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ORD 51-G
WL ZC.• J 1- Y 6 x- 2'e- 11,1 Z Z AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE REGULATING HOUSE -PIPING, APPLIANCES, FIX- TURLS AND APPARATUS INSTALLED FOR THS PURPOSE OF USING GAS IN ALL B1:ILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF GAS CONSUMERS, AND THE INSTALLATION, CON- STRUCTION, Rg-CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR THEMOF IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; PROVIDING FOR BONDS TO BE GIVEN BY THOSP WHO DO SUCH WORK; PROVIDING FOR PS1WITS AND EMNALTETS; BE IT ORDiLIN3D BY THS CITY COMMISSION OF THC; CITY OF BEAUMONT t Section 1. That the City Plumbing Inspector and his assistgnts be and are hereby authorized, empowered and directedt a. To inspect all house -piping, appliances, fixtures, and appara- tus, and to approve all gas -burning appliances to be hereafter in- stalled, placed in, or in any manner connected in buildings and struc- tures of every character in the City of Beaumont, and to see that all the rules and regulations of said City of Beaumont with respect there- to are properly complied with. b. To inspect and re -inspect all such house -piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus and the installation, construction, alteration or repair thereof whenever and as often as they shall deeps it necess- ary in order to minimize the danger of fire and accident, or injury to persons or property; and the said City Plumbing Inspector and his assistants be and they are hereby authorized, empowered, and di- rected to cause all such piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus and installation thereto to be done in such manner as not to be liable to cause fire, or accident, or injury to life or property. c. No gas appliance, fixture or apparatus whether for heating, illuminating or hot water heating shall be installed until thetype of said appliance, apparatus or fixture has been inspected and approved by the City Plumbing Inspector or his assistants; and it is hereby further ordered that no gas -burning appliance that is not connected with a vent be approved unless it meets the approval of the American Gas Association. Oqq uo .1v4jvG tQu4 pue t joe'lag4 Tsr.o,zddu aqq ao 04UP at{; 2uTraoTTOJ ;Yau .zvnusr ao Avp 494TJ STM ua aaTdze T Tgks pasTnba t uT a zoq puoq PIIS ljoaaaq4 eouvnaa l uT opvw s :oTgs�rtf?e,z pue a �zz.x 014 puv oouv -uTPJO $T44 aQPun Ju;4.v,x0<10 UT sats44 T J-vVN pive jo 00ua2 j rV*u dq so 'VIc Lativea 3'o S413 oLa do stuoTgejnBaki pue voIna[ vvaouv..,Tpro aq4 xAT-A ALIdUOU 04 0-nTlvS oq4 ;0 uo*v(#,t Aq 'p9gwozgquj auoujad sougo .xtzV .xo �4� at: �� t;o dqT3 ort4 dQ Peu"tp4na aeTanuT,uv •soz�fp `68"iw, :xO "34600 IT' ;Tuva rvojaa:vq 'pegsa.raq vtjoaxad xSg4O tX• pus duv Pu's g4uown"aT Jo ATO au4 PEW -1. PUB XJTtnu9V' -T TTvT' puv IJOOJG.44 aauvns.rn,-' UT off; c auGTt::T:2G.r zm esTrz <::x I•Ce Pue SOUVuTP -.to 91"4 Jo OU TaT"'O'f PLa ST -"04 oq4 +T.Ix dTdt::c'ZI dllr4l441;vJ TYvq's uoTgv.rodsoo 40 OL.ITJ 'm aja t. Ljons 4 tSu4 ',PoY-roT4Tr,uua `(00*C)OO"To savTTorT Ptivario .0 Quo jo wno aqq uT oq o4 puoq PTse *.j*uvTvjj -Jug PUS c;;+► QJ 04 RV kglo oq4 .4q pi�Ao%xuuv eq ev qOng Av'VTQd Otturc,xnakT 02veUsP pua ATTtgvTT jo IpVoq sAaammu-[d v "Wvras "guOm'rLvQG JO ATO atM JO 3POT3 d4T10 aq4 g4ga ►.,O:VVQ;Odvp puv pvanoo,au 40als aA�ju llugs uaTgs,aodaOD 40 "LTJ OU06dad Mons 114un 4UOWAve9 ao ATO OTM Ul 2UT44Tj-uuV jo esrauxanq aqq uT odvVue eq U0T4vaOd.ioo 40 OWATJ OuQuaiAl Axv ao; 'injuil n aq TTs101 4I v uaT4a0q * joaaQgq JTvd9A aO uaT4 €raagTs Sus uT JO uoT4o&aa pue uoT4orutgvaoa TvuTBT,ro aqq UT aq a,`:.es oq4 aDOOgAt 6uTaa+a44 pasn 9TeTat94vw OTt oq aATgsTa r JO `jOajQgl jTt?daj jo 'tIOT4v'r TvgsuT a4 ' an4ftieddv to 'sa-zngYTS ' aaOUNTTddv "ftTdTd•-Q9nO .l gvrt s Auv o; 9uTgvT as f ootmuTpao *Tti4 JO auoTSTAOJd Oq4 AepUn 2uEsT,xv vuOTgaonb jTv apToop ptxe uodn favd aq puv "eoT4nP xT®.-j ja lt2.xrtgosTP a'q4 UT SwT4 duo qe 0 q VaTad JO OTTgnd joggoqa 'sasT; oad 40 a.mpnatga Auv txe4ue oq A4T.zougnv TIUJ MIA pagss►A dgea:e- OjW puv rquotunOgg So g41G0 91.14 jo vww 4T' 0;14 JO UOT4o04TP aq4 a 6p n puv s,xepao Oct o4 4cerqus sq ITtr.ta 9Tr'W4eT99e BT -4 Ptm aogoodsuT 2uTq mTl t4T:) 9,44 qr"Z 2 Y e * SeOUVITddx JO Oouv-vT dv ftTmewo vio AT14 Q,4 IIOT j.i?W=O .1040M OY4q so g+sTgt:o Qqq WOJJ acTpc:aq�r® try dare 1 Tx� eT a�3Td sr wq4 se pact qu reptrn eq pus TMaT 04 pePup4 ; Agvaaq sT „ 5 :Z i -ac r e WJ04'614 4aIU � '�'T4eafi *posh aR ttvys uoT4dTaosep Aus ao sadTd pass to puvt;-puuova ou puv • s4aa3sp Ioggo .xo 94Tlds wosa vara 1TOO48 poZjuvAIVJ JO xuvjq guoiT 4tfanoJA .94TTeab aseq outj 30 oq TTTtP I-ACT413tiv44uT "9 UT PAM edTd •s 4 uoi400g * OOUWUT T,ao s Tu4 JO sua Ts T ao.zd AOT40 04 wJOJ'1G ► 4 snit uoTzvT v46uT gang VtM 4jGAOAOq *BuTpTdo.xd "9AO49 $s8 auo a0a UO'P*auuOO 04 1I4ftoT UT 4a*J ©ATS BuTpasfl -ZO 4Ou AOOTa eq4 aeogv ouTT se8 posodxe us saa peuvrT 4Twasd ou Pug opv19' oq paeu uoj'4vOTTddv irot'.s au lrt�T. :wMT4de0x3 *PVPTA -"d s04JVUT"04 sv 4doa'Yo 6x,10, , tIOUa ap 04 MIT*,{ ?u k- &TJO-- nv aoTaao axao4eadsulTqmnt T,,,) etq uxar3 4T :..zod v BuTuT84Oo 4saTJ 4n€ OPL 4uxrstav" JO 4T3 044 JO 111 ; -.ZTT LIT o oq'4 UIL" STA SuTPITN PIO !,O JAOU Auv UT 20MVITci .v <m H rydTci oanott ao UOT4-TI,;4s;'T og UGT4vtQ41• •xv JO ITVV7,UT 04 uosasd 1", ,roa In —4T.Uu aq I E-Wi. ';T 4 uoT�,a�c; *ss;auTsnq ao GOQTd 81.4 4's ATstmnotdsuoo aau+suTT aTtT AvTdsTp TTv?;s X014 -W-042 Pistcaoii uau3 *O 'UJOJA- i Zo3 PapTnoid sv a(so.�a T.zotts Auv 2-.xTc p j.zojoq *WJ MUDIO UTA.101E prxoq (-),q4 mauaka o t,�s.xjubea aaq Ttwgs onuvul E qQn* VUTUTv4as aca'gzatu Ozgpzoq dTga.xetu4jvd ,ato Avvauuvo Auv ,TO crot41M.Lo 'sTV Ou'l 3o 4u0Atr ei,�4 UI -q *atgvja©asu .z4 Oq 4ou TtW79 x'suooTT t Tvs puw *p6710n sst:Tuu 1ooti<•vresT ao 9!4wp eta BuTpevooawg 4xou i.tvnttvP ao svp 4c xl3 vqq TTzun ung IMP RVT" x asusioll • 4urmuve3 ao S41D au4 3o ao4ovdaul guTgz;MEd et(4 uaoas :?XnOOad I LW,4s %'ZO& $q3 ©p 04 �jaT sop ur,T4e,xodzoa so 'w.vT3 *Ter, t�►Ti�'aT 414 %-Z--Wu'gag J0 4410 DZI ao .zaB-:;urA J410 4q4 Iq PUoq P;vs ao tsd04412 aqq uodu 4 i:qX Ow *g U014aag ue Wwpt ;Vaq, ,rual aq4 BuTsrip aoumuTpxo al,44 3a swao4 2-t{4 ssapuu scop eq gstIa 3goia :xana ',[U JOAOO 04 uOj3?UO'idOO JO `L.ZT.T 'uossed Tp -as Au -s Aq u,)nTd uq .Elvgs p4aTnbaa uTa,to,4 su Gous4agns Pv "o3 uT puoq sau v Axenuep ftT,,oTIo.T sq -4 3n Alp !;I xlj a b. Pips lines constructed under ground, as for instance from a hcydge to garage or aoxhra>it's qu�:xters, shia"Ll do of a gal- vanized or pro,:,erly cos ted pipe. o. All stops and hoje ^003k3 used in connection with gas house -piping shall be of a standard gscwde q d. Ous fitting. smaller then three inches shall be of or galvani 2'O Falleable iron. Cu M, iron fittings may by used In pipes above three inches. Bushings t-iust not be used on ocrecaled .rock, but faced bushing may be used on exposed "ork. Three-way valves are not permitted in any case. Unions or running thread shall not be used on concealed gats pipet wbether in original om- struction or repairs. In cases of rorairs requiring a :ire to be crit, it shall be reconnected with right and lmft Wire,aded coupling. The use of ce-:,t,rit for repeiring split in faulty pipe or fittings shall not be newrd tted. Seati"A 8 Rulas Sovernirg size Ea xxi length of nine anri greatest number of openinve allowed in piping bull.dings t FOP, GAS RANOT'S "TI., I::'STANE IS STM -.'C. TrYli : "'VER IMATFIt S 8/4 -inch --------- 40 feet - inch ------- 70 foot 1-1/4 -inch -------100 feet Heater fiber Size 3 1 - inch 4 1-1/4 - inch 6 1«-1/2 - inch 8 2 -inch Ure a t- e s t Length Allowed 31Se of Pipe Or.aatest Tength Allowed inch • i b. Pips lines constructed under ground, as for instance from a hcydge to garage or aoxhra>it's qu�:xters, shia"Ll do of a gal- vanized or pro,:,erly cos ted pipe. o. All stops and hoje ^003k3 used in connection with gas house -piping shall be of a standard gscwde q d. Ous fitting. smaller then three inches shall be of or galvani 2'O Falleable iron. Cu M, iron fittings may by used In pipes above three inches. Bushings t-iust not be used on ocrecaled .rock, but faced bushing may be used on exposed "ork. Three-way valves are not permitted in any case. Unions or running thread shall not be used on concealed gats pipet wbether in original om- struction or repairs. In cases of rorairs requiring a :ire to be crit, it shall be reconnected with right and lmft Wire,aded coupling. The use of ce-:,t,rit for repeiring split in faulty pipe or fittings shall not be newrd tted. Seati"A 8 Rulas Sovernirg size Ea xxi length of nine anri greatest number of openinve allowed in piping bull.dings t FOP, GAS RANOT'S "TI., I::'STANE IS STM -.'C. TrYli : "'VER IMATFIt S 8/4 -inch --------- 40 feet - inch ------- 70 foot 1-1/4 -inch -------100 feet Heater fiber Size 3 1 - inch 4 1-1/4 - inch 6 1«-1/2 - inch 8 2 -inch Ure a t- e s t Length Allowed 70 100 100 125 No. o: f:lixes 1 1 3 6 14 10 10 12 12 31Se of Pipe Or.aatest Tength Allowed inch 15 fee=t 3 inch50 feet 1 inch 125 fe k:. t 1-1/4 inch 400 feet 3/4 inch 30 feet I Lich 100 foot 1-1/4 inch 120 YeL.t I--1/2 inch 125 feet 1-1/4 inch 40 feet I-1/^ is ich 90 feet 1-1/4 inch 30 feet 1-1/2 Inch 75 feet 1-1/4 inch 15 feet 70 100 100 125 No. o: f:lixes 1 1 3 6 14 10 10 12 12 6y a-, a,r -( , �ectim 14 Rulon governing the size of miry run. of }piping in horses and flats w* a. houses and flats containin.F_ five rooms and under, the main run to the k$tchen for fuel rmt be not lose than 1 inch. IN diameter. :'_ehedu`..e of Pipe sizes for Gowtoating ".