HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 52-A-3THE STATE OF" TEXAS,
Your comriittee: to whom was-referred the propose
ordinance accepting the conditional Pra,nt of the. T., 8e. N. 0.-
R.- R. Co. granting t'ne" ri7,ht to zzse. 'for. strest n�z.rnoses. a
stria ',of land across its tracks-connact,ing' Bibb Airen_up, .snd
Ala, rinosa. Street . i.n he .City of .BeazzmoTit � as - shovm �by the, pro-
nesad. ordinance- hpret'o attached, marked, "Ex'(nib_i.t`-A" and- made a
hart h rao '; deg- to report t'nat it has duly considered said
nroi)ozed _o_ �Unance and recommend that" -the same be adooted
and quly,pOssed -by this Council- under. the suspension of the
rule . req�ziring ordinances ...
to re _read, at thrP.^ ;ragtzlar mezti_nFs
or the City. Councils .a,rjd-that the sail 'street be graded and op-
en�;d to th_ niz'ol-ic: w-.ithin th�enext� 30 davs' from this date.- �_ �
nesLisubmitted on tTU-s `the- f-inst day of Ti;e
A. P. ,, 1909. -
An Ordinance, by 'the City `of Beaumont :.;2n the,: -State of 'Texas accept-
ing the conditional grant from the Texas &: New-Qrl-eans Railroad 'of,
the right to use for street,purposes a certain_ strip of land con-
necting Bibb Avenue. with Mariposa Street in:' the City .of .Be'aunz onto
and ordering said strip ,of lend ,opened for .public , use as a street
upon the terms and conditions of 's'aid-grant:.
Re it ordained by. the City .Council of the City. of
Beaumont -in regular session assembled:
Section ;. That the conditional g'rant.ma.de by the Texas
& New Orleans Railroad Company to the City of Beainnont and tendered t
the City'of Beaumont for acceptance through its City Council be and,
the same is hereby accepted by the City_ Council for and in behalf of "
the City of. Beaumont upon the terms, and conditions therein expresses;
said grant being' in_,words and figures substantially:as Ifollows:
Beg'. n-i'ng at the Southea,'st rner of .lot 1.) ri c?c 37,
Van Wormer Ari i tion, sa.mp being 'in t: .Sout,'aprn edge of +- a r -�,Lt
of. -way of th TN. 0.: R,. R. ; thence in. the . s zr o sour _ e of the
Wes'ern bound r11 Iine 'of Rib1). Avenua, if extanded; .208.9 f'Ac;t
to a _point of curve; thence on a 20 de ,r e curve ri tht. 2 0.2 FpFt to
»°int of range "t; thence nn the 'siie; c urge of: the ,i7est ;r n
bmindarv" line f Marl-oosa, i'T extended. 203.45 ,feet
So1lthnRst corrne. of 'lot 12, black 37, alder Addition, tc,h i.9
in the right -o• -.wv y of the T. & N. 0. R.'; thence In soil theasterl
direction withhe eche off' the T. 8c. 0 R. R. riP-h.t- f -way 65.27 fe.
to anoint WhI c is' 10 fest 'at right glPs, fron the -N stern.,,
'edge, of.Mar iposa thence. South iC .feet f.rora and riarall
to the Haste n e ;e of Mari-oosa 175.,95 fe"t. to a point f ,curve; thenc
wit', 411, a 25, degree an (1- 11. ini.nlztes ciiru.e _aft, 1.61.44 to a _ int of
tangent.; -thence 'i a. Southeasterly dire tion witn the We tern
edge of Bibb avemi , tf. pxtencleri, to a n Int -.-in the. So1zt»
bolinia,r,;i 'line of T: N. -0. R. R. ri�*1t .61 wav'- th��ncL in
diracti'on to nl.a.cP o. beginning.
C 0", TY 07, JEFP.ERS OIC ) ,
Orleans ;Railroad.. Company'a private dorporatl,on duly, i.noort-orated-,, n -
der the .laws of the. State of Texas;," the principal . o:ffice being in
Narri:s County, Texas, for •and in consideration and' -upon the express
condition that the City ,of Biaaumont shall at all t�mes recognize and
respeat the t encs and c onditioAs , of this 'instrument and parry out,
in good- faith all the.'dutiea and obligations imposed upon'. it by
the terms of this instrument, and for no other considera.tidn, has
granted., , 3old and con�re3yed and does' hereby grant ., sell and convey
unto the Cit -y of Beaumont.,, a municipal corporation chartered undor
special, act of,
f ,.the Legialature' of the State of Texas, ,the right and
privilege of gas i ng 'for street .purposes that certain strip of land
conneet'ing Maripoe'a. Street on the north side of the gr4ntor'ss, rail-
-road right of way' in the' ',,C,:ity of, Beaumont with Bibb Avenue on the
south side of said eight o -f Way, said strip, of li'nd being more par-
ticularly described _ as follows:
"Beginning at the Southeast coenex of lot 1, block�'371 ;
,'Van Wo -mer Addition, same being in the Southern edge of the right
of" way of.the �T..N"� 0. R. R. thence inthe same 'eQurse of the 'Wes-
tern boundary -line of Bitvb Avenue, . if ext
oxided,.'; 20.840f eet'. to a paivnt'
of curve; thence on a'20 degree curve right 200,21 to A paint o.
tangent; thence on the same- :cou'rse of the .Wejetern: boundary line of
Mariposa, if extended., .203.45 feet to the'. Southeast corner of lot
12, block 37, -Calder' Addition,'which is in the 'rigfit�of-way' of. thy
T. - N. 0. R. R.; thence in a southeaeterly direction with; the edge -e
the T . & 'N. 0, rlglht of Way 65.27. -feet to a, pointe which is 10' feet
a.t ria,ht angles , from the, 'R'ast,ern edge of 'Merip.osa; thence South l0.
feet from and parallel to the Eastern edge of 14ariposa 1.75.95' to ca
point of curve; thence with a 25 degree and 11 minutes curve left
161.44 to' a point. of tangent; thence in a'. southeasterly direction
wit- the Ea3tern edge of T3ibb Avenue, if extended, to a point in the
Southern. boundary 'line of T. & N.. O. rightof-way; 'thence in a Wes-
terly -direction to, place of .beginning.
