HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 53-BAN ORDINAUCE Entitled an Ordinance ordering an election to be held in the City of Beaumont, to determine if bonds' of said city shall be issued for the purpose of.'making certain public iinynrove_�ents, naming the time and places.of holding said election, and appointing officers thereof and provi,dinb for the manner of holding said elsction and the giving of notice thereof; repealing an ordinance adopted: April 9th, 1915, providing for said election and naming the ti-ne of holding same. BE IT ORDAIlUD BY THE CITY CUU,CIL OF TIS; CIT: OF BEAUI,iO1_%T_ Section 1. That an election be held in the City of Beaumont, Texas, on Tuesday the 25th day of 11ay, A.D.1915 at which election the followicLg propositions shall be voted upon: First. Shall the city council of the City of Beaumont be authorized to issue bonds of said city; here inaftex desig- nated as Wharf' and Doch, Bonds, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, payable forty (40). yea:e s after date, with the option of re deeming same at any time after Twenty (20 ) years from date, bearing interest at the rate of -'five (5;�) ver cent per annum; payable semi-am-mally, and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the intexe.st on said bonds and. to create a, sin,iing fund. sufficient to 'redeem sa.- e. at maturity, for the pur1pose of cons-mic-ting wnarves ana aocxs, ana improvements thereon, in the City of Beau-mont. Second. Shall the City Council of the City --of Be.:umont be authorized to issue. the bonds of said city, hexeinafter designated as Stxeet Improvement and Repair Bonds in the sum of Eighty -Five Thousand Dollars, payable. forty ye ax s (40) of ter data, with the option o-: redeeming same at any time after twenty years (20) from date, bearing interest at the rate of five (5 0) per 'cent per annum, payable semiannually, and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the inter est on said bonds and- to ndto cx ea t -e a sinking -fund sufficient to redeem same at matux i ty , for -the purpose of Street IimDrovements and Rey airs. x`13 Third. Shall the City Council 044e City of Beaumont be atthor ized to issue bonds of the said city hereinafter designated as Sever Bonds, in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable forty (40) years after date, with the option of redeeming same at any time after twenty ( 20) .years fxom date, bearing interest at the rate of five (50) par cent per annum payable semi-annually, and to. levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest on the said bonds, and to create a sinking fund saffieient to redeem same at maturity for the purpose of. constructing public sewers and necessary laterals within the City of Beaumont. Fourth. Shall the City Council of the City of Beaumont be authorized to issue bonds of the said city,hereikaftex designated as Incinerator Bonds it the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, payable forty (40) years after date, with the option of redeeming same at any time a.fte, twenty (20) years from date, bearing interest it the rate of five (5%) per cant per annum, payable semi-annually, and to le vy a tax. suf f c ie nt to pay the interest on the said bonds, and to create .a sink- ing fund sufficient to redeemsame at maturity for the purpose of constructing and operating a public incinerator within the City of Beaumont. Section 2: That said electio.il shall be held at the following places, to -wit: - In the First Ward at the Central Fire Station, In the Second Ward at the Beaumont City ,Hall, In the . Third. Ward at the Jefferson County Court House . Section 3. That the f(llowi ng named persons are appointed officers of said election:- In the First -,lard.: H.D.Fletcher, S.B.Cooper, Jr. In the Second. ',lard: L.F.Gilbert, P.A.Dowlen, In the Third Nar d ; John LIcKinney, B'. F . aui cksall .. Section 4. That said election shall be held under the pro- visions .of the State Law, governing elections, and only qualified voters who are pro -peaty tax payers of said, city of Beaumont shall b.e allowed .to vote and all voters desiring to support the proposition to' issue `dharf and. Dock Bonds, shall have printed on their ballots the words, "Fox the Issuance of ? harf and Dock Bonds," and. those opposed to the issuance of 7harf and Dock Bonds shall have printed- on their ballots the words, "Against the issuance of :';harf anal Dock 5onds." And those desiring to support the proposition to issue Street Improvement . and repaid Bonds shall have printed on their ballots the words "For the issuance of Street Improve- ment and Repair .Bonds," and those op -posed to the issuance of Street Improvement and Repair Bonds, shall have -,)Tinted on the it ballots the words "Against the Issuance of Street .tmpxove- ment and Repair Bonds." And those desiring to support the propositi on to issue Sewer Bonds, shall have printed on their ballots the words, "For the Issuance of Sewe'x Bonds," and those opposed to the issuance of Sewer Bands shall have printed on their ballots the words, "Against the issuance of Severer Bonds." And those desiring to support the Proposition to issue Incinerator Bonds shall have pr inte d on their ballots the words "For the issuance of Incinerator Bonds," and _those opposed to the issuance of Incinerator bonds shall have primed on the ix ballots the words "A'gainst .the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds. 11 No Text Beaumont , Texas, Lpa:Iil 20th, 1915. Honorable T' -ay 0r .rabl City Council, Gentlemen: - pie Ordinance Committee, -L'-10 whOM was referred the attached oxdinLmce, beo- to report that 0 we have carefully examined same and recomend that it be adopted. Respectfully, tfl ?h"HaLnce Committee honowable ',._ayor P, City Council, City. Gentlemen : - Apr 11 20 tr ,1915 . -,de ,.your Soar d of P11b11c .7or lTs C ommit to e , t o wh o was referred the attached ordinance, beg to report that we have duly considered same, and recommend that it be adopted, unde , a suspension of the n les, Respectfully submitted, submitted, Board of,-,* Public ilorks.