HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 21-A,- AN ORDINANCE. Entitled an ordinance creating the office of ?Neat, Dairy and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont; providing how he shall be appointed, tenure of office, compensation and duties; providing for the appointment of assistant inspectors in the like manner, prescribing the tenure of office, compensation and duties; providing penalties for any person, firm, corporation or association, manager, or any employee of same from interfering with the Meat, Dairy and. Food Inspector of Assistant Meat, Dairy and Food Inspectors from discharging the duties of the office, and providing penalties for the failure of any person, firm, corporation or association, its manager or any employee of same, who shall fail or refuse to pay the inspection fee4for inspection as provided by ordinance. BF IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OF BFAU11ONT: Section I. � The office of Meat, Dairy and £dbd Inspector of the City of Beaumont is hereby created. 'He shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council and hold his office until discharged from office by the City Council, provided that the majority of the City Council shall vote for his dismissal or discharge. The person appointed to fill said office shall be well versed in the duties incumbent upon said office. Section 2. The Leat, Dairy and. Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont shall receive such salary per year as may be fixed '#y the City Council. Section 3. The Meat, Dairy and Food jnspector shall perform such Entitled. an ordinance creating the office of Meat, Dairy and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont; providing how he shall be appointed, tenure of office, compensation and duties; providing for the appointment of assistant inspectors in the like manner, prescribing the tenure of office, compensation and duties; providing penalties for any person, firm, corporation or association, manager, or any employee of same from interfering with the Meat, Daixy and. Food Inspector of Assistant Neat, Dairy and Food Inspectors from discharging the duties of the office, and providing penalties for the failure of any person, firm, - corporation or association, its manager or any employee of same, who shall fail or refuse to pay the inspection fee Bfor insbection as provided by ordi.naiice. i 'a BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCII OF THE CITY OF BEAUI:IONT: l Section I. The office of Meat, Dairy and F.idd Inspector of the City of Beaumont is hereby created. 'He shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the Cita Council and hold his office until discharged from office by the City Council, provided that the majority of the City Council shall vote for his dismissal or discharge. The person appointed to fill said office shall be well versed in the duties incumbent upon said office. Section 2. The Meat, Dairy and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont shah receive such salary per year as mmy be fixed '#y the City Council. Section 3. The LIeat, Dairy and Food inspector shall perform such duties as may be imposed upon him by the City Council, among which shall be the following: - (a) He shall make an ante mortem or live examination and inspection of all animals intended to be used as food or as food products slaughtered at the municipal abattoir before same shall be allowed to be killed and he shall in making said inspectfon be &Pbverned by the regulations for ante mortem examination and inspection prescribed by the United States Department of agriculture, in so far as same are applicable and not in conflict with the provision of this ordinance. (b) He shall :Make: a careful post-mottem or dead inspection of all such animals at the time of slaughter, and under the provisions prescribed for post-mortem examination and inspection at time of slaughter and disposal of diseased.carcasses and or agns prescribed by the United States Department of Agriculture , . in so far as same are applicable and not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance (c) . He shall make daily reports in writing on forms for that purpose showing a full record of ante-mortem examination and post-mortem, of each and every animal inspected, the name of -owner, time and place of inspection, exact condition of animal, whether T'passed" or "condemned", if condemned, weight and final disposition of animal and estimated value of same in tankage and tallow after deducting expence of reducing, if "passedl, how branded, marked or tagged and number of animal or tag used designating same, traces of disease or diseases of each animal, naming them, and where found. :ihen an inspection is made of canned. or cured meat, or meat food pa,oducts, his report shall show name and number of car, if inspected in car quanities, if not in car quanities then state quanity inspected, for whom and when inspected, and general character of same; if an inspection of fresh meat which have been shipped or brought in from slaughter horses, abatt;oits, or hacking houses not operated under the supervision of the neat, Dairy and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont, his report shall show when, where and at the ins,#ance of whom same was made, quanit:v, weight, character of inspection made, whether general, or chemical or bo.th, together with such other facts as may be required by the 11ayor or Cite Council; said reports shall note deficiencies that exist in the=municipal of all such animals at the time of slaughter, and under the provisions prescribed for post-mortem examination and inspection at time of 11 slaughter and disposal of diseased carcasses and oragns prescribed by the United States Department of Agriculture, in so far as same are applicable and not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. (c) He shall