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ORD 39-C
AN ORDINANCEAMENDING SECTION XII OF ORDINANCE PASSED THE THIRD DATOF JANUARY, A. D. , 191.1, APPROVED BY M&Y OR THE TH I ISD DAY Oil JANU- .RY , A. D. , 1911, GRAN T IN G TO T'HE BEAUMONT TRACTION COIIIPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY Or BEAUIIIONT, �FIYING FARE WHICH IVIllY BE CHARGED FOR CARRYING PASSENGERS. BE IT ORDa-INED -by the City Council of the City of Beaumont r f SECTION I. That from and after R*ffst� 1918, and until otherwise ordained by the City Council of the City of Beaumort, t`he Eastern Texas Electric Company, successor to the Beaumont traction Company, may charge, and is authorized to collect„ a fare of six cents for r each single trip for each passenger, and shall provide convenient transfer certificates, with close and conven- ient connection of cars, at the Postoff ice corner and at other convenient points, and such transfers shall be provided from and to all of its connecting lines where a change of cars is necessary to make a continuous trip, but such transfer certificates shall be good only when presented by the same passenger on the first available car on the connecting line passing and connecting the point; provided, that not more than one transfer shall be issued on a single cash fare. SECTION II. School children shall be carried on their way to .and from school at two, and_ one; -half cents• for. each' single trip under convenient regulations of the City Council,.as to tickets, and such f to i 4 AN ORDINANCEAMENDING SECTION XII OF ORDINANCE PASSED THE THIRD DATOF JANUARY, A. D. , 191.1, APPROVED BY M&Y OR THE TH I ISD DAY Oil JANU- .RY , A. D. , 1911, GRAN T IN G TO T'HE BEAUMONT TRACTION COIIIPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY Or BEAUIIIONT, �FIYING FARE WHICH IVIllY BE CHARGED FOR CARRYING PASSENGERS. BE IT ORDa-INED -by the City Council of the City of Beaumont r f SECTION I. That from and after R*ffst� 1918, and until otherwise ordained by the City Council of the City of Beaumort, t`he Eastern Texas Electric Company, successor to the Beaumont traction Company, may charge, and is authorized to collect„ a fare of six cents for r each single trip for each passenger, and shall provide convenient transfer certificates, with close and conven- ient connection of cars, at the Postoff ice corner and at other convenient points, and such transfers shall be provided from and to all of its connecting lines where a change of cars is necessary to make a continuous trip, but such transfer certificates shall be good only when presented by the same passenger on the first available car on the connecting line passing and connecting the point; provided, that not more than one transfer shall be issued on a single cash fare. SECTION II. School children shall be carried on their way to .and from school at two, and_ one; -half cents• for. each' single trip under convenient regulations of the City Council,.as to tickets, and such tickets to be good only between. the hours of 7 M. and 5 P- M. Children under five years of age, wheh accompanied by a person paying fare, shall i be perfnitted to ride free. j ► t (, 3q._a ` q)_ #2- City police officers and firemen in uniform "hall.,be carried free of charge, provided such is not fo rb idden. by;, law: ; SECTION III. That nothing in this ordinance shall in any manner affect any other provision and condition of any other