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ORD 13-B
-- CHAPTER LVII AT ORDINAdCE GR I� TING TO THE TEXARKANA ATIv') FORT SMITH RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT; MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ONE SINGLE ?!AIX TRACH ON, OVER ALONG RAILROAD BE IT ORDAINED BY THIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEA1P.-iO11T : - Section I: That the Te,e.a,rkana and Fort 111mith Rail;gay Company be, and are hereby authorized to construct and Maintain one standard gauge ra3.1road track, and to operate its cars thereon, for the purpose of tratlsporting freight and passengers and for such other purposes as it may lawfully do as a common carrier on; over and along Railroad Avenue, Section- 2: That said railway company shall be required, at its own_ expense, to construct and maintain s -o.? table ditches anis culverts for the purpose of properly- draining said Railroad Avenue, arca to construct and maintain good and sufficient crossings at the intersection of all c,L•oss streets, with easy approaches 'thereto, so as to keep said street acid crossings in such condition as not to ' interfere with public traffic and travel thereon. Section. 3: That said railway- cor•ipany shall be further required to construct and maintain said railroad track at the same grade or level as the established grace or level of said Avenue, so as not to in any 6vay obstruct the use of the same by the p'Ablic, and shall also, within a reasonable time, not exceeding one year after the construction of said railroad track, ballast said railroad track -between the rails and to a distance of two feet on either side thereof with rock, gravel, shells, cinders, sand and --other suitable materials in such a menner that said tracks may 136 --on a, -level with the grade of the street, Section 4: That ;the foregoing. rights and privilege is ,hereby granted .to s9dd railway "company upon -the express condition- that said railwky "company,- through_ it_s proper officer or officers, shall, -.within thirty days after -the approval of thi8 ordinance, file with the City Clerk it -s written 4ceeptance . of: this- ordinance;- and upon, further condition that ;the' railroad t6'be,.constructed thereon sh8ll -be complete upon and along said Railroad. Avenue within eight -months from the passage. _ Sf this ordinance, and.that said 'Texarkana, &.,Ford Railway - Comp any,, ailway_Company, -shall locate; .establish ailc� -maintain. both its, frei"ght and passenger'- depots for their Beaumont Station within the present -c6rporate -1 "its of s&id; rity,- and up failure or refusal ok.:said company to comply vii th" the above conditions; - then, -and in that oase, they forfe-its the .right," privileges, use ,and possession of -said Railroad .-Avenue,'-' the: same. 'steal% immediately revert back• to',the'' City, of BeaurOnt, 'and this - ordinance shall become, -null and void-. . Oa, 0,00`4? CHAP TER LVIII. AN -ORDINANCE GRANTING TO TNE TEXARKANA AND FORT SMITH RAi_LWAY COMPPA':Y THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINi'AIN AND OPERATE ONE ,SIT GLE MAIN TRACK ON, OVIT, AND ALONG WASHINGTON STREET. BE, ITO1:DA117hD BY THE CITY COLENCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT : - SECT1014k : That the Texarkana and Fort Smith Railway Company be, and is hereby authorized to construct and maintain one single standard guage railroad track and necessary tui -routs and switches, and to ope •ate its cars therein for the purpose of transporting freight and passengers, and .for such other purposes as it r1ay ia;;fully do as a co_amon -carrier on, over, and along Wa€3hington Street, also the right to cross Holmes Avenue near its intersection wi— th Washington Street; also the right -to cross College Street and -Tilam Street near their intersection with Railroad Avenue. Sect -ion 2: That said Railroad t,ompairy shall be required; `",`;' own expense, to construct and maintain suitable f 4 ditches and culverts for the 'purpose of ,propierly draining said Washington Street, and to construct and maintain good and sufficient crossings at the intersection of all cross streets, with easy approaches thereto, so as,to keep said street and crossings in such a condition as not to interfere with-public- travel ith-public- travel and traffic thereon. Section 3 That said railroad cpmpany shall b-- further e further required to construct and ma�:ntain.said railroad track at the same grade or level as the established grade or level of said street, so as not to in, anywise obstruct the use -of the same by the public and shall also, within a�.reasonable time, not exceeding one year after the constructidp of saiiR railroad track, ballast said railroad track, between the rails oZf -2- and 2- and toa distance. of two ' feet on either side thereof with rock, r gravel, shells, cinders,-Sand or other suitable.material, in such manner that said track may be on a level with the streets. t Section 9: That.the foregoing right and privilege is hereby - granted 'to gaid railway c.ompariy. upon the express condition that said, railway company,.. through- its proper officer or offiegrs, shall, within thirty days after the approval of this or"irnance,- file with the City Clerk its writteri acceptance of this ordinance, and upon-the further condition that the railroad to' be _cons:tructed , thereon shall be completed. upon and along the said Washington Street withineight months from the passage of this-ordinance,.-and that the said Texarkana and Fort Smith Railway Company shall locate, establish and maintain both its freight and passenger dpots for their Beaumont Station within the _p'r.-esent corporate limits of said City; and upon_ the failure or-refusal of-.said company to compl.# with the above'.conditions, then, and in that case; they-forfeit the rights, privileges, use-and possession of said Washington street;, the, P-ame _shall immediately revert back to .the City .of Beaumont and this ordinance 61hall be, and become null and .void.. � Al,) Or":LI�lAT'iC { nA JTI1_'.1G TO —n' T ^1. 11::-' 'VI'A. '�1?7 ?ORT S_''ITI: r_AILIJ,Y CO!''1PAi;Y 'i'FL_ i-ICii^ TO C0':S'1'J'UCT, _ AZ�diAII? A,•,1) UPEt-iADj' ONS SINGLE SAI �J iRAC�� OTS , OVL';,� A]� Ih ALONQ iivAS:�INCTOD r• 3i� IT 01=,7; T�,?1+;D 3Y CITY COUiJC?L Or TNi; GI^Tt 0=+ OF :fieCt:Lon 1: Loe1 tht, 1exai' cai!a a??u, i . t S'!,ii an., b8, and :Ls h(:i-eby orizEed to C'ull;.:tl"UCt ;'ila 121aj.n-tC,,n Qlle > J ,?lct s ,.y t� �vut s a W L ir: St alictC. Cl :LnCF?v ra.Lli,aa ( �.,ac 1 L_. 1tiC� , t,1'i_ ria arlu to op --r std its ca,l'S ti!E°roon o: the :U1'L)oaju Uj I'd?1S�)Oi l l 1"t' L 7t ^1101 ypa.,3 it'•1 c e -I'S, :;nu for Si).ch ot''-- r tl.oLe _ _'ic1' lam.. t'"'l7 - _;i% CtU ?:_c'reel" on, Qvel' and 2,!OTl�: 1-.,ashLnk ton Street) _! so i..'