HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 20-A-3P /P 7,
A N 0 R D i N A N C •
Entitled an ordinance regulating th"p, construction,
alteration, maintenance, repair and -removal of
buildings, within the City of Beaumont and pres-
cribing penalties for violation ,hereof.-
.r my 0 _ BE AUr.201TT_ --
f /
Section FreQ" Permits. - T, t in! ---Section Fees for Permits. Fees'
any and all work in. the City of for permits and for work and material building in the City of f, un -
Wt, consisting' of any repairs 'upon to cost -as follows: For"permits for I less the same shall have been inspect -
any. building or structure where the., work costinz from $100 to WO, 017,edol, ed from time to time by the Inspec-
same is to cost less.than $100, reason- lar; from $500 to $2000, two dollars for of Buildings and a certificate fur -
able plans -and specifications of the; shall be charged; one dollar per thou- I nished .by `liim •to the effect that said
" same shall be submitted t0 the Build-; sand 'from $2000 to'$'10,000. Seventy 1 house or building is.properly construct-
ing Inspector: and a permit for build `five 'cents per thousand in addition , • ed and in all respects safe and secure:
Ing takenout.as other permits for nd should said Inspector award such
from $10,000 -to $20,000. Fifty cents
b>lildiug in the City; of S i" ; and j per Thousand in addition from $20,000 ertificate to, any person or persons
90 charge shall be� niade therefor.
I to $'50,000. Twenty-five cents per thou- for any house or .buildings, not accord '
Section 2.. Permits Posted. That' it 'sand in addition from $50,000 to $100, ; ing to provisions of this chapter, he
shall�.be unlawful for, any ,person- to 000. Twenty-five cents per thousand shall be forthwith dismissed from of -
proceed to construct or: `'rep irr` any ; in. addition for all.o`Wr- $100,000. And five by the Mayor and. Board of Alder-
building op structure'}vithi the 11,mits i t shall be unlawful for -any,person to I men in addition to. the puttishmettt'
of the C� of. St without. the ; I hereinafter provided for. .
,� . proceed to construct or repair any
permit issuh ,'bv therB.uiI ing'Inspec- building or stru tures ithin the limitsol Section 7.. Officers have right, to
'I tor, as provide 4uilding,'lai post- of the City of without such enter premises. All officers appointed
cit' iti consuicup s- �l1 ce upon said . permit
issued by said Inspector Of under -this or • any future ordinance'
r'. nuilding or structure;'and it. shall bej p
f $ -, - Buildings shall so' far as it may be necessary for
ujnlawlhil for any per on Dense, Per= - ~ Section ' 5. r Inspector - slia�ll 7�ee`p: the �6"f6rinarice of " fheir respective
ant .or suffer ox to assist i any such duties, have the right to enter any
y j blank forms. 3t shall be the duty- of
:work being done without suc permit the, Inspector oY B[ildings to obtain premises in the City of
being so poated. - ,and keep in his office forms for the No house or building now or hereafter
=- Section 3. Plans submitted and es-, :written for applicants -to built shall be altered until the same
timates. t i fill out, as , required In this chapter, -has been examined and approved by
e i said form having proper blanks for the, the Inpscetor as being in a good, and
' it. when i description of the location of the prod. safe condition to be altered as propos-
any ffyticia personbe desirous of
pbsedostructure to be erected, altered ed and the aIteration.so made. shall'
erecting,- repairing or altering .any', or repalred,`iiumber and height of sto- conform to the provisions of this chap
building or structt a the limits
the shall ries, dimensions-af,loists and. timbers;' der, a nd,any other law. of the �City of
of the City' of and their distances apart, dimensions. r� in redation-theretor
make ' au application at the office of /of --supporting iron work, if any- for f Section , S. " Repairs. 'Any work or: 1
the Inspector. of Buildings for tt 'per- /what what purpose the building or structure , addition or alteration made into or up,
mit fo;• that pdrpose and shall furnish Is designed and such other information Ion any -house or building, except the,.
said inspector with a written ' state- applicable to tiie proposed improve- I necessary repairs not affecting the ex-'
�ment of the locality, dimensions, --cost ment as the Inspector may require. ternal or party wall, chimneys, stair -
and manner,of •construction of the `fro- Said form shall also contain an agree-{ ways or height of buildings or house,
posed building•or structure or-altera- ment that the owner or owners, his or shall to the -extent of such work, alter -
tions or repairs'.of jhe existing, build- their architect, agent or agents-, will in ation or addition, . be %ubiedt to the
'pg or structure, `with thei materials to a1•I respects, construct the work in tar-- la, -.z arLdi ordinances. of the City' of
je used and _with 'plans drawn to scale �ordance with such detailed statements,, when such changes other
and -specifications of- the proposed .plans and specifications, and in accord than the necessary repairs of wear I
building or structure, which should, be ance,with the Ia ordinances'�of and tear are desired it willbe neces-
deliver ed`iv atu�fis ect-e in nd=remain th'� -City_ of 1a iIC- which said ^ sary to slake all part of said building .
In � is custody, ot.to_'Qxceed.foci•-da)•s� agreement shall be signed by the own cnniPTy` �vitlr dhe�l ws=a oidivaa.esl' ;
' to allow the ncessa ' _ Pxas?ciin itron to,f er or owners, his' architect, agent .or of the City of -if such re-
bP'-mac• of ` and'it'•xeigvired agents- pairs are reasonably necessary to. put
by the inspecto-�.a copq cf said plans ( Section 6. Brick and Stone Build- said building or house in a safe con-
rnd specificatign , or any of them, Ings -to be Inspected. It shall be un- - dition, to be,used as intended.
shall be filed in the office of" said, in - lawful for any person or persons to, Section 9. Buildings in fire limits.
speetor.of buildtngs permanently, after erect, construct or build, or cause to No person, or 96mons shall 'erect, or
which, if it shall appear to said inspec- be erected; constructed or built, any, cause, to be erected w hi he fire
for that the laws and ordina4ces ofbrick, iron, granite, stone houses or limits of the City of any -
(� the(pity are complied with; he shall :building or buildings or house partly' { ibuilding or addition to a building, -the
issu he permit asked for, after col- I composed of brick, iron, granite or outer walls of which are not composed
lecting from the applicant the follow- stone, or -to alter any such building so l entirely of brick, stone, concrete or
ing fee- according to the following 1 to make it •substatttiallq a new I, other incombustible material, and the
table: _ / ✓
Section 2.
Permits Posted: It
shall be unlawful for
tiny person to proceed to
construct or repair any
building or structure with-
in the limits of the City of
Beaumont without a permit
issued by the City Engineer
and approved by the Mayor
posted in a conspicuous
place upon said building or
structure and to be unlawful
for any person to cause any
permit to suffer or to,assist
in any such work being done
without such permit so posted.
roof [thereof covered with slate, I
zinc, copper, iron, gravel or other''
equally fireproof roofing; and. if any
building within the limits aforesaid
shall be damaged to the extent of one-
lialf thereof it shall fie unlawful .to re-
build the same unless the outer walls
and roof of the portion rebuilt shall
be composed entirely of incombustible
Ings in fire limits.' Whenever any
-frame building within the fire limits!
shall havebecome damaged from any* I
cause to the extent, in the judgment
of the Inspector of Buildings, of one-
half of the value of such building, if
,the owner of the buildings objects to
the conclusions arrived at by the said
inspector, the Inspector of Buildings
shall notify the Chief of the Fire De-
partment and the City Engineer, and
they sball make -an examination of the
building and make a report to the In -
specter as to the amount of damage.
Whenever such building shall be ad-
judged by such arbitrators to have
been damaged to the extent of one-'
half of its value, such building shall
Lbe condemned by -the Inspector of
Buildings, and it shall be unlawful to'
repair the same except that repairs on
frame buildings in the fire -district may
be made involving the constitutign of
material or work made necessary by
ordinary- wear-and-tear,-a.nd-th?.ttrame_
buildings damaged by fire or other
similar causes, less than one-half the
value of said building, exclusive of the
foundation, the walls of said building
may be repaired, but no alterations or
change in plans or size of such[ struc-
ture -shall be made or otfier changes,
which m,a.y involve the use or uses'
other than these for which the struc-
ture was originally intended.
Section :11. Roof in •fire limits.^hat ,
where any Toof in the dire district that
does .not conform to the fire ordinance
P damaged so as to be repaired, that
if as much as ten per cent has to be
made new, the whole roof shall
paired with fireproof material.
Section 12. Fire District. That
wooden dwellings already permitted
and now maintained within the fir
limits may be improved by wooden ad-
ditions not .exceeding one-fourth their
[present floor areas whenever the Build-
- - L Ing Inspector shall, upon careful in-
pection of_sa'1Cr blinding—s `flmd them -to]
be in good condition, and shall find
that the same may be allowed without]
materially increasing the danger from,
fire and such additions are otherwise
unobjectionable, but in no case will
any roof be allowed or repairs to any
roof that is damaged more than ten
per cent without the same be of fire
Droop material.