•eneths Of 1'4m to n'� ter 1~th of ilipe 5 3 fee it 100 feet 180 foot Feet 6 hp 1 inch 1 Laah 1-1/4 inti: 1.1/4 inCh 10 hp 1.1/4 inolh 1-1/2 inab 1s-1/2 inch I inch is hp 1wl/4 in& 2 Lneh 2 inch 2 inch Qp hp mail R Inch 2 Inch 2 i»ab. yp hp inch 2 ir.& 2 ineb 34 hp 2 inch 2-1/2 Lwh : • 3~eh 3 Inch 80 hr 2-]e/? inch 2.1/2 inch 3 i neb 3 inch For hot -sir furnsetb, boilers, ate•, using burners having two or trr a mixers , Wo 1-1/4* pip* • SOW= 9 Rtes governing size and lertsth of Piro and latest nutter of openi,nr-s allored in piping tuildirWs for use of gas appliarzres» Y' f{ We, -in. Pi,,* Pipes 3/4 fire Piro Pi ne r i; X'Sp® Wipe clutiets ",in. lnl$ 1 -int, 1t.in• 2 -in. 2 ,-In* 3-i.n• 1 %. 50 70 100 1.150 w Z) 4C3® 2 27 so 70 100 150 Wr j zoo 4010 3 12 30 70 100 150 !!0r 3+1r 4( 4 ...• €0 70 100 flit? Qty Boo 480 5 317� 70 100 1.811 200 306 400 f «. 94 70 100 150 200 g wo g .... 1.3 bC:j 100 150 200 31`10 400 10 __ ... 33 100 180 200 300 400 13 ,... w+. 21 84 130 0 400 ! w+. .w� 16 45 r2o �2y00 G�ny0F� y 3'''() �0 +rr •w Ts meow ! 65 too 360 400 5 ..w •... •... 17 42 178 300 400 30 i2, 30 1201 300 4W 1 .... -. «... .'w 90 "0 400 4'.) .,. :- wr .... '�7tL�3 1110 40/�y% 4E w.r rw Mw. wr. ry17 13 i.5 lob Soo' 5448 rr wr w� wr o►.. 138 330 88 e"" mew w• 4M. ?7 so 200 78 ww rr ,,.,,.,. r.. ww V, 180 140 !.. ,... � r �.,. «,. .►.. 33y so 125 i,.. ,►..' r.,. ,.,. —+ w wG i r 180 .. �. .,... .... N .... w+ 18 35 176 «.. ..- ww ..- 211 200 -- .» ..,. Va— .._ ..,. .... 21 �ectim 14 Rulon governing the size of miry run. of }piping in horses and flats w* a. houses and flats containin.F_ five rooms and under, the main run to the k$tchen for fuel rmt be not lose than 1 inch. IN diameter. be Houses and flats hearing -orb than floe rows and less than twelve roor+s, thy+ ninim m sir=e of the main stern to the kitchen for fuel ms t be 1-1/4 inc3h. a. In residences halting ~ore than twelve rooms, the minima size run to the kitchen must be 1-1/2 inch. In each case one hill size opening shall be left in the kitchen foar gas range, etc* For large buildinga, or wf oro usnxsua l cDnditions are mist with, commensurate sizes nmfjt •be used. The branch supply pipes to a1.1 @*&Ing stares, ranges, and water heaters (circulating, instantaneaQ4 and autaw►t1o) shall be ane commercial size 1 -ager than the inlet connection of above mentioned appliances, and no runs fro~, mains or branch supply line to arrliaree Ball be ie+sa than 2,/2 inch. Risers in buildings must in no case be less than 5/4 inch. Pipes httd under ground shall be at lei&t 1 inch in diameter. etloa 11 IAll house -piping shall be properly graded to a drip of ar�Mle vise located in an accessible, place. ^.ore space will I; permit house -pipe will be drained away from r=ector to a drip placed at far nd of rain supFlg line. Otherwise drip will be ?placed at w:eter cation and pipe graded to some. 11 house -piping shall be securely fastened to floor joists or sill with either galvani>•ed -ipe straps or ripe hooks, or with perfors ed ripe straps, and in such a manner as to prevent pipe from as ping and becon4ing trapped* e following maxism; aracing of suprorts shall be used: A inch or 1/2 inch ripe 6 feet /4 inch or 1 -inch. pir.+ea 8 feet -1/4 inch or larger Piro (horizontal)16 feet -1/4 Inch or lArger ripe (vertical) each floor her in running ripe it in necessary to crow through snood joists^ b*& -,e, they shall be notched as lit -le as possible, but never t a depth of � yore than one-fifth of the depth of the timber* his no�ching s' all be as close as possible to a point of support of I the timlber, and should in no case be further iron support t'^an one- sixth o� the total unsuprorrted open of the► timber. 4hon feasible, w�. thO nLpia r shcaild ran so that only timbers hexing the shortest spans shall be out. No ime ripe shall be ran Glos*r than 6 inoft?os to otty e lestri.n wire unless such electric wire be inside of conduit, 8"tioent Gass motet not be suprlied fry a smaller rl .+ to a 2estMvr cn- j!�. 4 -ban neaeesssar-y to connect two sites of pj", , a reducing ccnpliaag StR31L be used* All. brave, M,-tlot r.,l.r s shall be taken frw, top or sides of rain Ma.pply l Lnoa , a;xl :%ewer rram t'•A►i ov * Whert ext4ma .ons to hcmase-piping air* rado, eare r.�ust bo ttalren to breaks p7.-�" W-x%,re the rule .for size e;".� n bre mmintalned, see1si�ean M '^Own est house -pipe line is laid and^rgr*nnd, Ralvanizead pig of not less than ont inch in. diameter shall be used and ►!asst be run to sal sstralltit line, and drained to an accesnlble aatisl suitable s phon drip• alvaniased or lrlaok r*tal gas Pipinp► shall not be UJA In n tnd s - <!,xn este►. winders ar any i3mvoslve ase Meria 1 unless piPO is c aVca?od with sasspha I t or pitch, and wrapped with burlap painted with tar.. SLOQtiosct 14 l sah sand OTC -.Y gas gtoae, rang+, cooking item►e, hot water heater saw- other gas consuming axmli.anoo shall be nrex t4 r.d with a lever handled stop cock located In the ri,xer abeNe t1ie floor, and below Who imlon, at W-�o ezprliancto. �ueri stop cook Whii1l be readily acoessrsible at all tines . So dovi ca or wtta; F:mr-ut be 1nst�x *led nn any np.. pllaknee 'Which ma;,y in any Vra7 Impair Vivi, soj�buetlon mf to i^ gasv r1s ce:t_anatiin to itovsi, :cru^fts, cooking vtoves, 1-ot water 1-:,aatoras an -d nt':ar ap, 111ancaess a►,s 11. b-) --ade by rigid, metal can• no dtions;, in all buildings used for comesrel al pu r c ,9s + k lex- able matal or rubber tubil.E of r.c-t over six fact i;: length may be used f'or connect1cx.s for a° -all portable ?gating ssFPliar.res, in private rets'idenessi proro►ided there is no cock on such pert- �*r able heating appliance. No stove, range, cooking stove, hot water heater, or other appliance, nor ary portion of same which comes in direct contact with the gas flames or hot gases shall be placed less than ten (10) inches from any wood work or wooden lath and plaster partition, un- less such wood work or partition is properly protected by metal shields. Such metal shields shall be securely attached so as to preserve an air space of not less than one inch between shield and wood work behind them, and where such shield is so placed the clearance as above specified may be reduced to six (6) inches. Section 15. a. No gas stove, water heater, or similar appliance, shall be directly connected with a flue that serves another appliance or apartment, except that vents from several apartments may be united in the attic where capacity is suif4itivnia to take care of discharge. b. Furnaces and water heaters must be provided with vent and flue connections at least as large as the vent connections on the furnace or water heater and extend to open air at least two feet above roof, and terminate with a screened cap. e. Ranges, hot plates, etc., used in hotels, restaurants and hamburger stands, where gas is used for fuel, must be provided with canopies properly vented into brick, tile or metal flues extending to open air at least two feet above the roof. Vents to gas appliances, whether the same be concealed inside of partitions, under floors, or enclosed in any manner shall be in- stalled in such manner as to comply with the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. d. Pater heaters and gas appliances having pilot burners must be provided with down draft devices above the fixture in the vent, near the appliance. e. When air or oxygen under pressure is used in connection with the gas supply, effective means shall be provided to prevent the air or oxygen from going back into the gas piping. f. Central heating plants and automatic gas steam radiators must be provided with a gaskegulator set ahead of meter to regulate the flow of gas to the appliances. Central heating boilers must ■.M Mn"e an automatics terimerature or pressure eent"I on the bailor itaa:.i', cc=uze*ewing to a quick aetUV cr snap acting gas valve in the Impxly lire to the bailor. A gas me ssire regulator or govern- or requiring access to the atrtospin.are tot, suceessfu! "oration shculd be vented to the miter air, or into a c^r;bustior ebaaebor ad 4acer.t tc a eortati;.rzt1y burning pilot. Section 1 The Cottee-pipir,F lu a buil ingr shall be terted air tight by the pan fit terl `r..d before the T irce a -•e concealed, the7 must be inspeatedt the tout witnossed, a certificate of inspection issued, and an invpecticn to attached to sun),, piping by the Uity ?lumbing Inspector* The test or Aotise•pirl%AF, aP of l be rade ?7v. eloairf; *11 oprrirrs and sur; ectSrWtl.e pipes to sraa air prosst;:re. titiat; x=111 efurr t r volume Cf Morcury t..ea sol 3xxQ•n6a in 1 eight, Lr this Coln= of : e ;.txx is sup; or•tejs' by the aIr rres f-ure for at least fifteen (11,) minuto%ep t*:e piping shrd_1 be c a© iai(lered i:.: r%),it• `::ter chall nvt be used iii testing cas p3pw, for leaket w1d pipl. Into ta�'.ch a':er ;gas born '! rltrc iucod will not be uMrvred, but rt1'. lx eomder:med as fal: tT. !! ti tAnt is not rnr.-Atted Under azW eircumstanaos ora Inni,da work* mon the gas fitter ha& oorplotod Vis sy, tel o; pipin..g and has all bronch and braek*t extansions are, heater operin a firmay and pcsr-aanentlr fastwr►!