HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 95-DAN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE' CITY OF. BEAUMONT' FOR' THE YEAR 1924, AS PROVIDED -BY THE CHARTER OF THE .CITY OF BEAUMONT, . ON THE DATE AIM AT - THE PLACES -SET FORTH IN SAID ORDINANCE, 'FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A' MAYOR AND NINE COUNCILMEN, AS DESIGNATED' IN' SAID ORDINANCE; NAMING THE PLACES AT WHICH SAID ,ELECTION SHALL BE' HELD; AIM DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COEM SSION OF THE CITY - - OF BEAUMONT, Section 1. '1'hdt in .accordance with Section 269 sub -section 4 -of the Charter of the, City of Beatmlont, and other provisions of said Charter; and 'the .laws •of: the State of degas;- relating thereto, there shall be .held in the City of Beaumont, on the first Tuesday in April, 1924, the .same being April lst`, 1924--a regular municipal_ 'election fore said _City, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and for -,,the, purpose of electing three councilmen for. the First..ard, .thi•-ee-councilm.en for the Second Ward; and three _co.wzcilmen- .for -._the T-hird-= lard- in.. -said Cit Section 2. That said,' election: shall 'be ' held -'in- said City 'at the folioving places, to -vitt.- r In• the . lst Vlard 'At the Oentral lire Station and French School; -In the 2nd Ward Lt -the City Hall; In the ' 3rd Ward' - At the-�'efferson County `obu'rthousei� and South nark School. Section -3i. l!he following named persons are -appointed presiding judges of their respective 'wards with the authority to select and appoint their own clerks:-*' For Ward i - 1:1 . ' f;,, - ;, :� �.., -J J.; , French School. For Ward 2' For Ward 3 Section 4. That said election shall .be held under; and.: the qualifications of those voting thereat shall be 'controlled by ,the provisions .-oz the State. Laws governing elections. i No Text �4- acid 0_S1zdl:1C1; CI �i'RDO ,'TJIE GENE RAI .MUNZQLE0TI0 il. Ho THE,,Gill OF BEAUJAOM'F02 THE X.iai�.R' 19249 AS` :51`CVIVILD .BYIM" GaAii u q:P -1 E. '.0112Y 0,Y BUCiMM- 1pOil TME DA y4 .0D AT THE . PLA CES 4B T 1 URTii IN 8AID 01U)DJAUU1 ,, X.R vRE, "#?u 03B op .ELECT ING A' MYOR jUlb NINE Ct7U140;IL-. . £fit, ; DES I Gsd�h Lil ZtI , S� D ' 0 0,14a0h, NAMING lice PLACE' S All ti �xCli SAID RUB TIfJN iLL DA ,MLa3; .hL ;L WLLIZINGr AN EMLMom=ip, 011, TIM GITY OF i�ZATJMONT.. .. `f`h;` " in a000rdancre with , 1i3Ct' .UTi '26, . B7.Z% so•otion 4 01, t charter of the. City ox Beawftont : und. al;her. provia .ons .of said Char- ter, aiid the lags :.oT t1ie .State q_ ,`I,exas, ' elatintJ ereto,� there shall be held ; ih . the City of B&mmont, :Ori. - the '1irpt- 'Taesday. in .fip±11. 19 4;. the ;oa�o. �eir�g �p�3i, �.s;�, 13�., 'a regular zganlcipal election -Pvx ��a d City stir- tho purp0SO 01 al.Get W9 -a yvr.. and for the pu,rpaze of electing t1 rea cc unoilsien "To r the ,,Fit'st�€ ri d, Thxee Gq, uu llmen for. t1k Ssaozad Ward:, and' threw .nouna 11S onfor t-he Third, Ward in .said City• - x t, amid, eledt on' shal-I.' be hold' iii said City wet thO.­, Zoll owing p1gPows to -wit '- . In the . s %yard -: At the 06zitral, 'Fire St6t on tm Frenph. Sohool In, the 2nd' Bard At l he Gity i�Il Ixi t�he:.6rd tIard - At tho Jefftr8on County (lour.t.�lrn40 , bnd .. - Sozzth P�.rl� So�.t�o1: •. J S2c1;jbn 3. The .lour .n namo&.por on . are -oppointtd presiding judgee "P:Vtheir respea t ive Wardo . with. t hq , authority. - t;o 'aelva t an& appoint, t:he#. own ,clorks:- For War'L 1 '- 1 �.bori Shepherd,, Fr h ► aJae?o:., Jell 1Wb4 ',or }hard - . %,� . C. J• or - axd 3- Xylo ' Ward., "and. South Park,.. J.. � .X 'a.'urnor. . 