_le a icht to eross Holmes A'' e -e ue r_c:;'.r itw-., interse(;ti.on with Vfl.,i3_hin1-t,on Street; C' :;U tr _'lr 11, Q C1'OSS ColyelTt S':� U(;t and .`i1 '_C'1 5 rest ne,,-?r 'J11C is til".;c:Z'St Ct7 U'Il L?Lt.til t allroaa Avc nve. Section 2' That ,010. J,La_Lll"OEI,U COL]x) at J.7;ti o`,vn ux,)E)TJse- 2 to con i3tl'i?ct v_nci if, �u ri-I',-Piri .:L'1_t;l-)le d—'I tc_'! cil1U C•111'�Grt:i j'ui' „alt; ;JItY"a�U:�t: CtI iIt'U!)i;� _.;% 0L''c.11li?'i�' SP,ZU til�c Il-Z1� y0r1 U � t' t..; 't , 2 _I l a t U co I' L T• t.. C t y,Y 1 Ci ' _l a J_ n i;- L 11 U o Ct &:,l (r Si - tel i C J. F, n C,,-ossinr-s Pt t1'1!: 1*1i;c'".' Coon of 8.1-i_ C '0 s Stret:t:', with cL').)r'oucheS the—.—to � 0 as Sti-eet ?ala C1'0S2111; 2, i -Ll `. i).C;Il Ei Coj�CJ�1i0Y1 i' i1Qt tU iTli;i;!"{'dl"d `.:`1'vll 1J11''JL]C ti"c,V( 1 cl]Ci 'r1',^, T1C the, -eon. SBctioi1 .3: T aia .'c:..LI 'oF,,u co: ,) . ly i ad 1 be 't:r'tner ?"LCTL211'()C� to Col1�t1'ii-C:�) cJ1i T!1Ct�11'i: c:ck Ct _ ,'1T?lt'. Z 1 0 or �_ovcl tlau F;:�'i,c? 11 S1 (',(.i f: j' :it'. U) 1 V. Ui Lfi v f , 1 i t urr- � p r ;� � 7 '� ;j '� . fl , 0 cv t'l_8 i) -u1) is o L n all, .. �- . ; t titc u t c. ,., U r: o_ ilCi tih I:l. 150, r'k?��.ti0YY:�',le t__rle not el:ceec._n{� ort: year •,11e C!JTl .'1'uCt1.0Y1 cl._c,iCl-I';;-llY"(.n(c, l. c C ,. ballast tradk b:'t;:'een the fail. 'liltl. to c di6tar1C', of t47o fQC: 1 )YY L1 i; Ii Li' Si��e I:11:. C Uf :ithk- i l"aAr(, L1 ti'hc J.:J, ci!ICL t;l' i3, S(,;1C1 J?" 0' in: .;n1,tarle :. a ;, t;'�.Ck _1_ Ire an i 1 o st, ,,1 L , L J. l I. �q � y r,' ,r• N Section. 4: That t -,e for,egoirip 1"1t cl"F c?7d Lr"�vyle{Te 15 C'Y'Eb'rte"_''_t2Ci to --aid I X11': '` C07Rp3"?jT up on t�? e:{J�'(',ss conui`-ion that aid- railway coa-)c.7 y`, thro,, t, l i': s pl--ooe of ylc er or o"Ff wc-ers, -i, shall, rrithIn thirty caayTs rf t .c the approval of this ordinance, file w.'Lth the C:.tj'. Clerk its, Britten acceptance of this o--dinanc,e, end ,Lpon -clic yur Cher comsat -on that t?lu r ,llroad to be constructed tier -eon ;:hall be cor_ipleted 1-1ooi1 L."nd F-iong the said Wa,o'rlington Street :T1;hin o-, aooths Mfrom �:,:1C: J<1s5���e of t ii Ol'C11?1ar1C:v, and t1G3 fixe - a lr F S r z � t e .a.��. Tex4Y�ic�a.i � and Fort � ��:�th Rail; a,,; COi;lj��,,1y slia,.l1 locate, , e .tablish and r1a:Lntain both its freight and. passenger aepo . - for their Beaumnt Station with_n the present corporatu limlits of said C I tV n upon : h e f ai 11.,',i'N, o r .fusa1 of ?.i 6 companit t o col"ply 7 t1 theG''0vv Co11G t 0Y1S, ti1P.}.?, nC� in:hat case the:, forfeit the rights, privileges, use and -,)ossession, of "aid Vlashington Street; the same shall. i;nrneoiately= revert back to, th City of" Eeaumont, alzcI t�lis ordi n�,.nc e stlai l bE: , ail u become null ar_d void. C' : T A T I T - E ' R% OkiCMi'GTE HAIN TRACK 011) OVER Al11" ALMG RAILT RO-AD'.AIFE'l 0 111H-7 CIT'� COUNXIL 0-11 T E CITY 11' aEA1.T-T0NL"T 3H' IT M"DAI"_'._;�D BY Tr l?! 1:, Th, -t tho Texarl�ana and Fort Smith Railway Comijan,,)' be, and' a: -e ilereby authorii.,-ed to con`-.truct and T.,iailnll-ain 0116ta-acia--, a p -c oqrre railroau tr;Jck L'_Icl to oTx�rate its Cars the.eon c for tile Of trans- ,,)orting "re- nnu pussen;�-ers and fol" sudh n, - 1, J, -1 - as a co�-�mlol - l) Oth`r P11L_L'pQses as at i ay %_�,:f u L.-, u. o I carrIcy 01 over a:nu alonc, Failruau Av—eni).e. SuctIon 2: TII�A -.-'ailway comliany shali be t - Its o',*un Go " construct and n1ai2ltain suitable a ditches` at'd cudv'�its for the pi)—pose of prop�,,rl dredning said R2..