grant, franchise or ordinance heretofore granted by the City of: Beaumont to the Beaumont Traction Company,, now in force, .r_!Ftl�r which has by. proper assignment been. trans ferrel. to the Eastern Texas Electric Company; and the right and power of the City Council of the City of 3epmont to alter, change and fix the^ maximum rate of fare to be ' charged by the Eastern Texas. Electric Company is hereby expressly reserved unto the City of Beaumont. SECTION IV. Before any of the rights by this ordinance granted shall be used -or enjoyed by the Eastern Texas Electric Company, the said Company shall within ten days, after the passage of this ordinance, file with the City Secretary,,of the City of Beaumont, its .written acceptance of this ordinance, and all of the terms and conditions thereof.- SECTION hereof. SECTION V. The fact that the' Eastern Texas Electric C.ompanys revenue at this time is insufficdent to enable it to give adequate, service -creates_ -an- -emergency; and- this--or-di-nanee = = -- shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage, provided said Eastern Texas Electric Clampany shall file its acceptance as required by Section IV. i STONE & WEBSTER GENERAL MANAGERS MARSHALL M. PHINNEY A. F. TOWNS END {. PRESIDENT MANAGER j EASTERN TEXAS ELECTRIC COMPANY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY BEAUMO\T, TESAs, Sept. 30, 1916. S. IV. Pippin, Esq., Chairr,mn, Rate Investigation Conmlittee, BeaLunont , Toxas, Dear Sir: Upon the request of your committee we hereby confirm in writing state-ments made before your con Attee at a re- cent conference. If your coi-iimictee ' s report to the Council recormends an increase in the present street car fares of from 5// to 6-;.1 and 2,yT r, and the Council approves your recom- inendation, we wi1.1 agree to increase lbh'e �Frages of our train- } raen on t! same dace as the fare ince -case is effective in ac- cordance with the following schedule: First three months of service 38j per hour Next nine months of service 40,r, per hour - Thereafter 42y{ per hour The above. scale of wages represents an average increase in the hourly wage of city trainmen of between five and six cents and a maximuwn increase of Sg per hour in excess of the present scale of wo,,ges. This scale of wag es has been recorunended by the Nation- al War Labor Board of v4nich fori,ier President William H. Taft arid iir. Frank P. v"kilsh a.re joint chairmen. our street car service for some ti:iie past lig s ho t been as good as we would like to have it due to a' shortage of ."men, making it impossible for us to operate; the number of cess .needed for good service. We are in hopes .that increased vrages will enable us to hold our experienced men and secure a sufficient number of new men to give the.service the City needs. We also agree to purchase five new cars. These cars in addition to wnat we already have in Beia mont will give us 20 per cent. more equipment and should be sufficient to meet the requirements of the City for -some time. Very truly yours, Manager. AFT/Td.. H m S . OF BEAUA,10 LEGAL DEPARTMENT BEAUMONT, TEXAS - E. F. FERGUSON CITY ATTORNEY, 1 1 t� i To the 11on, Mayor and, City Council. . "ie, your committee to whom arcs xefar.red tho � pctition of the "trc c+ Fail-Way Co<�pany for per-, mission to raise the rwtes charged for farexfrom five --onts to ,even cents for adults and from t ro and one half to three and- one half for children, oo leave to rep art that we have carefully con– sidered the rnt,,tter -,n-d r.ost, reo—ectfully recur pend that said Co -m -p ny be I cermitted to .raise ad.ul.tyr fares from five to aimOW cents and that, the Mare for school ch:ildrtn remain at two and one half as at oxaz;ent f !