TO RAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the 'above'' px'iv leges
4 -I-Pu
aforesaid to it 'the said, City .of Beaumont,y .but .only. upon. the exprossa
terme and conditi=6 hereinafter set . forth:
'The., Texa 's' 8c.: New. Orleans, Ra iltoa.d rcmpany shall put . ire
and maintain ,over said strip of land -a croasirig, 6t : grade .fr. orn. ; the .
top edge- 'of thA,.'xailro6'Ld: bed at -tho. north side- o:P. a.tz most northerly
track as at present constructed ,across said propos�;a �3t'P+;'r. to the,
edge of the railroad bed on the south si4e of its .mos3t southerly
track as at present constructed over th:e proposed street,,—
.construct-ing as promptly. a.q, practicable . said crossing betty' een the -two pointe, , -
hereinbefore specified and,maintaining'eame at,its own expense a-
...`. cross all five trackse intervening between zRid pointo.
But the said railroad' company aha.Z1' -not, b e' required-`
now or at any ,time in the future. to either construct .or m,6intain
any part ,of.--said.,pr. oposed streot crossing north of.�the top edge of
its road bad at ' north side of its . Ttmoot northerly track as : at present.
constructed. over . the proposed s'tre'et,� .nor. south'' -of the top edge of
its Load bed at the south aide of itp inost. oouthorl.y treok as at
preeent construote across .said proposed street. But a�.1 of ss�icl
crossing except between , the two points -last naraed shall be c onotruct- .
ed" nand forever maintained at the sole. and exclusive cost and exp.ens3
proper ;
of the City of ,'Beaumont - in suchftimanner e.s xt may determines upon, pro—
vi dpd
vitted that thecity' of' -Beaumont shall. ,make all suitable anc3,proper .
ar.r>ang mentsa° for,'drainmge and be 'alone responsible, for, th.e.construe-
tion ani?., maintemm�ce of ;such »crtions� of. spid crossing including both
driveway and sidewalks.
The said Yailrosd Lor ;zany Ohl all. have the ri.ght., which 'is
herein reserved -o hereafter conotruct and maintain, at such time or
times as, it may' desire 'such additional track or .nuoh adAltiona.l,.
tracks a.ts it may , elect across sa.id proposed. street crossing, but in
the evexit of the con tructzon of siAch, additional. tr;tckz the Evid
railr oa,d c ompany ;shall_ at i t9 'own ex -pen se maintain the additional
portion. of such crossing,. if a.ny, occupied by euch trac:sts.) i.ncvliltg
only such portions of said. cros6ing as. , are between .thp. two ends of
the ties upon which. each additional track is laid. ,
The said railroad c (Rapa.ny shall have the right to use any
or all f the tracks crossing staid., proposped street. f or- switching
and making. up its trE ins and a11. , such neoesaary ' h&n.dling of the.
trains and cars over same that. may be .incident to. its 'business,'. sub-
jact however to the rules .and ordinances prescribed .by the City
Council ' , but shall not. be in -any manner se restrio,teo in,.:sueh use
of Its tracks at: present., ...or hereafter, to . be, oonstructed across
said proposed street as to 'prevent or unreasonably. ft. rfere with. tilk. ,
us.e of said' tracks for a,ny and all purposes ,hereinbefore mentioned.
tachnc3 all the .farms andconditions of this grant ars
expressly. made. conditions. subsequent and a violation of any .of
,.Said conditions by the City of Beaumont, or any officer. , agent 'or-
servsnt acting 'under ,authority of the City,"of- Beaum6ht shall at tha ,
option .and 'election of the Texas .& New Orl.arns Railroad Company,
its aueaelsors or assigns ,Forfeit and. terminate all, the rig'hta hexa-
}?Y g_rantad .to the ,r��.ty of 3ea��nont, and upon such -br. gaQh of' the con—
ditions,upori. written notice from. -the TexaWA. Now.=Or:1eanp Railroad
0omy�a_ny, Zeta sucaesoor-s or' asasigne :deiivcred to., the payor or "oth °
or ('hief Mcecutive ;
Prpsidi. ghoff,ioPr- of the !City of Beawaontall nights.hj,-,reiftbefor.e.'gr�rt
ed she -11 immediately revert- ,th th.e ' T.exaB & New Orleans Rv.ilroad Coit» 6
parry, itssuc;ce,ssora or assiens*,with the right -to retake exclusive,:
poosession and ma.inta. n exclusive use of. -the property her.cinbefore
described. ,
„ . In witness whereof-,; the Texas 8e- New Orleans Railroad ,Compary
h6s caused ,these-- present .to' be sinned. by W. O. Vagi Vy.ec1C, �.ts' Secoy.d.
Vine. i'resident. a.nd its corporate ,seal to -be affixed hereto 'attested, :V .
Cr, ,R, inghr
am' ,its Secetary, this th; day of.= its
Its recon._ ''P, .'�z �sIde.nt.. _
:C OII'�TTY 7 1 TTA :RRI S ,
Before me,, the undersigned a.u.thority'an this day
so�c3]ly appeared �,'.- G. planlcck, known tome to 'be the ,person whass
nam? is subscribed.. to the foregoing intruxent and a.ckh6wledged to
me that lie' executed same a s the act. and deed of the' Texas' &, New Or.
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