Section 13. Modification of Building
laws. Outside the fire limits; ' when
any brick, stone or concrete building
is to be erected of a class that could
under the building laws be construct-
ed of wood, the Building Inspector• .is
.hereby authorized and directed to al-
low -reasonable modification of the l
,\ building laws relating to such building.
In consideration of the incombustible
1 material being used for wall instead
? of wood.
Section 14. Height of Stories. The
height for stories for all given thick-
ness of walls, in the City of 4hi-ave-
Port, must not exceed 12 feet in the
clear for basement, 18 feet in the clear
for -first story, .15 feet in clear, for
second story, 13 feet in the clear for
the third story, 12 �et in the clear
for the fourth story, and 14 feet in
the cleat .ago •aaAa u�
ryes. Yrer stor
If any stories exceed • these
1 heights respectively the walls of such
story and all the stories below tike
Game shall be increased four inches in
thickness additional to the thickness
thereafter mentioned.
Section 15. Thickness of walls. In
accordance with th'e foregoing provis
cons, brick or stone walls all build-
ings, in the City of
otherwise specifiedunless
in the chapter,
shall be not less than the thickness
designated in the fo)lowing table:
Enclosing walls for brick [buildings.
One story high: Basement 13 inches,
first story 13 inches. Two stories
high: Basement 18 inches, first story
13 inches, second .story 13 inches.
Three stories high: Basement 22'
inches, forst story 18 inches, second
story 13 inches, third story 13 inches.
Four stories high:. Basement 27 inch-
es, first story 22 inches, second story'
18 inches, third story 13 inches, fourth
story 13 inches._ Five _stories__ high:l-
Basement 27 inches, first story 27
inches, second story 22 inches, third
story 18 inches, fourth story 13 inches,
fifth story 13 inches.. Six stories high:
Basement 31 inches, first .story 27
inches, second story 27 inches, third
story 22 inches, fourth story 18 inches
fifth story 13 inches, sixth story 13
inches. Sdven stories high: • Base-
ment 31 inches, first story 27 inches,
second story 27'irrches, third story 27
inches, fourth story 22 inches, fifth
;story 18 inches, oixth story 13 inches,
seventh story 13 inches. Or this
means that_ a 13 -inch wall means three
half -brick thick, and additional thick-
ness means an additional half -brick.
Party walls in buildings to be four
inches thicker than the above scale.
Front and rear walls that are not bear -
Ing walls: Enclosing walls for brick
buildings. Of 4 -story [buildings,.
basements 20 inches, first story
16 finches, second story 16 inches,
[third story 12 incbes,.�purtIr_stor 1-2 _
inches. Of 5 -story buildings: Base-
ment 20 inches, first story 20 inches,
second story 16 inches, third story 16
l inches, fourth story 12 inches, fifth
story 12 inches. Of 6 -story buildings: -
Basement 24 "y inches, first story ;20
inches, second'story 20 inches, third -
story 16 inches, fourth story 16 inches, I
fifth story 12 inches, sixth story 12,
inches. "•fir 7-stuffy"buildings: Base -'I
went 24 inches, fast story 20 inches, I
second story 20 inches, third story 16 f
inches, fourth story 16 inches, fifth
story 16 inches, sixth story 12 inches,
seventh story 12 inches.
Partition walls in business buildings
that are not bearing walls. Enclosing
walls for one story: Basement 13
inches, first story 13 inches. For two
stories: . Basement 1S inches, first
story 13 inches, second story 13 inches.
For three stories: Basement 18 inch-
es, first story 18 inches, second story
13 inches, third story 13 inches. Four,
stories: Basement 22 inches, first sto-
ry 18 inches, second story 18 inches,
third story 13 inches, fourth story 13
Inches. For five stories: Basement
22•inches, first story 22 inches, second
story 18 inches, third- story 18 inches,
fourth story 13 inches, fifth story 13
=inches -For_ six -stories: Ba }<
27 inches, first story 22 -inches, second
story 22 inches third story 18 inches,
fourth story 1S inches, fifth story 13
inches, sixth story 13 inches.
Section 16. Definition of business
building. The term "Business Build -
Lg," as used in this chapter shall in -
e hotels, theatres, churches, school
houses, office buildings, store houses
and all other buildings used prin'cipa.li
ly for !business purposes.
'Section 17. Definition of Store or
arehouse. The term "wholesale store
or warehouse building" as used in this
chapter shall include. adibuildings used
�( exclusively for purpose of mercantile
business or the storage. of goods.
Section 18. Definition of Basement
story., A "basement • story," as the
term is used in this chapter, is defined
as a story whose floor is twelve inches
or more below the.sidewalk, and whose
height does not exced twelve feet in
the clear.
Section 19. Height of buildings.
How _,computed. The' height of, ail ;-
uildings, as the term is used in this
bapter, shall be taken from the grade,
of the sidewalk to a point half way\
from the lowest to the highest part of
the roof.
Section 20. - Mill construction. In
all mill construction buildings that
have brick or stone piers properly con-
structed to exclusively carry all re-
quii•ed loads, the ,face of such piers or
[]asters shall be equivalent to one-.ourth as .much as the space betwee
their centers. The brick or stone walls
between piers -which carry their own
weight only, called the curtain walls,
Lshall be of not less than twelve inch_gs
in thickness from first floor to roof.
Section 21. Walls with trussed roof.'
The outside 'brick or stone walls of
rooms, :having trussed roofs or ceil-
ings, such as churches, public halls,
theatres, dining room's or the like, if
more than fifteen or less than twenty-
five- feet- high, shall a,erage at least
1S inches in thickness; if over twenty-
five feet high at least 22 inches in
tlickness; if over forty --five feet high,
s't least 27 inches in'thickness. An in-
crease of four inches in thickness shall
be made in all cases where the walls
ire over one hundred feet long, unless
there are cross walls of equal height. i
Section 22. Buttresses. If solid but-
tresses of brick or stone are employed,
with a sectional area'of three hundred'
or more square inches, in addition to
thickness of brick- or stone walls,
laced not over eighteen feet centers
which extend to or nearly to top o
walls, th'e walls constructed with such
buttresses may be four inches less in
thickness than required.
Section 23. Cut -stone facing. Cut
stone facing of walls shall be backed
up with brickwork df the same thick-
ness as is required where no cut stone
is used, in cases Where the cut stone
is in a great me,.sure self-supporting,
'four inches less i,�ness of brick
a,cking may be used-. Ashler floats
properly bonded to the brick work,'
(may have backing same as •self -sup-[
,porting stone fronts cr:walls.
1 Section 24. Party walls. Any paid
1 ty wall now existing that shall have
been built conformable to the require-!
ments of this chapter, regulating the
c�str�r�Gion os;suclt_ walls -if sound
an dein good condition, may be used in
the i construction, of, any adjoiuingt'
Building. Provide'), however, that no,
ridditional height shall be-giveu to"the'
wall, unles the thickness of such ad-
ditional wall in each story, shall at
least equal the thicknes required for
party walls. This section shall apply,
in all cases where It is desired to add
additional height. ' to any business
building. In case 'o'P outside walls of
any business buildthg being built
against -the wall of any odd' building
(not being a party wall) the new wall'
should be of the same thicknes as re-,
quired for outside ,walls in such build-
ings. .
Section 25. Walls of two-story bus-
iness and dwelling houses. All brick
or stone buildings in the City of .
f�'�, such as dwellings and com-
Cbination buildings, having the first
story of basement and first story de-
signed for business purposes, and the
up -P.0 -stories for_: dwellings, the first -
story being not more than thirty!
inches,above grade of sidewalk, shall
have v;;alls of the:+l,,: 0i ess as f0lows:
For two-story and basement buildings,'
the basement wall 18 inches and the
first story ah -1 chra, second .story
wall- 13 inches. For three-story and
basement building: Basement and first
story walls 18 inches, second and third
story walls 13 inches. For fourstot•yl
buildings: The basement walls 22
inches, first and second stories 1S
Inches, third and fourth stories 13
Section 26. Fire walls on brick or
stone dwellings. All brick or stone
dwelling houses, including those hav-
ing the ,first story used for business I
purposes, and all other brick or stone ll
buildings -that have flat roofg, shall
ave all the wall (execpt the front
walls) extend eighteen inches abov4
the roof, and not less than thirteen
Inches thick and :shall have proper,
copings iucnmbu tible-_Iuaterials.
Double pitched roof, shall have their.
division and side-' walls carried up
forming fire walls. in the same manner.
Section `27. Fire walls in business
buildings. All brick or stone business
buildings, more than two stories high,
having flat roofs shall have their side
and rear walls carried up not less
than two feet at any -point except
where it jo`us ,front wall, two feet
above the roof, division of party walls
:not less than, three feet front wall,
hree feet above, forming division or
arty walls not less than thirteen
inches exce�tt where it joins front
walls, and shall have copings of incom-
bustible materials. On such buildings
front walls must -be not less than eight-
een inches above roof. Division and�i
-party walls shall extend through man-
sard or other steep rool's not less than
sixteen inches, and shall have copings
the same as other fire walls.
