HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 17-O��- 3-30-19 3 ti AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN - ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF AN ORDIN- ANCE HERETOFORE PASSED ESTABLISHING, THE CITY OF BEAUMONT NfUNICJPAL HOSPITAL, SETTING FORTH THE MAN- NER IN WHICH SAID HOSPITAL SHALL BE STAFFED, THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE STAFF OF SAID HOSPITAL, THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE' SUPERINTENDENT OF SAID HOS- PITAL, DEFINING AND SETTING FORTH THEE CLASS OF PATIENT THAT SHALL BE AaMITTED TO SAID HOSPITAL, PROVIDING FOR AN AGENCY TO PASS UPON THE QUALIFICA- - -- -- TIONS OE. -PERSONS- SEEKING--ADMIS-S30-N -TO—THE—H-OSPI AL;--- `— - PROVIDING FOR THE LENGTH OF T:MIE TI -,AT PATIENTS SHALL BE PERI!? ITTED TO REKAIN '—TN SAID HOSPITAL, AND DECLARING AAT 'EKERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUM OIC?T : Section 1. The Beaumont Municipal Hospital shall be staffed by the Medical Association members organized as the Beaumont muni- cipal Hospital Staff under .the control and supervision of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital Board under such rules and r egula- - - ~--- --tions--as-m-ay--be--pr-ese-ribed-by -the- Beaumont Mlunicipal-Hospital- Board and the Beaunont Municipal Hospital Staff. Section- 2. Each member of the active Medical and Surgical Staff of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital shall be a member in good standing of the Jefferson County Medical Society or the Jeffer- son County Dental Society, and each member shall subscribe to and abide by the pledge required by the American College of Sur- geons. Section 3. No person shall practice as physician or surgeon with- - -- --- ------- _- - ---� - - __ _---- -- - ----- - - - _ - --- . r--_- -_— i:.=-:,_�_ in the Beaumont Municipal Hospital or its various clinics unless such person shall at that time be armember of the Staff of same or by special permission of the Staff and Hospital Board. Section 4. (a) The written histories, laboratory - records., pro - gress notes and reports, together with such records appertain- ing to the service of the hospital or the property of the hds- U.& -.Z C f26(, 17-6 1 1- 3--19 U-- z . 3-_30-l9�3 pital , - - must be kept on file in their respective proper places. (b) All records shall be accessable to the mem- bers of the Staff, but they must not be removed from the Hospital except upon the approval of the Superintendent of the Hospital. —__-- -- - - ---- (c-)- fual-hied- -physicians; -not-Staff -members; are - - privileged to examine the records of patients- of the Hospital only when authorized by the Superintendent of the Hospital and the Staff physicians who attended the patient. Section 5. (a). The Superintendent of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital shall have control of all Departments of the Hos- pital; of the subordinate officers, eriiployees:and patients; shall have charge of the grounds, buildings and equipment subject to the direction of the head of the Department of Public Welfare and the Superintendent shall advise with the Beaumont Municipal Hospital Board and its various committees in the proper carrying out of the functions of his office. (b) The Superintendent shall be ex -officio member of the Medical and Surgical Staff and its standing committees. (c) The Superintendent shall report each month, to the Hospital Board and to the Chairman of the Efficiency Committee of the Staff, the name of each member of the Staff on service in the Hospital and in the Dispensary, who has been absent more. than twenty-five (25) per cent of the re- quired attendance during the preceeding month. The_ Superintendent shall report any omissiop of duty, improper or disorderly conduct of a member of the �~ Medical and Surgical Staff to the President of said Staff and to the Hospital Board. (e) The Superintendent shall issue requisitions to secure the provisions; stores, fuel, and all other supplies, -2- ) 1-3494- i 3- 30-194.3 4 including all medicine, all surgical instruments and appli- cations; shall examine all articles delivered as to their quality; shall have the charge thereof, and shall be respon- sible for their proper care and economical use. (f) The Superintendent shall see that each de- partme'nt is conducted efficiently and economically. _- (g) The Superintendent shall not permit any in- struments, apparatus, records, or other property belonging to the Hospital to be removed fromthe Hospital without the permission of the head of the Department of Public Welfare and a receipt placed on file in the office of all things so taken. (h) The Superintendent shall daily visit and in- spect the wards, kitchens and all other departments of the Hospital and report on their condition and requirements each. month to the Hospital Board and the head of the Department of Public Welfare. (i) The Superintendent shall receive all appli- cations for admission to the Hospital and shall admit --such cases as are approved by the Social Service Department. (j) The Superintendent shall direct what disposi- tion shall be made of each patient on admission, and shall see that no change or transfer of a patient to another ward or service be made except by permission. (k) The Superintendent shall see that the records of the patients are properly kept. (1) The Superintendent shall take charge of money - and_ o-ther__ pr-opert.y =not in use belonging to patients; shall keep a record of same and shall be responsible for the pro- per keeping of all money and property of the patients. (m) The Ouperintendent shall see that all cases receive proper attention_ upon their admission.:.and during their stay in the hospital. -3- (n) The Superintendent shall see that each pa- tient desiring it shall receive the consolation of the pa- tient's religion. If the patient's condition becomes ser- ious during the stay in the Hospital or if the patient reaches the Hospital in a serious condition, the appropriate rite of the patient's religion shall be allowed to be car- ---J- - - Tied out-: If the--patient-'-s- condition be --serious -or death be imminent, the doctors, nurses and attendants shall cease their efforts for the ministration of the authorized person of the patient's religion. (o) The Superintendent shall furnish such statis- tical reports on patients, the results of treatment and sim- ilar reports as may be requested by the Medical and Surgical Staff. (p) The Superintendent shall perform such duties as may be requested by the Hospital Board so long as they do not conflict with this Ordirance. Section 6. -- -- - - --- - -- -- -- - (a) The following classification of persons shall be admitted as patients of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital in the following order or priority; (1) Charity patients in need of hospitalization and treatment who are without means of support and maintenance and have no one legally liable for such support and maintenance; (2) Medically indigent patients. Medically indigent patients shall be admitted to the Hospital in instances where there are available beds not needed for charity patients. Whether or not 'a patient is charity or medically indigent shall be determined by the Social Seivice Department4subject to the approval of the head of the Depart- ment of Public Welfare. (b) No payment for treatment of charity patients shall be charged or collected by the Beaumont Municipal Hos- pital, and the City of Beaumont and the Beaumont Municipal Hospital shall not be liable for any medical fees for such per- sons . -4- (c) Idedically indigent patients shall be cared:. for by the individual physicians who requires and requests such patient to be entered into the Hospital, subject to the rules. and regulations of the Staff and shall be handled as private patients. Medically indigent patients shall pay to the Hos- pital for treatment in the Hospital such payment as shall be ~ prescribed by the head of the Department of Public Welfare, but in no instance shall said charge be in excess of the approximate cost per day per patient to the Hospital at the time said person is a patient of the Hospital. The City of Beaumont and the Beaumont Municipal Hospital shall not be liable for any medical fees for such persons. Section 7. The Social Service Department of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital shall be presided over by such person as is selected by the head of the Department of Public Wel- fare with the adv -ce of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital Board. The head of the l- Service Departrrient shall cooperate -- - -" - with and be advised by the Superintendent, The head of the Department of Public Welfare and the Beaumont Municipal Hospital Board and its appropriate committees. Section S. Subject to the approval of the head_ of the Department of Public Welfare, the head of the Social Service Department shall determine what patients shall be admitted to the Beau- mont Municipal Hospital and shall classify said patients as to whether or not they are charity or medically indigent. Section 9. No officer or employee of the City of Beaumont shall be admitted to service in the Hospital unless such person comes under the definition of either charity or medically indi- gent patients as above provided. Provided that in all cases where the City is legally liable for medical service to.one of -5- .iC� 3 -30 -MP3 its employees during the course of employment such patient may receive hospital care; admission of such patients shall be approved by the head of the Department of Public Welfare. Section 10. No patient shall be allowed to stay in the hospi- tal for a period of over two (2) weeks unless permission in_ writing be had from the head of the Department of Public Welfare, it being the intention of this Ordinance to provide a municipal hospital for the treatment of acutely ill pa- tients and not for the establishment of a convalescent home. Section 11. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all ordin- ances hereinbefore passed with reference to this subject. Section 12. The fact that there now exists an urgent need for the establishment and operation of a charity hospital in the City of Beaumont on account of the fact that there is a great number of indigent persons in the City of Beaumont with- out proper hospital and medical care, a great public emergency exists necessitating the suspension of the rule requiring that ordinances be read . on three several occasions before their fin- al 1a ssage, and said rule is hereby suspended and this ordin- ance shall take effect immedicately from and after its passage. PASSED by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Commission this 30th day of I/larch, A. D. 1943. AN ORDINANCE 11-3-19�r� ENTITLHJ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF BEAONT MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL, DEFINING ITS LOCATION AND THE NATURE- OF ITS OPERATION, PROVIDING FOR ITS MANAGE ENT AND SUPERVISION, AND DECLARING AN XiIERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C011.9JISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS:- - Section 1. That there is hereby established a charity hospital to be named The City of Beaumont Municipal Hospital, said hospital to be located on the property of the City of Beaumont located at the corner of Washington Boulevard. and Park Street in the City of Beaumont. Section 2. That the Director of the Department of Public Wel- fare shall have charge and'supervision of the operation and maintenance of said hostital, subject to the supervision and control of the City Manager in all matters. Section 3. That the Director of the -Department of -Public Wel- fare is hereby authorized upon the consent and approval of the City Manager of the City of Beaumont to appoint an assis- tant to act as superintendent of the said hospital and to appoint such other assistants, nurses and employees as are necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of said hospital, and said positions are hereby permitted and,created. Section 4. That the fact that there now exists an urgent need for the establishment and operation of a charity hospital in the City of Beaumont on account of the fact that there is a great number of indigent persons int City of Beaumont without proper hospital and rnedica%l care, a great public emer- gency exists necessitating the suspension of the rule requir- ing that ordinances be read on three several occasions before their final passage, and said rule is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall take effect imtn_ediately from and after its passage. PASSED by an affirmative vote of all the members of the City Commission this, the _ day of November, A. D. 1942. -' y- f.. - . .. - • C�Y;.z. it % i'G C. G. AT' S -'T. -I, T U T '1 N AHTIO-4 - I NAINe, "Miis orLanization."shay 1'. e ,.knovm ,as the'I' o �e 10,9 mont r::unicipal. t?osi:ital, lccr�tied in the City of ueEaumorxt, - J< f f u r s on Gurity.,,. `i exas.. . ARTI(;i I1 ; GDJ:_,GT' : (2a) Ta give med ical diel surgical aid,. nutsing and 'dispensary soruica tot�' szcn, r��e,iicall y in.iigan't d��u .u3sabiad pUor of the City Of vei:tumont', .of any race, creed .or -nationality... (h) _ To Give. aid and Pomfort wen n.eeded3_ .o the fa,mildes .of chose 't Tat are . recciviri�� 't restment. in the wards,o'f the Beaumont Muni"c ipa� Hospital. -and, , fter 'care to those disohkrk,rid k" lie, ref rom.' • . (c)- To ' afford students in: medicine and- physicians;'the oppor-i tunic r tel acqux?�f: the,' pr etival'•art -and..'ac;lence of medicine. (d) To.' i omotel. rosearch in -the ' medi cal sOe.nces. (c) To iris.truct women. in, tae cars ci , tl�a .sick. AIITIG1, : IhI' iaism 3 The ;.�er�isi�r�shif� f..tlle �rgariization sliaiT consist of" k,lin:�e per- :aQina y hC) :4,v::' 1)e en appoirit(:,i by .-the Mayor a O City Corms ssione of t1,c City o�� Sezi.�no 1"t 2 NA— CA, A - ?'2L n a J Alit S leLL IV. IDh02 _TY i -....,.--: -,.. - ; „ ... __rte.____.__ - , :, . - • • . AlT property'.notiv in the. possession of the Hospital Board- or such as it may hereafter acquire.through donations, if any, unless otherwise directed by, the donor, ''shall -be used An the furt}leranco of the general objects of the, or.ganization* AR T ICL v ' ' hairs of the Beaumont Municipal Hospital i. hc themen control and manaBPt of the Hospital Poard. �ae,G 't �r e I 1 mo;;;ber of t:,e iospital Board shall receive com- �_"ly lid for duties performed, as membcrs or officers Hospital Hoard shall have control of all af- o �,h- t eaumgt �aunieipe1 uospital and of t;i;� manag©��ent of all �d proertics; and will supervise the disbursemonts of ;BstatCf. '/she irititution and transact all of its business, sub L, of vho Director of Public ld,eltare of the City <of A11TICLE, VI J The 11os ' pYta1 hard shall have power to male bye-laws and rules and rcgul.tion,s fob' Its own goverment, and under the authority of the City Ordinance 'creating said Doard it shall have power and alltilority tp pass and promulgate rules and regulations for the admin- istration of the 11oapitalts affairs; for the governfing of its of- ficers and of the Medical and Surgical Staffs and the internal af- fairs of the 110s ital and to alter and amend the samep subject to tiie apprcva,l of tile-Diraat.or of I,ublie 77: elfare of the City of Beau- mont. AIITICL._; VII Tile J-10spitai Loard shall have authority for the transaction of all br:sin::ss w::ich may be properly brought before it, and in addi- tion Lu mune a..�l n_,cessary arra,n;;er.iants for its annual and monthly m(--QtinGs for t ,c purpose of layin0 before the members a report of the affairs of the Hospitc&l f,_�r the previous year, rand to submit an account of the condition of funds and of the property of the or- ganizc.tion and to give information relative thereto. ARTIUL VIII ti�4i_ND�4ENTS AND 1i -'P, ALS This Constitution shall not be altered or amended unless it be at an annual meeting, or a sp_,cial meeting; of vlie Me;ribers of the Board ca -led for such purpose, upon the rocomr,Eendation from the pro- per Committee, and by two-thirds vote of the members at such meetin3 convened for such purpose. Any proposed alteration or amendment or addition shall be written or printed on novices of the meeting; to be served upon or mailed to each member for a period of ten days prior to such meeting. Any proposed amendments shall be referred U" thc: proper Committee for consideration at tiiu timz, carve are pre- sentad and tac recommenuiation of the Committee: as to such altera- No Text BY - L1 -,ti S ARTICLE I OFFICERS ANJ) TPP R DUTY S S_ectto_n 1_ (a) The member elected by the Hospital Board shall be the Chairman of the Board and shall preside at all meetings of the Hospital Board. (b) He shall be the judge of the order of procedure and upon all questions coming; before the Hospital Board and his decision there- upon shall be accepted as final, uniess two members of the Board demand an appeal therefrom. In such event the appeal from the rul- ing of the Chairman shall be decided by the Board without debate other than that of the appellants and the Chairman. (c) The Chairmn shall report annually to the Hospital Board on the condition of the institution and sliall make such suggestion:.; as he may deem advisable for the welfare of the organization. (d) -He shall appoint all standing and, unless otherwise de- termined by tho Board, all special committees and shall fill all vacancies tisut may arise theroin. (e) Ile shall be: ox -officio member of all comiiittees. (f) He shall have dis.crationaey power to act on behalf of the Hospital Board in what aL,pears to him to be an emergency, reporting any action taken at the next meeting of the Hospital Board. (g) The Chairman may, in his discretion$ refer matters coming before the Board to the proper com-wittee of the Board for considera- tion and recommendations. Section 2. (a) In the event of ,a vacancy in the office of Chairman the majority of the Board, subject to the -approval of the proper authorities, shall elect from their number one of the members as Chairman s uties an pow© (b) There shall be no Vice -Chairman but if t1te Chairman is absent at any meeting the Chairman of the :iLxecutive Committee shall act and preside. Section 3. (a) The Boards��ll elect a Secretary as herein provided for and it hha11 be his,`Uuty to keep the minutes of proceed- ings of tho Hospital Board and to presarye all records, com,iunie4- tions and papors pertaining thereto. (b) He shall notify the members of the Board of all meetings at least two days b: fors yiie time set for the meeting, by written or printed notification deliv:�rcd through the mail or by messenger. //-_-3--� 3 -3 J--/1-? V, 3 ARTICLE 1 (cont'd) (c) He shell notify all members of the Board of their ap- pointment on committees. (d) Tie shall conduct, all correspondence of the Hospital Board and shall assist. the Superintendent In the preparation of the annual report for publication. Section 4.=(a) as herein provided, of the duties here.i.n duti.esw . There shall be who ehall assist prescribed, and ARTICLE 11. ®lected an assistant Secretary. they Secretary in the performance in bi.s ab:senae shall perform such The off icera herein mentioned shall Board at each: annual :meeting to serve for are chosen In their st G a dp A,R'_'ICLE .111 be chosen ,by the Hospital one year and until others ecti.on.l. There shall be meetings of the Hospital Board at the Hospital, or at such other place as the Board may from time to time designate, at 7:30 P.M. on the first Tuosday in January of every thereyear, to be called the "Annual Meeting"; and there shah be regular stated imeetingya theroafter in etr�ry month during the year, to be held at such designated placed,, at 7:30 i'.21* on the firs; Tuesday of each month during the year. Seg-Uon.2. Special meetings of tho Board may be called by the Chairman o3 the Hoard or by 'h Secretary at the request in writin& of throe members of the Board Section .�, 3 ; Any meeting may, be c ont i,nue d by adjournment from time td time until the businoss the rcof is accoio1)1i.s1isd.. Section 4. The presence of the majority -of the Hospital Board shall: constitute a quorum for the transaetion,of business but a.les- serr number may adjourn a meeting -anti.l a future spedifi:ed date. Section 5.,;- Notice of all meetings shall be givens by the secre- tary bar sending to each member. of the Board, two days prior *� tithe meetings a written or. printed notification of such tioeti.ng, ARTICLE III (cont a d) plaee.w1iere such meeting will be held, Section. 6. If any member of the Board is unable to attend any meeting he shall notify the Secretary of such inability and the cause therefor and may be by the Board excused from such meeting for such cause. If any member of the Board shall fail to attend three con- secutive meetings without being 'excused by the Board, as herein pro- vided, the Board may, in its discretion* certify such failure to the Payor and City Oatmmi:gand suggest the appointment of a new member in the place of -the on � so failing to attend without excuse. ARTICLE ' IV COMMITTEES Section le At the first meeting of the Hospital Board, subse- quent to each annual meeting the Chairman shall appoint the -following standing; committees from the Board consisting of a chairman and t4rzate members each, except the Visiting Committee, who shall perform the duties herein prescribed, and such others as may be conferred by the Board;. (a) Executive Committee (b) Social Service Committee (c) vielf are Comraitte'e (d) Budget Gomriiittee (e) Visiting Committee (f) Grounds and Building Committee And such other Special Committees from time to time as the Board may determine. .Section 2. All Committees shell meet at least four times each year 'at the Hospital,, as far as possible, and shall submit to the IIospital Board in writing reports of their work. Section 3, Chairman. Any vacancy upon a committee shall be filled by the Section 4, The ax -officio members of the Hospital Board as- wile not entitled to vote as members thereof, shall in the discretion of the Chairman be eligible for rice upon comm tteee. Section 5..- The Visiting Committee shall consist of the entire Board and one member thereof, the selection rotating in alphabetical order of the names, shall serve from one stated meeting to -the next as Visitor to the Hospital. lie shall make an inspection.thereof at least each two weeks and shall at all times during his term hold him- self in readiness to advise with and assist the Superintendent in matters of discipline. lie shall record the results of his observa- tions and experience, and shall submit the same to the Board at the ARrnIC:Li IV (cont+d) regular stat=ed meeting next succeeding th_t t at whish he was ap- pointed. ARTICLE V k1LT,19$ OF, na OLPA I T TE1�°�a' Section- I. Executive Committee shall cooperate with the various- depurtrment a and medical staff and i to commi.ttees, . and shall o underta to mutually ad=jurt -all d .fferenc izt if any, in relation to the administration of the affairs of the Hospital, satisfactory to all parties, to the end that the groatest efficiency In the admin- istration of the internal affairs of the hospital may be obtained, and r p ort to the Hoard its aQcbmpllshmexi•ts. Falling in making such adjustments sat- tfactory to all, such Committee shall certify such fact to the Board as a whole, with its recommendations upon the question involved. erection. Social Service Com*�ittee shall work with and assist the i e.,� � �. �00� _�1 ��rtrico Department' in determining, the eligi- bility of patient: to hospi.ta•lizatlon and s ian presoribe e pro- cedure to be pursued by applying patients to assict the Oommi,ttee and Soclal Servico Da.partmen.t isz deterainizig such e3 i.g.ibi.li'.1iy. Section 3. a'E: if aloe Committee. It shad be the duty of the We Fara 001111gitts:" wi tki the Superintendent and ether h:�ads of thy; departments .1 or thy: purpose of promoting the interest, comfort and pnera.l welfare of all employees of the Hospital. Section.4. Budget Committeeo the budget Committee shall assist -thb SuPerintendent in preparation of a budget for each de- partment, and, as a., rvhole s ' to be byuthe Board recommended to the City Ge�1 Zor adopti,ona►- . Sectirn ;v�, Grounds and .bus { dingyCommitt . It shall be the duty of. the Grounds and Building Oommittee to frequently inspect the' prem -see, including grounds and buildings and various compartments in the buildings, and to recommend and see that the same are kept clean, sanitary and in a proper state of repair, and to determine and recommend, to the Board such" additions to buildings, as in their judgement the situation requires. ARTICLE V1 „$ec•t.ion 1. The order of business at the regular monthly and annual meetings of the Hospital Board shall ba: (a) Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meet.i.ng. . (b) Reading and disposition of all communications., nIY •�, 3 �v -19 V--3 A tiTIOU VI (cont,d) (c) Reports, and action of the Board thereupon, of all other Committees. (d) Deports, and action of the Board th.e.reupolh, of the Superintendent, (e) Report of monthly attendance of medical staff* (f) Nominations to Fill, Vacancies on Committees, .and medical staff.t. , i.f any .there are. (g) Unfinished. business, (h) New Business. (i) At the annual meetings, election of officers. Q) Adjournments Section 2±, Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the meetings of the Board In all cases to which same are ap- plicable, and which are not inconsistent with the by-laws of the Board. .ARTICLE; VII Section 1. The Hosp.Ital Hoard at its annual meeting; shall reconm�end the appointment of the Superintendent and all assistants, and the heads of all departments. It shall prescribe the duties of such employees and recommend their respective salaries and tenure of office, Section 2,. The Hospital Board at its annual meeting will. rem ceive , from the proper committee of the medical staff its recommends.- tions of those.to.be deignated-by the Board to serve u on the staff for the ensuing year. Suoh recommendation shall be fNed with the Board for at least two 'weeks prior to the annual.. meeting of the Board, and the Board may, in lts. discr etion, designate, .anal appoint to the medical ta.ff, for the ensuring year those so recommegiqlad, ab Wa, Section. 3. ­,The Board may at any meeting dura. g th year, in Its disaretlI I Ske _4ppointmenta to the hospital e, which, in a, the judgement of the Board and in the interest of the Hospital, may be required, whether specifically provided. In the foregoi_ng rules or not, and it,<. -may also chanSe or. revok�c` :riy ap-oointment, .that may have .been, _ theretofore mbdc ARTICLE Vill AMENDMINTS AND ALMIMATI.ONS The suspension of a bar -lava shall require • a tvuo-thirds vote of the hospital Board present at a given meeting. Changes, alterations and.amendments in, or.additjons.tog the'by-laws shall require 6wo-thirds vote of the entire Hospital. Board, after previous notiti- cation of -such proposed change, alteration, amendment or additions ,AATICL2 V111 (cont 9d) spial) have been given in writing to each member of the Board. ARTICLE IX CHANGES AND. AL kJDUENTS : IIVIEI3 MADE The hospital Board' shall. pass. upon and determine any and all changes, a►terations or amendments to the rules and regulations governing the administration of -the Has.pital only at its regular nonthl' meetings$ or �t some special mesome called for such purpose., provided the proposed changes, a.ltera.tiono or =ezbdmerits are fur- nished to each member of,the Board for a period of five days prior to the &3tion thereone .ARTICLE X These by -lams beclome effective imine-d:iately upoh their ac- ceptance and adoption Baia 6upersedo x.11 pre ices by --laws, if any, heretofore adopted by the Board. ".ccepted and adopted by the, Hospital Board, of Beaumont Municipal Ho�tpital at its reg -alar monthly meeting 0,1� CE , /?_d . 9: el."3 FROM 2LDINA�l�C1E w��iy - (8) Each mombor of -the medical and Surgical Staff of Begum-oncfpal hospital shall be a member in good standing of the Jefferson Coi ty Medical Soelaty or the Jefferson County Dental 4�oci.ety, and each member shall subscribe to and abide by the pledge required by the. American College of Surgeone, (J) All members of the Staff shall besel_eoted annually at tjhe annual business imeet ng, of the 'Staff by. two-thirde voto sof asl. members present and. vowing, Those so selectea for the en..suing year shall ba Certigled to the zaasp tal Board for confirmation In ito discretion. (rz) ef'ore ark- doctor, sutgeoR or dantist shall become a member OiNthe, Staff he shall. file an appl.icatiozi vi.th the Staff, upon. forms ��be/o ftirnished by lte giving, hiz medical histary and air other ss r ,. ial information dosired by the Staff or Board, which. small be. tranq teed. i o the Board, and fa lure to comply herewith will$ in-. depot dent of Qt;her causes, justify the Board in refusing confirmation, (b) :mach secrticon of the Staff shall, as near as is practical, be :r�e.In.tdYal id at the MaxtMur; in each. bracket. Inthe event the a. not ot _eo fillad�t lbcua Board mai eerti.f,*, such fact to the Chairman 0.