-*61-coad avenue, and to, co;i:;`U-iuct 2no ma.LntaLn good c lCL Sufficient uruss.Lngb at the o --f* al -I cro,-_3 streets w -it h e'atill', '-_-',.)-jroache2 t -hereto so a,,s to keep' said street p_.nci- c;-ossincs in ,.,uch conuition as not to interfere with- (, traffic analVra-ij-el publi. thereon. Sect.-A.rin 3: Th`<t ,:,),id rail%!P_, be flirt he�' re,u..-Lr,,,d to construct�--�-n riaintair. said railroad trick '-t the ,:;Prae grade Q. level as the grade or le -rel el of sp-'d aV'_11l(11) so as not L.o in 2-i1y -..my. ohstruct tlie u --e of t -',,-)e i3am'_� by -the -oublic, and also, i:iith_n a reasonabic tuiiiie, not I Ozle S'Uar aftel. thu Const-rl'tu t. -L' all 0-1 a.id rail."--oad t-_' ' a I 6�._`Lu AN' (',_.'.ANTING TO TTJE TL7X_A__%T�:A1!A AT:I*D 7ORT a distance ST91TT-T RAIU'/AY CO__1'!!DA_'1!Y tITE, RICHT TO COIHST.i.UCT, 'F,_A1N"LA1. 11 Ali]) O-PIJATE OkiCMi'GTE HAIN TRACK 011) OVER Al11" ALMG RAILT RO-AD'.AIFE'l 0 111H-7 CIT'� COUNXIL 0-11 T E CITY 11' aEA1.T-T0NL"T 3H' IT M"DAI"_'._;�D BY Tr l?! 1:, Th, -t tho Texarl�ana and Fort Smith Railway Comijan,,)' be, and' a: -e ilereby authorii.,-ed to con`-.truct and T.,iailnll-ain 0116ta-acia--, a p -c oqrre railroau tr;Jck L'_Icl to oTx�rate its Cars the.eon c for tile Of trans- ,,)orting "re- nnu pussen;�-ers and fol" sudh n, - 1, J, -1 - as a co�-�mlol - l) Oth`r P11L_L'pQses as at i ay %_�,:f u L.-, u. o I carrIcy 01 over a:nu alonc, Failruau Av—eni).e. SuctIon 2: TII�A -.-'ailway comliany shali be t - Its o',*un Go " construct and n1ai2ltain suitable a ditches` at'd cudv'�its for the pi)—pose of prop�,,rl dredning said R2..-*61-coad avenue, and to, co;i:;`U-iuct 2no ma.LntaLn good c lCL Sufficient uruss.Lngb at the o --f* al -I cro,-_3 streets w -it h e'atill', '-_-',.)-jroache2 t -hereto so a,,s to keep' said street p_.nci- c;-ossincs in ,.,uch conuition as not to interfere with- (, traffic analVra-ij-el publi. thereon. Sect.-A.rin 3: Th`<t ,:,),id rail%!P_, be flirt he�' re,u..-Lr,,,d to construct�--�-n riaintair. said railroad trick '-t the ,:;Prae grade Q. level as the grade or le -rel el of sp-'d aV'_11l(11) so as not L.o in 2-i1y -..my. ohstruct tlie u --e of t -',,-)e i3am'_� by -the -oublic, and also, i:iith_n a reasonabic tuiiiie, not I Ozle S'Uar aftel. thu Const-rl'tu t. -L' all 0-1 a.id rail."--oad t-_' ' a I 6�._`Lu iaalcuad tri -,c- bet'aeen the .rails- cin 'o a distance Of t-vio On k,:Lthar s.,.cjL= -;hu, eof w.Lt'-(i cravol, C _L TICI (" 1, S s an a. and othur inp4-in such a iaanney. --.El 2.0- 1 ,ck,,73 -may rt' on a le Orel w- tll he aue of thzC s tl reE3t. e c I t L L j - S ' o n 4: T'hat the forccIoI`ng ricrht and `v' prluge is 11lercb, r ranted to cor(man, u.,)on tale coz oaitio'n thr, L'- ,3 a:L d !%-,,ay c c), rip any ; thr u ut,, I i t S j),1 - u '-p 1. 'r o f f -L c E3 r Or a f f.LC shall_, w.Lt,ijn thirtj" days alte- the approval of t11LS ordinance, file w.