Entitled an Ordinance establishing a free garbage
disposal system in the City of Beaumont, for the purpose of
gathering up and disposing of all garbage accumulating within -
the city limits of the City of Beaumont, providing that gar-
bage of all descriptions coming within the term of garbage, as
defined in said ordinance, and the carcasses of all dead animals,
vermin, fowl, etc., shall be destroyed in crematories.or incin-
erators authorized to be established by the City, ratifying
all acts and things done by the City Commission and the City
Manager"heretofore in purchasing and constructing and placing
in operation, crematories or incererators for such purpose,
authorizing and directing the'City Commission'to purchase, con-
struct and put in operation, or cause to be purchased, construct-
ed and placed in operation for the city, such other crematories
or incenerators, or units- thereof, as in the judgrmeAt of the ,
Commission may be required for the proper consumption of garbage,
and to locate and purchase, or otherwise acquire, any site or
sites for such crematories or incinerators, authorizing and di--
recting the City Commission' 'tQ construct and place and keep in
operation, or cause to be co structed and placed and kept in
operation such a crematory dr incinerator on lots 55 and 56 in
block 8 of the O'Brien Addition to the City of Beaumont as speed-
ily as it may lawfully"do so, repealing ail ordinances and Parts-
of ordinances in conflict therewith, and declaring that said or-
dinance shall take effect on the date of its passage.
WHEREAS, it is provided in Section 10 of the
Charter of the City of ,Beaumont, -that the City of Beaumon-
shall have power to, and shall.always maintain a free garbage
disposal system, and that as soon as practical after the adopt-
ion of -_said Charter, to-wit; . on Dec. 30tYi, 1919,, the City Com-
mission shall work out and inaugurate, and continue in oper-
ation such a system, etc., provided that-such free garbage dis-.
posal' system. should .not include free disposal. of boxes; -crates.,
wrappers, cartons, etc.; and other containers of merchandise of
any description emptied of their contents and discarded by.mer-
cantile or other business establishments, but only such general
and ordinary refuse matter as,properly comes under the meaning
of garbage;'.and
WHEREAS, shortly following the inauguration of the
present City .(lovernment, the. City N[anageracting under -the au-
thority and direction of the City Commission, did inaugurate. and
put in operation a free garbage disposal'
system in virtue of said
Charter provision, and in accordance-therewith; and .said free
garbage disposal system ha& been in actual daily operation since
said time ; and .
WHEREAS, the said system has .proven to be a suc-
cess in every„particular, both from.a standpoint of economy, health
and. sanitation, .throughout the city, and highly beneficial ' to the
public, with the single exception, that the dumping ground for
said garbage across Brakes Bayou, in_ close proximity to the city
and' the "homes and industries in the' vicinity of•, said dumping,
ground, has been a prolific breeding' place for ,flies and vermin,
and other disease carriers, which has been a constant source of
danger and menace-to the public .health of the community, there
.being no other locality available to ,the city for the. purpose
within a distance which would not be,, prohibitive' in..cost,, in both
money and time; and
WHEREAS, -the City.Manager and the City -Commission
having given much investigation; thought and,consideration-to
the matter, have found and been thoroughly convinced -that the
proper, the safest and. the most economical method of disposing.
of said garbage is by means of incinerators placed conveniently
within the city limits, and having found upon careful investiga'-
tion and recommendation that the garbage incinerator manufactured
by the Nye Odorless Crematory Company'of Macon, Georgia,, con-
sume's all garbage within the capacity of any plant -manufactured
and installed by it in a°thoroughly sanitary manner and entirely
odorless,bl"ree.of any unpleasant odors, smells, gases, etc., and
that said plant when"constiucte.d is not unsightly, nor in any
manner or to any extent unpleasant to the sensibilities, or in-
jurious to the health or bodily comfort of persons•residing or
working nearby the same or passing near'. the same, the City Com-
mission did authorize,and direct the City Manager to negotiate
for the purchase of two units of said Nye odorless garbage incin-
erators of2:v .�_ daily capacity each; and pursuant
to said authorization and'direction, the City Manager did negotiate
the purchase, of, said two units of garbage incinerators `from said
concern, and the City.Commission, with the City Manager, did seek
and search throughout the city for proper and suitable sites upon .
