HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 41-CAll! OR T, I7TAY Cr• Apportioning a tax of forty five c„nte, (.45) on each one hu— dyed dollars vwlu.Ltion of all taxable pr ope,rty �,%rithin. the limits of t'_e city Q- Doau',,Iont, Ta.-Kas, lieretofcre levied and OTderad collected. by an ordJ r:ance n'assed by the city coun- cil of t:nF> city of. Be-aur:runt, on t:.e 1° r day of October 19IL7, repealing-, all ordinances in conflict l r � c; ith, and declaring an e:nergencv . FE T,T OPpn TYFI) n.y 111TT'P CITY Cn)T r~Tr, OF `77 CT'ry OF r'r'8U7.07T� TEYAS, Section 1. Thattaxof forty five cents, (.45) on each one hundred dollcirs vwl�ua;tior_ on all t-xable propetty :iithi.n t'h'e.li,,its cf 51-e-ci-ty of -pe urFoli=i,,- Tex s he.�etofo..re_ :levied and e_order-ed col- lected by an ordinance passrby the city co>>ncil_ -of -city - ---- - of Pea_ur;iont, Texas, on tl•.e N day of October A.D. 191$f be and the sane is h,:reby apportioned arion� t1 --e va.rious interest and bond sinkirJ funds, as follorrs: To the inter. est and sinkin? . fend of ';:` tar �:'ork.s and S tIr,-et pavinv bonds, dated Aug. 1,1808, ei-ht mills (.008). To the interest ar.d sinking fund of z�Iefunding ';onds dated April lst. 1899, four mills (.004). To the in nest ard sinkin- fi;nc"t of f,,inding Bonds No.1, dated Ay ril 5th 1899, four r:;i.11s (.004) . To the interest and sirlkinv fund of fun-3inv Donds No.2, dated Dec. 1st . , 1902 seven and th:cee t<:nths mills -(.0073). To rhe interest and sink inL, fund of Se,,,rerage Bonds �To. dated June lst . , 1901, one cant and six _ mills (a Cieb) To the interest and sinking fund of Sewc�rage Bonds No.3, dataad Dec. lst., 1902, ei�ht mi11,s, (,0080); To the interest and sinkinU0.23). und of Sa,,verw�e Bonds iTo.4, dated Jan., 1st 1905, two mills To the interest and sinkin fund of .`�'e-,,rer.".ga Bonds , c.5, dated Deco Is'., 1906, one cent Ind six mills;, (018). To the interest and Eiink.itsr `'?.i.nd Of Se.7E rave Bonds PCO, dated Ltcc . 1st . , --1909; E1 ht :dills (:003) To the interest anti sin -1 i nl; fund of Bonds -No.7, cl-Lted Dec . lst . , 1.911, one cent and one mill , (.911) . To the and sinking funsof Bondsi•To. 1, dated June 1st . , i'O1, seven mills, 0:007) . To the int,_3 rest and s i nkinLT fiind.s of Sawerage Bonds No. dated Ap-il 1st., 1912, sev .n rnili s (=7). To the interact and sinking ?fund of Pa_vil:g Pcynls 'To.2, dated Let . ?_st . , 1902, one cent (.0100)'. To the interest and sinking ,•funds of waving Ponls Ko.3, dated Deco 1st., 19CS, seven anti five tenths rlills,(;0075). To tha. interest _Ind sinking,' fund of cchaol ;Tause Fepwir Bonds No.!, doted Oet.lbt., '1901. five tenths dills, (.0005) . To tlxe interest and Xinkinm fund of School House T?epair Donds No.2,datad Nov.lst.,1901, five tenths nd,119, (.0005). To tT)e inti ,,,rest and sinking fund of School �Tcuse Pepa,ir Bonds No.3, dated Dec.lst.,1901, five tenths mills, (.0005). To t jo intc;l'eat an -1 sinking- fund --of School Jiou.se Fa�air Fonds Xo.5,dated Dac.lst.,1!K6,one and five tenths m11Is,�(.0015) . To the interest and sinkingfund of School :louse Bilildinz Bonds Ivo.2,dated Dec.lst.,19U one cent,fiva mills,(.0150). - -To- t-he-Ar.ter-est_aud_ 1g_ fund of School ligase BuS.lain0, Bonds Yla.3,dated Dec.lot.,1906 six mill's - To i To the int --.