HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 38-A-3- // ED THIS THE_ti." _ AN' 0 R D I' AT A N C. E. CITY Entitled an ordinance providing rules and, gul tions for the construction and house connections wi, the water or sewer , system in the City of Beaumont, Teras, and house plumbing for the government of plumbing of said City of Beaumont, BE IT ORDAZT;ED BY THE CITY COUI:�CIL OF ThT, CITY -OF REAWONT Section 1. That the following rules and rt gula.tiunS be. and the same are hereby adopted for the construction, maintenance and repairs of plumbing and house connections with the sewer and water system in the City of Beaumont and- for the government of plumbing in and for said City.. - Rule 1. Every master, employing or journeyman plumber carrying on his trade in the City of Beaumont w o - as heretofore not . received a. license shall appear in person, before the Examining and Supervising Board of�Plumber' of s'a.icl city and pass ari -- - - -- examination as to his competency as required by law. Rule 2. It shall be unlawful for any p_er.son to carry on the trade of plumbing in said City unless, h -e -shall have',rec_erred a license as hereinbej ore provided Rule 3. All nonresident master, employing or journeymen.plumbers who shall undertake to- do plumbing work- in the -City of Beaumont 0 9 - shall,; before doing so, exhibi.t to ,the ^P r' �� r� the City -of Beaumont a license issued from sawN%JL— duly authorized board Ji9� .e-tI&A6Z - yyr�,,� �.•w7 �1 ,� Rule Ni licenser plumber shall allow his name to be used -�— fir.--�--t��-t- 'by any persoi� y, directly or indiredtly, either, for the purpose of obtaining a permit ort -do any work under his license.' pule 5. Any master or employing plumber sending�a person o -n a job (requiring a license) in the capacity of a plumber: without such person having repeived a license, shall bi�; punished as here- . inaf ter provided. Rule 6. The drainage and plumbing of all buildings, both pub - lie and private, in the cite of Beaumont, sha..11 be executed in accordance .vvith plans previously approved by the Sewer and Plumb- ing Inspector a " �a r of said city. Suitable draw- ings and descriptions of said plumbing and drainage shall in each case be submitted an,& al..aced_ on.�file _-in_. the affa ce "`of said__ __-- I Rule 7. I)rawings and complete descriptions of all plumbing and drainage shall be'f:1ed in with ink on forms furnished by the inspector and shall rhe filed by the master plumber in the office of the Inspector. Rule S. One vertical drawing will be sufficient for a building when it can be made to show all work. If the work is intricate and can not b e 'shoe,-vn by one drawing, two or more should be used. Rule 9. Plans will h e approved or rejected veLthin two days from the time of filing. . And the said plumbing and drainage shall not be commenced or proceeded with until said drawings and d escr.iptions shall have been so filed and approved by the inspector, Rule 10. After the plan has once .been approved, no alteration of the same vrlill be allowed, except on written ap..plication of the owner., architect or master plumber. All information or ruling from the inspector shall be made -in writing. Rule 11. Repairs or alterations of plumbing and drainage may be made without the filing and approval of drawings and descriptions; but said repairs or alterations shall not be construed to in - elude cases where new vertical or horizontal lines of soil or waste pipes are proposed to be used. Notice of said r-epairs or alterations shall be filed in the office of, 'the inspector, before the . same are commenced, in all cases except where leaks are stopped or obstructions are removed. Said notice shall consist of a description in writing -of the work -to be done, of the locatim of the property where the - ame is executed, and the name and ad- dress of owner. Rule 12. All plumbing completed, before the passage of this or- i dinance shall be treated as new work before connection is �\ made with the city sevrer system. Rule 