make daily reports in writing on forms for that purpose showing a full record of ante-mortem examination and post-mortem, of each and every animal inspected, the name of owner, time and ,place of inspection, exact condition of animal, whether "Passed" or "condemned", if condemned, weight and final disposition of animal and estimated value of same in tankage and tallow after deducting expence of reducing, if "passeVll, how branded, marked or tagged and number of animal or tag used designating same, traces of disease or diseased of each animal, naming them, and. where found, :;hen an inspection is made of canned. or cured meat, or meat food products, his report shall show name and number of car, if inspected in car quanities, if not in car quanities then state quanity inspected, for whom and when inspected, and general character of same; if an inspection of fresh meat which have been shipped or brought in from slaughter houses, abattoits, or i)acking houses not operated under the supervision of the Maat, Dairy and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont, his report shall show when, where and at the instance of whoa same was made, quanity, weiprht, character of inspection made, whether general, or chemical or both, together with such other facts as may be required by the Mayor or City Council; said reports shall note deficiencies that exist in the- municipal abattoir, pens, chutes, tools, apparatus and machinery, condition of er:1ployeas and their conduct and. suggestions indicating needed improve- ments of present facilities and methods and his report shall be filed with the City Council of the City of Beaumont twice a month and said Meat, Dairy and Food Inspector shall also report all ORD �_ I AI sl&,ughtaring done ' at the municipal abattoir and his report shall be made in triplicated, one copy to be filed with the superintendent or manager and one copy with the City Secretary and one copy retained by the 'Inspector. (d) He shall see that the ordinance gov8rning the municipal abattoir is stric'tly enforced and report at once any infraction of same. (e) All carcasses or portions thereof condemned by.him shall be weighed by him or under his direction and dispose& of in the (eduction plant, or under his direction, and he shall notify the owner of the condemnation of same;: and the amount due them for tankage, and tallow by written notice. (f) He shall have full control of said abattoir or slaughter house and. employees thereof during the slaughtering and hi.s directions shall be obeyed. (g) He shall make a general inspection of all cured or canned meats, or meat products and every product containing any food ingredient ;.used, intended to be used or offered for sale to be used in the preparation of any meat, meat product or other substance to be used a.s food, shipped or brought into the City from Packing Houses, abattoirs, slaughtering houses, refineries;, oil mills, factories or other places not opera -ed under the supervision .of the 1.1eat, Daity and Food Inspector :.f the City of Beaumont. In making the inspection contemplated herein, ±kK ftkx Rf RexxmRx± the Neat, Dairy and Food Inspector shall pay due deference and respect to all meats or meat food products bearing the stamps, impress, tag or seal of a United States Govexnment Inspector, and only in cases where he 'has good reason to believe that said meats or meat food products have suffered deterioration or have become unwholesome after the time of inspection will he be xegiiired to mal=e a inore minute and detailed inspection, which (d) He shall see that the ordinance governing the municipal abattoir is striatly enforced and report at once any ir_f-raction of same . (e) All carcasses or portions thereof condemned by him shall be weighed by him or under his direction and disposed of in the ted -action plant, or under his direction, and he shall notify the owner of the condemnation of same;. and the amount due them for tankage, and tallow by written notice. (f) He shall have full control of said abattoir or slaughter house and employees thereof during the slaughtering and his directions shall. be obeyed. (g) He shall make a general inspection of all cured or canned meats, or meat products and every product containing any food ingredient :used, intended to be used or offered for sale to be used in the preparation of any meat, meat product or other substance to be used as food, shipped or brought into the City from Packing douses, abattoirs, slaughtering houses, refineries>, oil mills, factories or other places not operated under the supervision of the T:Zeat, Daity and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont- In making the inspection contemplated herein, tkm fttg xf RE: the Lioat, Dairy and Food Inspector shall pay due deference and respect to all meats or meat food products bearing the stamps, impress, tag or seal of a United States Government Inspector, and only in cases where he 'has good reason to believe that said meats or meat food prod.uets have suffered deterioration or have become unwholesome after the brae of inspection will he be required to make a more minute and detailed inspection, which may also include a chemical inspection, if in the judgment of the ILeat, Dairy and Food. Inspector it is proper or neccessary. He shall ,a inspect all such products for quanity as well as quality- FL condemn and direct the destruction of all meat or meat food pris which he has determined. from inspection to be unfit for food, and he may hold such meat or meat food products in his possession until 4. all inspection fees are'paid.