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ORD 18-H
w AN ORDINANCE &2d, /F -H /Wa� ck q, M_. o r ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AS A TAX UPON THE LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS, BLOCKS, OR TRACTS OF LAND WHERE NOT DI- IfIDED INTO LOTS OR BLOCKS, FRONTING OR ABUTTING ON MILL STREET FROM EAST LINE OF VICTORIA STREET TO WEST LINE OF RAILROAD AVENUE, TWO-THIRDS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING, GUTTER, AND INCIDENTAL DRAINAGE, AND ALL THE COST CF CURBING SAID STREET APPORTIONABLE TO THE HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO PROPERTY, AND DECLARING SAID TAX A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY AND A PERSONAL DEBT UPON THE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, AND PROVIDING A TIME WHEN SAID TAX SHALL BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SAME, AND ALL COSTS IN- CURRED IN COLLECTING SAME IF NOT PAID AT THE TIME IT BECOMES DUE AND PAYABLE; AND PROVIDING THE RATE OF INTEREST SAID TAX SHALL BEAR FROM THE TIME IT BECOMES DUE UNTIL PAID, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS pursuant to the requirements of Subdivision (h) of Section 68 of the Charter of the City of Beaumont, the City Commission of the City of Beaumont caused to be published for the time and in the manner required therefor by the City Charter, a notice of the - Resolution of said Commission, passed on the 11th day of February, A.D. 1930, ordering a hearing to be given to the persons, firms, corporations, and estates, their agents or attorneys owning property abutting on the above named street, and calling upon all persons interested in said matter to appear and show cause, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter above referred to, why the assessment in said notice -should not be made against said property and against the owners thereof'. which hearing was to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of Beaumont, Texas, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1930; and WHEREAS, a full and fair hearing in conformity with the Charter and law in such cases having been had in conformity with said notice and the Commission having inquired into and determined all facts necessary to the adjudication of all special benefits accruing to such owners by means of such improvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and, It appearing that the assessment as proposed in the above men- tioned Resolution passed on the 11th day of February, A.D. 1930, with the exceptions hereinafter noted, are in all respects fair and equitable and that there will be a full and adequate and special benefit to the abutting property and the owners thereof from aril by reason of the proposed pavement and improvement in excess of the amount assess- ed against the abutting property and the respective owners thereof: NOV. THEREF(R E, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 1: That there is hereby assessed against the several owners of property and against their respective property abutting on Milam Street from east line of Victoria Street to west line of Railroad Avenue, as a tax two-thirds of the cost of paving, gutter, and incidental drainage of said street, exclusive of the whole cost between curb lines of im- proving said street at its intersections with other streets and alleys, and all the cost of curbing said street. The lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land on which said tax is levied and assessed are hereinafter described, together with the number of front feet on such lot, lots, parts of lots, or blocks or tracts of land, the name or names of the owner or owners there- of and the proportionate amount of the cost of said paving and gutter, and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid for by such owner or owners as shown by the statement prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Beaumont, which said amount is hereby levied and assessed as a tax upon such lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land as shown,; to wit: PRELIMINARY PAVING ASSESSMENT i ; X ��ILriai S'rR �T From E. L. VIC`1'ORIA ST. To ' . L. RAILROAD AVE. Pavement CONC, ETF, BASE d'1.F.'li'fi3F'I�LD & CO. Contractor ' Contract Date NOVEZIL0 28, 1,929 30 Ft. Roadway. Paving & Accessories $ ;3, 5n Per Front Foot v Curb Cost Per Lin. Foot $ 0.30 Total Estimated Cost of Improvements $ 3612.47 -- --- -- -- --- -- Property Curb " Property Owner Lot Block Frontage Paving Cost Lin. Feet Curb Cost Total Amount ` C ADDIUION J. R.Jefferson 17 & 18 2 147.59 516.57 150 45.00 561 &. Hartnett E1/3 22, 23 & 24 2 50 175400 50 15 00 190 H Hall C 1/3 22s,23..