� i,-1._ err-; • f .e.,;,r.•. �.,cf-',1,-t•t� r3"�•-%lf`.yd,-.y..L. •.-+.e"�t..-r Respectfully submitter?, C � STONE & WEBSTER + GENERAL MANAGERS MARS L ��ALM. PHINNEY PRESIDENT A. F. TO WNS END MANAGER EASTEPN TEXAS ELECTRIC COMPANY M. MiNq WEN IMADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY BEAUMONT, TEZAS, Sep. 28, 191P,. This is to certify that the figures shown: in statement' known as Exhibit 1 are actual figures for the yee,r 1917 tak- en from the books of the company and are, to my best knowledge and belief, correct, and that the estimated figures of earn- ings -and increased expenses are conserva- tive and represent my best judgment as to income and -expenses of this company for the coming; twelve months, SIMMD; Superintcnden of Railway, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of September 1918 TdOT iiY PL31 IC? J,pTfers oiu-ity, Moxas. • J STONE & WEBSTER � t� ` L GENERAL MANAGERS MARSHALL M. PHINNEY A. F. TOWNSEND PRESIDENT MANAGER EASTERLY TEXAS ELECTRIC COMPANY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY BEAUMONT, TEZAS, Sep, 28, , 193.8,. This is to certify that the figures shown in statement known as Exhibit 1 are actual figures for the year 1917 tak- en from the books of the company end are, to my best knowledge and belief, correct, and that the estiiw?.ted figures of earn- ings and increased expenses are conserva- tive and represent my best judgment as to income and expenses of this company for the coming twelve months. SIGNED: �'?Z2-' ,��' Assistant Treasurer. Subscribed end swox•n to before rle, kris the day of Se-pter^ber, T'!:Otar�I i'LZa for Jeffcr son- F,�;Zl J EXHIBIT PTO.'1. Actual for year, 1917:' 12 otos. Estime,te beginning Note Gross l,rning>s 266,178 . Operating Eb�penses :146,2.46. 2 X196.,693.' Taxes 15,081. ✓ 3 18,©OO:f.-- Bond Interest Interest on borrow- ed money Renewals for' upkeep of property 30 , 000. 40.211., _. 5 M 30,000.V TOTAL 267,129:, D6f1oi'$- 32,767. Grose '.Earnings 'Game a's .for',12 mas. actual ending July- 31, 1918 Increase over calendar year 1917 of ,' 31,816. , ' or. 13%. #1- Pas sengera carried 19,17 :4,647,$00'. Passbngers carried 12. moss. ending. July 31, 1913 �i,2P4,113 Increase in passengers 536,313, or 14%. ,a ' 319,, 523. 53,345. Actual expenses 12 mos. ending July 31, 1918 $162,316 Less power for. interurban a' '° t0 " 2,220 Less estimated track maintenance chargeable 2 000 -to interurban for 12 mos.. begA*ntAg 8.-1-1918 <✓ 167,095. Additional -cost during: coming 12 months .of ravage increase already granted during p%asst-yea'r,but thz ee effect was not felt -durin'g. tho, entire - past 12 months. as follows:, To Trainmen 60 per hour To Shop -and Car 'Barn", seen 5je per hr. ,800 To Track men '2 per.. hour #2- 16,718. Increase in material costs addition- al for twelve months, 6,000• Cost ofincreased wages neaes eery '. meet award of WT Labor Beard as r ��i,'1.�.-�.,.� 'tea,. Trainmen from ,6je to SX: per hour. �"" $11,.520., Shop and Car Bann 7-jo per hour 2,800. Track Labor 7 per hour 2,2600 Office Force 0. TOTAL 0 16�6B0. (Actual for pa6t°. 