Held March -20th 1901.
Be it remembered that. the City Oouncil of the City of Beaumont
met in call session Larch 20th, 1901, Frith following officers and
members present, Mayor Wheat, Aldermen Heisig, Gossett, Ives, Greeves,
L Carrell and Chester, Secretary King, Atty. Blaine, when the following
ordinance came up for consideration.
An Ordinance calling•in and ordering cancelled the 1;1151000.00
City of Beaumont -Vater Works, Drainage and Paving System Bonds issued
under and ..;2y author
� _�„ty of the City CoU.nci1 of the City of Beaumont,
Texas, by n, t)rdinance duly passed on the 17th day of Septerriber,A.D.1906
and"by the further authority of an amended ordinance passed on the 26th
day of October, A.D. 1900.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beaumont,
Sec.l:-That'-whereas; the City of Beaumont•by and through its
City Council by an rdiyn�a_nce duly passed on -the 17th day of September,
.. , - .--.- T.3 __ _ __ �-. - rte•.- _ J
ober, A.D.1900, act or2zec FA�
nce o �� L of Beaumont
tiTater Vforks, Drainage and Paving System Bonds, said Bntlds being numbered
from one to one hundred and fifteen inclusive,and being of denominations
of One Thousand -Dollars each, and bearing date=Aug.lst,19oO, and payable
- Forty years from their date rrith the right reserved to the City to
t any time after twenty years from their date and bear -
the proceeds from the
'ilia f est payable semi-annually,
e of extending the Water
sale of said bond°, Wised for the purpos
iVorks System, the
nd the Pacing System of said City:
wllich said bonds Frere authqqo* beis-sue,%dby the said City Council
by the property tax paying in voters of the City of Beaumont, in an election
held on the lith dayd of September,A.D.1900.And whereas,said Bonds were
duly issued in compliance with -the above authority and were on the 27th
day of October, A.D.1900, registered by the Comptroller of the State of
Texas, as required by law. .
h,ds have not been sold or disposed of, but
And whereas, said Bo
are still the property of the City and are.in the possession of the Mayor.
.-and- Finance Committee of the City Council, and
Whereas,the question of the regularity of the proceeding
issuing said bonds has been-raised,which had effected the legality
thereof, and prevented the sale of aame,and the City Council is now
desirous of cancelling and destroying all of saidBonds, and relieving
the City"of any further liability thereon:
Therefore, be it ftdtABr(_ordained by the City Council of the City
of Beaumont Texas:
That the Mayor be and is hereby instructed to pressat said One
Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars, Water Works, Drainage and Paving
System bonds issued as herein befpre stated, to -the Comptroller of the
State of Texas, at Austin, and that the said Comptroller be and is
hereby authorized to cancel and destroy all of said bonds, and also to
cancel the record of his office, which show the registration thereof:.
and that the said Mayor shaitl report to the City Council his action
therein and that theoeafter.theCity of Beaumont shall be relieved and
released from any further liability on said Bonds:
ec.21-That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force
fter its passage and approval:
Attest. Approved this 20th day of MarchAD,1901
T.C.King, City Secretary.
D.P.Wheat Mayor.
Alderman Heisig offered the fpregoing ordinance and the same
having been read,vras on motion of Alderman Heisig refered to the or-
dinance Committee with instructions to trepott on the samd at once;
Whereupon the ordinance Conunittee having considered the same
reporg�as follows; We the ordinance Committee approve the foregoing
ordinance and,reccommend its passage and approval. ,
' J.T.Gossett, Chairman ordinance Com.
Whereupon,on motmon of AlderYn� Ivea,said ordinance came up
on its first reading and was duly passed,and thereupon on motion of
Alderman Chester said ordinance was taken up on its second reading under
suspension of the rules and upon motion of Alderman Carroll the rule re-
quiring ordinances to be read on three.Aeveral meetings was suspended
and the ordinance was passed on its third and final reading and became
an ordinance of the City of Beaumont.
Atte,1t,T.C.King,City Secretary.
D.P.Wheat Mayor.
City of Beaumont.
I, T.C.King, City Secretary, in and for the City of
Beaunor_t,Texas, do hereby certify that the fpregoing is a true and cor—
rect cppy of the ordinance duly passed by theACity Council of the
r '
ont, %exas, in regular session on the 20th day of March,
appears in record of minutes, in minute Book of ordi—
nances No.l on pages 62 and 63 thereof.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Beaumont Texas, this the 16th day
of May A.D.1901.
City Sdcretary, Bea no xas.
Regular Session Held April 2d 1901.
Be it remembered that the -City Council of the City of Beaumont
met in regular session, April 2d, 1901, with the following officers -and
members present',Mayor Wheat, Alermen Heisig, Gossett, Ives, Greeves Car-
roll and Chester, Secretary Ring, Treasurer Simonton, Ass;&Cod. Sutton
Marshal Eastham, Health Officer Calhoun, when the folowing Ordinance
was acted on to -wit:
An ordinance repealing an ordinance passed by the City Council of the
City of Beaumont,Texas on the 17th -day of September A.D.1900 and abpro-
ved on the 18th day of September A.D.1900, and an amended ordinance
passed and approved on the 26th day of October A.D.1900, which ordinance
authorized the issuance of'$115,000.00 City of Beaumont Water Works
Drainage and paving System Bonds.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas.;
Sec.l:That the following ordinance'passed by the City Council
of the City of.Beaumont on the 17th day of September A-.D.190M, which.is
as follows to -wit: -
An ordinance providing for the borrowing of money by the City of
Beaumont upon the credit of the said City to the amount of One Hundred_
and Fifteen -Thousand Dollars ($115,000.00) to be used for the purpose of
extending the Water Works System,Drainage System, and Paving Syatem of
the said City.
Whereas the pfoperty tax paying voters of the City of Beaumont
on eleventh. day of September 1900 author±zed the City Council of the
City of Beaumont to issue bonds to the amount of one.Hundvvd and Fif-
teen Thousand Dollars 115,000.00) payable Forty (40) years from their
date with the right reserbed to the City to redeem them at any time
after twenty(20) years from their date and bearing interest at the rate
of Five.(5�o) per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually,to be
used for the'purpose extending the Iffater Works System, Drainage System
and Paving System for the said City og Beaumont.
Therefore: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Be-
Sec.l:That thereshall be issued by the City of Beaumont., Bonds
for and behalf of the -City -of Beaumont to borrow money upon the credit
of the City for the purpose of extending.the Water Works System,Drain-
OR 1b, 1--13
age System and Paving System for said City to the amount of One
Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($115,00.00).
Sec.2: That the Mayor is hereby instructed to have prepared One
Hundred and Fifteen Bonds.of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars
($1000.MO) eaeh,payable in current coin or other lawful money of the
United States of America, and to be numbered from One to One Hundred
and Fifteen inelusive.�Said`bonds shall be dated the first day od
August 1900, and shall run Fotty years from that date. The right shall
be reserved to the City, however, to redeem bbma at any time after
twenty (20) years from that date, and shall bear interest from themr
date at the rate of Five (50) per cent per annwm payable semi-annually
on the first day -of February, and the first day of August of eae year,
according to the tenor of interest Coupons thereto attached. Said bonds
shall be signed by the Mayor, and attested by the Sity Secretary, and
shall bear the,impress of the seal of the City of Beaumont.The Coupons
shall bear,the engraved signature of the Mayor and the City,Seeretary,
and both bonds and coupons shall be payable at the office of the City
Treasurer of the City of Beaumont or at the National City Bank of the
York, N.Y.,at the option of.the holder.
. -T at the Bonds and Coupons thereto attached shall upon their
face be in the words and figures following to-wit:-
o-wit:-No. 901000.00
United States of Ameriaa,
State of Texas.
The City of Beaumont.
Water Works, Drainage and Paving.System bonds.
The City of Beaumont in the State of Texas,acknowledges its
self to owe and for value reeiived hereby promises to pay -to bearer,
One Thousand Dollars 01000.00. in current coin or other lawful money
of the United States of America, on the first day of August 1940 together
with interest on said sum from the date thereof at the rate of Five (50)
per -cent per annum payable semi -annuality on the first day of February
and the first day of August of each year in current coin or other lawful
money of the United States of Ameriaa, as evidenced by, and upon -the
presentation of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become
due.Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the office of
ORD' e
M ay
the City Treasurer of the City of Beaumont or at the National City Bank
of the City.of New York,N.Y. at the option of'the holder.