+o1, 're mall test tie pIrtrg aid if found tight, anal t r(oke spplictation for teats with t1he Glt'y Pluabir,, Ir:speatore Who k lunbin& lnspector, or one or Y.is asW tants, will call and inareat the piping and vitro** the teait, and if he finale Lnt, griping tif:t and tre sizes azo work in aeconiance with the proviainns ar titis orjinanc of then the City • lumbing Inspector or such aar ttant will issue and deliver a certificate as indicated below. GLi,T1 r'Ic-ATE This is to certify that I havo examined ard witnessed test of gas fitting done o* fixtures hung by In tho '-- ui ldtng koe btreet and have fatind that the $a -TO is installed in compliance with ordinance. governing gas fitting in the City of Beaumont. City Plumbing Inspector By. Section 17. Any additional piping or outlets installed after a certificate is granted must be reported for inspection and test. Section 18. For inspection of new gas piping, extensions, branch lines and altera- tion work in any building the Plumbing Inspector shall charge and collect from the person, firm, or corporation applying for such inspection, the sum of one Dollar for each inspection up to fifteen outlets, and ten cents for each additional outlet in excess of this number. Section 19. If the house pipes are not tight, or if the construction and installa- tion of the fixtures, piping and appurtenances, do not conform to the provisions of this ordinance, when the inspector is called for inspection and approval, and it is necessary for the inspector to make another in- spection, then there shall be made and collected, a charge of fifty cents for each additional trip, for inspection. Section 20. In piping any house for gas the. Distributor of the gas shall decide and designate in every case where the gas meter is to be located. The fitter shall extend the house -piping line to this point, leaving a swing joint so that pipe can be connected to outlet of meter connec- tion. No one other than employees of the supplier of the gas will be per- mitted to connect or disconnect any gas meter, connect to or disturb piping between main and meter. In no instance will a gas meter be installed under the floor of any building that does not have sufficient ventilation, and when a meter is installed under a house that has a skirting, an opining of at least 2 ft. R 2 ft. must be provided in the skirting of the building within 2 ft. of the gas meter. f No gas meter shall be installed in a small unvente d or con- fined space. When the gas meter is located on the outise of the building in an exposed place, a waterproof cabinet boa with door sufficiently large to permit of setting and removing meter shall be provided. When to accommodate different tenants, one or more meters are desired in a given building, the gas supplying company will set as many meters as there are separate consumers, connecting the meters to one service pipe, provided that the risers or pipes leading to these different tenants are extended to within eighteen incheso the proposed location of the meters, wbbh are to be set in the same location. Risers should not be scattered, but should drop together in allignment to the room where meters are to be set. They should be kept at least three inches apart. Meters should not be placed where they will be subject to damage, such as in driveways, public passages and halls, The supplyer of Gas shall install all meters at any reason- able time and place designated by the Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 21. The City Plumbing Inspector s1lall furnish to the Supplyer of Gas a copy of each Certificate of Inspection which he or his assistant issues, and this will be authority for the Supplyer of Gas to install gas service at the building or premises covered by the Certificate of Inspection. In no case shall the Supplyer of Gas turn gas into new, or altered or repaired house -piping system, until receipt of Certifi- cate of Inspection covering same. SECTION 22. The City Plumbing Inspector shall shut off or cause to be shat off, all gas service in residence or business houses in Beaumont, when in his judgment the house -piping or appliances are + 1 f No gas meter shall be installed in a small unvente d or con- fined space. When the gas meter is located on the outise of the building in an exposed place, a waterproof cabinet boa with door sufficiently large to permit of setting and removing meter shall be provided. When to accommodate different tenants, one or more meters are desired in a given building, the gas supplying company will set as many meters as there are separate consumers, connecting the meters to one service pipe, provided that the risers or pipes leading to these different tenants are extended to within eighteen incheso the proposed location of the meters, wbbh are to be set in the same location. Risers should not be scattered, but should drop together in allignment to the room where meters are to be set. They should be kept at least three inches apart. Meters should not be placed where they will be subject to damage, such as in driveways, public passages and halls, The supplyer of Gas shall install all meters at any reason- able time and place designated by the Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 21. The City Plumbing Inspector s1lall furnish to the Supplyer of Gas a copy of each Certificate of Inspection which he or his assistant issues, and this will be authority for the Supplyer of Gas to install gas service at the building or premises covered by the Certificate of Inspection. In no case shall the Supplyer of Gas turn gas into new, or altered or repaired house -piping system, until receipt of Certifi- cate of Inspection covering same. SECTION 22. The City Plumbing Inspector shall shut off or cause to be shat off, all gas service in residence or business houses in Beaumont, when in his judgment the house -piping or appliances are U 0 ♦ 1 unsafe. The gas will remain shut off until such times as the un- safe conditions are corrected by the property owner or the fitter installing same, and a Certificate of Inspection issued by the City Plumbing Inspector and a copy thereof furnished to the Supplyer of Gas, after which the Supplyer of Gas may restore the service. SECTION 23. No person, firm or corporation other than the Supplyer of Gas owning the service, or supplying gas through the service, shall at any time turn on any valve or coik on any gas service or open or make connection to any gas service or main. The term "Gas Service" is understood to mean and is hereby defined as the gas pipe leading from a main to a meter or meter location. SECTION 24. The City Plumbing Inspector shall decide all controversies be- tween the Supplyer of Gas and the contractors, owners of premises, consumers or customers which may arise under this Ordinance, and his decision shall be final, subject to an appeal to the City Commission. SECTION 25. Penalty. Any person, firm, association, or corporation that shall fail to comply with or violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or fail to comply with any order of the City Plumbing Inspector made hereunder, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five ($5.00), nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars for each offense, or the license of such person, firm, assooiation or corpo t on may be /7 revoked, or both fine and revocation of lice y b �J;d. MAYOR. Passed this, the 28th day of August, A.D. 1928. The State- of Texas, Count/ of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ................ .... .. .. ...........known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says that he is the .�v.������.. of the $El a BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: j�V .... b 7 ....(F ... A. D. 192 8 , , and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tached. ... T •.... "yr . r - Sworn to and subscribed before me, this .... j�... day 4�- 1929. .. ..�..... Notary Pabiic, effeson C nty, Texas. 74—Legal Notices 74—Legal Notices under the terms of this ordinance during Ing stoves, hot water heaters and other the year beginning on January 1. appliances shall be made by rigid metal Section b. a. TQhat�upon theeapoprOL&I1 ctions in all buildings used for com- 9t.neW or The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ..... . ......... . known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says that he is the .Z�.., .. ..J���`: �u , of the BENUMON�N - BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: .... `. 7- .: : ...... A. D. 192,, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tacked. Sworn to* and subscribed before me, this.day .... ..... . ... . D. 192 �} . y Notary Public, Jefferson unty, Texas. 74—Legal Notices 74—Legal Notices his license conspicuously at his place of business. water heater, or other appliance, nor Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any contPortion ct twith thyme which comes Sn direct erann to install or make alteration to shall be placed less sflames or than ten (10) hottlnches liOus_ a DipinS or •ncea . from opd work or wooden lath q� pastition, un1odess on ' vtJ vpn ,.t=a L# sumers, a• __ and repel. reconstruction providing 1t city of Beaumont: o do suc"I be given by those hand Pena Tiding for p the city Be it ordained e y t: of the_cit9 of That the city T a 8. It shall be unlawful for any to eration to Ionloftall or make t house piping orappliances iew or old building within the city ,f the city of Beaumont without staining a permit from the city such inspector's exceptoffice ashereinaftoriziner exceptions: That no such application dbe made do permit iexposed gas theis sued anfloor exceeding five feet In length to con - tion for one gas stove, providing, how - r, that such installation must conform other provision& of this ordlnance. iction 7. a. Material: Pipe used ss installation shall be of the best lty wrought iron, black or galvanized , free from splits or other defects no *cond-hand or used pipes of any riptfon shall be used. b. Pipe lines constructed under ground, �a for Instance from a house to garage �! servant's quarters, shall be of a Bal- nized or properly coated pipe. 11 stops and hose cocks used In with 5" how YWM- obw O a standard grade. d. Gas fittings smaller than three Inches shall be of galvanized or malleable Icon. Cast iron fittings may be used in g1pes above three Inches. Bushings must ot be used on concealed work, but faced bushing may be used on exposed work. Three-way valves are not per- mitted in any case. Unions or running thread shall not be used on concealed gas pipes whether in original construction or repairs. In cases of repairs requiring a pipe to be cut, it shall be reconnected with right and left thread coupling. The use of cement for repairing split in faulty pipe or fittings shall not be permitted. Section 8. Rules governing size and length of pipe and greatest number of openings allowed in piping buildings: For gas ranges and instantaneous and storage type water heaters: 40 feet 3/4 -inch ..................... 