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H _ o+ • l A f' AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE BEAUMONT WHARF AND TERMINAL COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FOR A PERIOD OF 15 YEARS, THE RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A TRACK AND OPERATE ITS TRAINS AND CARS THEREON, FROM A POINT ON THE MAIN LINE OF THE BEAUMONT WHARF,AND TERKINAL COMPANY ON LONG AVENUE, 177 FEET TO A POINT IN LOT 8, BLOCK 3, OF THE KIRBY ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS THEREOF, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 10 - That the Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Company, its successors and assigns, be and it is hereby granted the right and privilege to construct and maintain, at its own expense, a single standard gauge railroad track beginning at a point on the main line of the Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Companyts track on Long Avenue, the point on the switch to be 25 feet East of the East line of North Pearl Street, and running in an eastward direction 177 feet to a point on Lot 8, in Block 3, of the Kirby Addition to the City of Beaumont, as shown on blue print marked Exhibit A, and attached hereto, it being understood and agreed that the track and siding is laid as an industrial track for the purpose of reaching commercial and indus- trial enterprises located along the right of way on which said track is authorized to be laid; Section 2; The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to operate trains, engines and cars over said track and siding when done so to further the interest for which this grant is given, said trains, engines and cars to be operated thereover in such manner as not to unreasonably interfere with public travel upon and along or across said streets or any portion thereof, and except insofar as is reasonably necessary in the movement and handling of cars on said street, same shall be kept clear: Section 3. That the said Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Company shall be required at its own expense to. -construct and maintain suitable ditches and culverts for the purpose of --properly draining said street along and oveif which said bailroadd-track is authorized to be laid; Section 4; That the said Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Company shall be further required to construct and maintain said railroad tracks at the same grade or level as the established grade or level of said street, so as not to in any wise obstruct the use of the same by the public, and shall within a reasonable time, not exceeding one year after the construction of said railroad track; ballast said railroad track along said street between the rails, and to a distance of two (2) feet on either side thereof, with rock, gravel, shell, sand, cinders, or other suitable material to be determined by the City Commission of the City of Beaumont, and in the event the City of Beaumont shall at any time during the life of this franchise desire to pave said street, the said Beaumont Wharf and Terminal Company shall pave between the rails of said track, and for a distance of two (2) feet on either side thereof, and shall construct and maintain, at its own expense,, good and sufficient crossings xp , g at the intersection of all streets crossed by said railroad track with easy approaches thereto, and on all crossings on paved streets to construct and main- tain permanent crossings in accordance with blue print attached hereto and marked Exhibit B. and under the direction of the City Engineer; Section 5,: The trackage herein described shall be laid under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer of the City of Beaumont, and should a dispute over said construction arise, the grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees to refrain from doing said work, or any part thereof, until the matter of dispute has been settled by the City Commission of the City of Beaumont; Section 6; This ordinance is passed subject to all the terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of Beaumont: Section 7: The foregoing rights and privileges are especially granted upon the expressed condition that the grantee, its successors and assigns, shall within thirty (30) days after the passage and approval -2- 4 Ak . ,, by the Mayor of this franchise, acting through its proper officers, file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of this ordinance, 1 And upon the further condition that the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall pay to the City of Betumont upon acceptance hereof, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10:00), and in addition thereto shall pay to the said City the sum of $10;00 per annum so long as this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect, the payment to be made upon acceptance as aforesaid to constitute the first of such annual payments; Section 8; This ordinance shall go into force and effect upon and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, and upon the filing of written acceptance as provided in Section 7 hereof, and shall continue for a period of fifteen (15) years thereafter: FG-'ru - Passed this the day of d-sa 6 az IA. D. 1930: e 6 Year Approved this the A day of , YA. D. 1930: 67- ej klo r ' 1. 9, �. t J, C �'- -'�' Z H� 3I d 13� 6�a , --� �,- H AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 9HE VACATING AND CLOSING OF THE ALLEY LOCATED IN BLOCK No: 59, OF THE NORTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS: WHEREAS, a petition duly signed by Vittorio LaRocca, D. B. Willis, W. C. Johnson acting as agent for Mrs: Annie H- Johnson, Henry Bartley, dd B. P. Evans, Mary Guidry and J. M. McFain, owners of all the property in Block No: 59 of the North Addition to the City of Beaumont, has been presented to the City Commission of the City of Beaumont requesting that such alley be closed and vacated: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: That the alley located in Block No; 59 of the North Addition to the City of Beaumont be, and the same is hereby authorized to be vacated and closed, and that the title to such alley shall revert to and become the property of the respective owners of the land in said blocks bordering on said alley, as provided by law; provided, however, that the closing of this alley shall in no way affect the rights of the City as to placing and maintaining therein of my sewer or water lines, or any other service or utility of the City, all of which rights are hereby reserved; Passed this the 11th day of March, A. D. 1930; 5 MIN ,.�ar ;.�; �-=�•� � � � .'*fir .�... „ `v . � _.x; {n.