This Bond is one of a series of One Hundred and Fifteen of tike
tenor, date and amont, and numbered from one to one Hundred and Fifteen
inelusivei,#:, and amonting in agregate to the sum of One Hundred and
Fifteen Thuosand Dollars ($115,000.00) issued by the City of Bea-gmont
for the purpose of extendmng the Waterworks System,Drainage System and
Paving System for said -City, pursuant to and in strict compliance with
the ordinance of the City Council of said City, duly. recorded in the
min4te book of. ordinances No.l pages 36537,38,39,40 and 41, and in
strict accordance and conformity with the Charter of the City of Beau—
mont the Statutes and constitutions of Texas; It, is hereby certified,
recited, and declared,thatall acts,conditions and things required to be
done precedent to and in the issuing of said bonds have been properly
done,happened and performed in regular and in due form as -required by
lavr,and the sndebtedness which is contracted by the issuing of these Bon—
ds does not, together with the Indebtedness existing at the time of issuing
of these bonds,exceed_ the limit fixed by theconst.itution and laws of
the said State and Charter of the City of Beaumont. And it is hereby
certified, recited and declared that the tax levied and made necessary
to be levied in order to provide for the interdst and sinking fund of
this issuande of bonds, together with the rate of tax existing at the
time of issuing of these bonds,is within the limit of the constitution
and.laws of the State of Texas,,and of the Charter ofthe City of Beaumont.
In -_testimony hereof, the City of Beauuont has caused this bond
to be issued by the City'Couneil, signed by the'Mayor and attested by
the City Secretary,and has caused the seal of said City to be affixed
thereto, this, the First day of August 1900.
Mayor of the City of Beaumont
j Seal.
.� City Secretary.
Form of Coupons.
Coupon No.
Bond No.
On the First day of the City of Beaumont,State of Texas,will
pay to. the bearer, at the office of the City Treasurer of - the City - of Be—
aiunont or at the National City Bank of the City of New York,N.Y. at
� kL —8
Allay l0
� .r
the option of the holder, Twenty-five Dollars (25.00) in current coin
or other lawful money of -the United States of America, being Six months
interest on bond issued for the purpose of borrowing money for the ex=
tention of the.Water Works System, Drainage Syatem and Paving Syate m
for the City og Beaumont.
Mayor of the City of Beaumont.
Attest City Secretary.
Sec.4:-Said bonds when so prepared shall be placed in the hands
of the Mayor and Finance Committee of the City Council and the said
Mayor and Finance Committee as soon as practicable, shall proceed to
sell the siame at public or private sale; at not less than face value
and accrued interest. The proceeds of the bonds, when they have been
sold, shall be deposited in the hands of the City Treasurer, and shall
be used in paying for the extention of the Water Works System,Drainage
System and Paving System of the City of Beaumont. And it is hereby made
the duty of the Mayor and. Finance Committee in the -sale of said.bonds
to provide that they shall be deliverdd to the purchaser in the City
of Beaumont, and that payment shall be madecfor siadbonds by the'said
purchaser in the said City of Beaumont.
See.5:-For the purpose of paying interest on said_bonds,and
for providing for a sinking fund to redeem them at maturity,.there is
hereby set apart and appropitted 31-1/4 cents out of the 50 cents -hereto-
fore levied by the City Council of the City of Beaumont on the first
day_of May A.D.1900 as shown and recorded in minute book No. 2 of
minutes of the City Council on page 425, to pay the interest and sink-
ing fund on the out -standing bonded indebtedness of the City of Beaumont
,the said 31-1/4 cents is here now Dppropiated for the year 1900, on
all property in the City of Beaumont liable to taxation, as a special
tax to pay the interest and sinking fund on this issue of bonds, the
said tax or as much thereof as may be necessary in hdreby levied for
each succeeding year hereafter as the same maybe necessry.to provide
for the interest and sinking fund as aforesaid -on the entire amount of
said bonds; and if at any time the amount of said assessment is not
sufficient to meet the'said requirement for interest and sinking fund
on said bonds, it is hereby promised and agreed that such increase of
asessment shall be made for the -purpose named.
Sec.6-This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect fvom
and after its passage.
Approved this 18th day of September 1900.
T.C.King, City Secretary, D.P.Whaat, Mayor.
Which ordinance id duly recorded in minute Book of ordinanees.No.l
Pages 36. 37. 38. 39'. 40. and 41, thereof.
And that the fo-llowing amended ordinance, mending the foregoing
ordinance passe d bythe City Council on the 26th day of October A.D.1900
which amende ordinance is as follows to -wit: -
An ordinance amending an ordinance passed by the City Council
of the City of Beaumont on the 17th day of September A.D.1900.
Whereas: By the vote of the property tax paying voters of the City
of Beaumont, bonds of laid City were authorized to be issued to the
amount of $115,000.00 payable Forty years(40) from their date, with the
right reserved to the City to redeem the same at any time -after twenty
(20) years from their date, and
Whereas: This Council on the 17th day of September 1900, passed
an ordinance authorizing the issuance of said bonds, said ordinances
being comflieting in this respect, in that, that portion of the ordinance
authorizing the bonds provides"for bonds payable Forty (40) years from
their date with the right reserved to the City to redeem the same at any
time after twenty(20) years from their date, while the form of the bond
to be issued as embodied in said ordinance, omitted to provide for the
optional redemption of Twenty (20) years, and
Whereas: Said bonds have been lithographed though not yet issued
and said bonds omitting the provision that they are redeemable at the
option of the City after twenty (20) years -from their date.-
Therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of
Beaumont, that said ordinance passed September 17th.1900, wherein it
provides the form of the said bond be so amended that said form shall
show that said bonds are redeemable at the potion of the City after
Twenty (20) years from WmaAadvdate.
- And be it further ordaindd said bonds having been lithographed
as aforesaid:l.that the Mayor and City Secretary
,meq.% l_Qt�gol
be instructed to have printed on the margin of the face of said bonds,
the fol8wing words to -wit:- .
"The City of Beaumont reserves the right to ted.eem this bond
at any time after twenty(20) years from its date .'f
That this ordiande be in full force and effect from and after -
its passage and approval.
Approved this 26th day of October 1900
T.C.King, City Secretary.
D.PWheat, Mayor.
Which amended ordinance is duly recorded in minute Book of ordinances
N6.1 -pages 43 and 44 thereof,"be and each of the foregoing ordinances
are hereby repealed, cancelled, annulled and of no further force and
effect, and that the bonds issued under and in donformity with said
aforesaid ordinances are hereby held for -naught, and the action of this
Council on the 20th day of March A.D. 1901. which ordinance ordered
said bonds cancelled -and destroyed by the Comptroller of the State of
Texas, is hereby and herein re -ordained and the report of the Mayor as
required in said ordinance, showing that said Bonds were destroyed by
said Comptroller is hereby and herein adopted and confirmed, and the
City. of Beaumont is hereby releived from any other and further liability
in the payment of said bonds or any part thereof.
Sec.2:-That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in cdn-
flist with this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed.
Sec.3:-That this ordinance take effect and be in full force
from and ater its passage"and approval.
Attest. T.C.King, Approved this 2d day off April -1901.
D.P.Wheat Mayor.
it was moved by Alderman Heisig and seconded by Alderman Ivea that the
foregoing 6rdinance be refered to the ordinance Committee and that they
be'instructed to repott on said ordinance at once. Whereupon the ordi--
ance Committee returned said ordinance to the City Council with the
following report; we the ordinance Committee of the City Council of the
City of Beaumont approve the above ordinance and reccommend its paaaage
adoption and approval.
Signed.,J.T.Gossett, Chairman, L.F.Cheater,W.A.ives.
Whereupon on motion off Altreman Greeves the rule requiring that ordi-
nances to be read at three several Meetings were suspended and the ordi-
ORD, 9-13
nance was read on its third call -and finally passed., all the Aldermen
being present, on roll call voting in the affirmative. Whereupon the.