12.Mos . increase in,property Potii�ated tax, - income, tax and gro ii sz earn- ( Inge tax to City _.,• ( 18,000. #4-(5% on $600,000. First Mortgage Bonds #5-(5%,on Average . of 040,000. CoupOti Notes , �(8% on Average of 04321,.051. Demand Notes on Sinking Fund ba oia on the amount of t6 proVi"de for the replacement o£ ° vorn out cars, track, overhead, X, -AT I I G.�, l c 11 ri e Is IT a xel o Dond ZntereLot on boa-roviod EXHIBIT 1. 1917 Lonthr, Z, n t i c. t 0 CIO Loto A 1, 6 6 0.00 -6 0 ID Cl 0 4 0,0 0 0 efv0 eJ�Pe j.00 32,767-00 53,34:5.00 (2'-flrn� zv-for 12" nmof, wo ta'al. Q1,Jd1lig July 31, over 01-delider 'ywar 1917 of or t 'I'(,, 2�2 carri�A. 1917 ourriod 12 Liclow ey"'ding, ju]ty 31, 6-2-56,31 or 1'1i� , moo, cn-ldiaig, 0U-1,Ny 'It Dower -.2"or intorur'bzm 3 o o Uhzlrgeaolc to 17,Aor- u an2,000-00 -:-i ar oo�A, au , -Ing 12 rnoiiths yoal-, but folt cs a 0111 'VLO C'T1htjj-'S �.101�tjl ' f I -�' Ur. - pc 'Lien per 11Y. 1,6130900 To iii: '-Ickman 0" .010 Uoi't vi i"nored; (,,a to yneot ,n-,wo.3.x,e ol lic-.bor -P por A, 41 I 1, 5 2, 0 0 2 2 60 0 0 00 (-%'xtaf-d I*":Sv�.1fl---foc"'I 1-uoroza 0 1-ir; -propa]A-y W3 ts:r aricL -rrwsc-, 4-1 G 0 0 ac, .00 capoll. -b DO is «tJfi� OT V-otoo cat baL;-Lo oia3. oLmt of 964:,5 61"L *00 'to W3vovide i"or 'thci rt;,( laccmicrrlu- 01 -.rr- wt a,' ;iz, -trr--,ct, over, /9 ' STONE & WEBSTER 111 GENERAL MANAGERS MARSH L M. FHINNEY A. F. TOWNSEND PRESIDENT MANAGER EASTERN TEXAS ELECTRIC COMPANY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY BEAUMONT, TElAS, Sep. 17, 1918,, Vae Honorable yor and City Council, Beatmont, Terns. Gentlemen: We respectfully submit for your approval, the following changes in street car fares 1n the City of B.q.a=ont:. In all oases vjhere a 5 -cent fere. Is now charged, the fare. to be 7 oents, In all caeee where a 2i -cent fare is no -vi charged, the fc re to be 32 cents. -'o chL"ge to be rade in tha exizting system of t=nsferg. The following eotimate of earrings and, expenditures for a twelve month period clecarly indicateig the necessity toT an increase in 9tr0et car fares: Gross rningp.. $266,178 opemt ing Expenses $196 xq.3 Re-newals Sar upkeep of property 38;184 es 18;100 Bond lnterea� Interest on._. borv�owed money Total X 99 :523 Deficit 53,6,1-5 Sinoe $hIS Mr began this ccm. ran r has made the a:ollowirg increaf;ee in wages te.. i to conductors and motormen:- janjary .S, 1916__.e --------- 4_o----am 1 jd Per hour August 15, 1916 ----------------------------- �� per hour 2 42. July 1 20 per home February Z, 2p! per hook ?'hy R, ZO per hour August I $ d.J��?PwdpgWwceaawsmwo•.,iawcac�Croo.wwR+Oa d^f'd pe'.�" ht3Ur Total mare ;ze atiready granted- leZf,/ per hout The above vz,ga increases represent an increase of 65%. and prop posed increase of 5�/ quer hour Viould represent a 901,A increase in 14creasez, in xagpa have also been made to emp�oy- es in �,, she ,severe l other departments of the company. The above.' gre increases wero made because oe the constantly In- ere-aing Pest of living to our Orciployefs, Vie k ave felt that Mt19- fled"and woll .aid employes vete a bid; asset to our oompany and the community, It is our p1.trpoze altnya to 7,aay L3uah uarg s for service rendered aq vi -2.1 M -Al P? Our eYnployes Useful Citizeno. aaring. August, Ir,112, the NzLtionm,1 *Ve''. r Labor Beard, of vh2 ah farms er President William 11. 