Section 28. Chimneys and flues. In
all buildings, ordinary flues or chim-
neys shall not have less than four -inch
walls, and no chimney top shall be
less than three feet above roof (Por
flat roofs) and three feet above the .
ridge of any pitched ,roofs. Flues lac-
er than 234 square inches and less
ban 378 square inches shall be en-
losed with walls not less than eight
inches Ahick.- Flues, larger tha�km
square inches and less than 546 square
inches shall have enclosed wall not
less than thirteen inches thick. The
tops of these chimneys shall be tat
of the roof. Flues having eight or
twelve inch walls shall be lined with
fire brick from the bottom of the flue
to a distance of five feet above the
inlet of the funnel; the remainder of
the flue shall be plastered inside:
Section 29. . Chimneys and flues
�he provisions of the foregoing sec-
ktions as to, the thickness of the' walls
pertaining to chimneys shall -be appli
cable only to such chimneys as are a�
part of, or situated in. any building.
Flues in party walls shall not extend
beyond.the center of the walls,.joint
flues in part shall be separated by a
four inch width of brick for their en-
tire height. Any chimney or flue not
forming a, part of wall sl all rest upor
the ground with a proper foundation.
Section 30.' Flues and chimneys to
have terra cotta linings. Every
smoke flue shall be limed on the ,inside
with either cast, iron or fireproof ter
ra cotta pipe from the bottom of the
flue, -or fram--tl-.e-throat of -,he fire-
place, if the flue starts from the latter,
the foregoing to apply only to flues
axing four -inch walls, and carried up
ontinuously to the'extereme height)
of the flue or chimney. The ends of
all such , pipe linings shall 'be made to
fit close together, and the lining shall
be built in as the flue or flues are car -CC
ried up. All the flues and chimneys
shall start on proper foundations, same
to' extend down to the depth of any
wall that they may connect with.
Section 31. Foundations. Proper
foundations of masonry shall be pre-
pared for the support of brick or stone
buildings, sand no foundation shall be
less than two feet below the exposed
surface of the ground. The breadth
of the foundations of the -several parts
lof any such building shall be propo it
tioned so that as nearly as practicable,
the pressure shall equal on each square
foot of the foundation. Cement mor-
tar shall. be used in the masonry of all
ounda:dons--tip 6o_ bnildrng---grade.
Good, solid, natural earth shall be
deemed to safely e sustain a load of
three tons t the superficial foot;
good �tr-x�eadrof--t
and- -on-e•-hs4 tares -to-the--sapei4icial
feat' and the width of footing courses
shallbe at least sufficient to meet
these requirements. In computing the
weight- of walls, a cubic foot of brick'
shall be deemed to weigh one hundred
and fifteen (115) pounds. Sa.nd'stone,
marble, granite and other kinds of
building stone -shall be deemed to
weigh one hundred and sixty (160)
p-unds per cubic foot. The safe bear-
ing load to apply to first class brick
work laid iri good lime mortar shall
be taken at eight (8) tons per super
ficial foot, and when good lime an
cement mortar is used, shall be taken
+at ten (10) tons per superficial foot,
and twelve (12) tons per superficial
font when good cement mortar is used.
Section 32. Piling. Piles driven for
a 'brick or stone wall to rest upon,
shall be not less than eight) inches
in diameter at 'the smalles and
shall be placed not more .,Chathreeuj
feet on centers ' in directiofi of the
length ipf the "!`all, and-snearer if re
quired by the Inspector. The inspec-
tor shall determine the , rade at which
piles shall be cut off. Brick or stone,
walls ivllen not exceeding twenty feet
in height, where piling is necessary
may rest on a single row of piles. If
deemed 'advisable by the inspector,
such walls exceeding twenty feet it
1height-shall rest on not_less an-+wo-----
rons= ot'htie�.— �xiia p'iies shall be -
1 driven where required by the inspector.
TSection 33. Heading course. In'
brick walls every sixth course shall
l be headers. Walls shall be securely
�achored to the timbers. Joists rest-.
ing on walls shall be anchored thereto
of intervals not greater than six feet,
eight inches.
l Section 34. Hollow walls. Hollow
brick' walls, not bearing walls, may li
sed in all cases, but all hollow walls
(hall be bonded or tied together with'
incombustible anchors placed not more
than seven courses apart or 20 inches.
Section 35. No timber'in walls. No
timbers except lathing strips, bond
timbers and wood brick shall be used
in any wall of any brick or stone build-
ings, except arch forms for interior
arch openings. Walls of brick or stone
buildings on which the ends of beams
est shall be anchored at each tier
Jof beams with good, strong, wrought
iiron anchors, at least one-half inch by
orie 5:-ud"6in =ha1f_iri7ches; or -three-quar-
ter inch round iron,, well built into the
walls and fastened at the side one- I
third from the bottom: and where the I
'beams are supported by .girders the
ends of the beams resting on the
girders shall be butted together, end
to end, and strapped with wrought iron
strap or tie irons, and shall be well
Section 36. Piers. All piers shall j
be built of hest quality of stone or ofl'
good, well burnt hard brick, laid in
wement and sand mortar, and well wet
hen laid in warm dry weather.
Brick or stone piers under litels, gir-
ders or columns of brick or stone build-
ings, over one-story high, shall have a
cap of iron at least one and one-half
(11/) inches thick, the full side of
pier. Brick or stone piers or buttress-
es shall be bonded with through
courses, level and bedded each course,
and where their foundations rest on
piles a sufficient number shall be
driven-ta insure a `]'roper supl))Mrt.
Section 37. Backing of iron front.
The backing of any iron front that is
of wholly self supporting shall be
reated as an independent wall. If the
'Iron is self-supporting then the party
wall shall be extended to meet the
outer thickness of iron, and all vacan-,
cies shall be filled w7 grout to insure
a:'complete zeparatiofi of adjoining
building. 3,
Section 42Sky lights. Glass in all
exposed. No uncovered tar, compost -
don, rosin, felt or woodwork shall in
�dny way be exposed on any roof or
appendages within the fire limits.
Section 2Sky lights. Glass in all
sky -lights, if not prismatic lights, wire
Jr ribbed glass, shall be protected by
screens made of No.- 10 (or heavier)
wire, with meshes not exceeding one
inch; such screens to be secured to
the sash and kept.at least four inches
above the glass.
, Section 40. Leaders. All buildings
now or hereafter erected shall be kept
provided with secureiy fastened metal.
'lie leaders, with sufficient capacity to
onduct the water from the roof to
the ground, sewer or street gutter in
such manner as shall protect the wails
and foundations from damage; and in
no case shall the water front such
leaders, or otberwlse, be allowed to
(conducted by drain pipes to the stree
gutter or sewer.
Section 41. Cornices, etc. All -coil
nices, glitters, eaves and parapets and I
other projections or appendages whichi
(project over the sidewalk, above thel
first story of business buildings, and
-above tbirty feet from grade of side-
walk on at! other buildings, sh311 be
made of incombustible materials.
Section 42. Roofs to be acces-
sible. All roofs including the roofs
of dwelling houses more than one
story, shall be so constructed as to be
'Jreached by a scuttle, "or by iron steps
astened to the outside of the outer
wall. If by scuttle, the same shall he
at least twenty by thirty inches, the
frame and Iid covered with metal, and
shall have a stationary ladder commun•
cating with such scuttle.
Section 43.E Stand pipes In every
1p+wr61lg building exceeding 25 and not
over one hundred and twenty-five feet
-in- height. r.nu0— Q,:."'ed
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, .. t t
no execs -
�a , .,. a �t
. there shall be provided a.
iCertical stand pipe of not less than
'four inches in diameter. In every vk-
iet+ g building exceeding one hundred
and twenty-five feet in height, aula",
itIyEre shill be provide a.verticai stand
Alpe of not less than 'siz inches in
Section 44. These stand pipes shall
be of wrought iron or steel galvanized.
and, together with fittings and connec-J
tions, shall be of such strength as to
§afely withstand at least three tuun-,
dred pounds water pressure to the
square inch when installed and ready
r sehvice; also to stand such a test
without leaking at jUlbes, waiv'eS�r Fih
tipgs. Stand' pipes shall be located
within fireproof stairway inclosures
where the latter are of such construc-
tion and as near stairways as possi-
ble, where they are not so enclosed.
Section 45. In buildings exceeding
one hundred feet deep fronting on
twb or more streets there sball be a
standpipe at each and of the building,
and in large area buildings there shall
e one standpipe at each stalrway, or
'ithin each stairway enclosure.
IWIlere more than one standpipe is re
quired in a building they shall be
connected at their bases by pipe of
size equal to that' of the largest stand-
pipes, so that water from any source
.will supply all the standpipes.
Section 46. Standpipes shall—ex
tend from the cellar to and through
the roof with a hose connection lo-
cated from four to six feet above
loor level fitted with approved
composition gate valve
in each story, including cellar, and a
hose connection provided above the
roof with the valve controlling latter,
located in the standpipe under the -
roof and
he.round arran�DQ,y�ry!y
from above and below the roof. A
suitable three-quarter inch drain pipe
and valve shall be provided under the
roof for each roof connection.
