HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 39-BAN 0'I.RD I N A N 0 E
-Entitled An Ordinance ordering an election to be held
in the City of Beaumont, Texas, on the 30th day of De-
cember A.D. 1919, to determine whether or not the pro-
posed M7 CHATRTER framed by the BEAUMONT CHARTI7R
COMMISSIOT? duly elected for that purpose, shall be
adopted as the OtIARTER O THE CITY OF BEP:U?IIONT� nam-
ing the time and plaees.f-or holding said Election,
providing officers to hold said election, providing
for the manner of holding said election,^ giving notice
thereof, and declaring an emergency.
Whereas on the 13th day of May�A.D. 19191 the question
"shall a Commission be chosen,to frame a new Charter"
was Submitted to the qualified voters -of the City of
Beaumont,' and. sib ;said election at which such ques-
tion was submitted.a majority of the qualified
voters voting thereon voted in the affirmative; ands
Whereas)at said election there was elected from the
City at large a Charter Commission composed of
fifteen (15) Members, �� majority vote of the
qualified voters voting at said election; ands
Whereas the said Charter Commission completed the
work of framing a Charter for the City of Beaumont,
and by majority vote adopted the Charter so framed
for submission to the qualified -voters of the City
of Beaumont, and said Commission by its duly elect -
Q(#.4 ot. Zlwu
ed and acting officers namely Chairman .,nice
Chai antand Secreta have filed with the City
Council of the City of Beaumont their certified re -
Dort of the action of the said Charter Commission
as f ollows :
"Beaumont, Texas.
November 17, 1919.
To the .Mayor and
City Council of the City of Beaumont:
ORD, Beq—B
lxl ov, 1 ?,1� 19
We, the undersigned officers of the Beaumont Charter
Commission, to -wit; Chairman, Vice-chairman and Secretary,
duly elected as such,, do hereby certify_ to_youur Honorable
Body that on the 12th day of November, A.D.1919, the said
Beaumont Charter Commission. completed its labor as to
the drafting of the Charter itself, and did on said date
by Majority vote formally taken, adopt the Charter
drafted for submission to the voters of the City, and
said drafted copy so adopted has been - duly signed and
certified by all the officers of 'the Commission and
a majority of the membership thereof, and the same is
now in the hands of the printer being printed for de-
livery to the City Secretary for mailing to the voters of
- - -- -- — the -City--as required by lair: — - - -- -- — - - --- - -
And we do further certify that said Beaurniont Charter
Commission upon the completion of its work on the 12th
day of November, A.D. 1919; as aforesaid, did by majority
vote formally taken, fix the 30th day of December, A.D.
1919 as the day of election upom which said Charter
shall be voted upon by the qualified voters of the City,
said 30th day of December being more than 40 days f rora
the date of the completion of the work of the Commission
as required by law.
Wherefore we respectfully suggest that you, as the
governing body of the City, make provision for said .
election as provided by Article 1096 - b, Vernon's Saylet'
Texas Civil Statutes.
In witness whereof we here affix our official signa-
tures this 17th day of November, A.D. 1919.
Chas. D. Sruith
Chairman of the Beaumont
Charter Commission.
L. Black
Vice Chairman of e Beaumont
Charter Commission.
J. C. Cle=gons .
ecre ary o e eaumon
Charter Cowlission. "
Whereas a copy of .said Charter certified by_ the_.off-i.cers
of said Commissi-om and a majority of the members thereof,
is on file with the City Secretary of the City of Beaumont.
5e reD o re-
Section 1.
That an election shall be held in the City of Beaumont -
Texas, on the 30th- day of December 1919, at which elec-
tion there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of
said City,whether or not the NEw CHARTER, framed by the
CfTARTER 001p,.1ISSION duly elected for that purpose, shall
-be�adopted as' the CHARTER OF THE CITY. OF 137'AITIMNT. -- -- --
Section 2.
That the City Secretary of the City of Beaumont, shall
mail a copy of said proposed Charter to each qualified
voter of said City, as appears from the Tax Collectors
Rolls, for the year ending January 31st, 1919, and a
copy of said Charter duly certified by the Charter Com-
mission shall be kept on file. in the office of the City
Secretary of the City of Beaumont subject at ail times
to the inspection of the public, and such copy.mailed to
each voter not less than thirty days_.prior to said elec-
tion, and said copy on file for public inspection, shall
be sufficient notice of the contents of said proposed'
Section 3.
That said election shall be held at, the following places,
In the First retard, at the Central Fire Station..
In the Second Ward, at the City Hall on Main Street.
In t'he Ward , -at at the- Cout.t Court
� � y House.
nr�D, �q-
NOV, i51 jOq19
Section 4,
Tli,at the follouinLP named, per sons are a,ppointecl ofi'ic;ers
of said. election,alld the first na-med in each ward shall.
be t,2e-oresidin juclt;e of said ward and. shall have au-
thority to solo t t eir ow. -O clerks,
In the First Ward, Hv D. Fletcher and
1 the Second. Wird. cand -
- In tho Third Warr] d .�-� -�v� - - - -ander -CC1 d��;o( ,It
S,.nt iorr 5.
