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ORD 64-A
herein to the ` T,Taok ay Te:l e.--rayh & Cable Corn] -,any to Itiaze the poles and Gond-u.- t s of the _13e au vont Tole-ohone Ca2�1) .ny soh � ?.l in no wAse 'be construed as a]1 extension of the t;i_rn+e li-mit of ¢h,9 f i-anroh_ on of A Y 0 R 3) T 11' A N C F 'o aau !,io t, '! i'� t?” ;I ).G Rent: it:, ed an ordinan.cc grant in to i C4i1jT � And the TImllca.y Telegraph and Ca"h10 Company such rl,p,it, Filiall not the rt ht and 1,•rivileg 1-10 construct, the effect ain' ain and operate po,le-s , vireis and F;Iva ca1,les across, _ ]-on ".,p over and under said cert; in str,, <t;s, allevq ,-:;.n,;�, ftub3 ir; v,a;;rs in t1he C tv of Pea]umont; 'Stta't+-: cif ` oxa,�3, ' and also the right -and privilege to leas, the conduits tan. j-o:les from the Pa aimont Tele -phone (,'oripany, , for the 1% S Section 3. The ri ht _—n(l privilege is herein granted to the Mackay Telegraph- & Cable C;onja)any to set Its roles, string- it -.3 1.7i.res and e!r:e.Eat, �n_d ma'?ntain its i�ii1 of toleg mi3i2 .Iong and over or ander the follo?ving streets in the Cit -.'r of Beav4ont, to -wit, 'Beginning, at the `i axark-ama •nnd. Port Srzith Railroad bridge, nrossin the Netc:heo RAveri viest :in Wash ngton Street to the intersection of Washington ,).nd -Tef erson Streets; thence on Te.xarkc`?,i2a ilnd .Bort �Ntt.h Railway rd,Ejit of imy "w Rtailroad .Avarve and Col? ega Street) thence on Railroad. A7enue to "Wall Street, thence on Texarkana, kana, ani? Port Smith and, ieat�'7ltiil'� , Sour Lake ,,,nd We-atern F.aa.lway rip-3-tts of vva.v to the iest ("It -v Mmi.ts. Also, beginning at the i.nterseot•io of College Street and Railroad !venue, thi-mce southeaot in 'Rail—road Avenue to the South City TJ mits. Ti' --,e ^iF?'ht; and -t r ivi_f. ege is also granted to the: Mack%7 Tele 'Ta'j h w 'able Company to c;onstri ct an und.ererotlnd syz,tem of coneWi.ts wad manholes, a.i-d �.:o i�aAntain cableo therei.ns in the f©11oviin streets, to-lri, , Beginning at t1i.e interf ect;i on of `tashington and Park Streets, in Park, Crockett and Orle�ms 5tr: octs, or tzi and un- der Such ot�ier stru'".'Z"o Sao may be Ttece.,5,ry to Fen(L'"af,' it to reach its office loc,Aion in the biuAness district of t3ie city. Section a, The herein granted are given by the said city: <„nd accepted by 5.1d grantae, its mccessors and aostpia upon the conditions, v_iz: r3 rst . The s;rstera to he erectod here?a= dor shall be in all resp ectrS first-class. Decond. the location of all pole.9 .and, hires constr;,ctetd under this franohtoe shall. be under the direction of the city electrician. .All polo.,q to be placed on the O'oter ed,,rm o:P the. si.delevalk.9 and to be not less than 100 feat apart, be q tr ai.ght and C PD, f16 q_A sh8pely and not less than 40 fret in hci.gh.th; to be painted such ,color as approved by the City electrician and to be kept in good repair and first class condition at all t imus ,, Third. It is anderatoad and agreed that the City of Reatmont reserves the Yi g*itl at any.ti-rie, after a period of ten (10). yea.r s from the date this franchise goers into off east, to oormel the grantee herein to place all of its overhead con- striiction in underground conduits, in such territory or streets wherry other wire using companies are compelled to place their wires in conduits, provided the grantee herein be given writ- ten notice at Ina,st six months previous to the date: when said changes shall be made. FO' urth. The grantee, its succe58ors and assigns, shall protect and hold harmless the City of Beaumont agalnot all clairisa for damages to ah person or pmperty by reason -of the - - - — conFtri?ction or r.''aintenrmice of as d. oyetem, or in any way growing out of the grantinF, of this franchise, either directly or indirect y, or arising by rea;3on .of any negligence or non- feasance of the Contractors, agents or enployees3 of t he grantee or its assigns or successors, and the said grantee, its ouccess- ors and assigns shall inderMi r and hold -the City harmless from and on account of all damages, co sts, exp}enses, actions and causes of action that a -nay acorue to or be broa{,ht by any peraone persons, compa y or companies at any time by reason of the exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted or the abuse thereof whother the grantee be ahar.gIepble with any neg- ligence or breach of legr.,a duty or not. Fifth.. It is further eag)ressly understood axid agreed that any lgwful amounts; which may be due the City of Beaumont irnder this ordinance as well as $ny lawful. fi.np;s or penalties which may be assessed and any :Lt, wful takes which may be due and payable to the Pity of. .Beai raont imde;r this franchise: shall. be and -constitute a first lien and charge against al - the property of the grantee wathir� -this city. Sixth, The gran-i;E?? hr. rein agrees to 'yl^?'r1L ; the City of Beau-:uont Iro a,ttar_,Ii at any ti_ae to the cross -arms of any of .ts �;,o or to „yr i�, any of it , -I, ;;o�}c:ti:i �,s the city" fare alarm 1,05.1ce wires. Section 5. This ordinauice, is grantled subject 'to the charter of the Cix;,, of :Peautmont anci all orrjinC nce s of t1ap City of Beairiont now txiotinr; anis ?