&, 24 2 50 175100 50 15.00 190 R. C. Mi ller &'J. E. Josey Vv . l/3 22j,23 & 24 2 50 175.100 50 I 15400 190 Richard Carey,Sr. 25,26 & 27 3 147.4 515.90 150 45,00 560 Joe Fertitta 31 & 32 3 150 525.00 150 45,00 570 TOTAL PROPERTY 01,4NERS PORTION }5$440 2082.47 600 2262 180,00 4'1 TOTAL ESTIMaTED CITY'S PORTION 1350.00 1350 GRAND TOTkL 594.99 543247 600 180.00 i 1 361244-1 1 6 1 i . or 19 Section 2: a A-�d, /r - H etl; t The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Befo a me, t e undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ------------------------------------ ...............................known to me, ...... ... who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and // e . .. says that he is th.__.... .. ...... ... ........of the B�M --'J RI 7SE, BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the follow- ingdates: ............... ----------------------- � - ....---------------------------A. D. 19 and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ....... ��_.d..... day o -------- --- -- --------------A. D. 19� ----------..__._.._ Notary Public, Jefferson Co ty, Texas. It I / /LLiJLC-ti �r-1 r 1 1-1 " l 1 The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ------------------------------------ ..................known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says that he is the..---�...�..... of the .. X T E, BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the follow- ing dates: //ffes� ..Z- `------•--------••- .A. D. 19.3e !_lam ------------- and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to alad subscribed before me, this. C7 .... day oto A. D. 19- LEGAL NOTICES 74—Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE ...---------•------------------------ ---- Notary Public, Jefferson Co my LEGAL NOTICES I' LEGAL NOTICES 11_ 74—Legal Notices 74—Legal Notices of February, A. D. 1930, ordering a hear- Iting property and the -owners thereof: I in g to be given to the persons, firms cor- a,l� a•'040 a �• torneys owning property abutting on the lots, blocks, or tracts of land where not above named street, and calling upon all divided into lots or blocks, fronting or persons interested in said matter to ap- abutting on I�LjI]yypp1� street, from east pear and show cause, in conformity with line of Victoria'street to west line of, the provisions of the charter above refer - railroad avenue, two-thirds of the cost red to, why the assessment in said notice of the paving, gutter, and incidental should not be made against said propgrty drainage, and all the cost of curbing and against the owners thereof, which said street apportionable to the herein- hearing was to be held in the council after referred to property, and declaring chamber of the city hall of Beaumont, said tax a lien upon said property and Texas, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. on the 4th a personal debt upon the owner or own- day of March, A. D. 1930; and, ers thereof, and providing a time when said tax shall become due and payable, Whereas, a full and fair hearing in con - providing for the collection of same, and formity with the charter and law in such. all costs incurred in collecting same if cases having been had in conformity with not paid at the time it becomes due and said notice and the commission having in - payable, and providing the rate of in- quired into and determined all facts neces- ' terest said tax shall bear from the time sary to the adjudication of all special ben - it becomes due until paid, and declaring efits accruing to such owners by means Of an emergency. such improvements, and said hearing hav- Whereas, pursuant to the requirements ing been duly closed; and, Subdivision (h) of Section 68 of the IE appearing that the assessment as pro- arter of the City of Beaumont, the City posed in the above-mentioned resolution of the City of Beaumont passed on the 11th day of February, A. sed to be published for the time and D. 1930, with the exceptions hereinafter the manner required therefor by the noted, are in all respects fair and equit- charter, a notice of the resolution of able and that there will be a full and Pynmission commission, passed on the 11th day adequate and special benefit to the abut - PRELIMINARY PAVT.NG ASSESSMENT. Milam Street From East Line Victoria Street to West Lie Railroad Avenue. Pavement 1 -Inch Duraco on 5 -Inch Concrete Base. W. F. Warfiel dand Company. Contract Date November 26, 1929. 