-est and sinking fund.' of School rTouse Building and Repair Bondda 1ao.4,dated T�c.c.1st.,l X09,t: o cents two and five tenths mills, (.0225). To the interest and pini<in fund of cehoal douse Building E-ond.s No.5,datued Doc,ist.,1911, six nills, (.006). 0 To the in'ter.est and sinking fund of City Hall Bonds, dated,Pec.1st;,1902, four mills, (.004). To the interest -and sinking fund of 114arket House Bonds dated Dec'.Ist . ,1907, f our and five tenths rnills� (� G045) . To the intare:st :end sinkin-r fend of Fire Station Bonds dated Dec.lst.,1907, three 2nd five te.riths mills, (.0035). To -the interest an.,,]s-inki;n0; fund of I,,harf Bonds, dated Dec ,1bt.,1909,nine mills, To the interest -and sinking fund of Street Irnpr.ove_­�ent and Repair Bonds, No.1-,da.ted Dec. lst.,ICC9, t':.,ro wr_d fiv;; tenths mills,_(.0025), _ To the interest Find .winking fund of Street Improvement and Repass Bonds No: ?,dated Dec. lst.-;1911; five and_ five tantbs iallls, (.0055) , To the interest and sinking fund of Street Iriprovement and Repair Bonds 1,o.3,dated April 1st,,191S,ona cent,three and five tenths mills,(.0135). To the inte-r.e,st and. sinking -fund of Jail Bonds,, dated Dec.lst.,1.911, three and five tenths mills, f.0035) To the interest and sinking fund of Ab_' t Coir Londsra dated Dec,lst:.,1911, six mills, (.000) . To the interest and sinki.nm fund of Park mond:., du.ted. April lst.,1912-, one cert, three and five tentth ',Hills, (,0135), To -the intere:,t and sinkincr fund of ;':?:arf and Dock Bonds No.l,d�i,ted July lst.,191_;four cents, one and six tenths rcills, To the interest LLnd Sinking, fund. of ?"Iarf and Dock ;ondG No,2, dated Julylst.,1915, two cents, (:0200). To the t:inking -fund of Street and Re )air Bond:: No.4,6-atad July 1st.; 1915, one cent and nine dills, (,019) To t? -,.e interest and ;3ink.i.ng fund of Sewela.ga Bonds i1o.9, cla.ted July 1st , , 1915, raven t?ills, (,007) . To the interest anci. sinki.iiy- fund of cI aol B��i lding _Lond (seri-al), dated Nov.lst.,1916,six cents five mills, (.065) _ To the interest ar_d''_ inking fund. of 77harf Fonds No.2, (serial),dated I'ovQlot.,1916,.five cents, .(:05); To the int; rest and singing fund. of Perk Bond;.5 � .2,d.cated Jan.lst . ,1918, wggx'egatinc in amount �,100,0GC..00. princi r-•a,l the �e- of payable in installments the fir•E)t inst-.11ricnt „sa.turino, Jen.l.st , , J-919. -and the lest iri >tallnc;nt a,tura-rn Jwn, lst . ,1952 , the t.r of one, cent 'ttree ane.,.,ix' tenth; rection 2< That the city twx and col•lectox is hereby in- tructtd to pro rate the. vid E-;u:ii of forty five cents(.45),, ac- cording ing to the rovisions of s .or.dir_wnce, and to so pre;," tre h,i:s ztwtnent an,! report to the city trew:;vr.=r that said officer may bF, able to l�-ce all colic-,ction,_s rra,de un,�er said tax to thr credit of the l,ro-^ r -rind, anl t-;.F� ��?iHe sh_!,ll not be di�r�rte'3 me,µ r any otr x'ti7i;Citi� or u.� •_. _ o �� � c:. `..ect;ion 3. That cill 1.:1.w: and Eris of laws in confli et here,;%rl th be and I the same Are hereby rQpealed, in so far tl:ey canfli ct -;rit,h thiE o r d in n.cF�' . rection 4. The fact 'nent--h-s_ _been .made_- of - 1111 __fc�.rt3'-_--. fivo cents, (. 45) levied t' is dwv, in ord r to take care of t? (2 in- toes t and Provide sinkir..Fr funds for the bon(ied the city of u-cu';,lic nac£;aciity and i}Y1r)c:�'�tiVr ;`U�lic er::c,rency neceE s i tating t is icn of tl e rule feg1,i r -- i nu ordinances to be at :z id rule., is therefore hereby qu�;}.endvd,and "is ordin=ance _ .Jli +).o into fu7.1 force: dr -d ie-L'fect f-roin and after its !2-,wf>3.i :.nd c_aton. 