-*Lth the Lit&" l lex`k its "vli'itten acceptance of t1iiS- orClinanc e; Linn- upon further condition -GJha- ,t' thu fai.iroac to be consti,ucted ihei eon shall be: completed upon imdc along E�aid Ra;ilroad avenue r�thiil r it;t1� nonthS �'ror� �h�: pa,.,tiage of tllis ordinance, ancx tnat s Aid .L'E::F_-cLi"kcana. alid !'01 t :_,ait11 RaIlwpy Cl'o pan-', :3hail locate, v7tIn and niEin t an Ootl it; L TrE iL-'LLT1U pL,s,--te ger depot i or 1; heil' Be, cU:moIIt Stat JL on within thr , ,o - sent corpor ate iii�nits of sc;id ('.i.t-� , i--uid ul.)on f c`1,.ilure or re uBal of 5,?1.d c0!:"p 17, v71r''i tC1t' a'nO';E condi t:LonS, ti1111, il.Il( in t,1ct CL".Sf , t "1tJ OI' �'lt t}le 1"i(,'It, �. izTil;n:eS, use ciTl(� IoSSeSSiU'1 of sai(1 r�;Lll oad AvSni)_e, the --arje s'_/'a11 in?:iedia t eIY 1'eve -evert back to thc, C -* of 13eauLlont, aha this o, ; inance :',1c1.L become nlzll •_L"c u -void. I C H A P T E R '(' LTV. AN ORDI1;p.11 CF GRANTTN'G I3EAUTf01vT WHA:,F 111,1D TLMMFAL COi.iPA1aY RIGHT TO EUN OVER CERTAf STREET; , BE" IT ORUAII\I-E`D BY THE CM' COL i I CiL OF T n tl� CITY OTT BEAT21ONT - That the; Beaultiont Vr�n arf and Ter n.n.zl Cornpa,n�T, i t , succ6ssors and assigns, for benefits an -d other good and va.lzd cbnsiderat:1.011s to Qur city, i-eceivud and t6 be hereafter received from the said ]Reaun=nt ,'lharf and' Terminal- Company, through the construction and ope, atiot? of its belt line ra,il,-•oad in and about our said city, as Iae_einafter set forth, shall -be, and is hereby gro-nted, &,-iven and made, unto for the aforesaid Consi-derations, the privilege, right and joint use, of the f oll0:;ing described streets, alleys ),,L --.d public property, named rnd unnamed, for the purposeof constructing there, through and thereupon, it. aforesaid terminal railroad, to ?'Iit : Beginning- at the gest line of !7agnolia Avenue and on the canter line of Long A-renue; thence aovrn the center of said Long Avonue eastward to Brake's Ba.-ou.; thcnce down the unnamed street alone the western line of the lanfw shovm on ka.chf ord's reap of the City of Beaumont in the name s of Long 'ranufacturi ng Company and the Reliance Lu -aper Company, southward to a.na across ne street, north of lD'3�0ck tv,ent -e--.f-,-ht (28) on across the unnamed street east of bloc's twenty- eight (28) across Elizabeth, the unnamed stye :t east of fraction,_zl b1ocl� twe:n+--t�•ro (22), Tlulberry street, along Water street from Jtlulberry street down the -i-ver bank to the northwest line of the Tex,?s TrU, and Lumber Company's nropea-ty ; also the center of Austin ,street for a. aist.a�nce of three blocks from I1a,in street south-ae-Stvrard to the line of Sabine, street and street: and alleys in '1Ian iUormer'u Addition to the Cite of Beaumont, as followo: Across T'rilan street near the south corner of block Ixo.5, Ho�raes avenue southwest of lhloc'_c No. 5, Washing_ ton street, between blocks Nos. one (1) <,nd. two (2) ; College s �reet, bettreen blocks Thos. orae (1) and. eight (8) ; the alley in block no.--; Wall str-et, between blocks Nos. eiC�h-t (8) 2 and twelve (12) ; the alley in bioc'k twelve (12) ; Forsythe street,, bet:,,,een blocs ITos. twelve (12) e-nd thirteen. (13), a.nd a1o6g Railroad avenue -from IVall street to .West Bowie, street parallel with and thirteen (13) fee+ from the Te. arkana, and Fort Smith Ra..ilv,av: Dompanl is track, now built along the center of said Railroad a.vonue. Also such -)a.rts of }lain and Austin streets as may be necessary to connect ver-th the tracks of the Beaumont Lumber Connpa.ny on a short curve` a a such parts of streets at the east end of Long's avenue �j.s may be nec:essa.r-r to , connect the tan��ents of the said ter inal railroad ;,ith a curve to reach the saw hill of tn.e Rr liance Lumber Company, and -further, any street or alley,river Front or public y)ropert;y` over which the .Cit his U right to grant a