Mayor declared the ordinance passed.
Attest,T.C.King, City Secretary.
To the Honorable City Council, City of Beaumont:
Gentlemen: -
In coraplianc6 with your instructions to me as Mayor by ordi-
nance duly passed on the loth day of March A.S. 1901 I presented the
$115,000.00 Water Works, Drainage and Paving'System Bonds heretofore
issued by your Hon. Body, and dated Aug -List the First 190091 to the Hon.
R.M.Love CoMptroller of the State of Texas on the 27th day of March D.D.
1901 at Austin Texas, and caused him to officially cancel and destro-Y
all of said bonds, as well as to cancel his record showing the
registration thereof,as wdill appear by the Official certificate of the
said Comptroller hereto attached and made a part hereof.
Respectfully submitted this 28th day of March AM 1901.
D.P.Wheat Mayor of Beaumont, Texas.
I, R.M.Love, Comptroller of public accounts of the State of Texas, do
hereby certify that City of Beaumont Water Works, Drainage and Paving
System Bonds No's 1 to 115 inclusive for One Thousand Dollars each,
aggregating the sum of $115,000.00 dated August lst 1900. and registered,
in this office the 27th day of October A.D. 1900, have been*by me duly
cancelled, and laid cancellation shown in City Boh.d register 8, on page.
62. Said cancellation in accordance with an order issued by the City
Council of the City of Beaumont on the -26th day of March 1901, and
signed by the Mayor of said City authorizing said Mayor to ptesent said
bonds to the Comptroller and instruct him to cancel the same for the
reasons st*forth in said order to -wit: That the queation of the reg-
ularity in the proceedings issuing said bonds had been raised, which
has efffected the legality thereof, and prevented the sale of the same;
and that said bonds have not been sold of disposed of, but are still the
property of the City.
In testimony whereof I have signed my name officially and
caused the seal of this office to be impr(essed hereon this 27th day of
March A.D.1901.
0 )
(SEAL) R.M.Love, Comptroller.
On motion the fore going report of the Mayor and certificate of the
Comptroller was approved and adopted by the City Council.
Attest, T.CKing,
City Secretary.
The State of Texas,
City of Beaumont.
I, T.C.King, City Secretary in and for the City,of Beaumont Texas
do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an
Ordinance duly passed by the Han. City Council of -the City of Beaumont
Texas, in tegthlar session on the 2d day of April A.D.1901, as the
same appears in record of minutes, in miute book of ordinances No.l
on pages 64, 652 66, 67, 68, 699 70 and 71 thereof.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Beaumont Texas, this 16th
day of Ilay A.D. 19M1. j Q
City Secretary, Beaumont, Tetas.
Held April.16th 1901.
Be it remembered that the City Counc6l of the City 09 Beaumont
met in Adjourned regular session, April -16th 1901 with the. following
officers and -members present, Mayor Wheat, Aldermen Heisig,. Ives,
Greeve.s, Chester and Carroll, and Secretary King when the folowing
ordinance carne up for consideration.
1, . An ordinance for the submission to the qualified property tax
paying voters of the City of Beaumont, the proposition of the issuance
of bonds for the extension and permanent improvement of the Paving Sys-
tem of the said City. Be it 'ordained by the City Council of the City of .
Beaumont, Texas.
Seel: -That an election be held by the qualified property
tax paying voters of the Oity of Beaumont on the 7th day of lady,1901
at which-eleetmon there shall be submitted to*a vote of the qualified
voters who are propdrty tax payers of the said City of Beaumont a
proposition for the-issuahee of bonds of said City in the sum of
�p40,000.00 for the purpose of extending and permanently 6mproving the
Paving System of said Ciyy; said bonds shall be payable Potty (40) years
from them -date with the Tight reserved by the City to redeem them at
anytime after twenty (20) years from date,and'shall bear interest at the
rate of Five-(5�o) per cent per annum, -interest payable semi-annully.
Sec.2:-The places for holding said election shall be as follows:
Fire Ward: At -the City Hall, R.W.Sanders presiding officer.
Second Ward:-At.the Auditorium, P.A.Dowlen, presiding office.
Third Ward: At the Court Hnuse, Geo.OB.Milla:fd presiding officer.
Sec.3:-None but- qualified voters of said City who are property
tax payers of said City shall be allowed to vote at said election.
See.4:-Notice of said election -shall be given by the Mayor and
City Seeretart, and a copy of t�'*s ordinance signed byt the Mayor and
City Secretary, and posted for at least twenty (20) dais as required by
law, one copy being posted at each polling place, in -the City of Beau-
mont shall serve -as notice of said election, and the manner of holding
said election shall be governed by the laws of the State governing
general elections.
/ z
Sec.5:-That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its
passage and approval and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed, and aaid election shall be under•and•by virtue of said ordinance
and the provisions of law in such cases made and provided, and shRLll
be held at the time and respective places provided for in said ordinance.
The polls shall open at.8 o'clock A..M. and close at 6 o'clock P.M.
All voters desiring to snt)port the proposition to issue said bonds shall
have writen of -printed upon their ballots the words "For issuance off bonds
and those opposed shall have-priten or printed upon their ballots the
words "Against the issuance of bonds,-.:
Attest, T.C.King Approved this 16th day of April
City.Seeretary. 1901. D.P.Wheat, Mayor.
The foregoing ordinance having been read on motion of A14eman Greeves
it was refered to the ordinance Committee with instructions to report
on the same at once, the ordinance Cormnittee thereupon retired and
brought in the following report.
We ree¢ommend the passage and adoption of the foregoing ordina-
nae. L.F.Cheater Acting Chairman otdina.nce Committee-.
Whereupon on motion of Alderman Carroll the rule requiring
ordinances to be read at three several meetings was suspended and the
ordinance came up on its second reading: Whereupon on motion of Alder-
man Ives the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three several meet-
ings was futther suspended and the ordinance came up on its third and
final reading: and upon motion of Alderman Chester it eras passed and
adpptdd as an ordinance of the City of Beaumont49""NY
Attest, T.C.King,
City Secretary
The State of Texas,
City of Beaumont.
I, T.C.King, City Secretary in and for'the City of Beaumont
Texas, -do gereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy
copy of an ordinance duly passed by the Hop.. City Council of the City
of Beaumont, Texas, in regular session on the 16th day.of April A.D.1901,
as the same appears in record of minutes, in minute book of ordinances
No.l pages 79 and 80 thereof.
Witness my hand and seal of 6ffice at Beaumont Texas, this 16th
day of May A.D. 1901.
City Secretary Bea=64t, Texas.
1 •4
May In//C/O/
Held April 16 th 1901.
Be it remembered that -the City Council of the City og Beaumont
meet in Adjourned regular session April 16th 1901 with the following
officers and members present, Mayor Wheat, Alderman Heisig, Ives, Greeves
Chester and Carroll, Secretary King, when the following business came
up for consideration.
An ordinance providing for the submission to the qualified'
property tax paying voters of the City of Beaumont, the proposition of
the issuance of bonds for the extention and permanent improvement of
the Sewerage System of the sial City. Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Beaumont, Texas.
Sec. 1: -That an,election be held by the qualified property tax
paying voters of the City of Beaumont on the 7th day of May 1901, at
which election there shall be submitted to a vote of.the qualified
voters who are property.tax payers of the City of Beaumont, a proposi-
tion for the issuance of bonds of said City in the amount of $75,000.00
for -the purpose of extending and permanently improving the Sewerage
System of said City: Said bonds to be payable Fotity (40) years from
thein date with the right reserved by the City to pay them at any time
after twenty (20) years from their date, and shall bear interest at the
rate of Five (5%) per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually.
. Sec.2:-The places for holding said election shall be as follows:
First ward: At the City Hall, R.W.Sanders, presiding officer.
2d. Ward:. At the Auditorium, P.A.Dowlen, . presiding officer.
3ed.Ward: At the Court House, G.O.B.Millard, presiding officer.
See.3:-Mone but qualified voters of said City who are property
1, tax payers of said City, shall be allowed to vote at said election.
