Ordering an election .to be held in the:. City of Beau"
Mont, to, d.e'termine If bonds of said. Citv shall.be mssued .for
the purpose of making certain public impr,ovement s, naming the
time and:places of hold ing..said, election, and appointing of-
fixers thereof, and, pr oviding for the manner . of hold ing said
election, and the giving of notice thereof.-
That an election be hdldiin the City of Beaumont,Texas,
on.,the 20th day of I4Iay,A.D.1915, at which election the follow-'
ing propositions shall be submit t e d.: -
First: Shall the City Council of the City of Beaumont
be .authorized to issue bonds .of said City, hereifiafter- designat-`
ed as Wharf & Dock Bonds in ,the sum of One:R, undred Thousand.
Dollars, payable in forty (400 years after date, with the option
of redeeminf same at any time after Twenty (20) years from
date, bearing .interest at the. rate of five" (5J) per. cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, and to levy a tax sufficient to
pay the interest.-,on said bonds and to create a sinking fund,-suf-
ficient to.'redeem same at .me,tur ity, for the purpose of con--
structing Rai wharves and docks and improvements thereon, in the
City of Beaumont..
Shall,.the City Council of the City of Beaumont be authoriz-
ed, to issue the bonds of said' Cite, 'fere inaf ter designated as
Street Improvement r✓nd Repair •.B'onds,' in the sum of Eighty Five.
Thousand.,Dollars; payable in forty-(40) ye ars after. date, with the
option of redeeming. same at, any tine .after twenty years (20) �XKx
from date, .bearing interest at,. the rate of five (5) per cent
per. annum, .payable semi`-annually, and to. levy•a tax sufficient to
pay the interest on said bonds and to create ,.a sinking fund suf-
fici*ent to' redeem same at' maturity ,f or thepurpose of Street Im-
pr. ovements ' and Repair's.
1V .
Shall the City Council of the City of Beaumont be authoriz-
ed to issue bons of the said City, hereinafter designated as Sewer
Bonds in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable forty (40)
years after date, with the option of redeeming same at any time
after twenty (20) years from L ate, bearing interest at the rate of
five (5%) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and to levy
a tax sufficient to pay the interest on the saida bonds, and to
create a sinking fu:.d sufficient to
at maturity for
the purpose of constructing public
necessary laterals
within the City of Beaumont.
Shall the City Council of the City of Beaumont be
authorized to issue bonds of the said City,hereinaftera designated
as Incinerator Bonds in the sum of 7?ive Thousand Dollars, payable
forty (40) years after date, with the option of redeeming same at
any time after twenty (20) years from date, be axing interest at
• the rate of five (5%0) per cent per annum, paya')le semi-annually,
and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the Interest on the said
bonds, and to create a sinking ttan sufficient to r edeem, same -at
matvrity for the purpose of constructing and operating a public
incinerator within the City of Beaumont.
to -wit: -
That said Ele e ti on shall be held at the fo ll Owing places,
In the First ;lard at the Central Fire Station.
In the Second ,`Tar d at the Beaumont City Hall•
In The Third ','lard, at the Jefferson Coufity Co»rt House.
That the folloti,7ing nam d persons are appointed officers of
said e lee ti on:
In the First W ar d ;
In the Second V,ard:
In The Th i r d War d
That said election. 's'hal1 be held under .the provisions of
the State •Law, governing elections, and only qualified voters whoe
are prope rte,. tax payers of said City' of Be:aumont shall be allowed
to vote,- �n'd all voters desiring to .support the proposition to j=,_
issue Wharf' &-Dock Bonds, "shall hav9 printed. on their, ballots the
wor ds : "Forthe issuance .of Wk&rfl& Dock Bonds", and those oppose d
to the issuance .of Wharf & Dock Bonds "shall have printed -on their
ballots- the words, '.'Against the .issuance of Whar f .&. Dock Bonds";
And: thos e de'sir ing.• to support the pr'opo si ti on t o issue
Street Impr,ovarxnt . & Repair Bonds shall have. printed .on, their
.ballots _the wor ds "For 'the is, . anc e ',of Street Improv-ement & .
Repaix Bonds", and those opposed to th.e issuance of Street Im
pr ovennt & Repair Bonds shall have printed :on their ballots the
words t'AgaIns t the issuance of Street Improvement & Repair Bonds
And those d'esir ing.-to support the propositi on to issue
Sewer- Bonds shall have printed on their 'ballots the words, "For
the, i'ssuan'•ce of Sewer .Bonds", and .those opposed, to the issuance of
Fewer Bonds shale have printed 'on the•ir ballots the words, "Against.
the issuance of Sewer Bonds";
And t',ios e d -e sizing t o suppor t the. proposi, ti on to issue
Incinerator, Bonds, shall have printed on their ballots the wor ds
"For the issuance of Incinerator Bonds"., and .those opposed to the
i ssu a z e `o.'f Incinerator Bonds shall have printed on the it ballots
the words,. '"Against t:he issuance of Incinex'at,ox Bonds y';
lg. = :
That., 4, copyof this or di na nc.a signe d by the Mayor of the
City of Beaumont and attested by 't he, .City Secretaryshall. serve,
,as proper not ice of said e.le ction end the Mayor is directed 'to
cause said not•ic'es ,to be posted up at=each of the places designat-
ed. for holding said election at least thirty (30) days prior to the
date of said ele ction•.
X. :
This' ordinance shall go into force and effect from and
afta r. its passage ,appr oval by :the:. Mayor and .lawful publication,
• 3
Passed this the 9th day of April, A.D.1915.
Approved this the 9th day of Ap:cil,A.D.1915.
ellf Liay o r .
Cit 3ecretax y.—
I Lt
P f , , I Cl, i. iii 15,
Baaumon-IL-.,Tex - April 9th ,191
Elono-,-able- Llayor & City Couricil,
Gen 1. 1-- m n t
We, your Ordinance, Committee, to -,,.Thom,,,Tas referred the
attached ordinance, beg to report that we have �Iuly considered
same, and repommend that sam, e be adopted, u -Ade-- suspension of the
-rule requiring ordinances to be read at three z-gular meetings.
Re spectfull 9kbmitted,
Or d! na nc e C 3 -mm -it t e e