13. .ritten notice must be filed in the office of the ins- pector by the master- plumber five hours before any work is ready for inspection owe -gam. No part of th-ewonk shall be covered until it has been examined, tested and approved by the inspector. Rule 14. The entire plumbing and drainage system within the build- ing shall be tested by the master' plumber, in the presence of the inspector, under a water test. The plumber shall securely close all the openings, as directed by -theinspector mhe mater- ial and labor for the test shall be furnished by the master plumb - Rule 15. - -- - - All material -shall b,e of good quality and fr-•e-e- from de- fects. The work shall be executed in a.workmanlike manner. Rule 16. All cast iron pipe used in building -s , (v er fifty feet in ceiling; height above the curb shall- be of the grade known as extra heavy, which weigh as follaws: Two inches 5-1%2 pounds'per lineal -foot; 3 inches, 9-1/2 pounds per lineal foot; 4 inches, 13 pounds per lineal toot; 5 inches, 17 pounds per lireal foot; 6inches, 20 poundsper lineal foot; 7 inches,27 you},14s per lineal foot,; .3 inches,. 33-1/2 pounds per lineal foot; 10 inches 45 poundsper ] ineal foot; 12 inches, 54 pounds per, lineal foot. Rul e 17, All lead supply pipes shall not be lighter than extra strong lead. All leadwaste and vent pipes shall not be lighter than :R¢lea.d, Which �,ieighs as follows: For Supply Pipes. 318 inch, 1 pound 8 ounces per lineal foot; 1/2 inch 2 pounds per linealf. oot; 5/8 inch, 2 pounds 12 ounces per lineal foot; 3/4 inch, 3 pounds 8 ounces per lineal foot; 1 inch, 4 pounds 12 ounces per lineal foot; 1-lA inch, .% pounds-a�' ounces.per lineal foot; 1-1/2 inch, $ pounds [pounces per lineal 'foot; 2 inch, 9 pounds per lineal. foot. For t!,raste and rent Pipes. One and a quarter inches, � pounds -.IV,, ounces per lineal foot; 1-1/2 inches, pounds 6 ourfces per Aineal foot; .::� inches, pounds X. ounces p er Lineal` f oot; 3 inches, pounds per lineal foot,; 4 inches, y` pounds 0 ounces per linea -1 foot. Rule 18. All joints or sews on lead or between lead and brass shall. be soldered by wiped joints. Rubber couplings or slip joint ,connections shall not be W 071 SEWPR S►nr or -%22np- used an any waste, vent or -water pipe of --any fixture. Construction of 17ork. Definition of terms: The term�of "house drain" is applied to that part of the main horizontal drain and its branches inside the galls of the building and extending to and connectin&; with the house sewer, r, The term ►tsoil pipe" is applied to any verticle line of pipe extending through. the .roof receiving- the discharge of one or more closets with or without other fixtures. The term "wat to pipe" is applied to any special pipe extending through the roof; receiving the discharge from any fix- tures except water closets. The term"vent"pipe" is ap_,,lied to any special pipe pro- vided to ventilate the system and to prevent trap siphonage and back p7 e ssure, Rul e, 19. Drains and soil pipes through which. water a.nd sewerage is used and carried shall be of cast iron, when within a building, and to a distance of five feet outside of the foundation walls AV 4!59 Y60 , 5.0- A� thereof. They shall be securely ironed to walls, laid in tren- cher of uniform grade, or suspended to.floor timbers by strong iron hangers. They shall rave proper fall toward seder. Tul e 20, When tile is used for the house, drain, exterior to .five feet from the foundation walls, it mu st/ be laid in a trench ctit to uniform grade. The ends of the pipe must first be welded and space between hub and end of nes section of pipe be completely filled with best quality, of hydraulic cement. A scraper or wiper must be used after cement is applied to each joint,, and before the next section is laid to remove arty cement that may have been forced into the pipe. Both ends of the house drain must be left open for ' the inspector- to roll 'a rusher ball through t, frarl t)ae h=b.zstpoint.tov Rule 21. Soil and waste pipes shall be carried out through the