Sec.4:-Notice of said election shall be given by the Mayor and
City Secretary 9,and-a copy of tis ordinance signed by the Mayor and
City Secretary, and posted.for at least twenty (20) days as required
by law one eppy being posted at each polling place, in the City of
Beaumont shall serve as notice of said election and the manner of hollding
stild election shall be governed by the laws of the State governing
general elections.
Sec.5:- This ordinance shall take effect from and after its
passage and approval, and -all ordinances -in conflict herewith are.hereby
'repealed, and said election shall be held under and by virtue -off said
ordinance and•provisions of the law in such eases made and provided,and
shall be held at the time and respeetive.places provided for in said
ordinance. The poles shall open at 8 o'cicock A.M. and close at:6 o`cl'ock
P.M. All voters desiring to suport the proposition to issue said bonds
shall have writen of printed upon their ballots the words 1' For issuance
of bonds", and those opposed shall have writen or printed upon,.their bal—
lots the words "Agaisnt the issuance of bonds". Approved this 16th day
of April 1901.
Atteat, T.C.King,
City Secretary.
D.P.Wheat Mayor.
The foregoing ordinance having been read: on motion of Alderman
Carroll it was refered to the ordinance Committee with instructions to
report on same at mnce. The ordinance Committee thereupon retired and
brought in the following report; We recommend the passage and adoption
of the foregoing ordinance, L. F. Chester, acting chairman ordinance
Cornnittee. Whereupon on motion of Alderman Heisig the rule requiring
ordinances to be read on three several -meetings was suspended and the
ordinance came up _on its second reading; Whereupon on motion of Alder—
man Greeves the rule regmiring ordinances to -be ream on three several
meetings was further suspended, and'the-ordinance came up on its third
and final reading; And upon mot&on of Alderman Chester it was passed and
adopted- as an ordinance of the City of Beaumont Lie � `r"L
The State of Texas,
City of Beaumont,
I, T.C.King,.City Secretary in and for the City of Beaumont
Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy
of 4 ordinance duly passed by the Hon. City Council of the City of
Beaumont, TRaas, in regular.: �etsion on the 16th day of -April A.D.1901,
as the same appears in record of -minutes, in mmnute Book of ordinances
No.l on page$ 73, 77, 78, and 79 therof.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Beaumont, Texas, this 16th
day of May A.D. 1901.
City Secretary, Beatimont, Fexa
BvA_-aL-- -� ----
-Deputy Secy.
lac .i� /ol 0"/
The following is the proclamation of the Mayor calling for the
electio n on the issuance of $75,000.00 Sevierage bonds together with
the returns of the City Marshal showing that -the same was potted accord-
ing to law, which is as follows to -wit:
By virtue of authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of
Beaumont, Texas, and by virtue of the following ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Beaumont, passed on the 16th day of April 1901,
There is hereby called and notice given of an election by the qualified
property tax paying voters of the City of Beaumont, to be held on the
7th day of May 1901 said ordinance was as follows to -wit: -
An ordinance providing for the submission of the qualified
property tax paying voters of the City of Beaumont, the proposition of
the issuance of bonds for the extenbion and permanent improvement of
the Sewerage System of the said City. Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Beai niont, Texas:-
Sec.l:-That an election be held by the qualified property ta4
paging voters of the City of Beaumont on the 7th day of 1.1ay 1901 at
which election there shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified
voters who are property tax r)ayers of the City of Beaumont a proposition
for the issuance of bonds of, -said City in the amount of X75,000.00 for
the purpose of extending and permanently improving the Sewerage System
for said City: said bonds to be payable Potty (40) yeare from their date
with the right reserved by the city 6o pay them at any time after twenty
(20) years from their date, and shall bear interest at the rate of Five
(50) Per cenr per annum. payable semi-annually.
Sec.2:-Places for holding said election shall be as follows:
First Ward: At the City Hall, R.W.Sanders presiding officer.
Second ward: At the Auditorium] .A.Dowlen presiding officer.
Third ward; At the Court House, Geo.O.B.Millard, presiding officdr.
See.3:- none but qualified voters of said za±dt City who are
property tax payers of said City, shall be allowed to vote at said
election. Sec.4:11otice of said election shall be given by the Mayor
and City Secretary and a copy of this ordinance signed by the Mayor and
City Secretary, ancL �)osted_ for at least twenty days as requirek._ by lair
one eopy.being in each polling place, in the City of Beaumont shall
serve as notice of said election, and the manner of holding said elec-
tion shall be governed by the laws of the State governing genoral'elec-
t.ions .
-+j lot M61
Sec.5`-This ordinance shall take effect from and after its
passage and approval and all ordinances in conflict hereu.7ith are hereby
repealed, and said election sliall be held under and by virtue of said
ordinance and the provisions of the law in such cases made and provided
and shall -be held at the time and respective places.provided-for in
said ordinances. The polls shall open at 8 o'clock A.M. and shall close
6 o'clock P.M. All voters desiring to support the proposition to idsue
said bonds shall have writen or printed upon their ballots the words
"For 4he issuance of bonds and those opposed shall have writen of prin-
ted upon their ballots the words .Against the issuance of bohds.
In testimony whereof L set my hand and official seal at Council
Chamber this 16th day ofApril 1901.
Attest D.P.Wheat'Mayor.
T.C.King City Secretary.
City of Beaumont.
I, Malley Eastham, City Marsh&l in and for the City of,Beaumont
Texas do hereby cdrtify that the foregoing notice came to hand on the
l6t3i day of April 1901, and was duly executed on the.16th day.of April
1907 by posting a true epoy thereof at the City Hall'in the first ward
of the City of Beaumont, Texas and a true eppy thereof at the Auditorium
in the second ward of the City of Beaumont, Texas, and, atrue copy thereof
at,the Court House, inthe third ward of the City of Bea.zamont,Texas.
Returned this 7th day of May A.D.1901, the same having been
posted for more than twenty days as required by law. Witness my hand at
Beaumont, Texas, this 7th day of May A.D.190,..
City Marshal.
"tyof ont Texas.
sworn and subsertbed before me the 7th day pf May A.D.1901
T.C.King City Secretary
Beaumont Texas.
The following is the proclamation of the Mayor calling for the
electinn on the issuance of $p40;000..00. 'Paving bonds together with the
rettrns,of.the City Marshil showing that the same was posted according
to law, which is as follows to -wit
By virtue of authority vested'in meas Mayor of the City of Be-'
aumont, Texas; and byvirtue of the following ordinance of the City of
Beaumont, passed on the 16th day of April 1901; there is hereby called,
and -notice given of an election by the quaiified:property tax paying
voters of the City. of Beaumont, to be held on the 7th day. of May 1901,
said.'ordinance is as follows to -wit
An ordinancet providing for the 'submission to the qualified
property tax paying voters of the City of. -,Beaumont, the proposition of
the issuance of bonds for the extentsi on and permanent/ j 'improvement of -
the Paving System of the sial City, Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City�of Beaumont Texasl-
See,.l :-That,. an , elect'ion be held by the qualified property tax
paying voters of the City of,Beaumont.'.on the .7th day -of May 19D1',, at
which election the shall be submitted to-thea$uatf� of the qualified
voters who are property tax payers'of the City of Beaumont a proposition
for the issuance of bonds of said City -in the amount of 040,000.00 for
the purpose of extehding'-and permanently improving th Paving System
for siidCity Said bonds, to be payable FoJ7ty.(46) years from their date
with*the right,reserved by -the City, -to pay".them at any time after twenty'
(20) year's from their date, ,and, shall ..bear interest 'at the rate of five
( 56/4) ,per cent' 'per annum, payable semi-annually.
Sec.2:-Places for_ holding •slid election shall be,as follows:
First ward: At the City Ha11-R.W.Sanders peesiding officer.
Second ward:At the Auditorium, P. A. Dowlen presiding officer.
Third ward: At the Court:House, Geo.O.B.Millara presiding officer.
Sec . 3 :.- :None-:. but qualified voters of - said City .who are pRoperty
tax payers of said City, shall be allowed to vote at'said election.
