HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 67-Ck Ai_ ORDIVANCE, Entitled at ordinance ordering an election to be hold in the City of Bezumont,. Texde, (esoept the territory in the City of Beata - wont lying within. the Sbath Park Independent School District, axed Common School District.dumber Five, commonly known as the French School District) , -for the propose of voting upon the question whether the City Commission, of the City of Bdaumont shall levy an additional school tax of not more than 10¢ on the.$13)0.00 worth of property within said City, ( excepting properties within the above mentioned excepted territory), in addition to the .500 already voted, for the maintenance of the �ublie froe schools and the erection and.equip- meat of school buildings in the said city; naming the time 'and place of holding said election, appointing officers for the holding of said election, providing for the manner of holding said.eleotion, giving notice thereof; and declaring Eva emergency. BE TI ORDAIND BY THE CITY COIMISSIOD OF THE CITY OF BE:AWORT: Section 1. That 'an -_election shall -be hold -in the City of -Beaumont, -Texas; on the 25th day of September, A. D.., 1920, at whic3h.. election there shall be submitted to the. property tag -paying, qualified voters of the City. of Beaumont the-quebbti.,on whether the. City CommisAon of the City of Beaumont ehmll levy an additional tax of not more than 10. on, the 4100900 worth of property within the said city, for the rnainikenance of the public. free echo.-ls, and the erection of school buildings in 0aid city, in ddaition to the tax of 50¢ on this . w100.00 already voted, said tam to bogin with and be inclusive of the year 1920; provided, however,.that the territory embraced in the boundaries of the City of - Beaumont which lie within the South x ark. Independent Schofll District and Common School District Number Five; (oommonly Inown.as thb French School District), as now established, shall not', -be included In or affected by said election, and the citizens residing therein shall not partioipate in said election, nor the :proposed tax levied upon the citizens or property in said territory. Seot;iori 2. That said election shall be held at the following places Within the City of Beaumpht, to -wit:, In the First turd at: „ Central r. -Irv. Stat loja._ .In the Second Ward at: In the Third War,& at: IM2- city Rail* _0ountz oart_dusea section 30 The follovdAg named personsareappointed election judges in - their respective wards, who shall have and are hereby given authority to sole -at and appoiiit thoir clerks and helpers* -W-* A# Nichols jbT- Ar'st Waird_,­ Rresiding Judge-, 4_jZG 1 6 _/ _((i A. J.'Kaulbach Abbistant Judge. T, V. Hill. Seoond 7.iardt. 2rosidlng'Judge. V. A. Bollix e Aaeistant Judges Third. 'Uard, P. He illarde "presiding Judge. Aldrida-".. Assistant Judges Section 4. That said election shall be hold under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing.elections, and -only qualified voters -Q:C the 01-ty of,Beaum'ont who pay taxos on property In the city. I and excepting those, residing in the territory in the City of Beaumont which 'lies .wkthin the South Park Indepfendent 06400l District and Oo*aon School-, District Bumber Five, cormionly knovm as the French. School District),, shall be-allovied to vote at said eldation; and the polls shall be open from 8' o'clock In the morning' until 7 o'clock in the euening* The ballots used at said election shall have'printed at the top thereof,, in plain letters, FISCH001, TAX'ELBC�TIOV, And there shall be written or printed under said heading the following: "F01i ADDITIO14AL SCHOOL TAX UP NOT MiM THAV 10V OJU THE �100.00 WORTH OF PAGAIDST ADDITIONAL, SCHOOL TAX'01' HOT MORE THAN IOV ON THE 4106.00 170TH' OF 2110PBRTY." Each voter voting at said election in favor of said additional tax shall erase that pa.-,ct of said b6llot reading, "Against the Additional Tax" 0 etc., and tho.se voting against 04id additional school i tax shall erase that ,part of said ballot. reading, "For Additional Taxt','etd., and a majority of the legal votes cast at said election shall' decide for or against said additional tag. Section 6. That this ordinance shall be published once each week for four coan- secutive weeks, and nor less than thirty days'prior to the date of the holding of said.. election, it a newspaper. of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year, in. the City of Beaumont. Texas. in addition to said .publication a copy of this ordinance, signed by the.Mayor and attest- ed by the City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, shall be posted at each of the places designated for holding said election, and Bach publica- tion of said ordinance,.and the posting.of the -aforesaid copies there of at said voting places shall serve as proper notice of said election. Section 6. The fact that the present school rate of 50� on the $100.00 worth of property is insufficient for the maintenance of the pUblie free schools and the erection and equipment of school buildings in the City of Beaumont, creates`.an imperative public emergency nedes;sitating the suspension of the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate days, wherefore said rule is hereby suspended and this ordi6 nance shall take effect and be in force frau, and after it a passage and signature of the Mayor. ATTEST CITY CLERK OF THS CITY OF - BEAUMORT . MAYOR. SASSED this the 21st, day of August, A. D., 19201 AIT ORDIN4ITCE :entitled an Ordinance orde.rin,=, an election to be, held in the Citi of Bea.