'waft and Mr. T;'rank P. stloh are joint Okair en, after a thorough investigation, a1'll81oLi'► obd the following schedule o? vagem for cund.uotors and motormen in cities. vrith allmUo and living conditions Filmlla x to Beaumont: First gree montho of oervice------------ e3.80 ped' hour Next nine months of Servioe -------------- 40'e per houre yl;C/xea;Y er------ 420 per hour ' When the jar Labor Boned an2nCtwced, the above award this aeau�ny promptly decided proper to adopt the above schedule or =gee for its conductors and moto en, but found, that it ms impoosible to do ao from the p:eesent revenue of the company* At a meeting; wit..h our employes 3 frankly told them that. the com- t � r ,r ! 03. 1 pang was willing to adopt the foregoing schedule of wages provi4ed the City would authorize an increase in street car fares; and if granted., .t the foregoing wags Pchedule would be put into effect on the same cute of the fare increase. In addition to the increase in vages, the company is noir, and has been for many months pact, oonfaronted with the higher Bost of materials ranging from 40 to 300 per cent. The proper maintenance of the property, adequate oar service, maintenance of the company's credit are all absolutely essential if the oompa* aye to continue to do its, part in the development of Beaumont and the surrounding territory. That Beaumont will continue to develop rapidly, both. during and after the var, is the opinion of those who have studied its location and advantages, and it is, therefore, of greatest im- portance that everything be done uh.ioh will accomplish thin 'end. During the gust few months street. car Fares have been inoreav- ed in over two hundred and forty-siz cities in the united $tatea and Canada. Respectfully submitted, BASTERN MS O COMPANY. Hanager. .00 _ 4 -bz,,pry y��~Jf: y 1 1 L eliV., .tt_'a•IL L.. 'i.:!L:� C�Li �v 3_1., __✓7�i .::1 a: Y. 1 1c17 � .;1,616,D0, l S'l �l w•, Vi1'rJ ; V00 C_E C lied 12 IL"31-d.L lU L'U;_.0 ! i '6,51a or _C��l?''�l txy?�;iSE.0 IlOS. ei1C.t?'tom eJl'1_l� 31, 19�s� •r1tH.,:���.0l� 6 -.20 .00 �L: L'_ U.1.'-`'_�UL. 1•� �1.:._. r.f �. ���.i...__•�. ti �:C«.L-l='-.r �.�_.V UV ��.�r.1 l.l� .Lj41'l? OCi�?1 CO t dm__-' ? C CC:lll' l I:v]';G11S of wao;0 Ciu irg ` ,past Yeal, ontu �'rt1csr aJ s:c ��. u u !'c1 llh,, ellti-1 C :,C.0 l: - OlAi}s ai., i o' l -)vis i1:7!C;y ?el L i_O�f�.^0(1 ;.I --op _•�1�� �`...�L' b.�.,J'�� .,ill : r'i'.r ��`_:.L �._�'. � ,(J f 17 oci" o /( rL J1 «%: _.L L• �� yUU -4�it( Jo•V `IY2 t 1 u :L C) , 1 1 U .0"o L St1Gr Ei'a 'ii_ In."I+1C,1iu''l C0"A6 1,iu.1<+.1 l! l l �: "t ti L j- C li l 1 S , 0 V .'� "., _G _ - '. - - r. - t '} o� ;.�:GY'�u,E ec �.- -•� ni;c::ti,� '�-' �o glee„ (Germs':: 0i �.i. irUO3 {Ti, a, nne--ra fY- onl 5-' t, e � � er Y `r i Yj (C:ic.e of a 300..00 16, 88 U 00 9,.00 r (:�.etaal 16 L -,as i� le,: d , 582,.00 111-s timat;ed ty =3 ( tam., iiic;onie ta1L aid tiros.: ( cainings t�� ,L.o c i'U., 2,4-.18.00 A• (5;' on :.600 f 000 ; C0 first, h'S j, i7j 021a ,:.`v G1 c::` V- tli I.'t0 y 000. 00 riC2�?011 1't CJ t✓t:u 76 c..,�"y 0 yt 1 90 6 1 .00 +)e.m1a--a6 .1o'ues (4jo on u1I_k iiia lilanda,"j.s 017 1i_e am,t;it:.7t 0f 964y6 1.:'0 t TF6 (( pj o .'ide "or the Of WG L OU'u- C,.,_1' Lr .c•� , C�Tf:�'%�c t v'tiL . t 1 .r e.)v,000 •'/ Ju 'o x'o ,'n 1.C: iaG�:�:-• � .r ^C)I I,C yJ l: [.: 1. yi of � _ y�Fr L�" «0, 2 11, CC, 6 J�3 L 021 Deficit �5 , 766 1 .00 .tt_'a•IL L.. 'i.:!L:� C�Li �v 3_1., __✓7�i .::1 a: Y. 1 1c17 � .;1,616,D0, l S'l �l w•, Vi1'rJ ; V00 C_E C lied 12 IL"31-d.L lU L'U;_.0 ! i '6,51a or _C��l?''