Section q-(. Hose sufficient to reach
all parts of the floor shall be attach-
ed to each outlet in the building, and
hose for roof hydrant may be placed
' n rack in top floor near the scuttle
ad ng to the roof. Hose shall be
wo and one-half or two and five-
eighths inches in diameter, in fifty
foot lengths, and provided with sd'and.
and couplings at each end, all coup.;
to be of same hose thread as that in
use by the fire department.
Section 4S. Hose to be approved
inen, cotton rubber liner) or rubber
',`made under speciflactions recom-
mended by the National Board of
Fire Underwriters.
Section 49. P:ach line of hose shall
be provided with washers at both
nds, and be fitted with play pipe
Indies at the base and wiLb dis-
charge outlet not less than three.
quarter inch in diameter. One span-
ner to be located at each hose con.
ction throughout the building.
Section 50. All stand pipes shall be
with a Siamese steamer
the building, about one foot above the
curve level, and where building front's
on two or more streets connection to
be provided on each street front. In•
let Pipe from steamer connection to
standpipe io be not less than the
diameter of the largest standpipe.
The thread on the Siamese connection
shall be uniform with Lhat used by
the fire departm6ut. Siamese steam•
er connections shall be provided with
check valves in the '•Y,•' and substan•
fiat caps provided to protect thread
on the connection. The steamer con-
necti011 fitting should be adjusted
looking down at an angle of forty-five
degrees. A suitable iron plate with
raised letters shall be secured to the
wall near the steamer connection,
Section 51. In each connection pipe
just inside the 'building, in a horizon•
tal section shall be placed a straight•
way check valve, but not a gate valve.
A drip pipe with valve to same shall
be placed between said check valve
and the steamer connection to prop.
erly drain this section to prevent
Section 53. In addition to the pro•
made, for steamer connection to
standplpes he water supply must' be
from city water where pressure Is suf-
ficient, automatic fire pump of five
hundred gallons or more capaclty per,
minute, elevated tank or steel pr
sure tank of not less than five thou.
sand gallons capacity. In all build-
ings coming under these regalaLions ,
as to height which are occ;ipied for
living or sleeping purposes„ such as
hotels, lodging houses, hospitals and
asylums, the standpipe system must
have at least one of the approved au•
tomalie supplies before described,
'<Wbere, a standpipe is ,connected to a
tank there sliall be a straightway
check valve in a horizontal section of
Pipe connecting pipe and tank, and
said tank must be filled by a separate
pipe and not through the standpipe.
Section "3. Where pumps constf-
t�lting a supply to standpipes are 10
caied 'tri ue`16n'e?t a'tory�Tf`d�`-build•
ing, they shall be placed not less than
two bas's feet above the floor
�level, and boilers upon which pump
3epends for steam shall be arranged
so that flooding of fires under same
will be impossible. In every building
exceeding one hundred and twentyfive
feet in height, at least one passenger
elevator shall be kept in readiness for
Immediate use by the fire depart-
ment during all hours of the night
1 and day, including holidays and Sun-
Section" 54. Responsibility for fail -
tire to complp with this section. For
any failure to comply with any pro-
vision conietned in this section the
owner, lesee, tenant and person in ha
crge or control of the building, are
each and all responsible, and for any
failure to connect any of the stand-
pipes, fire appliances or sprinkler
pipes specified and waterworks
sys-tem of the city, or with some ade-
quate source of water supply, the said
owner, less&e, t8fL&dt and person in
control or in charge, are each and all
responsibie, and any person violating
`any provision of or contained in said
section be punished as provided in
section 151 of this code.
Section 55. Auxiliary Fire Appil-
anees--All existing buildings and
those bereafter erected exceeding
one hundred and twenty-five feet in
height, shall be provided with auxil-
iary fire apparatus and appliances,
such os wrenches, spanners, fire ex-
tinguishers, axes and pails, as may
be required 'by the chief of the fire
departmeut; and all of said apparatus
to conform in design Lo those in use
by the fire department.
Section 56. [Woodwork to Clear
A'lues—All floor -beams, joists and
headers shall be kept at least two
Inches clear of any wall enclosing a
fire flue or chimney breast, and the
space left between the framing and
such flue shall be filled with gauged
mortar, a _heavy coat of Plastering
shall be -put on the outside face—of,
the flues -before any other woodwork
t shall be placed against it.
Section 57. Strength of Floors—All
floors shall be constructed to bear a
safe weight per superficial foot, ex-
clusive of material as follows: For
dwellin;s, tenements or lodging
houses, not lees than seven Ly pound:;
for store houzes and warehouses not
less than one hundred and seventy -
Me pounds; machine shops, armorie
and drill rooms, not less than two
hundred and fifty pounds; for IiehL'
mechanical purposes, not less than
one hundred and Lwcnty pounds. Int
all calculations for the strength off
the n,.tterials to be used In any build- I
J%,n_Z, the proportion between the safe l
weig t s a 1 be as one to four for a
beams, girders and other pieces sub-'
jected to a cross strain, and as one tol
,six for all posts, columns and other
verticr# supports, and for all tic
beams and other pieces subjected to
a tcuslle strain, the requisite dimen-
sions of each piece of material to be
ascertained by computatdon, by rules
given by the best authorities, using
for constants in the rules only such
numbers as have been deduced from
experiments on materials of ]lice kin
to that proposed to be used.
Bectu at �ueodcn--LlIrCels. No i
brlch or stone wall, piers or abutmeut.
r' shall be supported uponnooder., lintels,',
girders or columns in connection with
a building more than one story in
Section 59. Joists in Brick Rall.
Ends of joists or beams entering a i
brick wall shall be cut not less than
YItwo and one-half (21-2) Inches lbevel,
Tso as not to disturb the brick by any
deflection or breaking of the jolts or
beams. All such joists or timbers en
tering a party wall or division wady
from opposite sides shall harve at leastC
four inches of solid brick work -be-.
tweer; the ends of such timbers or
Section 60. Joists and Girders -1
Joists and girders -in any building shall i
be of proper dimensions to sustain the
load designated to 'be placed upon
them. Girders may rest upon piers of i
rick or stone. or upon columns of
t work cr iron of proper dimensions. Ali
floor joists shall be properly bridged%
with cross -bridges. All headers in,
flooring framing of business buildings.
that are placed at a greater distance
than two feet from the end of a trim-
mer, shall be fixed In proper iron stir-
rups, and in dwellings shall be doubled
of the same sizes used otherwise.
Section 61. Brick. All brick walls
land buttresses shall be of mercantable,
.Jwell shaped brick, well laid and bed
ded. with well filled joints, in lime or
cement mortar, and all brick used dur-
ing the warm, dry weatber shall be wet
.at the time they are laid and shall be
dry at the time they are laid duringi
the Bold wr• fuer.
Section 62. Recesses. No contlnu-!
ous vertical recesses, chase or flue,
shall be made in any party wall so
deep that it will leave the thickness
at the back less than eight (S) incheslJ
tat any point, and no recess of any kind
shall be made -in any eight (S) inch
wall. No horizozntal recess shall be
made in any wall. No continuous ver-
tical recess, other than flues in stacks,
-shnl,l -he i-earer—fin seven feet toy
ether recess and such chases or rel
cesses sha:] be marked on plans so as
to be built in as the work progresses.
Section 63. Fire Proof Doors and
Shatters. All stores, store houses,
mills and manufactories whiff are
more than two stories high, shall have
Boors, blinds or shutters made of
standard fireproof constrgctfon, on ev-
ery window or entrance where the
same do not enter upon, a street or
alley of 30 feet or more in width.
When in ony such building the shut-
ters, `blinds or doors can not be put on
the outside, hired glass, hung in iron
frames independent of any wood work,
,-ball be used to fill openings. Shut-
ters above the first story sball be ar-
ranged so that they can rhe openedl
from the outside. Wired glass, in se-
cure iron frames, sball be regarded as
an egarivalent to iron shutters.
,Section 64. Fire Escapes. A•il build-
lpgs, three stories or more In height,
not including basements, any portion
of which albove the second story is,
used as a factory, workshop, lodge;,
I room store or store -building, ;kaf
ia�-lreese public hall aw.sWe
g+aaa, fir o*a*L o=4 sbell have there-
upon suitable and. substantial 13 re
,stapes of the following character, of
Section 65. Brackets must not be
less than one-half by one and three-
quarter inches, wrought iron, placed '� —
edge . and three-quarteli�
inch angle iron, well 'braced and not
more than three feet apart, and the
brackets must be not less than 3.4 inch
square, wrought iron4 and must extend
two-thirds of the width of the respect-
ive brackets or ibalconies. In all cases
the brackets must go through the wall,
and be turned down three inches
Brackets on new buildings must 'be set
as the walls are built. When, brackets
are put on old houses, the part going
through the walls shah not be less than
one inch in, diameter, with screws, huts
and washers not dess than five dnches
square and one-half inch thick. k
Section 66. Building Inspector anal
Clhief of Fire Department Locate Fire
Esca.p s. The chief of the Fire Depart-
1 ment and the Building Inspector shall
constitute a board to -pass on the fire
escapes, and no fire escape will the ac-
cepted without their approval, and
they shall have authority to decide the
number and location of all fire escapes
on htlildill,_^_5.
