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Entitled an Ordinance" -to amend Articles 8219 826,
831, 836 and* 842_ of.".Chapter 39 `of the Revised Code of
Ordingnces adopted by the City Council of Beaumont, Texas
Feb. 7th, 1911, providing traffic rules and regulations
and regulating vehicles.in the -use of certain streets
in the City, of, Beaumont, - andrepealing all ordinances
in conflict therewith and declaring. an emergency.
That Articles 821,; 826, 836 and 842 of Chapter 39,
of tha .Revi:sed Code -of Ordinances idopted by the City
Council of Beaumont,. Teras,,: Re,b• 7th, 1911, providing
Traffic Rule's" -•and Regulations regulating automobiles and
other vehicles by amendment so , that same shall hereafter
read .as follows:
Art .821 It shall 'be unlawful for any per son to 'operate
of drive. any vehicle ..on the streets or ways of the City
of Beaumont or' in any cemetery' or . place of burial in said
city or in any public park of'said `city at a rate of
speed. greater than,"is'reasonable and proper, having due
regard to traffic and 'the �us'e of the way' and safety. of,
the public= It shall be prima facie evidence of e." speed'
greater than: is reasonable and'. proper as aforesaid if any•
vehicle ' is' operated on any .way or street of the city of
Beaumont outside of the, V} Icklysettled or businesspart
of said city at a rate of,s,peed exceeding dighteen miles
per, hour • It shall be prima facie evidence of a rate of
speed greater than is reasonable and -proper asaforesaid
if�,any •vehicle is operated on any street or way_ inside
the thickly settled ,or, business part of :the city of ,Beaumont
at a rate of speed exceeding fifteen miles
per botlr •
if any
vehicle is ope _,ated in anycemetery
or place
in.any public parks 0,�f said city
at a rate
exceeding eight miles per hour., or
if any vehicle
is operated.on
any street or way or in any
of .burial,, or in any public park in
said city
at a
rate .of speed e$eeeding eight miles per ho17r', where the 1
operator's or, c.heauffeur's' view .of. the .road traffic, is
obstructed either upon approachingan intersecting wad
or"`in traversing the; 'crossing or intersection' of ways'
or in going ar ound'..a" c orae r . or, a curiae in a street or
way .provided further' -that no person In ••charge of. any
vehicle upon any street or way or. at'.any. cemetery place
of burial or any public park within the .city . of
Beaumont shall drive, at any speed. 'without due- regard to
the traff.ic.'an,d use of the 'public streets,,ways or in',
any ' cemetery,places .of �urial or public parks ,or so, as
to -endanger the 1 ife, limb or property of persons ther1eon,
provided •that. this :article shall .apply to'drivers of
any vehicle .of the,:.fire 'department and -police department
of'the.,city;of.Beaumont, nor to any•�driver of an ambulance
answering an emergency call.-.
Art. 826. It shall be, unlawfulfcr any person in charge
of. 'any vehicle or . domestic ' animal " to allow said vehicle
or, animal to-oemain,,'stand-ing for '.a .longer period"than,•
th.i'rty minutes. on any ,of `the stre-ats or portions ' of streets
to=wit:-� .. • , '. � ,
Pearl Street between, Broadway and„College St., in the
City of Beaumont;'"Or.leans St. between Bowie and the T 2c
N 0 R R'tracks int,ers.ecting.Orleans ,and Crockett Str,eets..
Also on that part .of 6xookett Street south'.of-the T.& N 0
R R tracks now occupied by the S.P.Gity Ticket office in the
City of.Beaumont; or. on the south side. of C,rocke.tt Street
between Park'and Orleans St. or to allow said Vehicle,
animal or animals. fo remain, standing for 'a longer Period
than one hour on Laurel Avenue from Alamo St. to, Oileans
St:� from ''erty. Avenue to the intersection of Orleans ,S't-�
with , the T & N 0 R' :R tracks, or on Bowie St . Crockett St..
and Liberty Avenue from Orleans St: to Pearl St. provided
that nothing heri.in ' shall. be, construed' to apply .to:.-.
d.r'vers of any vehicle of'the fire department of the
police department of the City of Beaumont, nor to' drivers
of, ambulances and doctors whose cars,'are marked, with
a green cross', and: real circle .
Art 831• Shall not operate, automobiles'withotit
registration and pe'rmi't:.: No Person shall .op,erate drive
or propel any automobile ; .motor.:ve.hicle am other vehicle .
in the streets .of public grounds of the City.of Beaumont
iinl,ess.'he, shall. first, ragister. 'under' oath' with the City:
Tax Assessor and Collector in a'.suitable -record kept for
that purpose ,> :his or. her ,name , age ,ad arass ,and occupation
and ,make" an,,a`F.'fiday. it. before said Tax. Collector to the
effect that, he, the. appl8aant, in familiar with the traffic
rules and: regtilati,ons of the City - of ,Beaumont. Thereupon
said Tax Assessor and Collector shall issue t.o said
appl icant anon=transferable permit or' license ''which shall
be good until March'. 31st,.,.. thereafter.. Provided. that 'con
victioh of. any person holding such license or permit for
the -third time, witllih _twelve months for the':.v.iol.ation` of
any provision. of this ordinance shall work, an. immediate
cancellation of such license and permit an&�: slicYi' person
shall not bleallowed to obtain or be 'entitled to another
license .or permit. for- a period of.'six, moiitYi`s' ,the reaft'er
The license or permit above ..provided for shall be
carried by'the Hers n to whom same .iss-ke'a whenever he - `-�-
shall drive or operate any vehicle, as. provided in this
at the Tax Assessor and Collector may
article, provided th
have a badge to be worded, as follows:
License' No.
Beaumont, Texas•
the': said'
number, to' correspond, with the license nr permit
niirlber taken out, and any person'..securing ,a' license or
No Text
No Text
Beaumont,.- Texas,
I'Aar ch 16th, 1915.
Hon.Pdayor & City Council,
C -i -t -y•
VVe , your ordinance committee, to wham
was referred the attached ordinance, beg to report
that we have carefully eliamined. same and recommend
that it be adopted.
Respectfully; -
Ordinance '"Committee