roof, open and undiminished in size, to such a height as may be directed by the inspector, bung sailor waste pipe shall be carried to a height, less than, one foot above the roof, of building, dwelling or outhouse, except when they would open within twent-\r feet of any door, window or air shaft they must be attached to main or ad- joining building, then carried above roof. Rule 22. Hand hole openings four inches in diameter shall be provid- ed on all soil, waste or drain pipes laid beneath the ground; said openings - o be not more -than twenty-five: feet apart, to be c-losed klith. brass ferrule and screw cap when of iron, and such �&N,II openings ro be r quired of each branch; e -r if . they do not pro- ' A `�nD ject above the floor, manholes must be proltided in order to give. access tt, same. Rule 23. Changes in direction shall be made with I'Y"'branches I W"�liras and ane -eighth or .one-sixtedhth'.bends. Offsets and 90 degree fittings will not be allowed on arV soil, drain or vent pipe, only when unavoidable, Short T -Y branches will be. permitted on vertical lines ur so,il or waste pipe only, but m -3,)T be used an •hori:ontal lines of vent pipes„ Rule 24R Every sevier connection shall have a fresh air inlet not less than four i rhes internal diameter, entei-i� th drainbe dle �_ t Ze main and all house connections. _ _ N M_a�r' ^ r' • Rule 25. Sewer, soil tnd Waste pipe ventilators shall not be constructed of sheat metal, earthenrare or wrought iron pipe, and chimney ?lues shall not be used as such venti_l.atorsi R -o -I e 26. Connections of lead pipe with iron pipe shall be made with brass or combination ferrules or -hrass soldering; nipples properly soldered by wiped lj.o nt,, and caulked or screi�ed to iron pipe. Driven ferrulas will not be alloyed. Rule 27. Joints between cast iron pipes shall be nacke.d with oakum or hemp, run with molten 12 d, properly caulked and made tight. Rule 28 The arrangement of soil and waste pipes shall be as direct, as possible. o Rule 29. The size of soil a.nd waste pipes shall not be less than those in ,the folloti7in tabl e, and shall be of cast iron r. or lead. Main and branch soil pipes, four inches In diameter. Kltch.en sinks, urinals, laundry and li tii ubs 1-1/2 inch- in diameter stop sinks 2 -inch in diamltter,; lavatories and pantry sinks 1-114 inch in diameter. Rule 30. ts��o� P1nr� ovsF_5,'► 17,s1.��RAn T Every kitchen sine connected with the city sewer system shall be provided with a grease interceptor,,/tU—Qxr�e—onc�J 1��= thran✓6_po.uncIs sheet. le-ad��en��xael�d _ira.?:�, o.r- 1ar_ass-yaith—nu—less- khan s inch map-scz-evr._on.w�.op� the size of said trap to be no less then 1.,� inches. F. in which the size of the -grease interceptor shall be fixed by the in.=.p ector. Rul e 31. No steam, exhaust or blow off pipe from any boiler will be allovied to connect with the house drain; they should discharge into a tank or condenser, the vraste from t;rhieh should pass through a deep seal trap then into sewer. Rule 32. Safe, refrigerator waste, or sediment drain of any hot water boiler shall nbt connect directly with any soil, waste or drain pipe. Rul e 33. Traps and Vents. Each fixture must have separate trap as near fixture as possibb, and no trap shall be set more than eighteen inches from, any fixture,cep 3:ava°aeries= rah 1es"tn f�ur� Y�c��,vls-may waste one - -4_-.X--8' inch lead drum-tr_ap•;- chs__rule_._y-.be. ap{�1iec1= to- wr, Rul e 34 All traps must be protected from siphonage and pack pres- sure 'y special vent ,pipe if said trap - -his or more inches from vertical waste pipe. Rule '35. The. size of traps shall not be less than those given in tl_e following tables: Lavatories, pantry sinks and drinking foun- tains 1-1/4 inch, urinals an& layndry tubs 1-1/2 inches, slop sinks 2 :inches, water `closets 4 inches; bathtubs shall have lead drum traps 4 inches in dipmeter and 8 inches deep. Rule 16. All vent pipes must be of lead, last :iron joined as in Rule 23, a-ae`vtsrr'�1v�--a tr�n_screw`�vipe•d-.,i-r�i..,-t-�na-- ��oxe...