„n -,r new chazt,er that the Uity of B13ctwul!iont yaay ob - talrt dur-inc, the li.f'ti. of thiz frmichise asitia F:i:U or:.0.11 ances that }icy racy of neawiont may pass in the 1.awf'izl exercise; o;' iti3 police Dower, or of its general control stupervioion of its streets, cZ cur9 and ayt3t3 and al 1cbws of tho State of Texas now exist.1ne,, or f;i'Iat 71alr be hereafter I.-asged 3"egulat :fng or Call- trolling all - tro ling persons, fir-r.s or cor :or-atioxis o3' the kind and Character Of -,hu gran rf' her?i.n. section 6. in granting this franchise, it i:, i.inde r etood that the power Vested by law ir, thea Cl it- of Dealj#ont to al rublic latil jt±es ±r the Cit -.r of -,. ,M'!iorit arLi7 to require effi- ciency ffimc:iti'n yr of public € er7ice arvi to regivt.re Call I J%Or an.s,, firms or corporations to discharge the, duties and ni-Idertakings for t?ng Y;erforr1ance for which thp fran-chise was i"fli d,:� y t'LIhr.I by Y9 TlEa.i arch. ir=nc s or in -.ny C I"her manner, whother I entlaned in this ordinance or not, is reserved and recognized. Section 7. The frc7 -hLse gra-nte-3 ht?le�n to the. granter,, Ghall exti3n for y �;c::r:it7 i Of tw(,i:itv'-1"7ve ( 25) ye";trs from, c-tn:, c^ft;_1.r 10"ad s ;hal L�I-o into e-' fect, unles s�F; shall s�7an�r befi+�r�_in� t,c�d 8.q �1--ovi.,led ht2 , "chin or :��'ir--t-.Iced in a vudJci.�a proceeding. SOF, e,I-J.an 8. The failure of the gg"ortee to cor.iply vAth the, t e ri?lsi, cond-IIIAons and QtAj.:ulat ion,,; set forth in 1 -,his ordinance? or 021y other a`ut:i e€� that ,ehall or may be ixtpo.sed gpon it hereaft,or 'by the City CotLncil in the 1pwfu! exerr;ise t~f its police pov,,ers shall work a forfeiture of all rights accruing hOreunder in .addition to any other prooeedtngs provided e.lseivhere in this f r Maxi ch i. s e . Section 4. Said grantee., its miccessors and asO.gns, shall within thirty (30) days after the pa<,aoe of the s ordinance file with. the Cit. -\r Secretax�%r of. the C tty of. Bea,uriont its written ac- ceptance of same, and also rieposit w it,h the. City Secretary the scan of .y �5� � to pay for the publishing, n, o f this franchise as 'requi.recl by the city Charter of the City of Beaunioht . Provided., that in case the stun �s�` deposited shall not be X 1 a ouffici int amount to cover the cost of publication, then the grantee, its successors and asp}.igns, shall deposit such additional aim as may 'be required and in case such siun so de- posited shall be too much, then the City Secretary shall re - fend to the -grantee, it" successors or assigns, the difference thereof. This ordinance sha.l l be of no force nor effect unless said ivritten acceptance is filed w thin the time specified above and .the SIM so degposi.ted as required trove. section 10, This ordinance shall take effect and be In P.0.1 force and effect from and after its pasoa.ge, vir:itten acceptance of the grantee, and approval by .the Mayor and laNv_'ul publication. Passed this the V/ 7day of ., A. D. 1912. Approved -by- the Mayor, this theP,11Wd4.y.of e4 AD. 1912. SII The foregoing ordinance is hereby accepted this sixteenth day of Mvxch, A. D. 1912. BACSAY T: WGBAPH By Secretary. COLIP&TY2 Vice President. I hereby certify that the written acceptance of the fore- -going ordinance by the Mackay Telegraph and Cable Company was duly filed iny l�c ray office this `Z -a da of � A.D. 1912. CEP.TIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. THE STATE OF TEXAS, ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. ) Business manager of the Journal Publishing Company, Pub ers of a daily newspaper in the city of Beaumont, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance granting a franchise to the Mackay Telegraph and Cable Company. was published three consecutive times,ibeginning on to -wit the . 21st . day of March, A.D. 1912. JOURN T IS NG COTGANY, PER - � --- - --- -- BUSITT SS MAll IAGRR -.--.Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day sof _wA.D., 1912. NOTARY PUBLIC, Jj-PFFERSO , , '.il� AS.