`�'he seetjonLt and he Staffs with requact that same. be f`i1lCa axe.. r rted back to the Board for confirmation* In the event the 9a,, itn$,'�'�rata.ff,'fails t� ithin,four wieeks after suchnotice to fif1 the eciz to its maximum0 the Board may in its discretion fill the section from the staff in the ma3'xnor herein provided for. (c) lf� the Boarcl f'a,i.lz to confirm any recoimiendation of the. Staff by it herein authorized to be made, the Board shall certify such fact; to the E'xec:utive Oommittee of the. Staff, . and—should, the Staff fail wi.thih four weeks after such notAce to certify its further re- commendations on the poIn't involved, the Lenard. in its ditsc retion, may aOt in w11ch mariner as in its judgement oball be, to the, best intetpst of the HOsf tat* (10) 1A3o person shall practice as physiotan or surgeon vj#hin the Boaumont Municipal Hospital or its varriotao clinics unless such peraon sha.11 at that time be a member of the Staff or by spacial per- mission au hemin-after provided. (11) Membere of the Staff in any of the various gred.os of any ' one section r-zaY be. transferred to, another oecti on of similar grade provided, such trat?sfe r of cervi oe ' shall be recouft sided by beth 'sf-'ations so. 'affe6ted by the. change and approved by.,the Staff. (12) (a) The _'viritten histories, laboratory recor s� progress, not;efa and I opar 'tz e,ogethor wit -Ah 5 uca records appertaining to the sca-v ice of t1le flospi `:al FAre. the property of the Hospital and rust be kept on file in thair rasp:;dtives proper plaoes. () 0) Ari records shall be accessible to the members of the Staff ,y but they -must not be removed from tho Hospital except upon the approvalof the jxedutive Commi.ttee, Efficiency Committee or i the Superintendent of the Hospital* -3a FROM OBDINANCE Section I (cont1d) (6) Qualified physicians i not staff members -0 are privileged too o examine the records of patients- of the Hospital only whan - authorized ray ,the 3uj)arintendent of the Hospital and the' staff Phys: ian who attended the patient. (15) The Statf or 2-xeciAive Uommittee theroof shall have the right at any time. to t1fle Board. the rewoval for cause of .any menib,er of the Staff or sclentifto employee of the Hospltalt and the Board in its discretplon ishall follow ouch recomfiondationt Vae Board shall, Independent of r000mmendations from the Staff,, I have the - owe r� In It's disc. -ration, at all times to reirfove any paid employee of the houpil-.1al. (b) Vithin ten dayo after the disralssal of any ewplo'yee, upon request za dizehargred emplo.yee nhall be given a bearin. before the Boardo (14) (a) The Preal--lent of the Staff, Chief of the Medical :Divi- alono ClUef or the Sur6lcal and Seeretary off the Staff shall con's. 2titull.e "The E'xswaluive coknittea of the ataffwll (b) The '2xoeutive Committee shal]':. ttransact aLL the business of1 40 Staffs butt the Prealdent sh-all report ful6l'y all the; decisions 9f the Committee at the next re._Pular monthly meeting and no actiol'-'l of the Bxecutive Committee shall be final until approved by a majority vote of the atja�f prescat at that Riecting and voting. (o) Immed4ately after uthe annual -meeting the president of the Staff.- shall appoint 'throe members from the staff on each of the Coy MIttees. HOSPITAL EFFICITENCY COMPUTTE2 1146it'llUl CC UN ITT OP (d) Hos"tal h-Welexicy- Car matte _R It shall be the duty of the Hospital Effieienoy Coamlittee to SOV%, Olat, arad brin,[d to the at -i;, 1"Pentlixa of the hospital authorities such as It doe, -,is best f -or the efficient management of the This Committeo shoUld meet from tlmto time vvith the Executive Committee of thte Hozpltal Board, T' 4 -a Gowmitteo Elul. investigate all chargee of miscondupt brought against a physician whb ante nds Pationt t -s In this Hospitali and report their JUndinF-z to the 6taff. In, case diaelplinary meazures are de.c1dad upon by .the Staff* %,-rittL�n re ecipmendat ions to thia*effeot h 11 bq submitted to the. liospit'al Board by the Secretary. It shall be - the duty of Ahis Cowraitte-e to -re-view and analyze at monthly intervals the clIn.i.ca.1 rebo rds of th,� 11papital to make sure the ra- qulre�mexitc; of the American College of 6urgeona and Awrican 11odit,al Association are being maintained in reL�peot to the. rec;reisv section I (core, d) t)nta ne Comiid)!ael It shall a the duty of the internc 0066 ttee 6YFe together with the 13uperintendent of the Hospital to f crmula e rules and roguletions for t ie- conduct of the ln.t,ernez -and to organize the Interne service as- to grades and a - sip,nme-rits�, to be the be' st Interest of al.? concerned. This Com..mit�tee tc gether with the 6uner9.z tendent of the Hospital, shall, oonsider the giialiflea tions of <iyp scants to interne service and out of auch .pplications shy,li r cammpn:t te) the Board a minimum of fifty per curet rncro in num or t )an reouired and out of which number eo reoommen.dedt the Board shall designsate a4nd confirm the internes eo s.elecsted# &,' A /,7 ��-3-f 94r.�: (21) The Superintendent .