'as2—cd this -the lst. d -ay of Octc7o-2 A.D.1918, A -proved this the lat. J,ay of October " , n.19'16 . Attest: . AN ORDINAUCE Apportioning a tax of forty five cents (.45) on each one hundred dollars valuation of all taxable property within the lim- its of the city of Beaumont, Texas, heretofore levied and ordered collected by an ordinance passed by the city council of the city of Beaumont, on the 1st day of October,1918, repealing all ordin- ances in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency. BE IT 0RDAIIID BY THE CITY COUTSCIr OF THIE CITY OP BEAMIONT, TEXAS, ...Seati-on_ I._. That the tax of forty ,di dne- cents (.45) on each one hundred dollars valuation on all tavrable property, within the limits of the city of Beaumont, Texas, heretofore levied and ordered coil-- eeted by an ordinance passed by the city council of the city of Beaumont, Texas, on the i st day of October, A..D«,1918, be and the ohg apportioned among the various interest and bond sinl ng (undo, as follows: ` To the interest and sinking Fund of Water Works and Street paving bonds, dated Angust lot,1898, eight mills ( .008) To the interest and sinking fund of refunding bonds datd.d April Itt, 1899, four mills( »004) To the interest and sinking fund of fundiingBond 1,To.l, . dated April .5th,1B99 , four ni.l? s (.004) To the Interest and ,inking fund of funding bonds I1o.2,, data December lst,1002, seven and thre tenths mills (0073) To the interest and fund of Sewerage bonds Not, dated Jude lst,19Q1, one cent 11.�uAjd six mills (,0160y. To the interest and sin fund of Sewerage Bonds Uo3. dated Dec.lst, ,1902, eight mills (.0080) To the interest and sinking fund of Sewerage Bonds No. 4, dated Jan.,I.st 1905, two mills (00021 To the interest and sin -king fund of- Sewerage Bonds Ito. 5 dated Dec.lst.,1906, one cent and six mills ( .016) `1'o the interest and sinking fund of Sewerage .BondsnTlo. 6 dated Dec.lst, 19091 eight mills (0008) To the inibtiest and sinking fund of Sewerage Bonds No,7 dated Dec let, 1911, one cent and one Till 00011) To the interest F:.nd sinking fund of paving bonds fio. I dated June lst,1901, seven mills (.007) To the interest and sinking funds of Sewerage Bonds No. 8 dated A-}ril lst _1912, seven mills (.007) To the interest; and sinking fund .of Pavihr, Bonds ITo, 2 dated Dec, 1st.,1902, one cent (00100) To the Interest and sinkigg ,fundis of Paving Bonds No* 3 dated. Dec, 1st«,1906, seven, and give tenths mills (.0075) To the interst and sinking fund of School House Repair Bonds dated ?November lst,1001, five tenths mills. (-.005) To the interest and sin .ing fund of S'cho-ol douse RepAit Bonds No. 3, dated Dec 1st. ,1901 dated five ten- hsl mills ( .0,05) - , To the interest and sinking, fund of School house repair bonds No. 5 dated Dec 1st.,1906, one and five tentlis mills (..0015) To the "inter'st -and sinking fund of, School_ House Building Bonds, ITo. 2, dated Dee lst'..1902, one cent rive mil ;1 {'.0150) To the interest and sinking fund of School house But -3 -ding Bonds' No. 3, dated Dec 1st . ,1906, six mills (.666) To the interest and sinking fund of School House Bui:Lding end Repair Bonds No. 4, datod Dee lst 1,1909, two bents two and 'five t©nths rills (.0225) To the