�l txy?�;iSE.0 IlOS. ei1C.t?'tom eJl'1_l� 31, 19�s� •r1tH.,:���.0l� 6 -.20 .00 �L: L'_ U.1.'-`'_�UL. 1•� �1.:._. r.f �. ���.i...__•�. ti �:C«.L-l='-.r �.�_.V UV ��.�r.1 l.l� .Lj41'l? OCi�?1 CO t dm__-' ? C CC:lll' l I:v]';G11S of wao;0 Ciu irg ` ,past Yeal, ontu �'rt1csr aJ s:c ��. u u !'c1 llh,, ellti-1 C :,C.0 l: - OlAi}s ai., i o' l -)vis i1:7!C;y ?el L i_O�f�.^0(1 ;.I --op _•�1�� �`...�L' b.�.,J'�� .,ill : r'i'.r ��`_:.L �._�'. � ,(J f 17 oci" o /( rL J1 «%: _.L L• �� yUU -4�it( Jo•V `IY2 t 1 u :L C) , 1 1 U .0"o L St1Gr Ei'a 'ii_ In."I+1C,1iu''l C0"A6 1,iu.1<+.1 l! l l �: "t ti L j- C li l 1 S , 0 V .'� "., _G _ - '. - - r. - t '} o� ;.�:GY'�u,E ec �.- -•� ni;c::ti,� '�-' �o glee„ (Germs':: 0i �.i. irUO3 {Ti, a, nne--ra fY- onl 5-' t, e � � er Y `r i Yj (C:ic.e of a 300..00 16, 88 U 00 9,.00 r (:�.etaal 16 L -,as i� le,: d , 582,.00 111-s timat;ed ty =3 ( tam., iiic;onie ta1L aid tiros.: ( cainings t�� ,L.o c i'U., 2,4-.18.00 A• (5;' on :.600 f 000 ; C0 first, h'S j, i7j 021a ,:.`v G1 c::` V- tli I.'t0 y 000. 00 riC2�?011 1't CJ t✓t:u 76 c..,�"y 0 yt 1 90 6 1 .00 +)e.m1a--a6 .1o'ues (4jo on u1I_k iiia lilanda,"j.s 017 1i_e am,t;it:.7t 0f 964y6 1.:'0 t TF6 (( pj o .'ide "or the Of WG L OU'u- C,.,_1' Lr .c•� , C�Tf:�'%�c t v'tiL . t 1 .r Actual for year 1917.: Gross Earnings Operating Expenses Taxes Bond Interest Interest on borrow- ed money Renewals for upkeep of property EXHIBIT' NO. 1. 12 Mos. Estimate beginning 8-1-1918. Note $234,352. 1 1265,178. .x'9146,246. 2 $1961693. 15,081. 3 18,000. 30,000. 4 30,000. 35,591. 5 36 , 645. 40,211. 6 38,184. TOTAL 2671129. Deficit 32,767. Gross Earnings sane as for 12 mos. actual ending July 31, 1918 Increase over calendar year 1917 of $ 31,816. , or 13%. #1 -(Passengers carried 1917 4,647,800 (Passengers carried 12 mos. ending ( July 31, 1918 5,284,113 ( Increase in passengers 636,313, or 14%. Actual expenses 12 mos. ending July 31, 1918 $162,315. Less power for .interia.rban Il " It " 3,220 Less estimated track maintenance chargeable to interurban for 12 Taos. beginning 8-1-1918 2.000 ( 157,095. #2-1 Additional cost during coming 12 months of wage increase already granted during past year,but whose effect was not felt during the entire past 12 months as follows: To Trainmen 8g, per hour 014,111. To Shop and Car Barn men 5g per hr. 1,800. To Track men 2-jg per hour 807. 15,718. Increase in material costs addition- al for twelve months 6,000. Cost of increased wages necessary to meet award of War Labor Board as follows: 'Trainmen frog. 5g, to 8g� per hour X11,520. Shop and Car Barn 7-jg� per hour 2,800. Track Labor 7 -JX per hour 2,260. Office Force 300. TOTS, 15,880. 196,693. (Actual for past 12 Mos. '15,582. (Estimated increase in property #3-( tax., income tax and gross earn- ( ings tax to City 2,418. ( 18,000. #4-(5°0 on v600,000. First Mortgage Bonds #5-(5% on Average of 40,000. Coupon Notes (8% on Average of 99432,051. Demand Notes (40 on Sinking Fund basis on the amount of $964,611. to provide #6- for the replacement of worn out cars, track, overhead, etc. 319,523. 53,345. E. F. FERGUSON CITY ATTORNEY OF BEAUIW,3rV 3 LEGAL DEPARTMENT BEAUMONT, TEXAS 1� To tu:� '?cry. -; VC)r :i-,a(i -I- i� `,O your 01. 7.'.=•n^t CO:C'.r11 , ;�:.� .ccf�r.rc:i. �•_ ,ro o•�<;a C_'11 Lrifo3'. 1'a n r City of �:: Ui:1G71t, fi'Ui71 fiva, to c.ix cents ) n,o il; tIiL) t ,lc, h.:.ve consider, -!,-.1 the rcc co"r::i n 01.di1). -Ln cCor . ,i t e .