(cont'd) (c) The Superintendent shall keep separate accounts of each department, showing the cost of maintenance thereof and shall file Frith the Boar, a report each month showing the cost and expense of trieope�ration of Each department separately. (d) The Superintendent shall require, and it shall be the duty of the head of each department to make a monthly report to the Superintendent's office of thy: condition of each department, with ' .,W A such suastions for he improvement of the service therein, as he * shall desire to t:►ake. (22 ) Supervisor of Nurses (a) The Supervisor of Nurses shall, under the direction of the Superintendent, direct all nursing of the Hospital. (b) She shall have immediate charge of all persons employed in the wards; of management of the nurses, and of the assignment of the nurses to their duties. (c) She shall see that the work of the nurses is properly performed, that their deportment is correct and that the rules per- taining to their duties, uniforms and conduct are obeyed. (d) She shall see that the directions for nursing and care given by the .Attendings are obeyed and executed by the nurses and other employes under her charge. (e) She shall superintend and shall visit daily the wayos, diet kitchens, linen storerooms, and see that these several places are well conducted and kept. in order. (f) She shall perform such other duties as the Iiospital Board or Superintendent shall require. (23) Social Service ueEartrient (a) illl cases, when possible should go through the Social Service Department before entering, except emergencies. The immediate responsibility of admitting patients must be left to the Admitting Officer. All patients admitted, whether emergency or otherwise, shall be reported in writing to the Social Service Department as soon as possible. (b) A complete investigation is 'to be made of all cases ad m itted through the Social Service Department before patient is entered, unless the case is considered an emergency. (c) No patient shall be accepted from any other Hospital until application is made and the case investigated through the Social Service Department. �J J T i i i DUTIES OF INTERNES (a) The Interne will visit each new patient on his service as soon as notified of the admission by the head nurse, and, if un- able to respond to the call immediately, he shell arrange to have the Superintendent attend the patient immediately. (b) If the patient is in a critical condition, he shall put in an urgent call for the Superintendent. (c) The Superintendent shall see that the Internes make com- plete`history,, clinical laboratory report, physical examinations, (in- cluding blood pressure) within twenty-four hours after admission of each patient to the hospital. (d) In comatose, or delirious cases, or those where the pa- tient cannot talk or is unable to speak English, the Interne shall obtain as much history as possible from friends of the patient and record such information. (e) Under direction of the Visitings, the Interne sha.11 write all orders in regard to medication of patients eaad see that the head nurse on duty thoroughly understands them. (f). The Interne shall report to the Superintendent any dangerously ill patient, especially any case that is likely to die suddenly or within a few hours. He shall'see that such patient's name is placed on the critical list and the patient's relatives or friends notified. (g) If any Interne wishes to be absent from the Hospital for a time, he must speak to the Superintendent and arrange for his duties to be carried on while he is away. (24) The Superintendent - �% ) (a) The Superintendent shall be Mt-lee�j— by the Hospital Board (, for a tdrm of office which Is mutually satisfactory. (b) The Superintendent shall, under the direction of the Ife'sp-3.�]-- aGd, have control of all departments of the Hospital; of the sub -ordinate offices, "employees and patients; have charge of the grounds, buildings and equipment; and, under such direction,. f�,ar shall (take all regulations for the government thereof. (6) The Superintendent shell be ex -officio member of the _&­�Medical and Surgical Staff and of its Standing Committees. (d) The Superintendent shall report each month, to the Hospital Board and to the Chairman of the Efficiency Committee of the Staffs the name of each member of the Staff on service in the Hospital and . / 9 cf._. (20) The Superintendent (cont'd) in the Dispensary, who has been absent more than twenty-five (25) per cent of the required attendance during the proceeding month. (6) The Superintendent shall report any omission of duty, improper or disorderly conduct of a member of the Medical. and Sur- gical Staff to the President of said Staff and to the Hospital. Board. (f) The Superintendent shall, ,.n4e.__�__a •,rg�erl issue requisitions to secure the provisions, storesa fuel, and all other supplies, including all medicine$ all surgical instruments and applications; shall examine all articles delivered as to their quality; shall have the charge thereof, and shall be. responsible for their Proper care and economical use. (g) Me Superintendent shall see that each department is con- ducted efficiently and economically. (h) The Superintendent shall not permit any instruments, apparatus, records, or other property belonging, to the Hospital, to be removed without permission of the Hospital Board and a receipt �- placed on file in the office of all things so taken.cR�o. �. r G� /f (i) The Superintendent shall provide the diet of patientse nay be directed by the Vittt�A ,%_ .and,' sha11 furnish such food for t t e officers, renident staff; nurses and employees as the Hospital oagrd. may direct.. (j) The Superintendent shall daily visit and inspect the wards, kitchens and all other departments of the Hospitral and report on their condition and requirements each month to the Hospital Board.