1- inch ......................... 70 feet I'/. -inch ............ .. .. ......100 feet w„r—tamatic water heaters: Greatest Length Allowed 70 100 100 125 etc.: No. of Flrea 1 1 1 1 J 42 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 sa Eo piener�ve an air IM&M or net less ban one Inch between shield and wood vork behind them, nd where such shield s so placed the cleaarance as above speci- 'ied may be reduced to six (6) inches. Section 15. a. No gas stove, water seater or similar appliance, shall be di- rectly connected with a flue that serves another appliance or apartment, except :hat flues from several apartments m5Y au united in the attic, where capacity is sufficient to take care of discharge. b. Furnaces and water heaters must be provided with vent and flue connections at least as large as the vent connections Dn the furnace or water heater and extend to open air at least two feet above roof, and terminate with a screened cap. c. Ranges, hot plates, etc., used in hotels, restaurapts and hamburger stands, where gas !s used for fuel, must be pro- vided with canopies properly vented into brick, tile or metal flues extending to open air at least two feet above the roof. Vents to gas appliances, whether the same be concealed Inside of partitions, under floors, or enclosed in any manner shall be installed in such manner as to --1. with the reaufremants of the Na - or connecting Pipe 50 100 150 225 feet feet feet feet hp 1 inch 1 inch 11/4 inch 11/4 inch hp 11/4 inch I% inch IY2 inch 1 inch hp 11/4 Inch 2 inch 2 inch 2 inch hp 11/2 inch 2 inch 2 inch 2 inch 0 hp 11/2 Inch 21/2 inch 2 inch 2 inch 0 hp 2 inch 21/2 inch 21/2 inch 9 inch 0 hp 21/2 inch 21/2 inch 3 inch a inch Hot air furnaces: For hot air fur - iacea, boilers, etc., using burners having RO or Section hree 9. Rules mixers, overning~ inh sic a Pand length of pipe and greatest number of avenins allowed in piping buildings to' of Pipe In Feet ro ro_ ro 5 5 n 5 Cr p' rr Cr l50 200 300 40, 110, 556600 200 300 40 200 300 40 L50 200 300 40 L50 200 300 40 150 200 300 40 150 200 300 40 150 200 300 40 150 200 300 40 120 200 300 40 65 200 300 40 42 175 300 40 30 120 300 40 22 90 270 40 17 70 210 4a 13 55 185 M 45 138 31 27 80 2( 20 60 1: .. 33 1 .. .. 22 1 15 1 -ruing the size i houses and flat d. Water heater's and gas appliances Laving pilot burners must be provided vith down draft devices above the fixture n the vent, near the appliance. e. When air or oxygen under pressure s used in connection with the gas sup - sly, effective means shall be provided to srevent the air or oxygen from going lack into the gas piping. f. Central heating plants find automatic ;as steam .radiators must be provided With a gas regulator set ahead of meter o regulate the flow of gas to the ap- illances. Central heating boilers must nave an automatic temperature or pressure ;enures on the boiler itself, connecting :o a quick acting or snap acting gas valve 1n the supply line to the boiler. k gas pressure regulator or governor r:- luiring access to the atmosphere for suc- essful operation should be vented to the outer air, or into a combustion cham- ber adjacent to a constantly burning pilot. Section 16. The house piping in a building shall be tested air tight by the gas fitter: and before the pipes are con- cealed, they must be inspected, the test witnessed, a certificate of Inspection Is- sued, and an inspection tag attached to such piping by the city plumbing in- spector. The test on house piping shall be made by closing all openings and subjecting the pipes to an air pressure that will sup- nrt an height Ifthis olo colof umn mercury tof mercury Is supported by the air pressure for at least fifteen (15) minutes, the piping shall be considered tight. Water shall not be used in testinggas piping for leaks, and piping into which water has been introduced will not bo approved, but will be condemned as faulty. A fire test is not permitted under any circumstances on inside work. When gas fitter has completed the sys- tem of piping and has all branch and bracket extensions and heater open- ings firmly and permanently fast- ened, he shall test the piping and if found tight, shall make application for tests with the city plumbing inspector. The plumbing inspector or one of his assistants, will call and Inspect the piping and witness the test, and if he finds the piping tight and the sizes and work in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, then the city plumbing in- spector or such assistants will issue and deliver a certificate as indicated below. CERTIFICATE No....... This is to certify that I have examined and witnessed test of gas fitting done or fixtures hung by ..................•••••• in the building No . ....... ................ street and have found that the same Is Installed in compliance with ordinance governing gas fitting In the city of Beaumont. ....... i5fty . UMbi ...... ec City Plumbing Inspector By.... .... .. Section 17. Any additional piping or outficate is granted ts imusted rted for l be repotInspection. and test. Section 18. For inspection of new gas piping, extensions, branch lines and al - 1 teration work in any building the plumbing I inspector shall charge and collect from I the person, firm or corporation applying I for such Inspection, the •sum of one dollar I for each inspection up to 15 outl6ts, and I 10 cents for each additional outlet in ex- cess of this number. 1 Section 19. If the house pipes are not 1 tight, or if the construction and installa- tion of the fixtures, piping and appur- tenances, do not conform to the provisions of this ordinance, when the inspector Is called for inspection and approval, and it D is necessary for the inspector to make D another inspection then there shall be D made and collected a charge of 50 cents D for each additional trip for inspection. 0 Section 20. In piping any house for gas 0 the distributor shall decide and designate 0 In every case where the gas meter Is to 8 be located. 8 The fitter shall extend the house piping 1 line to this point, leaving a swing Joint I so that pipe can be connected to outlet -of : meter connection. e No one other than employes of the e supplyer of gas will be permitted to con - ✓1 �— -77 -7-- —: " a. To Inspect all house -piping, apDli- anees, fixtures, and apparatus, and to approve all gas -burning appliances to be hereafter installed, placed in, or in any manner connected in buildings and struc- tures of every character In the city of Beaumont, and to see that all the rules and regulations of said city of Beaumont with respect thereto are properly complied r. To Sna ect and reiel t all ouch appliances, antes,asnfixtures and aP- stus and the installation, construction, ballon or repair thereof whenever and ary order to minshall minimizem It saoffire I accident, or injury to persons or perty; and the said city plumbing In- ctor and his assistants be and they are eby authorized, empowered and directed cause all such piping,appliances, ix - es and apparatus and Installation �reto be liablene to insuchfire nor Esocl- it, or injury to life or property. No gas appliance, fixture or apPa- ;us whether for heating, illuminating or t water heating shall be instpalled until ,torso pe half been isaid nspected aaratus Or nd approved the city plumbing inspector or his as - further at no gas ents; anburning applit is iance that isered not onectemeetsdwthhthevent be aapproval ofrunlessroved the Amerl n Gaa aSection 2.ssociation. hereby intendedThttt a mea and house hereby cod as the gas pipe leading away an ,tending from the outlet of the mete ianection to the gas -consuming aPpu ice or appliances. Section S. That the city plumbing in ettto the o his assistants under sthel be sub directio I the city manager of the city of Beau loot, and are hereby vested with fill " owhether enterto any port private orPreen pee in the discharge of their duties, an pass upon and decide all questions art under the provisions of this ordinanpc d tan fixturesyoruch apparatus, or install or repair thereof, or relative to t terlals used therein, whether the as in the original construction and ere �Sectionor n 4. any t alteration be unlawful forair an loon, firm or corporation to engage business of gas -fitting in the city umont until such person, firm or co ration shall have first procured a posited with the city clerk of the ci Beaumont, Texas, a plumber's be liability and damage insurance poli er us may be formapproved sufficiencthe y sa d to be In the sum of one thousa 000.00), conditioned that such perp rmwith thor e terms and provisioll nal faithfully Inance and all the rules and regu s made in pursuance thereof, and sh Emnify and hold the city of Besumo d any and all other persons Interest rmlas$ against all costs, expenses, da as and injuries sustained pp by the c Beaumont, yeson oor f the sfatlurseons to Int ted, by y with the ordinances, rules and lege a of the city of Beaumont, or gligence or said gas -fitters in operat der this ordinance and the rules ations made in pursuance they d bond herein required shall ex the first day of January next follow e date of apfproval thereof; and th teary a knew rst bc da Ino forma and a ante as herein required shall be gi any such person, firm or corpora cover all such work that shall be d minishum size of the main run e kitchen for fuel must be lye -inch. t C. In residences having more than 12 a rooms, the minimum size run to the 1 kitchen must be lye -inch. In each case e one full size opening shall be left in the t kitchen for gas range, etc. For large buildings, or where unusual conditions are met with, commensurate I sizes moat be used. The branch supply pi es t all cook- 1. in stoves, ranges and water heaters (ctrcublting, instantaneous and automatic) 1 shall be one commercial sloe larger than t the inlet connection of above mentioned appliances, and no runs from mains or i branch supply line to appliance shall be ; lege than 1/2 inch. Risers in buildings must in no case be less than 2/4 inch. Pipes laid under ground shall be at lssst 1 inch in diameter. Section 11. All house piping shall be roperly graded to a drip of amplo size located in an accessible place. Where a ace will permit, house pipe will be drained away from meter to a drip placed at far end of main supply One. Otherwise drip will be placed at meter location and pipe graded to same. All house piping'ehall be securely fast- ened to floor joists or sills with either galvanized pipe straps or pie 1101 in Its, h with perforated pipe Straps, a manner as to prevent pipe from sag- ging and becoming trapped. The following maximum spacing of suppports shall be used: d 'Ys -inch or %-inch pipe, 8 feet. r N4 -inch or 1 -inch pipe, 8 feet. lya-Inch or larger pipe (horizontal) 10 feet. iy4-inch or larger pipe (vertical), each - floor. p I t WhenIn ithroughnwood eit joista ore beam 1 they shall be notched as little ae possible, - but never to a depth of more than one- -fifth of the depth of the timber. This potching shall be as close as possible to a- a point of support of the timber, and e, should in no case be further from eup- 11- port than one-sixth of the total unsup- a- ported span of the timber. When feasible, he the piping should run so that only timbers me having the shortest spans shall be cut, f. inches gas pipe shell electric owireloser unlessan sij such say electric wire be inalde.of conduit. In Section 12. Gas must not be aupplle! of from a smaller pipe to a larger one. r- When necessary to connect two sizes o: an pipe, a reducing coupling shall be used. ty All branch outlet pipes shall be takes nd from top or sides of main supply lines, ani cy never from below. n- Where extensions to house piping ar id nd where the rule care be or sizento can break main on, tained. m- section SS. When a house pipe line Is lal hlei gs underground, inch fnanized dis eterpshall be use all and must be run in a straight line an sit, drained to an accessible and auftabl ed, syphon drip. iM. ty shall! not zed be laid In black metal ick ter- dere or any corrosive material unless pll m- is covered with asphalt or pitch, Sri la- wrapped with burlap painted with tar. by Section 14. Each and every gas stov Ing range, cooking stove, hot water heater or ono other gas consuming appliance shall I of;pOl are locatedovidedInwthe riser leverith a handled the floor, car Ing below the union, at the appliance. Sul ere- atop cock shall be readily accessible at s Wing times. ub- No device or attachment shall be is van stalled on any appliance which may in al tion way impair the combustion of the gas. one (las connection to stoves, ranges, coo $liul dno ;-i sssa S assns umoaq 3jasp sdno Z S) ad under the' floor of any g 1st does not have sufficient ventilation, ad when a meter is installed under a ouse that has a skirting, an opening I at least 21/2 feet by 2 feet must be pro- Ided in the skirting of the building within we feet of the gas meter. No gas meter shall be installed in a mall unvented or confined space. When the gas meter is located on the utaide of the building in an exposed place, waterproof cabinet box with door suf- lotently large to permit of setting and emoving meter shall be provided. When to accommodate different ten- mts, one or more meters are desired in 6 given building, the gas supplying com- )any will set as many meters as there are separate consumers, connecting the meters ,o one service pipe, provided that the .ensnts area extendedt to within to B different inches if the proposed location of the meters, which are to be set in the same location. Risers should not be scattered, but should drop together in alignment to the room where meters are to be not. They should be kept at least three inches apart. Meters should not be placed where they will be subject to damage such as In driveways, public passages and halls. Section 21. The city plumbing inspector shall furnish to the sea company a copy of each certificate of inspection which he or big assistant issues, and this will be authority for the gas company to install gas service at the building or premises covered by the certificate of inspection. In no case shall the gas company turn gas into new, or altered or repaired house piping system, until receipt of certificate of Ins pectiori covering same. Section 22. The city plumbing Inspector shall shut off or cause to be shut off, all gas service in residence or business houses in Beaumont when In his judg- mentthe house piping or appliances are unsafe. The gas .111 remain shut off until such times as the unsafe conditions are corrected b11yy the property owner or oCatO feinispection aisuedsby then city pluand mbing inspector and a copy furnished to the supplyer o1 gas after which the supplyer of gas may restore the service. 8eotioa 23. No person, firm or corporation other than the supplyer of gas owning the service or supplying gas through the serv- ice shall at any time turn on any valve or en or makeck on any connection too any igas ce oservice or main. The term "gas service" is understood to mean and is hereby defined as the gas pipe leading from a main t0 a meter or meter location. Section 24. The city plumbing inspector shall decide all controversies between the I supplyer of gas and the contractors, own- s era of premises, consumers or customers I which may arise under this ordinance, and I his decision shall be final, Subject to D an appeal to the city commission. section 25. Penalty: Any person, firm g association or corporation that shall fal{ to comply with or' violate any of the pro - a visions of this ordinance, or fail to com- d ply with any order of the city plumbing Inspector made hereunder, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- d tion thereof shall be fined in any sum e not I_•ss than five ($5.00) nor more than k two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each d offense, or the license of such person, Is firm• association or corporation may be 11 revoked, or both fine and and revocation of license may be imposed. 1- Passed this, the 28th day of August, Ly A. D. 1928. t - G Mayor. aignop ul Sloop 'zoom! 11 nil pus uoulal aqI PP -6 pule Ilam xl)l 'anoU pule aadad `Iles 'ae9rls aqq pp -8 pus sssa agJ Jeag uteaaa paddlgtA6llilas dna�r_1 t -sndds pas Buidtd IsasnlxTi oil4 Iv noli -111149111 Pus UOTIOnlIVU00 axil ;1 10 4RBTJ IOU ass wdid Q9noq eql iI '61 uoTloag aoqurna sTRl ;o ssao -20 uT lallno IsuollTPps Rasa so; sluao OI pus IvIaTIno Sl of do uolloadsut Rosa so; 21llop 'DUO ;0 runs eqJ 'UOTloadsat Rona ao; ButAlddv UOTlsaodaoo so mal; 'uosaad eql U102; 4091100 pus e919xi0 Ilexis a010adsuT Sulgmnld aql BuIplTnq Aug UT A om uoTJeaal =Ts pas gouTI gzusaq 'guoisualxe 'suldTd sub rau ;o uoiloodsul soul •81 uoTloag •4204 pus uoTlOadeuT 1o; palsodal oq lsnur poluvas at alsOT;nJa0 s aol;s PaITSIBUT slaTlno so Sutdid IsaoilTPps Auv 'L1 uoTloag ................................... SH 2oloodsUl BuTgmnld SITU .............................. 'laomnum ;O SIT*' Otm UT sunIT; ass suivaanos QOasUTpso RITm eoasildmoo at PallslsuT at nuns aql lsgl Puno; amaq pus heals ....ON BuTpTTnq 9q1 at Aq Bung saanIXTi so oaop Baillu 818 ;o Joel POSSOUIT& pus POUTm2xO OAsq I l2gl A;ilsao of sT giq,L .....ON $.LvoLaLt4rao •aoTeq polvotpul as 01101;11100 s saATTap Pas enIii 191 a slusloTsse Rona so soloods -UT BUTgmnTd Alio axil uegl 'aousutp2o STM ;0 saoTsTA01d QqJ gJim e0asp10002 UT $10m pal 292TO ORI pas lRBTl BuTdTd egl oputtl OR ;T Pus IsaI axil noulTa pug >laTdId eql loodsuT pug 1190 111m 'alusloTs91 SIR ;o Quo so zoloadsul BulgmnTd eqy soloodsut Baiquinld 4110 eR1 11111A also, so; Uolluotjdds ealvm llstig '4112Il Puno; ;I pug BuTdTd eqJ Ise; llvga OR 'poua -12u; Alluougcasad pus AImaT; Gaut -uado 1039aq pug suoTsuaJxa.la$os1q, pus gouvsq III svq pas BuTdTd ;o ural -SAS SRI polaldmoo gsq saJll; 9138 uaq& •3120 m QPTsui uo saoasl9canoslo Sas zopan pelllutsod JOU gT 4aal Oil; v •Allns; sw pauatapuoo Qq ITTm 4nq 'Paeosddg eq IOU MAL poonpos,ut uaaq sap . solum gOTgm oluT auidid Pus 'RRsol so; Buldid sea Bullool ul peon OR IOU Ilsqo aglutA 'Jg2IJ palapisuoo eq Ilegg Buldtd oM 'walnut- (91) uaol;TI 4weal 19 10; esnssasd ail SRI Aq polaoddno at Asnolom 10 umnloo s1Rl II 'Ig3laq u{ sagouT (0I) ual 4snOsaur ;o umnloo us Jsod -dng IIT& lsgl .asnasasd its us of Redid oql Bulloa[gns pug gauTuedo Ile Buisolo Aq epsul OR Ilsgs suldid eenoq uo Ise; eqy •1oJoade' 01 pogoslmJnsl awl1Uotioodsulq as pdus pona ans -sT uolloadsaT ;o 049Ot;11290 s 'pagsauJTm ,sal oto Paioadsui eq lenur Sag1 paluao -uoo ass eadid axil eso;aq pus :sallT; qua a l6gBagld II alsel aR tisgg Balpling at IdT q qL '9I uoTloag •JolTd auTulnq Alluslsaoo 9 of Juaosjps 1aq -mvgo uoTlsngmoo 1 olul ao lits zoino eql 01 POIUaA aq pinogs Uoilssado In;ssao -ons so; aaagdsomis exil 04 ssa001'3uTalnb -as 101110m02+10 2olelnlal asnswasd sea v salloq axil 01 Bull Alddne axil UT aAIsA sss upow dsuw so Sallee $oTnb s o4 BuTlOauuOO ';lOSJT saltoq aql uo Toaluoo eanesasd so asnlssadmal otlsmolns Us OA1q Jsnm 9a9lToq AaTlsaq 11sJueo 'saausild -do otil of ase ;o doll oqJ alsln8aa of salam ;0 psage lag zolvin5a2 Sea w qlT& PQPTAosd OR lonm ssoluipuz -gels sub 0tivmolnv pus gluald BuTleaq Issluap •; •BuTdld RIA eql o4uT 31osq EUToB mollT U82AXO io all aq1 Juamasd of poplmosd OR lisgg susam GAI,Oa;;a 'Sld -dns Gua *RI W& uOTI3auuO3 at peon 9T esnssesd zopun uabAxo ao lie uagm •a -aOusIIdd1 aqJ 11811 '4110A 0111 UT asnlxlI ORI emogs sooTAep Jissp umop RITA papTAold OR Jsnm ssauanq lolld aulAvq RaOUstldds sub pug 9aalsaq 1aly& •P '9saJTa1Asapan esTg ;o pseog IsaoTJ -IN OR4 Io 9IUQmasTnbas eRl RJT& Aldmoo of vs lauusm pone at pollsIvuT OR Bogs sauusm Sus ul posoloua so s2oou sapun 'suollilaed ;o epTsuT polsaouoo OR Qmes SRI 1agJaga '99ouelidds as., 01 9IuaA ;001 e741 QAOgs law; 0&l level 4e OTs uado of Buipualxo sant; Islam so sill 'aTolaq olul pa4um Alsadosd soTdouso RIT& PePTA -old oq len- 'Tan; 10; peon at qua asap& 'spuds aa82ngmsq pug oluvsnvIvas 'slaloq ul peon "ola 'salvld loq 'swauvgl o 'd20 peuaosog s gllm elvuTuxun pus ;002 eAOgs last 0&1 lovat 4s all asdo of pualxa pus salseq aalsm so Sagami aql uo SUOIJOQUUOO Juan GRI as easel es 4swal 4s suoTJoauuoo enl; pus JUGA gJTa pwplmosd eq 4snm ssolsaq 2aJum pus sooealnat •q 'aEswgo9Tp ;o eavo ealuJ of lualoli;ns 9T SITaudso eaaga 'oniv eRl at Pollan nR Sum sJuam42sds JUJOA09 most sant; 4vgl 4dooxa 'Juamlaedu 10 eouvildd2 saglous ReA2Oe lggl anti 1 glla pol0aauoo SIJ0a1 -lp OR nsg9 'aousTldd2 sullmis so 2aJeag 2811A 'QA019 913 ON 'g •9I nOT1009 •99gouT (9) xig 01 poonpas aq Asm Pal; -loads QAogv 91 eoueavalo eql poovld os at plalgs Rona eaagm pus 'magl puTgaq 3lao& poo- pug PIOTgs uaaalaq Rout auo usR, soot IOU ;o oosdg all U1 SAaasasd o4 as os pogoslly Slasntasas OR ITsgv gplatge lulam RFU '0p" «ti; s . Aq Par Vd .41se in 091 09 OESL :1010m OT Un1 ;o eglaUOT Suilzouaoo so; 008 OH L8 :saulaua Goa .1 A LT lea; 91 99 ORE SET St OT 400; OS ROUT NII 09 Got 99I 99 ST " 8 90, 001, OIC OL LT at 006 OLC 06 CE 1aa; Got ROUT 7�1 SE Got 008 OCT OE ET OE Oat 009 SLI Ev LT Rlsaa•I 98 OOb 00£ 009 99 LZ 'sall; 20,a 08 001, 00E 008 OCT 96 9T 9T OOi 008 009 091 09 IE ST 006 009 008 091 001 9£ OI Got 009 008 091 001 09 81 8 001, 008 OOC 091 001 OL iE 9 Got 008 008 OST OOT OL EC 9 Got 008 009 091 OOT OL 09 4 Got 008 OOE 091 001 OL 09 CT 8 Oat 008 008 091 001 OL 09 LL C Oat 006 OOC 091 001 OL 09 OB I Oaaui UT OdTdo glEaaa'I Ox •saouvtld 1 sub ;o eon so; s8utplinq BuTdTd at pamolls Buluedo ;o aagmnu 192110a8 pus adid ;o gl8uel pug Swig autuaamoe saln4l 6 uoTloag •adid gouT-0AI eon 'saaxtut eaagl so oal SUTAsR sseuanq suTsn 'rola 'ssalloq 'saovu -in; els lop log :sa0eaan; all log ROUT £ Rout E ROUT 548 Roar EAC dq 09 ROUT S ROUT Sii9 ROUT s/c9 ROUT C dq 08 ROUT C ROUT E ROUT 9/19 ROUT 54I dq 0£ gOul 6 ROUT C ROUT C ROUT %I dq 08 ROUT 8 ROUT E . ROUT E ROUT 'AI dq 9T ROUT I ROUT L/rI ROUT 8AT ROUT "AI dq OT ROUT '/cI ROUT 1h1 ROUT I ROUT I dq 9 4aa; lag; lag; Joel 989 091 OOT 09 adTd ;o nualsaq anwa ollsmolns soul 1391 001"'-- .... .... Roul-wAT lea; OL ...........................gouT -1 Iasi at ...........................q,ut-,/c molaaq salsa edA esssoJs Pau RnoeusluslsuT pus sa9uwl sea sod :92uTpllnq auTdTd at pemons 93uluodo 10 sagmnu Jsalsaaa pug adid ;o g18u1 Pug azis SUTaaamo9 saing •g uoTloag Sllpollimsad eq lou Ilags esatllT; so adTd n1; UT 1Tlds aupTedaa ao; luamao ;o own agy •BuTldnoo psaagl 11a1 peg IgBT2 glim poloaauo0a2 OR Ilggs 11 'Ino OR of adTd 5 9uT.Tnboz salsdas ;0 salsa III •esTsdas so UOT10na1SUo3 IeuTSTs0 UT saitiaga eadid sea polvaouoo uo peon aq lou llegs pvasg4 suluuns so suoTun *Oslo Sus at Polliur -sad IOU ass SQAI1A As&-aasgy •34209 posodxa uo peon OR Sam BuTgsnq pool; Jng 'alaom palsoouoo uo pawn a ou Jsnm sSulgsng •sagOUT 092g1 emogs eadid UT peon OR Seat saulllT; UO2T 1210 'UOst algsallam 20 pazlUVAT1a jo eq Ilvqs eogoul ea2gl asgl iolleme R uTilli ago 'p •apsaE pavpusls is ;o eq llvgg BuTdTd asnoq sus RlTtA uoTloauuoo at peon salo00 asoq paw sdolg ITV a rid polsoo STsadosd 10 pazTuwA -1s8 1 ;o OR Ilegg 's2al2gnb R,1USA2as s0 aevlse of asnoq 9 moa; ooaelsut so; so 'puno28 aepun polonalsuoo scull edT.1 'q -peon OR livgg UOI441Taasap Sus ;o sadld pa so pUsq-pno0as ou pus sloolop sagJO ao slllds mO t; Sae; 'Tools pazlUvmtgB so alovlq 'uo2t IgBnouA Alliunb lseq e1 Io aq Iisgs uo11gII1JSUT qua UT peon a id :iuTlalviq '1 'L UOTJOag •a0U1UIPao 91gJ ;0 gUOISTAoad saxilo 01 moo;uoo lsnm uoTlsiislsul Rona JwRJ 'lama -aoq 'aUIPTAo2d 'amols 1118 euo 10; uOTlQaa -1100 01 gJBual Ul 199; 9AI; BUTPa90xa JOU cool; eg1 emogv suit Ogg posodxa us so; panssT llmaad ou pus opvm eq paaU uollvolidde Rana ou Jsgy :suolldooxg � •paplmold sa31uuTalaq sv Jdaoxe 'aloes pons op of ugq AuTzTaoglnv a0j�;;o R,2oJoadsuT 8uigmnld 44�to gill mos; IT—ad 1 SUlnlslgo 1911; • sugmesaa n Alto gam rn..- -ut Sulgmnld Silo aq1 4sq.L 'I uoTloag :luomnsag ;0 Ella aill IO utotsRTmmoo Allo aql Eq poutepao IT ea 'salllsuad pus sliuiaod ao; EuTpTA -old :311o& Rana op oq& asoRl Aq UOAIB aq of spuoq 10; EUTPTAo2d :luomnuag ;o Alio aRl at ;oaaagl aTsdal pus uollonalsuma1 'uoTlonalsuoa 'uoileilslaul eql pus Raamm -uoo sea ;0 922nlonile pus oBulpllnq Its at sea Buisn ;o asodand eql so; pallsloul onllavdds pus sasnlxT; 'saousTlddl 'Buldid -asno11 2ullsln8aa eausulpao us pollilua aoNVN ctuo NV uuy, was awarded a tech- nical knockout over Young Kid Hughes, 128 pounds, of Port Ar- 'hur, by Referee H. C. Shirley of Lake Charles, in the third of a Scheduled six -round semi -windup. fenkins developed a classy brand if boxing at the start and opened T gash in Hughes' only good eye hat halted the bout. Both boys bowed a willingness to mix. Kid Manino of Port Arthur, 130, .nd Young KO Kelley of Louisi- na, 130, finished a four -round lugging bee in a draw. Young Fiat®1h: rlYid; 4 tflt` �•i#I��IIw ling Joe, 103, of Ged, mixed m a tzree-round' draw. Five negroes opened the card ith a .battle -royal. An enthusiastic audience wit- essed the fights in the newly instructed Dokie arena. 'OSBORN WEDS LEWISTON, Ill., Sept. 8.—(AP)— arold Osborn, former University ' Illinois high jumper and national ,cathlon champion in 1923, 1925 id 1926, was married yesterday to ass Margaret Estelle Bordnar of miston. Mrs. Osborn plans to resume her sdies at the University of Illinois. is year, she said. HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Sept. 8. .P)—Young Nationalista, Filipino xer, rallied in the last few rounds nose out Allan Whitlow, young oenix, Ariz., bantamweight, for decision in their 10 -round en - inter here last night. AMATEUI By WILLIAM R. KING. 0smiated Press Sports Writer. 1 NEWTON, Mass., Sept. 8. (AP).—Old Man Par to - ,y appeared to be in but tle danger from the major - of the 158 amateur golf - who want to knock Bobby Jones his throne next week in the na- tal championship tournament at s Burn. :most a hundred of thein have ed the course at least once, and one of them has come in less 7t, the old man's figures. Dave .in, a long driver from Los An - had a 71, the lowest score yet. ` JONES ABOVE PAR. zes, who has probably beaten' core times thaa 8,py otber_aMq glsua'I :1010m OT Un1 ;o eglaUOT Suilzouaoo so; saw19 adid lo olnpagog :saulaua Goa .1 A LT lea; 91 ROUT '/tI CT 199; 91. ROUT 5'tI OT 400; OS ROUT NII OT lag; 06 ROUT 9/tI OI lag; 06 ROUT '/tI 8 loci SLI ROUT 9/I1 9 lea; OCT ROUT 9/11 T r log; OCI ROUT ti T 1aa; Got ROUT 7�1 I IogI SET ROUT I I 409; 09 ROUT % ROUT Raz uI pa,notlV ict Io 'ON Rlsaa•I ;o azis lsolsaso vola 19sallaq Items 'sall; 20,a SCI ROUT C 8 OOT ROUT NAT 9. 001 ROUT "At IF OL ROUT I S pa&olty alts zogmnll 111311-'1 28410E 49811010 nualsaq anwa ollsmolns soul 1391 001"'-- .... .... Roul-wAT lea; OL ...........................gouT -1 Iasi at ...........................q,ut-,/c molaaq salsa edA esssoJs Pau RnoeusluslsuT pus sa9uwl sea sod :92uTpllnq auTdTd at pemons 93uluodo 10 sagmnu Jsalsaaa pug adid ;o g18u1 Pug azis SUTaaamo9 saing •g uoTloag Sllpollimsad eq lou Ilags esatllT; so adTd n1; UT 1Tlds aupTedaa ao; luamao ;o own agy •BuTldnoo psaagl 11a1 peg IgBT2 glim poloaauo0a2 OR Ilggs 11 'Ino OR of adTd 5 9uT.Tnboz salsdas ;0 salsa III •esTsdas so UOT10na1SUo3 IeuTSTs0 UT saitiaga eadid sea polvaouoo uo peon aq lou llegs pvasg4 suluuns so suoTun *Oslo Sus at Polliur -sad IOU ass SQAI1A As&-aasgy •34209 posodxa uo peon OR Sam BuTgsnq pool; Jng 'alaom palsoouoo uo pawn a ou Jsnm sSulgsng •sagOUT 092g1 emogs eadid UT peon OR Seat saulllT; UO2T 1210 'UOst algsallam 20 pazlUVAT1a jo eq Ilvqs eogoul ea2gl asgl iolleme R uTilli ago 'p •apsaE pavpusls is ;o eq llvgg BuTdTd asnoq sus RlTtA uoTloauuoo at peon salo00 asoq paw sdolg ITV a rid polsoo STsadosd 10 pazTuwA -1s8 1 ;o OR Ilegg 's2al2gnb R,1USA2as s0 aevlse of asnoq 9 moa; ooaelsut so; so 'puno28 aepun polonalsuoo scull edT.1 'q -peon OR livgg UOI441Taasap Sus ;o sadld pa so pUsq-pno0as ou pus sloolop sagJO ao slllds mO t; Sae; 'Tools pazlUvmtgB so alovlq 'uo2t IgBnouA Alliunb lseq e1 Io aq Iisgs uo11gII1JSUT qua UT peon a id :iuTlalviq '1 'L UOTJOag •a0U1UIPao 91gJ ;0 gUOISTAoad saxilo 01 moo;uoo lsnm uoTlsiislsul Rona JwRJ 'lama -aoq 'aUIPTAo2d 'amols 1118 euo 10; uOTlQaa -1100 01 gJBual Ul 199; 9AI; BUTPa90xa JOU cool; eg1 emogv suit Ogg posodxa us so; panssT llmaad ou pus opvm eq paaU uollvolidde Rana ou Jsgy :suolldooxg � •paplmold sa31uuTalaq sv Jdaoxe 'aloes pons op of ugq AuTzTaoglnv a0j�;;o R,2oJoadsuT 8uigmnld 44�to gill mos; IT—ad 1 SUlnlslgo 1911; • sugmesaa n Alto gam rn..