by
countersigned and attested bdylrecs
city clerk, registered by
for of the' department of finance,
and the corporate seal Of said theels
to be affixed thereto,
day of May, 1924.
Mayor ) of the City of B'eaumgnt.
Countersigned and Attested:
City Clerk *of the ..
ity .of .Beau-
mont, Texas.
Finance°ent of
Director..eaumt e
On the f Rd_ c -November,
of Tex -
the City of "
as, Rill Pay to bearer at the office
of the director of finance of the
City of Beaumont, or at the office
Of the National City bank of New
'York city, New York, of .
dollars ($25.00) lawful mlsixsix
United States of America,
months' interest then due on its
school bonds dated 1st day of May,
1924 Ivo. 1.