+ (k) The Superintendent shall receive all applications for admission to the Hospital and shall admit such cases are proper to treat therein. {1} The Superintendent shall direct what disposition shall be made of each patient on admission, and shall see that no change or transfer of a patient to another ward or service be made except by permission. (m) The Superintendent shall see that the records of the patients are properly kept. ) The Superintendent shall, under the direction of the Hos- pita}hoard, -.decide what patient shall be required to pay a hospital bill •-:d the rate thereof, and shall collect all sums due to the Hos ital. (o) The Superintendent shall take charge of money and other property not in use belonging to patients; shall keep a record of same and -shall be responsible for the proper keeping of all money and property from patients. (20) The Superintendent (cont'd) (p) The Superintendent shall see that all cases receive proper attention upon their admission and during their stay in the Hoe - P ed (q) The Superintendent shall communicate to friends of the )(patients information of their condition or disease. The Superin- tendent shall in case the condition of a patient becomes serious, forthyfith notify the nearest relative or friend of such patient. -(r) The Superintendent shall see that each patient desiring it shall receive the consolation of the patient's religion. If the patient's condition becomes serious during; the stay in the Hospital or if the patient reaches the Hospital in a serious condition, the appropriate rite of the patient's religion shall be allowed to be carried out. If the patient's condition be serious or death be imminent, the doctors, nurses and attendants shall invariably offer cease their efforts for the ministrations of the authorized person of the patient's religion. (s The Superintendent shall discharge, as soon as practicable, all p sons recommended for such action by the Attendings; any patie rho has disobeyed the regulations of the Hospital or whose cond ct is improper may be discharged from the Hospital. (t) The Superintendent shall allow no autopsies to be made unless consented to in writing by the nearest relative or friend of the deceased. TheSuperintendent shall cause the body of the deceased patie to be delivered to their nearest relative or friend, or if not Xi ed by them, to the proper authorities. (v) The ,Superintendent sh'.11 furnish such statistical reports on patients, the results of treatment and similar reports as may be requested by the Medical and Surgical Staff. The Superintendent shall perform such duties as�Cybe reque e by the Hospital hoard. ,-�.,,; �j�� (2 ) (a) It shall be the dutyPof the.Su erintendent to make ` or ca e to be made, a written record s7iowingthe proper address of th earest relative of each patient admitted, and in the event a pa ien becomes dangerously ill or,dies, the superintendent shall at once notify said relative. ( The Superintendent shall, subjoct-t© the approval of the rd, employ and discharge subordinate employes, who shall s.� be un his immediate control and, supervision, The Superintendent hal f1le with the Board each month a list of such employeest t givi g _-eit names and the salary of each. . I .4 /"7-0 �i-5-/9���, (23) Social Service Department (cant°d) (d) The Beaumont Municipal Hospital is for charity and mA' Cally indigent patients. Each case should be investigated th 'h the Social Service Department as soon as possible. (e) No officer or employee of the municipal or county govern- ment shall be admitted to service in the Hospital unless in all resp pects under the same condition as any other citizen. Provided that in all cases where, under the general compensation laws the city may be liable .for medical service, such patients may receive hospital care; admission of such patients to be approved by the City Health Officer. (f) A statement of the attending physician concerning a patient on the outside may be accepted for admission to the Hos- pital. A history of all emerGeney cases admitted shall be secured by Staff Doctor or Interne on duty at the time of admission. I'f the history should show that the patient is not entitled to ad- mission as a charity case, such patient shall not be admitted, but transferred to another Hospital. (g) All patients admitted.to the Beaumont Municipal Hospital whose residence is outside the city limits and in Jefferson County or surrounding counties'shall have a permit from the County Health ° ffieer and the county or some other organization shall be responsible for his bill to the Hospital before he is admitted. (h) No patient shall be allowed to stay in the hospital for a period of over two (2) weeks. The Beaumont Municipal Hospital is in no sense a convalescent home and is for acutely ill patients. Under some circumstances, when it is necessary to stay longer, per- mission must be had from Superintendent and the Hospital Board, j';' " r All admissions to the City Hospital shall be made with the approval of the City healttj Officer, after thrpough investigation by the social service department, except in cases of emergency when they will be adr�_itted temporarily and investigated later. Patients admitted shall be calssified under two groups, (a) charity, and (b) medically indigent. Charity patients shall be cared for by the organized medical profession as a staff, and shall be subject Yo the rules and regulations of the staff. Each patient shall be cared for by the particular physician in charge at the time of that de- partment to which he is admitted. It is understood that there is to be no medical charge to the patient or hospital for this service by ti -e physicians(except in case of hospital employees, when naturally they would be paid by the hospital.) (b) Medically indigent patients are a law _wade income type, and will be cared for by the individual physician sub- ject to the rules and regulations of the staff who sends him in i.e. he will be handled as a private patient. He will be expected to pay t" -.,e lospital a maximum of approximately what it costs per day to handle patients, and his medical fees will be between pimp self and his physician and will be expected to be a minimum for this service. It is understood that the Vunidpal Hospital is for Charity patients primarly and the medically indigent in case there are available beds after the charity patients are taken care of . (Whether or not a patient is charity or medically indigent will be determined by the social service department subject to the approval of the City Healty Officer.