See.4-Noticeof said election shall be given by the Mayor and
City Secretary, and a copy 'of this o37dinance signed by the Mayor and
City*.Secretary, and posted for at least twenty days as required by lave
copy being posted at each polling ?lace in the City -of Beaumont
shall serve as h6tiue of said election, and the manner of holding said
election shall be governed by the laws o f the State governing general
elections. yo
Sec..5.:-This ordinance shall take effect from and after its pass
age and approval and all ordinancesin,conflict- herewith are hereby.
tepealed, and said election shall:be held under and by virtue of laid
ordinance and -the provisions of the law in'such.cases.made and provided
and shall be held at the time'and respective plae.es provided for in said'
ordinance. The polls shall•open at 8 o'.elock A.M..and close at 6.o'clock
P.M. All voters desiring to, surort the proposition to issue -said bonds
shall have.writen or printed upon their ballots the words "For issuahce
of bonds" and those oposed shall havewriten or printed upon their
ballots the words"Against the issuance'of bonds".
In testimony ..whereof' I set. my ,hand and official ,seal at council
chamber this 16th day of April 1901'.
Atteat, 'D.P.Wheat, Mayor.
T.C.King, City Secretary.
The State of Texas,
City of Beaumont.
I, Malley Eastham,. City Marshal in and for the_. City.
of Beaiunont Texas; do'herby certify that the•'foregoing,notice came to
hand on the 16th day of April 1901, and was: duly, : executed on the '-16th
day of April 1901 by posting a true copy thereof at the City Hall in
the first ward of the City of Be'aumont,Texas, and a true copy thereof
at the,Auditorium, in -the second wafd, of.the City of Beaumont., Texas,
and a- true copy thereof at the - Court ,House in • the third ward of the City..
of- Beaumont, Texas.
Returned this 7th day of May A.D.1901, the same having been pos
ted for more than twenty days as requared by law. Fitness my hand.at
Beaumont, Texas, this 7th da -g of -May A.D.1901.
City Matshal.
City of Beaumont Texas.
sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of May A.D.1901.
f - T.'C.King, City Secretary,
Beaumont, Texas.
y I .
Kk 'q e
Be it remembered that , on this- Friday May. 10th, 1901, at an
Adjourned .regular ,meeting of the City, :Counc,il�'`of 'the City .of :Beaumont,,
at which meeting all' "the Aldermen were prosent; there were opened the,
retufns 'of - an election held. in thet� City by-the.qualified property tax
paying voters of said"-cityr on May 7th_ _1901, :to .determine the question
or proposition 'for the issuance of bonds. of.,said,.dity' to the amount of
Forty Thousand Dollars,040,000.00) for the purpose of extending and per-
manently improving the•Paving System sof said City, Said bond's 'to be
payable Forty .(40) years from their date and bear interest at the rate.'
of, five( 5�o) ,per ,.cent per annum, the .right reserved by,the City. to .re6dem
them at any time -.after twenty. (,20) years from, their. . date.And . it, being
shown that said election was held. after and dlie' and legal' notice and
in all respects. in accordance with law- as well.,,as ,in-- conformity with
theeordinance of this council, ordering 'said'eleetian:
Whereuzi.on the Major appointed Aldermen, Ives and Carroll:'as
tellers 'to, canvass -bail returns and report the: `result :• of .said. election
Whereupon said tellers in -.open Couneiel proceeded to canvas's :said:,return's
and reported,.to •the Council that the vote of'. -said 'qualified taxpaying -
voters on said pkeposition -on said tial at said 'election in the .
respective wards of the 'City of Beaumont, -was as follows': -
First ward: For, issuance of bonds 68•:Against the issuance of bomd.s. 3
Second ward:Por•issuance of bonds 58.Against`the issuance -of. bonds 13
Third ward:. For ;issuance of bonds .24.Against the issuanee� of bdnds' 16
Total-- 150. Total-- 32.
It was thereupon 'onmotion found and so declared by the, Council .
that said election so held on said date upon said-proposition;'the
proposition Cor the issuance of bonds as ' aforesaid in the' amotiuit ' afore-
said was duly sustained by a,majority.:of the qualified property tax
payers of said City voting at. said election'and at said election a'majo=
rity,of said qualified property taxpaying:voters who are property tax
,payer's of said , City, .,voted :in favor of the propositmon for the ;issuance.
of said bonds and that said bonds are therefore authorized and may be
issued by the City Council of the City of Beaumont Texas.
The State of Texas,
City of BOaumont,.
I.,, T.C.Xing•, City .Secretary•in and for the. City of
Beaumont ,Texas, do hereby•certify that the foregoing is a true and
correct cpoy of an ordinance duly passed by,the Hon. City CotLneil of thee
City of Beaumont Texas,in an'adjourned:regular.session on the'1Oth day
of May 1901,. as the same.appears on record of minutes,in minute book
No.2 pages 485 and 486 thereof.
Witness my hand and sela of office at Beaumont Texas, this 18th
day. of May A.D.1901. /
'City Secretary Beaumont,Texas
By �-Deputy Sec y
Be it remembered that RNWE H.Friday.the 10th day of-May,1901
at an adjourned regular session of the' City Council of,.the City, .of,
Beaumont at which meeting A_11. the Aldermen -were' present, there 'vias opened
the :.returns 'of : an election held in. said. 'City • by' the qualified property !
• tax .paying .voters od said City, on May ,7th ;1901, to' determine the, quer-,
I• ,tion.. or proposition .for the' -issuance of borids..-od said •'City, t.o the
amount of Senenty-five Thousand Dollars.. (,$75, 0.00.00.) -for the purpose
of eistending and permanently- improving'. the Sewerage System of said City;
said. bonds to .be payable Forty. (40) years _from their date and bear
interest at .the- -rate of five ,(50) per cent per annum the • right- reserved
by t•he CiJ7y to redeem- them_at any .time ,after trenty years from their date.
And it .being. shown that -said election was held after 'due and legal , notice
and .in 'all respects in accordance with -lave as.. Wellas -in conformity with
the - ordinance of this Cotuicil, ordering said election.
'Thereupon the Mayor appointed Aldermen Ives_and Carroll''as.tell
ers -to- cnvaas said returns ',and report ..the result of said` election ,
whereupon. said. teller s:in.op6n`Oounci1 proceeded to, canvass said returns
and reported to the Council;,that the vote, of said qualified' tax :paying
voters on said proposition on 'said - day" ,at said election in - the
respective pards of the City of, Beauriont was as, follows :
First ward:'For issuance of bonds,69•.-Against the issuance of bonds 2.
Second ward:For issuance of b6nds,57, Against.the issuance of bonds 14.
Third ward: For.issuance of bonds 24. Against the-issuance•of bonds 16,
Total-- 150." Total-- 32.
-It.was thereupon*.on motion found andx so declared by the .Council
that said -election so.held on said date upon said proposition,•the
proposition for the issuance .of bonds- as aforesaid •in the amount• afore
said was duly •sustained ' by a majority. ' of..the qualified PRapert tax pay-�
ers- of• said City•• voting at said election and at'said election.. a'.ma.jor-
ity of said giialified property tax payinig voters who are• property tax
payers of said City, voted in favor. of the proposition for the ias$ance
of said 'bonds and- that said bonds. are therefore authorized •and; may be
issued by the.'City Council of the,=City of.Beaumont,Texas. ;
2L_ 4Z
City of Beaumont.
T,T,C.King, City Secretary in and for the City of Beaumo-
nt Texas, do.hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance duly,passed by the Hon. City Council of the City of Be-
aurmont,Texas, in adjourned regulsr session on the 10th day of May1901,
as the same appears in record of minutes, in mrnnute nook of ordinances
No. 1 on pages 485 and 486 thereof.
,'fitness my hand. and seal of dffiee at Beaumont, Texas, this
18th day of May A.D.1901:
City Secrety, Beawnonu, Texas.
By --Deputy Sec' -C.
OCD, el _$
Returns of an.elect ion _held on. the 7th day of May 1901 st the
City,Hali in.the first ward of the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County,
Texas,. on the proposition of issuing Paving Bonds.
Total number of votes,polled, Seventy-one (71).
For issuance of bonds received, -Sixty-eight (68) votes.
