Entitled an ordimmnoe ordering anelection to be held in the City
of Beaurnlont, Texas for the purpose. of selecting a park sita ,Fihich
shell also be the permanent site for the 8outha6.m6 Texas Fair, thre'6
sites to be voted upon and one to be selected either within or
without the City of Beaumont; s ---,.id sites to be donoinin.a•ted tha Oaks
Parkdale site, -the MoFaddin site and the Carttivright 8ito; nsming
tha time and place. of holfing , said _elect -ion; ap,)ointing -.of-f-i:cers -
tnercof �tnd -orovidino, for the manner ,of holding said election, and
the giving of notice thereof. = _
Section 1. That an election shall be held in the City of
Be.Lwfiont, Texas on the y _ day , of,� A.D., 1917
a, --which election shall be submitted the question of the selection
of L p-,Lrk lite which shall also be the permanent hone of the South -
Texas Fair, three sites having been proposed,' to ,vit: the Oaks
aarkdale Site, the MaFaddin Site and the Cartwright Site, -ona of
__3- --- which-s--ites--o-hal-l—be�selcct-acl 'ay_the quaTi 'i�d votar,� at such eI'action:
Section a. That said election shwll be held at the following
Places, t o. -wit :
First Ward
Second ward
Central Fire Station
City Hall
Third bard Jefferson County Court Holase.
Oeetion 3. Tha following named persons are appointed tho
presiding judges in their respective wards, with the authority to
select and appoint their cl-arks •_�
First Ward, � � ��'_
esi in, Cge
Second Ward. V1tv�._.r/
pre s
Third Ward.
A�e,,�qC ve
Sadtion a. That said election a
s - . u o'e .�---l.
be I1e1.d under the pro-
visions of the State la -.a governing elections and only qualifie,.'L votezz
sho arey�.col�;r',y tax payers of =the City of Beautnont sh�a7l .ca :llc�:2�c1
to vo•tc: _,1, .5„ici and the polls shwll be kept open from eight
o'clack in the morning until seven o'clock in the evening. The
tickets voted at such election shall be headed "Park Site Eliaction"
and shell be written under said head " For Oaks'Parkdale Site,
For 1.1cFaddin Site, For Cartwright Site each to .ocoupy a sopa-
rate Line on said ballot; and at said election.all voters casting
their ballots shall on u_ZAt,
e 'tin 6. That this ordinance shall be ,Dubllished at
least once each .leak, for at least thirty days prior to the date
of holding said --election-; i -n -a. na.,aspapex -of get6-ral -circulation, which
has beon contin4ously and regularly published for a period of not
less than one year, in Jefferson County,'Tehas. In addition to said,.
publication-, a copy of this ordinance, sib nad bey the Ma- y6r aiZd
attested by the Secretary of the City of Beaumont, shall be postsd'
,xp at each of the place.s designated for holding said elect•i.or, -at
least thirty days prior, to the date for holding said aleotion. And
said publication. of said ordinance, and posting up of copies of said
ordinance at 'each of the voting places, shall sa'rve' as ;ozoper notice
of said election..
Section 6. Whereas, the fact that he present p 6 rk fzcili�
- -ties cif .thy. C3: �y. o aucri�nt x inadeq� �.te to .tai, c rr� of ~ nd -,)2C6.
vide for the health of 'the citizens of the City of ]3aauyaant,' craatee
an imP'erative 'public necessity and emergency, requiring the suspon-
sion of the rule requiring ordinances to la; - raad- at threw regular
meetings.. Said 31ule is therefore hereby suspended, and this ordinance
shall take ,effect and be in full force frond after its lawful -,bassaga
and publication.
Pasa.ed ;this the % d.ay Of Y A. D., 191'
Adopted this the_day of : ____A. D.; 1917.
yor. .
`.. ity etre nary.
. r
SEP 1 8 '191-7-
r` Beaumont, Texas,
Septambar 18, 1917.
Honorable. .7,,Tao-r �-tnd City Council of the City of Bcaimont,
We, your Ordinance Committee, to who;;iwas referred the
ordinance ordering; an election to be held for selecting a park
site, _1shich election. its_ .to ba. held on ..�h�__twent.y�-third day of
Octobar, A. D., 1917, most respectfully report that we have
examined the draft of said ordinance and report back to your
honorable body with the recommendation that it be adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
F.; A
r i m c e Committee. ���
Ba=uriont, Texas
September .18, 1917
Honorable T, -Ta yor & City Council of the City of Be: w',iont ,
I most respectfully dei3ire to present a }ninority r:;port
from the 0--dina.nee Committee, to crhich was referred the ordinance
- --for--an-alection to- select -a --park site-, -and-I-di-s ppr-ova- said - --
ordinance or that part of it :specially which provides thwt
park sitem-,y be selected by a plurality vete, and most rospect—
fully report that said ordinance a3 drawn :should not be passed,
but that it should be amended so as to rani as follows:
'The voters votinr- at said election ahall indicate their
first, second and third choioe :lith reference to said park site
by writing the nurnbexa 1, 2, 3, :after the n.a�nas of said site as
they appear -upon tha printeft ballots ; .tnd th-t the, :3i to
the largast nwnb_-r of votes for firat, secofid and third choice,
all rhr4e ch6lces to be added. together.,• shall 'be doclared the
site S-olectad.-`-
Respectfully submitted,