- -ut Sulgmnld Silo aq1 4sq.L 'I uoTloag :luomnsag ;0 Ella aill IO utotsRTmmoo Allo aql Eq poutepao IT ea 'salllsuad pus sliuiaod ao; EuTpTA -old :311o& Rana op oq& asoRl Aq UOAIB aq of spuoq 10; EUTPTAo2d :luomnuag ;o Alio aRl at ;oaaagl aTsdal pus uollonalsuma1 'uoTlonalsuoa 'uoileilslaul eql pus Raamm -uoo sea ;0 922nlonile pus oBulpllnq Its at sea Buisn ;o asodand eql so; pallsloul onllavdds pus sasnlxT; 'saousTlddl 'Buldid -asno11 2ullsln8aa eausulpao us pollilua aoNVN ctuo NV uuy, was awarded a tech- nical knockout over Young Kid Hughes, 128 pounds, of Port Ar- 'hur, by Referee H. C. Shirley of Lake Charles, in the third of a Scheduled six -round semi -windup. fenkins developed a classy brand if boxing at the start and opened T gash in Hughes' only good eye hat halted the bout. Both boys bowed a willingness to mix. Kid Manino of Port Arthur, 130, .nd Young KO Kelley of Louisi- na, 130, finished a four -round lugging bee in a draw. Young Fiat®1h: rlYid; 4 tflt` �•i#I��IIw ling Joe, 103, of Ged, mixed m a tzree-round' draw. Five negroes opened the card ith a .battle -royal. An enthusiastic audience wit- essed the fights in the newly instructed Dokie arena. 'OSBORN WEDS LEWISTON, Ill., Sept. 8.—(AP)— arold Osborn, former University ' Illinois high jumper and national ,cathlon champion in 1923, 1925 id 1926, was married yesterday to ass Margaret Estelle Bordnar of miston. Mrs. Osborn plans to resume her sdies at the University of Illinois. is year, she said. HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Sept. 8. .P)—Young Nationalista, Filipino xer, rallied in the last few rounds nose out Allan Whitlow, young oenix, Ariz., bantamweight, for decision in their 10 -round en - inter here last night. AMATEUI By WILLIAM R. KING. 0smiated Press Sports Writer. 1 NEWTON, Mass., Sept. 8. (AP).—Old Man Par to - ,y appeared to be in but tle danger from the major - of the 158 amateur golf - who want to knock Bobby Jones his throne next week in the na- tal championship tournament at s Burn. :most a hundred of thein have ed the course at least once, and one of them has come in less 7t, the old man's figures. Dave .in, a long driver from Los An - had a 71, the lowest score yet. ` JONES ABOVE PAR. zes, who has probably beaten' core times thaa 8,py otber_aMq nces, fixtures, and apparatus, and to pDrove all gee- burning applianoes to be �sreafter installed, placed in, or in any manner connected in buildings and struc- ures of every character in the city of leaumont, and to see that all the rules nd regulations of said city of Beaumont vith respect thereto are properly complied vith. b. To inspect and reinspect all much louse -piping, appliances, fixtures and ap- iaratus and the installation, construction, &Iteration or repair thereof whenever and LB often as they shall deem it necessary ,n order to minimize the danger of fire and accident, or Injury to persons or property; and the said city plumbing in- spector and his assistants be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to cause all such piping, appliances, fix- tures and apparatus and installation thereto to be done in such manner as not to be liable to cause fire or acci- dent, or injury to life or property. c. No gas appliance, fixture or appa- ratus whether for heating, illuminating or hot water heating shall be installed until the type of said appliance, apparatus or fixture has been inspected and approved by the city plumbing inspector or his as- sistants; and it is hereby further ordered that no gas -burning appliance that is not connected with a vent be approved unless It meets with the approval 01 the Ameri- can Gas association. Section 2. That the term "house -piping" Is hereby Intended to mean and be under- stood as the gas pipe leading away and extending from. the outlet of the meter connection to the gas -consuming appli- ance or appliances. Section 3. That the city plumbing in- spector and his assistants shall be sub- ject to the orders and under the direction of the city manager of the city of Beau- mont, and are hereby vested with full authority to enter any structure or prem- ises, whether public or private, at an time In the discharge o1 their duties, an to pass upon and decide all questions aria Ing under the provisions of this ordinance relating to any such house -piping, app]a ances, fixtures or apparatus, or installls tion or repair thereof, or relative to th materials used therein, whether the same be in the original construction and erec tion or in any alteration or repair thereof Section 4. It shall be unlawful for an person, firm or corporation to engage the business of gas -fitting in the city o Beaumont until such person, firm or cor poration shall have first procured an deposited with the city clerk of the cit of Beaumont, Texas, a plumber's bon or liability and damage insurance polic such as may be approved by the city man ager as to form and sufficiency, saf bond to be in the sum of one thousan ($1,000.00), conditioned that such person firm or corporation shall faithfully com ply with the terms and provisions of thi ordinance and all the rules and regula tions made in pursuance thereof, and she Indemnify and hold the city of Beaumont and any and all other persons Interests harmless against all coats, expenses, dam ages and injuries sustained by the cit of Beaumont, or any other persons inter ested, by reason of the failure to co ply with the ordinances, rules and regul tiona of the city of Beaumont, or b negligence or said gas -fitters in operatin under this ordinance and the rules an regulations made In pursuance thereof said bond herein required shall expi on the first day of January next followin the date of approval thereof; and there after on the first day of the follo January a new bond In form and su stance as herein required shall be give by any such person, firm or corporatio to cover all such work that shall be do under the terms of this ordinance dur the year beginning on January 1. Section 5. a. That upon the approv of said bond by the city manager of t city of Beaumont the individual, firm corporation desiring to do the work sh procure from the plumbing inspector the city of Beaumont a license which sh run until the first day of January ne succeeding the date of issuance, unle formally revoked, and said license ah not be transferrable. b. In the event of the dissolution any company or partnership holding su license, the member retaining such 11cen shall be required' to renew the bond here ,provided for before doing any such wo as provided for herein. --c. Each licensed gas -Etter shall 111591 175 .. .. .. 11 200 section 10. Rules governing*the size of main run of piping in houses and flats: f a. Houses and flats containing five rooms and under, the main run to the t kitchen for fuel must be not less than I 1 inch in diameter. b b. Houses and flats having more than five rooms and less than 12 rooms, the 11 minimum size of the main run to the a kitchen for fuel must be it/. -inch. c. In residences having more than 12 rooms, the minimum site run to the a kitchen must be lYz-Inch. In each case n one full size opening shall be left In the t kitchen for gas range, etc. For large buildings, or where unusual conditions are met with, commensurate a sizes must be used. t The branch supply pi es to all cook- ing stoves, ranges and water heaters (circulating, instantaneous and automatic) e shall be one commercial size larger than v the inlet connection of above mentioned t appliances, and no runs from mains or branch supply line to appliance shall be s less than Ys inch. Risers in buildings must in no case be less than 3/4 inch. Pipes laid under ground shall be at least 1 inch in diameter. Section 11. All house piping shall be located in Band accessible of place. placemple size Where space will permit, house pipe will be drained away from meter to a drip placed at far end of main supply line. ,Otherwise drip will be placed at meter location and pipe graded to same. All house piping shall be securely fast- ened to floor joists or sills with either or with perforalvanized ated pipe straps or s 1 and In such a manner as to prevent pipe from /sag- ging and becoming trapped. The following maximum spacing of suppports shall be used: s/e-inch or '/i -inch pipe, 6 feet. y s/4 -inch or 1-inoh pipe, 8 feet. d 1Y4 -inch or larger pipe (horizontal) 10 feet. 1Y4 -inch or larger pipe (vertical), each floor. When in running pipe it is necessary e to cross through wood joists or beams, they shall be notched as little as possible, but never to a depth o1 more than one- fifth of the depth of the timber. This y potching shall be as close as possible to In a point of support of the timber, and f should in no case be further from sup- - port than one-sixth of the total unsup- d ported span of the timber. When feasible, the pi In ahould run so that only timbers City having the shortest spans shall be cut. y Na gas p1De ahall be run closer tbpn six inches to any electric wire unless such d electric wire be inside of conduit. d Section 12. Gas must not be supplied , from a smaller pipe to a larger one. When necessary to connect two sizes of a pipe, a reducing coupling shall be used. All branch outlet