500tion 4.: 42hat s$ el'ac3tion shaj: be held: under, ohd tha gualifles- tions:of thoed yoting thereat ehall ba. gontrolied. by the prova.r4on$ 4 t. l$;.3t&Lt0,. Lasts ,overning t3�t3f ,J:�5I2 • ►moi C tko A. That a 0Opy of this ard,in=oe, € igned by the . mayor, vi' the City. of B-oaumor_t, an,d: -'attntte(� by the 0ity 0 ork. thereof, ahall wrvo as pvopor =0, Cuf iclent note oo of sai& aleotimi; and th.o.. i yar is ierob�t. direotac to ,ouwe a oopy� of ''-his .Oxdi-� i t21CQ; yignc d b h .mep�.f d -�it� d by tho Qit G,�.brkg, to be ppated at Macri ol, the pJaaes herel-designated dor holding paid aleotion at, leas't thirty clays, pr;1.6r. fro tu® dt4e: 01 holding osid That an. ' ordinaneq haj3 ' xaot,- -yet, beton passed providing for and or&ering p:go'oral mux?ialpal- eloctiph tor- tho year 1924' ' arA tha"A moh Ordinance is neoorjzary,,_'iherebW c reat.ing.-an iupewatle pu — o- error aa; : laec ossitr t .ng tha zueponsion of. tho : rule requir- ing orci.ix me-ob-10 . be read on thi o a . aep&rate days beSw o; their psesego# r:hore t re; maid rule is hereby suspencLed SLvA tih e .c�rdi�» nance shall takO, elfeot from and after its paseage and the raimature O.� the Mayor.: .. . i'ar so by thea i.r t�:�►'"t�,V-0te oX all members tai the commi]�aion -thip , the 4 4CLY of , ebrudry, 1924'. ,:D: 01u)11 alGE 01}I RING;THE GENB!..%L t1UT4_SCIPi-L PSUCTION FOR OI' BCUAUMONT ZOR TIM )MA 1924, :AS: 2110VID10 -BY T +",; CfDKRTEIR OF -TEE, CITY Ot B i1TSWIT, ..ON `T: I:ATE .CsND—:AT '�i PL&OBS' SET : �(�I�'U1 N SAID 0RDI'JATICE ..-FOR. T�� PUR OSE Q.:?-I `LCTII:IG A MAYOR �-AND NIII E COUIICILiEI, .AS DESIGaTAT,Z IIT- SAID -01:-DDANC3- - NAI IVIG HE' P,LACB3 Ai WHICH -SAID"" LLEC' .:I0 SMUL' BE'.H `'L � AIMDECLA��LU . AN BMEGENCY, . BE IT-ORDAIJT ,' BY THE: CITY CO ISST01d 0�' THE CITY OF BE U ONT Seatio'' lw that: in. accordanoe..Wit+h Soo ion 26, sub-seotion.4 of the %Charte'r of. the City of':Beaumont,, and other provUsi.ons of. Bald charter, and. the. latus of` the St ate­ of, Texas, relating therot0, Ther© shall. bo. held. in the: City'o .Iio�;umtrit 'on ,the fixst Tuesday in April; 1924, .the same'_bbing April -laG,, .1924,. ga..rogu.lar Munici- pal election for said �C1ty. for ,.V a purpose of eleoting :a payor and .for the purp_oso of .eleoting..three aounoilmen for the First Hard, three, councilmen "for, tIie'..Socond Ward, and throo aounailmen-- for the Third bvfard in ' said City: Section 2. That s id'-eledtion aha7:3. be k eld. in said City -at tha 'follow ing pla0es, to .ori:.t:- In .the ' .et Ward �. At Tho .Centra]. Piro. S st Tori and French ;�chool- In the'2nd Ward At the' City -Hall; In the 3rd ��ard - ,At _the Jefferson Count; Courthouse, old. South Park .Saho41. Be on 3. The following named persons are appointed presiding judges of. their respeative garde.. with the, aiithority to, :soleot and appoint their, ovum c larks:.-- For rlard.1 -: Albert .Shepherd-' Froneh School, Jeff White, por ward 2 - H.. �0. Schwager., _ F 'V- rd 3 -� �ylQ .�grd, and South Pf3r�%, J'. , i . darner, Th at said eloeti-on :,Ball bo held under, and the qua.'lifia,a done.:-of those voting''thereat ekall be G.'_Ont;rolled, ;bar. the- provi.,sions OX, the; 6tate..Lavis governing :elections. ON That a` t.this Oidiiiance,gricd b the'.lyox o th-e' City, of Bea`umont.. aid 'at testod.'bp "'tho'°City;.0ZQrk.thereof, shall =serve as` proper, and, sub'fisient .noVise'o uaid election; ". and the Mayor :ia heroby dir6ate cause,a aapy of th3.a, Qrdi-: .. 1Co :t1t3d.. by 11I�1ac31:;C' t;1a, . -30 be posted at, each ­, df `the plaoos "herefix- deaign.ated Ior . hclding -said,:. . Gleati.on" at lea thirty _.'days , priox; tq the'd hv? ding ai.d �t ari; nrci3naxiaQ has not :yot bobeenpse providii� for Lh; and " ord-ering : a gener€ l "vuxiici paj' gleati..on _To r. the 'ye&• 9PA and ' tit $uch: ord-iner o,e . Yisa�3s�sar , thereby, Oreatin -axs imperative public, ediergenoy neceasi.ta.ti'.*, the aueperzai on..of..th,e rula `r6qui t. -MC ..ng ord:�i�iexrsas,: to, be• re" on tY roe' ae rat4 days befoie''t'lioir: " passage �herr� are. acid rule a _heroby ausgendad and tli s - ardi- nance ahall - take effect from aria ' afver :tin �asr age Ana tha.: ai na-, . " tura of `tho :t�.yor. :.. ,' .. .. .. - _ , ' •. �. ;, - , .. , Passed by Ithe affirmative vote of -:all members .t comm3:ssion thi e the 26th' any sof':. Rt�bruary, 'Layo.r: . ,fittest: (Signed) City clerk: