HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 10-A-3"A .N, O ,R' D.1 N -A .N C. Eff_ GRANTING TO THE .TEXARKATTA',AND, FORT SMI-TH .RAILWAY -COMPANY THE RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE, TO LAY, . AINTTAIN AND OPERATE "A SNITCH t. TRACK .OR :tDE. TRACN- ON,. -ALONG AND :ACROSS WASHINGTON STREET IN ? BLOCK; .4,'.A1TD ACROSS. MAIN STREET- IN THE CITY OF BEA_UrIONT" THE I COURSE'.OR ,LOCATION OF ;SAID TRACK, BEING 220RE FULLY DESCRIBLID IN CONTEXT -OF THE:,ORDINANCE HEREIN .FOLLOWINCT. BE IT ORDAINED 1BY: THE -CITY, COUNCIL _0F THE CITY. OF :BEAU FONT,:- :Section I That ,theTexarkana &r.F't. Smith Rai 1w! Vi , Company,. its successors and assigns 'is, here.by,,'granted the` right and .privilege to lay, maintain and, operate a certain..'standard', gauge railroad track, to spring'.from ,the main line of-the Texarkana `Bc:.Ft:Smi.th . Railway Compahy'a's.. track in_Washington `Street, in Beaumont, Texas,, at a h-oznt far_ enough _East__of_-hEast. _lineoi':�I�rket_::Street to enter the Southeast --corner of Marke t .Square, so 'aa. to clear the sidewalk" on thee-' South line• of ,said Market Square;- thence files"te.rly para ll.e]. with the -South line. o:f said Market Square'. in Block­A and across Main ;:Street .in the City of, B'e,aumont',"-as' ,indic,ated by ,a solid red�•line� on map- hereto ettached marked Exhibit " and made• a para her.e.of•. ' Section .IT.' ( . Said- t;r•ack shall'' be placed at a grade with the streets- upon treetsupon which' it- is, constructed, . and shall be constructed and maintain. ed i.n such "a m4nne'r ".as:' not to -interfere with :the.: free- use. ..of said stre.e•ts by the public. Section III:, .: The space between the rails of said track 'arid. fo.r a di stance . of eighteen (18 ".) • "inches on either side of said track, shall be filled with gravel cinders:, sand. or pls ft-�,, as-may be requi;re'dby the, City, Engineer' af`,'Beaumont: so'..as, 'to, bring said track with a l''ewel of said st' gets. Section IV: Should the City, Council . of. the City. of.,"Beaumont., at, any time, n -the future order that, the -said.. streets, and Market .Square hall' be paved, then and .in' that. event ''the said. Texarkana ,& Ft.,.. mith'.Railway, Company -,shall p.ay- the east, of grading, '.paving. and epairing the portion of said 'Market .Sgivare' 'and :;streets so ccu led by the said track; ..and .the portion ,.of, the _. M rket, Square, .,street occupied by .the said °tuck 'shall be: deemed,to'me,an„that, portion of .the same beyond the rails..of'the track .so laid- and extending, eighteen (l8",). inches .beyond, -.the outer• edge of -the ties . of said .track; and shall do and;.perfor'M- all -things required. 'by the Charter and .Ordinances of the City' of Be.aumont., Section;.'V':- The said Texarkana & xt. Smith.'.RaiWay Company shall hereafter hold. the City. of Beaumont, Yiarmless:;in any .suits , or claims of any .nature growing' out . of . the constru:ction•).maintenance, or op:eration'. of said switch, track. Section VI: AllOrdinances or art's of Ordinances in' conflict herewith. are hereby' repealed.. _'Section VII: This.`;Ordinance -shall take' effect .and -b.e in full'force !from and, after:...its passage; by tYe City, Council`. and acceptance' 14 i, of the said Railway Company. \"� d A.)r �— ;5- /�� JAMES NICHHHOOLLS,PRESIDENT ' T.L.MACON,vtcE PREsr. R.L.EM ERY, SECRETARY. &/V SMITH & COCHRAN, �jPi'L/SOUTHWESTERN DEPT. GENERALAGENTS. DALLAS,TEXAS. HEISIG & SMELKER RESIDENT AGENTS Beaumont Texas June 21 1909 . Beaumont, Texas s f 7 To the Hon. City Council, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: - (35 Your petitioners,owners of Lots Nos. 3'7, 8, 39 and 40, in lock No. 11,of the City of Beaumont,would respectfully request that your Honorable -Body grant the application on this day presented by the Texarkana & Ft. Smith Ry. Co. for passage of ordinance enabling them to construct a switch over the above enumerated property for the purspose!s as therein stated. Respectfully submitted, Z'4 1--a-, i Beaumont, Texas. Tuly 6, 1909. To the Hon. City Council, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: - At the request of Messrs. r.T. Heimdg and Alex. Broussard for Track Facilities to their respective properties as indicated in their Petition, we would hereby respectfully ask that we be granted the authority to put in said switch facilities, as per Ordinance and plan hereto. attached. Respectfully submitted, f Beaumont, Texas. Tuly 6, 1909. To the Hon. City Council, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: - At the request of Messrs. r.T. Heimdg and Alex. Broussard for Track Facilities to their respective properties as indicated in their Petition, we would hereby respectfully ask that we be granted the authority to put in said switch facilities, as per Ordinance and plan hereto. attached. Respectfully submitted, b Bea'uiqi-ont-, Texas, Deceaber 7th, 1909 1,L1Y0111 AND CITY, COU-' -ATT+ 7 U! G IT T I K E IT I hand Vou herewith blue D 3: inju cho�ving proposed spur of the T.