Section 67. Unlawful Not to Erect
Fire Escapes. It shall be unlawful for
,ny owner of any such building or for
uty agent representing such owner t
ail or neglect to place fire escapes on
any hulling as provided by this chap-
Gection 68. Fire Yscapes to Be Kept
in Repair. After fire escapes have
been placed on any 'building ,in compli-
ance with the provisions of this chap -1
Ler, -nd the same shall becom- unsafe
or in need of change or repair in, or-
der to make, the same safe, the chief
or acting chief of the Fire Department
shall serve notice to make such re-
ipnirs or change within ten days. And
it sball be the duty of the owner or
e,oent representing such owners to
have such change or repairs made
Iwlthin the time as required by the no-
Section 69. Awnings. When awn -1
gs are attached to ibuildings the i
frame work shall be —of metal.---A-il ,
awnings shall be seven feet clear of''
sidewalk when down.
Section 70. Exits. All egress open-
in:;s in public halls shall have the
wore] "Exit- conspicuously placed over i
(them. The aisles in such halls shall
t all times be kept unobstructed, f
i Doors of all exits from public balls,!
schools, churches, theatres and all
.,ui!dfngs of like character to open out -
W, ird
wird in all cases.
Section 71. Chimney in Brick gall.
All floor timbers, headers and trim-
ers, of every brick building hereafter(
rected or altered, in which a chimney
s to 'be built In a brick wall, shall be
placed two inches distant from the
outside of every chimney flue, and the
space 'between Fuch brick work and
timbers shall be closed by a proper fire
g1co of incom,bustlble material.
Section 72. Heating Apparatus. Be
1t furtber ordained, That if any chim-
ney nue or heating apparatus on any
p cmises shall endinger the premises,
I e inspector shall at once notify in
rit.ing the owner or agert of said
remises. if such owner or agent fails
for a period of forty-eight hours after
,the service of said notice upon him ti
place such chimney, nue or beating ap-
paratus in safe condition, he sball be
liable to a fine, a6 prescribed In th-is
Section 73. Furnace. and Ranges.
o furnace and no ranges set in ma -
011'y shall hereafter be placed, or its
locatto, changed, in, any building, ex-
cept as the Inspector shall approve. _
Section 74. Chimney- Flue.- China.
Zys— a.nd -n"ues foi- the entire height
call have the brick laid flat. Brick
1-66 on edre -; ill rr,,t bt sliowcd cx- 1
kept for rowlock arches pier fireplace
baud for hearths.
I Section 75. Elevator Shafts. When-
ever elevator shafts, hatchways or well
Iales of any description are near win-,
dows, said windows sball have stron,gt
iron guards to extend at least two-!
(thirds of the height of the windows.
Section 76. Flats and Tenement
Houses. In all tenement houses, apart
iM`.pent ent houses or flat buildings, w1iir.':
all hereafter be built, all rooms :-sed
las living apartments, toilet or hath
rooms, shall have outside light and'
ventilation (exclusive of 'skylights).
No courts shall be less than six feet
Section 77. Temporary Rough Floor
in Building. It shall be the duty of
party or parties having charge of the
construction of any new buildings, to
have the joists or girders on each floor
above the second floor covered with `
rugh scaffold boards, or other sultable
material as the work progresses, so as
to sufficiently protect the workmen
from falling through such joists or
irders, and to protect the workmen
r others who may be under or below
each floor from falling brick, tools,
mortar or other substances. whereb,i
accidents may happen, injuries occu
and life and limb endangered. Also
protect all well holes in floor, elevator
I openings and stairways with strong
( railings. Provided, the party or par
`ties above mentioned may move said
rough floor or scaffolding upward as
the wort: progresses, keeping at all
times the top floor covered as speci-
fied above.
Section 7S. Veneered Buildings. Ve-
neered frame buildings shall have
foundation walls not less than twelve I I
inches thick, with sills sitting back
m outside of wall six inches and
sheeted up outside with sheathing
boards 7-8 inch thick, put on, and the!
briclt work -tied -M ck " of sheathing i
every sixth course with iron and an -I
cbors, one to each brick. t
Section 79. All openings must be
closed in either brick arches, stone or
Iron. Brick must Trot In any case be
supported with wood. In frame build.
i Ings not over two stories in height
having basement walls not over twelve
feet high, the said basementrf walls
may be built of brick or Portland ce-
ment concrete nine inches in thick.
ifirs, If provided with proper but-
resses or cross walls for support,
with centers not over eight feet apart.
In the event the basement walls are
over twelve feet high the same sha&
be govEIrried by secti•-n 15 of th&S44 r
Cadad- eating to thickness of walls.
Section 80. All concrete walls for
foundation shall not be less than the
thickness required for brick walls.
tend more that eight feet from build-'
ing line over sidewalks and not more,
stone walls may be used not
fiction S5. PenaTt�. -An} person
I than three feet in alleys, while pelf
than 16 inches in thickness for
i violating any provision contained in
pendicular signs may be set from the
the above walls 12 feet in height.
'any section of this ehaver shall be
building to be clear from bay windows
IVection 81, All such buildings shall
fined not,„l!kgs than @Xe dollantnor
and both sides of i4 horizontal and
, supported by piers built acc,)rding
more than ee" hundred dollarso-MM,
'perpendicular signs must he equally
to the following regulations,:rise
!Illuminated wbero they project over
First—Same shall not be farther
stt-eet or sidewalk as above de -
apart than S feet on the center,
Any person who causes. per-
; cribed; and such signs erected under
Second—Piers 6 feet high shall be
or suffers any work to be done
the provisions of this chapter must be
AXIS inches. Piers 7 feet high shall
in violation of any provision contain-
fully illuminated- each and every nigbt
�- not be less than 9x22 inches. Piers
S feet high shall not be fess than 13xI
11W in any section of this chapter, shall,
in addition to the punishment •provid6
from dusk until the hours 9:30 p.m. or
longer: and on failure to comply wit*
I 1S inches. Piers 12 feet high shall
ed for herein, for each day that such
such requirement the City shall cause
not be less than 13x33 inches. Piers
-shall -built -111-
worst is maintaiucdin such unlaiv ty_
;these signs to be removed' nt Lha -
over 13 feet high be' pro -,i
ondiSo'r:"6e Y ccs- c esssthati
owner's expense.
,portion. j
' dollar nor more than ewe undyed dol-
Section S9. Permit to be obtained.
All foundation walls shall beP ro-;
tars, njmnrtcnrya- T,-•••� - �
All pet•sons, firms or corporations
vided with footings properly propor-
tke-r4t,- n t e! e.& - sixuowe
erecting signs under the provisions of
tloned to carry the supermised loads'
this chapter shall first obtain a writ -
on the sald malls where they are used.
S6.~Shall inspect buildings
ten permit to do so from the proper
No 4 -inch curtain walls between •
in course of construction" It shall be
authorized City Building Inspector, for
piers over S feet high will be allowed.'
the duty of the Building Inspector to�
w lch a fee of one dollar must be
Sills for frame buildings must not be I
visit and inspect any house or build-
paid, and the same sliall be erected
less than 4x8 inches for one-story'
Ing. which may be in the course o
under his supervision: and the elec- I
dwellings. For two-story dwellings not
erection, construction or alterati
tric construction of some shall be fin-
less than 4x10 inches. Joists for frame
•cvitbin the limits of the City of
spected and app^need by the proper
dwellings 2xS inches shall not be over
".to see that such house or build'
14 feet between bearings. Joists for
ing is being erected, constructed or
the current is turned on.
frame dwellings 2x10 inches shall not (
altered according to the provisions of
Section 90. Defective signs to bel
be over 1S feet between bearings.,
's chapter and of all rdin nces in
repaired. If at any time any of the
i They shall be not over 24 inches on !
rce in said City of 4 en , and
signs erected under the provisions of
centers: 2X4 inch ceilingI
joists shall
see that the proper plans are adopt-
this chapter shall become defective•
not be over 12 feet between bearings:
2x6 -Inch ceiling joists shall not be
for the security thereof against
fires and the safety of the occupants;
and dangerous, to the public,
the same shall be repaired or adjusted
over IS feet between hearings.
that the material used is suitable for
at the expense of the owner in such
Section S2. Foundation walls of
the purpose, and that work is done in
a manner as may be dictated by the
Brick residences. One-story brick
a substantial and workmanlike manner
Building Inspector. tt
4&cIIIngs used for residences, with
and Is of sufficient strength and sol.
idity to answer the for
Section 91. Ir Shall indemnify City.
i ceilings not over 11 feet high, may
purpose wNehf
All persons, firms or corporations.
have foundation wails 13 inches thlck,.
it is designed.
Vecting. using and maintaining such
and superstructure walls nine inches i
',Section S7. Electric signs permitted.