Against the issuance of bonds received, Three (3) votes.
City of Beaumont, We the undersigned managersof election at the City
Hall' in the First, ward of the City of Beaumont,. Texas', hereby certify
that the within and foregoing .ds a true and correct return of the
vote of said Ward at an eleet6on held' -therein on'the .7th day of -May A.D:
1901 on the proposition of .the'issuanee Pdving bonds.
Witness our hands this 7th day of -May A.D.1901.
Presiding officer.��
John K. English,. Judge.'
Fred Commins "
L. A Patillo "
C.P.Eastman Clerk
A.M.Hillie n
W A.Oannon "
City of.Bea=ont, I., T.C.King, City Secretary in and.'for'the City
of Beaumont Texas, do hereby eertify,that the foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the returns;of an election held on the 7th day of May
1901, at the City Hall in the First ward -of the City -of Beaumont
Jefferson County, Texas, on the proposition of issuing'Paving bonds,
said returns being on.file in my office and having heretofore on the
10th day of May 1901, duly opened and canvassed by the City Cuuncil in
Adjourned Regular session.
Wittes's my hand and seal of office this 18th day of May A.D.1901.
City Secret as , City of Beaumont.
4 &,L
. By-���----Deputy See y.
Returns of -an elect ion, held" on the' 7th day of Uay A.D.1901
at.' tYie Auditoriwn, in the ,second wd-td: of Jhe- •City of Beaumont;. Jefferson -
County, Texas, .on the bropositon of,issuing Paving Bonds. .
Total number of votes polled,'Seventy=one (71
For -L issuance. of bonds received Fifty-eight (5.8) votes..
Against the'issuance of.,.bonds..,received, Thirteen (13)`votes.
City of Beaumont, We the undersigned managors-bE the,election at the
Auditorium,in the second ward;of the City, of Beaumont,Texas, hereby
certify that the within and.foregoing is a true and.correet return
of the vote of said ward at an 'election held therein on the.7th'day of ,
May A.D.1901;,on the proposition ,of, issuing Paving bonds...
,fitness our: hands tis 7th day of ,May A'.D.1901
Presiding officer.
J.B.Brechin Judge
John T. Burks
John Speer Clerk
Chas LeRoy „.
G.. T . Ralbut it
City og Beaumont, I, T.U.'King, City Secretary in and for the City
of Beaumont, Texas; do hereby'eertify, that the foregoing isa true and
correct copy of the returAs-,of .an election on the,7th day of May 1901
at the'Auditortum in the second ward og the City of-Beaumon#, Jefferson
County Texas" on the,proposition of is'suing,Paviria Bonds said returns ;
being on file.,in 'my office- and having heretofore ,on the 10th day :of
May A.D.1901, duly opened.and canvassed by the City Council in•.,..
Adjourned session.
Witness my hand, and .seal "of`offie,e this 18th day of May'A.D.1901.
city Secret ar - ity of Beaumont Texas..
B - ---Deputy Sec'.y.
Returns.of an election heldo n- the, 7th day of May 1901 at the
Court House in the third.ward of the City of Bdaumont,-Jefferson County
Texas, on the ptoposition,of issuing Paving Bonds.
Total number of votes polled Forty (40)
For issuance -.of bonds received twenty --four (24) votes.
Against theissuance of bonds received Sixteen.(16) votes.
City of Beawnont, We the undersigned managers of election'at the'Court
House in the third ward''of the City of Beaumont, Texas, hereby certify,
that -the within and foregoing is a:true and'correct return of the vote
of said elee�6-en yard of an election held therein on the 7th day of
May A.D._19.01 on the proposition of issuing Paving bonds.
Witness our hands this 7th,day of May A.D.1901.
Geo.O.B.Millard pbesiding offiger.
,G.M.Oliver Judge.
Walter C..Gesling "
Frank Deubrawa Clerk.
H.O.Morrison' "
.City og.Beauomht, I, T.C.King, City.Seeretary in and for the.City of
Beaumont, Texas, do'hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor-,
rect 'returns of an election held on the 7th day of May 1901 at the
Auurt House in the third ward of the'City of Beaumont, Jefferson
County Texas, on the proposition of.issuing Paving bonds, said rdturns
being on file.in my office and having-heretofore,ba/ the loth.day of
May A.D. 1901, duly opened and canvassed by the City Council in
Adjourned regular session.
Witness my hand and seal of office this 18th day of May A.D.1901.'
CitvSecretary City of Beaumont, xas.
�/-�-Ulf l
B 1
y - -Deputy Sec y.
I f
• • . . • ,,.- .. � ���.:y • ��1 � lei
Returns of an election.,held-. on the 7th day' of :May' 1901 ` at the
City Hall in`the first ward of.the City •of. Beaumont, Jefferson County
Texas,'., on ,the_. proposition of issuing -Sewerage .bo.nds,..
Total number of votes polled Seventy—orie,. (71)
For issunanceof bonds`reeeived 69 votes,
Against the issuance of, bonds received 2.votes.
City of Beaumont We the i.indersigned managers of .election,at the City
Hall in the first'ward.of the City of Beaumont TeXas,...hereby certify
that the with in and forgoing is a 'true .a6i. correct -return of the vote
of said ward. `ay .an election held therein on the 7th day. og. May A'.D.1901.
on the ,pr,opo sition of issuing Seweragw Bonds .
witness our hands this 7th day of May A.D. 1901..
R.W.,Sanders presiding officer.
John'L.English Judge.--
Fred Comins.. tr
L-.A..Pattillo -
C.P.Eastman Clark.
Citty of Beaumont, I, T.C,.King, City Secretary in and for,';the City of
Beaumont Jefferson County:-Tsxas, do.hereby, certify that'tha foregoing
is a•tru.e and correct copy of the returns'of, an election held on the
7th day of May A,D.l90l,. at •.the City Hall •.1in the 'first ward of� the City
of Beaumon�,J.efferson County Texas, on the proposition of issuing
sewerage bonds said returns being on file in my office and•having here—
fore on the IOth day of May'•-1901, duly, opened and canvasse'd•by the City
Couneil'in adjourned regular session.
Witness my hand'and se&l of 'd6fice this l8•th.day of May A.D.1961 - .
City Secreta , City of Beaumon .
--Deputy Seely.
Returns, of an election held on the 7#h ,day of May A..D.1901,
at the.Auditorium in the second ward of the City of Beaumont,Jefferson
County Texas, on the Ptoposiyion of issuing Sewerage Bonds.
Total number of votes polled, Sevwnty-one (71).
Pot idsuanee,mf bonds received Fifty-seven (57)
Against the issuance of bonds reeeived'Fourteen (14)
City of Beaumon#, VIv the undersigned managers of the election at the
Auditorium in the second ward of the City of Beautmwt Texas, hereby
certify that the within and.foregoing is a true and correct return of
the vote of said ward,.at:an.election held therein on the 7th day of May
A.D.1901; on the:pJ7opoeition of issuing Sewerage bonds.
Witness our hands this.7th day of May 1901.
P.A.Dowlen, Presiding officer.
J.B.Brechin Judge.
D.N.Marshal ►►.
John T. Burks 't -
John Speer Clerk
W.N20lark t�
Chas, LeRoy If
G . T . T a lout
City of BCawnont. T, T,.C..Kigg, City Sderetary,,in and for the City -of
Beaumont, .Texas, 'do hereby certify that• the foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the.returns of an election held on the. 7th day of May
1901 at the Auditorium in the second ward -of the City of Beaumont, Jef-
ferson County Texas on the proposition of issuing sewerage bonds said
rettxns being on file in my office and having heretofore on the 10th
day of May A.D-.1901, duly opened and canvassed by the City Council in
Adjourned regular session.
Witness my,hand and se&& of office this 18th day of May A.D.1901.
City Secretary City of Beaune t,Texas.
By -422' "IlL -r--Deputy Sec ly.
Returns of an election held on•the'7th day of May 1901 at the..
Court House in the third ward of the'City of.Beaumpmt', Jefferson County,
Texas on the proposition of issuing Sewerage Bonds.
Total number of noted polled, Forty (40 )
For issuance , of bonds received' ' Twenty-four (24) votes.
Against the issuance of bonds received Sixteen (16) votes.
-City of Beaumont. We the undersigned.managers of,election at the
Court House -in the third ward'of the City of Beaumont Texas, hereby cer-
tify that the within and foregoing is a'true and correct return of the
vote of said i,1rard'_ at an, election held therein on the -7th day of 1.4ay A.
D.1901on the,proposition of,issuing sewerage'bonds.
Witness our hands this 7th day'of Mag-A.D.1901.
Geo.O.B.Millard, presiding officer.
G.M.Oliver'- Judge.
Walter 'C.Gosling "
Frank Deubrawa Cluil-k.
L.Q:Oliver. +►
H.O.Morrison "
.City. of Beaumont. I,- T.C_.King, City Secretary in and for the City of
Baaumont,Texas, do hereby.eertify that the foregoing is atrue and OPP—
rect copy of the.returns.of an election held on the 7th day of May 1901
at -the Co-grt House in the third ward of the City of Beaumont Jefferson
County -Texas, on the,proposition of issuing Sewerage bonds,said
returns being'on file in my office and having heretofore on -'the 10th day
of May A,.D,.1901 duly opened and canvassed by the City Council in
adjourned regular session..
Witness my hand'and seal of 6ffice this :18th day of'May A.D.1901.
City Secretary, C ty of Beaumont TdXas.
By-=-�'-=--- eputy Seely
Held May 10tr ,.1901.
Proceedings of -the •City Council .in reference to.the issuance
of Seventy-five Thounand ($75,000.00) Dollars Sdwarage Bonds
The Mayor, Secretary, and all'the Aldemen being,:present, Alderma n
Heisig introduced an -ordinance entitled"Anordinance providing for -the
borrowing'of money by the City of Beaumont, -upon the credit of the City
to theamount of.Seventy-five Thouaand ($75,000.00-) Dollars to be used
for the purpose of extending and permanently;improuing the Sewerage
System of said City.
hmereas,:, The property tax paying voters of the -City of Beaumont
on the 7th day of May 1901, au:thorized:.the City Council of the City of
Beaumont, to -issue bonds to the amount of Seventy-fikre..Thouaand ($75,0000'
00) Dollars payable Forty (40) years-from.their dat.e•with the right
reserved to the City to reddem same.at"any time after,Twenty(20) years
from their date and bearing interest, at'thr rage•of'Five'(4o) per -cent .
per annum, interest payable semi' -annually, to be•used,for the,purpose
of ,extending and permanently' improving the Sewerage System 'of the City
of Beaumont. - And aaid.ordinancb:was thereupon=read the first time and
refered to the ordinance Committee of -the Council which was unanimously
instructed to report.thereupon,forthwith:
The:ordinance Committee' -after considering the.same, thereupon _
reported recomrilending the .passage of-s,aic9 ordinance -and their .report
was adopted.
it -was then moved by.Alderman Greeves and seconded by Alderman
Heisig that.the rule requiring,ordinances to,.be read at three several
inee'tings of the .Council before passed be 'suspended and that the .otidinance .
be now read the second time:This motion was duly carried by a two
third vote, on roll callof all the Aldermen present:The ordinance was
then read the •second. time.
- Alderman Chester.who was duly seconded by'Aldeman•Gossett then
moved a further duspention of the rules requiring ordinances to,be reach:
at three several meetings before passege'of same and that said ordinance
be now read -the third time. This motion upon roll call was unanimously
carried all the -Aldermen voting in the,affirmitive, and the ordinance
.was then read the third time. And upon motion of Alderman Carroll which
motion was duly seconded by'
( �4- y
Alderman Heisig the oj7dinance was then duly passed and'adopted-by'a
unanimous vote,all the Aldermen oting_in'the affirmitive, and it was
declared by the Mayor as so adopted and passed as an ordinance of the
City. of Beaumont, Texas.. Which ordinance is as .follows to -wit. -
Be it ordained by the City Council of the Cmty of Beaumont:
Sec.l:-That there shall.be issued by the City Council of Beaumont,
Bonds for and in behalf of the City of Beaumont to borrow money upon the
credit of the City for the purpose of extending and permanently improv -
ing the sewerage system 6dr said City,. to the amount of'Seventy-five
Thousand Dollars.
Sec.2:-That the Mayor is hereby instructed to have prepared
Seventy-five bonds of the denomination of One Thousand ($1000.00)
Dollars each,payable in current coin or other lawful money of the
United. States of America, and to be numbered consecutively foom one to
seventy-five"inclusive. SJLid bonds shall be daftbd/ .thu ist day of June
shall be
1901 and shall run F(fty (40) yeard from'theid date,the right reserved
to the City however, to redeem the same at any time after tiventy (20')
years from their date and shall bear interest from their date at the
rate of five per cent per annum,payable semi-annually on the lst day of
December and the lst day of June of'eaeh year according to the tenor of
interest coupons thereto attached.Said horids shall be signed by the Mayor
and attested by the City Secretary,and shall bear the impress of the seal
of the City of Beaumont.The coupons shall bear the engraved signature of
the Mayor and City secratary, and both coupons and bonds shall be'payable
at the City Treasurer�of .the City of Beaumont Texas,or at the National
City Bank of,the City of.New York N.Y. at the pption of the holder.
Sec.3:-Said bonds'ir-Then so prepared shall be placed in the hands
of the Mayor! and Finance Committee of the City", Council, and said Mayor
and'Finanee Committee as soon as practicable shall proceed to sell the
same at public or private sale, at not less than face value and accrued
interest. The proceeds of the bonds when they have'been sold, shall be
deposited in the hands of the City Treasurer, and shall be' used in paying
for the extention and permanent improvement of the sewerage system of
the City of Beaumont, and it is hereby made'the'duty of the Mayor and
Finance Committee in the sale of said bonds t,o provide that they shall
be deliveded to the purchaser in the City of Beaumont and that payment '
l ).
shall.be made for said bonds by the purchaser thereof in said City of
Sec.4.:-For the purpose of paying interest on said bonds and -
providing a sinking' fund to redeem them at maturity, there is hereby
set -apart and appropiated 20-1/4 cents out of the fif'ty,,hheretofore
levied by the City Council of the City► of Beaumont on,the 7t1i day
of May A.D.1901 as shown and recorded in minute book No.2'of the minutes
of the City Council on page 81 thereof,'to pay the interest and sinking
fund on the outstanding bonded indebtedness of .the City of Beaumont,
and'20-1`4 cents is her-eO now appropiated for the year 19D1; and levied
on all property in the City of Beaumont liable to taxation, as a special
advalorem tax to pay the interest and sinking fund on this issue of
bonds. The said tax or -.as much thereof as•may be necessary is hereby 1
levied for each succeeding year hereafter as the same may be necessary
to provide for theinter-.est and sinking fund as aforesaid on the entire
amount of said bonds, and if any time the amount of said assessment is
not sufficient to meet the requirement.for interest and sinking fund
on said bonds, it is -hereby promised and agreed that such increaae of
assessment shall be made for the purpose named.
Sec.6:-That this ordinance shall take effect and be in for ce
from and after its passage and approval.
Approved this 10th day,of May A.D.190;.
T.C.King City Secretary.
D.P.Wheat, Mayor.
City og Beaumont.
I, T.C.King, City Secretary in and for the City of
Beaumont, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of -an otdinance duly passed by-the-Hon.'City Council of the City,
of Beaumont, Texas, in adjourned regular session.on the 10th day of
stay 1901 as.the same appears in record of m6nutes, inminute book of
ordinances No.'l on pages 869879 and 88' thereof.
Witness any hand and seal od office at Beaumont, Texas, .this 18th
day of .May A.D.1901.
City Secretary., eaumont,Texas.
Deputy Secy,
Held May.10th 1901
Proceedings of the City Council.in-reference to, the issuance
of. Fourty Thousand ($409000.00) Dollars*Paving Bonds.