�zrnon't, Texas, (except the tett. itorl� in the Cite of BeauT1lont lying, within the Sol?th 'ark Independent ;_-) District, and Co-f.mon School District N-mber Five, commonly known as the French .school District), for the purpose of voting uron the ; uestion whether the Cit;, Com --Fission of the Cite of BeaiTnont shall levy an additional school tax of not more than 10; on the '100.00 worth of property within said City, (excepting pro'oertie s 1Trithin the above :mentioned excepted territory), in addition to the 50�4_ .-already voted, for the rFiaintenance of the public free schools and the erection and ea�uipmant of school buildings in the said citT , naminp,• the time and -place of holding said election, a.�noint' L ficersof for the holding of said election, providing fo.c the manner of holding said election, giving notice thereof, and declaring an emergen-c'y. BE IT ORDAIIFED .BY THE', CITY CO1,,1i,II85I0I7 OF TEE CITY OF BEAUi,1011T : Section 1., That an election Shall be held in the City 01' Beaumont, Teras;, on the 25th day of ueptember, A. D. 1920, at which electibn there shall be submitted to the property tax -paying, qualified voters of the City of Beaumont the ouestion whether the City Commission of the City of Bea.uriont shall levy an additional tax of not more than 10� on the y`100.00.worth of property Within the said city, for the maintensn_ee of the public free schools, and the erection and equipment of school_ buildings in said city, � e. y .� a �.� �.� �.,,� d6.!- -:-�-� .. 4�e Axm in a<<dition to the taf; of 50; on the ' 100.00 already vote 1'W_ ro-%rided, however, that the territory embraced in the boundaries of the Cite of Beau ;riont which lie within the Soiith Park I:adependent ochool District and Common School District IT -amber Five, ( commonly lmolm as the French School District), as now established, sh.a.l.l_ not be fj� eluded in or affected by said election, and the citizens residi- 1 � I i 2 . therein shall not participate in said election, -nor the proposed tax levied ui)on the gitizens or property in said territory. Section 2. That said election shall be held at the following places within the City of Beaumont, towit: In the First Ward at: Central Fire Station. In the Second Ward In the Third Ward at : Gp1M_tyL_2urt ou e. .section 3. The following named persons are appointed election judges in their -respective T a.d , who shall^ and are hereby given, authority to select and appoint their clerks and helpers. First Ward, t,�chols_, Presid'ng Judoe. - - - - 4. J. Kaulbach. Assistant Judge. Second Ward; �. �(. gill. Presiding Judge. W11-jL.- Bollinger. Assistant Judge. Third Ward,i P. h. Millard. Presiding Judge. I Aldridge. :assistant Judge. Se eta nn 4_ That said election -shall be held under the-- provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing elections, and only 1 r i r tom: -T^ ^� of the City of qualified voters �-.=. e �r-3=�e t= BeaunlontA (and excepting those residing in the territory in the City of Beaumont which lies within the South Park Independent School District and Common School District.liumber, live, commonly known as .the French School District), shall be alloiried to vote at said election; and the polls shall be open from 8 o'clock in 3. the morning until 7 lo 'clock in the evening. The ballots used at said election shall have printed at the too thereof, 'in plain letters, "SCHOOL TAX ELECTION." And there shall be written or printed under said heading the following- "FOR ADDITIOMkL SCHOOL TAX OF NOT _.!ORE T:-U�11 10y, OTT THE $100.00 WO Ml OF PROPERTY." "AGAINST ADDITIONAL SCHOOL T_5 X OF NOT I TORE TIL"_N 10� ON THE ;100.00 WORTH OF P=?OPERITY. " Each voter voting at said election in favor of said additional tax shall erase that part of said ballot reading, "Against the Additional Tax."; etc., and those voting against said additional school tax shall erase that part of said ballot reading. "For Additinnal Tax" etc.; and a rnajority of the legal votes cast at said election shall decide for or a`;ainst said additional tax. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be published once each week for^not _less than thirty days prior to the date of the holding of said election, in a ne�lispaper of general circrtilatior_ which. has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not i i less than one year, in the City of Beaumont, Texas. In addition to said publication a copy of this ordinance, signed by the 1.1 .,yor and attested by the City Clerk of the Cit,T of Beaur°lont shall be posted at each of the places designated for holding said election, an.1 such publication of said ordinance, and the posting of the aforesaid copies thereof at said voting places shall. serve as proper notice of said election. SPeti nn F�. The fact that the present school rate of 50� on the $100.00 worth of property is insufficient for the maintenance of the -public free schools and the erection anc. equipment of school r c buildings in the City of Bea-Limont, creates an imperative public emergency necessitating the su mension of the rule regtnirin`- ordinances to be rea.'d on three separate days,, vihe.re'fore- said r21le is hereby snsmended and this ordinance shall t,-i!7,e effect and be in force from and after its -nassa`;e and signature of the I:Iayor. PASSED this the 21st, day of August.' A. D., 1920.