which to locate and construct said incinerators for the disposal
of garbage accumulated and accumulating in the city, and after
thoroughly searching the city throughout, and considering every-•
available locality, from every standpoint, did select two sites
for the establishment of -the same, one ontot S 9 q Block Z
of the City of Beaumont, the same being the property of said city; -
and the other off Franklin Street, next to the Beaumont Gas Light
Company's gas plant on lots 55 and 56 in Block of theO'Brien
Addition to the city of,Beaumont, both of said localiti:e.s be-
ing in the opinion of,. the City Manager .and the City Commission,'
the most practical and'satisfactory for the purpose. Wherefore,
the City Commission did authorize and.direct the City Manager to
negotiate for''the purchase of said lots 55 and 56 in Block 8 of
the O'Brien Addition, and said two lots pursuant to said authori-
zation and direction, have been, purchased and paid for by the City
for the purpose; and
WHEREAS, one of said units of the incinerator has
been already constructed on'the first location mentioned, the
property belonging to the city, and the same haA been put in oper-
ation and been operated since the _ Agtday of �' 1921, and
by actual demonstration the same.ha7s�proven entirely satisfactory
.and highly efficient in every particular, and although the car-
casses of dead animals and garbage. of all descriptions -have been.
cremated therein, and otherwise been given•a thorough test, no
unpleasant odors or smells.or.obnoxious gases have emanated there-
from to.any extent whatever, and said garbage and animal carcasses
have been re.duced to an ash,.,which is entirely odorless and al-
together free of any injurious or unpleasant element whatever, and
in the opinion of the City Government, solvds the problem of gar-
bage disposal'for.the City of Beaumont, beyond all peradventure
of doubt, and in 'a manner even more satisfactory than was expect-
ed or hoped for, and the said unit is in daily'operation, _is thor-
oughly sanitary and in no particular is,'or can be, when operated
properly,injurious to tithe Yiealth or,the sensibilities of any per-
son whomsoever in the city, and more economical than any other
method of disposal yet tried•, and'
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Commission
that'the government is under the imperative duty, according to
said Charter mandate, to continue said free garbage dispo.sal sys-
tem, 'and that. it is highly expedient, if not imperatively -
necessary, .from 'the standpoint -of economy and o.f '.the. public
health "and comfort,-, to not only continue the' operation of the
unit, now in •operation, . but to ` construct and put, in operation
the other unit purchased,'upon said lots 55 and 56 above describ-
ed, at the earl,ie,st date.po-ssible.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ,ORDgItdEDby the .City Com-
mission of the City of, -Beaumont:,.'
Section 1.
That there is hereby established, and there shall
perpetually continue in operation in the'city of Beaumont, a free
garbage disposal system for the, purpose of 'gathering -up and dis-
posing of all garbage ',accumulating within the city 'limits. ''of the
city. ,of Beaumont, free of all direct charges upon- the people there-
_for,yyand. the Government of _the _ City_ of__Beaumo_nt `"sha7.1 _ope.rate such
free. garbage disposal system .without any, such. charges.; provided;
however,., that such free garbage disposal -system shall never in -
elude.' -the free disposal of boxes, crates, wrappers, cartons, etc.,
and other containers of merchandise"of any description emptied
of their contents and discarded by mercantile or -other business:
establishments, but shall -include only, such general -and ordinary.
refuse -matter as properly comes under the meaning of garbage.
Section .2.
That all garbage of every description gathered up
by such free garbage disposal ,system, and ,.the carcasses of all
dead 'animals, Jvermin, fowl, etc.., in .the. city of Beaumont, . shall
be destroyed in crematories or incinerators established by the
city. of Beaumont for that purpose; and, a-11 acts, and things done
by the City Commission and the City Manager heretofore in purchas-
ing and constructing and placing in operation'.crematories or in--
cinerators . for such purpose' are hereby, in. all -things ratified
and, confirmed;. and the ' City Comm'iss'ion "Is hereby further author-
ized and directed to. purchase, construct and put in operation;
or cause to be purchased`; constructed and placed in op@ration, for
the city`'of Beaumont, such-_othe.r`or,.incinerators; 'or
units thereof, asmay in the judgment "of the Commission-b e re-
for. the. proper `consumption* of garbage accumulating" in the
city of Beaumont, .and.,to locate and purchase, -or, otherwise acquire,
as may be authorized bar." the Charter, . any site 'or sites ,for such,
crematories.or.incinerators or units thereof; and the City Com-
mission 'is hereby authorized to' construct. and ,place and keep'in
operation, or cause to be constructed and placed andkept in
operation,, such crematory or-incinerator on lots 55 and 56 in
Block 8 of. the -0"Brien Addition to the: City of Beaumont as speed-
as it may lawfully. do so.
- Be cti: on
That all ordinances-and parts. of 'ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 4.
This ordinance- shall take.,effect on the date.of
Enacted by the affirmative vote of all members
of .the Commission this the. 10%�h day .of 'September, A.D. 1921.
a or,
City lerk.