HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 28-SAN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED -PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY.LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO ALL THE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS_AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID INHABITANTS BY ALL 0`F THE ACTS, ORDINANCES, RESOLU- TIONS ESOLDTIONS AND.REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY, WHEREAS, a petition has been signed by a majority of the property owners who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of the following described territory, to -wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Colliers Ferry Road and the south line of Jeanette Street or the north line of the Hilltop Addition produced westward, said point being -in the present city limits line; Thence east along the said south line of Jeanette Street or the north line of the Hilltop Addition and said line produced to the northeast corner of the Hilltop Addition:; Thence south along the east line of said Hill- top Addition to the north line of the Beaumont Heights Addition or the southwest corner of the John_ and Dora Happ Subdivision, said point being on the present city limits line; Thence west along the said north line of the ,Beaumont Heights Addition produced or the present city limits line to the center line of the Colliers Ferry -Road; Thence in a northeasterly direction along the said center line of Colliers Ferry Road, same being along the.present city limits line, to the place of beginning, and, WHEREAS, said petition is signed by all the owners of said territory and has attached to it the affidavit of one of said owners to the effect that said territory is unimproved and that there are no persons residing within the limits of said territory, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: That the following described property, to -wit: Beginning at"the intersection of the center line of the Colliers Ferry Road and the south line of Jeanette Street or the north line of the Hilltop Addition produced westward, said point being in the present city limits line; Thence east along the said south line of Jeanette Street or the north line of the, Hilltop Addition and said line produced to the northeast corner of the Hilltop Addition; Thence South along the east line of said Hilltop Addition to the -north line of the. Beaamont- Heights � : - Addition or the, southwest corner of the John and Dora Happ Subdivision;.said.point being-on.the.present- city.limits line;": Thence west -along -the said north , line of the Beaumont: Heights Additi'on.produced- or the present city limits line to the c.erter line of the Colliers Ferry Road;: -Thence in a northeasterly direction along the said center. line of Colliers Ferry Road, -same being _along the tresent city 'limits line, to' -the place of beginning,. be and the same is hereby annexed to the City. of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, -for municipal purposes only,: and that the. boundary limits of the City of. Beaumont be and the. same are hereby extended to include the ab=ove described terri tory 'within the city limits of, the. City of :Beaumont, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial -limit -s of -said City; and the inhabitants thereof -shall hereafter be entitled to all rights.and privileges,of other citizens of the. City of Beaumont and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said City. PASSED by the-City.Commission, this the 24th day of February.. A.D., 1948. MAYOR AE 0EDINAINCE %NN�! XTNG TIT`- " FRY ITO TO 1"I'L, CITY 01j' E,�%AULX)ETII COUETYI? T.Extis.7 IUD Tf-4Z," JEXM_?'DARI 01' S"i111'j CI'J-!'Y ;S0 Ai TO "SAID CITY LLL-IIL2�p GEA_',�-TIING TO ALL Tilli _ILL Oid ELL' OLU_ L -Y A�1L 01 TIIJ�_� i,.GTL�v TIC -2 A1_41) i�!" 0`-LID G.'IYY. L13 E11S 3 a petition has boar signed by n E:ajqrity of the property ow-nere who arc citizens of the State of 11"exas and inhabiltanto of the followino described territory., to -wit: Deginnin,-,_ at the intorsoction of tha co iter line of the Collier:, Fori-, Road vmC, the oouth line of Jeanette Stroet or tha nortia line of" tho Iijlltop .1"Ldditio-n Produced wastward, said, point being in the present city litalts line; 11aence ;ast alon the said south line of Jeanette Street or is north lino of the 1:.Jjjtop Addition aLld sald line prod--ced to the r.ortllaeast corner of th"-1e I Ill -top Aeldltion� vJ r south along tLo east line of said E'.111- The n0 e top Addition to ti-io line Olt' t1ao, Bleauniont lleiohts i>ddltion- o2, t.'r.,4e soutl­meat corner of tho John and Lora, Happ Sjubdivision,, said point buinc.,; on the present city liz-Ats 11ne; Thence west nlonG tho saivc` nortI-i lino o.'16' the Bea=_ont hieights jLddition produced or the present city limits line to the carter line Of t"`�e Golliors `_'carry Eond; -erly 6"Irection alon,-,, t-lho Tll,-ience in a 1-iortlict',zt said canter line of 1-olliers "C­1'erry I'vZoad.0 aaro being a.lona tho presont. city 11mits lines to Lao Place of b nond 9 sold petition is si, ned 'by all t1he owners of said tarricory and Sias ettacneC to it the offidcivit of one of said owners to tae off'opt that sclid territory is uniaiproved and, Lhrat there rar'e no parcon-:1 ron_Jr_",1_.ng viit'l,in 1L]L-Aa Iii -lits of snid torritor-yo BY 1-;E GT-IY C GIL.L 1 11)�; i C I 1 011, TIEIL G 11, _111 11- 0t' I I U vend:'; T'kiat the follow:L716 dleacribed propertyt to-wit- tho intersection of the centor line of txiie Collier -c Forry, :-icacl and U -le south, li,-,e of Jeanette Strect or the north lino Of t -ho ',...'111top Ai.Cition produced viestriard IF said point being; In the present city ljEii1.s 1 ine; Thonce Gest alcnE tae said lout lino of Jeanette '-*rOct Or tbe y1ort, linea of the ' illtu �L "W .1 j� AddItion and said line produced to tile northeast corner of the Lilltop ddit-lon; Thwnoo ;'..'out.4 aloxaL--�,, uhe east ling of said 11illtop A t 4 0 1-. C, �j 0 '1 0' t�je Be� t jiciOlts ,,d j. UO .110 � L, I -- 'V Additiori or 'u- h, o comer of the jo.'--Ln -arld bora =app '-'�ubdivision'. said point'boing on t1ae present city limitu line Thands west g I onL,� tho said north lino of the Dem-montHei-hts' i ?..� . Ad-C"it on produced or the pre scut citoy, IlizitIP lino to' t1L-io certor line of t1no Collier's orr-,r Road; ; Th-oric -j In a nort.Liev,3terly di.reotion alont1he, 'd Ferry Read s center lillb of Colliers &L Ferry Read being q 1 o,7 ,L.- L - the pre -tent oity 1LUts line to the place or begimin be and, .tho Same is hereby annexed to t1he City of 'j30MjLqojjt 7 Joffar-con County., T ex a s for mmicipal pure -62 only, and Lmalj- 4 c bo-olidary limit of the Gity,off' Tjeaumont be and the .rano are hereby' extended to i r, c lu6o the Wbove do -scribed torri- tuo2�ry within the city li-mits of 'Glia City of Beaur.'>"Ont and the r?ay:�o 0" -fall haroaf ter be ine'udad Twwithin,'.tho, terr"-orinl mit s of said City, ancl, the inhtabitantb theroof' o1hp.11 hereaft'ar bo and, priVile'_�eS o-' Other eltj h e entitled to all r-� zons of 't - City of Beauunont and Uioy aL a 11 bo bow-ld by the tLcts, ordln;�'Lnao s., rosolu'll-ions and regulati-or,-of said Cit, . this the 24th day by the C; i t'y ComiGnion, C4 o1r, pabl'udi'y