30 Foot Roadway. Paving and Accessories $3.: ' Curb Cost Per Lineal Foot $0.30. Total Estimated Cost of Improvements $3,612.47. Property 'Property Owner— Lot B16o k Frontage t CR ARY ADDITION— F R. Jefferson .................. .. .. . 17 and 18 2 147.59 u. �. Hartnett ........................ 1-3 22, 23 and 24 2 50 r H. Hall ..... ............ C 1-3 22, 23 and 24 2 50 C. Miller and J. E. Josey .......W 1-3 chard Carey, Sr ............. ........25, 22, 2$ an 24 2 50 26 and 27 3 1"7.4 Joe Fertitta.................................. 31 and 32 3 150 _TOTAL PROPERTY OWNERS' PORTION ........................ 594.99 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY'S PORTION ......................... ...... Texas. Try— commies ono a city of Beaumont: +t Section 1—That there is hereby assessed against the several owners eof property 175.00 andagainst their respective property abut- 15.co ting on Milam street from east line of 179.00 Victoria street to west line of Railroad 15.00 avenue, as a tax two-thirds of the cost 175.00 of paving gutter and incidental drainage 15.00 of said street, exclusive of the whole cost between curb lines of improving said street at Its intersections With other streets and alleys, and all the cost of curbing said street. The lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts ofland on which said tax Is levied and assessed are hereinafter described, to- gether with the number of front feet on such lot, lots. parts of lots, or blocks or tracts of land, the name or names of the owner or owners thereof and the propor- tionate amount of the cost of said paving and gutter, and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid for by such owner or owners as shown by the statement pre- pared by the City Engineer of the City of Beaumont, which said amount is hereby levied and assessed as a tax upon such lots, parts of lots, blocks o: tracts of land as shown, to -wit: Contractor. , 0 Per Front Foot. Paving Curb C:;'_7 Total Cost Lin. Feet Cost Amount 516.57 150 45.00 561.51 175.00 50 15.co 190.00 179.00 50 15.00 190 175.00 50 15.00 190. 515.90 150 45.00 560. 595.00 150 45.00 570. 2,082.47 .600 160.00 2,262.0 1,350.00 ... ..... 1,350.000 GRAND TOTAL ....................................... ' ' .00 3,612.47 .... 5_4.80 3,49...47 600 18p Sec. 2.—That said amounts so levied said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or I the suspension of the rule requiring orj ` and assessed shall become due and pay- tracts of land superior to all ether liens, nances to be read on three several d Rble upon the completion of the paving claims, or titles except city, county, and before their passage. Wherefore, state taxes, and constitute a personal rule is hereby suspended, and this opon the portion of said street upon which charge or claim against the owner or own- nance shall be in full force and ef d lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks, or ers of said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks from and after its passage and publica- acts of land front and abut, and the or tracts of land.tion. unt of the tax hereby levied. and as- Sec. 3.—The fact that the portions of Passed by the affirmative vote of an d, together with the cost of collecting the above-named street as indicated are in .members of the commission this the 401 of oh; A. D. 1900. , iiil W. 111 The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared .................................... ...................known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says that he is the. .. _ __, _. -------of the BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was ptibliuhed in Said newspaper, such publication being on the follow- ing dates: ................ ---- - L --------------•----••-----•---....A. D. 19--. and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this....................day of.....� .........A. D. 19_;a- .........................•------ ....... ........... Notary Public, Jeffrerson C nty, Teras. i1...YtIC. .w.rw" ..aux iutklCria paw • iaYul$ u:r mei: .Ldat rhe p,wR�•.u-Aiabely-,.rn4ix11 met' jdbe� t. LEGAL NOTICES ( LEGAL NOTICES � �l LEGAL NOTICES 74—Legal Notices . 