• dPiD ,�-I-A He shall make all such inspections of markets, groceries, confectioners, drug stores, hotels, restaurants; bakeriea, and all other public places where food and food products are sold or offered for sale or exposed for sale vrith- in the limits of the Gity of Beaumont, neceasary or proper to determine whether or not the Pure Food Law of the 'tate of Texas, regulating the sale of such food. stuffs is being complied with and it shall be his special duty to report all and any infractions of saidnlaw that may be within his knowledge to the proper authorities with all data secured by him necessary to establiar such infractions (ti) He shall inspect, tag, mark, stamp, or brand all fresh meat, shipped or brought into the City of Beaumont, to be used for food or offered for sale as food or sold for, food by any person, or from any slaughter house, abattoir or packing house, not operated under the supervision of t.helMeat, Dairy and. rood Inspector of.the City of Beaumont; and. shall have full power to condemn and destroy all such fresh meat as he mfy from his inspection determine to be unwholesome, or unfit for food; and shall have the power to hold all meat so inspected until inspr-ction fees are paid which said fees shall become due as'soon as,the inspection is coiiipleted and shall be paid by the owner or other i person offering same for inspection or intending to sell or offer for sale, use for food. He shall not permit siny dyes, chemicals, and preservatives in meat or meat food products which are g calculated to lessen its wholesomeness and "Whuse of any drugs, dyes and prevervative other than allowed by regulations governing meat inspection in the United States as promulgated by the Department of Agriculture. (i) Whenever a condemnation is made by the Inspector restaurants, bakeries,, and all other public._places where food and food products are sold or offered for sale or exposed for sale with- in the limits of the city of Beaumont, necessary or proper to determine whether or not the Pure rood Law of the State of Texas, regulating the sale of such food stuffs is being complied with and it shall be his special duty to report all and any infractions of saidz_law that may be within his knowledge to the proper authorities with all data secured by him necessary to establish such infractions. (h) He shall inspect, tag, mark, stamp, or brand all fresh meat, shipped .or brought into the City of Beaumont, to be used for food or offered for sale as food or sold for, food by any person, or .from any slaughter house, abattoir or packing house, not operated under the supervision of thelMeat, Dairy and Food Inspector of the City of Beaumont; and shall have full power to condemn and destroy all such fresh meat as he may from his inspection determine to be unwholesome, or unfit for food; and shall have the power to hold all meat so inspected until insp ction fees are paid which said fees shall become due as'soon as.the inspection is completed and shall be paid by the owner or other person offering same for inspection or intending to sell or offer fox sale, use for food. He shall not permit afny dyes, chemicals, and preservatives in meat or meat food products which are a calculated to lessen its wholesomeness and WAuse of any drugs, dyes and prevervative other than allowed by regulations governing meat inspection in the United States as promulgated by the Department of .Agriculture o -Whenever a condemnation is made by the'Inspector he shall notify the owner or person ,in charge if present, of the condemnation. If there is no one prasent to whom personal notice can be given, then written notice attached to the condemned products shall be given, whereupon the Inspector shall carefully note the quanity so condemned and state fully of ghat it consists, and shall give full and explicit directions as to,final disposition of same. 6 R' �'-- i (' (i) He shall also inspect all markets and -market places grocery stores, hotels, restaurants, boarding houses, where meat or meat products are used or sold in such manner as may be provided by ordinance and see that same are kept clean and sanitary and. maintained and operated In accordance with provisions of ordinance governing same. (k) He shall inspect or cause to be inspected all creameries and creamery products, dairy herds, dairies, dairy farms and the nAlk, cream and butter thereof, and said inspection shall be made in the manner, and such inspection fees shall be charged as may be provided by ordinance. (1) He shall have full power to condemn and. destroy any meat or meat pa odncts not slaughtered or prepared_ in accordance with provision of ordinance governing abattoirs, or that Lnay be unwholesome or unfit for food. (m) He shall have full power to condemn and destroy any creamery product, unwholesome or unfit for use or to forbid the use of any milk from any dairy herd .that maty be diseased and he shall have full power to require the- infected animal of any dairy herd to be segregated and kept from the herd. (n) He shall provide himself with the necessary implements tools, brands,, tags, chemicals, seals and printed reports as may be necessary to make the inspection required by him -W' (o) He shall collect all fees due for making inspection of all meat or meat products, and shall also collect all inspection fees required or that might be required by ordinance from markets, dairies, hotels, restaurants and creameries and deposit the .amounts collected daily with' -the City Treasurer and his reports shall show all amounts collected and, items for same. (p) He shall give bond payable to the City of Beaumont, ordinance and see that same are kept clean and sanitary and- maintained ndmaintained and operated in accordance with provisions of ordinance governing same . (k) He shall inspect or cause to be inspected all creameries and creamery products, dairy herds, dairies, dairy farms and the milk, cream and butter thereof, and said inspection shall be made in the manner, and such inspection fees shall be charged as may be provided by ordinance. (1) He shall have full power to condemn and destroy any meat or meat products not slaughtered or nre pared_ in accordance with