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Entitled an .ordinance levying and assessing as a tax upon
the lots, parts of UDots, blocks ox tracts. of land where not:
divided into lots or blocks, fronting or abutting on Crockett Street
from Jefferson to Avernze C in the Van Wormer Addition and
Railro ad Avenue f om Cr ockett Street to Forsythe Street; -X-
two-thirds (2/3) of the cost of paving and all of the cost of
curbing said Crockett Street from Jefferson to Avenue C in the
Van Wormer Addition and Railroad Avenue from Crockett Street to
Forsythe Street in the City of Beaumont, exclusive of that
portion paved by railroads and all street intersections, and
declaring said tax a li ».-zpon said property, and a personal
charge upontheowner or ownems thereof', and. providing a time when
said tax shall become due and payable, and declaring an. emergency.
That upon the property Picnting or abutting upon Cro cum tt
Street, from Jefferson to Avenue C in the Van Wormer Addition
and on Railroad Aveaie from Crockett Street to Forsythe Street
in the City of Beaumont, there is hereby levied and assessed
as a tax, two-thirds (2/3) of the cost of paving and all the cost
of the curbing on said Crockett Street from Jefferson S t`:reet to
Avenue C, and on Railroad Avenue from Crockett Street to Forsythe
Street, inthe City of Beaumont, exclusive of that. portion paved
by railroads and all street intersections.
The lots, parts of lots, block: or tracts of land on which
said tax is levied and assessed is hereinafter described, together
with the number of feet front -in such lot, parts of lots, blocks
or tra.rts of land, the name or names of the owner or owners
thereof and the pr oportiomte amount of the cost of said paving
and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid for by such
owner or owners as shown by the roll prepared by the City ,ngineer
of the City of Beaumont which said amount is hereby levied. and
assessed as a tax upon such lot.' part of lot, blocks or tracts
of land as shown, to -wit :
Feet Paving Lin. Ft.
Lot. Block Front Sq. Yds. Amoltnt Curbing Amount Total
Shift & Company........... .1, 2 20 100 137.04. $260.38. 100 $ 55.00. $ 318.35
Texas Bank and Investment Co.....::.. ...... 3, 4, 5 20 150 205.56 390.57 150 37.00 477.b7
Lon A, Bernard ....................................6 0 50 68.52 130.19 65.28 39.69 169.79
Jeff Chalson Tn n. Co........:.............10, 11, 12 25 150 205.56 390.57 150 g7 pp 477 57
Maggie Van Wormer .................:........7, 8, 9 25 150 05.56 390.57 1.68.28 yl .0j0 487.17
Teras Bank and Investment Company...l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 21 00 411.00 780,90 336.5f • Aria -o; 6.10
A. T. Burk.......................................12 24 50 68.52 130.19 68.2 �
Mrs. E. B. Sternenberg....... ..............10, 11 24 100 137.04 260.38 1.00
Texas Bank and Investment Company........... S, 9 24 ' 100 137.04 X60.33 l00 e
DIaggie Von Wormer ............................ .7 24 50 68.52 130.19 68.25„
Texas Bank and Investment Co ........... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 22 300 411.00 780.90 336.56 19 .
Mrs. S. W. Kelly ............................10, 11, 12 23 150 205.56 390.57 168.28 97.60
Sam Potts ................'...........:. r......7, 8, 9 23 150 205.56 390.57 168.28 97.60 485.1
Mrs. Lucy Van Wormer ...............1, 2, 3, part 4 55 181.83 249.107 473.30 200.11 11.6.06 689.36
G. and I. R. R..............................Pt. 4, 5, 6 55 118.17 161.893 307.60 136.45 iJ.14 386.74
Heirs bIrs. Lou Sesler..............Pt. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 43 225.S, 309.346 687.16 244.08 141.57 729.83
G. C. and S.•F................................7, pt. 8 43 74.2 101.65 193.111 92.48 53.64 246.78
W. R. Blain. ............. ................1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 54 300 411.00 780.90 336.56 195.20 976.10
G. and I. R. R.,o.................:................ 12 44 50 68.52 130.19 68.28 39.60 169.79
Miss C. Hildebrant................................11 44 60 68.52 , 130.19 50 29.00 159.19
Mrs. S. R. Beene..................................10 44 50 68.52 130.19 50 29.00 159.19
Josey Miller Co.....................................9 44 60 68.52 130.19 50 29.00 159.19
A. W. Hamill....................................7, 8 44 100 137.04 260.38 118.23 68.60. 328.98
B. Deutser ............................ . ..1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 53 300 411.00 780.90 336.56 195.20 976.10
Tony Tortois....................................12 45 50 68.52 130.19 68.28 39.60 169.79
J. D. Ellis, Estate..............................10, 11 45 130 137.04 260.38 100 58.00 318.38
B. Dcutser........................................9 45 50 68.52 130.19 50 29.00 159.19
J. D. Ellis, Estate..................................8 45 50 68.52 130.19 50 29.00 159.19
Maly Tortois 7 45 50 68.52 130.19 68.28 39.60 169.79
J. 1',� Bevil ...........................1, 2, 3, 4, pt. 5 53 247 337.47 643.10 ?419 ?R l rq QA - ��
/42 —
I ---
That the said tax 8o,1evie6 and assessed. shall become dne
and payable' upon the aomp'let!on 'of the paving upon which the portion
of said.streets on which, said., lots, parts .of lots, blocks or tracts
of la nd f r o nt or abut 4
That all the costs of grading and paving that pox tion of
Railroad Av6nue from Crockett Street •to Forsythe Street, between
the, rails of the Gulf:, Beaumont. and Kansas City; RailroadCompany,
and.: a space extend ing , twenty-four inches beyond the outer edge of
the rails of said company' shall*, be b)or ne by the said Gulf, BeEv.mont,
and. Kansas. City Railroad Company,.-a.nd such cost of said improvements
are h er.eby as sense d aga Inst tre said Gulf' Beaumont . and K a nsas-'
City Railt-oad Company, and shal l,`be collected as oths`rasse'ssm?;nt'
levied under . this ordinance, provided :such work sha.11 be ' done in,
accordance with the City Ordinances regulating the construction of
railroads -i-n._ the streets of the City of Beaumont, and the paving
of,., such street traversed, by the same. .
The fact that there is'.now''no paving on Crockett Street
between Jefferson and Avenue C`. in the Van Wor rir✓ r Additi on, and
on Railroad Avenue' between Forsythe Street and Crocke tt Street,'
and 'the fact that the 'cond.iti:on of such strea:'ts._makes traffic
thereon severe, create's an. imper ative' emergency- and public necessity
r e qu i r i ng t hat the r ii le' r,e quir ing -o rdi nan ce s to be read at thmee
regular meetings be suspended.- Said rule is th-erefore hereby sus--
pended and this, ordinance shall•take .effect and ,be -in full. force
and -e:ffect; from- and after- its lawful pass=age and publicati=on. '
Passed. this the day of Vt1` A.D. 1915.:
Appmo v e d by the * Mayor , t his the .'XI day of A.D . 1915
Fi!_ED cjrI TH'Is THEE
Ci'TY SE RETAk`Y. �'1 OF•'`'
AseSsL-at City �:CsG1HP�
Beaumont, Texast 12/21/15s
Icon. Payor & City Council,
C ity.
We your or dinande c onimittee , to whom was referred the
attached ordinance beg to report that we have duly considered
same and recommend. that it be adopted under a suspension of
the rule .