74—Legal Notices 74--Legat Notices + AN ORDINANCE of February, A. D. 1930, ordering a bear- ting property and the owners thereof: Ing to be given to the persons, firms, car- Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Entitled an ordinance levying and assess- Yng as a tax upon the lot lots, parts of porations, and estates, their agents or at- city commission of the city of Beaumont: torneys owning property abutting on the Section I—That there is hereby- assessed, Iots, blocks, or tracts of land where not above named street, and calling upon all against the several owners eot property divided Into lots or blocks, fronting or persons interested in said matter to ap- and against their respective propxty abut abutting on ,street, from east pear and show cause, in conformity with ting on Milani street from east line of 1 line of Victor a street to west line of the provisions of the charter above refer- Victoria street s west line of Railroad e railroad avenue, two-thirds of the cost red to, why the assessment in said notice avenue, s e tax two-thirds of the coat of the paving, gutter, and incidental should not be made against said property of paving, gutter and incidental drainage i drainage, and all the cost of curbing and against the owners thereof, which of said street, exclusive of the whole cost' said street apportionable to the herein- hearing was to be held in the council between curb lines of .improving said after referred to property, and declaring chamber of the city hall of Beaumont, street at its intersections with other streets said tax a lien upon said property and Texas, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. on the 4th and alleys, and all the cost of curbing said r- a personal debt upon the owner or own- day of March, A. D. 1930; and, street. ers thereof, and providing a time when Whereas, a full and fair hearing in con- The lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or y said tax shall become due and payable, formity with the charter and law in such tracts of land on which said tax is levied , providing for the collection of same, and cases having been had in conformity with and assessed are hereinafter described, to - all costs incurred in collecting same if said notice and the commission having in - not paid at the time it becomes due and quired into and determined all facts neces- gether with the number o1 front feet on payable, and providing the rate of in- Bary to the adjudication o1 all special ben- such lot, lots. parts of lots, or blocks OT terest said tax shall bear from the time ,fits accruing to such owners by means Of tracts of land, the name or names r the.' 4e" It becomes due until paid, and declaring owner or owners thereof and the propor- an emergency. such improvements, and said hearing hav- tionate amount of the cost of said paving Whereas, pursuant to the requirements Ing been duly closed; and, and gutter, and the cost of said curbing } of Subdivision (h) of Section u e the It appearing that the assessment as pro- to be borne and paid for by such owner 4 M• Charter vi the City of Beaumont, the City posed in the above-mentioned resolution or owners as shown by the stathe tement Pre - IM Commission of the city of Beaumont passed on the 11th day of February, A. pared by the Cit said neerofamount is city of caused to be published for the time and D. 1930, with the .exceptions hereinafter Beaumont,, ..jlleet city charter,na notice of the resolutionthe Of abledandein thatalthere will beects a fullgand lots, pats ofasses lots. blockssed as, ao t tractsof land •# said commission, passed on the lith day -adequate and special benefit to the abut- as shown, to -wit: ypyr PRELIMINARY PAVING ASSESSMENT. !� Milani Street From East Line Victoria Street to West Line Railroad Avenue. Pavement 1 -Inch Duraco on 5 -Inch Concrete Base. W, F: W arfiel dand Company. Contractor. Contract Date November 26, 1929. 30 Foot 'Roadway. Paving and Accessories $3.50 Per Front Foot. Curb Cost Per Lineal Foot $0.30. Total Estimated Cost of Improvements $3Pro.612.47. paying Curb C::'� Total Property Owner— Lot Bloc ]r Frontage Cost Lin. Feet Cost Amount ; F*b- CRARY ADDITION- - J. R. Jefferson .. . 