franchise, whether same be mentionod in the above described f:.eld urhich it in-ey be nec;essa.ry for the saici Beaumont VPharf notes or not, and Te:r sinal Corn_ocny to use In' the constructi on : of its terminal r aiIroad under trite `•errs of its charter by the: State. The said privilege, right and joint use, as aforesaid, irre7ocable for a period of -fift-y years, but subject to the following 'condit,s.ons, to wit: 1P3_rst=-`nhe said Beaumont Wharf and Te.rr inal Company shall cause to be prepared a ramp, showing, the e:_act aliEnment of its road'.in relation to all streets, alleys axis. other public propertz, as soon as the ;_ ict railroad small have been conDleted,- i,,hi ch map it shall pla.cE; on file 1,,ri th the T,Tayor '.or Cite Secretary of b Cit, of Beaumont for a better description of the streets, alleJTs and other _public ,)ropert5 affected b5 this franchise. SIcond�—A ,cart of the consideration of this franchise is the assurance that the ir-ailro_ad of the said B_-aum.ont IjVha,:-f and `�'erclinal. Company south of thc, Texas and, New Orleans railroad will not be used for loE-ping the mills of the Beaumont Lumber Company or Tcx,�?s Trina and Lumber Company,' except along and over the portion of .its track along: and parali_P3. with the rives as rar south as the mill of l?eauriont Lumber Cc-mrany, and therefore, the same shall becorae cffectilie only when the 2raid Beaumont ?Va"f £+Yid TerC.'in l Company have filed wi';h elle rgaJ,oi or Secreta,. -:i of the city, as a7,ssuratnc e that no 1CCEI�g business it 1.l be done, a.s ay 01'PSaid, good sufficient contracts of `.u,,_"anty thereof by the ..ay d. and Beartrront Lumbar Company a:,nc! Te1,,�s Tram Pnd Du:iber Company, which shall. bind them not to accept deliver-, of lois from the said Beaumont V,'ila.rf aha 'erminel Company, on th south side of the Teas and New railroad. Third --Sal Beaumont Wharf c.md Terminal Company shall construct ana rialnt-ain suitable ditches arra culverts when necessary, under th:-� advice of, the City En,,ri neer for the ourpos e of properly draining the streats, or other public property, occupied by its r'a_lroad her•el?y, and shall ccrj.:,truct and maJ.ntain good and suff.- cJj.ent l,;,agon or road crossings at the crossing_,- of all streets) and keep .the ..-ame in such condition as to interf ire as little as practicable with public traffic and thereon. Fourth— Said Beaumont Y7.i a --f and Te:r,.ii.nal Company shall construct and rlai nl.airr its railroad so as to he ego the s aerie at grade or le el V;ith the streets, i;rherever possible,so a's to orstruct the use of ;aide by the :jr.iblic a.s little as -possible, ,.nd shall_ also, Yiithin a? --ea,sona -.le time, not exceedinE, one year after construction of the same, ballast said ,-ail-.-o,-:.d with :-and, cinders, shell o - other suit able material between the railrond to. a distance of two feet on either siae thereof, t1le Name occupies streets, a.11e�TS or other 1public. property;, so that the same is given proper level wa.th the streets an,,: easy a1mr. ouch to or over the sa,ae for vehicles, etc, Fifth-- The said rea,umont Vlh ••f and Terminal Company, throur;h its proper- officer or officers, shall within thirty (30) days, file With the City Secretary its written a.cceptazrce of this, franchise, and shall occmpy the nrer_rises here"y granted with its said terminad_ ra.ilro,)d, a..ccorciwn€• to the terns -.hereof, within tjrc;lve months from the pas,sat;e of the ordinance granting; the same, otherwise the sai:ie shall ir7-,iediately revert back to the City of Boaun.ont, and therefrom shall become null and void and of no further force or effect. IE "L,_'_.,; C 2 Z%!