V,THERLAS, the City Council is -of the opinion that a definite
policy should be established for the employees of The City of Beau-
mont with reference to vacation_ and sick leaves and fixing the time
for retirement, and that the City Manager shall be governed by the
pvosisions of said policy in dealing with the employees;
Section 1.
Vacation Leave.
All regular employees of the City shall be allowed vacation
leave. Vacation leave credit shall accumulate as of January 1 of
each year at the rate of one (1) work day for each calendar month of
service. An employee who enters the service before the 16th or
leaves after the 15th of the month shall earn a day of vacation for
that month.
Vacation leave accumulated as of January lst must be taken
during the calendar year following that in which it was earned.
No vacation leave can be taken until an employee has completed
one (1) year of service with the City, and then only such leave as
accumulated as of January lst.
Holidays falling in the vacation period will not be counted
as part of the vacation leave.
Department heads will develop vacation schedules in conform-
ance with the policy of scheduling vacations over as wide a period
as possible in order to obviate the need for a temporary increase in
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Employees who leave the employment of the City before complet-
ing twelve (12) months' service shall not be entitled to any vacation
pay. To be eligible for vacation pay for the previous year, employees
must work at least one day of the new calendar year. Employees who
have completed twelve (12) months' service with the City shall be
paid for any earned but unused vacation upon termination of their set -
vice with the City.
Employees may not accumulate vacation leave of more than
twelve (12) working days'.
Section 2.
Sick and Emergency Leave.
Sick Leave. Sick leave with full pay is earned by employees
upon the basis of one (1) full working day allowed for each full
month employed in the calendar year, with an extra day added for each
four (4) months, so as to total fifteen (15) working days to an em-
ployee's credit for each twelve (12) months. Sick leave begins to
accrue immediately upon employment, but may not be used until the em-
ployee has accumulated one (1) year of service. Unused sick leave
shall be accumulated to a maximum of ninety (90) work days.
Sick leave may be granted only for absence from duty because
of personal illness, legal quarantine or illness in the immediate
family. Immediate family shall include father, mother, husband, wife,
or child, father-in-law, mother-in-law; brother, or sister, or any
relative living in the same household.
Absenteeism because of illness of employee's immediate family
must be verified by certificate issued by a private physician.
City employees who are absent from work because of illness
must be responsible for having their absenteeism reported to their
department head by not later than 9:00 a.m. of the day of absence.
Any City employee who fails to follow this regulation shall be penal-
ized by having his sick leave charged to leave without pay:. The
absenteeism because of illness of City employees will be spot checked
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from time to time by the Health Department.
After an employee's accumulated sick leave has been exhausted,
and when requested, accrued vacation leave may be used as sick leave.
Then absence due to illness exceeds the amount of paid leave earned
and authorized, the pay of the employee shall be discontinued until
he returns to work.
Employees who consistently use their sick leave as it is7
earned,or who fail to accumulate it, may be dismissed from the service.
Employees who become ill during the period of their vacation
may request that their vacation be temporarily terminated and their
time charged to sick leave. Vacation days unused may then be taken
later in the year at such time as may be designated by the employee's
department head. The department head may require satisfactory proof
of illness.
Upon return to duty after a period of sick leave an employee
shall sign a certificate of illness confirming the number of days he
was absent with pay.
An employee who terminates employment because of pregnancy
shall not be entitled to sick leave extending beyond the date the em-
ployee actually ceases work.
An employee shall not be entitled to be paid for unused sick
leave upon termination of employment with the City.
Emergency Leave. All employees except part --time, seasonal
and temporary employees may be granted emergency leave with pay for
a period not to exceed three (3) days in case of death in thier imme-
diate family, as defined above. This leave shall not be charged
against sick leave or vacation leave. Part-time, seasonal and tempor-
ary employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay in such
Section 3.
Absence W thout Pay.
A leave of absence without pay may be granted to an employee
by his department head upon proper application, ,if, in the opinion
of the department head, the reason given justifies the absence or con-
tinual absence. Continued absence that impedes the work program
shall not be permitted. Extended absence without pay for a definite
or indefinite period may be authorized by the City Manager when cir-
cumstances warrant. Absence without authority may be grounds for
disciplinary action. Absence without leave for three (3) consecutive
days will be considered as a resignation without proper: notice, ex-
cept under circumstances which may be approved by the City Manager.
Section 4.
Retirement on Pension.
The following rules shall govern the retirement on pension
of all employees:
(a) Any employee, except members of the Fire Department,
shall be eligible for.retirement who (1) shall have attained the age
of sixty (60) years and shall have completed at least fifteen (15)
years of credible service, or '(2) shall have completed twenty-eight
(28) years of credible service. Any member of the Fire Department
who has attained the age of fifty-five (55) years and who has served
actively for a period of twenty (20) years, shall be entitled to be
retired from such service or department.
(b) Any permanent employee shall be retired from employment
on the last day of the calendar year in which the age of sixty-five
(65) is attained; provided, however, that in exceptional cases and
for substantial cause, such retirement may be deferred by mutual con-
sent of the member and upon his passing of an appropriate physical
examination, and with the written justification of the department head
concerned, and with the written approval of the City Manager, said
deferment to be from year to year for a period of not to exceed one
(1) year at any time, but in no case shall retirement be deferred
after an employee reaches severity (70) years of age.
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(c) All employees of The City of Beaumont shall be retired
from service with the City on the last day of the calendar year in
which the age of seventy (70) is attained. This provision is manda-
tory and no exceptions shall be made.
Section 5.
The purpose of these rules and this policy is to acquaint all
employees, either new or present employees, of the policy of the City
with reference to matters involved herein. It is not the intention
of these rules or this policy to give any employee a contract of em-
ployment or any legal rights enforceable in any court at law or
equity which he does not have otherwise.
It shall be the duty of all department heads and employees to
conform to and comply with and aid in all proper ways in carrying into
effect the provisions of these rules and policy, and any modification
The City Manager shall be governed by the provisions of these
rules and this policy in dealing with all employees.
Section 6.
These rules and this policy shall be effective as of this
date, with the exception of those relating to mandatory retirement.
Such retirement provisions shall apply as of December 31 of this year,
and all employees who have reached their seventieth birthday on or
before December 311 19561 shall be retired, and all employees who have
reached the age of sixty-five (65) on or before December 31, 1956,
shall be retired unless deferred as herein provided.
PASSED by the City Council this /2,d, -day of November, A. D.
- mayor -