('-, F-;`-]Ry-Co- to 2e3,-veiaisi�11, vii-th the ',lorvc exact location as to the �Kark_et I-ciucire. This spur car, be built so a9 to tho most eaqte= edL--,e of ti,e 1.1arketFqaare and ruin ,parallel with ',VashiiaE;ton- Street, as is, shoy-vi-i on said plan'%, and I hereby recommend that thesame be attached to the report of -,,-he Ordinance.-Corm-aittee in Mace of the one %vhich they have Yours truly, w T C ST' J � G•rossiny3�3 � •prop J kf a MPr raze 90 a q q t�1 9Qq'����g7.PG �6 k n- 3'1'�! -�P766 I 3 � Beaumont, Texts;, Ju4'y 20th, 1909. STAT. OF TEXAS,AI . )'.. . :.' `COUNTY .OF JEFFERSON ) TO THE HONORABLE mAYOR AND CITY •.COUIJCIL; BEALPMONT; TEXAS.` GENTLE1iEN:- Your committee' to whom was ,referre.d the proposed . .franchise ,granting the. Texarkana & Ft. Smith"Railkay-'Compafly the right . and privilege to lay,, maintain and: op,e,rate " a, switch track or side track on., along and across Washington Street,, -the Market '. Square and across- Alain .Street in.,, the City of .Beaimont, beg,to, report, that it. -,has duly, 'considered, -,-said. prop osed-'Ordiriance and map ..showing theproposed locati'o'n. of ,said side. track, hereto attsched_ marke.d Exhibi.t,'.'A'.': and.,;!'.B" resp.ec,tively and made ,a part hereof _ First: That the said • switch track 'would be of -much benefit ;to the,'Market' Square, as well as to th.e, -property owners who de sir e it 'on, block' Il in the 'ftty ; of., Be aumont: Second: ,-That thesaid, switch.:tr,.ack".should spr.irig-from a' point on said'Texarkana,_&-Ft Smith ,Railway Coppany's main line far eh ugh East; of Mar -Ice t stre'et'. to :enter the Market Square at its. Southeast corner, arid, run(. Westward on said 14Rrket Square. parallel with th-e' South line of said Square." _ Your committee, therefore., recommends the following.to- . , wit: a That the said r'o os.edV.ordina,nce b,e' and the,same i ( ) p, . P axaended' by "substituting' the pro -posed ordinance 4cr.eto attached marked Exhibit "C" and' -•made. a part hereof for and instead of original'proposed ordinance hereto. attached and''marked Exhibit "A:" (b) That said-,switch,.t,rack spring from a point on the said main line -of"said raili-'oad''f,az enoUgZz "Eas.t of the _East side i No Text A N, 0 R. 'B I 'N VM C 'E GRANTING TO THE TEXARKAN.A & FORr SMITH RAILWAY. COIRANY THE RIGHT AND PRI VI L, GE TO LAY , . MAINTAIN AND , OPERATE .A SWI TCH., O R ; SIBE TRACK- ON , ALONG AICD- ACROSS 7ASHINGTON ' STREET;BLOCK 4 OLD TOWN;OF BEAMffONT,ANB' MAIN S.TREETI THE_.'COURSE OR LOCATION -OF 'SAID TRACK-BEING MO RE FULLY- DESCRI:B:�. IN'=TFiE ;`CONTEXT `OF, THE ORDINANCE HEREIN ,FOLIDWING.: BE­IT ORDAINED BY.;:THE CITY-COUNCIL-OF THE CIT OF: BEAUMONT JEFFERSON COUNTY; TEXAS.:; " ' Section 1. That . the ' Texarkana `& Fort Smith Railway - Conpany is hereby gr anted 'the ,right,• and ,priv.lege,`to ,lay ,maintain and operate a certain standard gauge .railroad .track., 'to .break:ou't , of the',Texarkana f &: Fort -Smith Railway C'Oiipany.'s.'ma;in track 'in Washington Street,. in Beaumont, Texas , at . a point, twelve.' (l2)- ;feet more o r, l ess southwesterly from the northeassterly, ,line° o.f. the', Original, Town' of Beaumont and ex- tending ''thence atending''thence in a so-athweste-rly direction-over and, along said Washing • ton. Street to a. point -in.-the. southeasterly: line of .the southwest half. of Block four (4) in said. Old Town of Beaumont;_ therice southwesterly across, the southerly corner. �of sa.id Block four. (4) -.,and across .Main Street at anoint,, three ., (3-Y,fe.et.mo;re., or. less northwesterly •from the northwesterly, line 'of Washington Street, as 1 said track is indicated by broken red-line , on the. 'attached blue print. marked Exhibit. "A" . Section 2..' Said'track: shall be1placed at grade 4vi th the. . streets upon which . it.',is c.onstruct'ed and..shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner as not. to interfere with the . free-. use said streets by the public,. ° Section 3. The. 'space between the,,, rails ,of said.. track and for a dista:nc`e' of. eighteen ; (18)' inches <-on either side of -said .`track :shall be filled ,,,vi.th.grav_el,_cinders,sand o_r_planks, as may._be required.-by-,_ °- the city engineer of Beaumon.t,so as to bring said .track toi ,a level with said streets . Section. 4. Should the City Council of t}le. City of Beaumont No Text