That said, el ection s1a1.1 be held a d.,,.r. trre, provisions of
t,'!E? Bute? TaRINS Pl eC;tions , and u.rder the n-ro"
vi sines of the Act of the 33rd Terni slature, wvh ich was
House Bill No. 13 of said LePisl-ature,but vvhic z is corn-
monlar kno��rn as the Home Rule Sta,tute,and which became a
law on July 1st 1913
S scat ion 6.
That at such election t1le adoption or rejection of said
a."a,ll. not be subutij.tted a,sT:JterS�-
lout shall be Se re,ra,tecl in the .followin j, manner, as per
the order of said Criwrter Commission, to-wit.--
>� 17-soction 'lo-, 9 of Section No. 93 and all of section
1.4,rail.a,ting to Vharves arlcl Docks,and River and Harbor
11',,-orovernent s , shall b submitted as a unit se -pa.rat e from
t1l-o rest of the Charter, and Sections 2, 3, and. 4 pre--
scrU0i_ !-P the Cit;- Limit's and 'Provid.inp, for extp,I ?ions
t1aerwof, c, fall be ouTimitted as a unit separately from th,n
rest of said charter; and all the balance of said Charter
sh�.11 be submitted as a unit. If said Sections relati2I-.
to V.i �rves and docks and River_ a.nd Harbor Im-orovement s
aro -lot adopted by a Ina joritir vote ,such subjects shall
COn t i ntle to be r,ov,:--recd, in future , ny the provisions
of the Charter now in existen.ne relatin- to thR same; aM.
if aid Bections relatiiif; to tie. City Limits and exp
ten, -Ions thereof are not adopted by a majority vote,
at el_eotion,the provisions of t1n.e City Charter now
in force rel.-latin to such subjects shall c✓ontini?o in.
ford and effect ,and govern tr ereon . Tf t- e rpma,i roci r
of the Ohp.rter now Uro -r osmd. i , n.ot adopted lDy a. majority
V 1I, _bq—
vote at suc:q election, the Charter of the Cj.t;;r !,row i r
effe,,t shall ^ontinlie, in effect,exnept as it .maV be .jnod=
i fi.ed by t_"P ad:optiori (if they are adopted ) of said
provisions rela.ti .rr. to Miarves and Docks 4nd River and
Harbor TTr-Provein,:ants, and Cit7.7 Mmits and extensions �
ther,�,,)f »
Section 7.
In aco ordanc e with the Order of the Chatter Commi ss or
t't?P ballot at said election for t11e adoptioTj or rejection.
of said Cb.arter shall_ read as follows:"
FOR ql.l of the proposed. reyv Chart Pr
ot_r or than the . nrovi-sion.9 voted on
separately below.
A.CATNaT all of the DroUo sed new Cbarter
ot,_her that the provisions voted,or
seva,rately beloll.
FOR si.lbsection 9- of Section 9 and
tion 1.4 0_ the proposed Charter relatin'7 to
V,,arves and Doc l s and River and Iia,r^or Tm�rovemerits.
ry�,TA7 .r�7� sues i_o�,.- 9 —Q. __ C#tidr.- g: �;nc� - -Sectio + T4
of the proposed Yew Ch,�,rter,rPlUtinFr to wh,-trTPS anti T)OO •.s
and River and Harbor Im-Dr.ovement s d -
FOR S!qotions 2, 3, &`4 of the proposed
Ch.rter definin rthe City Limit.s,and providi.�?
for future extensions thereo•F,
AGATFS`! Sections 2, 3, & 4, of the proposed
C_"arter definin- the Cit;,r Limits and provi�Urig
for future extensions thereof.
Sec -i, oi`1 �3 .
Aa!-roters voting! for ..the adoption of any or p1)_ of the
erg asp.
proDositions above submittedshall era.se�the para ravh
on s :�,id ballot Zyhioh be ;ins wit__ the word "AT,4inst" said
y7rop�sit"i_On; and a,11 �ote�rs :'rc�`ti-n;=a;sizls_i,, a�.y or all
of said propositions shall erase^the paragraph be, -jinni �„
th the w6rd "FOR" said •nronosition.
Section 9.
That a Copy of t <ii s ordinance si. ned by the Mayor of the
City of :Beaumont and attested iav the City Secretary
;shall serve as a proper notice of said elen.tton, and trA
�j4:ti;Tor is d.ireoted to ea:zse said notices to be po9tP:i at
c -)f the Pl-a(- 3- dwsi nat,ecT for ITold.irr such elects.i on,
j. i- a.: '-n-a: ner n d fLir 01 Lima j"egYi r -q hj law,
WOO, 1.7
Tne i"rant that it is rinEyno j7portart to 0016 MY Olt'
will of perni_t of delay, an ti pra t'_ v H p>blin n., oRR—
ant said rule is suspended a.nG it ig ordRrpd Wat this
nr n l n4 nn b- in O f'fict from ;L',_7 after its p,, s:;:d,h OW
App r Qj Wov. . 1.8 1919.