interest and sinking Band of School'House Buildi* ing Bonds Fo. 5, dated Dec lsto,1911, six mills ( .006) To the interest and sinking fund of City Hall Bonds dated,, Declat.., 10020fom,, mills, (.004) To the lnteret�_tr._.and stinking fund of ,Market House Bonds dated Dec �st. ,1907, four and five tenths mills (,0045) To the interest and sinking fund of Pire Station'Bonds datec .Cee 1st.,1907, three and five tenths mills (.0035) To the Interest and sinking fund of Wharf- Bonds, dated X411 # 2 Dec 1st. ,1909, nine mills (.009) To the interest and sin'l.ng, fund of Street Improvement and Repair Bonds, Iota. 19 dated Dec lst.,1.909, two and -five tenths mills (.0025) To the interest and sin_:inS fund of Street improveme'nt and ReMOM) r Bonds Ho, 2, dated Dec 1st.919119 five and.five tenths mills To the interest and sinking fund of Street Improvement and -Repair Bonds Ito. 3, dated April lst. ,1912 -,one cent, three- and five tenths mills (00135) To the interest and si12-_ir_g 2 -ands of Jail ponds, dated. Dec lst.,1911, tlZee and five tenths mills (.0035) To the interest and sinning fund of Abattoir Bonds, dated Dec �et,,119i1, six Twills (.006) To the interest and suing fund .o -f parI; Bonds, dated April,1912 one cent, three and five tenths mills (.0135) Tq the interest and sinking fund- of Wharf & Doek ;Bonds No. 1, dated July 1st. ,1:�1d, four cents, one and six tent',s mills TO the interest aha s.i ll-L—inf fund of Wharf & Dock "Bonds No. 21, dated July 1st, 1915, two cents (.0200) To the interest a.nd sin!, -Ing fund of Street Improvement and !'epair LdYlds No. 4, dated JUly lot, 1910, one cent and nine T (.029) To tyle interest and sinking fund of Se,-rerago Bonds 17o,9 da ted; July 1st . ,1915, seven mills (,007) To the interest and sinking fund of School :Building Bonds, (serial) dated, Nov lsf,y,197.6, si.a cents, five mills (.065) . To the interest and sifiking fund of Wharf Bonds No.2 (serial) dated Nove lst.,1916, five cents (.05) To the interest and sinking; fund of Parr Bonds No. 2 dated Jan lot, 91918 -t+ng, in amount Q,100,000- 00, principal thereof payable in serial insza3.lments the firtt installment mat. uring January ist,1919, and the last installment maturing Jan 1st., 19507 the SIM of pne cent three and sax tenths mJJ3.s ( .136) Section II. - That file unity Tax AsseSoor <and Collector is hereby instructed to pro rate the said sum of forty five cents (,45) ac- ocrding to the provisions of this ordinance and to so prepare his statement and report to the City Treasurer that said officer may be able to place a -l1 collections made a under sa:,.i tax to the credit of the proper fund, and the same shall not be diverted or i1sed for any other purpose. Section IIT. That all la-vus and pars Of -TVs cn eotafliet herewith be and the same are hereby repePled, insofar as they' conflict c;-,ith this ordinance. Section IV. The fact that no o,=per Gionment has been made of the forty five. cents (.45) levied this day, in order to. take care of the interest and provide sinking funds for the bonded indebtedness of the U ltyo2f tT- ea&,1_on% - crew to s a public necessity and imperative public emergency necessitat,.on-the suspension of the rule require ing ordinances to be read at three regular meetins. Said rine is therefore hereby suspendeq, and this Ordinance shall go into &210.t force and effect from and after its lW7ful passage, and pub;