pipes shall be taken 11 ffom top or sides of main supply lines, and , never from below. Interested Where extensions to house piping are made, care must be ,taken to break pipe y where the rule for size can be main- tained. rn_ Section 13. When a house pipe line is laid a- underground, galvanized pipe of not less y than one inch in diameter shall be used and must be run in a straight line and ndrained to an accessible and suitable ; syphon drip. re Galvanized or black metal gas piping g shall not be laid In cinder concrete, ein- _ dere or any corrosive material unless pipe ung Is covered with asphalt or pitch, and b_ wrapped with burlap painted with tar. n Section 14. Each and every gas stove n range, cooking stove, hot water heater and ne other gas consuming appliance shall be Ing provided with a lever handled stop cock located in the riser above the floor, and sl below the union, at the appliance. Such he stop cock shall be readily accessible at all or times. all No device or attachment shall be in - of No on any appliance which may in any all way impair the combustion of the gas. xt Gas connection to stoves, ranges, cook - ss ing stoves, hot water heaters and other all appliances shall be made by rigid metal connections in all buildings used for coin of mercial purposes. Flexible metal or rub - ch her tubing of not over six feet in length se may be used for connections for small in portable heating appliances, in private rk residences; provided there is no cock on such portable heeling s liance. sy No stove, range, cooking stove, hob n accessary Sor the inep'ec`Wi to make another inspection users thele,atisll be made and collected a charge of 50 cents or each additional trip for inspection. Section 20. In piping any house for gas he distributor shall decide and designate n every case where the gas meter Is to e located. The fitter shall extend the house piping ne to this point, leaving a swing joint o hist pipe can be connected to outlet of In connection. No one other than employee of the upplyer of gas will be permitted to con- ect or disconnect any gas meter, connect 0 or disturb piping between main and meter. In no instance will s gas meter be In- talled under the floor of any building hat does not have sufficient ventilation, and when' a meter is installed under a house that has a skirting, an opening f at least 21/2 feet by 2 feet must be pro- lded in the skirting of the building within wo feet of the gas meter. No gas meter shall be installed In a mall unvented or confined space. When the gas meter is located on the outside of the building in an exposed place, a waterproof cabinet box with door suf-" flciently large to permit of setting and removing meter shell be provided. When to accommodate different ten- ants, one or more meters are desired in a given building, the gas supplying com- pany will set as many meters as there are separate consumers, connecting the meters Lo one service pipe, provided that the risers or pipes leading to the different tenants are extended to within 18 inches of the proposed location of the meters, which are to be set In the same location. Risers should not be scattered, but should drop together in alignment to the room where meters are to be set. They should be kept at least three_ Inches apart. Meters should not be placed where they will be subject to damage such as in driveways, public passages and halls. Section 21. The city plumbing inspector shall furnish to the gas company a copy of each certificate of inspection which he or his assistant issues, and thiq will be authority for the gas company to Install gas service at the building or premises covered by the certificate of inspection. In no case shall the gas company turn gas into new, or altered or repaired house piping system, until receipt of certificate of inspection covering same. Section 22. The city plumbing inspector shall shut off or cause to be shut off, all gas service in residence or business houses in Beaumont when in his judg- ment the house piping or appliances are unsafe. The gas will remain shut off until such times as the unsafe conditions are corrected by the property owner or the fitter installing same, and a certificate of inspection isued by the city plumbing Inspector and a copy furnished to the supplyer of gas after which the supplyer of gas may restore the service. Section 23. No person, firm or corporation other than the supplyer of gas owning the service or supplying gas through the serv- ice shall at any time turn on any valve or cock on any gas service or open or make connection to any gas service or main. The term "gas service" is understood to mean and is hereby defined as the gas pipe leading from a main to a meter or meter location. Section 24. The city plumbing inspector shall decide all controversies between the supplyer of gas and the contractors, own- ers of premises, consumers or customers which may arise under this ordinance, and his decision shall be final, subje _to an appeal to the city commisitbn. ° ��.� Section 25. Penalty: Any person, 9oP , association or corporation that aha)�� d to comply with or violate any of th/y? visions o1 this ordinance, or fail tr ply with any order of the city pl Inspector made hereunder, shall be c, guilty of a misdemeanor and upon c, tion thereof shall be fined in any not less than five ($5.00) nor more two hundred ($200.00) dollars for t offense, or the license of such pert firm. association or corporation may revoked, or both fine and and revocat of license may be imposed. Passed this, the 28th day of Aug A. D. 1928. E. W. GROSS, K"c accessary Sor the inep'ec`Wi to make another inspection users thele,atisll be made and collected a charge of 50 cents or each additional trip for inspection. Section 20. In piping any house for gas he distributor shall decide and designate n every case where the gas meter Is to e located. The fitter shall extend the house piping ne to this point, leaving a swing joint o hist pipe can be connected to outlet of In connection. No one other than employee of the upplyer of gas will be permitted to con- ect or disconnect any gas meter, connect 0 or disturb piping between main and meter. In no instance will s gas meter be In- talled under the floor of any building hat does not have sufficient ventilation, and when' a meter is installed under a house that has a skirting, an opening f at least 21/2 feet by 2 feet must be pro- lded in the skirting of the building within wo feet of the gas meter. No gas meter shall be installed In a mall unvented or confined space. When the gas meter is located on the outside of the building in an exposed place, a waterproof cabinet box with door suf-" flciently large to permit of setting and removing meter shell be provided. When to accommodate different ten- ants, one or more meters are desired in a given building, the gas supplying com- pany will set as many meters as there are separate consumers, connecting the meters Lo one service pipe, provided that the risers or pipes leading to the different tenants are extended to within 18 inches of the proposed location of the meters, which are to be set In the same location. Risers should not be scattered, but should drop together in alignment to the room where meters are to be set. They should be kept at least three_ Inches apart. Meters should not be placed where they will be subject to damage such as in driveways, public passages and halls. Section 21. The city plumbing inspector shall furnish to the gas company a copy of each certificate of inspection which he or his assistant issues, and thiq will be authority for the gas company to Install gas service at the building or premises covered by the certificate of inspection. In no case shall the gas company turn gas into new, or altered or repaired house piping system, until receipt of certificate of inspection covering same. Section 22. The city plumbing inspector shall shut off or cause to be shut off, all gas service in residence or business houses in Beaumont when in his judg- ment the house piping or appliances are unsafe. The gas will remain shut off until such times as the unsafe conditions are corrected by the property owner or the fitter installing same, and a certificate of inspection isued by the city plumbing Inspector and a copy furnished to the supplyer of gas after which the supplyer of gas may restore the service. Section 23. No person, firm or corporation other than the supplyer of gas owning the service or supplying gas through the serv- ice shall at any time turn on any valve or cock on any gas service or open or make connection to any gas service or main. The term "gas service" is understood to mean and is hereby defined as the gas pipe leading from a main to a meter or meter location. Section 24. The city plumbing inspector shall decide all controversies between the supplyer of gas and the contractors, own- ers of premises, consumers or customers which may arise under this ordinance, and his decision shall be final, subje _to an appeal to the city commisitbn. ° ��.� Section 25. Penalty: Any person, 9oP , association or corporation that aha)�� d to comply with or violate any of th/y? visions o1 this ordinance, or fail tr ply with any order of the city pl Inspector made hereunder, shall be c, guilty of a misdemeanor and upon c, tion thereof shall be fined in any not less than five ($5.00) nor more two hundred ($200.00) dollars for t offense, or the license of such pert firm. association or corporation may revoked, or both fine and and revocat of license may be imposed. Passed this, the 28th day of Aug A. D. 1928. E. W. GROSS, K"c