provision of ordinance governing abattoirs, or that nay be unwholesome or unfit for food. (m) He shall have full power to condemn and destroy any creamery product, unwholesome or unfit for use or to forbid the use of any milk from any dairy herd Ahat may be diseased and he shall have full power to require the• infected animal of any dairy herd to be segregated and kept from the herd. (n) He shall provide himself with the necessary implements tools, brands, tags, chemicals, seals and printed reports as may be necessary to make the -inspection required by him. (o) He shall collect all fees due for makinc inspection of all meat or meat products, and shall also collect all inspection fees reouired or that might be required by ordinance from markets, dairies, hotels, restaurants and creameries and deposit the .amounts collected daily withtthe City Treasurer and his reports shall show all amounts collected and, items for same. (p) He shall give bond payable to the City of Beaumont, in the sum of Five Hundred (0500-00) Dollars, for the faithful performance of his duties and payment to the City of all fees collected by him. (q) He shall inspect and test all scales and measures used by any person, firm, or corporation for buying or selling any products'in the City of Beaumont. Section 4. There may be apPointed Assistant Meat, Dairy and Food Inspectors of the City of Beaumont as the City Council may from time to time deem necessary. The said Assistants to be appointed upon the recommendation of the Meat,Dairy and Food Inspector, by the 'lZayor and confirmed by the City Council. The qualifications, duties, powers and tenure of office shall be controlled by the provisions of this ordinance relative to the Meat, Dairy and Food Inspector provided that they shall act under said. Mleat, Dairy and Food Inspector and be controlled in the discharge of their duties by him subject; to the City Council. They shall give the same bond as the said Ideat, Dairy and.Food Inspector and receive such compensation as shall be granted by the City Council. Section 5. From and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association, the - manager or any employee of any abattoir, slaughter house, packing house, market, hotel keeper , restaurant keeper, boarding hoinse keeper, grocer, confectioner, bakery, drug store, or any other dealer in meat, or meat food products or products containing any meat or food ingredient used in the. preparation of an.v meat or meat food products; or any manager, employee or owner of any creamery, dairy or dairy herd, to refuse to -permit or any way hinder or prevent the I:Ieat, Dairy or Food Inspector or any assistant inspector from inspecting any such plant or place or any meat products or food products or any products containing any food ingredient used in the preparation of any meat, or food products offered for sale or exposed for sale or sold for food products within the City limits or the herd or any portion of same connected with or used. in pe ctoxs of the City or Beaumont as the C1ty time to time deem necessary. The said Assistants to be appointed upon the recommendation of the Ikleat,Dairy and Food Inspector, by the lKayor and confirmed by the City Council. The qualifications, duties, powers and tenure of office shall be controlled by the provisions of this ordinance relative to the Yeat, Dairy and Food Inspector pxovided that they shall act under said. Pleat, Dairy and, Food Inspector and. be controlled in the discharge of their duties by him subject to the City Council. They shall give the same bond as the said Heat, Dairy and .Food Inspector and receive such compensation as shall be granted by the City Council. Section 5. From and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association, the, manager or any employee of any abattoir, slaughter house, packing house, market, hotel keeper , restaurant keeper, boarding holise keeper, grocer, confectioner, bakery, drug store, or any other dealer in meat, or meat food products or products containing any meat or food ingredient used in the -preparation of any meat or meat food products; or any manager, employee or owner of any creamery, dairy or dairy herd, to refuse to permit or any way hinder or prevent the Meat, Dairy or Food Inspector or any assistant inspector from inspecting any such plant or place or any meat products or food products or any products containing any food ingredient used in the preparation of any meat, or food products offered for sale or exposed for sale or sold for food products within the City limits or the herd or any portion of same connected with or used in operating said plant, and -any of said persons so violating any of the foregoing,, provisions, shall be deemed guilty'of a misdemeanor and on conviction of same in the Corporation Court, shall be fined in any sum not less than Twenty -Five (25.00) Dollars, or more than I Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Any person who shall fail or refuse ,0 _ 1 to pay the inspection fee for inspections by the Meat, Dairy and Food Inspector ox Assistant Meat, Dairy and Food Inspectors as provided by this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction of same in the Corporation Court, shall be fined in'a sura not less than One or more than Two Fundred Dollars. ($200.00) Section 6._ All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this oxd,inance is hey^eby repealed. MAYOR/ ATTEST: C S CRETARY: Beaumont, Texas, April Pl st , 1914. To the Honorable ITay or and City Council, C I T Y. Gentl emen : - '7e, your Ordinance Committee, to whom was referred the attached ordinance creating- the office of 411.1eat, Dairy and Food Inspector, beg to report that we have care- fully considered same, end recommend its passage. Resp�c,M- illy submitted, .'"� `< '�'" � i, ems_"" -.: �,.._ � �. •w...d....;`r,;`� _...4,.,,.":_.n `. 1 ("`v � � _R�,.. I rdin nce om ee.