Signs shall save the Cfty haratfessi- ---
It shall be lawful for any person, firm
!from all damages arising from the
Section S'.. Unsafe structures tp he
or corporation to erect and maintain
erection, use and maintenance of the
torn down, the owner, agent or other
over any sidewalk, across street av
party having an interest in any build-
or alleys in the City of
Section 92. Penalty. Any person,
ing, stagingor other structure 'which
P�electric illuminating signs, as
ersons, firms or corporations violat-
shallbe unsafe, so as to endanger
hereinafter prescribed, and for they
ing any of th- foregoing sections shall
life• shall immediately upon notice re
purpose of this chapter, an electric il-
be guilty of misdemeanor and subject
ceived from the Inspector oP Buildings.
luminated sign is hereby declared to
to a fine of $coo to X00.00.
cause the same to be made safe and I
be any sign constructed as follows:
Sectin 9".1tRefusing to move wood -
secure. or taken down: and when pub -1
en building. *The owner or any per -
;lie safety requires immediate action I
Ca) Signs of which 1311 or any part of
son having control of a wooden build-
the Inspector may enter upon the
i J I
each letter is made entirely of metal,
ing witbing the. fire limits of the City,
�6remises, with such assistants as may ;
no wood being used in construction
which has been erected by permission
u be necessary, and cause the said I
of the electric letter proper; letters I
of and Is subject to be remo d by` did
to be secured or taken down I
being studded in full outline with elec- i
rection of the Mayor And GA;
I without delay, at the expense of said
tric lights, sign i with transparent il-
owner, agent or party interested. No
luminated letter; or having a border
who neglects
stagingor Stand for observation Pur-
of incandescent lamps, but no sign
•refuses to remove such building
poses shall be constructed or occupied
shall have lots than one lamp for
within reasnable time after being noti-
upon the roof of any building.
every one End ,ne-half square foot of
sign's gurface.
fled to do so by the Chief of Police
-Section 84. Persons erecting any
building to keep sidewalk open and)
To this class of signs
may be attached name of firm or brief
i or other city offic r cting a der the
I direction of the 44 �• mus o on- j
erect suitable coverings, All
g persons-
description of business, which may
victjon• be fi cd not less than nor l
et2 tltfg or lmproving-an}'• builaing"iti-
consist either of ,raised letters or
more than hundred dollars.
the City shall keep the sidewalk in,
Painted letter, on panels, providedSection
94. "tie wooden buiTofngs-1,�
'r nt or on ibc si4jr n: such builrYn;
panels are made part of sign rigidly
attached thereto
! fire limits. 'Alt shall be unlawful to
open and clear for the passage of per-
' and incorporated In
construct, renew or repair any wooden
sons along the street. When such
; the sign; and provided. also, this ad-
or ally part thereof within
houses, structures or Improvements
dation does not come within nine feet
a fire limits or to remove any wood -
shall extend above one story it shall
of the pavement as provided in this
I en building to any point within said
the duty of tate builders, architects
I chapter, and provided, that the entire
I limits; nor shall any roof or cornice
Jot owner to erect a, temporary shed or
sign surface of which this addition'
Is to be 'made apart, mQets the re -i
to such building be constructed, re-
strnct.ure over the sidewalk adjacen�
newed or repaired within the fire lim-
to which said Improvement is being
qulremenLs of one lamp for every oneI
j its with ani maternal not fire proof•
i made with a roof of sufficient strength
and one-half square foot of sign sur-)
except as specifically provided In the
to resist the force of all material i
face. I
building laws.
which may fall from the walls of said(b)
Any solid metal sign with bor-;
Section 95. AW -hat constitutes a
Improvement as the work progresses.
der of electric lights 'having no less
wooden building.' Any building hav-,
anri which will protect those passing,,
than one lamp for every one and one-
half square foot of sign surface. All
ing more vrood on the outside of the+
along said sidewalk. Such shed o
building than that required for the
structure shall be so erected as not to I'
signs to be wlati according the
door and window frames, doors, sash
interfere with or obstruct public trav-�
rules and regulations of the City of
� ��_�
and wooden steps, shall constitute and
el, and not to Injure the street, curb -;I
be deemed a wooden building, and
;ing, guttering or sidewalk, and shall I
Section SR. Conditions. Signs erect-
his ordinance shall not be so con-
be, removed after the completion oft
ed tinder the authority contained in
trued as to allow use of sheet iron or
said house. f
th!s chapter and overhanging any side- i
i tin in. the structure of the sides ou
walk must be hLtced at least nine feet i
above the sidewalk, and shall not ex-
fronts of buildings or otherwise than]
as a roof. Any person violating or at.'
tempting to violate any of tho provis.
ions of this section sball be fined not
less ta five dollars nor more
than esee huun�d dollars for each of.
fense`and the building, roof, cornice
or other structure so erected or re-
newed in violation of law shall be
taken down and removed.
Section 96. Unlawful to erect build.
ing in . violation of ordinances, when i.
—so erected to be removed." .Any per I
son erecting or causing to be erected
in the fire limits of S -74y any
building or structure contrary to the 1
laws or ordinances of,the city shall be
fin not less than nor more than
ihundred dollars-
trwieo�.. dit's. In�
case any building or structure be erect.
Ied in said city contrary to the laws
and olditrances of the city, same shall I`
he pulled down or removed upon ten
days notice from the Chief of Police;
or other officer by order of the Mayor-,
and after notice to remove such build -
Ing it shall be unlawful for the owner,
proprietor, lessee or their agents ori
loyees, to occupy such building
Iany portion of the day or night; and
any persons violating the provisions l
of this ordinance, for each day's of-
fense shall be fl
ged not less than og
nor more than tae hundred dollars trrd
imn. en r et 'n(,Pdin_
1 sone or bot leeretitrn'-t}r
,our .
Section 97, fENo sheds in front of I
buildings nor posts In sidewalks •with
in fire limits. 'No shed shall be erect -
In front of any buiiding, nor shall
ny posts, except hitching posts, or
Posts for wires be placed on or in the
sidewalk in front of any building with-
in the fire limits of the City.
Section 9S. 'Unlawful to obstruct
fire hvdrant. it Ghali be unlawful for
'any person to place any building ma-
erial, or any other obstruction what-
ever, within five feet of any public
hydrant or fire plug, and any person
so offending shall be fined not less
than ten nor more than fifty dollars.
Section 99. Awnings to be seven
feet from the ground. It shall be un-
lawful for any owner or tenant, or
other person having control over any
building to erect, keep, maintain or
Permit thereon. any awning which
shall be less than seven feet from the
Qwest portion thereof to the side-
walk,- street or -alley (beneath. Any
person violating this section, shall o
conviction, be find not less than
i nor more than hundred dollars.
Section 100.' Obstructing sidewalks
with building material.& Any perso
who places anv building material upon
the sidewalks of the City, or anything
that will prevent the free passage off
people, or any pPrson who allows build.
Ing material to be placed upon anv
part or the street longer than thirty
clays, without the written permission
of the Alayor. and person laying con-
rtnrtln� tha streets of flip City,
who shall fall to pbtce the street in as
good condition after the work is finA
fished as they found them, or shall fail I
to fill them in less than five days, i
shall be punished as provided in sec-
tion 151 of this code.
erection 101. -Leaving excavation or
Obstruction in street." Any person who
leaves any excavation in any street or
sidowalk, or any material while build-
ing or repairing any house or other
structure in such condititon as to en•
nger persons passing along the
street or sidewalk, must, on conviction,
be punished as provided in section 151
of this Cade.
Section 103, 'Failure to remove,
structure dangerous to passengers"
Any person who neglects or refuses
fnr twenty-four hours to remove any
(i chimney, wall or other part of any
building or structure which has been
or may be dangerous to passersby, to
persons on the premises or to adjoin -
ng property, after receiving due not-
ce from the Mayor or Chief of Police,
Building inspector,
S#ee�; or other authorized City Of-
ficers, must on convictlon, be punishe
as provided in section 151 of this Code.
ion 103. Leaving opening un-
covered. AAny person who leaves open
or causes to be left open any cellar
or vault door, or grating, when the I Section 110. That all wiring in such
same is not in actual use, or at night, theatres shall (be Installed in conduits
or who suffers any sidewalk in front: under the direct supervision of the City
of or along the line of his premises, to iElectrician and where be condemns
�econre or to continue so hrokeoy or so ( any such wiring same shall be re -in -
much out of repairs as to endanger life stalled under his direction and approv-
or limb; or who permits other excava- ed and where be condemns wiring
tions to remain open or uncovered to hereinafter installed same shall like.
the danger of others, must on convlc� Vise be re -installed, and in all cases'(
tion be punished as provided in Sectionhere the owners or operators of such
151' of this Code. electric theatres refuse t o form to
Section 104. Tent and wagons That , the directions of the Cityn
no tent, wagon or other wooden or , 'the matters herein mentioned, the
canvas structure or like kind of char. ;)kens- tberefor shall be ipso facto
atter• or partly wooden or partly can- Void and such electric theatres shall
vas structure of like kind or charac. ' be immediately closed as unsafe for
ter shall be used for any place of bus') patronage.