� �; �--r�, :1�HC ��t Subjaesta Franchise - Tra cls for A. Grossman. Bea union t - December 21s t . 1929 . ?,6r_ S_ W. Anderson. City Pda.nager. -Bs aumon t. Texas_ 13e Sir m A Grossman has leased some property in Bloc lc 3 Kirby Addition from tyle Yo vn t -Lee Oil Company and vias established on it a wa rahous e_ and scrap classification yard. :,+.r. GPoasman has applied to our Company to cone-- truct s spur treads for him to serve this property, the tracts to lead off B W8aT main line in Long Avenue 2 enclose application for franchise to cover c ons true tion of trach in the street. I presume there can be no objection to the cons- truction of the tracic at that location a'nd inasmuch as Bdr_ Grossman is in greet peed for the traolc 2 hope you wi.11 find it consietent to give the franchise application s pe dial handling. but authorize our Coma.pany to go ahead and put the track in pending final action on the request -enc a.- erntendent_ 2 Gul�, Colorado and Sas3ta. , Fe R�.ilway Compa.riy _«eaadaat j3.=mxfrr1U11ty ZVCa88, B'ebruary la, 193Q Kr. Paul I3-- 3Li Hard. City Manager, Beaumont. Texas_ � - S acknowledge receipt or your letter i ru ary 15th, enclosing copy or rranchise- granted by the i city to the Beaumont wklarz ac Terminal Company to cover con9truction or spur track orr BW8cT main 13ne on Song Avenue in Kirby Addition, to serve an industry Please consider this letter as acceptance or the rrsachise by the Beaumont Wharr Sc Terminal Gom- parry, as provided in section 7 thereor- i Yours truly, - The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared____________________________________ ------------------------------------ ------------ __ __ _.__...known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says that he is the ----- .. _ ._ .....c..,{_�J?`�- �-f e +A� BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the follow- 7 ing dates: ---------- A. D. 19 and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. - / - Sworn to and subscribed before me, this.... 3:�.(........ day of .... a �__A. D. 19_x__ ---------------------------------- `-�--� '1 9 NotaryPublic Je erson ------ Col ty, Texas. 1J`v Soo assigns, be and it is hereby granted . the right and privilege to construct and maintain, at its own expense, a single standard gauge railroad track beginning, at a point on the main line of the Beau- mont Wharf & Terminal company's track on Long avenue, the point on the switch to be 25 feet east of the east line of North Pearl street, and running in an eastward direction 177 feet to a point on lot 8, block 3, of the Kirby addition to .ve the city of Beaumont, as shown on blue- )21 Print marked Exhibit A, and attached hereto, it being understood and agreed rs, that the track and siding is laid as an ng industrial track for the purpose of reach- ing commercial and industrial enterprises )Us located along the right of way on which in- said track Is authorized to be laid. See - .his tion 2. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to operate ire trains, engines and cars over said track al- and siding when done so to further the nt- Interest for wbich this grant is given, said trains, engines and cars to be oper, ated thereover in such manner as not to> unreasonably interfere with public travel Sig upon and along or across said streets or IVe any Portion thereof, and except insofar as is reasonably necessary in the move- -'nt ment and handling of cars on said street, 300 same shall be kept clear. Section 3. That the said Beaumont Wharf & Terminal company shall be required at its own ex- pense to construct and maintain suitable 1de ditches and culverts for the Purpose of ith Properly draining said street along and ;75 over which said railroad track is author- ized to be laid. Section 4. That the said Beaumont Wharf & Terminal company shall be further required to construct (rs and maintain said rahroad tracks at the same grade or level as the established trade or level of said street, so as not ) in any wise obstruct the use e of th in. same by the public, and shall within reasonable time, not exceeding one year after the construction of said railroad track, ballast said railroad track along said street between the rails, and to a distance of two 12) feet on either side Uiereof, with rock, gravel, shell, sand, Titcinders, or other suitable material to be determined by the city commission of ttS the city of Beaumont, and in the event the ctiy of Beaumont shall at any time Vn during the life of this franchise desire to pave said street the said Beaumont Wharf & Terminal company shall Pave between the rails of said track, and for I a distance of two (2) feet on either side 11S thereof, and shall construct and main- tain, at its own expense., good and suffl- ler cient crossings at the Intersection of all lve streets crossed by said railroad track with easy approaches thereto, and on all �a crossings on Paved streets to construct and maintain permanent crossings in accordance with bluel-rint attached 'D. hcleto and marked Exhibit B. and under 1o1, the direction of the city engineer. Sec - le, tion 5. The trackage herein described shall be laid under the direction and su- ns, Pervision of the city engineer of the city til- of Beaumont, and should a dispute over esaid construction arise, the grantee, Its t' successors and assigns, hereby agrees to le- refrain from doing said work, or any part thereof, until the matter of dispute has been settled by the city commission cf the city of Beaumont. Section 8. T$ils )fn ordinance is passed subject to all the )01 terms and provisions of the charter of the city of Beaumont. Section 7. The )W foregcing rights and privileges are espe- ,n_ cially granted upon the expressed condi- ,d tion that the grantee, its successors and assigns, shall within thirty (30) days after the passage and approval by the ), mayor of this franchise, acting through- 1S, its Proper officers, file with the city clerk its written acceptance of this ordinance, ''-C- and upon the further condition that the ;e, grantee, its successors or assigns, shall pay to the city of Beaumont upon accept- ance Ie hereof, the sum of ten dollars 1$10.00), and in addition thereto shall pay ed to thr said city the sum of $10.00 per le, annum so long as this ordinance shall re - Main in full force and effect, the pay- n- ment. to be made upon acceptance as )t, aforesaid to constitute the first of such 11111111111 payments. Section 8. This ordi- nance shall go into force and effect upon and after its passage and approval by the mayor, and upon the filing of writ- ten acceptance as provided in section 7 hereof, and shall continue for a Period of fifteen (15) years thereafter. Passed this the 11th day of February, A. D. 1930. Approve s a A. D. 1930. c