HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 56-B\l ORT`I i ,ti 1dCE
,mending Section_ '1 of an Ordi Hance ontitle J_ "An
provi. di ing for the levying, assessing ar_d colt ding
of taxes for the year 1915, for the p u�po.�c of providing a,
sinking fund to -nmet the pa�Tinerlt of t'r_s bonded. indebtedness
of the City of Beaumont, and for the accri,i,zg inte_,est there-
on; providifor the1, �-�or' the yD7�bliC schools of the cite;
to repair and ire-igove the streets,, alleys, and public SO -Eras;
to meet -the current ex_ elLses of the city of Beau?=ort; tp pro -
vi de for th-e pL>r c a sing , constructing, m_ainta iii irk , oiler atiizg
and. ovFding. the public iDarks.; to provid.6 a siiiiin -fund to iiie et
the ioayl2ent of the boild.ad ind_abteOme ss of theGTatez wo.Zhs
systeril, and of the accrLiing interest thereon; to tax oacu:,o.tions
c11L callings' made t�,.xable: by tn:_ State of Te -as, and. to collect
on all able bodied rmle citizens, over tTveiltj%-one and under
sixty ,.-a s of age , a poll tax." Ado�pted by the 0ity' Council
ivay 4th, concloCL, in Fol. 3�paga 329,1:;1' rutes of
Ordina nc as of the City of Beaumont :'
BE IT U,n>;1TI t�� BY TI -Ds CITY C OUI% _ Z OF TIS' CITY Oi±' 3_,1�Ui�Oi T
Section 1.
That uectior_ 1 o ari ordinance entitled Tri Grdina.j a
providing for the 16"v'ying, aS,,'e ssin and collecting
of to -Les for the ye ax 1915, for the puny ose of providing
sinking fund to ir_s 6t the paymen t of the borid- e d in de'; to nne ss of
the City of ,Ber_.umont, gild foi° tl-je accrL in` iiiter est ther eon;
proviF,dingfor the support of the public schools of the city;
to,r e-o&iz and- ifL rove the stree i;s, a11ey'7. and 1DU`71i c S quaT FS;
to ilia (a ^� f .c 113ect2=�Iit' to "provid(3
� l_
�.t currei_t espei� 6� c i o_ �hc ciU o� ,
for the yLlTcllaSin--
;, conStT-Lic,till�, operating arZl. D nin,7 'th e
public i a7.`ks; to provide a Birkin;_ fungi. to i.iaet the payincnt
Of the boAaad inn-abtedness of the water vror mss, system, ea -Id of the
{ accrLi ii3.g interest th6i'e on; t0 ta._L occupations air._ callinE-s i,iade
t84able by the S•i.,ate of Texas, ane] to collect on all able b odie d
'male citizeiisove:r twGhty One am under si1_ty yea--- of G.ge a poll
taxa"-ich was 'adopted. by the City CoLincil T,"a-17 4-tii, 1915
is rs corc:-ed- on pa;- 0 32.9
VOL, �, i; i i111tes of ordinances of the City
of EDeau, mont, be c.ncl the su,_.,6 is ha T aby amended so as to iie-,�eafter
;section 1. That there is hrireby levie6. and. shall be
assesses. -:nd collected for the year 1`:15, the following ta._.es
2 pr.� oc
. r.
011 !, 19)5
On all piope rty situated within the (,,oryo ur ,.,te limits of the city
01, Be c:amollt , 2'ei,Gs , r11ade 'taxable by lai7, to-wit'-.-
hA urp ose of payiYlg 0:enAr al curd°e rlt e -)ense s Of
the. City govexi-Inent, and for general _juryposes, thirty-foui° (34)
cents on each one hu ,d� ec! (q�100.0'0). Dollars valuati an.
Tor the sLLpport and maintenance of ::lablic free schools,
twently-five. (25) cents On each one hu:n(rod, y11
1GU.00} d.oilars
vat cati On.
For the purposa of,, reipal.rinp- at L. i=lalnta11111i?� ttile StrBE LS,
alley;, public squares and of the city, thirty (30) cents,
on each one hundred (;�100.00) 'dolla.r s valuation.
FO.r t h6 purpose of paying she aceriuiii:� interact, and to
pr0;viae a Sinking fund for tile payment o7 the bonded, i11�_AUtEd[IASS
v , fifty tv;o (�2) cents on each one.hnncreG. (::100.00)
Of � L1 A Ci 1 �r � .- � cents i �. �, �
dollars valuation.
For the i011rci1aSiYig, COnS 1'1?itiYlg, LZa1,".tE11c11cE and.
Operating 0" '11U'oliC fr.2A pa i'1=5, Aitlhea inside o:c' outsid-e of
the city of ecziiYont, three (3) ccllts on each one run.dred.
dolly S valuation -
the )L1rp0u8 Of po.yinV tne, aOGi`liliig l.ilt,ed'Ast drf. t0
provide a sin'_.i11,; _`und for the )ayment of -the 'eol�d_ed indebtedness
o the vvute:L' wo•i' l S syctE';D. e i- lte en aY1G one -ha 1'1 (l 8g1 � 2) cen is
on e ach one hundr e d. (� 100.00' ). do lla.r s vallxa.ti on.
Section ='.
This or`inance hall t.a ire of°ecth and be in full fo�ce
frorn and after its passage mid-' lawful pnblicati on.
gassed ti -I the 1st day of June , A -D.19'15.
Appy^oved hl -s the lst day or Tune,
+,idJ or
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