The Mayor, Secretary and all the'Aldernen-being present,Alderman
Heisig'.intfuduced al ordinance entitled An 'ordfnanee providing for, the
borrowing of Money by the City of Beaumont, upon the credit of the
said City to the amount of Forty Thousand (;40,000.00) Dollars to
be used for the purpose.of extending and permanently improving the
Paving System of aaid City.
Whereas:Tho property tax paying voters'of the ICity of Beaumont.
on the 7th day of May 1901,'authorized.the City -Council of the City of
Beaumont to -issue bonds for the' City of.Beaumont to the amount of Forty
Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars payable Fot'ty (40) years from their date
with the right reserved to the city to redeem same at any time after
twenty (20) years from their date and bearing interest at the rafe of
Five(5�b) per cent per annum,'interest payable semi-annually', to be
used forlrthe purpose of extending and permanently improving the"Paving
System for the Cdity of. Beaumont. And said ordinance was thereupon read
the first time and refered to the oJ7dinanee Committee of the Council
which was unanimously instructed to report' thereupon forthwith:
The ordinance Committee after considering the same thereupon
reported recommending the passage of�siad ordinance and their report
was adopted.
It was then moved by. Alderman Greeves and,seconded_by Alderman
Heisig that the rule re,quiring ;ordinanees to be read at .three several
meetings of the Couneil.b'efore passage,be suspended and that the ordi-
nance be now read the second time: This -motion was duly carried by a
two third vote,on roll call all of the Aldermen present; The ordinance
was then read the second time.
Alderman Chester who was duly seconded by Alderman Gossett
then moved further suspensions .of ,the 'rifles requiring ordinances to be
read ' ani, three several meetings before passage of same and that said
ordinance be nww read the third time, this motion upon roll call
unanimously carried all the aldermen voting in the affirmitive and the
ordinance was then tesd the third timegand upon motion of Alderman Car-
roll which motion was duly seconded by Alderman Heisig the ordinance,was
Then duly passed and adopted by a unanimous vote, all the .Aldermen " AoAk
voting in the,affirmitive',and.it was declared by the Mayor as so, adppted
and pas.sed as . an ordinance 'of the City 666un.cil of the City of Beaumomt
Texas. 7lhieh is as follows to -wit: -
Be it ordained -by the City Council of the City of Beaumont.
Sed.l:-That there shall.be issued by the City Couneil,bonds for
and in behalf of the City of Beaumont to borrow money upon.the credit
of the City for the purpose extending and'permannently improving the
Paving System of said City, -to the amount of Forty Thousand
v 40, 0,00.00 ) Dollars.
Sec.2:- That the Mayor.is hereby.instrueted to have prepared
Forty, bonds of the denomination of One Thousand 'Dollars', ('$1000.00) '
each,payable in current coin or other lawful.money of the United States
of America, and to be numbered conseeutivelt from one to forty inclusive
Said bonds shall be dated the-lst day of,June 1901, and shall run Forty'
(40) years from their date. The right reserved -to the City however, to
redeem the same -'at, any time after,twenty(20) years from their date,
and shall bear ihberest from their date at the 'rate of Five (50).per c
cent per annum, payable semdi--annually on the 1st day of December and
the 1st day of June of each yaar'aeeording to.the tenor of interest
coupons thereto attached; said bonds small be signed by the Mayor
and attested by the City Secretary, and shall bear the impress of the
seal of the City of Beaumont . The* coupons shall bear the. engraved
signat=e of the Mayor and 01by Secretary, and both enupons and bonds
shall be. payable at the office of the.City Treasurer, of the City.'of
Beaurlont'Texas or at the National City Bank of New York N.Y.. at the
option of the holder.
Sec.S:-Said bonds when so prepared shall be placed in the
hands of the Mayor and Finance Co=ittee'of the City Council, and said
Mayor and Finance Committee as soon as practicable shall proceed to sell.
the sate at fublie or private sale; at not less,than face value and
accrued ingerest.The proceeds of='the bonds when they have beeh.sold
shall be deposited in the hands of the City .Treasurer -and shall be used
in paying for the extention and permanent improvement of the Paving
Systera of the City of Beaumont,and ib is, hereby made the duty of the
Mayor and Finance Committee in the sale of'said.bonds to provide that
shall be .deliveredf*.-th` the purshaser' in. the City ,of Beaurriont - and . that.
payment shall bo'made for said bonds by the'purchaher'thereof in
said.City of 'Beaumont _
..See.4 .- -For. the. purpose of paying the .. int erest � `on said bonds
and providing a sinking fund ao.redeem them at maturity, there is'hereby
set. apart' and• appropiated 11• cents out. of the firty C-Ohts heretofore,
levied by the City Council of.the City of Beaumont.on the 7th day of
May A.D.190i.as shown and recorded in-minute bock No-.2 of the•minutes
of the City Council on page 81.ther'e6f, to pay the interest and sinking
fund on the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the'City o@ Beaumont,and
the 11' cents is here now appropiated for the.year 190l.and, levied on '
all. property. in -the City of Beaumont -liable-to taxation. as a special
advalorem 'tax to pay the . interest and .ainking .f znd,, on this issue of bonds,
The said tax'or,as much thereof. as may be necessvey is hereby•levied-for
each sueeedimg year hereafter as the same may be neeessaryto-provide
for the interest and-sinking fund as aforesaid:'on the entire amount of
said bonds, and if at any time, the amount' of said assessment isnot,
sufficient to meet the requirement for interest and sinking ff nd on
said bonds, 'it is hereby promised and.agreed'that'such,increase of ass
essment shall be made for the'purpose.hamed. :,.
See.5:-That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage and approval.
Approved this 10th day of May A.D.1901
Attest, :,:: D.P hheat, Mayor
T.C.King City.Secfetary.
No Text
0R1_ �, �
Oity Q -f Roaixnont. 1, T.O.King-, City georptary
in and for the city of
Beaumont "_'cj as, do .hereby corny that the total
indebtedness of t*Ale Oity og Beaumont;,,. Texas.,, an
the 27th day
of Septem-
bor,. A.D.1900, as :gyp shori by the records of nq
off -Lee was as
School host -e 13oi1d3 dated October lith 1891,
Sc wovage, Bonds,, dated October fth 1891.
rVATE ► ilo-21ks. BWLa ;, dated October 6th 18190
x$4500- .00
Water Vorks and Street, -Paving Blinds -,rated
Anaist 11th. 1398
u 3.5D00.00
Refunding Dond.s d.ate'd April 11th. 1890
Punding Bonds dated A=jgust 5th 1899
5r .
PO/, -0
T'otal_ ..,_
Witness hand and seal of office this
day of
Secretary of Beaumont.., Texas.
City of Beaimont . 10 T . C . Ding.,; City Secretary in end for the ri.ty Of .
Beaum=tr Texas,. do he-pi4?t certify,fhet the total assessed property values
of the City of Bea-mont for tho Year 1:00,, az G omn by the approv
tax -"rolls of said City for the year 19009 on file in rn: office is as
follows -_..,_--- ------- v6
witness my hand and seal of office this 22nel day of. Sept P-mbe . A.D.
City Secreta i7, Of the City aS.'
G nt�TFzas .
City Of _r3t:aIT',471t. 11, T.C'..King,, Cii,y Secretary :in and for tho City of
.B®WM,Ont, To_Cas, do hereby cettify that the rate of taxation levied by •
the City Council of thO aitu OP .BOal0011t, oil t.hol 7th day of LYay 19011
-the $-me boling the� " �
r,7zlaa, �eett.S�ng �'oz� t}�c: ��anth of �3y�, for tr.�; year
1901, ata io shown by tho nino.tes of the. -City 'Corancil in mTrate book 11G.
ti on mage 81 t, horecf, is as follows to_;; it
"On I.10t.1.011 rate of taxation foi2 the Year1903 r¢S- fi.-C d aS Jf0 _
Ieneral Fa nd _'on the 'v'100.00 valuation
Street and Bridge hind on the 000.00 valuation opo�
School muld
Ir-tereot and zin?_ing Fund An the boW d indebtedness
of the City oil tits; 0100.00 Valuation .� (
Toga?— yiI. zq
Witness TTi hand arcs seal of office tliks 29th day of July A.B.1901.
City SoCretary,of Baas. }ont,`_ne,.at. - -