11 and 16 2 147.59 516.57 150 45.00 561.57 o E. Hartnett ..... ...............E 1-3 22, 23 and 24 2 50 175.00 60 5.00 190.00 H. Hall C 1-3 22, 23 and 24 2 50 175.00 50 15.00 190.00 R. C. Miller and J. E. Josey .......W 1-3 22, 23 and 24 2 50 175.00 50 5.00 190.00. ©r Richard Carey, Sr ........................25, 20 and 27 3 147.4 516.90 150 5.00 560.90 Joe Pertitta................................. 31 and 32 3 159 525.00 150 45.00 570.00 16976TOTAL PROPERTY OWNERS' PORTION ......................... 595.99 2,002.47 600 180.00 2,262.47• TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY'S PORTION 1,350.00 1,360.011 GRAND TOTAL ............................... 594.99 3,432.47 600 180.00 E,612.l7 Sec. 2.—That said amounts so levied said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks Or I the suspension of the rule requiring ordi- and assessed shall become due and pay- tracts o: land superior to 'all other liens, nances to be read on three several days claims, or titles except city, county, and before their passage. Wherefore, such able upon the Completion of the paving state taxes, and constitute a personal I rule is hereby suspended, and this ordl effect upon the portion of said street upon which charge or claim against theowner or own- nonce shall be in full. force and effect said lot, lots, parts of lots, b:ocks, or era of said lot,.lots, parts of lots, blocks tion. and after its passage and publica- tracts of land front and abut, and the or tracts of land. amount of the tax hereby levied and as- Sec. 3.—The fact that the portions of Passed by the affirmative vote of all t0 ether With_ the cost of collecting the above-named street as indicated are in members of kty day of March; A.cD. 19130ion this •the 4th �..: :.. a The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day pe ..................... personally appeared ............... known to me, who being by we duly sworn, on his oath de- - _ -----_-_------------ -of the poses and says that he is the- • Xglg�, BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy Of oregoing w" pubUAed in said newspaper, such publication being on the follow - the within and f _4 --------------------_----- A. D. 19.- .... ........ - - ----------- ------------- --- - ---------- -- ing dates: ........ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. ............ ...................... .... A. D. 19.�� ------- day of -------- ........ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this .................................. Notary Public, Jefferson C nty, Texas. wev. .40. tyle LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOITIC�ESt al Notices 74—begal Notices ---------- 7 —Legal Notices id +11 owners thereof. 930, ordering a hear Ing property R1 be it ordained Beaumont: 7� firms, of February, A. 1) or: Now, therefore, AN ORDINANCE ing to be given to the persons, agents or at- city commission of the city of Beaumont' and assess- porations and estates, their v assessed, Entitled an ordinance levying 1 r abutting on the Section 1—That there is hereby, a2perty torneys �wnjng property Ing as A tax upon the lot lots, parts of named street, and :ailing upon all against the several owners eol prc abut - d where not above in said rdstwT to RP- and against their respective Property lots, blocks, or tracts Of 106n routing or persons interested with Ilam street from east line Of in conformity w ting On M I west line of Railroad divided into lots or blocks, pear and show cause,thecharter above refer- victoria street 0 ds of the Cost abutting treet from east to 'West line the provisions of ties as 96 tax two-thirds Ital drainage I U line of on WA 5 of why the assessment in said opirtK avenue, ne whole Cost ne Victor ?riet red to, de against said prTlO Of paving, gutter and incide d avenue, two-thirds of the cost of th railroad 11 incidental should not be ma owners thereof, whic of said Street- exclu"Vol -improving said Ing, gutter. land oul against the Owne eouncil line� of the paving, cost of curbing and ag Was to be held in the between Curb drainage, land all the he herein- hearing I Of Beaumont, street at its intersections with other street$ rtionable to t r of the city Ial all the cost Of curbing Saicl' said street aPPO and declaring chamber 9.00 o'clock a. m. the 4th and alleys, and after referred to property, property and Texas at � - d, street. Parts of lots, blocks or said tax 9, lien upon said Imer or Own- day �f March, A. D. 1930; an The lot, lots which said tax is levied a personal debt upon the OV and fair