� Al 1'eT7T r ��cDIt�}i lVt;i; U�.+'J- Ti 'l `�fa ''-Vf ::i:%'1 i�_ 2... ,NI; i lJR t` LILU I, j, r? c� -1 :SI,Ilv-�y ! ONE VI�.LstI1 -',D . i�' s71_ tJ1 `r � C).1 SS Tti.': u,; �ii�iv 6ection 1: '111&t tsi,. �_,'cxnvkanc. ^na_ Fort icui1:-:;Ay com- :+ and is i:E3reby t'J c; n truce •-,nd ;unintaI71 Orie ut nc.,.,i•u j:ua,-,e ii- ck,nc1 no, ir•v turnouts and switche'v, Unc to oper-te Jt,,, cr tilE;t'con .i ,r 4:?0tiU.i':,oSc. of trrvno-tiny; fra iE.ht ,nci F .;eri`;el, , ;gnu: for ::uch .otli:-r ,urpo e's i t play -L :,v fu 1y do c., la cuarmuen on, over ,;nil Aong ....in�_ton "tree •t Eolm F'3 A -venue zl ar ito t, _ 1 ��o �i,li�� �'i�;rlt t� eros:: ; � c: inV).e!,,ection ::1t1 'k__;:ini�ton til+; right to crops collo"::- stvect inter"^ction Ath O cetion �': That is raila•or.d c.J►1:,,uny be .ro :l,ire(i, ut ii,u 0 m I Ixon e, t;c-, cr)n .:rust zed mLin%c,in ,uit,,.'1;.e itches anculvorts !.cor tac- iuroo,-.c of df,2inin,: ,;Acs l.tr�:.t, r:na to c :n st��uc;t rt' Amrint:_in E.00�a rn;± cufficient cross- im .,_, r,t the inter-- ection of C'll cro,, Streets, itrl oUs3T approaches t,Irreit:b, s•; CF, to ], oe---) r'. sbrcc:t L�nc'. ;ro., :anEz in r,UCL o condi- ti.--:n not to interfere- : i th-}u3yic tri. ci and thereon. Stiction 3: Tl -, t :�.lic:. r,.� lro-.-_u+ c. T-. nnyi be furti. -r re- quired to c,:;nstruet and y,An- rein i-u:Jd roil ro,,.:rt truck A the s,sne t;raic or lcvcl :�o he .C�e or :Levol of c,id-Ar©ct, so .,u noz to in anyf,,L. e olj,_;Urujt the a_:c c -f the a_:,�e bY the Public r_rlr'. i1~ Zl also, v ithin r� .ri:. le vi:. c, n�� t exceeding ::,ne year r ftor tl-e cin traction of ;:icy. rri? _:1 r.c?. tr:.c�., :�r�1? : t; said _—eii- rJo .r: trac k bot-v7een the reit.: +_nc'. t;C Cistc,nce of two' feet on either s,ic:e ti.ereof : ith r^cic, c'_ndo: s, send or othor &:uituble motorial, in uc;kl ,.. anncr thLli L::,_iy be on c. 1�;V(A -itll lie :,tra t ;• r - Lec'tlon t{i ri:i= the foreSo i1� lie °eby.'g:}t.11•tt:el to. .id r 8ilwl-y Cd'-'U;)r-'ny ofbre� t� zc Ex;)re��� c:.,nd_ti:n ' h"A ;'Cid R i I a, Cori":?a.raY + hl'-')Ueh praper ;2 fie crV'S' 1- 10e:I0 , tile. 'Ice thista il rty, .« � 'fl o r3 v1r the City Gj1 :r: F.u:.epteanoc of ti:is oj., inmce, ;i ,cin. tic zurtra.:r cr)nd.ition th,--A .L .riilroad to be con�?tru.ct=;d tiic r 0 C n `;7iall I)c com 1? ated u_)o�. 1gith'iri!3i(iht =-,ionths Ue trl rdi Y1 e a '.t the _ �. - C• I] n�.. , c.,l�. 'SII; t paid Toxarknnu and Fort C;j.r,')E:'ny "fail 16cate, ebt`blish _.nri -Ilaintuin both its fre-iCjlt deaots for their Beau.���nt I>t7.tion "iv��jll �IYe i3�::tint cox��©roto iiuita of said City: f)Ba U.) 03i the i'aiIure orefu.1 �1.' Of '_i C C pan t:) "comapIy °r itI h� a1��: con itiic�n , ti"icn, end. in tb.=:.c, e, tiie5� forf iL tY�6-Ichts, privilegeo, u --e gnu :'o'�L;��; aL "o: said- .�i in )n t, � reg. • t . h e a11 1;..;r'Sd a1:.ei rcivoTt U; !i C, - 4' a`�wi:f t and this �`; ti the v Oi ,.�_ ordi'nanue shod' l bel* and nu.1 czn . void. hcz•o is' no date s Aown ozi 4,�i c orot;ointe ordinance o?� -rile in tine o i' .ti:e City CZc 2:k'. �','z tc, is s;xavm in a Code of 4rdimmcbs ac'_otc�d in 1X31 i���icYl i� :-ho-�m '-,-Dire" Fer)r, ary 180 -:t696. j