lines ori-a.ny property in the City of Section 111. That all fuses used in
(where a flame building Is connection with lights illuminating the
not allowed under the building laws of nl''t-nf ibe hnnsr rnom nr aurlitorh,,rl
the City, except on special permit 0sed by the audience must be installed
granted by the City Council, and that in fire proof enclosures, so constructed
any and all such structures now -used in that there will be a space of at least
Violation of this ordinance, shall obtain six inches between the fuse and the
such special permits within thirty days sides and face of the enclosure.
freafter, otherwise the same are Section 112. That all exits shall bel
ereby declared to be nuisances, and Vinly indicated by a sign, same to be
J each person• firm or corporation, caus. Illuminated by other than electricity
Zing, permitting or suffering the same- bpd bear the word "F3xlt," the letters
to remain in violation of this ordinance of which roust not be less than four
sball be punished as provided In sec- inches in height.
tion 151 of this Code. Section 113. That Inside lights and
'Section 105. Creation of the Bo all lights in halls, corridors or any
There shall be In the City of -1 other part of the building used by the
)alit• a Board to be called the Board of J audience, etcept the general auditor -
Appeal to which an applicant who has L!Wm lights, must be fed Independently
been refused a permit, or the hghjQLL of the stage Iight and must be con,,
trolled only from the lobby or other)
Jconveulent place in froFit of tho housa, -
and there must be two circuits into
the auditorium, one controlled by the
operator in booth and one controlled
from without the auditorium in lobby
or without the entrance.
Section 114. That every portion of
the building devoted to the use or ac-
commodation of the public, all outlets
leading to the streets; all open courts.
orridors, hallways and exits shall [be
thoroughly lighted during every per-
formance and the same shall remain
IIgbted until the entire audience has
left the premises. One 16 -candle pow.(
er Incandescent ]amp for every four)
hundred square feet of floor surface)
is hereby ordained as sufficlent illum-
ination. I
ru%rers or board. The
said Board shall have power to call i
such other testimony, bearing upon the
case as it sees fit. Should such Board
-or a majority thereof, be of the opin-
ion that the Inspector's refusal to is-
sue the permit applied for, or that the
evocation of such permlt was unau-
thorized they shall in writing order
the said Inspector to issue or reissue .
such permit, and the Inspector shall
.Immediately upon the receipt thereof,
I accompanied by the required fees, if
` any, comply therewith.
Section 109. Theatres or' Auditor-�—\
Iums hereinafter called electric thea-
tres shall not be constructed, fitted up
or operated or licensed .until a permit
therefor has been issued by the Build-
ing Inspector and the City Electrician.
"gaid officers are hereby directed and
authorized to issue such permits for
electric theatres provided they are con-
structed in accordance with plans ap-
proved by them and which plans se-
cure the safety of persons patronizing
of a permit which has been revoked,
by the Inspector of Buildings may ap"
,,preal for an order, requiring the said
Ilnspector to issue or reissue such per -1
mit to said applicant.
Section N. "Organization'. Stich
Board of Appeal shall be composed of
the Mayor, City Engineer and Chief
of Fire Department. R'henever for
anY reason a member of such Board
can not be present at a called meeting
thereof, his first assistant in office;
shall act in his stead. Such assistant;
shall act only In matters for the con-'
sideration of •which, such meeting was
Section 107. Applicant. The appli-'
cant may be represented by counsel
nd one expert whom he may select at
his own expense. I
[�ectton u, ons ruc ton of arc
lamps. That each are lamp used as
part of the moving picture machines
,must be constructed as directed -by
he City Electrician and the wiring of
I same must not be less capacity than
iNo. 6 B&S gauee. That rheostats
must conform to rheostat requirements
as directed by the City Electrician.
Section 116. That top reel mast be
incased in an iron box, which box has
hole at the bottom only large enough
for films to pass through, and cover
therefor so arranged that this bole
can he closed. No solder to be used
.Jn -the construction of this box.
Section 117. That handle or crank
used for operating the machine must
- secured to the spindle or shaft so
hat there will be no liability of such
handle or crank coming off or allow.
ing the film to stop in front of the
Section 11S. That shutter must be
laced in front of the condenser ar.
ranged so as to be closed normally,
subject to open only by outside pres-
sure of the foot.
U Section 119. That extra films must
be kept in a metal box having a tight.
fitting cover. That said machines
must be operated by band. Motor
idriven machines are hereby pro.
Section 120. Enclosing the machine.
That the picture machine must be
placed in an enclosure or house made
or lined with fire proof material, thor•
oughly ventilated and large enough for
the operator to walk freely on either
side or back of the machine. Such
enclosure or house must have no open.
ings into the auditorium other than
the opening where the light for the
picture Is emitted, and this opening
must be provided with fireproof cover-
ipg or door hinged with spring hinges
I opening by a trigger which is in reach
of the operator, so that it can be re-
leased by hand, and which door must
be constructed so that it can be se.
surely closed. Furthermore, if the
�Eity Electrician and Building Inspec-
,tor decide that the arrangements are
such as would require it, such door
must be so arranged that it may be re-
leased automatically. All other open-
ings such as vents and entrances to
the enclosure, must open into some
other part of the building or theatre
I than the main auditorium. No elec.
trical pictures or material of any kind
will be permitted in the operating
— - - th otheF than thatpicttire hmchine
and Its accessories.
Section 121. That any person, firm
or corporation, their agents or em.
Iployes, constructing, operating or man.
aging electric theatres or auditoriuny�
where moving pictures are displayed.
similar theatres, is violation of th�q
terms of this Irdlnance, shall on _¢ortT
victionl be punished by a fiti"n"o"+�ae,
I @ling 4100
each day's operation to be
held a separate offense.
Section 122. In all cases where hot
water or steam, hot air or other fur-
naces are used for the be(n - anq building in the City of the
furnace pipes must be kept at least
two (2) feet below the [beams or veil.
ing above the same, unless said beams
or ceiling shall be properly protected
by a shield, or tin plate suspended
above said smoke pipe with sufficient
space for the free circulation of air
above and below said shield.
I Section 123. Where hot air pipes
I are enclosed in wooden partitions they
shall be standard bright tin, tight joints
without soldering them, and shall be
Isecurely covered with asbestos at least
lone-e1g111Sr-of an inch thick, wrapped
with wire and securely fastened so as
be sP-
curely fastened in the woodwork wolf
a metal fastening not over two feet
apart, and said pipe to be kept at least
one-half Inch from all unprotected
woodwork; or said pipe can be double
l and the space between the two metal
Ipipes on all sides be at least three -
eights of an inch apart in the clear.
Such pipes are to be made with air-
tight joints, without soldering them,
and shall be securely fastened to tate
Partitions at Intervals of every two
(2) feet and at least one-half inch
from any unprotected woodwork.
Section 124. Steam and hot water
beating pipes shall not be placed with-
in two (2) inches of any timber or
woodwork, unless the timber or wood-
work Is protected by -a metal shield,
and then the distance shall not be less
,than one-half inch. Ail steam or hot
water 'beating pipes passing through
floors and ceilings, or lath and plas-
tered partitions, shall be protected by
R metal tube one (1) Inch larger in
diameter than the pipe, having a metal
cap at the floor and ceiling; they shall
be supported on iron, and a Imetal
shield sball be placed on the under
side of the floor over them, and on
the sides of wood beams running par-
allel 'with said pipes; or said hor-
izontal pipes shalt be covered with in-
combustible pipe covering at least
three-fourths of an inch thicket'. In
no case shall IateraI branches from
rising lines to radiators or coils be
allowed between any floor and the
ceiling line, except they shall be cov-
ered with incombustible material.
Section 125. Be It further ordained
that all hot air registers from 'hot air
furnaces hereafter placed in the floc
of any building in the City of
port—shall be set in iron borders not
less than two Inches in width. There
shall be an open space of at least one
inch on all sides of the regirtsr box, -
extending from the under side of the
ceiling below the register to the bor-
der of the floor. The outside of said
space shall be covered with asbestos,
or packed with mineral wool, made
tight on all sides; to extend from the
,under side of the aforesaid ceiling it
the under side of the said border.
Section 126. Be it further ordained,
that all wood 'boxes or casings euclos-
i Ing steam or hot water beating pipes,
and all wood coverings to recesses in
walls, in which steam or hot water
heating pipes are placed, shall be fined
with metal, or said pipes shall be cov.
eyed with incombustible sectional pipe
I coverings at least three fourths of an ,
Inch thick.
Section 127.' The tolis of all fur•'
naces set in brick must be covered
with brick or concrete.
able furnace not set in brick shall be
I Section 125. The top of every port -
kept at least one (1) foot below the
beams of ceilings, with a shield of met-
al made tight and suspended below the
said beam or ceilings and extended
one (1) foot beyond the top of the
furnace on all sides.
Section 129. sBake ovens shall rest
on solid foundations of metal beams ---
or columns. The sides and ends shstL�__.
be at Ieast two feet from any wood
/work, and the crown arch at least four
feet from the ceilings that have wood
joists. The hearth In front of bake
ovens sball extend at least three and
one-half (31-2) feet beyond the face
of said ovens.