hearing In con- to- ers thereof, and providing 2, time wher, Whereas, R full charter and law in such tracts of land on assessed re hereinafter described said tax shall become due end Payable, lormitY with the ca , f front feet On of San, I in conformity with andumber 0 oT providing for the collection e, and cases having been had having in- gether with the 1,ta of lots, or block$ all costs incurred in collepting same if said notice and the cc t eces such lot, lots' Pal name or names Of the t id at the time it becomes due and quired into and determined all fee s n and, the and the proPOT- j a' h, c, d c not and providing the rate 01 in- sary to the ajdjudication of all special ben- tracts of land, 0 such owners by T�leans Of owner or owners thereof said tax shall bear from the time efits accruing to S!a' and said hearing hav- t,,n&te amount of the cost of said Paving serest and declaring Such improvements, and gutter, land the cost of said curbing st de" it becomes due until paid. and, O_ to be borne and paid for by such owner 1; Ing been duly closed; as shown by the statement pre - an emergency. ant to the requirements I that the assessment as Pr pard of the City Of Where I pursuant on 68 of the it appear ng mentioned resolution o City Engineer Pre - Whereas, of Sect' the above` A. pared by the t is hereby. f Subdiv (h) passed in b y Charter of the City of Beaumont. the City I ssed on the 11th day Of Fri I ter Beaumont.. which said amount upon suct' of Beaumont and assessed as Z 86"Eacts of land Opo Commission City d Pa with the exceptions hereinafter levied ar I s Ort tracts of the D. 1930, n of lots. bloc n are in all respects fair and eclu lots parts e noted, will be a Full a as , -wit: caused to be published for the time and show manner required therefor by th , e I able and that there n, to ,,dOBt in the rr of the resolution of a notice " . adequate and special benefit to the sbut city charter, the lith day adeq said commission, Passed on PRELIMINARY PAVING ASSESSMENT. t Lin" victoria Strc�t to West Line Railroad Avenue. contractor. 0 lour �arfiel dind Company. 0* Milam Street From Eas on "V'. p`4 -vin. $3.�o Per Front F Total 5 -Inch concrete Base and Accessories Pavement I-Tneh Duraco 6 Curb 19, 30 Foot Roadway. rovements $3,612.47. Cur stij�ted Cost.?f IMP paving C St Amount Cent Foot $0.30. Total E property cost r Contract Date November 2 Lin. Feet Curb Cast Per Lineal F Lot Bloc k Frontage 45-00 561.51 Property owner— 147.59 516.57 150 15.00 190. 00 'In CRARY ADDITION— 2 50 175-00 50 i5.00 190.00 ................ li and 18 2 115.00 50 19010 Jefferson ............ i* 23 and 24 50 }5.00iiies R. E 1-3 2 , 2 50 175.00 50500 560.90 to E. Hartnett ....................... c 1-3 22, 23 and 24 01 4 515.90 150 570.00 H. Hall ...... 1-3 p, 23 and 24 1 150 45.00 Josey 525.00 C M — 180,00 R Miller a .......... 25 213 and 27 3 151 2262.47. Or Richard Carey, Sr ........ 31 and 32 --- 6-00 1"350.00 Joe FeTtItta .......... 594.99 2,082.47 ..... ... 1,350-00 •... — isre TOTAL PROPERTY OWNERS' PORTION...-.::-'.:::::'.*.: ....... ...... - 3,612.47. a PORTION — _�0_0 180.09 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY ...................... 594.99 3,432.47 3n of the yule requiring or GRAND TOTAL ....................... parts of lots, blocks or the suspensdi on three everal a ay 0 6 superior to all other passage. Wherefore, so levied said lot, lots, nances to be readefo e di - said • amounts tracts o' land SUP and •before their ed a this ordl-. Sec. 2.—That e due and Pay- I claims, or titles except city, cOunty'sonal rule is hereby suspended, s oand assessed shall becOm id constitute a Per own- ashell be in ful he& - ,Pon the completion of the paving state taxes,a% nsowiler r fand aftritspassable I rgablockstion of said streetUponwhih f said10ts, Partsoflots'tion. afrmtivevote of fillupon the POr oers 0 passed by b 4th lot, 10 S )arts of lots, blk' f land.portions of ion this -the said and abut, and the or tracts 0 fact that the COMM a front a: See. —The V are in members of the tract Of Is and as- 3'p.�amed street as indicated y of March A. D. 1930. C. As: hereby levied 1 dize the . t of the OS 11 cting the ,ibOv4,qo, and jeopar h Safety da M. WHITE, amount t of collectible an• Mayo* e c sess , together with per bad ccn a cent ( � �le traveling Wereon create& w, and teres t save er Ij otible - of the Pe awn from e d. same A co j�j, re, VW9W