�t-ha;n---six:�`lilcnes�aY�ov¢r_,c•onlie.ct-icon--vrt�i. =trap._ �a�l�s��; n^�Pc .zrnsrP e bion-�=1 r ��- un1 ems ,rent-..:_ s...:ao:.zzn,ected brass union,_or.. _connec'ted-• into drum •trap:-- T-rap--scr_ev�s---m_ay -be- l -e -f t Rule 37.. All vent.: connectionA, to fixture trap, except slop sinks and Ovate. Closets, shah. be. made with lead pip properly wiped to brass solder nipple, brass or combination ferrule screwed or caulked to iron pipe.. Rule 38,, The traps bf: water closets shall be vented by a two-inch pipe taken out of -soil pipe as near fixture as possible, except as hereinafter provided. Vfhere there is only one water closet on a line of soil pipe no vent is required,, providing it is within two feet of •a -four-ihch;.vertical stack., But where there are two eater closets located on the sama floo-k and both are within two feet of the stack, either one of the closets roust be vented. Where tw?) or more closets discharge into the same verticle •sail pipe on different floors, a. separate vent connection must be pro- vided- for the trap For the lower closets, which may connect with the soil pipe . abo ire the upper water closet. Rul 39 . Vent. pipes may be 'combined by branching together and increasing in size, and then' carried into soil pipe above the highest fixture, or continued above the roof. The, sizes of cokbined vent pipes shall not be smaller than those .-iven in the following tables: One @Aid a half -Finch, !Hain vent will carry three 1-1/4 inch branches. Two inch main vent will carry two 2 inch and one 1-1/4 inchbranches. _ Three inch main vent -will carry five two inch and two 1-1A inch branchese Four :inch main vent Twill , carry, eight 2 inch and six 1-1,2 inch 'branches, Rule 40. All water closets s-11all have flushing rim bowls. Pipe wash bowls, pan plunger, lor_g hopper or direct supplies of any kind, or closets -having an unventilated space or whose walls are not flush at each discharge will not b e , allowed. - Rul e 41. Enameled iron hoppers shall be properly, caulked with lead to cast iron soil pipe. Rule 42.. Red lead, white .lead or asphal in screwing joints in,1r!eter nett/)ns. ,� 7refully, Allam meters shall be p breakage. Rule 44. shell not be used tected from frosts or All water pipes laid parallel with any curb shallZ api- no less than three feet from each curb �nc^h�:s';n-�3.rd I/AVV ► r �n street �.ra 12�c"i s-.d,ee�tj�vcr�e-zL-1a.�.y�.a-n:: yaiad.=--� Rule 45. `rlhenever any application shall have leen filed with any plumber authorized to receive sage for the purpose of making connections with the sewerage system or water works in the City of. Beaumont, it shall be the duty of said plumber 'to construct and complete such connection without unre-sonable delay and with all possible speed. Any master or; employing plumber who shall fall to make such connection iidthin a reasonable time and with all possible speed by reason of his own neglect or br' reason of a request or desire of the parties for whom such c n- nection is to be made, or who shall withdrew the application made by him to do such work i!! ithout permission of the Board, shall forfeit his license to do arr vrurk within the City of Beaumont within ane year and such license shall be revoked by the Dcami-ning and Sup ery sing Board of Plumbers.. Section 2. Any person found guilty of violating any of the fore- , s going rules, shall upon conn*fiction thereof„ be fined in any sum not 1 ess than $5.00 no�r1, more than A200.00,unless a dAfferent 44 punishment is fixed,,�n which case the penaltiestare fixed whall not be applicable, but such person shat 1 be prosecuted under the laves of the State of Texas and fined as thereby provided. Section 3, All ordinances or- parts of ordinances in conflict .herewith are hereby repealed. - Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and affect from and after its passage, approval by the Yiayor and lawful public'at ion4 PdSsed this the day of A. D. 1911. .LIP pr uved this the day of A. D. 1911, ATTEST City Secretary, m