Section 130. The cold air boxes of
all hot air furnaces shall be made of
metal, brick or other incombustible
material, for a distance of at least ten
(10) feet from the furnace.
Section 131. Where hot neater,
steam or hot air furnaces or other
beating appliances of any kind -to be
placed in any building in the city of
Slaawcepert, a permit for the same mus
�, irst be obtained from the Building In-
spector, and a fee of 52.00 shall be
charged for the same. And it sball be
the dirty of the Building inspector to
make two Inspections when notified
In writing that said work is ready for
Section 132. The first Inspection
I. shall be for all work that is copreal-
i erl, the second when the whole work
is completed and shall be the final
inspection in case the provisions of
the ordinance are compiled with.
Section 1c13. Where any chane is
made in any such beating app att
In any building in the City of
parl.:, permit_ must first be obtained
from the Building Inspector, and a fee
of one dollar shall be charged for the
same. And it shall be the duty of the
Puliding inspector to make one inspec-
tion when notiffrid In writing that said
work is ready for Inspection. 11"here
Jconcealed work is done under this pro-
vision, the notice to the Building In-
spector must be given before the work
is covered up. In cases where more
inspection is necessary on account of
failure of compliance with this ordi-
nance, or for any other reason than is
herein berore expressly provided, ex-
tra Inspection shall be applied for by
the person having charge or control
of the work. and for each extra in-
sped ion 2 fee of one dollar -shall ii,
paid upon the application for the n
,-i—tion being made.
Segion 134. It shall ben l wf
for any person in the City of _
,pQzL..to install or to cause, permit or
suffer to he installed, any heating ap- ;
paratus of any kind in any buildings
in the City of Shit not in rorn-
pliance with this ordinance in any re-
;pe,t, or for any person to conceal
any part of any work in and about
any such heating apparatus until the
same has been inspected and approved
by the Building Inspector, or for any
person to fail, refuse or neglect in
mgkP any a.nplication for inspection
herein rorluired. where the same is
necessary under the terms of this or -1
dinance, or to refuse to pay the feed
or fees prescribed in this ordinance)
for said necessary inspection.
Section 135. Metal plate showing
carrying capactiy. The owner lessee
or manager, , or other Person having
charge or control of any elevator w
in operation in the City of � . repo , ;
and the manufacturers of elevators
hereafter placed in buildings, shall
cause to be fastened in a conspicuous;
:r<ilace in said elevators metal plates
having suitable raised letters on samr,,
which shall prescribe number of
pounds weight which said elevators!
after proper test, -have capacity to.-
carry; but no more than seventy-five i
per cent thereof shall be carried.
Section 136. Qualifications of per-
sons operating elevator$. The follow-
ing qualifications necessary for the
persons who are or shall hereafter be
placed in charge of running any _pa
senger elevator in the city eP.9
m t are hereby prescribes. and no per-
son, shall be employed for such purpose
or engaged therein unless he possesses
such qualifications. He shall have at
least ten days' experience in running,
,an elevator under the instructions of
a competent person. He shall not be
less than eighteen years of age.
Section 137. When operator is in-(
competent or disqualified. Nrirenever l,
the Inspector of Buildings shy 1 be- �
come satisfied that a person engaged
In running any passenger elevator is
incompetent or disqualified from any
cause to continue to run the same, the
said Inspector of Buildings shall forth-
with notify the owner or person man-
aging or controlling the same; and
the person so notified shall thereafter
be held •responsible for the violation',
Of this ordinance.
Section 138. Passenger elevator
hatchways, how closed. All elevators
used fox carrying passengers shall
have their hatchways surrounded by
substantial vertical inclosurees, the
same to be made flush with the 'hatch-
-way on every floor and to be contin-
uous from floor to ceiling on open
sides of car, except the top floor, where
a height of six and one-half feet of
such inclosure is sufficient. The in -
closure on every side of car shall note
be less than six and one-half flet in
height. All inclosure doors must 'be
made to'slide, and must be provided
with a lock and so arranged that the
said door can not be opened from the
,outside of the hatchway except by a
'key, and said doors shall at all times
lbe securely closed before starting the
car. All grill work .around elevator
hatchways shall be securely braced
and kept in thorough repair.
Section 139. Freight elevator hatch-
ways, how closed. All frqight eleva-
tor hatchways or shafts irtvzny build- `
ing in the City of shall be!
protected and inclosed on all• floors by
a substantial frame work not less than
three feet in height; and all approach-
es and entrances to any such hatch-'
way or shaft shall be provided with,
automatic or self closing gates, and
said gates shall be made to slide ver-
tically if practicable. Where -the ele-
vator is closed by partitions or is, con -i
strutted in a brick or fire proof shaft I,
rfr hatchway, the -doors to such shaft l
rhatchway shall not be deemed suf-
icient; but -.11 such approaches to
such shaft or hatenway snaAi ue p u-
sided with automatic self-closing gates
znless the elevator is in charge of and
)perated by a regular operator, in
which case the'above mentioned doors
;hall be provided with spring locks
which can not be unlocked from the
nutside of the shaft or hatchway except
by a key.
Section 140. Automatic Speed gov-
ernor. Every passenger elevator shall
ti down -
Section 150 of inspectors•
The Inspector of Buildings, and his as- ;
ts sball have the Power, and
they is hereby authorized to nt
e -
any building in the City of
.t without hindrance from any
oo s
i for the Purpose of examthining
and for the enforcement ofe
visions of this ordinance, wh
and the
the same may be necessary; charge
n ineer and operator havinga c
. h In
�r provided with an automa c e g assist
elevator shall suc
speed governor, and no elevator shall' Iof any Inspectors to such extents
have a greater working speed than s ector or 1 maw lie able to'n'al
six hundred feet rper minute. rtbat he or t1 -t h examimation of
Section 141. Passenger elevator, a careful and thoroug Machin -
definition of. of. Ail elevators not de- every Portion of the uch
signed for freight service exclusiveliy4 ery connected with anyy such
shall be classed as passenger eleva- Section 151• Bson violating therther P o'
tors, and shall be subject to all provis at,., that any P be
ions of this ordinance relating to -pas- vi signs Of this Ord S than anceball
(5)1 nor
senger elevators.
more than one hundred (10
Section 142. Automatic trip or slack
cablstop and automatic brake, when for each offense, except as Denalties
All power driven elevators, the cables may be herein provided.
which wind around a drum, shall be
provided with an automatic trip oil
slack cable stop, and with an automat-
ic brake of sufficient strength to 'hold
l the car and its load at any point of its
Section 143. Terminal stops, when.
All power driven elevators shall' be
•Provided with automatic terminal stops
on the machine.
Section 144. Electric brakes, he",,
'applied. All electric brakes must be
applied by breaking the current. p
Section 145. Safety device on cable
hoisting elevator, when. Every eleva✓`�`
tor, car or Platform, cable hoisted, that
(runs on guides, shall be provided with,
Ian approved safety device which will L
prevent the car from falling in case
the cables break or the machinery
breaks or gets out of order.
Section 146. Cables, how construct-
ed. All hoisting or counterweight i a •i
cables, used on elevators, shall be me-
tallic cables, with hemp centers. - -
Section 147. Head room above 'car.
All elevators shall hereafter be in
l 4
stalled in such manner that when the
floor of car or platform is level with
the top floor of the building, the guides
and guide Posts shall extend at least
two feet above the highest Point of C Lf/ (",7z-C,z2 r cf
frame work on car or platform, and /
that there shall at such, time be free
head room above said highest point of
frame work of car or platform at least
to the level of the tops of such guides
and guide posts.
Section 1.48. Double set of guide
posts, when. Freight elevators of over
sibthousand pounds capacity and _ with _ -_
platforms over fourteen feet in length,
:shall have a double set of guide posts.
Section 149. Elevator built in well
hole, when. It shall be unlawful to in-
stall any power driven elevator in the
well bole of any tairway unless there
:.be a fireproof v4�1 between such ele-
vator and the stairway, said wall to
extend at least two feet above the,
level of the roof of the building; pro-
vided however, that this section shall
not apply to elevators installed in fire-
proof buildings.
\ I, J. G. Sutton, City Secretary,
hereby certify -that the above and fbregd'ing is a true
and correct copy of an Ordinance passed the 1st day of
Nsvember 191o, as same is on- file in my office.
V!ritress may ha:1c1 andseal of office, this the
22nd -day of. Nolrember, A. D. 1910.
�•� - �_� ,t • _ --` - _. � - _ '� ems; �� a�
nCi �T Secretary.
cf f)lL7
Beaumont Journal, a daily newspaper published in the Ci
of Beaumont, Texas, solemnly swear that an -'Ordinance V ed
an ordinance regulating the construction, alteration,
tenance, repair and removal of buildings in the City{,--u-i
Beaumont, etc., was published three times in
Journal , on to -wit: r�I`_ 2 � - ;27-W _910,
O _ �: • . ; Beaumont Dui nal - _
worn to anct-,s °-`e'at:irie, this the- day of
-- -- - -
- °